poem spm (are you still playing your flute)

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 poem SPM (Are You Still Playing your flute)


    Are You Still Playing Flute?

    The Original Version of the Poem

    Masihkah Kau Bermain Seruling oleh Zurinah Hassan

    Masihkah kau bermain seruling

    walau waktu telah terlewat untuk kita bercinta

    aku semakin terasa bersalah

    melayani godaan irama

    lagu yang tersimpan pada lorong halus buluh

    dikeluarkan oleh nafas seniman

    diukir oleh bibir

    diatur oleh jari

    dilayangkan oleh alun angin

    menolak ke dasar rasa.

    Masihkah kau bermain seruling

    ketika kampung semakin sunyi

    sawah telah uzur

    waktu jadi terlalu mahal

    untuk memerhatikan hujan turun

    merenung jalur senja

    mengutip manik embun

    menghidu harum bunga.

    Masihkah kau bermain serulingketika aku terasa mata bersalah

    untuk melayani rasa rindu padamu

    di kota yang semakin kusut dan tenat

    adik-adikku menganggur dan sakit jiwa

    bangsaku dipecahkan oleh politik

    saudara diserang bom-bom ganas

    dunia sudah terlalu tua dan parah.

    Di sinilah berakhirnya percintaan kita

    kerana zaman sedang menuntut para seniman

    hidup di luar dirinya.

    Are You Still Playing Your Flute? by Zurinah HassanAre you still playing your flute?

    When there is hardly time for our love

    I am feeling guilty

    To be longing for your song

    The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo

    Uncovered by the breath of an artist

    Composed by his fingers

    Blown by the wind

    To the depth of my heart.

  • 7/29/2019 poem SPM (Are You Still Playing your flute)


    Are you still playing your flute?

    In the village so quiet and deserted

    Amidst the sick rice fields

    While here it has become a luxury

    To spend time watching the rain

    Gazing at the evening raysCollecting dew drops

    Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers.

    Are you still playing your flute?

    The more it disturbs my conscience

    to be thinking of you

    in the hazard of you

    my younger brothers unemployed and desperate

    my people disunited by politics

    my friend slaughtered mercilessly

    this world is too old and bleeding.


    This poem his about a persona who reminisces the time he/she spends when in a village.

    There are many things that are now luxury to her such as listening to the melody of the flute

    itself, gazing at the evening rays, collecting dew drops, or enjoying the fragrance of flowers.

    The village is now unpopulated as many have moved to the city. Now that she has moved on

    with her life, she wonders whether the flutist is still playing the flute. This is because, there

    are many challenges in the world today such as the world is dying, the unemployment issue

    and the people are disunited because of different political views.


    Family commitments Priorities in life Neglect of ones duties


    We should be aware of our family commitments and carry them out properly. Everyone has priorities in, life and we should know what is important and what is not. Following a hobby is good but there is a time for work and a time for play.


    The poem is the first point of view. The person is addressing another person and describing a situation to him.


    Rhetorical question

    Descriptive and questioning

  • 7/29/2019 poem SPM (Are You Still Playing your flute)


    Simple style and no rhymeTONE, MOOD AND ATMOSPHERE

    Somber and regretful Serious atmosphere


    Imagerye.g. blown by the wind, depth of my heart Alliteratione.g. fragrance of flowers Symbole.g. flute, song Repetitione.g. Are you still playing your flute? Figurative LanguageMetaphor e.g. The melody concealed in the slime hollow of

    bambooPersonification e.g. sick rice field

    MASIHKAH KAU BERMAIN SERULING/Are you still playing your flute

    Sajak ini menggunakan gaya percakapan penyair dengan seseorang. Orang yang dimaksudkan di sini

    ialah seorang yang pandai bermain seruling. Sekali pandang ia seperti sajak percintaan kerana

    banyak menggunakan perkataan yang lembut dan romantis.

    Are you still playing your flute

    Are you still playing your flutewhen there is no time for our love

    I am feeling guilty

    to be longing for your song

    Tetapi percakapan yang lembut dan romantis dengan pemain seruling itu hanyalah satu cara atau

    gaya penyair meluahkan segala yang mengganggu fikirannya. Sajak ini bertemakan kemasyarakatan .

    Keseluruhannya merupakan luahan rasa penyair tentang keadaan masyarakat di negaranya dan

    antara bangsa yang penuh kemelut dan kacau bilau.

    Penyair mengenang sang pemain seruling. Sebenarnya yang dikenang oleh penyair ialah kampongyang sedang tenat.

    Are you still playing your flute

    in the village so quiet and deserted

    amidst the sick rice field

    Dia menceritakan tentang keadaan dirinya yang berada di kotakota yang sakit sedangkan kampong

    sudah sunyi kerana ditinggalkan oleh anak-anak muda. Apakah pemain seruling itu masih ada di

    kampong bermain serulingnya? . Ini juga bermaksud adakah sang pemain seruling masih

  • 7/29/2019 poem SPM (Are You Still Playing your flute)


    mempertahankan seni dan tradisinya. Alat musik seruling dipilih kerana inilah alat muzik yang paling

    dekat dengan alam. Cuma sebatang buluh dan tidak memerlukan teknologi canggih untuk

    menciptanya. Jadi semuanya balik kpd alam. Balik kepada keaslian.

    the melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo

    uncovered by the breath of an artist

    composed by his lips

    arranged by his fingers

    blown by the wind

    to the depth of my heart

    Penyair merasa bersalah untuk melayan rasa rindu kepada pemain seruling itu. Begitulah rasa

    bersalahnya dia memikirkan sesuatu yang indah seperti seni . Di kota dia sepatutnya sibuk kerana di

    situ kehidupan berlalu dengan pantas.

    while here it has become a luxury

    to spend time watching the rain

    gazing at the evening rays

    collecting dew drops

    or sniffing scented flowers.

