orion and gizah the right place at the right timesigler.org/audio_rokus/orion and gizah.pdf ·...

Post on 30-Jan-2021






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    Remember the belt of Orion…And remember the guy standing on top of this

    one…(points to the middle pyramid)…He’s standing on top of this little pyramid

    and he’s taking an eyeball sight…he puts his little eyeball up… here…take a line of

    sight…over top of this one…(points to the last pyramid)…all the way to the

    horizon… And there is…Orion coming up…The real Orion coming up on the

    horizon…Just the belt…just showing over the horizon…And the line points

    exactly…Standing ON the middle one…The line points exactly TO the middle

    one…That's called being at the right place at the right time…That's you…That's


    That's where we are…Where in the right place at the right time…And you

    remember that there are three dates involved…Without going into all the

    details…there is…three dates come to pass at that point...And the most significant

    ones for us of course… If you remember…is…The one is up here (points to the

    date at the top of the diagram)…And there's two down here but the one significant

  • for us here…A timeline…This one is BC 13,000…No it's 13,000 years ago which

    would be 11,000 BC…(at the top) Right..Something like that… 11,000 BC

    and…December 21, 2012… Do you like that?

    That is the other significant date…These guys build these pyramids…I mean we

    could not build them today…some civilization came along…built these beautiful

    huge pyramids…to impress…To show a picture of the date...Two dates… the

    whole thing was about these two dates …So that the people that would be alive on

    December 21, 2012 would have a kind of an anchor…That these are not just nice

    ideas floating up in their heads…But they are people that have been sent to this

    planet for this moment of time in connection with all this that is gone before…All at

    once they're going to make the connection…There is enough of us now on both

    sides of the river…Right…To change the heavens…what are the heavens that are

    being changed?…Are the thoughts modalities that control the dimension of human

    kind…Whooo!...And some of you will start vibrating…Will start uncontrollably

    …Spontaneously…Just so that the rest of us would know that there is something

    going on…Beyond our control…That we can't control…That we may not

    control…And we can give ourselves to … Manifesting that…right in our midst

    …Right…There is a vibration going on that we need to give ourselves to in this

    moment of time… upon whom the climax of ages has come. Right…Now…About

    that…This is called the dark side…right...night-side…this is night… 13,000 years

    of it…(points to the right side of the 26000 years precession cycle) And this is the

  • day…(the left side)…Now Jesus said you are the children of the day… But you are

    asleep in the night…So…He said…Jesus comes along here…(points to a a time

    2000 years ago)…


    About 2000 years ago he came along…And he said…He said these people are

    going to wake up they need to wake up…But they can't wake up by themselves,

    they need an alarm clock…They need something to vibrate them... Something to

    wake them up…and I will be that…I will take it upon myself to act them

    out…Right?...I will show them a picture…I will show them a picture of who they

    are...In 3 and a 1/2 years…3 and a 1/2 years he spent on this planet…there’s his

    childhood he went to India and everywhere…And who knows what happened to

    him…The mystery of his existence…But 3 1/2 years he acted on a stage…He acted

    out a picture for the SON OF MAN…All right…He acted out this picture…But that

    SON OF MAN that he is acting out is coming at this point…(points to the time of

    now on the precession cycle)…At this point…called…THE AWAKENING OF

    MAN…right…It's the resurrection…The awakening of mankind….Of the SON OF

    MAN…That's what this is…this is the awakening point…out of the night…into the



    What is that awakening?...Well here it is:…And Jesus came into the coasts of

    Caesarea Philippi…and Lynn then had something to say about that…a place where

    the coast…Where the sea…the ocean meets the land… It's where two realities

    merge…it's the merging or the meeting of two realities…Yeah the Water…and the

    Land…see….Consciousness and Incarnation…the meeting of worlds…Just like the

    Cross is the meeting of worlds. Right...It's the intersection of two…Time and

    Space…the intersection…where Spirit and Matter meet together… Right…There's

    all kinds of wonderful things about…And he said:…He came into the coasts of

    Caesarea Philippi…He asked his disciples saying: Who do men say that I the Son of

    Man am?... There it is …right there…that’s everything I’ve said…He came to pose

    this question into human consciousness…”Who is mankind?”… And he was willing

    to take it all on himself…He was willing to be the one individual so that this

    question could be rocked...this question could be rocked in…could…he was willing

    to take whatever he would have to go through to be willing to ask this question to

    mankind and to bear the result of that in his own body see… and they said,

  • well…Some say that you are John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremiah,

    so they all believed in reincarnation apparently…Or he was the spirit of those

    individuals…and he he said to them, But whom do you say that I am?


