服務行業按季業務收益指數 quarterly business receipts indices … › pub ›...

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  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

    二零一一年第四季 4th Quarter 2011

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

    二零一一年第四季 4th Quarter 2011

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    Enquiries about this publication can be directed to : Business Services Statistics Section Census and Statistics Department

    Address : 21/F, Chuang's Hung Hom Plaza 83 Wuhu Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.

    Tel. : (852) 2802 1277 Fax : (852) 2123 1053 E-mail : business-receipts@censtatd.gov.hk

    政府統計處網站 Website of the Census and Statistics Department


    二零一二年三月出版 Published in March 2012


    This publication is available in download version only.

  • 略語及代號 Abbreviations and Symbols

    本報告書內各略語及代號的含意如下 : The following abbreviations and symbols are used throughout this report :

    Q1 指第一季

    Q2 指第二季

    Q3 指第三季

    Q4 指第四季

    Q1 denotes the 1st quarter

    Q2 denotes the 2nd quarter

    Q3 denotes the 3rd quarter

    Q4 denotes the 4th quarter

    數字的捨入 Rounding of Figures




    Business Receipts Indices (BRIs) shown in this report are rounded to one decimal place, but all percentage changes are derived from unrounded figures.

  • i

    目錄 Contents

    頁數 Page

    引言 Introduction 1

    摘要 Summary 2

    二零一一年第四季與二零一零年第四季的比較 Comparison of Q4 2011 with Q4 2010 2

    二零一一年第四季與二零一一年第三季的比較 Comparison of Q4 2011 with Q3 2011 3

    二零一一年全年與二零一零年全年的比較 Comparison of the year 2011 with the year 2010


    統計表及統計圖 Statistical Tables and Charts 4

    表一 : 二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季選定服務行業及服務界別的業務收


    Table 1 : Business Receipts Indices of Selected Service Industries and Service Domains, Q4 2010 to Q4 2011


    表二 : 二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季選定服務行業及服務界別以經季節



    Table 2 : Quarter-to-Quarter Rates of Change in Business Receipts Indices of Selected Service Industries and Service Domains based on the Seasonally Adjusted Series, Q4 2010 to Q4 2011


    圖 : 顯示最近5年選定服務行業及服務界別的業務收益指數的統計圖

    Charts : Charts showing Business Receipts Indices of Selected Service Industries and Service Domains for the Recent Five Years


    統計方法 Statistical Methodology

    A. 行業範圍 A. Industry Coverage 20

    B. 資料來源 B. Data Sources 22

    C. 服務行業按季統計調查 C. Quarterly Survey of Service Industries 22

    D. 業務收益指數的編製 D. Compilation of BRIs 25

    E. 業務收益指數基期的重訂 E. Rebasing of BRIs 27

    F. 新業務收益指數的後向估計數列 F. Backcasted series of new BRIs 27

    G. 業務收益指數的發布 G. Dissemination of BRIs 28

    獲取政府統計處刊物及其他統計產品的方法 Means of Obtaining Publications and Other

    Statistical Products of the Census and Statistics Department


  • ii

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    引言 Introduction

    1. 業務收益是指一間機構單位的服務收益、銷貨價值、佣金、租金、利息及






    1. Business receipts refer to service receipts, receipts from sales of goods, commissions, rental, interest and other income of an establishment. Business Receipts Indices (BRIs) are index numbers which gauge the changes in business receipts of individual service industries in a particular period as compared with a base period. Compiled quarterly, BRIs serve to reflect the short-term economic performance of individual service industries.

    2. 服務行業機構單位的分類是採用「香港標準行業分類」。該行業分類用







    2. The classification of establishments in the service industries follows the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC), which is used in various economic surveys for classifying economic units into different industry classes. To facilitate analysis of the short-term business performance of the services sector, BRIs are compiled for 22 selected service industries and 2 service domains, having regard to their importance in the services sector.

    3. 由二零零九年第一季統計季度起,業務收益指數是按「香港標準行業分類








    「統計方法」部分內的F節 (見第27頁)。

    3. Starting from the reference quarter of Q1 2009, BRIs are compiled based on HSIC Version 2.0. This revised version was released by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) in October 2008 to replace HSIC Version 1.1. With the adoption of HSIC Version 2.0, BRIs compiled as from Q1 2009 may not be comparable to those compiled based on HSIC Version 1.1 in preceding quarters. Hence, C&SD has re-compiled BRIs for selected service industries and service domains for the period from Q1 2005 to Q4 2008 according to HSIC Version 2.0. More details on the backcasted series of BRIs under HSIC Version 2.0 are given in Section F under the Part “Statistical Methodology” of this report (see page 27).

