phase onephase two 8,)-2863(9'8-323* 1-2(*9013:)1)28 2396-7,1)28 daily practice with exercise...

Post on 23-Jun-2020






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PHASE ONE CLEANSE & CALMJuice detox with cold pressed juices made and managed by our friends at Pressed Earth. Alternatively, your home juice menu plan option created by us!

The first three days of Reboot are designed to flush your digestive system, reset and recalibrate your blood sugar levels and slow your mind and body movements down so that you can start to disengage from the fast speed and sense of urgency you are exposed to in day to day life. This is the time to be reviewing your diary and preparing for the program ahead. Make sure you have allocated time to cook, prepare and enjoy each of your morning movement sessions.

The speed of life can have negative affects on your bodies homeostasis. Hormones, adrenaline and blood sugars alter blood chemistry making it very difficult for your body to maintain homeostasis. The first three days is about reducing the highs and lows and creating a neutralized environment from which you can build on. We want you to slow down so you can start to observe how reactive you are in day-to-day life – in mood, with food and with your movement. Get to understand how much you do and what you do with little regard to how or why you do it.

We want to help you start to adopt MINDFUL, NONE REACTIVE APPROACHES TO LIVING. By being still enough to listen, learn and develop respect for your body. You can start to explore and engage in a change of mindset.

Your body will naturally slow down as a result of the restricted calorie intake. It’s equally important that you consciously embrace this and limit your physical activity as much as possible.

Start to observe and think about how you move. Do you bend from the hips rather than bending you knees to pick things up from the floor. Do you use your shoulders and arms a lot more than your legs. Do you feel stiff or sore anywhere. Do you find your movement is restricted in certain ranges or with certain actions….?

For phase one you can digest your eating plan and the 5P’s checklist to help organise & refocus your mindset & lifestyle in preparedness. You will also receive motivational quotes and tips each day to ensure you are physically and mentally ready. The mindful meditation practice will be enjoyed each day of phase one. (Refer to schedule).

“During this time we want you to relax and prepare mentally and physically for the amazing transformation ahead. It’s time to stop, reflect, refocus and get organised so you can truly invest in and open yourself up to the highest possible level of positive change throughout the program”.

Katie Stewart Designer & co-founder of The Reboot Program and The Exercise Therapist

In this package you will find the following:

1. Your PPP (pre program preparation) Kit. Containing mindful preparation to help you reconnect and rebuild.

This kit includes your 5P’s to help you focus your attention towards self reflection and goal setting over your three day juice cleanse. You will be emailed a medical screening document and a link to a mindful living questionnaire.

The final item in your PPP kit is your basic anthropometrics. Even though the focus of this program is not weight loss but cleansing – your body will experience positive changes. Its great to note these changes by taking a snap shot of your body before and after along with some basic anthropometrics (body measurements). You will find a place to record the positive changes in your body in this section.

2. Phase One itinerary & introduction for movement and nourishment

3. Phase Two itinerary & introduction for nourishment including; recipes, daily plan and shopping list.

WELCOME TO THE REBOOT PROGRAM™Reboot to rebuild - 10 day intensive


Daily practice with Exercise Physiologist Katie Stewart.

The objective of the exercise prescription in this program is to break down predetermined movement patterns, explore and restore sound joint alignment and then strengthen & condition muscles to support the joints. We can then challenge your cardiovascular system.

This program will reboot muscle recruitment order, engage stabilising muscles and break bad biomechanical habits that your body may have fallen into. It is a complete internal and external detox and reboot. Healthy - mindful living heaven.

In English the exercises will get the ankles, knees, hips, trunk, spine & shoulders ready to take the load of simple movement patterns like walking, running and swimming. This pre-conditioning will keep injuries at bay and minimise post exercise joint and muscle pain. (See schedule next page)

DAY 4 Move & flush.

To maximise the benefits of the juice detox today you will give your skin and lymphatic system a cleansing flush with some water therapy. Enjoy a hot bath with our Reboot detox bath salts and your favourite essential oil. Mobilization session to boost joint lubrication and circulation.


It’s time to stimulate your whole body with an explorative cardio session.

