pressure drop and convective heat transfer of water and nanofluids in

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  • 8/11/2019 Pressure Drop and Convective Heat Transfer of Water and Nanofluids In


    Pressure drop and convective heat transfer of water and nanouids ina double-pipe helical heat exchanger

    Zan Wu, Lei Wang, Bengt Sundn*

    Department of Energy Sciences, Lund University, P.O. Box 118, Lund SE-22100, Sweden

    h i g h l i g h t s

    Pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of alumina/water nanouids in helical heat exchangers were experimentally investigated.

    An accurate correlation was developed for laminar ow in helically coiled tubes.

    Secondary ow intensity mitigation due to nanouids may neutralize the benet from the thermal conductivity increase.

    No anomalous heat transfer enhancement was found.

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 3 April 2013

    Accepted 26 June 2013

    Available online 16 July 2013



    Pressure drop

    Heat transferHelically coiled tube

    Heat exchanger

    Figure of merit

    a b s t r a c t

    Pressure drop and convective heat transfer characteristics of water and ve alumina/water nanouids of

    weight concentrations from 0.78% wt. to 7.04% wt. were experimentally investigated for both laminar

    ow and turbulent ow inside a double-pipe helically coiled heat exchanger. Effect of nanoparticles on

    the critical Reynolds number is negligible. A new correlation was developed for laminar ow in helically

    coiled tubes, which can predict the experimental heat transfer data very well. For turbulent ow, the

    Seban and McLaughlin correlation can accurately predict the thermal behavior of water and nanouids

    when nanouid properties are taken into account. For both laminar ow and turbulent ow, no

    anomalous heat transfer enhancement was found. The heat transfer enhancement of the nanouids

    compared to water is from 0.37% to 3.43% according to the constant ow velocity basis. Figure of merit

    based on the constant Reynolds number can be misleading and should not be used for heat transfer

    enhancement comparison. Additional possible effects of nanoparticles, e.g., Brownian motion, thermo-

    phoresis and diffusiophoresis, on the convective heat transfer characteristics of the nanouids are

    insignicant compared to the dominant thermophysical properties of the nanouids. No multiphase

    phenomenon was found and the tested alumina nanouids can be treated as homogeneous uids.

    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Helically coiled tubes and double-pipe helical heat exchangers

    belong to the most common passive heat transfer enhancement

    devices in many applications including nuclear reactors, food pro-cessing, electronics, air-conditioning, waste heat recovery, power

    production, environmental engineering, manufacturing industry

    and space applications, due to their high heat and mass transfer

    coefcients, compact design, narrow residence time distributions

    and ease of manufacture [1]. Therefore, knowledge about the

    pressure drop and convective heat transfer characteristics in heli-

    cally coiled tubes and helical heat exchangers are very important.

    The ow eld in helically coiled tubes is affected by centrifugal

    forces, which induce a secondary ow eld with a couple of

    vortices in a cross-section of the tube. Theuid in the central part is

    driven toward the outer wall by the centrifugal force, then returns

    to the inner wall by owing back along the wall, as illustrated inMori and Nakayama[2].Compared with straight tubes, the above-

    mentioned secondary ow in helical tubes enhances heat transfer

    rates as it reduces the temperature gradient across the tube cross-

    section, producing an additional convective heat transfer mecha-

    nism perpendicular to the main ow.

    Nanouids are engineered colloidal suspensions of nano-

    particles of a base uid[3], which are more stable than micropar-

    ticle colloids, with little particle setting, channel erosion and

    clogging. In addition, nanouids also have novel properties that

    make them potentially important in heat exchangers, nuclear re-

    actors, electronics cooling, fuel cells, pharmaceutical processes,* Corresponding author. Tel.: 46 46 2228605; fax: 46 46 2224717.

    E-mail Sundn).

    Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect

    Applied Thermal Engineering

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m/ l o c a t e / a p t h e r m e n g

    1359-4311/$e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Applied Thermal Engineering 60 (2013) 266e274

  • 8/11/2019 Pressure Drop and Convective Heat Transfer of Water and Nanofluids In


    food industry, etc. [4]. For example, nanouids generally provide

    higher thermal conductivity compared to their base uids. Con-

    centration, size, dispersion and stability of nanoparticles and uid

    temperature affect the determination of the thermal conductivity

    of nanouids [5]. Heat transfer characteristics of nanouids in

    straight tubes have been extensively studied, as shown in reviews

    of Dalkilic et al.[6], Huminic and Huminic[7]and Taylor et al. [8].