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    摘要 Summary


    的比較 Comparison of Q4 2011 with Q4 2010

    1. 二零一一年第四季與二零一零年第四季比較,超過一半主要服務行業以價



    四季比較,零售業 (+23.3%)、住宿服務業(包括酒店、賓館、旅舍及其他提供

    短期住宿服務的機構單位)(+13.7%) 及批發業 (+12.8%) 的業務收益均錄得雙位數升幅。其他錄得業務收益有明顯上升

    的主要服務行業包括速遞業(8.7%)、行政及支援服務業 (+7.9%)、資訊及通訊業 (+7.9%)及膳食服務業 (+7.4%)。

    1. Business receipts in value terms of more than half of major service industries showed increases of different magnitudes in the fourth quarter of 2011 when compared with the fourth quarter of 2010. Comparing the fourth quarter of 2011 with the fourth quarter of 2010, double-digit increases were recorded in the business receipts of the retail (+23.3%); accommodation services (covering hotels, guesthouses, boarding houses and other establishments providing short term accommodation) (+13.7%); and wholesale industries (+12.8%). Other major service industries that recorded apparent increases in business receipts included the courier (+8.7%); administrative and support services (+7.9%); information and communications (+7.9%); and food services (+7.4%) industries.

    2. 另一方面,金融業(銀行除外)在二零一一年第四季的業務收益繼續受歐



    2. On the other hand, the financing (except banking) industry recorded a significant year-on-year decrease of 21.6% in business receipts in the fourth quarter of 2011, continued to be affected by the European debt problems. During the same period, the real estate industry registered a year-on-year decline of 10.4% in business receipts, mainly due to the consolidation of local residential property market.

    3. 按服務界別分析,旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別在二零一一年第四季的業務



    訊 科 技 服 務 界 別 的 業 務 收 益 上 升


    3. Analysed by service domain, business receipts of the tourism, convention and exhibition services domain increased considerably by 23.4% in the fourth quarter of 2011 when compared with the fourth quarter of 2010, mainly due to the marked growth in the number of incoming visitor arrivals and tourist spending in Hong Kong. During the same period, business receipts of the computer and information technology services domain increased by 13.4%.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011



    的比較 Comparison of Q4 2011 with Q3 2011

    4. 二零一一年第四季與二零一一年第三季比較,超過一半主要服務行業的經


    融 業 ( 銀 行 除 外 ) 的 業 務 收 益 錄 得





    4. On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison, more than half of the major service industries recorded increases in business receipts in the fourth quarter of 2011 when compared with the third quarter of 2011. The financing (except banking) recorded a notable increase of 18.5%, mainly due to the rebound in the business performance of investment banking. On the other hand, amongst the few major service industries that recorded decreases in business receipts, the transportation industry recorded a more apparent decrease of 4.1%.

    5. 二零一一年第四季與二零一一年第三季比較,電腦及資訊科技服務界別的



    5. Comparing the fourth quarter of 2011 with the third quarter of 2011, business receipts of the computer and information technology services domain increased by 10.5% while those of the tourism, convention and exhibition services domain decreased by 3.9% on a seasonally adjusted basis.


    較 Comparison of the year 2011 with the year 2010

    6. 就二零一一年全年而言,大部分主要服務行業的業務收益均錄得按年上

    升 。 零 售 業 (+24.9%) 、 住 宿 服 務 業 (+19.5%) 及速遞業 (+17.3%)的業務收益錄得較明顯升幅。另一方面,金融業



    6. For 2011 as a whole, most major service industries recorded year-on-year increases in business receipts. More notable increases in business receipts were recorded in the retail (+24.9%); accommodation services (+19.5%); and courier (+17.3%) industries. On the other hand, the financing (except banking) and real estate industries recorded mild decreases in business receipts of 2.0% and 1.4% respectively.

    7. 按服務界別分析,旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別在二零一一年的業務收益較

    上年大幅上升22.2%。同時期,電腦及資 訊 科 技 服 務 界 別 的 業 務 收 益 上 升


    7. Analysed by service domain, business receipts of the tourism, convention and exhibition services domain in 2011 increased considerably by 22.2% over a year earlier, and those of the computer and information technology services domain increased by 10.4%.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    統計表及統計圖 Statistical Tables and Charts

    8. 表一載列二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季及二零一一年全年選定服




    8. Table 1 presents the BRIs of selected service industries and service domains from Q4 2010 to Q4 2011 and the whole year 2011, with the quarterly average of BRIs in 2008 taken as 100.

    9. 表二載列二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季選定服務行業及服務界別



    9. Table 2 presents the quarter-to-quarter rates of change in BRIs of selected service industries and service domains based on the seasonally adjusted series from Q4 2010 to Q4 2011.

