pearson btec nationals in health and social care · education institutions, your new btec nationals...

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A guide to your newPearson BTEC Nationals in

Health and Social Care

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care

What's in your Guide?

UK: 020 7010 2162


Your subject advisorRachel Southern

Choice of subjects and course sizes

With the widest choice of vocational subjects available, BTEC Nationals offer a range of course sizes, each with a clear purpose supporting progression to higher education or a career.

Find out:

l Course titles and sizes l Unit-by-unit contentl Mandatory and optional content

Vocational BTEC courses open the door to higher education and a career

We’ve worked closely with over 5,000 employers, universities, teaching professionals and trainers to develop the new BTEC Nationals.

Find out:

l What schools and colleges told us they liked about BTEC Nationals, and how we could improve them.

l WhyemployersvaluestudentswithBTECqualifications,andwhytheysupportthenewNationalsqualifications.

l Why HE institutions continue to accept BTECs, and what they said they wantedtoseeinthenewqualifications.

l How BTEC helped our Award winners achieve their goals.

Students apply learning through a range of practical assessments

BTEC Nationals use a combination of assessment styles to give your students confidencetheycanapplytheirknowledgetosucceedintheworkplace–andhave the study skills to continue learning on higher education courses and throughout their career.

Find out about:

l Assignments:Setandmarkedbyteachers;verifiedbyPearson.Stillthemain form of assessment for all BTEC Nationals.

l Tasks: provide students with work-based challenges in timed, realistic work conditions.

l Written exams: Students create written answers to practical questions in exam conditions.

Combines qualifications, resources and training to enable progression

Your course toolkit provides free-to-access, high-quality content to support planning, teaching, assessment and progress tracking, including more examples of the items you’ve told us make the most difference.


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Introducing your new Health & Social Care BTEC Nationals

With input from over 5,000 teachers, employers and higher education institutions, your new BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care combine up-to-date industry knowledge with the right balance of the practical, research and behavioural skills your students need to succeed in higher education and in their careers.

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care

Choice of course sizesYou can choose from a range of course sizes, each with a clear purpose supporting progression towards a career or further study. Thismeansyourstudentscankeeptheiroptionsopen,andbeconfidentthey’re choosing the right course to suit their study programme.

Up-to-date contentInresponsetoyourfeedback,we'verefinedandupdatedthecontentsoitbetter supports student progression, whether that’s into higher education or to employment.Your new courses include a solid foundation of mandatory content. That meansemployersandhighereducationproviderscanbeconfidentBTEC-qualifiedstudentsdemonstratethesameskillsandunderstandingandstillhave the opportunity to gain specialist knowledge through studying optional units.

A practical approach to assessmentYour new BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care use a combination of assessmentstylestogiveyourstudentsconfidencetheycanapplytheirknowledgetosucceedintheworkplace–andhavethestudyskillsto continue learning on higher education courses and throughout theircareer.Therangeofvocationalassessments–bothpracticalandwritten–meansstudentscanshowcasetheirlearningandachievements to best effect when they take their next step, whether that’s supporting applications to higher education courses or potential employers.

Comprehensive course supportThere's a range of high quality content and advice available for planning, teaching,assessmentandprogresstracking.Andyou’llfindmoreexamplesofthe support you’ve told us makes the most difference, including assignment briefs, schemes of work, sample marked learner work, specimen papers and tasks–andeasyaccesstooursubjectexperts.Takealookatoursupportsection for full details.

Support from higher education and employers We’ve designed your new BTEC Nationals to meet the needs of employers and higher education, so you have the right courses to support your students’ progression.Thatmeansyoucanbeconfidentthesewillbehighqualitycoursesfittingintoarangeofcurriculumplans,andprovidingtherightbalanceofmandatory content and assessment styles.

What’s new?

