polarized light scattering by aerosols in the marine...

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Polarized light scattering by aerosolsin the marine atmospheric boundary layer

Mary S. Quinby-Hunt, Lael L. Erskine, and Arlon J. Hunt

The intensity and polarization of light scattered from marine aerosols affect visibility and contrast in themarine atmospheric boundary layer ~MABL!. The polarization properties of scattered light in the MABLvary with size, refractive index, number distributions, and environmental conditions. Laboratory mea-surements were used to determine the characteristics and variability of the polarization of light scatteredby aerosols similar to those in the MABL. Scattering from laboratory-generated sea-salt-containing~SSC! @NaCl, ~NH4!2SO4, and seawater# components of marine aerosols was measured with a scanningpolarization-modulated nephelometer. Mie theory with Gaussian and log normal size distributions ofspheres was used to calculate the polarized light scattering from various aerosol composition models andfrom experimentally determined distributions of aerosols in the marine boundary layer. The modelingwas verified by comparison with scattering from distilled water aerosols. The study suggests thatpolarimetric techniques can be used to enhance techniques for improving visibility and remote imagingfor various aerosol types, Sun angles, and viewing conditions. © 1997 Optical Society of America

Key words: Marine atmospheric boundary layer, polarization, light scattering, aerosols.

1. Introduction

Aerosols in the marine atmospheric boundary layer~MABL! affect visibility, cloud formation, radiativetransfer, and the heating and cooling of the Earth.Dense MABL hazes modify the propagation of sun-light affecting the intensity and polarization of lightreaching the sea surface. Both of these quantitiesmust be included for radiant transfer calculations atthe surface of and within the ocean.1,2 Aerosols inthe MABL affect visibility because they scatter sun-light or moonlight into the object–viewer ~target–detector! path, which reduces the contrast betweenthe viewed scene and the background, thereby dimin-ishing visibility. Near-forward scattered light fromthe Sun is most effective in reducing contrast of anaturally lighted scene and is dominated by the largeparticles in the aerosol ~Fig. 1a!. If the scene is il-luminated by a source above or behind the detector,backscattered light is most important in reducing

M. S. Quinby-Hunt and A. J. Hunt are with the Energy andEnvironment Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,University of California, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, California94720. L. L. Erskine is with the California Institute of Technol-ogy, Pasadena, California 91125.

Received 9 September 1996; revised manuscript received 10 Feb-ruary 1997.

0003-6935y97y215168-17$10.00y0© 1997 Optical Society of America

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contrast ~Fig. 1b!. Since this scattering can occur atany angle, it can be caused by particles of nearly anysize. Thus, depending on the situation, aerosol par-ticles of all sizes are important in determining visi-bility.

Particle size not only affects the intensity of scat-tered light but also its polarization properties. If thepolarization of light scattered from an object differsfrom that of light scattered from the interposed me-dium, contrast between object and medium may beimproved.3 Polarized light has been used to improveimage contrast in underwater viewing systems.3–6

Briggs and Hatchett4 found that the use of linearlypolarized light improved visibility by 20% in muddywaters. The use of circularly polarized incidentlight improves underwater contrast.7,8

The angular dependence of the linear and circularpolarization of light scattered by the MABL dependson the size distribution, complex refractive indices,shape, and orientation of the particles making up anaerosol. As aerosols may be homogeneous or inho-mogeneous and of varying size, composition, real andimaginary refractive indices, and shape, the result-ant polarization from different aerosols may vary dra-matically. Because the polarization properties of anaerosol can affect visibility, light propagation, andradiant transfer in the MABL, it is important toquantify the effect and its variability. It is then pos-sible to explore how polarimetry can be used to en-hance visibility and discrimination in the MABL,

Fig. 1. Effect of aerosols on visibility. a, The pronounced forward scattering of large aerosol particles scatter sunlight ~or moonlight! intothe viewer–object plane when the Sun is behind the viewed object. Scattering plotted in the inset is the angular distribution of the totalintensity ~phase function! of light ~l 5 532 nm! scattered by a seawater aerosol with a rmode ; 0.7 mm and relative refractive index of 1.34 20i. Both experimental data and calculation are shown. b, When particles are very small relative to the wavelength of light, theproportion of backscattered light relative to forward scattering is significant as is shown in the inset. ~Scattering predicted for an aerosolwith particles of rmode ; 0.03 mm, relative refractive index of 1.335 2 0i, and l 5 532 nm.! In this case light is scattered into theviewer–object plane when the Sun ~or Moon! is above or behind the viewer.

given the variability of scattering by different aero-sols.

The limited research on the scattering properties ofatmospheric aerosols has been primarily with terres-trial aerosols.9–11 Few studies have investigated thepolarization properties of scattered light in marineaerosols,10,11 and even fewer have used the fullestdescription of the polarization as embodied by theMueller scattering matrix formalism.12–14 This for-malism presents all the available polarization infor-mation of the scattered light as a function of angle.Past measurements of the polarization properties ofatmospheric aerosols have been limited, and most ofthose have involved lidar measurements that did nottreat angle dependence.