    How did they get to that awareness? 16

    And Simon Peter said, Thou art the Christ,

    the Messiah...and the Messiah in Hebrew…in Jewish tradition and understanding

    was the one they were all waiting for..he was going to bring the kingdom…he was

    going to deliver them from the Romans…he was going to restore all things…Isaiah

    is full of it…Jeremiah…the prophets all speak of that individual that would

    come…and he was called the Messiah…and he said: “You are the Messiah.”…He

    did not mean:”some messiah”…or one of many messiahs…he said..The Messiah

    …the one that all Israel has waited for…for all these centuries…you are that


    And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona:

    because the only way you could know this is because you have a revelation from

    your father…And guess what…That's the only way we can know each other…Isn't

    that nice…That's the only way you can know each other…So when you get

    offended or defended or of…interfended…How many ways are there ?...Right?

    …Lots of ways…Just forget it…because you are never going to know it that

    way…it's going to have to happen to you somehow in your soul…something’s gotto

    wake up:…”Hey I am a part of a Christ here”…You are the Christ formation here at

    Oldfield Missouri…It came out of heaven…it lives in the bodies of the people

    here…”but I am part of this Christ formation” and what am I going to do about

    it?...Right?…well he goes on to say…he goes on to say: Thou art Peter and so

    on…let us skipped that…now…way on down here…then said Jesus to his

    disciples…now…I’m sorry now…if you're looking for one man to follow …you’re

    too late…you should have been here 2000 years ago…(I was)…you

    where…Ja!...because any one man in your eyes will fail…because why…because

    you want to follow another because you're not willing to own it yourself…you want

    to follow somebody else somebody else…somebody else to tell you the truth

    somebody else to tell you how to go how to walk how not to do how to do because

    she you don't want to own that Christ…that Christ needs to be owned…no longer in

    a single individual it was never meant to be a single individual he came as a single

    individual so that a corporate man could know that he is Christ…by watching this

    one…and see…everything that happens to him will happen to you…as an

    individual…but more important collectively…Right?...all right…so: If any man will

    come after me,…If any man will want to know this eternal Christ…let him deny

    himself, or let him say to himself: “What I think myself to be I am not…I am not

  • that and because I'm not what I think myself...I can stand in the middle and I can

    say well I felt just like a schoolgirl…(referring now to a person who stood in the

    center previously and spoke very candidly about herself)…because it's not what I

    am…I am saying NO to the lie of every perception that human kind has ever put in

    me about myself and I'm laying it down…denying them…Well…you mean you

    won't drink or booze or chase skirt…or…what do girls do when they chase

    skirt?…or whatever…now listen…25

    For whosoever will save his life will lose it:

    and whosoever will lose his life…And in some small way you give yourself to

    something greater than yourself and it doesn't have to be perfect maybe… maybe it

    was the perception of immortality…maybe it was the perception of what a

    community might be…whatever…it doesn't really matter…but it was something

    greater than what you thought you could be yourself…see…so if you will

    lose…Because hey…God well save you…he will make the picture bigger for you

    when you need it 26

    For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world,

    and lose his own soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?


    Now what is your soul?...That’s…I've done everything I've done here because I

    want to to try to say what our soul concerns…What is your soul? Well here is…

    here is what your soul is….(Draws a diagram on the board)…Your soul…

    And…remember now…you are representative of human kind…the whole object is

    for human kind not to lose their soul…but to gain their soul….the whole the whole

    object is…for you are a small group of individuals called Christ…That have been

    sent to the planet for December the twenty first 2012...And the portal surrounding

    that timeframe and you are being lowered into human consciousness because you

    are going to get a thought…and that thought is gonna vibrate you and you are going

    to give yourself to that thought you are going to own it…bring it into the flesh

    empower it and it will change the dynamic on this planet …Whooh! ...God…that is

    so awesome…all right!..