DAY 6 The ‘X’ factor.

Wake up & strengthen the trunk with the latest techniques to get your pelvis firing and your abs screaming… in a good way… satisfying your bodies needs not perceived wants…

DAY 7 The introduction of ‘Happy Gas’.

Endorphine hit time! Let’s get the blood moving and your natural happy gas flowing. Includes a pre run activation sequence for the pelvis, lower body & trunk.

DAY 8 Repair & restore.

Fascia release foam roller sequence….this highly effective session triggers & releases key pressure points leaving you lithe, lucid and relaxed. Then into the bath in the PM for a Reboot detox bath salts soak.

DAY 9 Challenge & stretch.

Consolidate your yoga sequence and challenge your upper body with some powerful add ons sequences.

DAY 10 Build, squeeze and mould.

It’s all happening from the belly button down. Lower limb, hip and lower stabilising trunk muscle conditioning are todays focus.



So much can be achieved in three short days.

Over the next 72 hours you are going to ease the load on your digestive system, your mind and your body. You are going to create a more balanced blood sugar profile which will ignite positive systemic changes.

You will start to feel calmer. Experience less urgency and re-engage with your natural palate. The first day is a challenge. Your system will be expecting its usual management strategy of sugar hits and adrenal overdrive. There is no caffeine, no alcohol, no blockers, no inhibitors and no stimulants. It’s just you, your system and serious nourishment.

We will help you stay focused by informing and reinforcing each day. The Himalayan salt bath and meditation practice, detailed in the main booklet, are part of the physical support process to help your body cope with the intensity of the detox.

This three day juice plan will help slow your body and your mind down to a level where you are ready to receive and be open to the next instalment - mindful movement.

Don’t give up on great for the comfort of good... Let the evolution begin...


All great evolutions are supported with great organisation and preparation – so to begin this journey there are a few items you will need.

Equipment – All juices have been selected so that they can be created in a high speed blender. Should you have a cold press juicer, this can be used also. If you have a regular (centrifugal) juicer, you will find that the leafy greens do not processes well and too much nutrition is lost – so best to stick with blending for juice #1 and #3.

Throughout the three days you might wish to alternate between blending and cold press juicing – you will find that a blended drink holds more substance as you are drinking the whole vegetable and fruit – so it is a thicker drink – you choose what you prefer – but please do not feel you need to invest in a juicing machine – a good quality blender will do the trick.

Containers – You can blend/juice your drinks in advance for convenience – so you may need a few spare jars to hold and store in the fridge. Check out the back of your cupboards for the odd glass jar or glass bottle – if you can’t find any – Red Dot stores sell a 6 pack of glass jars for $10, that would be ideal for this purpose, as it is preferable to store your juice in glass and not plastic.

Food Preparation – Please see the shopping list below – these are your total food requirements for the next 3 days. For convenience you can prepare your fruits and vegetables – wash, cut and store them ready to be placed in the blender or juicer. At night your final drink includes ‘soaked’ almonds – so please start soaking them the night before. Also, make sure you have ice cubes prepared and ready for use over the days.

The plan is simple – follow your juices numbered 1 to 5 each day for three days. The volume of juice each recipe produces depends on the method and the size of selected ingredients. The ideal serving for each juice is 500 ml. It is more than likely you will have excess juice, so either keep for the next day or share with your family.



12 kale leaves 2 bags baby spinach leaves 3 cucumber 9 carrot small large ginger 3 beetroot peeled 3 celery sticks 2 large fingers of fresh turmeric


1 lime 6 lemons 3 apple 2 pink grapefruit peeled 1.5 small pineapple 60 green or red grapes 3 orange, peeled 3 pears 6 blood oranges 6 medjool dates




cinnamon ground cayenne pepper ground cardamom ground


6 cups filtered water coconut oil 9x330 ml coconut water

900 ml almond milk (organic pre-packed or fresh from the Boatshed or home-made as per recipe)

30 almonds (60 if making homemade almond milk)

3 tsp macca powder 3 tsp mesquite powder 3 tsp cocoa powder

Each Morning... Wake up with warm water, a few slices of lemon and grated fresh ginger tea to cleanse your palate, prepare your gut and clear your mind.