Hansen and Evans15 presented angle-dependentmeasurements of four elements of the Mueller ma-trix. These measurements were taken on urbanaerosols drawn into a laboratory nephelometer andpresented without normalization or phase informa-tion. Unnormalized scattering signals from aerosolstypically range over many orders of magnitude be-cause of the variation in the scattering phase functionand scattering volume. The large changes in inten-sity tend to mask any polarization dependence, mak-

ing it difficult to gauge its behavior. If thepolarization signal is normalized by dividing the sig-nal by the total intensity, fluctuations in polarizationare revealed. Phase information should be ac-counted for so that the sign of the polarization ~direc-tion! as the signals pass through zero is retained.Therefore it is important to normalize by the totalintensity and essential to keep track of the phase todetermine the sense or direction of the polarization.

This paper explores the effect of a variety of aero-sols on polarized light scattering in the MABL. Thepolarized light scattering due to typical marine aero-sols was calculated with a commonly used model formarine aerosol composition and size. The effect ofhumidity on scattering was investigated both withthe model and experimentally. To verify the hy-pothesis that polarization properties of light scat-tered from the sea-salt containing ~SSC! componentof the aerosols in the MABL will change dramaticallywith humidity, laboratory experiments were con-ducted with aerosols of distilled water, several salts,and seawater. To investigate the effect of addition ofsmoke, a common pollutant frequently found in theMABL, calculated scattering from smokes was com-

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bined with that from the predicted by the marinecomponent models.

Aerosols in the MABL. The character of aerosolsin the MABL is determined by the physical, chemical,and biological conditions of the underlying ocean, me-teorological conditions ~temperature, humidity, wind,and cloud cover!, anthropogenic sources, and terres-trial ~both natural and anthropogenic! inputs. Ma-rine sources include condensed water vapor andcondensed gases from biological ocean sources, aque-ous salt aerosols from the wind–sea interface, andsettling from the troposphere. Under normal condi-tions the main constituents of aerosols over the oceaninclude water, sea salt, non-sea-salt ~nss! sulfate,mineral dust, and a small fraction of nitrates andorganic matter.10,11,16–23

The sea-salt component is believed to compose thecoarser fraction ~rmode generally .0.3 mm! of the aero-sols,11,24 while nss sulfates, continental aerosols, andorganic matter contribute to the smaller fractions.~In this paper, the size distributions used are numberdistributions unless otherwise noted; the term rmoderefers to the radius of the particles whose numberdensity is greatest in a log normal distribution.!The size distribution of the smaller, nss marine aero-sols in the MABL has been described as bimodal.The smallest particles ~rmode ; 0.03 mm! are thoughtto be gas-phase reaction products such as H2SO4,H2S, continentally derived aerosols,25 or ~NH4!2SO4possibly derived from marine-generated dimethylsulfide.26–28

The coarse ~rmode . 0.3 mm! fraction, primarily theSSC component, of marine aerosols is produced pri-marily by bubble bursting and wave sheering.29

Bubble bursting forms droplets, film drops, and jetdrops.24 Film drops are smaller than jet drops, pro-ducing droplets with radii roughly less than 1 mm;those produced by jet drops are generally greaterthan 1 mm.16 Neither will be found more than a fewmillimeters from the surface unless wind advectsthem higher into the air; however, these droplets areoften advected to as high as 2 km above the sur-face.16,24 Wave-sheering wind causes drops to ad-vect into the air directly off the wave.30 SSC aerosolparticles with significant water content are generallyspherical.

The size of aerosol particles depends on particle

Table 1. Input Parameters for the AFGL Model for Marine Aerosolsa




~mm! s n

Component 1: small aerosol component50% RH 0.027 0.005 0.2 0.35 1.52 2 0.006i80% RH 0.033 0.006 0.2 0.35 1.44 2 0.004i99% RH 0.053 0.009 0.2 0.35 1.36 2 0.001i

Component 2: maritime component50% RH 0.2 0.03 1.5 0.4 1.47 2 0i80% RH 0.35 0.04 2.5 0.4 1.355 2 0i99% RH 0.76 0.10 3.5 0.4 1.34 2 0i

aRef. 25.

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growth, gravity, humidity, and precipitation scaveng-ing.10,31–33 Humidity is particularly important for hy-groscopic particles and can affect the size of a particleby evaporation from or absorption of water by the par-ticle.25,32 Relative humidity can increase or decreaseparticle size and may also change the shape and ho-mogeneity of the particle.34 The size distribution ofthe coarse fraction thus depends strongly on windspeed and weather conditions, as both bubble burstingand wave sheering depend on white-cap cover.24,30,33

Thus SSC particles are more likely to be generated instormy conditions or conditions with higher winds.33,35

As larger particles settle out more rapidly than smallerparticles, even within the coarse fraction smaller par-ticles form a more stable population than do large par-ticles.

