outdoor marketing

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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Faculty of Management Studies

Pacific Academy of Higher Education &

Research University


Report onContemporary IssueOutdoor Marketing-

The Recent Developments

Submitted for course number 629 of theMBA-Dual Specialization

Second semester2011-2012

Submitted By:-


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I deem my proud privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude & indebtedness

to all the officials & the faculty, PIM, Udaipur for their continuous support,

encouragement & guidance during collection of data & presenting seminar on

Outdoor Marketing-The Recent Developments.

I would like to thank Mrs. SHEELA DASHORA (PIM), Udaipur for her help and

support during the project work. I am benefited greatly from her directions, advice

& valuable suggestions. I extend my acknowledgment for her invaluable guidance

& immense interest shown towards every step of its information.


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Traditionally Outdoor Advertising has been synonymous to billboards and use of certain street furniture for advertising. Mumbai has hoardings all around the city, in all sizes and shapes, and at locations where they are bound to get noticed. Earlier, hoardings, bus shelters, etc, were part of Outdoor Advertising, but today, they have become a part of the larger OOH Advertising.

Things have changed. Over the past few years, the outdoor advertising industry has evolved into a rejuvenated media force to be reckoned with what’s poised to compete aggressively in the 21st century media fray. While many traditional media segments have struggled to remain competitive in a period of economic strife, the outdoor industry has remained relatively unscathed and solvent due in large part to the strength of local sales as both national and regional brands have shifted a significant portion of advertising spend to grassroots promotions.

With the media explosion reverberating all around and increasing competition amongst the brand marketers to be eye-catching, media- planners are looking at the possibilities of Outdoor Advertising now known as Out-Of- Home or OOH.

The OOH media is growing constantly and is expected to cross Rs 2,000 cr. in the next five years.

Outdoor advertising is no more restricted to billboards. As the Indian consumer is bombarded with 1,00,000 advertisements a day on more than 250 channels, outdoor advertising has shown promise to break the clutter of advertising on traditional mediums. Out-of-home has revolutionized the way outdoor communications is being looked upon by marketers and today, it has transcended the traditional outdoor media options, extending to communicate with the customers at various touch points.

The new Outdoor media options starting from the cornerstone of Outdoor the billboards, street- furniture (bus- stops, walls etc.), transit media such as buses, railways and mobile-vans to new alternate media such as mall kiosks, building boards etc.

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“Any advertising done outdoors that publicizes your business's products and services. Types of outdoor advertising include billboards, bus benches, interiors and exteriors of buses, taxis and business vehicles, and signage posted on the exterior of your own brick-and-mortar location.”

Outdoor advertising works well for promoting your product in specific geographic areas. While billboards, bus benches, and transit advertising can be very effective for the small-business owner, any successful outdoor campaign begins with your own location's signage.

Your outdoor sign is often the first thing a potential customer sees. Your sign should be sufficiently bright and conspicuous to attract attention (without being garish) and sufficiently informative to let prospective customers know what's sold there.

Ride around town and observe which signs catch your eye. Note which ones don't. Then think of the impression each sign gives you. Remember that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so give this important marketing tool your best efforts. If you're involved in a business that has a fleet of vehicles conducting deliveries or providing a service, your company's name, logo, and phone number should be clearly visible on the vehicles. It's free advertising that allows you to increase your exposure in your market.

Billboards are most effective when located close to the business advertised. Because of their high cost, they're usually used to reach a very large audience, as in political campaigns. They're likely to be too expensive for most small firms, and some communities have strict ordinances governing the placement of billboards. In Vermont, for example, they're prohibited.

Bus-bench advertising is an excellent medium because it's highly visible, like a billboard. Essentially, bus-bench advertisers have a huge audience, held captive at red lights or in slow-moving traffic. An account executive of a Los Angeles-based bus bench manufacturing company said that an advertisement on one bus bench at a busy Los Angeles intersection would be seen by 35,000 to 50,000 people per day.

Usually, the advertising consists of simple two-color artwork with your company's name, brief copy describing the product or service, address and phone number. Rates and terms vary depending on the city you're in.

Call your city's mass transit department or local bus company to find out who rents advertising space on their bus-stop benches. Some outdoor advertising companies also handle this type of advertising.