FUNCTIONAL FOOD TIP - Coriander happens to be one of the most effective and gentle detoxifiers of mercury, heavy metals and other toxic contaminants. This herb also possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties, quickly reducing infection and inflammation as it works to clear your system.

Ingredients 2 kale leaves – removed stem handful of raw baby spinach leaves ½ lemon (skin removed) 1 cucumber – skin and flesh 1 cup filtered water 1 tbsp coconut oil or flaxseed oil 1 apple 1 tbsp Coriander

Place all ingredients into powerful blender and blend until smooth. Add ice and/or more water until you reach your desired consistency.

Inspired By Kate Barns - Health Coaching


FUNCTIONAL FOOD TIP – Coconut Water contains high levels of potassium, is an easily digested carbohydrate in the form of natural sugar and electrolytes, while being super hydrating to help support your body while detoxing.

Ingredients 1 carrot 1 inch ginger, peeled ½ pink grapefruit peeled ½ lemon peeled ¼ small pineapple 330 ml coconut water turmeric 3 cm long

Place all ingredients into powerful blender and blend until smooth. Add ice and/or more water until you reach your desired consistency


FUNCTIONAL FOOD TIP – Mesquite powder is a high protein source that contains good quantities of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, and is rich in the amino acid lysine as well. Lysine helps the body produce enzymes and other antibodies. It has a low GI rating that helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Macca powder is an ancient super food that contains unique alkaloids, which help stimulate the master glands, which in turn, help to optimise and balance the entire endocrine system.

Ingredients 300 ml almond milk 10 almonds 2 medjool dates 1 tsp macca powder 1 tsp mesquite powder 1 tsp cocoa powder Sprinkle of cardamom and cinnamon

Home Made Almond Milk

Place 10 almonds in water to soften over night

Before blending drain out water and wash nuts well

Place 2 cups of filtered water and almonds into powerful blender and blend until smooth

Strain liquid throw fine sieve or nut bag… viola!

Transfer to saucepan and warm through for added comfort on cold nights

Before Bed… enjoy another cup of warm water with slices of lemon and some grated fresh ginger… This will help settle your tummy and give you a calm night sleep.


FUNCTIONAL FOOD TIP – Ginger is known for its immune boosting, anti-Inflammatory and anti-nausea properties. In addition ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body – a perfect addition to help you get the most out of your power packed juices.

Ingredients 20 green or red grapes 1 orange, peeled 2-3 cups raw spinach 2 thin slices of lime, one with zest 1 pinch cayenne pepper 1 cup coconut water or regular water 1 inch ginger, peeled a few ice cubes

Place all ingredients into powerful blender and blend until smooth. Add ice and/or more water until you reach your desired consistency.


FUNCTIONAL FOOD TIP – The humble beetroot is a powerful vegetable, having no trans or saturated fat they are rich in carbohydrates, which can provide a lot of energy and are quite filling. Beets contain a high source of folic acid, which is a B-vitamin that helps the body to regenerate new cells. Additionally, beetroot contains high sources of magnesium, sodium, potassium and vitamin C, all important for healthy cellular function. For mood, beets contain the same chemical that is used to combat depression Trimethylglycine. And let’s not forget the beet leaves, they are edible as well and contain many of the same benefits.

Ingredients 2 small carrots 1 beetroot peeled 1 pear 1 celery stick 2 blood oranges 1 inch ginger, peeled a few ice cubes

Place all ingredients into powerful blender and blend until smooth. Add ice and/or more water until you reach your desired consistency.


For the purpose of this program we will not be including any alcohol or caffeine in the nourishment plan. We want you to enjoy the reward of discipline and experience what a drug free body feels like! This eating plan is based on the principles of clean eating. Choosing to eat foods that have not been processed, refined or overly manipulated by man.

We’re spoiling ourselves in this program. With everyday eating after the program you will need to be more budget minded and cater to a wider family audience. Use the time you have with us to find more cost effective versions of what you enjoy and make little adaptations that your kids will love, if this is a consideration.