To date, the vast majority of aerosol studies iden-tify and characterize the components of marine aero-sols through examination of the morphology ofcollected particles. In laboratory studies with SSCcomponent aerosols and in field observations,Meszaros and Vissy26 found particles whose morphol-ogy indicated that they were mixtures of various sea-water components that, as they dried, crystallizedinto different forms. The issue for understandingthe polarization of light scattering in the MABL is theshape and size of the components in situ. Any col-lection technique perturbs the natural conditions.Even instruments that determine size based on scat-tering techniques rely on a number of assumptionsregarding symmetry of the particles and refractiveindices.

Thus it is important to develop methods to charac-terize polarized light scattering without collection.As part of this effort, we have measured polarizationproperties of angle-dependent light scattering of wa-ter, seawater, NaCl, and ~NH4!2SO4 aerosols in thelaboratory to investigate how humidity affects theirpolarization properties and to demonstrate the vari-ability in polarization properties that might be ob-served in the MABL.

Experimental Measurements of Particle Distribu-tions in the MABL. A number of researchers ~seethe review article by Fitzgerald11! have examined theparticle size distributions in the MABL with varioussampling and collection devices, both at sea ~for ex-ample, Ref. 10! and in the coastal zone.23 Most re-port the predominance of the small component~s!with rmode ; 0.03 mm, in agreement with the U.S. AirForce Geophysics Laboratory ~AFGL!25 and U.S. Na-vy36 models, and a second component with a some-what larger rmode, generally in the range of 0.09–0.15mm, which is somewhat smaller than that used in theAFGL and Navy models. The coarse SSC fraction isadditional. The size distributions vary considerablyon the basis of humidity, wind speed, and proximityto land.10

Models of Aerosols in the MABL. A number ofmodels have been developed to describe the sizeand composition of marine aerosols. Some arerelatively simple, such as those of Diermendjian,12

involving a gamma distribution of a single compo-

Fig. 2. Comparison of the measured and the calculated angle dependences of all 16 elements of the Mueller scattering matrix for adistilled water aerosol. Calculations indicate that the rmode is 1 mm and the refractive index is 1.33 2 0i at a wavelength of 532 nm. Forsome of the elements multiple data sets are shown; agreement is excellent. Calculations are only made for S11, S12 5 S21, S33 5 S44, andS34 5 2S43. S22 is 1, and all other elements are zero by symmetry. These relationships are borne out by the experimental observations.~a! Mueller matrix elements from the first two columns of the matrix.

nent. One commonly employed model is that de-veloped by Shettle and Fenn,25 the AFGL model.For marine aerosols the model sums log normaldistributions of two components. The actual sizedistribution of each component varies, dependingon the source and relative humidity ~RH!. In thismodel, for the smaller component they use the samecharacteristics as their “rural, terrestrially derivedaerosol mixture,” which is a “combination of solubleand insoluble matter,” both with rmode ; 0.03 mm.Approximately 70% of the combination is water sol-uble @~NH4!2SO4, CaSO4, and organic matter#, and

30% is dustlike aerosols. The second component,which they call the maritime component, is primar-ily a sea-salt mixture ~rmode ; 0.3 mm at 80% RH!.The size of the particles making up each componentvaries with RH, based on Hanel’s formulation.32

The refractive index for water was based on thesurvey by Hale and Querry.37 For the refractiveindex of sea salt, Shettle and Fenn reference thework by Volz38 and Dorsey,39 which at 0% RH isslightly less than that reported for ~NH4!2SO4 byPerry et al.14 At higher RH the refractive index isa weighted average of the refractive indices of water

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Fig. 2. Continued from facing page. ~b! Mueller matrix elements for the third and fourth columns of the matrix.

and sea salt. Each component is treated as a lognormal distribution of single spherical scatterers.Table 1 presents the size, standard deviation s, andrefractive index n for a marine aerosol based on thismodel at a wavelength of 514 nm. The AFGLmodel weights the number density of the smallercomponent as 0.999875 and the larger componentas 0.000125.

The more recent Navy Oceanic Vertical AerosolModel developed by Gathman and Davidson36 uses afour-component system, which is a sum of four lognormal distributions. This model, not used here, in-troduces a greater complexity to modeling aerosols inthe MABL.

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2. Polarized Light Scattering of Marine Aerosols:Theory and Hypothesis

The intensity and polarization of light are de-scribed40,41 by a four-element Stokes vector defined interms of the complex electric fields El and Er paralleland perpendicular to the scattering plane:

I is the total intensity of light, ^ElEl* 1 ErEr*&;Q is 690° polarization, ^ElEl* 2 ErEr*&;U is 645° polarization, ^ElEr* 1 ErEl*&;V is circular polarization, ^i~ElEr* 2 ErEl*!&.

~The angle brackets indicate time averages, and theasterisks denote complex conjugates.! The scatter-

Fig. 3. Experimental apparatus. a, Scanning polarization-modulated nephelometer as designed by Hunt52 and Hunt and Huffman.53

b, Aerosols pass from the nebulizer-desiccation system into the focusing element in the delivery attachment at the focus of the scatteringzone of the nephelometer.

ing of light is described by a transformation of theStokes vector by a 4 3 4 Mueller matrix. The Muel-ler matrix associated with a particular suspension ofmarine aerosol particles can be used to describe andquantify the effects that the suspension will have onscattered light in the MABL. In general, eight of theelements of the Mueller matrix ~normalized by thetotal intensity; designated SxyyS11 5 Sxy! are nonzerofor spherical aerosols: S11, S12 5 S21, S22, S33, S44,and S34 5 2S43. This simplification is based onsymmetry considerations.40 Other elements mightbe nonzero due to particle chirality or alignment ofnonspherical aerosols.

