ppt of natural disasters

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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This is a ppt on natural disasters which is part of ebed assignment.



•Earthquakes occur when the earth's tectonic plates release stress. This release of pressure creates the vibrations, which we call an earthquake, causing damage to the surrounding environment. They occur around fault lines, the places where tectonic plates meet. The intensity of earthquakes is measured on the Richter scale.


The monsoon is a wind current in Southern Asia, blowing northeast during the summer and southwest during the winter. During the summer, the monsoon brings heavy rains to southern Asia and Africa, while in the winter it causes the drier seasons. The lives of many people in these areas have developed around these seasonal changes. While the wet monsoon brings much needed rain to many areas, it often also causes flooding, in addition to crop and infrastructure damage.


• A volcano is a mountain or hill formed by the accumulation of magma or molten rock. Magma is typically produced at depths of 50 to 60 miles below the surface; because liquid magma is less dense than solid rock, it is pushed out of cracks in the Earth's surface. Volcanic eruptions can be deadly, damaging property and infrastructure.


• A tsunami is a series of tremendous waves generated by a massive underwater disturbance. Tsunamis can move at speeds as high as 500 miles per hour and although typically small, they can be up to 100 feet tall.


• A hurricane is a destructive tropical cyclone in the western Atlantic Ocean with winds exceding 74 miles per hour. Hurricanes are usually accompanied by electrical storms and typically occur during summer and early autumn. In a mere day, a hurricane can release the amount of energy necessary to satisfy the electrical needs of the entire United States for about six months.


• A tornado is a destructive whirling wind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud extending down from a cumulonumbus cloud. Tornadoes can spin at speeds up to 500 miles per hour and annihilate anything in its path in a matter of seconds.


A flood is caused by excess water surpassing the limits of its confines. A flood can happen during a myriad of events, including heavy rainfall and overflowing river banks. Floods present a significant danger with enough force to sweet away massive objects such as cars and trees.

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