This plan is about simplicity. Simple recipes if you would even call them that. A few tips for ease. Use the jars from your cleanse for the juices over the next 7 days. Be adventurous – give everything a try. If you still don’t like it - c’est la vie… Have fun exploring… I look forward to your feedback, favourites and least favourites…

The Exercise Therapist

DAY 4 (Reintroduction of solids)

Breakfast Minted fruit salad & herbal tea. My pick of the herbal teas is white needle from T2, mint and Bergamot (Miriage brand) Detox tea from Pukka, Match powder tea from T2 and any ginger tea. You can also order gorgeous organic teas from Maydetea online. They are beautiful. Add a squeeze of half a lemon to each cup.

Two kiwi fruit, ½ dragon fruit, one orange, two passion fruit (fresh not pulped), juice of one lime, two tablespoons of goats milk yoghurt sprinkled with chopped mint, coconut chips and slivered almonds.

Tips for returning to solids – Kefir is a great source of good gut bacteria, it can be cultured at home to produce a more pure and stronger source – but can also be taken via a Babushka Kefir drink available from the refrigerated section at most IGA stores.

AM Snack One slice of Dr Kargs 3 seed cracker bread spread with ¼ avocado and topped with Raw Kim Chi (Foleys Frothing Fermentation is yummiest).

Lunch One Poached chicken breast pulled apart with diced cucumber, coriander, topped with one tablespoon natural organic pot set yoghurt. Season to taste.

PM Snack Orange

Dinner Green Me Happy green juice. Ice, cucumber x 1, kiwi fruit x 4, mint, goji juice 1/2 cup, 1/4 avocado, handful organic kale and 1 x lime. Makes enough for two jars.

DAY 5 (Reconnecting with true flavours)

Breakfast One cup of Brookfarm power porrij sprinkled with two teaspoons macca powder, extra chia seeds and warm almond milk then drizzled with organic Manuka honey.

AM Snack One Treat ball and a cup of green tea. Treats balls are little raw balls packed full of natural sweetness and goodness. Mejool dates x 15, almond meal to balance mixture, one tablespoon macca powder 2 teaspoons of hemp seeds, 2 tablespoons of cocoa nibs, one tablespoon cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons coconut chips, handful pistachio nuts and a handful of caramelized Buckinis. Throw all into food processor and blitz. Roll into balls then roll in some more cocoa powder. Makes about 10 decent sized balls. So yummy and filling…

Lunch One boiled egg and small tin of tuna in spring water over mix of chopped organic kale (important that this is organic) & spinach leaves topped with cherry tomatoes then sprinkle with hemp seeds and slivered almonds.

PM Snack Juice with carrot/lemon/apple/ginger/turmeric.

Dinner Dinner is steamed ginger fish with braised bok choy. Just add chunk of ginger into steamer with fish. Sprinkle generous piece of white fish of choice with fresh coriander and a little fish sauce/lime juice/apple cider vinegar, chopped chilli and a little more grated ginger.

* Reminder to make the houmous and steam the beets & broccoli florets tonight for tomorrow’s lunch.Throw the beets in the steamer before you start the houmous. For the houmous you’ll need one can of chick peas don’t drain, 1 tblspn tahini paste, 2 garlic cloves, 3 tablespoons of goats milk natural yoghurt super squeeze of lemon. Drain the chickpeas but keep the juice in a cup. Blitz the rest together slowly adding a little of the chickpea juice until texture is just how you like it. Add super squeeze of lemon and stir then transfer to a container for fridge storage. Throw the brocollini florets in the steamer for a minute or so then remove beets and florets and store in fridge.

DAY 6 (Balancing Protein)

Breakfast Scrambled eggs with a generous sprinkle of chia seeds (two egg whites one yolk) cherry tomatoes, spinach and a sprinkle of crumbed feta cheese.

AM Snack Juice with carrot/lemon/apple/ginger/turmeric.

Lunch Mixed leafy greens with ¼ avocado, 2 x steamed beetroot, handful of shaved fennel, half a dozen broccoli florets sprinkled with chia & hemp seeds. One of Dr Karg’s cracker breads with a generous spread of home made houmous.

