procedure: radiation safety - anu policy libraryhrd/documents/... · note. risk control is ......

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Procedure: Radiation safety Page 1

Procedure: Radiation safety

PurposeTo assist the University in achieving and maintaining best practice and compliance with radiation legislation and the University's ARPANSA license conditions.

DefinitionThe Radiation safety procedure contains the following definitions:

ACTEWAGL: ACT's electrical, natural gas, water and sewage services provider

ALARP: As Low As Reasonable Practical

ARPANSA: Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

ASNO: Australian Safeguards and Non Proliferation Office

Authorized Person: An authorized person is a person who is authorized to deal with radioactive sources or radiation apparatus by the management of the area.

Budget Unit: A University unit listed on the Academic units (1) and Administrative units' (2) pages. In general it refers to a college, school, division, department, cost centre or unit designated by the Vice- Chancellor as responsible for an activity of the university.

Controlled Apparatus: An apparatus that produces ionizing radiation when energised or that, if assembled or repaired, would be capable of producing ionizing radiation; or produces ionizing radiations because it contains radioactive material; or equipment prescribed by the regulations that produces harmful non-ionizing radiation when energised.

Controlled Material: Any natural or artificial material which emits ionising radiations spontaneously

DWG: Designated Work Group.

Dose: A generic term which can mean absorbed dose, equivalent dose or effective dose, depending on context. It is an amount related to an individual's exposure.

Emergency Procedures: Basic plans, established in advance, stating what action to take in the event of an emergency. These are used in order to minimise the consequences of an incident, such as injuries, or damage to property or the

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 2


Exposure: The circumstances of being exposed to radiation.

Hazard: A source or a situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill-health, damage to property, damage to environment, or a combination of these.

Ionizing radiation: Radiation which is capable of causing ionization, either directly (for example, from radiation in the form of gamma rays or charged particles) or indirectly (for example, from radiation in the form of neutrons).

Licence: Means a source licence or a facility licence.

LSO: Laser Safety Officer

Non- Ionizing Radiations: Any electromagnetic radiation of wavelength greater than 100 nm in air or vacuum, (for example, infrared, ultraviolet, visible light, microwaves, radiofrequency waves).

Occupational exposure: Exposure of a person which occurs in the course of the person's work and which is not excluded exposure.

OHS: Occupational Health and Safety

Packaging: The assembly of components necessary to enclose the radioactive contents completely.

Precautionary Principle. The WHO defines the Precautionary Principle as a risk management concept that provides a flexible approach to identifying and managing possible adverse consequences to human health even when it has not been established that the activity or exposure constitutes harm to health.

‘Radiation' includes ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, x-rays, and neutrons) and non-ionizing radiation (infrared, visible, ultraviolet light, microwaves, radiofrequency waves, and static magnetic fields).

Radioactive Substances: A substance which spontaneously emits ionizing radiations as a consequence of radioactive decay.

Radioactive Contamination: The presence of a radioactive substance(s) in or a material or in a place where it is undesirable or could be harmful.

Radiological Incident: As an unexpected deviation from normal conditions leading to an actual, or potential, abnormal situation which may cause excessive exposure, irradiation or contamination of persons or contamination of the working environment.

Radiation Monitor: a device that measures radiation in terms of an exposure assessment (e.g. micro Sievert per hour).

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 3

Radiation detector: a device that detects radiation e.g. displays counts per second.

Risk: In relation to any potential injury or harm, the likelihood and consequence of injury or harm occurring.

Risk Management: Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk.

RSO: Radiation Safety Officer.

Sealed Sources: Means controlled material permanently contained in a capsule, or closely bound in a solid form, which is strong enough to be leak tight for the intended use of the controlled material and any foreseeable abnormal events likely to affect the controlled material.

Sievert (Sv): The special name of the SI unit for both equivalent dose and effective dose. Terms used in this Procedure include millisievert (mSv) and microsievert (µSv).

TLD: Thermo-Luminescent Dosimeters

Unsealed Sources: A source which is not a sealed source and which under normal conditions of use can produce contamination.

UV: that part of the Ultra Violet spectrum



The ANU has developed this procedure to help carry out the University's 1.Radiation Policy and principles. This includes complying with legislation, licence conditions and relevant standards, thus reducing exposure and risks to health, safety and the environment. It applies to both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. All users of non-ionizing radiation must be aware of the hazards and risks associated with the particular radiation they are using or to which they are likely to be exposed. The University's safety courses provide information on managing these hazards.

Legislative requirements

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) 2.has issued The ANU a Source Licence (S0027) and three Facilities Licences to hold ionizing and non- Ionizing radiation apparatus and / or material and conduct various dealings, e.g. research and teaching.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 4

See: Radiation Safety Policy (ANUP_001232) for additional information on complying with the law.