The polarization properties of the larger marineaerosols ~rmode . 0.3 mm! can be predicted with Mietheory as long as the particles are nearly spherical.

The sphericity of these particles depends on RH andcomposition. Measurements and calculations withMie theory have shown that fogs and hazes are wellapproximated as an ensemble of spheres.42 TheSSC component of marine aerosols is hygroscopic,meaning that their size and shape are influenced byRH. One can readily hypothesize that in high hu-midity, the SSC component of a marine aerosol isspherical. If this hypothesis is true, then the effectof these particles on the polarization of light theyscatter can be calculated rigorously. Whereas somesulfates appear to form spherical particles, dry NaClaerosols are cubical, and the scattering from ensem-bles of NaCl crystals, roughly the size of the sea-saltcomponent, deviates significantly from that predictedfor spheres.14

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Although it is expected that a majority of marineaerosols can be approximated as ensembles ofspheres, scattering that results from deviation fromsphericity provides important information regardingthe properties of nonspherical marine aerosols. Ifthe particles have spherical symmetry, then the ma-trix element S22 normalized by S11 is unity. Devia-tion of S22 from unity has been observed forlaboratory aerosols and marine particles.14,43–46

Table 2. Experimental Conditions and the Calculated Radius at thePeak of the Size Distribution rmode and Complex Refractive Index




@rmax 2 rmin#~mm!



Pure water 20 1.00 @0.75–2.75# 1.335 2 0iNaCl 20 0.77 @0.35–2.35# 1.34 2 0i

34 0.72 @0.5–2.0# 1.345 2 0i46 0.57 @0.05–1.95# 1.35 2 0i70 0.57 @0.05–1.95# 1.35 2 0i

100 0.42 @0.05–1.45# 1.36105 a a

~NH4!2SO4 20 0.72 @0.5–2.0# 1.34 2 0i85 0.42 @0.05–1.45# 1.35 2 0i

178 0.23 @0.05–1.5,#b 1.48 2 0ib

20 0.72 @0.25–2.25# 1.34 2 0i35 0.57 @0.05–1.95# 1.34 2 0i47 0.57 @0.05–1.95# 1.36 2 0i88 0.50 @0.05–1.65# 1.36 2 0i

140 0.17 @0.05–2.0# 1.44 2 0i

aToo nonspherical to fit.bOnly fair agreement due to asphericity, but best fit is indicated.

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Quinby-Hunt et al.46 have shown that it is possible touse the measured values of S22 to quantify and sep-arate the nonspherical contributions to scattering onS11 and S12.

3. Calculations and Model Verification

Mie calculations46 were used for two purposes: todetermine the size distributions and refractive indi-ces of aerosols whose scattering properties were mea-sured, and to predict the polarized scatteringproperties of a variety of aerosols that might be en-countered in the marine environment. The Law-rence Berkely National Laboratory ~LBNL! modelpredicts the polarization properties of light scatteredfrom combinations of multiple components of Gauss-ian and log normal distributions of spheres andcoated spheres. The model was verified by use ofmeasurements of scattering from water aerosols gen-erated in the laboratory ~see below for experimentaldetails!. Size distributions and refractive indices ofparticles contributing to an experimentally deter-mined Mueller matrix cannot be determined directly.The process is iterative. We start with likely sizedistributions and refractive indices for the particles,calculate the scattering they would contribute andcompare that with the observed scattering propertiesof the aerosol. Depending on the results of the com-parison, input parameters are adjusted until theagreement between calculated and observed scatter-ing is optimized. The sensitivity and uncertainty ofthe solution to the inverse problem depend on thedegree of sphericity of the aerosol and its median size.

Fig. 4. Comparison of scattering predicted for a marine aerosol as described in the AFGL model25 at various humidities with scatteringcalculated with the Rayleigh approximation. Details of the AFGL are described in the text and Table 1. Note that S34 is zero in theRayleigh approximation.

Fig. 5. Comparison of the scattering predicted by the AFGL marine aerosol at 50% and 99% RH with aerosols in which the sea-saltnumber distribution is increased tenfold.

For spherical aerosols whose median radius is thegreater than the wavelength of light, the refractiveindex can be optimized to within 60.005. The me-dian radius of the ensemble can be optimized towithin 60.25 mm, as can the range of the distribution.For example, for the solution shown in Fig. 2, therefractive index is 1.33 6 0.002; the size distributionis described as median radius, 1.75 mm ~60.15 mm!,and modal radius, 1.00 mm. The range of the distri-bution is 0.75 mm 6 0.15 mm to 2.75 mm 6 0.15 mm.