    However, no agreement on anomalous heat transfer enhancementhas been achieved. Sergis and Hardalupas [9] stated statistically

    that most of the previous studies indicated low heat transfer

    enhancement; 11% of the sample showed deterioration of the heat

    transfer coefcient and 3% indicated no enhancement at all. An

    earlier study by Xuan and Li[10]stated anomalous enhancement.

    Buongiorno [3]considered seven slip mechanisms which can pro-

    duce a relative velocity between the nanoparticles and the base

    uid, and concluded that only Brownian diffusion and thermo-

    phoresis are important slip mechanisms. The abnormal heat

    transfer enhancement was proposed to be related to the property

    variation within the solid/liquid boundary layer due to the effect of

    temperature gradient and thermophoresis. Timofeeva et al. [11]

    also stated that the complexity and the controversy of nanouid

    systems are related to the solid/liquid boundary layer betweennanoparticles and the base liquid, at which signicant surface area

    of nanoparticles contributes to the uid properties, resulting in

    three-phase systems (instead of traditional consideration of

    nanouids as two-phase systems of solid and liquid). On the other

    hand, Williams et al. [12]showed that existing correlations accu-

    rately reproduced the turbulent convective heat transfer behavior

    of nanouids in tubes by adopting the measured temperature- and

    loading-dependent thermal conductivities and viscosities of the

    nanouids in analysis and stated that the anomalous enhancement

    could be an analysis artifact. Yu et al.[13]analyzed a large database

    related to nanouids owing inside straight tubes and presented

    that the turbulent heat transfer coefcients of nanouids can

    be predicted quite accurately with the standard single-phase


    So far, studies on heat transfer characteristics of nanouids in

    helically coiled tubes or double-pipe helical heat exchangers are

    scarce. Akhavan-Behabadi et al.[14]experimentally showed higher

    Nusselt numbers of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/oil

    nanouids compared to baseuid (oil) inside vertical helically coiled

    tubes under uniform wall temperature condition for laminar ow.

    Mukesh Kumar et al. [15] experimentally observed that the

    maximum enhancement of the tube side heat transfer coefcientwas up to 24.6% foralumina/water nanouids based on the constant

    Dean number. Mohammed and Narrein [16] and Narrein and

    Mohammed [17] performed numerical investigations of effects of

    different geometrical parameters and material, diameter and volume

    concentration of nanoparticles on the hydraulic and thermal char-

    acteristics in helically coiled tube heat exchangers under laminar

    ow conditions. Sasmito et al. [18]conducted a numerical study of

    laminar nanouidows (alumina/waterand copper/water) in coiled

    square tubes, and stated that adding 1% nanouid (volumetric con-

    centration) improved the heat transfer performance; however,

    further addition tended to deteriorate heat transfer performance.

    The purpose of this experimental study is to investigate and

    evaluate the pressure drop and convective heat transfer perfor-

    mance of water and g-Al2O3/water nanouids of different con-centrations in a double-pipe helically coiled heat exchanger, for

    both laminar ow and turbulent ow.

    2. Experiment

    2.1. Experimental apparatus and method

    A schematic illustration of the experimental setup is shown in

    Fig. 1a. It consists of two loops, for the cold and hot uids,

    respectively. The hot water or nanouid runs in the hot closed loop,

    while cold water is forced in the cold open loop. Wateror nanouid

    is heated in a 50-L reservoir by an imbedded electric heater of 6 kW

    xed at the bottom of the reservoir. The heated uid is pumped

    from the reservoir, and then it passes a control valve, enters the


    Ai inner surface area of the inner tube (m2)

    Ao outer surface area of the inner tube (m2)

    cp specic heat at constant pressure (J kg1 K1)