4 5

Higher Education

Kingston University

Southampton Solent University

University College Birmingham

University of Chichester

University of East Anglia

University of Exeter


University of Manchester


University of West England


Central Manchester University

Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Graham Care Group

Independence Matters

North Bristol NHS Trust

Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust

Sirona Care and Health

Professional Bodies

British Association of Social Workers

Norfolk Independent Care


Here are just some of the organisations so far who've written letters of support for your new BTEC Nationals.

Opening doors to higher education and a career

BTEC Health and Social Care Students...

62% of large companies haverecruitedemployeeswithaBTECqualification. Source: YouGov® research (Large Businesses, Feb 2011)

The number of students with a mix of A levels and BTECs accepted into UK higher education courses has grown from 4,692 in 2008 to 15,364 in 2013.

Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)



15,364 in


Watch the full video online at

There’s a few significant changes, one of which is to have more mandatory content, which is great for employers and for a professional body like

ourselves, that students coming to us will, we can be certain, have similar levels of knowledge skills and understanding in similar areas.

John Cunningham, Head of Qualifications, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

[We] looked at the content of the BTEC,

we refined it, we made it more modern, we

made it more suitable for admission to

university.Drew Tarmey

Senior Lecturer University of Manchester

“ ”

6 7BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care

... take responsibility for their own learning

... know how to work to a brief with set


... efficiently manage time to complete tasks

and processes

... have real experience of

effective teamwork

... develop interpersonal and

practical thinking skills

... have a strong core base of knowledge

... have practical experience from real

world assignments

37% of BTEC Health and Social Care students entering HE studied a Nursing degreeSource: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) 2012

"I enjoyed the BTEC because it does cover everything that goes on in life, and it does make you open your eyes and realise what’s going on. Itidentifiesthingsthatyouwouldn’thaveknownbefore. It’smademealotmoreconfident."Outstanding BTEC Health and Social Care Student of the Year 2015 Stephanie Trembath

Bethany chose the BTEC Level 3 National in Health and Social Care following her A level study. After achieving a Distinction grade, she she went on to study Psychology and Linguistics at University. Outstanding BTEC Health and Social Care Student of the Year 2014 Bethany Alsbury

We'vedesignedeachofyournewBTECNationalsqualificationsprimarilytomeet the needs of employers and higher education, ensuring you have the right coursestosupportyourstudents'progression.Thatmeansyoucanbeconfidentthesewillbehigh-qualitycoursesfittingintoarangeofcurriculumplans,andwillprovide the knowledge your students need to succeed.

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care

Choice of course sizes – at a glance

Types of assessment



Written exam–SetandmarkedbyPearson

Mandatory unit types

H Mandatory Unit that must be passed

S Mandatory Synoptic Unit

T Must achieve at least 2 of the total units

The BTEC Nationals in Health in Social Care provide you with a wide range of qualificationsizestochoosefrom.Eachhasaclearpurpose,andisdesignedtoensure progression to higher education or into employment.

Certificate(180 GLH)

Extended Certificate(360 GLH)

Foundation Diploma(510 GLH)

Diploma(720 GLH)

Extended Diploma

(1080 GLH)

Extended Diploma (Health Studies)

(1080 GLH)

Equivalent in size to 0.5 A-levels

Equivalent in size to 1 A-level

Equivalent in size to 1.5 A-levels

Equivalent in size to 2 A-levels

Equivalent in size to 3 A-levels

Equivalent in size to 3 A-levels

AppliedGeneralQualification* AppliedGeneralQualification* AppliedGeneralQualification* AppliedGeneralQualification* AppliedGeneralQualification* AppliedGeneralQualification*



1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

3. Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care H

3. Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care H

4. Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H S

4. Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H S

4. Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H S

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H S

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H S

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H S

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H T

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H

6. Work Experience in Health and Social Care (60 GLH) H

6. Work Experience in Health and Social Care (60 GLH) H

7. Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (90 GLH) H

7. Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (90 GLH) H T

7. Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (90 GLH) H

7. Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (90 GLH) H

8. Promoting Public Health (90 GLH) H T

8. Promoting Public Health (90 GLH) H

8. Promoting Public Health (90 GLH) H


Optional work placement of at least 50 hours

Optional work placement of at least 100 hours

Mandatory work placement of at least 100 hours

Mandatory work placement of at least 100 hours

8 9

For more details, see page 18.