Figure 2 shows the angle dependence of the 16-element Mueller matrix for the pure water aerosolcompared with calculations. Note that, as expected,the off-diagonal block elements are zero; S22 is unity;S12 5 S21, S33 5 S44, and S34 5 2S43. Results ofcalculations for scattering from hydrated NaCl andammonium sulfate were in excellent agreement withthe experimental results of Perry et al.14 and unpub-lished results47 ~courtesy of D. Huffman! for~NH4!2SO4 and NaCl at both 325 and 633 nm, as wellas ours presented here. Results of measurementswere checked for consistency by use of the theoreticalinequalities derived by Fry and Kattawar.48,49

4. Experimental Procedure

Characterizing marine aerosols and measuring theiroptical properties in the field present a number ofproblems. Natural aerosols are complex mixtures;collection is difficult and by its nature alters the nat-ural state of the aerosol. Collection of aqueous aero-

sols is particularly problematic. Measurement ofthe polarization properties of scattered light in situ isdifficult because of the low signal and lack of con-trolled conditions. Such measurements can bemade by bistatic nephelometry,50,51 but the techniqueis still under development. Studying laboratory-generated aerosols allows us to use an angle-scanningnephelometer and to control the homogeneity, con-centration, flow, and stability of the aerosol underexamination. Salt-containing water aerosols weregenerated by the nebulizer-desiccation system.

A. Scanning Polarization-Modulated Nephelometer

In the angle-scanning polarization-modulated neph-elometer ~described in detail in Refs. 52 and 53;shown in Fig. 3a!, a 532-nm cw laser passes througha linear polarizer and through a photoelastic modu-lator, then to the sample region. Light passesthrough phase retarders and linear polarizers to aphotomultiplier tube, mounted on the rotating arm,that measures the scattered light. By varying themodulator angle and choice of filters and retarders,all 16 elements of the Mueller matrix were measuredfrom 11° to 170°. To check for instrumental consis-tency, two sets of data were collected at differenttimes with different combinations of polarizers andretarders for 9 of the 16 Mueller matrix elements.As Figure 2 shows, agreement from one measure-ment to the next is excellent. Any differences ob-

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Fig. 6. Experimental Mueller scattering matrix elements for four room-temperature aerosols: distilled water, seawater, a 3.5% NaClsolution, and a 3.5% ~NH4!2SO4 solution. The scattering observed for all three salt aerosols is nearly the same within experimental error.The difference observed in the distilled water aerosol scattering can be attributed to the presence of somewhat larger particles in theaerosol.

served seem to be more of a function of polarizeralignment than of changes in aerosol characteristics.

B. Nebulizer-Desiccation System

The nebulizer-desiccation system, shown in Fig. 3band based on that developed by Hunt52 and Hunt andHuffman53 can be divided into three main parts:production, desiccation, and delivery.

The production system is composed of an ultrasonicnebulizer ~a commercial humidifier! and a settlingchamber. Water in the humidifier is ultrasonicatedto produce an aerosol. Air from the humidifier, sup-plemented by laboratory air as needed, carries theaerosol particles to the settling chamber. Flow fromthe settling chamber is regulated with a releasevalve. The settling chamber was necessary to even

5176 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 36, No. 21 y 20 July 1997

the flow from the nebulizer and to remove largerdroplets.

The aerosol is desiccated by being passed through atube wrapped in heating tape and an optionalDrierite-lined tube. Aerosols flow from the settlingchamber into the heating tube. One thermocouplemeasures the temperature of the heating tape. An-other thermocouple, in the middle of the aerosol flowat the center of the heating tube, measures the tem-perature in the middle of the aerosol. Depending onthe temperature of the heating tube, differingamounts of water are evaporated from the aerosoland absorbed by the Drierite. Although aerosolswere heated to as high as 180 °C, it was not possibleto dry them completely.

Wide tubing delivers the aerosol flow to a focusing

Fig. 7. Experimental Mueller scattering matrix elements, S11, S12, S22, S33, and S34, for NaCl at room temperature, 70°, 100°, and 105 °C.

attachment in the nephelometer, which directs theaerosol as a uniform stream to the sample region.After measurement, the aerosol is removed from thenephelometer with a low-pressure orifice. The fo-cusing attachment permits a more uniform and di-rected flow than the larger tubing. The attachmentalso provides a sufficiently small sample region suchthat scattering volume corrections of the total inten-sity are not required for comparison with computa-tions.

C. Measurements

Scattering from pure water aerosols was measuredfor a variety of purposes. Initially, measurementswere used to determine the stability and reproduc-ibility of the nebulizer-desiccation system. Compar-isons between measurement and LBNL modelresults demonstrated that the models could be usedto describe the scattering from these aerosols ~Fig. 2!.Water aerosols were used to simulate marine fogs

and hazes. Calculations used the refractive index ofpure water ~1.335 2 0i, Ref. 54! and appropriate sizedistributions.

