presented by- archibald & arman metacognition & strategies in srl

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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  • Presented by- Archibald & Arman Metacognition & Strategies in SRL
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  • What does the lecture cover? Metacognition - Metacognitive skills - Metacognitive knowledge Learning strategies - Knowledge about strategies - Learning strategies - components - types of strategies Case description; analysis and solutions
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  • Metacognition Metacognitive skills Metacognition Metacognitive knowledge
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  • Metacognitive skills Metacognitive skills determine the extent to which learners set goals for their learning, then attempt to plan, monitor, and control their cognition, motivation and behavior.
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  • Metacognitive knowledge (knowledge about knowledge) Knowledge about ones own metacognitive skills and products or anything related to them. It influences students approaches or engagement to academic work.
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  • Three types of metacognitive knowledge Person: Students knowledge about themselves and others as learners. Task: Understanding about relationships between task characteristics and associated processing demands. - purpose - structure - components Strategy: Knowledge about how, when, and where particular learning strategies should be used. (Butler, 1998; Flavell, 1987)
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  • Knowledge about strategies Declarative knowledge: the basic definition of the strategy Procedural knowledge: how to use it Conditional knowledge: under what conditions it may be more or less useful. (Weinstein, Acee, and Jung, 2011)
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  • An individual task Ahnab is a secondary school student in Bangladesh. He was watching cricket on television with his mom. Bangladesh team was batting, and when they had 512 runs, Ahnab said, I hate it. His mother asked him- what? He said- the number. Then he told his mother that- I like 529 but not 528, dislike 512 but like 256, like 961 but not 962. Which one of the following numbers Ahnab should like? a) 156 b) 240 c) 196 d) 187
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  • Solution The correct answer is- c) 196 What kind of techniques have you used for solving this problem?
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  • Learning strategy SRL strategy SkillWillSelf-regulation Components of learning strategies (Weinstein, Acee, and Jung, 2011)
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  • Skills Knowledge about- - performance demands of tasks - personal strengths, weaknesses, and preferences - learning strategies that can be used
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  • Will Motivation and affective components Elements that contribute to academic success include- - setting, analyzing, and using goals - future time perspective and goal hierarchies to generate motivation - developing enabling beliefs; and - generating a positive mind-set toward learning. Elements that detract from academic success include- - Self-sabotaging beliefs - low self-efficacy - high anxiety and - external attributions for performance.
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  • Self-regulation Both the glue and the engine for managing strategic learning on both a global and real time levels. On the global level, it includes- - using a systematic approach for learning, - time managing on a macro level - using an instrumental approach to help seeking, and - managing motivation for learning. On the real-time level, the elements include- - managing and reducing high anxiety, - using metacognition to monitor learning success, - monitoring and regulating the use of learning strategies, - managing time on a micro level - focusing attention, and - maintaining concentration over time.
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  • Types of Learning Strategies Rehearsal Strategies Elaboration Learning Strategies Organization Strategies (Weinstein, Acee, and Jung, 2011)
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  • Rehearsal Strategies Active rehearsal learning strategies: create further opportunities for understanding e.g., using foreign-language flash cards to- - create opportunities to think about the word - look up its derivations, and - use it in conversation can be quite helpful. Passive rehearsal learning strategies: mindless repetition e.g., simple repetition of the words on the card
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  • Elaboration Learning Strategies Adding to or modifying the material Paraphrasing Summarizing Creating analogies Compare-and-contrast
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  • Organization Strategies A category of elaboration strategies Creating outlines Causeeffect diagrams Mind maps Relationship diagrams
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  • Case description (cont...) Mary and John were the students of a Master degree programme in Asian Studies at the same university. Prior to this, Mary was graduated in History, and John completed his Bachelor degree in Political Science. They were asked to read an article on the history of Bangladesh. The history covered the independence of India from British colonization, the separation of India and Pakistan, and the role of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the liberation of Bangladesh; which were actually closely interrelated. Both Mary and John read the article and attended a written examination.
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  • There were following four questions they were asked to answer: 1. Who is called the father of Bangladesh? 2. Why people of Bangladesh fought for their language? 3. Make a comparison of the wars of 1952 and 1971 against Pakistan. 4. What is the Independence Day of Bangladesh? Mary answered 1 and 4 number questions within few minutes but could not answer the other questions; on the other hand, John answered question number 2 and 3 only and could not answer the others. Both of them spent a lot of time to read the article carefully, but they failed to get good grade. Case description
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  • What were the problems? Case analysis
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  • Prior knowledge about learning strategy Metacognitive knowledge about task Metacognitive knowledge about learning strategies Strategy repertoire
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  • What should be the solutions? Solution model
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  • Selecting learning activities and tasks Structuring Instruction Metacognitive knowledge - Metacognitive knowledge about task purpose - Metacognitive knowledge about task structure - Metacognitive knowledge about task components Knowledge about strategies Strategy repertoire
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  • Thanks for your participation

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