Performance measures and funding*Indicatesthisqualificationhasbeenincluded

on the Department for Education's 16-19 performance measure lists (2018 results) (England only). All new BTEC Nationals are funded for 16-18 learners. Those included on a 16-19 list are also eligible for 19-23 entitlement funding.

Choice of course sizes – in detail

QAN 601/7199/6Equivalent in

size to 1.5 A Levels

Total number of Units 6

Aim To provide students with a base of study in the Health and Social sector and who aim to progress to higher education, and ultimately employment in Health and Social Care.

Progression to

Further study at level 3, higher education or training Health and Social Care or a related sector.

Optional unit choices

6. Work Experience in Health and Social Care

10. Sociological perspectives11. Psychological perspective12. Supporting Individuals with Additional

needs14. Physiological Disorders and their Care19. Nutritional Health

Here we will take an in-depth look through your BTEC Nationals in Health and SocialCareshowingtheunitchoicesforeachqualificationandhowyourstudentscan progress.

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care10 11

2 MANDATORY UNITS1. Human lifespan Development

(90 GLH) H

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H S

3 MANDATORY UNITSMandatory Units–

Learners complete and achieve all units

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H S

Learners complete 1 Optional Unit

4 MANDATORY UNITSMandatory Units –

Learners complete and achieve all units

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H S

7. Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (90 GLH) H

Learners complete 2 Optional Units

Optional work placement of at least 50 hours

6 MANDATORY UNITSMandatory Units –

Learners complete and achieve all units

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

4. Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H S

Mandatory Internally Assessed Units–Learnerscomplete all units and must

achieve at least 2 5. Meeting Individual Care and

Support Needs (90 GLH) H T

7. Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (90 GLH) H T

8. Promoting Public Health (90 GLH) H T

Learners complete 2 Optional Units

Optional work placement of at least 100 hours

Certificate (180 GLH)

Diploma (720 GLH)Extended Certificate (360 GLH)

Foundation Diploma (510 GLH)

QAN 601/7193/5Equivalent in

size to 0.5 A Level

Total number of Units 2

Aim To provide students with an introduction of the Health and Social care sector, normally to be taken alongside other level 3qualifications.

Progression to

Further study at level 3, higher education or training in Health and Social Care or a related sector

QAN 601/7197/2Equivalent in

size to 1 A Level

Total number of Units 4

Aim To give a broad overview of the Health and Social Care sector, forming part of a programme of study including other courses e.g. BTEC Nationals or A levels.

Progression to

Further study at level 3, higher education or training in health and social care or a related sector.

Optional unit choices

6. Work Experience in Health and Social Care

10. Sociological perspectives11. Psychological perspective12. Supporting Individuals with Additional

needs14. Physiological Disorders and their Care

QAN 601/7194/7Equivalent in

size to 2 A Levels

Total number of Units 8

Aim To provide a substantive part of a study programme for learners who want a strong core of the Health and Social Care sector study, with space for additional subjects studied to offer breadth or focus to their study programme.

Progression to

A career in Health and Social Care, via higher education or entry-level employment such as apprenticeships.

Optional unit choices

6. Work Experience in Health and Social Care

10. Sociological perspectives11. Psychological perspective12. Supporting Individuals with Additional

needs14. Physiological Disorders and their Care19. Nutritional Health23. The English Legal System 24. Employment Law25. Aspects of Civil Liability Affecting

Business26. Aspects of Criminal Law Impacting on

Business and Individuals27. Work Experience in Business

Types of assessment



Written exam–SetandmarkedbyPearson

Mandatory unit types

H Mandatory Unit that must be passed

S Mandatory Synoptic Unit

T Must achieve at least 2 of the total units

For more details, see page 18.