Polarized light scattering was measured from aero-sols of solutions of NaCl, ~NH4!2SO4, and seawater.These measurements were all used to investigatescattering from sea-salt aerosols as a function of de-hydration. Initially, light scattering was measuredfrom aerosols generated with a 35‰ solution of NaCl~the concentration is roughly that of seawater!. AsNaCl aerosols approach dryness, the resultant parti-cles deviate from sphericity. When the particles be-come nonspherical, it is not possible to confirm thesize and refractive index ~and therefore the humidity!from Mie calculations. Therefore additional mea-surements were made of light scattering from ~NH4!2SO4aerosols, because, previously, dry ~NH4!2SO4 aerosolshave been observed to be nearly spherical.14,27 Because~NH4!2SO4 particles are thought to remain spherical asthey approach dryness, measurements of their scattering

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Fig. 8. Experimental Mueller scattering matrix elements, S11, S12, S22, S33, and S34, for ~NH4!2SO4 at room temperature, 80° and 180 °C.

as RH is decreased in the nebulizer-desiccation systemwould provide a measure of the efficacy of drying tech-niques. Finally, to explore the polarization properties ofthe seawater aerosols, light scattering measurementswere made from aerosols nebulized from seawater col-lected near shore at Fort Cronkite, California ~salinity;32.5‰!. The composition and experimental condi-tions for the measurements are given in the first twocolumns of Table 2.

Mie calculations were used to determine the sizedistribution and the refractive index for the aerosols.If the particles were spherical, agreement betweenobservation and calculation was excellent. Figure 2shows typical agreement. As noted above, it is onlynecessary to calculate four elements of the scatteringmatrix for spherical particles; all others are zero,equal to, or the negative of the four calculated; S22 isunity. The particles were considered to be non-spherical when S22 deviated significantly from unity.

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When S22 is less than 0.9, agreement between obser-vation and calculation is necessarily poor.

5. Results and Discussion

A. Models of the Component with rmode ; 0.03 mm

An initial question was the veracity of modeling thesmaller particles ~rmode ; 0.03 mm! as solid spheres.Presumably, for the water-soluble component, the ap-proximation is valid. However, small-fraction par-ticles are not necessarily soluble, and thereforeseveral other models may be appropriate. The par-ticle may form a core with a shell of seawater; theparticle may remain undissolved; or the small com-ponent may be well described by the 30%y70% insol-ubleysoluble approximation of Shettle and Fenn.25

Calculations show that all the above descriptions areindistinguishable given current instrumentation.S12, and S33 for all these models are well described by

Fig. 9. Experimental Mueller scattering matrix elements, S11, S12, S22, S33, and S34, for seawater at room temperature, 90° and 140 °C.

the Rayleigh approximation. S11 and S34 show somedeviation from Rayleigh scattering even though theparticles are 1y20th the wavelength of light. S34deviates from zero; and the results of the variousapproximations vary, but in all cases its value is lessthan 1%.

B. Variation with Humidity

To investigate variation in the Mueller matrices withchanging humidity for typical MABL aerosols, wecalculated scattering assuming the size distributionsand refractive indices in the AFGL model.25 Scat-tering for a typical marine aerosol was calculatedwith the data in Table 1 at 50%, 80%, and 99% RH.The results are displayed in Fig. 4. The predictedscattering is dominated by the smallest component ofthe aerosol, which is not unexpected given their pre-dominance in the model. Their scattering differssignificantly from Rayleigh scattering ~note particu-larly the deviation of S34 from zero!. The minimumin S12, the linear polarization, is ;80%, significantlyless polarization than the 100% predicted for Ray-

leigh scatterers. As Fig. 4 shows, varying the hu-midity has only a small effect on the aerosolpolarization properties predicted by the AFGL model.The absolute value of S11, the phase function, in-creases with size, and as the size increases, the in-tensity of forward scattering increases.

If the relative number of sea-salt particles is in-creased relative to the fine fractions to simulate aJunge distribution, the effect of humidity becomesmore pronounced. Figure 5 compares the scatteringexpected for the AFGL marine aerosol model25 at 50%and 99% RH with that predicted when the sea-saltcomponent is increased tenfold. This increase innumbers of sea-salt particles in the lower MABLcould result from increased wind and wave action.The changes are considerable. At 50% humiditywith a higher concentration of salt particles, the lin-ear polarization, which at the lower concentrationwas pronounced ~;80%! and negative, diminishesconsiderably to ;40%. S12 changes from positive tonegative at roughly 150°, indicating a change fromhorizontal to vertical polarization. At 99% humidity

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the angular distribution of linear polarization wasvery much like the linear polarization predicted for50% humidity when the initial concentration of theSSC component was that suggested by the AFGLmodel. However, at the higher concentration of par-ticles the linear polarization is very small andslightly positive until 150°, at which time the signchanges. As Figure 5 shows, this is the reverse ofthe angular polarization predicted at 50% humidity.Similar dramatic changes can be seen in S33 and S34.

C. Aerosol Laboratory Scattering Measurements

Comparison of the measured scattering from all theaerosols generated at room temperature demon-strates that at high RH they are reasonably describedas collections of spheres. This point is demonstratedin Fig. 6, which shows that S22 is ;1 for all fouraerosols at room temperature. The size distribu-tions determined for the aerosols ~Table 2! indicatethat the sizes being generated by the nebulizer arewell within the range used in the AFGL model25 forthe maritime ~larger! component.