    10. 圖一至圖十七顯示選定服務行業及服務界別的業務收益指數及相應的經季


    10. Charts 1 to 17 depict the movements of the BRIs and the corresponding seasonally adjusted indices (where applicable) of selected service industries and service domains for the recent five years.

  • (二零零八年按季平均指數 = 100)(Quarterly average of 2008 = 100)

    2010 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4#


    Service Industry

    進出口貿易 110.2 106.1 111.1 117.3 115.8 112.6Import/export trade (+15.0%) (+22.6%) (+7.6%) (+3.4%) (+5.1%) (+8.9%)

    批發 114.5 113.2 119.9 130.1 129.1 123.1Wholesale (+16.8%) (+21.7%) (+8.9%) (+9.1%) (+12.8%) (+12.7%)

    零售 131.4 143.5 141.3 147.4 162.0 148.6Retail (+19.4%) (+21.0%) (+28.1%) (+27.4%) (+23.3%) (+24.9%)

    運輸 106.2 97.2 105.1 108.4 105.2 104.0Transportation (+15.0%) (+13.4%) (+4.3%) (+2.4%) (-1.0%) (+4.4%)

    其中 : 陸路運輸 108.5 106.1 107.3 111.1 116.9 110.4within which : Land transport (+4.9%) (+10.4%) (+5.8%) (+4.2%) (+7.7%) (+7.0%)

    水上運輸 93.7 85.6 97.4 96.5 88.1 91.9Water transport (+16.7%) (+8.7%) (+2.7%) (-2.1%) (-6.0%) (+0.5%)

    航空運輸 116.2 104.9 111.1 117.9 116.7 112.6Air transport (+16.4%) (+18.0%) (+5.3%) (+5.5%) (+0.4%) (+6.7%)

    貨倉及倉庫 118.0 115.7 121.3 123.1 125.8 121.5Warehousing and storage (+6.4%) (+10.7%) (+10.4%) (+10.3%) (+6.6%) (+9.4%)

    速遞 135.3 126.9 150.3 140.5 147.1 141.2Courier (+18.1%) (+26.2%) (+25.9%) (+11.2%) (+8.7%) (+17.3%)

    住宿服務 @ 131.6 118.8 111.2 115.6 149.6 123.8Accommodation services @ (+26.5%) (+23.3%) (+20.8%) (+22.4%) (+13.7%) (+19.5%)

    膳食服務 110.9 111.5 107.0 112.4 119.1 112.5Food services (+5.6%) (+5.9%) (+6.0%) (+6.2%) (+7.4%) (+6.4%)

    資訊及通訊 110.0 102.1 110.0 110.8 118.7 110.4Information and communications (+9.4%) (+9.2%) (+10.1%) (+7.8%) (+7.9%) (+8.7%)

    其中 : 電訊 112.2 106.6 112.8 112.5 119.5 112.9within which : Telecommunications (+10.9%) (+8.0%) (+10.2%) (+7.9%) (+6.5%) (+8.1%)

    電影 79.6 73.9 73.6 80.7 81.0 77.3Film entertainment (-11.7%) (-17.0%) (+6.9%) (-10.3%) (+1.7%) (-5.6%)

    銀行 125.5 121.9 126.6 117.2 123.6 122.3Banking (+20.0%) (+23.0%) (+17.6%) (+7.1%) (-1.5%) (+10.8%)

    金融 (銀行除外) 131.3 112.0 108.6 86.9 102.9 102.6Financing (except banking) (+28.5%) (+12.2%) (+21.9%) (-11.8%) (-21.6%) (-2.0%)

    其中 : 金融市場及資產管理 130.1 110.0 106.5 81.5 97.3 98.8within which : Financial markets and asset management (+28.4%) (+12.3%) (+25.2%) (-13.6%) (-25.2%) (-3.0%)

    其中 : 資產管理 143.3 127.8 130.2 119.6 124.9 125.6within which : Asset management (+19.8%) (+24.5%) (+27.6%) (+15.7%) (-12.8%) (+11.3%)

    保險 112.6 110.5 123.0 123.1 119.6 119.1Insurance (+6.8%) (+7.8%) (+12.7%) (+10.3%) (+6.2%) (+9.3%)

    地產 134.1 117.5 134.1 110.0 120.2 120.5Real estate (+15.2%) (+11.4%) (+12.5%) (-15.4%) (-10.4%) (-1.4%)

    專業、科學及技術服務 121.0 116.5 119.6 123.9 125.4 121.4Professional, scientific and technical services (+13.4%) (+10.5%) (+5.4%) (+9.3%) (+3.7%) (+7.1%)