Progress to Employment Your Extended Diploma could help you gain entry into careers like: ● Radiography ● Midwifery and nursing ● Paramedic science ● Podiatry ● Healthcare science ● NHS Practitioner Training


BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care12 13

8 MANDATORY UNITSMandatory Units–

Learners complete and achieve all units

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

3. Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care H

4. Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H S

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H

6. Work Experience in Health and Social Care (60 GLH) H

7. Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (90 GLH) H

8. Promoting Public Health (90 GLH) H

Learners complete 2-3 units from optional

units group ALearners complete

2-3 units from optional units group B

Total of 5 optional units required

Mandatory work placement of at least 100 hours

8 MANDATORY UNITSMandatory Units–

Learners complete and achieve all units

1. Human lifespan Development (90 GLH) H

2. Working in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H

3. Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care H

4. Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care (120 GLH) H S

5. Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (90 GLH) H

6. Work Experience in Health and Social Care (60 GLH) H

7. Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (90 GLH) H

8. Promoting Public Health (90 GLH) H

Learners complete 3 units from optional units group A

Learners complete 2 units from optional units group B

Mandatory work placement of at least 100 hours

Extended Diploma (1080 GLH)

Extended Diploma (Health Studies) (1080 GLH)

Choice of course sizes – in detail

Progress to Higher Education You can use an Extended Diploma to progress onto a degree in: ● BSc (Hons) in Nursing ● BA (Hons) in Social Work ● BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy ● BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy ● BSc (Hons) in Speech Therapy ● BA (Hons) in Health and Social Care

QAN 601/7198/4 Equivalent in

size to 3 A Levels

Total number of Units 13

Aim To provide a strong study programme in the Health and Social Care sector, offering depth and breadth of knowledge, as a main study programme.

Progression to

A career in health and social care, via higher education or direct employment.

Optional unit choices

9. Infection Prevention and Control10. Sociological perspectives11. Psychological perspective12. Supporting Individuals with Additional

needs14. Physiological Disorders and their Care16. Policy in Health and Social Care17. Caring for Individuals with Dementia18. Assessing Children’s Development

Support Needs19. Nutritional Health20. Understanding Mental Wellbeing24. Biochemistry for Health

QAN 601/7198/4Equivalent in

size to 3 A Levels

Total number of Units 13

Aim To provide a strong study programme in the health care sector, offering depth and breadth of knowledge, as a main study programme.

Progression to

A career in health care, via higher education or direct employment.

Optional unit choices

9. Infection Prevention and Control11. Psychological perspective13. ScientificTechniquesforHealthScience14. Physiological Disorders and their Care15. Microbiology for Health Science17. Caring for Individuals with Dementia19. Nutritional Health20. Understanding Mental Wellbeing21. Medical Physics Applications in the

Health Sector22. Genetics23. Biomedical Science24. Biochemistry for Health25. Complementary Therapies for Health

and Social Care26. Health Psychology

Types of assessment



Written exam–SetandmarkedbyPearson

Mandatory unit types

H Mandatory Unit that must be passed

S Mandatory Synoptic Unit

T Must achieve at least 2 of the total units

For more details, see page 18.

Students apply learning through practical assessments

The same teaching and assessment style you know and love In units assessed by assignments, your programme team creates an assignment brief for students to carry out set tasks and create evidence to work-related scenarios. Assignments can include research, projects, investigations,fieldwork,andexperiments,andoftenlinktheory with practical exercises.

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care14 15


Set and marked by:Centre (school, college or training provider)

Verified by:Pearson

What’s involvedStudents complete a series of tasks set in a work-related scenario which you can tailor to local industry needs.

What’s the result?Your students generate authentic evidence, drawing on their knowledge and skills to complete a practical project over a period of time, working either individually or in a team.


All internal assessment is quality assured through a combinationofinternalverification(carriedoutbyyouinyourcentre)andexternalverification(sampling)whichwe carry out annually to ensure all centres are assessing consistently to the national standard.