Transit advertising on buses and taxicabs reaches lots of people, especially commuters. Your ad is highly visible, and market research on transit advertising shows that it's very effective.

Outdoor Marketing is a constantly evolving marketing solution - used by an increasing number of cultural organizations.

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Why Do Outdoor Advertising?

Outdoor advertising actually encompasses a number of different marketing approaches and can vary a great deal, which is beneficial for companies since they can then go with whatever approach or method would be more effective for them, individually.  Not all companies are able to get the maximum exposure that they need when it comes to different types of outdoor advertising.  As a result, it can sometimes be difficult for these companies to come to a conclusion as to why they should invest in outdoor advertising and make that type of trial and error maneuver.  The fact is, outdoor advertising in virtually any capacity is influential on many people because of the way in which individuals are exposed to the marketing campaign.  There are so many different types of outdoor advertising that can be used and many companies will have no problem finding which method works best for them. Exposure is the number one reason as to why people should consider outdoor advertising for their professional or personal needs.  We see all the time cars in traffic that are for sale by the owner, complete with a sign saying the vehicle is for sale and the contact information for interested parties.  As cars interact with each other, we see the powerful effects of outdoor advertising.  So many more people are exposed to outdoor advertising as opposed to other methods, such as advertising in a newspaper – which is an approach only beneficial to those that read the newspaper.  Compared to those that regularly read the newspaper, including the ads, more people are exposed to outdoor advertising.

Another reason that individuals would benefit from considering outdoor advertising is because of the fact that these are the approaches in which the individual will be able to have more diversity when it comes to the different specific methods of marketing.  Car advertising or mobile marketing, billboard, bumper stickers and signs are all different forms of outdoor advertising that people are exposed to over time.  Outdoor advertising is literally everywhere we look outside in the world today and because of the different methods it is easier for companies or individuals to find the approach that works most successfully, as a result of the individual needs, desires and marketing investment cap which have been put into place.  Thanks to outdoor advertising, companies, products, services and ideas can all be revealed to individuals that may have otherwise not been able to learn about the different centerpieces of the products of outdoor advertising attempts.

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The Globalization of Outdoor Advertising

The notion of globalization has become a fashionable concept in recent years with most people viewing it as a beneficial approach to future world economic development, inevitable and irreversible.

The rapid and sustained consolidation of media properties over the last decade, particularly within the outdoor segment, is leading toward simplified buying for advertisers across multi-media platforms. An infusion of capital into the outdoor industry has fostered the propagation of vital marketing studies, pioneered the research & development of new outdoor formats and has encouraged savvy entrepreneurs to explore new approaches to the world's oldest medium. Multi-national media companies are investing serious dollars into the outdoor industry and the investments are beginning to pay off in spades with improved infrastructure and expanded services for advertisers.

The outdoor advertising industry has been among the first media channels to successfully craft a global footprint to connect people with concepts. The far-reaching conductivity of companies like Clear Channel, JCDecaux, and Viacom is evident. But, the "flattening" of the outdoor medium worldwide has even broader implications as global buying groups emerge, consistent measurement systems and standards are developed, and common cultural brands become a part of everyday life.

Outdoor advertising is ideally suited to global communications since the medium conveys ideas through visual expression. Outdoor is less encumbered with the translation of languages, compared to television and radio which rely heavily on verbal communications or print which requires written translation. It's often said 'a picture is worth a thousand words.' It can also be said that the Coca-Cola brand is elegant on any billboard, in any country.

Most evolutionary changes occur slowly over many years, so it's almost impossible to see these changes coming. But in the evolving arena of global outdoor advertising, changes are coming swiftly.

Upgraded infrastructure and the innovation of new outdoor formats is changing the industry before our eyes. Many global outdoor companies have begun investing heavily in the development of high-style products and hi-tech display technologies leading to completely integrated product packages across countries and continents. Likewise,

Cities are partnering with outdoor companies to incorporate impressive outdoor districts into massive reclamation and urban renewal projects, such as the Hollywood and Highland project in Southern California or similar projects in Asia.

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With the dawn of the Internet came many new advertising opportunities. Popup, Flash, banner,advergaming, and email advertisements (the last often being a form of spam) are now commonplace.