    行政及支援服務 107.3 100.5 106.1 111.8 115.8 108.6Administrative and support services (+12.3%) (+14.9%) (+10.7%) (+8.6%) (+7.9%) (+10.3%)

    服務界別Service Domain

    旅遊、會議及展覽服務 149.1 150.5 # 148.5 # 176.3 # 184.0 164.8Tourism, convention and exhibition services (+19.7%) (+16.9%) (+23.6%) (+24.6%) (+23.4%) (+22.2%)

    電腦及資訊科技服務 116.6 118.5 119.0 127.7 132.2 124.4Computer and information technology services (+28.2%) (+27.7%) (+3.8%) (+0.8%) (+13.4%) (+10.4%)

    註釋: # 臨時數字。 Notes: # Provisional figures.( ) ( )

    @ @

    服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零 一一年第四季 5 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011

    Accommodation services cover hotels, guesthouses, boarding houses and otherestablishments providing short term accommodation.



    表 一 : 二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季選定服務行業及服務界別的業務收益指數Table 1 : Business Receipts Indices of Selected Service Industries and Service Domains,

    Q4 2010 to Q4 2011

    括號內的數字表示與上年同期比較的增減百分率。 Figures in brackets denote percentage changes as compared with the same period ofthe preceding year.


  • 表 二 : 二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季選定服務行業及服務界別以經季節性調整(1)(2)

    數列計算的業務收益指數按季變動百分率 (待續)Table 2

    2010 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4#


    Service Industry

    進出口貿易 +2.0% +10.2% -5.4% -2.8% +3.6%Import/export trade批發 +0.4% +9.0% -1.8% +1.7% +3.6%Wholesale 零售 +7.6% +5.6% +6.9% +5.1% +3.8%Retail運輸 -0.9% +6.3% +1.1% -3.7% -4.1%Transportation

    其中 : 陸路運輸 +0.8% +4.6% -1.0% § +4.1%within which : Land transport

    水上運輸 -1.0% +4.7% +4.4% -9.4% -5.2%Water transport 航空運輸 -1.9% +9.1% -0.7% -0.5% -6.6%Air transport

    貨倉及倉庫 +3.7% +2.9% +2.4% +1.2% +0.4%Warehousing and storage速遞 +1.4% +12.6% +5.1% -7.4% -0.7%Courier住宿服務 @ +4.8% +8.7% +1.3% +6.0% -2.6%Accommodation services @

    膳食服務 +1.8% +1.7% +0.6% +1.9% +3.0%Food services資訊及通訊 +4.5% -0.6% +4.0% -0.1% +4.4%Information and communications

    其中 : 電訊 +6.1% -2.2% +3.8% +0.1% +4.6%within which : Telecommunications

    電影 -4.8% -7.7% § +2.6% +7.3%Film entertainment

    服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零 一一年第四季 6

    : Q4 2010 to Q4 2011 (to be cont'd): Service Industries and Service Domains based on the Seasonally Adjusted Series(1)(2),: Quarter-to-Quarter Rates of Change in Business Receipts Indices of Selected

    Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 表 二 : 二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季選定服務行業及服務界別以經季節性調整(1)(2)

    數列計算的業務收益指數按季變動百分率 (續)Table 2

    2010 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4#


    Service Industry

    銀行 +5.6% +5.6% § -4.1% -2.7%Banking金融 (銀行除外) (3) +33.2% -14.7% -3.0% -20.0% +18.5%Financing (except banking) (3)

    其中 : 金融市場及資產管理 (3) +38.0% -15.5% -3.2% -23.5% +19.5%within which :

    其中 : +38.6% -10.8% +1.8% -8.1% +4.5%within which :

    +0.8% -1.8% +11.3% +0.1% -2.9%

    地產 +0.3% -2.6% +4.4% -16.4% +7.7%Real estate專業、科學及技術服務 +3.7% +2.5% -2.4% +5.4% -1.7%Professional, scientific and technical services行政及支援服務 +4.4% -2.4% +3.9% +3.1% +3.6%Administrative and support services


    Service Domain旅遊、會議及展覽服務 -3.4% +5.5% # +12.9% # +8.2% # -3.9%Tourism, convention and exhibition services電腦及資訊科技服務 -1.3% +10.7% -6.1% -1.4% +10.5%Computer and information technology services

    註釋: # Notes: #

    § §

    @ @

    (1) (1)

    (2) (2)

    (3) (3)

    服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零 一一年第四季 7

    : Quarter-to-Quarter Rates of Change in Business Receipts Indices of Selected: Service Industries and Service Domains based on the Seasonally Adjusted Series(1)(2),: Q4 2010 to Q4 2011 (cont'd)

    Insurance (3)

    Financial markets and asset management (3)

    資產管理 (3)

    Asset management (3)

    保險 (3)

    The quarter-to-quarter rates of change in the BRIs ofselected service industries/domains are derived based onthe seasonally adjusted series to reflect the underlying trendof business receipts. These seasonally adjusted BRIs arecompiled using the X-12 ARIMA method, which is astandard method applied in compiling seasonally adjustedstatistical data series.