PM Snack One treat ball & a cup of tea.

Dinner Stir some steamed spinach, kale and broccoli through one serve (as per packet) of organic black bean spaghetti topped with thinly sliced piece of rump steak cooked just how you like it. Dress with a shake of equal parts sesame seeds/apple cider vinegar/fish sauce/teaspoon manuka honey/olive oil.

DAY 7 (The versatility of the glass jar!)

Breakfast Bowl of love. Half cup puffed quinoa, tablespoon macca powder, sprinkle coconut chips, one tablespoon chia seeds, steel cut oats ¼ cup, two tablespoons of organic goats milk natural yoghurt

AM Snack One treat ball and a cup of tea of choice.

Lunch Green Me Happy smoothie. Ice, cucumber x 1, kiwi fruit x 4, mint, goji Juice 1/2 cup, 1/4 avocado, handful organic kale and 1 x lime. Makes enough for two jars.

PM Snack Orange/mandarin.

Dinner Easy chicken soup made on organic whole chicken with garlic, thyme, bay leaves, onion, peppercorns. Bring to boil then simmer for an hour them remove chicken from broth remove flesh and return to broth. Add lentils/split green peas, chopped leak and corn kernel from two cobs and leave for 20 minutes. Just before serving add spinach leaves and stir. Season to taste. Enjoy! Separate what’s left over into portions and freeze. Leave one in Fridge for tomorrow lunch.

DAY 8 (Habitual behaviours & positive changes)

Breakfast Bowl of love.

AM Snack ‘A Winter Hug’ juice. Full of anti-inflammatory & immune boosting goodness this juice leaves you feeling warm from the inside – like a hug for your tummy…2 carrots, ¼ of a pinapple, ½-1 cup of coconut water depending how you like it…turmeric, ginger & galangal (peeled fresh) a sprinkle of hemp seeds and macca powder. Blitz and enjoy x

Lunch A serve of Bird Bath Broth with a Dr Kargs cracker bread broken over the top.

PM Snack One of Dr.Kargs cracker breads with a generous spread of houmous, a mandarin and a cup of tea.

Dinner Organic Adzuki beans with fungi and foliage. Brown off a mix of mushrooms that you like with diced garlic and onion, chilli and some olive oil. Try to use three different types just for taste… add some spinach and chopped kale and cook until wilted. Poor over a serve of cooked Adzuki bean spaghetti. Season to taste. Dry grill a piece of rump steak or chicken to have on the side.

DAY 9 (Eating clean out and about)

Breakfast Two Poached eggs served with wilted spinach.

AM Snack Fresh squeezed juice or green smoothie of choice from cafe.

Lunch A pile it up Pita! Pita bread or wraps are pretty easy to find out and about. Ask for one piled high with tuna salad and seasoning.

PM Snack Pack a protein treat ball to have with a take away cup of herbal tea on the go.

Dinner Eating out doesn’t need to be tricky just break the menu down into basic proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Pick good fats and protein over heavy processed pastas etc. Choose a basic protein served with either steamed veggies or a salad on the side.

When you get home treat yourself to some goats milk yoghurt sprinkled with cacoao nibs and slivered almonds. Caramelised Buckinis add a great crunch to this treat if you that way inclined. Drizzle some manuka honey over the top – it really is heavenly.

DAY 10 (Peaceful Preparation)

Sunday is a great day to cook and prepare meals for the week ahead. Enjoy flicking through some clean eating books like ‘I Quit Sugar’ by Sarah Wilson or recipes catalogues on Teresa Cutter website,,, are some of my favourites.

* Soak the almonds today for the almond milk used in the quinoa pudding on the menu tomorrow…Drop about 10 almonds in a cup of purified water. Cover and leave out on windowsill.

Breakfast Bowl of love.

AM Snack Handful of almonds and an apple.

Lunch The black doctor medicinal juice – handful of organic kale, 2 kiwi fruit, ½ cup of frozen blueberries, ½ cup of goji juice, juice of one lemon, sprinkle of chia & hemp seeds. Vitamin C super juice!