The University's Nuclear material handling guidelines address dealings 3.associated with the Nuclear Safeguards and Non-Proliferation legislative requirements.

Managing risk

The University uses a risk-based approach to minimise risks when working 4.with, storing, handling, transporting and disposing of radioactive materials and apparatus associated with the University's research and teaching.

Managing radiation risk involves conducting a risk assessment to: 5.

Establish the context associated with radiation use; •

Identify the hazards; •

Assess the risks associated with those hazards; •

Control the risks; and •

Review the process. •

Use WHS Risk Assessment Guidelines, ANU Safety Courses (an ARPANSA 6.licence requirement), and Risk control protocol for ionizing radiation procedure to assess the risk.

Stage Description

1 Establish the Context. Consider the scope and nature of work within the laboratory area when working with radioactive substances or


2 Identify the Hazards. Hazard identification is covered in detail in the ANU Safety courses.

3 Assess the risks associated with the hazards. Assess both real and

potential exposures.

4 Control the risks.1 Provide suitable measures to reduce identified risks to ALARP. The plan for controlling workplace radiation exposure in the

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 5

workplace is based on a hierarchy of controls, including:

avoidance or elimination of exposure; •

isolation of radiation sources through shielding, containment •and remote handling techniques;

engineering controls to reduce radiation levels and intakes of •radioactive materials in the workplace;

administrative controls, including safe work practices, work •methods that make use of time, distance and shielding to reduce exposure, training, safety signage; and

Approved personal protective equipment, where other means of •controlling exposure are not practicable or enough.

Note. Risk control is usually implemented through a combination of

controls, rather than just one by itself.

5 Review the process. Regular reviews are a requirement of the Regulations. Also, consider whether new processes and techniques are available. If an incident (or near miss) occurs, incorporate

recommendations and improvements into the protocols.

Because of the dangers of radiation exposure, all workers must apply the 2.Precautionary Principle (see: Appendix 1). Also consider the Principle of Optimisation of Protection. The University's aim always is to minimise exposure and to be well within legal dose limits or dose constraints.

Responsibilities in managing risk

Radiation Safety Policy and Nuclear material handling guidelines contain the 3.responsibilities for people involved in radiation dealings. Extra responsibilities are listed below.

Supervisor and research leaders

Supervisors and research leaders also have the following responsibilities:4.

Document all proposed work and research; •

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 6

Conduct only justified research and dealings, i.e. there must be a net benefit •to the researcher or the community, considering social, economic and other relevant factors;

Comply with the ANU ‘new work' approval process (see section below); •

Conduct a risk assessment. Where there are high or extreme risks, try to •reduce them to ALARP;

See: Risk assessment

Keep individual exposures below relevant exposure limits and to the lowest •level achievable, consistent with best practice;

Ensure that all necessary training and supervision is provided to staff and •students working with radiation;

Provide proper resources (e.g. work area, safety devices and personal •protective equipment);

Communicate with and involve local Radiation and Laser Safety Officers; and •

Be aware of HR issues (see section below).•

Pregnant staff Members

Female workers should tell their supervisor (or the RSO or Work Environment 5.Group – Human Resources Division) as soon as they suspect they are pregnant. Once they confirm the pregnancy, the supervisor must actively seek to further control exposure and give information to the worker on the risks to the embryo or foetus of working with radiation. Where a worker is no longer able to continue working with the radiation, the supervisor (in consultation with local management) should provide suitable alternative employment.

Where a pregnant worker continues to work with ionizing radiation a more 6.stringent dose limit must be applied to the embryo or foetus. ARPANSA recommends the same level of protection as for the public, i.e. a dose of 1 mSv a year, which equals a limit of 0.75 mSv to the abdomen during pregnancy.

These conditions also apply to breastfeeding workers.7.

Workers with a medical condition and/or implants

Workers with a medical condition, or a medical implant that may be affected exposure to radiation (e.g. a heart pacemaker in a magnetic field), should discuss this with their supervisor, the RSO or Work Environment Group. Supervisors and managers of the Budget Unit should provide suitable alternative employment where the worker is no longer able to work with radiation for health

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 7


ANU staff visiting external organisations

ANU staff working with radiation at external organisations should document 9.the type of radiation with which they are working and have their ANU supervisor and relevant RSO approve the work.

Note. Use the External contractor form.

Where the external organisation provides the radiation monitoring, consider to combine their results with the University dose results.

Note. Many external organisations (e.g. ANSTO) issue visitors a radiation badge during their stay.