    Accommodation services cover hotels, guesthouses,boarding houses and other establishments providing shortterm accommodation.





    Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011




    Seasonally adjusted series may be revised as more databecome available. The seasonally adjusted BRIs of theretail industry will be revised annually when the figures forthe fourth quarter of the current year are published, whilethose of the other service industries will be revised whenthe figures for the first quarter are published.

    The BRIs of a few service industries are found to have noidentifiable seasonality in the seasonal adjustment exercise.Seasonal adjustment is therefore not applied to the BRIs ofthese industries.


    性調整數列是由「X–12 自迴歸–求和–移動平均」方法編製,該方法是用作編製經季節性調整的統計數列的標準方法。

    變動在 ± 0.05% 之內。



    Provisional figures.

    Change within ± 0.05%.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    統計方法 Statistical Methodology

    A. 行業範圍 A. Industry Coverage

    1. 服務行業機構單位的分類是採用「香港標準行業分類」。該行業分類用於



    1. The classification of establishments in the service industries sector follows the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC), which is used in various economic surveys for classifying economic units into different industry classes.

    2. 政府統計處就「香港標準行業分類」不時予以檢討,以反映香港經濟產業


    港標準行業分類1.1 版」於二零零一年推行,為了使「香港標準行業分類」更能反





    行業分類」(即「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」) 於二零零八年十月公布。由二零零九年統計期開始,政府統計處已在不同的


    2.0 版」。有關修訂「香港標準行業分類」的詳情,讀者可參閱刊載於《香港統



    2. The HSIC is reviewed from time to time to reflect significant changes in the structure of the Hong Kong economy and the emergence of new economic activities. HSIC Version 1.1 was implemented in 2001 and in order to bring HSIC more up-to-date on local economic activities as well as to foster international comparability of official statistics for different users, a full-scale revision exercise was completed in 2008. The revised HSIC, i.e. HSIC Version 2.0, was released in October 2008. HSIC Version 2.0 has been used progressively in different surveys by the C&SD starting from the reference year of 2009. Readers may refer to the feature article “Revision of the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification” published in the November 2008 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics for more details on the revision of HSIC.

    3. 為方便分析服務業短期的業務表現,政府統計處按個別服務行業在服務業



    3. To facilitate analysis of the short-term business performance of the services sector, BRIs are compiled for 22 selected service industries and 2 service domains in the Industry Sections G to N under HSIC Version 2.0, having regard to their importance in the services sector. The aforementioned industry sections are listed as follows:

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    行業主類 Industry Section

    涵蓋範圍 Coverage

    G 進出口貿易、批發及零售業 Import/export, wholesale and retail trades

    H 運輸、倉庫、郵政及速遞 Transportation, storage, postal and courier

    I 住宿及膳食服務活動 Accommodation and food service activities

    J 資訊及通訊 Information and communications

    K 金融及保險活動 Financial and insurance activities

    L 地產活動 Real estate activities

    M 專業、科學及技術活動 Professional, scientific and technical activities

    N 行政及支援服務活動 Administrative and support service activities

    4. 服務界別有別於服務行業,前者包括橫跨不同行業但與某個共同主題相關的








    4. A service domain differs from a service industry in that it comprises those economic activities which straddle different industries but are somehow related to a common theme. It may include all activities carried out by all establishments in a service industry that is closely related to the domain. For a service industry that is less closely related, however, only a portion of the establishments in the industry or even only part of the economic activities of the establishments is related to the domain.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    B. 資料來源 B. Data Sources

    政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department

    5. 編製大部分服務行業的業務收益指數的資料,來自政府統計處進行的「服務







    5. The data source for compiling the BRIs for most of the service industries is the Quarterly Survey of Service Industries (QSSI) conducted by the C&SD. The Monthly Survey of Retail Sales and the Quarterly Survey of Restaurant Receipts and Purchases (both are conducted by the C&SD) are the data sources for compiling BRIs for the retail and food service industries respectively. More details on the QSSI are given in Section C under this Part.

    香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)

    6. 銀行業的業務收益指數,是根據香港金融管理局所提供的持牌銀行、有限制



    6. Business receipts data of licensed banks, restricted licence banks, and deposit-taking companies are provided by the HKMA for compiling BRI for the banking industry.