** The ability to record shows on digital video recorders allow users to record the programs for later viewing, enabling them to fast forward through commercials. Additionally, as more seasons of pre-recorded box sets are offered for sale of television programs; fewer people watch the shows on TV. However, the fact that these sets are sold, means the company will receive additional profits from the sales of these sets. To counter this effect, many advertisers have opted for product placement on TV shows like Survivor. Particularly since the rise of "entertaining" advertising, some people may like an advertisement enough to wish to watch it later or show a friend.

** Outdoor advertising is on the verge of a new frontier. Check out the amazing capabilities of digital billboards and LED signs. The flexible LED (light emitting diode) medium allows instant message uploading via the Internet, so Amber Alerts, community event messages, public service announcements can run on the sign when they are needed. Electronic billboards boast a number of advantages, arguably none more important than the fact that the media can be changed in an instant. These large and bright-colored billboards are essentially showing short commercials geared directly at the consumer. The animated advertisements can be set in a loop to continuously show a set number of messages. And when a change is needed, instead of sending a crew to tear down the old and pain the new, it just takes the click of a mouse! Needless to say, look out for digital media as the future of outdoor advertisement.

** Advergaming is the use of interactive gaming technology to deliver embedded advertising message. Advergaming incorporates branding directly into gaming environment. With an advergame you can lure the consumer in to interact with your brand, so they can find out on their own that they appreciate and value your brand ideas. It is relatively inexpensive when compared to other marketing vehicles.

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Advantages of outdoor marketing:

An “oldie”, but still one of the best methods in existence, is known as outdoor advertising. Having existed for hundreds of years, it is equally effective in today’s age. Given all inventions of modern media, outdoor advertising signs have reached new technological peeks and attract a broader audience range than ever before. Several advantages occur when utilizing outdoor advertising agencies to develop an outdoor marketing campaign.

24 Hours A DayAdvertising anything outdoors means 24-hour exposure to the public eye. Outdoor advertising signs are not temporary or periodic, but rather consistent and non-stop. It’s always in sight for the public night or day, rain or shine. Radio, television, and print ads and most other media are all momentary and sporadic.

Investment Outdoor advertisements are one of the most cost efficient ways to reach potential customers and clients. Additionally, this type of advertising costs 80 percent less overall than television, 60 percent less than print advertisements and 50 percent less than radio advertising. Easily incorporated into an all inclusive media focal launch, it can be combined with along television, radio and also print. Outdoor advertising agencies will in fact work with all media-advertising agencies to produce the most effective ad campaigns imaginable.

Attention SpanThe majority of humans will quite naturally focus on an outdoor advertisement in comparison to the same ad in newspapers, on TV or on the radio. Stuck in traffic or waiting at the bus stop, most individuals are looking for something to pass time. The human eye will rapidly fixate on an outdoor ad sign to help pass time and avoid boredom. Thus said, positioning ads at bus stops, busy intersections and/or along highways prone to high volume can be ingenious

Flexibility Outdoor advertising can be located in any areas where it will most likely be effective. For example, a company selling holistic and whole foods, would be wise to place a mobile billboard at a Farmer’s Market. A new night club would be smart to select a location outside of a restaurant where early diners might be looking for after dinner entertainment. These same ads when in newspapers or on radio may be missed altogether by the ideal target audience.

State of The ArtThe latest technology now available is such that can create incredibly eye-catching advertisements. Billboards are now actually interactive and tri-vision permits 3 various ads to be displayed on one sign. Additionally, the time actual time needed create and print the ad has been cut in half thanks to new state of the art computer ink-jet printers.

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Disadvantages: Outdoor advertising is a glance medium.  At best, it only draws 2-3 seconds of

a reader's time. Messages must be brief to fit in that 2-3 second time frame.  Ninety-five percent

of the time, either the message or the audience is in motion. The nature of the way you have to buy outdoor advertising (usually a three

month commitment) is not conducive to a very short, week-long campaign. .

Three Major Disadvantages:

There are three main disadvantages of outsourcing marketing. First, you are the best judge of what a customer requires from you and your product. Second is that feedback from the market comes to you through an intermediary channel so you lose the controlling power. Third, every company has its own style of functioning. Therefore, you cannot expect that the company that you are going to choose for outsourcing marketing will work according to your method.