    Dc coil diameter of curvature (m)


    hydraulic diameter of the annulus (m)

    di diameter of the inner tube (m)

    dp particle diameter (m)De Dean number,Reb(di/Dc)


    eA mean absolute deviation (%)

    fapp apparent friction factor

    h heat transfer coefcient (W m2 K1)ha annulus heat transfer coefcient (W m

    2 K1)

    k thermal conductivity (W m1 K1)

    Kn Knudsen number

    L length of the helical heat exchanger (m)

    LMTD logarithmic mean temperature difference (K)

    m mass ow rate (kg s1)

    n number of turns

    Nu Nusselt number,hdi/k

    p pitch of helical coil (m)Pr Prandtl number,cpm/k

    q heat ux (W m2)

    r gure of meritRe Reynolds number,rudi/m

    T temperature (K)u velocity (m s1)

    w weight concentration

    Greek symbols

    DP pressure drop (Pa)

    F volume concentration

    l mean free path (m)

    m dynamic viscosity (Pa s)

    r density (kg m3)

    sN standard deviation (%)


    b bulk

    c cold side

    ci cold side inlet

    co cold side outlet

    exp experimental

    f base uid

    h hot side

    hi hot side inlet

    ho hot side outletn nanouid

    p nanoparticles

    pre predicted

    Z. Wu et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 60 (2013) 266e274 267

  • 8/11/2019 Pressure Drop and Convective Heat Transfer of Water and Nanofluids In


    inner helically coiled tube of the helical heat exchanger, goes into a

    rotameter, and returns to the reservoir. For the cold loop, water

    ows through the pump from a water tank, passes a control

    valve, enters the rotameter for volume ow rate measurement,

    and then goes into the annulus counter-currently. Each loop has

    two rotameters of small and large ranges for accurate ow rate

    measurement. A differential pressure transducer with an accuracy

    of0.075% of the set span was used to measure the pressure drop

    across the inner tube. All rotameters were calibrated for water and

    nanouids of different concentrations at different temperatures by

    using a stopwatch and measuring cylinders. The inlet and outlet

    temperatures of the inner tube and the annulus were measured by

    four calibrated copper-constantan thermocouples with an accuracy

    of 0.1 K, respectively. All temperature measurements were

    Fig. 1. Schematic illustrations of (a) experimental rig, and (b) helically coiled tube.

    Z. Wu et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 60 (2013) 266e274268

  • 8/11/2019 Pressure Drop and Convective Heat Transfer of Water and Nanofluids In


    recorded by a data logger. Uncertainties of the measurements were

    listed inTable 1.

    The double-pipe helically coiled heat exchanger considered was

    constructed by copper tubes and standard copper connections. The

    inner helically coiled tube, shown inFig. 1b, has an inner diameter

    (di) of 13.28 mm. The outer surface of the inner tube was enhanced

    by circular n arrays (not shown in Fig. 1b) with a n height of

    3.2 mm. The ratio of the outer surface area (Ao) to the inner surface

    area (Ai) of the inner tube is 4.83. The outer helically coiled tube has

    an inner diameter of 26 mm. The approximate hydraulic diameter

    of the annulus side (da) is 8 mm (n arrays not considered). The

    number of turns (n) of the helical coils is4.5, and eachcoil has a coil

    diameter of curvature (Dc, measured from the center of the inner

    tube) of 254 mm. The pitch of the helical coil (p) is 34.5 mm. The

    total length of the tested helical heat exchanger is 3.591 m.

    The inlet temperature of the hot uid was maintained at

    28.0 3.0 C. The inlet temperature of the cold uid was kept at

    5.5 0.5 C. Test conditions were considered stableas the deviation

    was below 0.15 K when the thermal equilibrium conditions were

    achieved. For each test condition, four measurements were recor-

    ded and averaged. Also, repeatability of the experiments was very

    good, with a deviation less than 1.0%.

    2.2. Nanouid preparation and properties

    Untreated concentratedg-Al2O3/water nanouid with spherical

    alumina nanoparticles of 40-nm mean diameter was purchased

    from a commercial company (Nanophase Technologies Corpora-

    tion, US). No surfactants were added in the nanouid. Different

    amounts of concentrated nanouid were diluted in tap water to

    obtain nanouids with low weight concentrations. The diluted

    nanouid mixture was mechanically stirred for 0.5 h followed by

    ultrasonic vibration for 4 h. The nal milk-like nanouid was very

    stable and no particle setting was found, at least within two weeks.