    香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)

    7. 至於編製有關旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別 (或簡稱旅遊界別) 的業務收益指數方面,除「服務行業按季統計調查」搜集




    7. As regards compilation of BRI for the tourism, convention and exhibition domain (or tourism domain in short), visitor expenditure data collected through the Departing Vistors Survey conducted by the HKTB are used to supplement business receipts data collected through the QSSI.

    C. 服務行業按季統計調查 C. Quarterly Survey of Service Industries

    統計調查目的 Survey objective

    8. 這項統計調查旨在搜集資料以編製選定服務行業及服務界別的按季業務收益



    8. The Survey is conducted to collect information for compilation of quarterly BRIs of selected service industries and domains for gauging their short-term economic performance.

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    有關法例 Legislation

    9. 這項統計調查是根據《普查及統計條例》(第316章) 第III部進行,屬於強制性統計調查。根據該條例第13(1) 條規定,所有獲選為該統計調查的對象機構的






    9. The Survey is a mandatory survey conducted under Part III of the Census and Statistics Ordinance (Chapter 316). According to section 13(1) of the Ordinance, the responsible persons of the undertakings selected for the Survey should complete the questionnaire or cause it to be completed by other authorised persons to the best of their knowledge and belief. The said Ordinance stipulates that all collected information which may enable identification of individual establishments should be kept in strict confidence and not be released to any unauthorised parties including other Government departments.

    統計調查的涵蓋範圍 Survey coverage

    10. 這項統計調查基本上涵蓋「香港標準行業分類2.0版」屬行業主類G至N (見第21頁) 行業內聘用五名或以上僱員的所有機構單位。這些主類中某些不從事服務

    活動的機構單位 (如海外船務公司和航空公司的本地代表辦事處及投資控股公司) 不包括在內。此外,政府各局/部門和非


    10. Basically, the Survey covers all establishments engaging five or more persons in the industries belonging to the Industry Sections G to N under HSIC Version 2.0 (see page 21). Certain establishments in these Sections that are not engaged in service activities (e.g. local representative offices of overseas shipping and airline companies, and investment holding companies) are not covered. Besides, Government bureaux/departments and non-profit making organisations are excluded from the Survey.

    11. 由於這項統計調查不包括就業人數少於五人的機構單位,故不能編製個別服








    11. Since establishments engaging less than five persons are not covered in the Survey, it is not possible to compile the total business receipts of individual service industries. Although there are usually a large number of such small establishments in an industry, they generally only account for a small proportion of the total business receipts of the industry. Hence, excluding them from the QSSI coverage not only obviates the need for using a sample of a larger size, but can also effectively gauge the changes in business receipts of the industries concerned.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    抽樣框及樣本設計 Sampling frame and sample design

    12. 這項統計調查的抽樣框是以政府統計處備存的機構單位記錄庫為基礎。此記



    12. The sampling frame for the Survey is based on the Central Register of Establishments maintained by the C&SD and updated by reference to records of the Business Registration Office (BRO) of the Inland Revenue Department.

    13. 這項統計調查的抽樣框是先按行業分層,然後在每個行業分層內,再按機構





    選。每季約有 5 200 間機構單位被選中作統計調查對象。

    13. The sampling frame for the Survey is first stratified by industry and, within each industry stratum, by employment size of establishments to form a number of industry/employment size strata. The sample size for each industry/ employment size stratum is determined by Neyman's allocation according to a desired level of precision for the estimates of individual industries. Individual establishments are systematically selected at a uniform interval within each stratum after an establishment is randomly selected as a start. Every quarter, some 5 200 establishments are selected for enumeration.

    14. 這項統計調查使用輪換複樣本抽樣設計。每年大約三分之一的樣本會被新抽


    14. A rotational replicate sample design has been adopted in the Survey. Every year, about one-third of the sample is replaced by newly sampled establishments.

    統計期 Reference period

    15. 這項統計調查搜集被抽中的機構單位整個統計季度(即一月至三月及其後每



    15. The Survey collects business receipts data from the sampled establishments during the entire quarter (i.e. January to March and each successive 3-month period afterwards) under reference. Accrual based business receipts data are collected.