ANU staff must comply with the external organisation's induction/ training 11.requirement.

Contract researchers, visiting Fellows, summer students and other short-term workers

All workers are to work to an ANU supervisor while they are working on ANU 12.projects or on ANU grounds or in ANU buildings. Before any work starts, the supervisor must approve the work and work conditions.

Workers will meet (or exceed) all the set ANU radiation standards. They need be aware of:

Their work roles and responsibilities and how they may influence safety; •

ANU and local Budget Unit standards for working with radiation; and •

Issues surrounding age, pregnancy and medical implants.•

They should also meet the local RSO and discuss their tasks with them. 14.

Anyone working in a radiation area must undergo the following radiation induction:

When the stay is ... Then attend ...

< 10 Days A workplace radiation induction.

>10 Days A full local area induction.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 8

>4 Months Staff Training as ANU staff.

Contract researchers may enter a formal safety agreement with their 16.employing group.

See: External Contractor form

Trade contractors, workshop and maintenance staff

When seeking access to hazardous and restricted locations trade, workshop and maintenance staff (including equipment technicians) must:

Obey the ANU policy on control of access; •

At least one day before wanting access, seek approval from the laboratory or •area supervisor, or in their absence, the RSO; and

In an emergency consult with staff in the laboratory or research group and •gain approval for access if they need urgent access.

This also applies to after-hours access.18.

Facilities & Services supervisors of trade contractors

Facilities & Services supervisors must ensure that prior approval and access 19.has been granted by the laboratory (or area supervisor) and RSO, before allowing access to trade contractors.

New work approval

Approval for new work may occur through:20.

In-House Assessment; •

Radiation Safety Committee Assessment; •

ARPANSA approval; and/or •

ASNO notification.•

RSO, LSO and Work Environment Group, can help in deciding which approval 21.level is correct for any new work.

In-house assessment

In-house assessment is suitable where a new experiment is conducted using 22.a radioactive isotope or apparatus currently in use within the same Budget Unit.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 9

Note. The material must exist in the School's inventory.

The following applies.23.

Step Action

1 Conduct a risk assessment using the Risk Assessment Guidelines.

Note. For ionizing radiation also use the Risk Control Protocol for Ionizing Radiation. For non-ionizing radiation also use the Laser Application Form and the Non Ionizing Radiation Equipment Application


2 Develop safe work practices, ensuring licence compliance, based on:

The results of the risk assessment; •

ARPANSA documents Radiation Protection Series and Radiation •Health Series; and

Australian Standards.•

3 Send the completed risk assessment and safe work practices through the group supervisor to the local RSO for approval before beginning the procedure.

Note. The RSO may provide the local OHS Committee details of the new experiment.

Radiation Safety Committee assessment

Radiation Safety Committee assessment is suitable where there is:2.

A new experiment that includes having and using material and or an •apparatus;

A new radiation-producing apparatus; •

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 10

A new sealed source; •

A new unsealed source not currently listed in the School's inventory; •

An unsealed source of a radioisotope that exceeds the cumulative activity •for that radioisotope shown on the inventory;

An unsealed source of a radioisotope of different physical form (i.e. solid, •liquid, gas) than shown on the inventory for that radioisotope;

An unsealed source of a radioisotope to be used differently than shown on •the inventory for that radioisotope (i.e. the risks are significantly different);

Transfer of radioactive material into long-term storage; •

Disposal of radiation apparatus (ARPANSA approval); and •

Some other situations as determined by Work Environment Group or RSOs. •

The following applies:3.

Stage Who Description

1 Researcher or Group


Completes the correct application form:

New work Radiation Application •cover page; and one of the following

Ionizing radiation Apparatus •Application Form;

Ionizing radiation Isotope •Application Form;

Laser Application Form; or •

Non Ionizing Radiation Equipment •Application Form; and sends the completed forms to the Local RSO.

2 Local RSO Checks the forms for completeness and sends the completed forms to the

coordinating RSO for comments.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 11

3 Coordinating RSO The Coordinating RSO adds any comments and sends the completed

forms to Work Environment Group.

4 Work Environment Group Checks the forms, adds any further comments required and sends the forms

to the Radiation Safety Committee.

5 Radiation Safety


Approves the application and returns the forms to Work Environment Group for


6 Work Environment Group Records the approval and returns the approved application to the Researcher or

Group Leader and the Local RSO.

ARPANSA approval

ARPANSA assessment is correct for:2.

A new radiation dealing, which involves radiation apparatus or materials not •currently, listed on the ANU inventory (ARPANSA Workbook);

Changes that significantly influence safety of a radiation area or process; •

Disposal or transfer of radiation apparatus; and •

Disposal or transfer of significant radiation sources.•



Who Description

1 Researcher or Group


If: it is a new radiation dealing;

Then: completes the process as for the Radiation Safety Committee.