Authorised assignment briefs Pre-approved assignments so you don't need to worry

Assignments Tasks Written exams

BTEC Nationals use a combination of assessment styles to give your students confidencetheycanapplytheirknowledgetosucceedintheworkplace–andhave the study skills to continue learning on higher education courses. This rangeofvocationalassessments–bothpracticalandwritten–meanstudentscan showcase their learning and achievements to best effect when they take their next step, whether that’s supporting applications to higher education courses or potential employers.

BTEC Nationals use three types of assessment:

See page 15 See page 16 See page 17

Ready- to-use

assignment briefs

Mapped directly to

the delivery guides

BTEC Assignment Brief


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Health and Social Care Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Health and Social Care Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit number and title 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care

Learning aim(s) (For NQF only)

A: Examine how a duty of care contributes to safe practice in health and social care settings B: Understand how to recognise and respond to concerns about abuse and neglect in health and social care settings C: Investigate the influence of health and safety legislation and policies in health and social care settings D: Explore procedures and responsibilities to maintain health and safety and respond to accidents and emergencies in health and social care settings.

Assignment title Keeping People Safe


Issue date

Hand in deadline

Vocational Scenario or Context

The principles of safe practice should underpin all of the care support that is delivered in health and social care settings. All health and social care workers need to have working knowledge of these principles, in order to maintain the safety and wellbeing of the service users. You are asked to provide evidence of your understanding of the Principles of Safe Practice, by completing the tasks below. The research for the evidence you must produce, will support your preparation for a career in health and social care.

Task 1

In the context of either your work experience setting and one of the case studies attached to this Assignment Brief, or two case studies referring to one adult and one children’s health and social care setting. You must produce a report that

evaluates the significance of a duty of care, explaining its significance in promoting safe practice

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care16 17

Written Exams TasksStudents demonstrate their skills and knowledge in a real-life scenario they are likely to encounter in the workplace. You decide when in a given window the assessments take place, helping to ensure they take place at the most convenient time.

Set and marked by:

PearsonSet and marked by:


What's involved?

Students draw on essential information to create written answers to practical questions in exam conditions.

What's the result?

Exams helps to ensure that all students are consistently assessed. They help employers and higher education to trust that BTEC students come with the same consistent base of knowledge and skills.

What's involved?

Tasks require students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in a real-life scenario they are likely to encounter in the workplace. They provide students work-based challenges, where they are faced with realistic work conditions and time-based pressures.

What's the result?

Tasks help to provide a consistent standard of assessment for all BTEC students. Employers and higher education can trust BTEC students come with the same consistent base of knowledge and skills.

Unit 5: Enquiries into current research in health and social care, involves a two-part task where students are provided with a choice of two articles to research. In part B students use their research to complete a written task. The purpose of the assessment is to test students’ understanding of researchmethodsandtheimpactoffindingson the industry.

Unit 2: Working in health and social care.

1 hour and 30 minute exam. The exam is divided into four sections, based on a short scenario relating to an individual with health and social care needs.

Unit 4: Anatomy and physiology for health and social care, assesses students

1 hour 30 minute exam.A mixture of multiple choice, short and long answer questions. Assesses students’ understanding of the structure of human anatomy and the function of different body systems.

Unit 1: Human life span development.

1 hour 30 minute exam. Students work through questions that assess the understanding of growth and development through the human life span.


Written exams

Frequency: Twice yearly

Frequency: Twice yearly

Frequency: Twice yearly

Frequency: Twice yearly

First window: Summer 2018

First window: Summer 2017

First window: Summer 2017

First window: Summer 2018

Written exams take a practical approach to testing essential knowledge in test conditions.

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care18 19

Grading accurately reflects students' performance and achievementsEach BTEC Nationals unit is individually graded (Pass, Merit, Distinction) andcontributestowardsalearner'sfinalqualificationgrade.Eachunitcontributes points proportionally to the overall grade. This allows students to gain recognition for strong performance in areas they excel.