    資料搜集 Data collection

    16. 在每一輪的統計調查中,問卷會在統計季度末約一星期前以郵件及/或電郵方式寄予被抽中的機構單位,以方便被抽中




    16. In each survey round, questionnaires are sent out by post and/or via electronic mails to the sampled establishments about one week before the reference quarter to facilitate their early preparation. Data are collected by post or electronic mails, and then supplemented by telephone or face-to-face interviews to collect or verify survey data where necessary.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    D. 業務收益指數的編製 D. Compilation of BRIs

    二十二個選定服務行業的業務收益指數 BRIs for 22 selected service industries

    17. 透過政府統計處進行的「服務行業按季統計調查」及上文第5段所述的兩項統計調查,從樣本中的個別機構單位搜集






    17. Business receipts data collected from individual establishments sampled in the QSSI, and in the other two surveys conducted by the C&SD mentioned in paragraph 5 above are appropriately grossed up and then aggregated to give the total figures of business receipts of the service industries concerned. Business receipts data of the banking industry provided by the HKMA do not involve sampling, and hence no grossing up is needed before aggregation. BRI for a given service industry/service domain “i” of a reference quarter “t” is computed as follows :


    ,, BR




    其中 where BRi,t =

    服務行業/服務界別「i」在「t」季度內的業務收益 Business receipts of service industry/service domain “i” in a reference quarter “t”

    BRi,2008 =服務行業/服務界別「i」在二零零八年四季的季度平均業務收益 Quarterly average business receipts of service industry/service domain “i” in the four quarters of 2008

    旅遊界別的業務收益指數 BRI for the tourism domain

    18. 計算旅遊界別的業務收益指數,有兩個資料來源。對於那些主要以旅客為服





    18. Two data sources are used for compiling BRI for the tourism domain. For industries which primarily serve visitors (including travel agents, ticket agents and hotels), business receipts data collected in the QSSI are regarded as entirely tourism-related.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    19. 至於其他同時為相當數目的本港居民提供服務的行業(例如食肆、零售商及









    19. As for those industries which also serve a good number of local residents (e.g. restaurants, retailers and transport operators), assuming their business receipts as entirely tourism-related will grossly over-estimate the tourism-related receipts. However, there are practical difficulties for these service providers to separate business receipts contributed by visitors from their total business receipts. Hence, relevant data have to be collected from the visitors (instead of the service providers) through a Departing Visitors Survey conducted regularly by the HKTB1.

    20. 「服務行業按季統計調查」所搜集到的業務收益數據及「離境旅客問卷調




    20. Business receipts data collected in the QSSI and visitor expenditure data collected in the Departing Visitors Survey supplement each other to provide estimates of tourism-related business receipts of local establishments.

    電腦及資訊科技服務界別的業務收益指數 BRI for the computer and information technology services domain

    21. 電腦及有關服務界別的業務收益指數的編製方法與上述提及的二十二個服務



    銷商(行業主類G)和提供與資訊科技有關服務的機構單位(行業主類 J)。

    21. The compilation method for BRI for the computer and information technology services domain is similar to that for the 22 service industries mentioned above. Distributors mainly dealing with computer equipment (in Industry Section G) and establishments rendering information technology related services (in Industry Section J) are covered in this domain.

    1 香港旅遊發展局亦有編製及公布訪港旅客的境內消費開支,但該等統計數字只計算入境旅遊的收益。另一方面,旅遊界別的業務收益指數計算入境旅遊及出境旅遊 (即從本港居民所得與旅遊有關的收益,不論其旅遊目的地是在香港境外

    或境內亦包括在內) 的總收益。基於這些涵蓋範圍上的分別,兩組統計數字的變動不能作直接比較。

    1 The HKTB also compiles and publishes statistics on destination consumption expenditure of incoming visitors and travellers, which cover receipts generated from inbound tourism only. On the other hand, BRI for the tourism domain covers the total business receipts generated from both inbound and outbound tourism (i.e. those associated with tourism-related services provided to Hong Kong residents travelling outside and within the territory). In view of their differences in coverage, the changes derived from these two series are not directly comparable.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    E. 業務收益指數基期的重訂 E. Rebasing of BRIs

    22. 為配合「香港標準行業分類2.0版」的實施,由二零零九年第一季統計季度開


    作為基期 (即以個別服務行業/界別在二零零八年四季的季度平均業務收益為100) ,取代過往根據「香港標準行業分類1.1版」編製及以二零零五年季度平均作為基期的


    22. To tie in with the implementation of HSIC Version 2.0, BRIs adopt, as from the reference quarter of Q1 2009, the quarterly average of year 2008 as the base period (viz. taking the quarterly average business receipts of individual service industries/domains in the four quarters of 2008 as 100), and replace the previous series that was compiled based on HSIC Version 1.1 and adopted the quarterly average of year 2005 as the base period.

    F. 新業務收益指數的後向估計數列 F. Backcasted series of new BRIs

    23. 為保持「香港標準行業分類2.0版」實施前及實施後數據的連貫性和可比性,


    的分類系統歸類) 的統計程序,用作處理於二零零八統計年度所搜集的業務收益數









    23. To maintain data continuity and comparability before and after implementation of HSIC Version 2.0, C&SD has put in place a statistical procedure of “parallel coding”, whereby the industrial activity of an establishment is classified according to both HSIC Version 1.1 and Version 2.0 concurrently, in processing the business receipts data collected in the reference year of 2008. Based on the parallel-coded data, a set of conversion coefficients, which serves to reflect the relative shares in business receipts of the industries concerned under the old and new classifications, is compiled. Statistics on business receipts dating back to Q1 2005 are then re-compiled in accordance with HSIC Version 2.0 using the conversion coefficients. Finally, relevant BRIs adopting the quarterly average of 2008 as the base period are backcasted accordingly.