    Tap water was used as the base uid. To obtain weight concentra-

    tions, a certain volume of the stable nanouid was weighed for

    several times to obtain the average value. The density of tap waterused in weight concentration calculation was measured by a bal-

    ance and a measuring cylinder at different temperatures. Five

    nanouids with weight concentrations, 0.78% wt., 2.18% wt., 3.89%

    wt., 5.68% wt. and 7.04% wt. were obtained and tested in the hot

    loop. Volume concentration F of the nanouid can be obtained

    from its weight concentrationw:

    F wrf

    1 wrpwrf(1)

    The volume concentrations of the ve tested nanouids are

    0.20%, 0.56%, 1.02%,1.50% and 1.88%, respectively. The density of the

    nanouid was calculated by

    rn 1 Frf Frp (2)

    The specic heat of the nanouid was calculated by

    rncpn 1 Frfcpf Frpcpp (3)

    where cpn, cpfand cpp are specic heats of the nanouid, the base

    uid and the particle, respectively. The effective dynamic viscosity

    and thermal conductivity of nanouids can be calculated by exist-ing formulas that have been obtained for two-phase mixtures, i.e.,

    the well-known Einstein equation [19] for dynamic viscosity and

    the Maxwell model[20]for thermal conductivity. Maiga et al.[21]

    and Williams et al. [12] proposed dynamic viscosity and thermal

    conductivity equations based on limited experimental data for the

    g-Al2O3/water nanouid. Table 2 lists these formulas and their

    respective applicable ranges.Fig. 2illustrates the relative viscosity

    and thermal conductivity ofg-Al2O3/water nanouids versus vol-

    ume concentrations based on the formulas listed in Table 2. Both

    dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity increase with increase

    in volume concentration of nanoparticles. The dynamic viscosity

    calculated by the Einstein equation [19]is lower than that of the

    other two equations. The equation of Williams et al. [12]gives the

    highest viscosity and thermal conductivity values. The Maxwellequation [20] and the Maiga et al. equation [21] present similar

    thermal conductivity behavior. In this study, the well-known Ein-

    stein equation[19]and the Maxwell equation[20]were adopted to

    analyze the experimental data. As shown by Drew and Passman

    [22], Wen and Ding[23]and Zhang et al.[24]and others, the Ein-

    stein equation [19] and the Maxwell model [20] are in good

    agreement with the experimental results at low volume concen-

    trations (F< 2.0%).

    2.3. Data analysis

    The apparent Darcy friction factor was calculated by the

    following equation:

    fapp 2$diL


    ru2 (4)

    The heat ux q was averaged between the heat transferred by

    the inner hot uidqh and the heat absorbed by the annulus cold





    cphmhThiTho cpcmcTcoTci



    Table 1Uncertainties estimation for primary measurements and dependent quantities.

    Primary measurements

    Diameter 0.05 mm

    Length 0.2 mm

    Temperature 0.1 K

    Inner tube ow rate, range: 30e540 L h1 2.0% at the lowest ow rate

    Annulusow rate, range: 30e300 L h1 2.0% at the lowest ow rate

    Pressure drop across the inner tube 1.5% at the lowest ow rate

    Dependent quantities

    Mass ow ratem, kg s1 2.0%

    Heat uxq, W m2 2.8%

    LMTD, K 1.5%

    Apparent Darcy friction factor fapp 3.3%

    Heat transfer coefcienth, W m2 K1 3.2%

    Table 2

    Several existing equations for effective dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity

    of nanouids.

    Authors Equations

    Einstein[19] Theoretical model for dilute non-interacting

    suspensions of small, rigid, spherical particles,

    F < 2%: mn mf1 2:5F

    Maxwell[20] Effective medium theory, for dilute non-contact

    suspensions of rigid spherical particles,

    F < 2%: kn kfkp 2kf2Fkp kfkp2kfFkp kf

    Maiga et al.[21] Least-square curve tting of three data sets

    for g-Al2O3/water nanouid:

    mn mf1 7:3F 123F2,

    kn kf1 2:72F 4:97F2

    Williams et al.[12] Experimental correlation based on its own

    data forg-Al2O3/water nanouid:

    mn mfTexp4:91F=0:2092F,

    kn kfT1 4:5503F

    Z. Wu et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 60 (2013) 266e274 269

  • 8/11/2019 Pressure Drop and Convective Heat Transfer of Water and Nanofluids In