Alearner'sfinalgradeisdecidedbytheirperformanceacrossthequalification,basedonacombinedtotalofpointsearnedfromassessments. However, students need to pass most (and in some cases, all)mandatorycontenttoremaineligibleforanoverallqualificationpass.

Re-submissions and re-takesInternal assessments

How assessment recognises learners' overall achievement

SupportYou told us how important it is to have comprehensive support available to help with the planningandpresentationofyourqualifications.That's why we've developed a whole suite of support materials to help you at every step of the way.

Plan Teach Assess & Track Develop


Get to know your course

Specification Containsdetailsofallqualificationunits, and explains all the key information needed to deliver the qualification.

Course planning


Printed Resource

Editable Template

Digital Service

Personal Support


Getting Ready to Teach Events FREE, full-day events specificallydesignedtowalkyou through the delivery of your BTEC National courses.

Book your place now.

Synoptic assessment The content of some units (for example, Unit 4) helps learners demonstrate that they can apply skills, knowledge and techniques from acrossthequalification.Synopticunitscanbeassessedbyassignment,task,orexamandaffecttheoverallqualificationgradeinthesamewayas a regular unit.

Youcanfindmoredetailofpointsallocationsforeachunitin Section 9 of the specifications.

Recruit and prepare learners

Skills for Learning and Work These customisable activity sheets are available for your students to work through as part of your delivery of the course.

Re-submissionsEach internal assignment can be submitted once, within 15 days of the original work being returned to the student. Learners can improve their grade, whether that’s to reach the Pass threshold, or to achieve a narrowly-missed Merit or Distinction.

Re-takesIf a learner is still short of the Pass threshold, then they can re-take the assessment for that unit, against a new assignment brief which covers only Pass criteria.

Re-sitsStudents can re-sit externally assessed units once, in the next available assessment window. Because students will take a new paper or task brief, grades aren’t capped in re-sits, and they can improve their unit grade.

External assessments

'Must-pass' units

Learners must complete and pass all units which carry this symbol.


We've shown which units

have synoptic assessment on pages

8-9 with this symbol.


Expert help and support

Subject Advisor Get specialist support with a rangeofsubject-specificqueries,suchasspecificationqueries,qualificationdeliveryandgeneralassessment.

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care20 21


© Pearson Education 2015 2

Lesson Topic Lessontype Suggested activities Classroom


1 Introduction Lead-in: Discuss the content of the unit and how it will be assessed. 25 mins

Tutor-led presentation: Explain historic public health campaigns, e.g. cholera leading to leading to discussion on what constitutes public health. 30 mins

Paired activity: Identify the socio-economic restrictions to health protection for the rural and urban impoverished in 19th century Britain. 30 mins

Feed back to group. 15 mins Individual activity: Preparation for discussion on

what constitutes public health (individual research and small group consolidation). 45 mins

Whole group activity: Discussion on what constitutes public health. 30 mins

Plenary. 5 mins

Pens and paper, folders

Whiteboard or flip chart

Copies of the unit

2 Topic A1: The origins and aims of public health policy

IS Tutor-led presentation: Summarise the origins of public health policy. 5 mins

Tutor presentation: PowerPoint or other presentation materials to summarise the origins of public health policy. 1 hour

Small group activity: Learners work in small groups to research contributors to public health initiatives. They should create a display and feed back to rest of the group. 1 hour

Small group activity: Feed back to rest of the group. 50 mins

Plenary. 5 mins

PowerPoint or similar presentation device

Creative materials for a display


Schemes of Work Lesson-by-lesson plans of how to cover each unit together with suggestions for resources to support your teaching, and activities to keep students engaged.


Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

All questions relate to one family.

Julia is 47 years old and has two children. Sarah is 14 years old and David is two years old.

David’s physical development is monitored by a health visitor.