    24. 須注意的是,上述方法假設根據二零零八年數據編製而成的「換算系數」能






    24. It should be cautioned that the method mentioned above assumes that the conversion coefficients compiled based on 2008 data are applicable to earlier years. However, owing to possible changes in economic structure in individual industries across years and thus leading to changes in the relative shares amongst industries, it can be understood that the further apart the reference period of a backcasted BRI from 2008, the less reliable the backcasted BRI will be.

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


    G. 業務收益指數的發布 G. Dissemination of BRIs

    25. 業務收益指數的臨時數字於統計季度的約2.3個月後以新聞稿的形式發布。這些臨時數字是根據截止日期前所搜集到








    25. Provisional figures of BRIs are published about 2.3 months after the reference quarter in the form of press releases. These provisional figures are compiled based on survey data collected up to the cut off date. Late returns (usually involving only a very small proportion) are used to revise the provisional figures. The revised figures are released at the C&SD’s website and relevant publications of the C&SD about one month after the release of provisional figures. The scheduled release dates of the provisional and the revised figures of BRIs of Q4 2011 – Q2 2012 are given below:

    業務收益指數發布日期 Release Dates of BRIs

    統計季度 Reference quarters Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012

    臨時數字 (以新聞稿的形式發布) Provisional figures (in the form of a press release)

    9.3.2012 11.6.2012 10.9.2012

    修訂數字 (在政府統計處的網站發布,但沒有新聞稿) Revised figures (released at the C&SD’s website but without a separate press release)

    20.4.2012 20.7.2012 22.10.2012

    26. 業務收益指數臨時數字的新聞稿發布 時 間 表 載 於 政 府 統 計 處 的 網 站


    字 及 其 按 年 變 動 百 分 率 的 時 間 數 列


    26. Schedule for press releases of the provisional figures of BRIs can be obtained from the C&SD’s website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/ press_release/index.jsp). Also available from the website are time series of the revised figures of BRIs and their year-on-year percentage changes for the 22 service industries and the 2 service domains (www.censtatd.gov.hk/hong_kong_ statistics/ statistical_tables/index.jsp).

  • 服務行業按季業務收益指數 二零一一年第四季 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4 2011


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    Print versions of publications and CD-ROM products are available for purchase and collection on the spot at the Publications Unit of the Census and Statistics Department at the following address : 19/F Wanchai Tower 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Tel. : (852) 2582 3025 Fax : (852) 2827 1708 The Unit also provides a reading area where users may browse through the latest issue of various publications of the Department on display. Publicity/educational leaflets and pamphlets of the Department are also available for collection.

    封面Cover目錄Contents引言Introduction摘要Summary二零一一年第四季與二零一零年第四季的比較Comparison of Q4 2011 with Q4 2010二零一一年第四季與二零一一年第三季的比較Comparison of Q4 2011 with Q3 2011二零一一年全年與二零一零年全年的比較Comparison of the year 2011 with the year 2010表一 : 二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季選定服務行業及服務界別的業務收益指數Table 1 : Business Receipts Indices of Selected Service Industries and Service Domains,Q4 2010 to Q4 2011表二 : 二零一零年第四季至二零一一年第四季選定服務行業及服務界別以經季節性調整數列計算的業務收益指數按季變動百分率Table 2 : Quarter-to-Quarter Rates of Change in Business Receipts Indices of Selected Service Industries and Service Domains based on the Seasonally Adjusted Series, Q4 2010 to Q4 2011顯示最近5年選定服務行業及服務界別的業務收益指數的統計圖Charts showing Business Receipts Indices of Selected Service Industries and Services Domains for the Recent Five Years統計方法Statistical MethodologyA. 行業範圍A. Industry CoverageB. 資料來源B. Data SourcesC. 服務行業按季統計調查C. Quarterly Survey of Service IndustriesD. 業務收益指數的編製D. Compilation of BRIsE. 業務收益指數基期的重訂 E. Rebasing of BRIsF. 新業務收益指數的後向估計數列F. Backcasted series of new BRIsG. 業務收益指數的發布G. Dissemination of BRIs獲取政府統計處刊物及其他統計產品的方法Means of Obtaining Publications and Other Statistical Productsof the Census and Statistics Department

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