The modal radii ~rmode! determined by fitting of theexperimental data with Mie calculations ~not shown!indicated that the saline aerosols are somewhatsmaller than that determined for the distilled water~see Table 2!. Possibly the ionic strength of the sol-ute has reduced the surface tension of the solutionsufficiently to affect the size of the particles producedby the nebulizer. The polarization properties of thethree saline aerosols are similar. Scattering such asis observed here would probably be observed for theSSC component in high-humidity situations.

As the temperature is increased in the desiccatorunit, the polarization properties of the aerosolschange ~Figs. 7–9!. At 105 °C, the NaCl aerosol de-viated so far from sphericity as to make rigorouscurve fitting inappropriate ~Fig. 7!. The observedminimum in S22 was 0.54. Figure 7 shows that asthe temperature is increased there are subtlechanges in the polarization properties as the RHchanges and the particles decrease in size. Whenthe particles in the aerosol become nonspherical, thepolarization properties change significantly and in amanner not predicted by Mie calculations.

As the temperature was increased, ~NH4!2SO4 re-mained spherical until a very high temperature wasreached—180 °C. The size distribution and refrac-tive index could be approximately fitted with Miecalculations for a modal radius of 0.23 mm and arefractive index of 1.48 ~Fig. 8!. This aerosol was notyet dry; the refractive index of dry ~NH4!2SO4 is;1.53 at 532 nm. Nonetheless, S22 deviates signif-icantly from unity. Perry et al.14 observed sphericalparticles even at dryness. The discrepancy may bedue to differing salt concentrations, temperature orhumidity conditions, or to the nebulizer configura-tion.

As the temperature was increased, the seawateraerosol deviated from sphericity when the rmode was0.2 mm and its refractive index was 1.44 ~Fig. 9!. Atthe small sizes observed here, representing low levels

5180 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 36, No. 21 y 20 July 1997

of humidity, the linear polarization is positive for thiscomponent and close to zero. The seawater aerosolremained spherical until much smaller sizes than didthe NaCl or ~NH4!2SO4 aerosols. This is plausible.Although NaCl is the dominant component of seawa-ter, it is not necessarily the first to precipitate; gen-erally, in the formation of evaporites, carbonates andsulfates precipitate first, followed by the chlorides.55

Thus, considering our experimental conditions, itwould seem that under most conditions the scatteringfrom SSC particles would be well described by Miecalculations. However, Meszaros and Vissy26 foundevidence of differential crystallization in collected dryseawater particles. If this occurs in situ, then ob-served polarization properties would display polar-ization properties not predicted by Mie calculations.

D. Effect of Soot on Scattering in the MarineAtmospheric Boundary Layer

To explore the presence of a widely occurring andhighly absorptive component in the MABL, scatter-ing from carbon soot was calculated. In coastal ar-eas and near shipping lanes soot can be an importantcomponent of marine aerosols. This componenttends to have an important effect on the scatteringbecause the real and the imaginary parts of the re-fractive index are large. To further complicate mat-ters, the values for the refractive index varyconsiderably with the source of data, which may in-dicate real variation among soots depending on theirsource. This is probably due to nonfully dense ag-glomerations of carbon particles or the presence ofhomogeneous low-absorptive to nonabsorptive prod-ucts in the aerosol. Sampling and quantifying theamounts and density of carbon present presents dif-ficulties. Table 3 summarizes some of the dataavailable from particle measurements and pure car-

Table 3. Various Descriptions of Soot Used for Investigating the Effectof Varying Refractive Indices and Distributions on Scattering

in the MABLa




~mm! s m at ;500

AFGLSmall component 0.025 0.0035 0.2 0.35 1.75 2 0.45iLarge component 0.43 0.04 3.5 0.4 1.75 2 0.45i

Sootb 0.025 0.0035 0.2 0.35 2.29 2 0.87i0.43 0.04 3.5 0.4 2.29 2 0.87i

Sootc 0.025 0.0035 0.2 0.35 1.7 2 0.8i0.43 0.04 3.5 0.4 1.7 2 0.8i

Sootd 0.025 0.0035 0.2 0.35 1.334 2 0.12i0.43 0.04 3.5 0.4 1.334 2 0.12i

Soote 0.2 0.005 10 1.35 1.75 2 0.45i

aFor the first four models the reference refers to the refractiveindex; the number distribution is based on the AFGL model. Forthe Kuwaiti soot the distribution was from the literature, and therefractive index was from Ref. 25.

bRef. 56.cRef. 57.dRef. 58.eRef. 59.

