pakistan punjab police

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Pakistan Punjab Police


    Flower of services

    Core services

    Core services of Punjab Police are as follows: maintain peace and order with public partnership; combat

    terrorism, sectarianism, and militancy; ensure security of vital installations and institutions; eliminate kidnappings

    for ransom; enforce traffic discipline; prompt and free registration of cases; fair and speedy investigations;

    professional and prompt response in calls for service; effectively redress public complaints; prevent highway,

    house, commercial, and street robberies; zero tolerance for violence, especially against women and children;

    arrest criminals and fugitives from justice; disseminate correct information to the public; and develop

    performance indicators along with monitoring mechanism.

    1)Facilitating services

    2)Enhancing services

    1)Facilitating services Information

    Informations are provided to POLICE by public via telephone inquiries, visiting Police Station the

    sequence is like The registration of the First Information Report (FIR) as per Section 154 of the CrPC.

    An FIR is an account of a cognizable (i.e. over which police has jurisdiction) offence that is entered in a

    particular format in a register at the police station. Every person has a right to report any matter at the

    concerned police station and have a case registered in the form of an FIR. The matter may be reported orally

    or in writing to an officer at a police station or on patrol. An officer who receives an oral report shall reduce

    it to writing and cause it to be recorded in the FIR register. A certified copy of the FIR, signed by an officer

    bearing the stamp of the police station is to be provided to the person who reports the crime.

    No police officer has the authority to refuse registration of a case. In case a crime is reported and a case is

    not registered, the person who reports the crime must inform the Sub-Divisional Police Officer or theSuperintendent of Police or the District Police Officer responsible for law and order in that particular area.

    Order taking

    Order taking in police is like how they respond to Fir after submitting Police actions after Fir the

    examination of the scene of crime , examination of witnesses and suspects, recording of

    statements, conducting searches seizing property, collecting fingerprints, footprints and other

    evidence, making arrests and detentions, interrogation of the accused.


    In police there is no billing or service Charges Govt of Pakistan is liable to pay police for there servicesas it is under the Govt. Whether fee may charged by any law for the time being in force any process-

    fees at court, no process shall be issued until the fees are paid, and, if such fees are not paid within a

    reasonable time, the [Court] may dismiss the complaint.


    There is no cash or cheque payment system in police Station as service charges

  • 7/29/2019 Pakistan Punjab Police


    Enhancing services

    HospitalityNowdays There is very well mannered staff who welcomes the customers in Police-Station and on

    telephone inquiry as well. In police vans and at police chowkis deal people in well mannered way. There are

    waiting rooms, Good and clean Environment in newly build Police-Stations.

    ConsultationPeople can consult their issues and problems at 24 hours on telephone as well in police station and Patrol

    Police at chowki

    SafekeepingSafekeeping in a police refers to property received or seized by the police not deemed contraband (items

    unlawful to possess) or evidence of a criminal offense. It is assumed that property placed in safekeeping

    will be returned to the rightful owner.

    ExceptionsThe Exceptions are A person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule.

    The Police May Not Do:

    Warrantless search: The police may not conduct a search anywhere you have a reasonable expectation of

    privacy unless, one of the exceptions applies.

    Use illegally obtained evidence: This is what is known as the exclusionary rule. If evidence was

    obtained by way of an illegal search, that evidence cannot be used against you at trial.

    Use illegally obtained evidence to find other evidence.

    Conduct a random search of your person: The police must have a reasonable suspicion that you areinvolved in criminal activity in order to stop and frisk you. If reasonable suspicion exists, they may pat

    down your outer clothing if they are concerned that you may be concealing a weapon.

    Conduct a random search of your vehicle: The police must have a reasonable suspicion that your car

    contains evidence of a crime, stolen goods and/or illegal items in order to search it.

    The Police MAY Do:

    Conduct a search with a valid warrant: In order to obtain a valid search warrant from a judge, the police

    must establish credible cause for the search. This means that they must show that it is more likely than not

    that a crime has occurred and, if a search is conducted, it is probable that they will find evidence of the

    crime. The police must specify the area(s) to be searched and the items they are looking for in their

    application for the warrant. Once a valid warrant is obtained, the police may enter the specified location(s)

    and conduct a search for the items.

    Legitimate expectation of privacy: The police may conduct a search and seize items of evidence when

    there is no legitimate expectation of privacy. For example, if you leave an illegal firearm on the hood of

    your car and the police drive by and see it, they may stop and seize the illegal firearm. You do not have a

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    legitimate expectation of privacy on the hood of your car or the things you leave on top of it. In this

    situation, it is as if no search has occurred.

    Consent: If the police ask for your permission to search, and you give it to them, the police may conduct a

    search of the area(s) to which you consented. The police do not need a warrant in this situation.

    Search incident to a valid arrest: The police have the authority search you and your immediate

    surroundings, incident to the arrest. For example, if the police stop and arrest you while you were driving,

    they ordinarily have the authority to search you and the entire passenger compartment the car.

    Inventory search: If you are arrested and taken to jail, the police do not need a warrant to search any items

    you have with you. For example, if the police impound your car, they are allowed to conduct and inventory

    search of your car and make a list of the items in it.

    Public safety: The police do not need a warrant to search if they reasonably fear for their safety or the

    publics safety. For example, if the police drive by your house and see you in the garage making bombs out

    of explosives, they can conduct a search.

    Imminent destruction of evidence: The police do not need a warrant to search if the reasonably believe

    that evidence will be destroyed. For example, if the police see you running into a house with a bag ofcocaine, the police may enter and search on the reasonable belief that you are going to flush the cocaine

    down the toilet.

    Hot pursuit:The police may search without a warrant if they are in hot pursuit. For example, if the

    police are chasing you from the scene of a bank robbery and you run into your house, they can enter the

    house and search for you.

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