If: it is a transfer of a controlled source or apparatus between Commonwealth agencies;

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 12

Then: completes the ARPANSA transfer request form.

If: it is a movement to a State organisation;

Then: completes an ARPANSA disposal request form.

If: it is a disposal of a controlled source or apparatus (i.e. the material is leaving the Commonwealth's control);

Then: completes the ARPANSA disposal request form.

Sends the completed forms to the Local RSO.

2 Local RSO Checks the form for completeness and sends the completed forms to the

coordinating RSO for comments.

3 Coordinating RSO Adds comments, if required, and sends the completed forms to Work

Environment Group

4 Work Environment Group Checks the forms and helps the Coordinating RSO complete the appropriate ARPANSA application/forms and sends them

to the local Director for approval.

5 Local Director Approves the application and sends it

to ARPANSA for their approval.

6 ARPANSA Approves the application and returns it

to the Director for action.

ASNO Notification

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 13

ASNO notification is required when:3.

New experiments involve a nuclear source purchase; or •

Disposing according to The ANU license permit and Nuclear Material •Handling Guidelines.

Discuss any proposed dealing with University's ASNO liaison officer (contact: 4.Work Environment Group).

New radiation laboratory designs

Any new (wet chemistry) radiation laboratories should comply with AS/NZS 5.2982:2010 Laboratory design and construction. If new laboratories don't fully comply, they must have an equivalent level of safety.

Radiation measured outside laboratories housing radiation apparatus must below set public exposure limits.

Note. Contact Work Environment Group for advice.

Existing laboratory compliance

Use the check lists for Ionizing radiations, Non-ionizing radiations, Lasers 7.and Laser system or equipment to assess compliance with the current Australian Standards on laboratory safety.

Discuss any deficiencies with the RSO and local management. If there is a 8.dispute, contact Work Environment Group.

Handling radioactive materials at the University

This part covers:9.

Ionizing radiation store requirements; •

Storage of radioactive substances; •

Labelling of storage containers and ionizing apparatus; and •

Transporting radioactive material.•

Ionizing radiation store requirements

Radioactive substances stores should comply with the following:10.

Ensure the store is secure and restrict it to authorised personnel only; •

Store only radioactive substances there; •

Keep a register (for waste stores) or Chemical Inventory System (for •radiation stores) that is readily accessible to authorised staff;

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 14

Appoint a person to be responsible for the store housekeeping; •

Display a Radiation warning sign at the entrance to the store; •

Place containers of radioactive substances on spillage trays; •

Ensure the store has enough light to read the labels, good natural or •mechanical ventilation;

Display emergency contact details; •

Store packages to: •

prevent physical damage, o

reduce the effects of the chemical properties, o

contain spills or leaks, and o

separate them from incompatible materials (packages will not need to obe opened once placed in store); and

The RSO will assess and record the average and maximum radiation dose 11.rates.

Note. Radiation levels should be measured centrally within the store, outside the entrance and on any major path or public area next to the store.

Contact the RSO for information on storing long-lived radioactive material longer needed.

Storage of radioactive substances

Store all radioactive substances in suitable containers in a location with 13.proper conditions for the substances and their containers. Radioactive substances should be stored separately from non- radioactive substances. The storage containers should be:

Strong; •

Durable; •

Made of compatible material; •

Kept closed; and •

Labelled clearly and correctly. •

Unsealed radioactive residues at tracer level may be stored in glass vessels 14.with correct polyethylene or rubber stoppers.

Ionizing radiations can induce decomposition of water; so vented containers 15.may be needed to store aqueous radioactive solutions.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 15

Thermally unstable radioactive substances need particular care. Store in 16.vented containers.

Storage containers for beta-emitting isotopes should reduce 17.bremsstrahlung radiation.

Labelling of storage containers and ionizing apparatus

All storage containers should have a label that correctly identifies the 18.radioactive substance. The label should contain the following information:

Name of Radio nuclides; •

Activity details; •

Description of contents; •

Physical form; •

Chemical form; •

Encapsulating material; and •

Chemical Inventory System barcode.•

See: Appropriate label for storage container

Long-lived radioactive material no longer wanted needs special storage 19.containers and labelling. Contact your RSO for further information.

All radiation apparatus listed on the inventory must be labelled.20.

See: Appropriate label for ionizing apparatus

Transporting radioactive material

This section covers transporting radioactive material: 21.