Marketing research companies may perform the research in an unbiased way because it is a neutral third party, yet they lack the insight of your business that you or your employee might possess. No matter how informed the professionals at the company that is providing outsourcing marketing are, they are not as efficient in providing outcome of the market research and analysis as an employee of your company can be. There is no doubt that these companies are capable of contacting a large number of consumers, but do not forget that they are not always representing you exclusively. Although you get the marketing research report very quickly, sometimes in this haste they may authorize an inexperienced person to write such reports. Marketing Companies Take Advantage of Your Dependence.

Furthermore, when you start outsourcing marketing, you are broadcasting to the world your dependence on third-party organizations. The more your dependence will increase, the more your marketing expenses increase because this third party will also start demanding more money.

Sources Of Outdoor Marketing

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1stVehicular advertising

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Sources of Outdoor marketing

Stickers Cinema


Sky advertising

Advertising boards


Vehicular advertising



Mobile Billboard Advertising

These advertisements are placed on vehicles – buses, local trains, trams. Since these vehicles pass through many places & many people can see them.

2 nd Advertising boards

They are also poster but are fixed and durable they are placed in a highly crowded area.

3rd Sky advertising

These advertising includes big balloons, with massages written on them, or attached & are allowed to float in the air. Big kites containing advertisement may floated in the air. Skywriting is a kind of advertising through aero plane either by forming smoke or by illumination.

4th Cinema

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Before the advent of TV cinema was widely used for advertising purpose .Advantages:

1. It ensures a captive audience. People visit to see a movie of their choice. This choice ensures high degree of concentration.

2. Its covers all classes of people – poor, middle, rich.

Disadvantages:1. Its effectiveness is limited only a few people are present in the hall before to

start of feature film & during the interval. \2. Only cinema goers are covered.

5th Celebrities

This type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or products. Advertisers often advertise their products, for example, when celebrities share their favorite products or wear clothes by specific brands or designers. Celebrities are often involved in advertising campaigns such as television or print adverts to advertise specific or general products.

6th Posters

It’s a sheet of paper & the advertising contents are depicted on it, than posters are pasted on the walls or board. The poster are pasted on such an location that they are projected to maximum no. of people.

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Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly textual. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes, and they are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork. Another type of poster is educational posters, which may be about a particular subject for educational purposes. Many people also collect posters, and some famous posters have themselves become quite valuable, collectors and vintage posters are usually framed and matted. Posters may be any size.

7th Stickers

It may paste at the steppney of scooter or windows of the car. Message on the sticker is always kept small in bold letters, which is visible to everybody.

Stickers are very widely used when an object requires identification with a word or idea. Brand stickers may be attached to products to identify these products as coming from a certain company. They may also be used to describe characteristics of the products that would not be obvious from simple examination. A Label dispenser is often used as a convenient way to separate the sticky label from its liner or backing tape.


They are frequently distributed as part of promotional, advertising, and political campaigns; for example, in many voting districts in the U.S., stickers indicating an individual has voted are given to each voter as they leave the polling place, largely as a reminder to others to vote. Other methods of underground forms of voting for your favorite graffiti artists' current productions are by an open form of appreciation such as clapping while passing such a sticker (a smile and a kind reminder to a fellow appreciator throughout the day is commonplace as well).

Stickers placed on automobile bumpers, called bumper stickers, are often used by individuals as a way of demonstrating support for political or ideological causes. Identification of vehicle registration and last service details are two examples of stickers on the inside of most car windscreens. The term "window

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sticker" is generally used for vinyl labels which are stuck to the inside of a vehicle's window, as opposed to water-resistant stickers that are stuck to the outside of a vehicle but can be affixed to anything.

8th Mobile Billboard Advertising

Mobile billboards are truck- or blimp-mounted billboards or digital screens. These can be dedicated vehicles built solely for carrying advertisements along routes preselected by clients, or they can be specially-equipped cargo trucks. The billboards are often lighted; some being backlit, and others employing spotlights. Some billboard displays are static, while others change; for example, continuously or periodically rotating among a set of advertisements.

