planning strategies used in pp

Post on 05-Mar-2016






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Planning Strategies used in PP:Make to stock strategiesStrategy Strategy Description

10Make to stock Production

30Production by lot size

40Planning with final Assembly

70Sub Assembly Planning

Make to Order StrategiesStrategy Strategy Description

20Make to order

50Planning without final Assembly

Strategy 10: Make to stock production. Sales orders are not relevant for net requirement calculations. Sales orders are only displayed for information purpose.Important configuration about this strategy

Customer requirement type is KSL. Requirement class assigned to requirement type is 030 This requirement class configuration will define how sales orders are treated in MRP runClass 030 Configuration: Class for customer requirement

MD61 Create PIR (Requirement type LSF)

MD81 Create Independent requirements (Customer requirements, Requirement type KSL)

Here customer requirements created with MD81 are not planned in MRP. It means no MRP elements created for planning customer requirement of 10 pieces.Now when we withdraw or issue materials for sales order it will reduce PIR. MIGO Goods Issue- Others Goods issue to sales order MVT type 231 MD04 will display reduced PIR on issue to sales order

Strategy 30: Production by lot size:

Material DPC1001 MRP1 Lot size WB Weekly lot size Strategy Group30Important Configuration for requirement class 041 assigned to customer requirement KL

MD61 Daily requirement for material DPC1001 (Requirement type LSF)

MD81 Customer requirements

After MRP Run in MD02, display MD04

Customer requirements are planned here in MRP. Reason class 041 assigned to requirement type KL. If you see class configuration for class 041

Initial stock upload done for material DPC1001 for the purpose of material issue to sales order.MD04 After initial stock upload

Material issue to sales order using MIGO Goods Issue Others MVT Type 231 sales order 50000039 will not reduce PIR. See below MD04. This is also because of class assigned (041) to requirement type KL.

Strategy 40:Planning with final assemblyImportant configuration for strategy 40

Strategy 40: Customer requirement type used KSV. Requirement class assigned is 50. Requirement class 50 defines PIR reduction with customer requirements not defined in class 50. Requirement reduction indicator not selected in class configuration (Red) No: Requirement record not relevant to MRP: EMPTY: EMPTY is requirements are planned.

Here PIR reduction is not planned in requirement class but it is planned in material master.MRP3 ViewConsumption mode

Fwd Consumption period and Bwd consumption period: Defined in days. Valid from currant date.Consumes PIR according to consumption mode.

PIR Created for R-F101 with initial stock upload. Stock requirement list before MRP Run

Stock requirement list after MRP Run

M81 Customer requirement creation for 10 pieces. After that stock requirement list will be

Goods issue done for customer requirement. MD04 will be

VVIMP: In strategy 40 PIR are immediately reduced once customer requirements are created. And system will select PIR to reduce, depending upon requirement date for customer requirement and consumption mode and periods defined in material master.Strategy 70: Sub Assembly planning (Planning @ assembly level) Importantly strategy 70 is defined @ sub assembly level Finish product can be planned with any strategy Similarly like strategy 40 consumption logic is defined by consumption mode and consumption periods defined in material master.Important configuration for strategy 70

No customer requirement type is defined for this strategy.Material master settings

MD61 PIR created for above material (Sub Assembly)

Requirement type VSFB as shown aboveIf you see MD04, it displays PIR for 35 ONLY (Requirement type VSFB), though we have created PIR of 180. WHY?

Explanation: System only displays unconsumed qty of material R-B100. Material R-B100 is used as component in finish material R-F100 and R-F200.Now if you check MD04 for R-B100 you will find dependent requirements are created for this material with reference to finish material R-F100 and R-F200So total dependent requirement for R-B100 due to requirement of material R-F100 and R-F200 is (starting from 14-02-2011)(previous requirements of 04-01, 26-01, 31-01,07-02 are fulfilled from stock)25+25+20+25+25+25 = 145So from VSFB requirement of 180 pieces, already 145 pieces requirement is consumed. So only 180-145=35 VSFB requirement is displayed in MD04 on 01-03-2011

Strategy 20: Make to order strategyImportant Configuration for strategy 20

Requirement class: 040

Red: Requirement reduction indicator: This check box not selected. Meaning PIRs not reduced with customer requirementsNo: EMPTY: Customer Requirements are relevant for MRP Against this strategy it is not possible to create PIR in MD61 as there is no requirement type defined in strategy 20 for PIR.MD81 Customer requirement created for material ME_8100 Plant 1000.

Material Issue to one of the customer requirement:MIGO-Material Issue to Order MVT Type 231

Make to Order: Strategy 50:Planning without final assembly Important configuration for planning strategy 50 (Strategy 50 is assigned @ final assembly level)

Material Master Settings

Strategy 50 is assigned @ final assembly level

PIR Created in MD61

MRP Run in MD02

If you check any planned order for header material R-F100, conversion indicator to production order is not active in planned order.But if you check planned order for BOM component of R-F100, that is for planned order for R-B100, here we can find conversion indicator from planned order to production order.So in all we can plan sub-assemblies or components of finish material in advance. But we can only produce final assembly on receiving customer requirement.

MD81: Create customer requirement.

MRP Run in MD02New MD04

New planned order created for customer requirement which can be converted to production order (Order 39317)And old planned order (in old MD04) on 05/10/2015 Qty 23 adjusted with customer requirement Qty.

Old planned order QTY 23 (Planned Order no 39293)New planned order QTY 13 (Planned Order no 39293)For customer requirement new planned order is created 39317 which is convertible to production order.VIMP: So here PIR Consumption for final assembly takes place once u receive customer requirement. PIR Consumption not defined @ class level 045.

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