    The deviation in energy balance between the hot loop and thecold loop is less than 1.0%. The logarithmic mean temperature

    difference (LMTD) was determined by the following equation[25]

    LMTD ThiTco ThoTci

    lnThiTco=ThoTci (6)

    Assuming no fouling resistance and ignoring the wall thermal

    resistance due to the thin wall, large tube length and high thermal

    conductivity of copper, the inner tube heat transfer coefcient h

    was determined by

    h 1


    q 1haAoi


    The annulus thermal resistance in Eq. (7) was also neglected

    because of the following reasons: (1) the annulus heat transfer

    coefcient ha is relatively large due to the intensive turbulence

    induced by the ns on the outer surface of the inner tube; (2) Ao/Ai4.83; (3) the volumetric ow rate on the annulus side was kept

    relatively large during the experiments; (4) a small change inh was

    noticed for a 20% change of the annulus ow rate during the ex-

    periments. Thus, Eq.(7) can be simplied as

    h q

    Ai$LMTD (8)

    Only the inner tube heat transfer coefcient was investigated

    and evaluated in this study. Uncertainties of the dependent quan-

    tities were listed inTable 1.

    Before and after the nanouid tests, water experiments were

    conducted in the same double-pipe helically coiled heat exchanger

    to verify the nanouid stability, as shown in Fig. 3. The water

    experimental data points before and after the nanouid tests show

    very similar thermal behavior, indicating very small and negligible

    deposition of nanoparticles during the nanouid tests.

    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Pressure drop

    The relationship between the apparent Darcy friction factor fappcalculated from Eq.(4)and the Reynolds numberRe for tap water is

    illustrated inFig. 4. The apparent friction factor decreases withRe

    whenRe6000. In this

    study, a critical Reynolds number of approximately 6000 was

    assumed, which agrees with the transition value of 6494 calculated

    by the transition criterion in Ito[26]. The Ito equation[26]and the

    Seban and McLaughlin equation[27]can predict the experimental

    value relatively well for both laminar ow and turbulent ow,

    respectively. The apparent Darcy friction factors for the ve nano-

    uids are presented inFig. 5.Data of tap water is also included for

    comparison. The transition from laminar ow to turbulentow forall the tested uids occurs almost at the same Reynolds number.

    Therefore, the transitional velocity of the nanouids will be larger

    than that of the base uid due to the larger viscosity of the former

    compared to the latter. The nanoparticles may stabilize the ow in

    helically coiled tubes. However, more data are needed to verify this

    phenomenon. No obvious difference exists among the six tested

    uids, especially in the laminar ow. During the turbulent ow, the

    friction factor seems to increase with the nanoparticle concentra-

    tion.Fig. 6a and b presents comparisons of the experimental fric-

    tion factors with the predictive friction factors by the Ito equation

    [26] and the Seban and McLaughlin equation [27] for laminar

    ow and turbulent ow, respectively. Both equations can predict

    the data points within a 30% error band. The Seban and

    McLaughlin equation [27] tends to under-estimate the turbulentfriction factor, and this underestimated deviation increases with

    Reynolds number and weight concentration of the nanoparticles.

    3.2. Heat transfer in laminarow

    Fig. 7demonstrates the relationship between Nub(Prb)0.4 and

    the inner tube Dean number Deb (Reb(di/Dc)0.5) for laminar ow.

    The subscript b indicates the average bulk temperature. All

    Fig. 2. Rheological behavior of alumina nanouids at 20 C based on existing equations

    in Table 2: (a) relative viscosity vs. volume concentration; (b) relative thermal con-

    ductivity vs. volume concentration.

    Fig. 3. Water experimental data before and after nano

    uid tests.