1 Describe gross and fine motor skills in relation to how David’s ability to grasp objects should develop.

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Total for Question 1 = 6 marks

2 Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Health and Social Care – Unit 1 – Final Sample Assessment Materials – Issue 1 –November 2015 © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Student Textbooks 1 and 2 in Health and Social Care are accompanied by an ActiveBook (a digital version of the Student Book), an easy way for learners to personalise their learning as they progress through the course, and perfect for revision and reinforcement of key skills.


9781446928004 – Pearson BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care – Delivery Guide Issue 1 – September © Pearson Education Limited 2015 6

Details of links to other BTEC units and qualifications, and to other relevant units/qualifications

This unit has links to all other units in the qualification, including the following:

● Unit 8: Keeping Individuals Safe in Health and Social Care Settings

● Unit 10: Communicating Professionally in Health and Social Care

● Unit 11: Infection Prevention and Control


In addition to the resources listed below, publishers are likely to produce Pearson-endorsed textbooks that support this unit of the BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care. Check the Pearson website ( for more information as titles achieve endorsement.


The books suggested below provide the learner with relevant information in a public service context.

Stretch B and Whitehouse M – BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Health and Social Care Student Book 1 (Pearson, 2010) ISBN 9781846907663

Stretch B and Whitehouse M – BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Health and Social Care Student Book 2 (Pearson, 2010) ISBN 9781846907470


Below is a range of general and health and social care websites that are current at the time of writing.

The BBC website contains useful information, articles and blogs. The activities available will be helpful when starting discussions about issues around health and social care.

Contains information about rights, discrimination, young people and factsheets.

Care Quality Commission

Health and Social Care Information Centre

National Health Service

Sample Assessment Material Gives realistic examples of what to expect in assessment.

Delivery Guides These guides are a companion to the specification,givingacomplete breakdown of each unit, ideas for delivery, and a list of helpful resources.

Paid-for resource

Printed Resource

Editable Template

Digital Service

Personal Support



Resources for learning and revision

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care • BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care22 23


ActiveLearn Digital Service Our Teaching Packs hosted on ActiveLearn Digital Service save you valuable time and provide you with all you need to help you create a personalised teaching and independent learning experience both in and outside the classroom.

Paid-for resource

Paid-for resource

Revise BTEC With a Revision Guide for classroom or independent study and a Revision Workbook for practice, our revision resources are the smart choice for those revising for the externally assessed units 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the new BTEC NationalsinHealthandSocialCarequalifications.

Delivery Guides


Training Courses Get expert guidance on every aspect of delivery from our experienced trainers with our face-to-face, online and centre-based training options.

Resources for planning and teaching

Assess & Track


Quality Assurance Handbooks Your detailed reference guide.

Standards Verifier and Quality Review visit

Standardisation Training LIV-led training to provide the supportyouneedtoconfidentlyassess to the national standard.

Examples of the standard

Authorised Assignment Briefs A selection of Assignment Briefs approved by a Senior Standards Verifier.

Specimen Papers and Mark Schemes Get instant access to our easy-to-use library of example exam papers and mark schemes.

Delivery Guides

Templates and tools

Reports and feedback

Examiner Reports Understand your students' performance in relation to national averages.

myBTECControl ALL your BTEC provision from one place

● myBTEC gives you complete visibility of all courses, assessment, internalverificationandassessmentdecisionsatyourcentre

Built by Pearson, for BTEC ● Youcanbeconfidentyouareusingtherightformsand

following the correct assessment processes. Learner tracking and sampling is all standardised so you know that your BTEC delivery is consistent across all departments.

Saves you time ● Enter your information once; download whenever you need it.

Professional development

Training Courses Get expert guidance on delivery from our experienced trainers. We have a range of events to help you in every aspect of planning, teaching and assessing your BTEC. To make our events as accessible as possible, we offer face-to-face, online and centre-based training options.


Printed Resource

Editable Template

Digital Service

Personal Support


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