    Seolah-olah dia memberikan masanya kepada perkara-perkara yang remeh sedangkan kehidupan

    sedang dilanda oleh masalah yang sangat besar. Masalah-masalah ini dipaparkan dalam bait

    seterusnya. Pada masa itu ramai yang menganggur. Orang-orang kita berpecah belah kerana politik .

    Dan di merata dunia spt Bosnia dan Palestin, orang Islam sedang diburu oleh bom-bom ganas.

    in the hazard of this city

    my younger brothers unemployed and desperate

    my people thorn by politic

    my Muslim friends slaughtered mercilessly

    this world is old and badly injured.

    Is this the end of our love?

    time is forcing us as artists

    not to be ourselves.

    Ini bukan masa untuk memberi perhatian kepada seni. Ini adalah masa untuk bekerja keras. Apabila

    seniman tidak dapat melayani kecintaannya kepada seni maka itu seperti mereka dituntut untuk

    tidak menjadi seniman lagi

  • 7/29/2019 poem SPM (Are You Still Playing your flute)


    In the Midst of Hardship by Latiff MohidinAt dawn they returned home

    their soaky clothes torn

    and approached the stove

    their limbs marked by scratches

    their legs full of woundsbut on their brows

    there was not a sign of despair

    The whole day and night just passed

    they had to brave the horrendous flood

    in the water all the time

    between bloated carcasses

    and tiny chips of tree barks

    desperately looking for their sons

    albino buffalo that was never found

    They were born amidst hardshipand grew up without a sigh or a complaint

    now they are in the kitchen, making

    jokes while rolling their ciggarete leaves


    This poem is about a family who faces hardship whereby their sons albino buffalo is

    nowhere to be found. A flood occurs and they go out to find the buffalo. They reach home

    early in the morning without the buffalo and yet there is no sign of despair in them.Meanwhile, they can still crack jokes and roll the cigarettes.


    STANZA 1

    They returned home at day break and headed for the stove. This is probably because they

    were hungry. However, I have also received some feedbacks saying that they went straight to

    the stove to dry themselves as they were drenched with the flood water. Their clothes were

    soaking wet and tattered. Their bodies were covered with scratches and wounds. Yet, they did

    not display any signs of being worried.

    STANZA 2

    They were out in the flood the whole day and night. They were surrounded by dead animals

    and parts of trees that had been destroyed by the flood. We know that the animals were

    already dead because of the phrase bloated carcasses. They searched desperately for their

    sons albino buffalo but were unable to find it.

    STANZA 3

  • 7/29/2019 poem SPM (Are You Still Playing your flute)


    They were born into poverty and difficulty, but they do not complain about their suffer.

    Instead, they sit in the kitchen, cracking jokes while smoking cigarettes. This shows that they

    face difficulties all the time and this time there is no different. They have inner strength that

    makes them strong to face any hardship poses to them.


    The setting of the poem is in the house.


    Being resilience when facing hardship Family love Acceptance of way of life


    1. We should learn to accept problems in life with a positive outlook.2. We must attempt to face and solve problem.3. Facing hardship is part and parcel of life.4. If we face a problem, do not feel despair.


    Understanding and sympathetic Acceptance of situation


    Third person pint of view.LANGUAGE & STYLE

    Language is simple and easy to understand. The style is simple with no rhyming scheme.


    ImageryGives picture of poets thoughts e.g soaky clothes torn and legs full ofwounds

    Alliteratione.g. but on their brows Symbolse.g. horrendous flood and bloating carcasses Dictione.g. stove and brows

    In the midst of hardship in Malay:


    Pada waktu senja mereka pulang ke rumah,baju basah mereka telah koyak,

  • 7/29/2019 poem SPM (Are You Still Playing your flute)


    mereka berjalan ke arah dapur,

    tangan mereka penuh dengan calar,

    kaki mereka penuh dengan luka,

    tetapi pada muka mereka,

    langsung tidak ada perasaan kecewa.

    Satu hari dan satu malam baru berlepas,

    mereka perlu menghadapi banjir besar ini dengan berani,

    sepanjang masa berada dalam air,

    berada di antara barangan yang terapung di permukaan air,

    serta bahan-bahan pecahan yang kecil,

    asyik mencari kerbau kepunyaan anak mereka,

    yang akhirnya tidak dapat dijumpa juga.

    Mereka dilahirkan dalam kesusahan,

    dan membesar tanpa mengadu atau mengeluh,

    sekarang mereka berada di dapur,sambil bergurau sambil menggulungkan daun tembakau.

    Dalam Bencana

    Mereka pulang ke rumah

    waktu subuh hari

    dengan pakaian robek basah

    menghampiri api tungku

    lengan mereka penuh calar

    kaki mereka penuh lukatapi di kening mereka

    tidak kelihatan rasa kecewa

    Sehari semalaman

    mereka mengharungi banjir

    berendam antara bangkai ternakan

    dan serpihan kulit tumbuhan

    kerbau balar si buyung

    masih belum ditemui.

    Mereka dilahirkan dalam bencanatidak ada keluhan dan kutukan

    kini mereka berjenaka di dapur

    sambil menggulung rokok daun.

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