    Z. Wu et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 60 (2013) 266e274270

  • 8/11/2019 Pressure Drop and Convective Heat Transfer of Water and Nanofluids In


  • 8/11/2019 Pressure Drop and Convective Heat Transfer of Water and Nanofluids In


    McLaughlin [27] correlation can predict the thermal behavior of

    water and nanouids very accurately, with a mean absolute error

    and a standard deviation of 2.60% and 3.11%, respectively. Theexisting correlation can accurately reproduce the turbulent

    convective heat transfer behavior of nanouids in helically coiled

    tubes by adopting the properties of the nanouids in the analysis.

    The nanouid density, specic heat, dynamic viscosity and thermal

    conductivity were calculated by Eqs. (2) and (3), the Einstein

    equation[19], and the Maxwell equation[20], respectively.

    No abnormal heat transfer enhancement exists in our case

    because of small nanoparticle/uid slip ow. The liquid around the

    nanoparticles can be regarded as a continuum because the Knudsen

    number, Kn, which is dened as the ratio of the water molecule

    mean free path to the nanoparticle diameter (l/dp 0.3/40), is

    relatively small. Nanoparticle rotation can be ignored due to the

    very lowrotational Peclet number which was developed by Ahuja

    [30]to evaluate particle rotation under the effect of shear stress.Buongiorno[3]stated that Brownian diffusion and thermophoresis

    may become important as slip mechanisms. Thus, these two slip

    mechanisms were checked. For a 40-nm alumina nanoparticle and

    a temperature of 300 K, the magnitudes of the time a nanoparticle

    needs to diffuse a length equal to its diameter for Brownian diffu-

    sion and thermophoresis can be estimated to 104 and 101 s,

    respectively, which are much longer than that for turbulent

    transport, 107 s[3]. A temperature gradient of 104 K/m was esti-

    mated in our case to calculate the thermophoretic velocity. Due to

    the prepared homogeneous nanouid and negligible Brownian

    diffusion and thermophoresis during experiments, diffusiophoresis

    can also be ignored. Therefore, turbulent transport occurs without

    any slip effects and nanoparticles move homogeneously with the

    base uid. It is concluded that the tested nanouids can be treated

    as homogeneous uids. Additional effects of nanoparticles, e.g.,

    Brownian motion, thermophoresis and diffusiophoresis, on the

    convective heat transfer characteristics of the nanouids are

    negligible compared to the dominant thermophysical properties of

    the nanouids.

    3.4. Figure of merit

    A gure of merit r hn/hffor the heat transfer coefcient ratio of

    the nanouid over the base uid is adopted to compare the heat

    transfer performance of the nanouid to that of the base uid, as

    given inYu et al. [31]. Ifr> 1, the nanouid is benecial for the heat

    transfer coefcient. Because water and the ve tested nanouids

    can be accurately reproduced by Eq. (9) forthe laminar owand the

    Seban and McLaughlin correlation [27]for the turbulent ow, the

    gure of merit can be obtained based on Eq.(9)and the Seban and

    McLaughlin correlation [27]. It shouldbe noted that the appropriate

    property equations mentioned above in Section2.2should be used.

    Different comparison bases can be used to obtain the gure of

    merit, such as constant Reynolds number basis and constant ow

    velocity basis[31]. However, the constant Reynolds number basis

    can be misleading because the net result for the constant Reynoldsnumber comparison is a combination of the nanouid property

    effect and the ow velocity effect. Due to the higher viscosity of the

    nanouid, the ow velocity in the nanouid is generally higher

    than that of the base uid at the same Reynolds number, which

    provides an advantage for the nanouid over the base uid. If the

    base uid is to be pumped at the same ow velocity as the nano-

    uids, it may approach or exceed the thermal performance of the

    nanouid. The result based on constant Reynolds number will be

    more misleading at higher estimated or measured relative viscos-

    ity. This misleading effect can be seen clearly in Fig. 10. Over 40%

    Fig. 8. Comparison of Eq.(9) with two existing correlations.

    Table 3

    Description of three existing heat-transfer correlations.

    Authors Correlations


    Dravid et al.[28] Applicable range: 50< Deb< 2000, 5 < Prb< 175.

    Nub 0:65ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


    0:76$Pr0:175bKalb and Seader[29] Applicable range: 80< Deb< 1200, 0.7< Prb< 5.

    Nub 0:913$De0:476b $Pr



    Seban and


    Applicable range: 6000< Reb< 65,600, 2.9 < Prb

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