Fig. 10. Mueller scattering matrix elements, S11, S12, S33, and S34, calculated for soots having a range of complex refractive indices andsize distributions as described in Table 3.

bon. Diesel combustion products tend to be in thesize range of the small component of the AFGL25

values. The refractive indices of pure amorphouscarbon are closest to those given by Arakawa et al.56

The first four models listed in Table 3 varied only inthe refractive index ~the ratio of small to large com-ponent was 0.999875 to 0.000125!. The AFGL re-fractive index is a composite of a number ofobservations; that of Arakawa et al.56 is from arcevaporated carbon films; Pluchino et al.56 measuredsingle, spherical carbon particles; and Batten58 mea-sured soot from kerosene. Other results report re-fractive indices varying from 1.56 2 0.47i to 2.0 201.0i.60–62 The last soot description is a modelbased on the size distribution observed by Parungo etal.59 of the soots derived from the oil fires in Kuwait.Observations at various distances from Kuwait weretaken at 1–6 km in altitude, considerably above theMABL, but of practical interest as they were collectedin the field. Parungo et al.59 report a broad distri-bution of particle sizes that were approximated hereas a broad log normal distribution adjusted roughlyto fit the number distribution reported, which was at3.7 km in altitude and 160 km from Kuwait.

The results of scattering calculations for the vari-ous soots in Table 3 are given in Fig. 10. When onlythe refractive index changes, the form of the scatter-ing is generally unchanged. When the size distribu-tion is significantly different, that is, for the Kuwaitisoot, the predicted scattering changes. The linearpolarization as seen in S12 is slightly reduced, and themaximum depolarization occurs at 60°. S34 for theKuwaiti soot changes sign at angles .60°. The fam-ily of S34 curves demonstrates the range of polariza-

tion that could be expected from just one componentof marine aerosols.

One last comparison is of interest, that of thecontribution to the polarization of scattering fromsoot and sea salt. This is of import, particularly inthe coastal zone, because if the scattering due to thecomponents differs, then the polarized light scatter-ing could be expected to change depending on thedominant component. To make this comparison,the scattering calculated on the basis of the physi-cal description of the maritime component of theAFGL model25 at 80% RH was compared with thescattering predicted by use of the AFGL physicaldescription for the large soot component. The sizedistribution for the soot component was that for 0%RH, because soot is not particularly soluble. Thesetwo hypothetical components were compared withthe polarization measured for a seawater aerosol,the aerosol at 47 °C, which most closely approxi-mated the model parameters for marine aerosol at80% humidity. The angular distributions of thetotal intensities ~S11! of these components do notdiffer significantly, but the polarizations do differsignificantly ~Fig. 11!. The implications with re-spect to the linear polarization are dramatic. Asnoted above, the scattering predicted for the seasalt ~both the measured and modeled curves! islargely horizontal ~positive!, and not particularlyintense, becoming vertical ~negative! in the back-scatter direction. The soot, on the other hand, isprimarily vertically polarized, particularly near60°. Similarly, the contributions of soot and saltdiffer significantly in S33 and S34. Thus these dif-

20 July 1997 y Vol. 36, No. 21 y APPLIED OPTICS 5181

Fig. 11. Mueller scattering matrix elements, S11, S12, S33, and S34, calculated for soot ~rmode 5 0.55 mm, n 5 1.75 2 0.45i, log normal,s 5 0.4# and sea salt ~rmode 5 0.35 mm, n 5 1.355 2 0.45i, log normal, s 5 0.4! compared with the polarized scattering measured for aseawater aerosol at 47 °C, having rmode approximately 0.57 mm and n 5 1.36 2 0i.

ferences may be exploited to improve visibility withpolarizing optics.

6. Conclusions

In this paper we have demonstrated that the agree-ment between laboratory measurements and Mie cal-culations has established the validity of studyingMABL hazes with these tools. Therefore, within thelimits of the validity of the assumptions regarding thephysical properties of the aerosols, this approach canbe used to predict the scattering and polarizationproperties of marine hazes.

Calculations and measurements on laboratoryaerosols indicate that scattering of visible light byaerosols in the MABL is distinctly not Rayleigh-like.The polarization properties of light scattered in theMABL vary with size, refractive index, and numberdistributions of particles. The results are sensitiveto the details of the size and number distributionsand therefore may be used to discriminate betweenaerosols. The size, number density, real and imag-inary indices of refraction, and particle shape all havesignificant effects on the polarization characteristicsof the scattered light and potentially on visibility,radiant transfer, and global albedo.

Examination of the figures presented in this papercan suggest that polarimetric techniques should beuseful for improving visibility and imaging in theMABL. These should be exploited. However, thecomposition of aerosols in the MABL can be highlyvariable, particularly in the coastal zone. Becausethe number of measurements of the polarization ofscattered light in the atmosphere is small, and in the

5182 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 36, No. 21 y 20 July 1997

coastal zone is virtually none, it is recommended thatan in situ measurement program at representativesites be conducted to better characterize the scatter-ing and polarization properties and variability ofcoastal marine hazes. Such a program in conjunc-tion with appropriate theoretical considerationscould further expedite and enhance development oftechniques for improving visibility and remote imag-ing for various aerosol types, Sun angles, and viewingconditions.

We wish to thank Steve Ackleson for his supportand interest in this research. This work was sup-ported by the Office of Naval Research under contractN00014-94-F0043 through the U.S. Department ofEnergy under contract DE-AC03-765f00098. L. L.Erskine also wishes to thank the California Instituteof Technology for partial support from a SummerUndergraduate Research Fellowship.

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