    .Here is what your soul is:..Here is the great ALL…And the great All was just the

    ONE… So…He’s ALLONE… ALONE…right…ALL AlONE


    and he had a thought…and he thought: ”Well

    what if there was more of me… What if there

    was another.” And he went and he had a thought

    procreation…thought procreation…Became

    pregnant with the thought…he impregnated

    himself with a thought… how good is that…

    thank you Dave…that's how dangerous thoughts

    are…how wonderful they are...And God wanted

    somebody to act this out so we now have bodies

    and we act this out…But there was thought

    procreation before there was ever body

    procreation…Right…so there was a thought

    procreation…and this multiplicity …plurality of thought procreation through an

    agency called the divine feminine…I don't want to leave that out because it is so

    beautiful…we don’t want to…we haven’t got time to talk about that right?...the

    divine feminine…through the divine feminine this thought procreation produces a

    myriad…myriads of little thought creations…TC…a thought creation…That goes

    down down…down…down… down until this thought creation takes on a body

    here…A little stick man…And embodies itself in a form…it goes into the world of

    form …and the reason it comes there is it wants to create experience…One of the

    experiences it wants to create is fear… It's “doubt that you are loved”… It's

    pain…All the things you want to avoid are very very much a part of this great

    eternal journey of thought procreation to bring you into form and then this thing

    here (points to the stick man) this body with its thought procreation going on…a

    conception of being… right?...this conception of being…Is your soul…it is your


  • great treasure…it's the great treasure that was given in the very very origin of

    things…the treasure thought procreation is your…embodied in your soul…Comes

    on…takes on the form and it has to make a choice…Now this is true of you

    individually…but it’s true of all of man…it’s what’s really happening to all

    mankind…Mankind is having to make a shift…it’s going to have to accept

    something…Is going to have to think something…it’s going to have to own

    something…it's going to have to own a reality about itself not just about the world

    and about the cosmos and about aliens and about crystals and all kinds of stuff but

    deep within its own soul…every individual needs to own…


    What is that thought?...and the thought is simply: “I exist”….“I am real…I am not a

    wooden puppet…I'm not just a wooden puppet…I'm a real boy…I am not just the

    product of some alien procreation that happened on this planet from the

    Annunaki…I'm not just an invention of…of…a product of evolution…coming up

    out of the slime of the ocean!...NO…I am a thought protection of the eternal

    self…undivided self... Pro-creating itself in me as I am… and the moment I own my

    existence he becomes alive…the moment I accept my existence he lives…in

    me”…that's the great shift…that's the great awakening…the great awakening of this

    planetary journey…well yes…the planet’s going to shift…it's going to go into an

    age of enlightenment…and there's all kinds of levels that people will talk to you

    about this shift…and they're all probably true in some way but the great shift is:…

    You can only read it in your own soul you can't find it in a book you can't find it in

    all these all the downloading of all the projected material…what do they call

    it?...channeled material…and you can read all the Bible and you can learn all the

    Greek and all the Hebrew…listen to the greatest preachers but really it's not there

    it’s not in what I'm saying…it’s in your own soul…don't you love it?...and it's not

    really even in Jesus…he said: “I am the way the truth and the life…What?...to

    you!...to you I am that…so you can own your own existence…so you can save

    it…you can begin to be it…and once you do it…once you trigger this…once a body

    of people trigger this chemical soul reaction in the psyche of man…trigger this

    process…it will bloom…it will bloom…I promise you…it will bloom and the great

    harvest of God will begin…the great harvest of God…


    So that’s…that’s my limited perception of 2012…Are we going to have a party?

    …Maybe we’ll get caught away…maybe something will happen and…and the sky

    will roll back and we’ll understand…somehow our souls will be illuminated and the

  • darkness shall pass away and we’ll understand and you know what the result will

    be?...We will just absolutely love each other…we will be so G wonderful thankful

    for each other we will forget all about the things we want to fix about each

    other…we will…we will be so thankful to be the Christ together for the sake of all

    mankind for the sake of humanity…we’ll be so happy about that…we’ll just be

    caught up in the joy and it's kind of already happening to me this morning…all


    Well it's the morning

    all the third day

    and I'm rising again

    the Angels who attended

    have rolled the stone away

    and the watchmen who were sleeping

    have all gone astray

    and the grave it can't hold me anymore

    Behold my hands

    behold my feet

    it is I myself

    a spirit has no flesh and bone

    as you see me to have

    put your hand in my wound

    that you might believe

    Well I'm a body not just spirit anymore!


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