Mobile displays are used for various situations in metropolitan areas throughout the world, including:

Target advertising One-day, and long-term campaigns Conventions Sporting events Store openings and similar promotional events Big advertisements from smaller companies

9th Billboard

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A billboard is a large outdoor advertising structure (a billing board), typically found in high traffic areas such as alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing pedestrians and drivers. Typically showing large, ostensibly witty slogans, and distinctive visuals, billboards are highly visible in the top designated market areas. Bulletins are the largest, most impactful standard-size billboards. Located primarily on major highways, expressways or principal arterials, they command high-density consumer exposure (mostly to vehicular traffic). Bulletins afford greatest visibility due not only to their size, but because they allow creative "customizing" through extensions and embellishments. Billboards are a great place to advertise business because rather than you having to find your customers, your customers will find your advertising.

Posters are the other common form of billboard advertising, located chiefly in commercial and industrial areas on primary and secondary arterial roads. Posters are a smaller format than bulletins and are viewed principally by residents and commuter traffic, with some pedestrian exposure.

10th Infomercials

There are two types of infomercials, described as long form and short form. Long form infomercials have a time length of 30 minutes. Short form infomercials are 30 seconds to 2 minutes long. Infomercials are also known as direct response television (DRTV) commercials or direct response marketing.

The main objective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purchase, so that the consumer sees the presentation and then immediately buys the product through the advertised toll-free telephone number or website. Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate products and their features, and commonly have testimonials from consumers and industry professionals.

Coca-Cola's touch-screen entertainment kiosks during IPL 2009

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The Dilli Dil Se network which was promoted largely during the IPL was a part of the Coca-Cola marketing programme, celebrating the Delhi Daredevils. Dilli Dil Se is also India’s first-ever network of multimedia, broadband-enabled entertainment kiosks.The Dilli Dil Se kiosk network was conceived and developed by multimedia producer, Raja Choudhury and his digital agency, C3CUBE Multimedia, for Coca-Cola India, as part of the latter’s integrated marketing programme to leverage its sponsorship of the Delhi Daredevils during the DLF IPL 2009. This programme also included a website, www.DilliDilSe.com, designed by C3CUBE.Traditionally, touch-screen kiosks are utilized in banks and at airports, stations and museums, in order to facilitate customer transactions, information or ticketing. The Dilli Dil Se kiosk network, however, was created solely for the purpose of promoting a sporting event and providing entertainment in a safe, fun-filled environment. During the DLF IPL 2009, enthusiastic users between the ages of 13 and 30 logged on to the network to cheer and celebrate the Delhi Daredevils’ steady climb to the top of the league table, and into the semi-finals.

The cutting-edge kiosk network integrates a large 19-inch letterbox touch-screen interface and a 32-inch LCD TV. It provides dynamic content such as a promotion, games, a private social network, video mail, SMS tweets, a jukebox, Bluetooth 2.0 downloads, videos, ads, team player game cards, 3D virtual tours and much more, along with prominent Coca-Cola branding. Through this kiosk, the company aimed at creating a fun, exciting environment, with information and statistics on players, a 3D virtual map and guide of Froze Shah Kotla Stadium, a game on Gautam Gambhir, and so on.

“This is a first-of-its-kind entertainment kiosk network, we believe such a network that integrates Web 2.0, Flash games, a social network, Bluetooth, video mail, SMS and music over a 2 Mbps broadband connection, has not been deployed in India so far. Coca-Cola India believed in our vision and we were able to make this possible during the IPL.” says Raja Choudhury, founder and president, C3CUBE. He has been building successful kiosks, websites, videos and TV programmes in the US, UK and Indian markets since 1993. “”

Mansoor Siddiqi, director, integrated marketing communications, Coca-Cola India, said, “The Dilli Dil Se kiosk network was a fresh initiative in the marketing of a brand asset. It enabled local Delhi Daredevils fans to cheer their team on, in an involving and fun manner, and achieved engagement metrics beyond our expectations.”

Twenty-seven such kiosks were installed all over Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon at various locations such as McDonald’s, DT Malls, Nirula’s, Pind Baluchi, Tonic, Waves Cinema, INOX Cinema and Rockman Beer Island. Over 20,000 users registered at these kiosks, with an average of 465 persons per day. The total hits on weekends were 18,520. The average duration of a visit was about 12 minutes and the most popular feature was the Gauti Game, which received 53 per cent of the total previews.

References and Bibliography

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