Within buildings; •

Between buildings •

By rail, road and waterways; and •

By Air.•

Within buildings: Transporting radioactive material within buildings 22.includes:

Between radiation store to laboratory; •

Laboratory to laboratory; •

Laboratory to radiation store; and/ or •

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 16

Laboratory to waste store. •

The following conditions must be met before transporting radioactive 23.material within buildings. The radioactive substance must be:

Contained properly (i.e. primary and secondary containment); •

Labelled with a radiation trefoil and substance/ material identification; and •

Shielded to reduce exposure to an acceptable level (< 10 µSv/hr or <500 •counts/s).

Note. Read this Part with the ANU Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures.

Between Buildings: Radioactive material and/ or radiation producing 24.apparatus can only be transported around the University campus with the approval of the two relevant building RSOs. All material must be appropriately packaged, labelled and secured.

By rail, road and waterways: Transporting radiation material by rail, road 25.and waterways must comply with Radiation Protection Series 2- Code of practice for the safe transport of Radioactive material (2008).

By Air: Transportation by air must comply with the Civil Aviation Act 1988 26.and IATA requirements. An IATA certified person must package and provide the documentation for material transported (off campus or) by air. Packaging requirements for radioactive materials are available from the Work Environment Group.

Transfer of radioactive material or apparatus

This part covers transfer: 27.

Within the University; or •

To another Commonwealth Agency; or •

To a Non-Commonwealth Agency•

Transfer within the University

Transfer within The ANU may only occur between areas covered by the 28.ARPANSA licence and only with the approval of the RSOs in both the areas involved. RSOs are responsible for:

Notifying ARPANSA of the transfer on the next ARPANSA quarterly report; •and

Updating the Chemical Inventory System with the new location of the •radioactive materials.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 17

For information on transferring nuclear material within the University or 29.externally, contact the Work Environment Group.

Transfer to another Commonwealth Agency

Transfer of controlled material or controlled apparatus may occur between 30.The ANU and another licensed Commonwealth Agency. The RSO from the area transferring the material must complete a Transfer Notice and send it to ARPANSA, with a copy to Work Environment Group, within seven days of the transfer.

For further information contact Work Environment Group. 31.

Transfer to a Non-Commonwealth Agency

Transfer of controlled apparatus or controlled material to a non-32.commonwealth agency is defined as "Disposal". The following process applies.

Licence holders must ensure that disposal of controlled material or 33.apparatus follows:

The Code of Practice for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste by the User •(RHS13);

The Code of Practice for the Near-surface Disposal of Radioactive Waste in •Australia (RHS 35); the Code of Practice for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (RPS 2); and

The Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources (RPS 11). •

Radioactive laboratory wastes released under the relevant Radiation Disposal 34.Permit issued by the ACT Radiation Safety Section does not need written approval.

Disposal of radiation waste or sources or apparatus

Disposing of radioactive material usually involves one of the following:35.

Returning it to the manufacturer or supplier for processing; or •

Concentrating and Containing it; or •

Storing the material and allowing it to Decay; or •

Diluting the material and spreading it into the natural background levels.•

Every effort is to be made to minimise the generation of hazardous and 36.radioactive waste under the ANU Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures. If an experiment is to produce radioactive waste, then the experiment designer must consider how to dispose of any residue, contaminated equipment, and waste at the design stage. A protocol or waste disposal route must be available (and approved) before the work can commence. The local RSO is able to assist.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 18

Details for disposing of radioactive waste are in the ANU Hazardous waste 37.disposal procedures, Part 4. For more information contact your local RSO.

For disposing of unwanted sealed sources contact your RSO. 38.

For disposing of nuclear material consult the Nuclear Material Guideline and 39.send it to Work Environment Group for approval.

HR issues

This Part covers:40.

Age limits associated with working with radiation; •

Training, qualifications and experience; •

Acceptable alternate training; and •



No one under the age of 16 is to work with ionizing radiation or be directly to radiation.

No one under the age of 18 is to work in a hazardous or restricted area 42.(radiation controlled area) unless supervised, and then only for the purpose of training.

See: ANU procedures for control of access to hazardous and restricted locations.

Training, qualifications and experience

Activities with safety implications are only conducted under the control of 43.qualified, experienced and authorised personnel, and under approved written protocols. The following Table lists minimum training, qualifications, and experience.

