polar bears factors that impact on the polar bear’s habitat

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Polar BearsFactors that impact on

the Polar bear’s habitat

Question:What has caused the Polar

Bear to lose their habitat and become endangered?

What are they?Polar bears are the largest predators in the world. The hunt and kill other animals for food. Their fur is pure white yellowish in color. Their nose , lips and skin are black. Of all the bears, the Polar Bear has the thickest fur. Polar Bears are strong swimmers. They have a thick layer of blubber that helps them keep warm and float better.

What do Polar eat?Polar bears are omnivores. They eat Bowhead and Beluga whales,

the body of dead animals,

vegetation, birds, fish and ringed seals.

Behavior - How do they act?They spend their time: ice hunting, mating

and sleeping. Polar bears like to be alone except when

they have babies.

How many Polar Bears are there?As of 2009, the polar bear population is

20,000-25,000 in the world.Polar bears can be found in Arctic; Alaska;

Canada Russia Greenland and Norway.


The Polar bear mating season run from late March to May.

The Polar bear carry their fetus for 8 months and can have 1 to 4 newborn.

Video Footage on Polar Bear Existence

Audio Only

HabitatPolar Bears live in the Artic Region on

land and in water. They are great swimmers The polar bear live on pack ice and

along the shores in Northern Canada where there is an ample supply food source


What are the threats to Polar Bear Habitats?

Climate change- causing them to loss of older stable sea ice and the thinning

Human-caused mortalityIllegal killing (poaching )of



Polar Bears and Global Warming http://www.nwf.org/polarbearsandglobalwarming/© 1996-2009 National Wildlife Federation | 11100 Wildlife Center Dr, Reston VA 20190 | 800-822-9919

By Andrew C. Revkin http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/24/more-on-the-polar-bears-fate/?March 24, 2009, 5:48 pm More on the Polar Bear’s Fate

Estimation of Polar Bear Population Size and Survival in Western Hudson Bay, Andrew E. Derocher, .http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/faculty/andrew_derocher/uploads/abstracts/Derocher_ad_Stirling_1995.pdf

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