PM Snack Orange and a cup of tea of choice.

Dinner Zucchini bake. Grate three whole zucchinis. Whisk 6 eggs with a little whole milk

(Margaret river milk is great) and seasoning. Sprinkle the zucchini with hemp seeds and spread out over the base of a baking dish. Pour the egg mix over the top and bake for 20 mins on moderate oven. Plain, simple but nourishing and yummy. Its also versatile and a great base meal anytime of the day. Throw some kim chi on top and gobble.

Dessert Teresa Cutters is one of my favourite clean eating foodies. This is one of my favourite treat recipes….Check out her website search mango lassi and save it to your reading list. I get a feeling you’ll be visiting it again soon…

DAY 1 Post Program suggested daily plan

Throw quinoa in a bowl and pour one tin of coconut milk over the top. Take the almond milk mix and drain catching liquid. Rinse the almonds really well. Put five back in a blender and blitz with caught liquid. Pour into coconut milk with quinoa. Cover with glad wrap and leave in the fridge for tonight.

Breakfast Scrambled eggs with a generous sprinkle of chia seeds (two egg whites one yolk) cherry tomatoes, spinach and a sprinkle of crumbed Feta cheese.

AM Snack Sliced apple and houmous

Lunch Two Dr Kargs cracker breads with avocado and tinned tuna topped with Foleys fermented Kim Chi.

PM Snack ‘A Winter Hug’ juice. Full of anti-inflammatory & immune boosting goodness this juice leaves you feeling warm from the inside – like a hug for your tummy…2 carrots, ¼ of a pinapple, ½-1 cup of coconut water depending how you like it…turmeric, ginger & galangal (peeled fresh) a sprinkle of hemp seeds and macca powder. Blitz and enjoy x

Dinner Grilled chicken breast with steamed greens (bok choy/broccoli/snow peas) Squeeze lemon over all before eating. Quinoa coconut pudding is our sweet exploration tonight. Take the coconut & almond milk quinoa mix out of the fridge. Put into a saucepan and simmer until quinoa is soft. Set aside to cool a little. To serve spoon mix into glass and drizzle with manuka honey. I like to throw a few cocoa nibs on top as well…So yummy x

DAY 2 Tuesday (Exploring & experimenting with clean eating)

Today and tomorrow you get to put together your own meal plans. Your pantry is full of positive, clean choices. You’ve tried a variety of new foods and meals. Take the time to consider what meals and food types your body responded well to. What tastes did you enjoy. What flavours and nutrient combinations did you respond best to…? Record your days plan and share it on facebook or instagram and tag The Exercise Therapist. We love to see the many combinations that you all choose.


AM Snack


PM Snack


DAY 3 Wednesday (Personalizing your food choices)


AM Snack


PM Snack


RECORDING POSITIVE CHANGESBy adopting clean mindful eating and movement practices you will naturally enjoy positive changes in your body, posture, skin, appearance, mood, disposition and general perception of life. Here we are going to record these changes so that you can look back on them at the end of the program and enjoy.


1. Photo of me on day one

2. My weight

3. My measurements

True waist (smallest part of your waist):

Umbilical (in line with the belly button):

Iliac crest (on the hip bones):

Widest point (across widest part of bottom):


1. Photo of me on day one

2. My weight

3. My measurements

True waist (smallest part of your waist):

Umbilical (in line with the belly button):

Iliac crest (on the hip bones):

Widest point (across widest part of bottom):


DAY ONE PROGRAM (Please circle the appropriate number below).

How satisfied are you with your current health and well being?

How satisfied are you with your current body weight?

How satisfied are you with your current motivation to exercise?

How would you rate your current daily stress levels?

How well do you feel that you cope with your daily stress levels?

What are your current daily fatigue levels?

How satisfied are you with your current fitness level?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unsatisfied Some what Satisfied Totally Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unsatisfied Some what Satisfied Totally Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unsatisfied Some what Satisfied Totally Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unsatisfied Some what Satisfied Totally Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Very low Average Very high

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Very low Average Very high

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Very low Average Very high

DAY TEN PROGRAM (Please circle the appropriate number below).