Worker Education, Qualifications or






Year 12, Training/


None, Requires


Radiation worker, (Class 3 and 4)

Budget Unit Induction course,

Minimal experience, but


Procedure: Radiation safety Page 19

Laser user, PhD and honours


ANU safety course, on the job training in techniques and


needs supervision (should understand theory, and for isotope work conduct a dry run

of the experiment)

Equipment maintenance

officer/ technician

Relevant technical qualifications, ANU safety course (highly


Relevant technical expertise and understanding of the hazards associated with

the equipment



Supervisor Budget Unit Induction course, Academic qualifications, ANU safety course, ANU OHS for Managers and

supervisors course

1 year + Dean / Director

Deputy Radiation Safety Officer, deputy Laser

Safety Officer

Budget Unit Induction course,

ANU safety course

1 yr +, with practical experience. The deputy RSO may occupy the role of RSO for up to 6 months to cover absences of the

incumbent RSO.

Business/ Laboratory

Manager, RSO

Radiation Safety Officer, Laser

Safety Officer

Budget Unit Induction course, ANU safety course, or

3 yrs+, with practical


Dean / Director

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 20

Radiation Safety Training (optional) and encouraged to attend an external radiation safety



Radiation Safety

Budget Unit Induction course and ANU safety courses (ionizing and lasers and Radiation safety Training). A coordinating RSO may also be a RSO or a user of


Basic radiation safety and awareness is necessary to ensure an understanding of the issues and materials. A coordinating RSO should be able to network with the other area RSOs and attend the University's Radiation Safety Committee. They are responsible to the Dean/Director to maintain the area's ARPANSA



See: ANU safety Courses

Acceptable alternate training

External courses or other institutional courses may be recognised as a 2.substitute for the University safety courses by agreement with the local Budget Unit RSO, Work Environment Group or ANU Radiation Safety Committee.


Personnel relying solely on the University safety courses should consider 3.retraining every five years. All radiation-trained personnel should revisit the

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 21

University radiation web sites regularly, or upon notification of changes or additions to information on the web sites.


This Part covers:4.

Personal ionizing radiation monitoring; •

Area, zone and equipment ionizing radiation monitoring; •

Environmental monitoring •

Testing sealed sources; and •

Laser Eye Testing.•

Personal Ionizing Radiation Monitoring

Staff must:5.

Wear the radiation monitoring badges/dosimeters during their radiation •work;

Regularly check the monitoring badges/dosimeter for contamination; and •

Maintain the monitoring badges/dosimeters and keep them clean under the •manufacturer's guidelines.

See: Personal monitoring for details about dose limits.

The following applies:6.

When a staff member ... Then …

Begins work with The ANU in a radiation department, or performs

work involving radiation exposure

An RSO, supervisor or monitoring agency may request cumulative radiation dose reports or incident


Ends their employment with The ANU They are entitled to request a copy of their cumulative dose report and their

incident report.

ARPANSA recommends the annual dose received by radiation workers 2.should not exceed 20 mSv, averaged over five years, with no more than 50 mSv in any one year. The following protocols apply.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 22

Where a worker's dose results ... Then …

>80 µSv per month or >250 µSv in a reporting quarter, or >1000 µSv per


Report the dose results using the

University's notification system.

Approach recommended dose limits Strictly monitor and review the radiation work to ensure the dose

remains within set limits.

Area, zone and equipment monitoring

The University conducts area monitoring to identify where a large dose rate 2.exists, or where changes have occurred. Documented (ionizing and non-ionizing) radiation monitoring results provides information that assists in creating actions that reduce the dose to personnel. This also includes regularly monitoring equipment for leaks or contamination that could lead to personal exposure. The University also monitors external radiation, and surface and airborne contaminations.

Environmental Monitoring

The release of radioactive material into the environment is strictly regulated 3.and controlled. Consult the ANU Procedure for the Disposal of Hazardous Waste for further information.

Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas that originates from rock and 4.concrete, permeates into buildings. When the ventilation is poor, radon levels may increase. The Work Environment Group conducts radon monitoring of buildings. The radon concentrations to date are within dose limits for most buildings and areas on campus. Environment monitoring details are available. Consult your RSO or Work Environment Group for further information.

Testing sealed sources

Leakage testing is to be performed regularly (at least every 10 years) under 5.ISO 9978:1992 Radiation protection - sealed radioactive sources - Leakage testing methods or whenever leakage is suspected. Consult your RSO or Work

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 23

Environment Group for further information.

Laser Eye Testing

Staff involved with class 3B or 4 lasers should undergo an ophthalmic 6.screening to assess the baseline condition of their eyes.

See: Health Surveillance Procedure for further information on the testing requirement.

Record Keeping

This part gives details of documents that should be held by:7.

Budget Units; •

RSOs; •

The Radiation User Group; and •

Work Environment Group. •

It also gives details of what documents should be on a staff member's 8.Personal File.

Budget Units

Budget Units should hold:9.

RSO contact details; •

Radioactive waste disposal records; •

ACT Radiation Council - Waste Disposal Permits; and •

Local OHS committee minutes/ agenda that discuss radiation issues.•


RSOs should hold: 10.