How satisfied are you with your current health and well being?

How satisfied are you with your current body weight?

How satisfied are you with your current motivation to exercise?

How would you rate your current daily stress levels?

How well do you feel that you cope with your daily stress levels?

What are your current daily fatigue levels?

How satisfied are you with your current fitness level?

How would you rate your general happiness with life?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unsatisfied Some what Satisfied Totally Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unsatisfied Some what Satisfied Totally Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unsatisfied Some what Satisfied Totally Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unsatisfied Some what Satisfied Totally Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Very low Average Very high

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Very low Average Very high

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unhappy Average Very happy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Very low Average Very high

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unhappy Average Very happy

How would you rate your general happiness with life?

*This snapshot is designed to give a general representation of your personal opinions concerning your physical health and well being at the start of Reboot. Please repeat this snapshot on day Thirteen of the program.

I have ordered my discounted one juice cleanse from Pressed Earth.

I have read my PPP kit and understand the elements of the program and feel comfortable that I have made all of the required arrangements to ensure I get the most out of the program.

I have taken my measurements and a foxy selfie for my records.

I have completed my Day one personal health snapshot.

I have printed off the link to my health screening form, completed it and emailed it back to The Exercise Therapist at

I have read all the eating plan and shopping list and have made notes of any queries I may have to email The Exercise Therapist.

I have taken a deep breath – smiled and given thanks that I am in a position to enjoy this program and look forward to opening myself up to the positive changes and experiences that await me.

Namaste :-)


Most of the fresh foods in this list can be obtained from your local market or green grocer. Please try to buy organic where possible.



goats/sheeps milk natural pot set yoghurt (meredith dairy is lovely) natural organic pot set yoghurt spelt wraps organic adzuki bean spaghetti organic black bean spaghetti herbal teas of your choice (refer to suggestions in day 4 breakfast) green tea slivered almonds pistachio nuts mejool dates one packet almond meal dozen eggs 3 organic/free range chicken breasts one whole organic/free range chicken chia seeds black and white quinoa tinned coconut milk x2 manuka honey 3 tins of sustainable tuna fish sauce crumbed feta cheese apple cider vinegar 3 rump steaks sesame seeds virgin olive oil bay leaves green split peas lentils whole milk (Margaret rivers great) frozen blueberries one fillet of white fish purified water (filtered)


organic kale 12 oranges mandarins 8 kiwi fruit 1 dragon fruit 2 passionsfruits 3 limes fresh mint 4 lemons 3 avocados 6 lebanese cucumbers fresh coriander tyme fresh galangal & ginger garlic bok choy 2 chillis fresh turmeric bag of organic carrots 4 red apples spinach leaves cherry tomatoes 2 beetroots broccoli fennel leek 3 onions 1 pinapple 3 different types of mushrooms 3 zucchini snow peas mango


hemp seeds macca powder caramelized buckinis brookfarm power porrij dr. kargs classic 3 seed bread of distinction natures goodness goji juice coconut chips cacao nibs cacao powder organic almonds for milk ½ cup foleys fermented kim chi coconut water tahini paste puffed quinoa steel cut oats vanilla bean paste himalayan bath salts

Throughout this REBOOT kit I mention places to look for great ideas, motivation and inspiration. Below is an easy reference list for you to enjoy.

Stay in touch… The Exercise Therapist facebook page is the exercise therapist Instagram account is @theexercisetherapist

To be completed… Link to adult pre exercise screening tool -

Greatergood mindfulness quiz link -

Meditation link body scan -

Click on the trial session and enjoy your body scan meditation. If you enjoy it you can download the app.

Great reference tools… My pic of the herbal teas is white needle from T2, mint and bergamont (Miriage brand) Detox tea from Pukka, Match powder tea from T2 and any ginger tea. You can also order gorgeous organic teas from Maydetea online.

Some clean eating books like “I Quit Sugar’ by Sarah Wilson

Recipes catalogues on Teresa Cutters website, are some of my favourites.

For more clean eating inspiration and ideas to keep your freshly revised habits in place go to


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