Access to the ARPANSA Inventory Workbook and Chemical Inventory System; •

ANU radiation safety course documentation; •

Applications for new conduct and dealings; •

Safety assessments, reviews and approvals; •

Personal radiation dose records; •

ARPANSA Personal Radiation Monitoring Service records o

TLD badge whole body o

Extremities results, or o

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 24

Other exposure monitoring results. e.g. quartz fibre electroscope oresults or electronic dosimeter results, together with dose calculation methods.

Work Environment Group exposure assessment reports o

Records of ionizing radiation doses that radiation workers have oreceived, including details of monitoring results and dose calculation methods, are to be kept during the working lifetime of the person and afterwards for not less that 30 years after the last dose assessment and at least until the person reaches or would have reached the age of 75 years;

Radiation dose report file (Central Records file nomenclature: OHS- oRM - ‘area name'- Radiation dose reports);

Area, zone and equipment monitoring results; •

Radiation Store radiation survey results and dose rates; •

Radiation apparatus and laboratory design specifications for new or •refurbished installations; and

Sealed Source records comprising: •

Serial number or other identification of each source; o

The physical nature of the source, the radionuclide, its date of receipt oand its activity upon receipt;

All movements of the source in the establishment; and o

The date and manner of disposal of the source when it leaves oestablishment.

Radiation User Group

The Radiation User Group should hold:11.

Documentation for new work and dealings; •

Safe operating procedures and protocols (which are regularly reviewed, at •least annually);

Waste disposal guidelines, based on ANU Hazardous waste disposal •procedures;

Calibration certificates; •

Source certificates; •

Seal source leakage testing methods and results; •

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 25

Area, zone and equipment monitoring results; and •

Work Environment Group exposure assessment reports. •

Personal File

The following documents should be on the personal file of those working 12.with radiation:

Training and qualifications; •

Relevant radiation experience; •

Medical records; •

Eye/Optical examination for persons using class 3B or 4 lasers; o

Accident, injury, hazard and near miss reports; o

Accident related medical tests and reports; o

A copy of the final cumulative radiation dose report upon leaving the •University (or wearer register identification); and

A copy of relevant radiation incident reports and investigation results. •

Work Environment Group

Work Environment Group should hold:13.

The ANU ARPANSA Licence and conditions; •

Training attendance records (ANU course details only); •

Minutes of Radiation Safety Committee meetings; •

(Work Environment Group) exposure assessment reports; •

Centralised environmental monitoring results (e.g. radon); and •

Incident and Accident Reports, and resultant Investigation Reports. •

Availability of records

An individual's exposure report should be available to them on request. 14.Records are to be made available for inspection to the proper authority. When records can no longer be retained, forward them to ARPANSA.

Security arrangements

The ANU must implement ARPANSA security requirements for sealed 15.radioactive sources according to RPS11- code of practice for the security of radioactive sources (2007) to decrease the likelihood of unauthorised access to, or

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 26

acquisition of, the source by persons with malicious intent.

Radiation areas are hazardous locations under the ANU procedure for the 16.control of access to hazardous and restricted locations. Except for emergency services personnel in an emergency, only authorised persons may access a radiation area. An authorised person must accompany all visitors or trades persons.

An initial security inspection of a radiation area should be conducted to 17.ensure the area also meets the security requirements of AS 2243.4-1998 Safety in laboratories - Ionizing radiations. Regular area audits should also identify security concerns.

Radioactive sources and apparatus not in use

Secure radioactive sources and apparatus not in use according to AS 2243.4-18.1998 to ensure there is no unauthorized access or operation.


Protect Class 3B and 4 laser products against unauthorized use by removing 19.the key from the control. Exposure to unauthorised persons may also be prevented by a remote interlock connected to an emergency master disconnect interlock or beam stop. Detailed information is covered in the Laser Safety Course.

Emergency procedures

This Part covers:20.

Spillage; •

Fire/ explosion; •

Chemical Incidents; •

Biological Incidents; •

First Aid; •

Personal decontamination; and •


When there is

a ...Then …

Spillage Follow the procedures in Laboratory Spill management

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 27

Note: Any serious injury to a person should be treated immediately, taking care to reduce the spread of contamination. Emergency treatment for serious or life-threatening injury takes priority over treatment for contamination.



Follow the procedures in ANU emergency procedures.

Note: If there is a fire or explosion, then inform the senior officer of the attending fire brigade of radioactive hazards.

Warning: Fire and explosion are likely to spread radioactive contamination.



Follow the procedures in ANU risk management for

chemicals and Laboratory Spill management


IncidentFollow the procedures in The ANU Biological Safety Folder.

Need for First


Follow the procedures in ANU First Aid, Provision for services, which describes in detail early First Aid treatment in an emergency.

Note: Every Budget Unit needs at least one First Aid Attendant.

Need to decontaminate


Follow the procedures in Laboratory Spill management, which explains how to decontaminate.

Note: Anyone who may have had an accidental intake of radioactive material must be referred to the RSO as soon as possible to determine if there is a need for medical

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 28

monitoring. Help on this matter is available through the local RSO, Work Environment Group, ACT Radiation Health Section and Canberra Hospital.

Flood Ensure radioactive substances are stored so water damage

cannot occur.

Reporting incidents involving radioactive materials

Reporting incidents, significant exposures and dangerous occurrences helps 21.the University avoid repeating incidents. The following applies to reporting any incident involving radioactive materials or apparatus.

Step Action

1 Report the incident to the area supervisor and local RSO.

2 Complete the University's Incident Notification Form

3 (Work Environment Group) Report the incident to ARPANSA within 24 hours if it is:

a spill of more than 20 ALI (Annual Limit of Intake) or

radioactive contamination on a person or clothing exceeding 50 Derived Work limits (DWL) or

above the INES scale of an incident.

The local RSO and the area supervisor will provide initial assistance. 2.Additional assistance in dealing with the emergency may be needed from:

The RSO; •

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 29

Work Environment Group; •

ANU Security; •

University Maintenance staff; •

Emergency Services personnel; or •

ACTEWAGL staff.•

Radiation detectors and monitors

This Part covers:3.

Testing, calibration and efficiency checks; and •

Radiation monitors and special radiation detectors.•

Testing, calibration and efficiency checks

Radiation detectors must have their efficiency checked every year and be 4.calibrated at least every five years. Radiation Detectors and Monitors give details of the ARPANSA calibration and efficiency requirements. RSOs should conduct the efficiency checks as outline in Radiation detector efficiency check.

Radiation Monitors and Special Radiation Detectors

Radiation monitors that provide a dose rate must be calibrated annually. The 5.special radiation detectors, for low energy x-ray detection or neutrons, should also be checked or tested annually. Conduct simple operational checks regularly for all types of radiation monitor or detector.

Non-Ionizing Radiations

This Part covers:6.

Lasers; •

Ultra Violet radiation; •

Infra Red radiation; •

Radiofrequency; •

Visible light; and •

Other non-ionizing radiation.•


This includes lasers of class 3 and 4, producing ultraviolet, visible or 7.infrared radiation. An LSO must be able to monitor the use of these hazardous

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 30

lasers and be able to provide advice. All users of Class 3 and 4 lasers (and laser systems) must attend the ANU Laser Safety course. Contact your LSO or Work Environment Group for further information.

See: ARPANSA Laser radiation basics and AS/NZS 2211.1:2004 Safety of laser products - Equipment classification, requirements and user's guide.

Ultra Violet

Ultra Violet radiations (wavelengths from 200 to 400 nm) may be produced low pressure gas discharge lamps for germicidal control in biological safety cabinets, or UV curing, reaction vessels and in Transilluminators. The UV document outlines the precautions required while working with UV sources. Please contact the Work Environment Group for further information and assessment.

See: ARPANSA UV radiation Basics and AS 2243.5:2004 Safety in laboratories -Non-ionizing radiations - Electromagnetic, sound and ultrasound.

Infra Red

Infra Red (IR) radiations (wavelengths between 760 nm and 1 mm) may be 9.produced by IR lamps or associated hot materials (e.g. furnaces). Please contact the Work Environment Group for further information and assessment.

See: AS 2243.5:2004.


Radio frequency (RF) is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with 10.frequencies between 3 KHz and 300 KHz. The sources of RF are microwave ovens, induction heaters, plasma sources, radio transmitters, etc. Please contact the Work Environment Group for further information and assessment.

See: ARPANSA RF radiation basics and AS 2243.5:2004.

Visible light

Visible light spectrum exists between 400nm to about 760 nm. The 11.maximum sensitivity of human eye occurs at 555nm. Sunlight is the main source of visible light and eyes are at high risk. Please contact the Work Environment Group for further information and assessment.

See: Outdoor work and AS 2243.5:2004.

Other non-ionizing radiations

For concerns about any non-ionizing radiation please contact the Work 12.Environment Group for further information and assessment.

Procedure: Radiation safety Page 31

See: ARPANSA and Electromagnetic spectrum.

Note: Non-ionizing radiation apparatus producing potentially hazardous exposures are also managed within the University's radiation licence.

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