october 21* 1923 ^94;6,~- ' ..jo s b , 1:1—1 ,. 1:144 t ;v r · ..jo s b , 1:1—1 " 1,...

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October 2 1 * 1 9 2 3 ..Jo s b , 1:1—1

" 1, Now it came to--pass after the death of Most* thel servant of Jehovah, that Jehovah spake unto Joshua;vtBe3 son of Nun, Moses* minister, saying, J

2. Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, £0% *>yer this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the !ar*d| Pfch I do give to them, even to the chSdrett of Israel j

" 5 . Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread J a v ^ ' t o you have I given k, as I spake unto Moses. j jF 4, From the wfldesmess, and utis Lebanon, eves unto j itiV great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the | iHittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of | thejsium shall be yaur.borde*;^ V I

, What is the meaning of the name, Joshua^ '• .''"; The narjae, Joshua, o nearly identical with the ;

name, Jesus (Savior). Both of these names are oV j rived from the word Jehovah, meaning,, " I AM THAT "M:i'

:yUt" • " ': «, ,| ; Why''did Moses (the law} die to be succeeded fijjrg

Joshua (I AM)? ' f • •;Moses represente the law of cause and effects ^aTJietecJeSer a man soweth, that shall he also- reap."! |Sijjmf*,-a p&n cotnes to -a realization of absolute Tiuth| laajjlirfet/ifi^^rit,. thejtower of the Jaw diegy said a-n*"' ^^tsbpeum'oTX AM Tfoillmcn takes contre^T^Fr fye^bre-'ntf'under law, but under grace,'!.. tVe%ejP *°" gafjis the understanding that substanee4i|ii;*nler;

^ f ' * r ^ ^ a ^ ^ i W F ' • , " , l ^ he has aUainattJetiiewhh&iie t>£-ccm^6usri '-v-ilS.. .?-&-*:' ""' •'-'•:

gi$£i*u%&~u *ciitted?: . {; The- Scriptures symbolically refer to this new i, trriestate of consciousness as ' oWjaemised land* ,r_.,S}T^jbai;h the meaning of verse 3? "Every place

their sole of your foot shall tread upon, to you havm gipen at, as I spake unto Moses" ?

Tee* feet: repres*ȣ-purus^^ ;

fjj* acjM'of dm far em the power of the uedmtand£i| titaidays hold of Hibkanea. Mosev the law, wai ghred tte-WorrJ, and Joshua (I AM) sf*eafer theWord thaf makes .substance and 'fife manifest tit the- Mh>; ; . \V 1 1

Explain the symbol* in verse 4.' , - $ff.''-': .;•#

Ijxdj yet cultivated; Lebanon, pure trnrogfiis; the 'JrfM tfSjkH, thoughts of opporiooa and resistance; Euphrates!

.Marci i - '3 ; ;^94;6,~- ' J o s h ,.t 1 : 1 4 4

. 1 . Now it came "to pass r after;- tihe deatn of Moses the servant of Jehovah, that:Jef hovafa spake unto*. Joshua.'the,-.sonof NMijp Moses' minister, saying, •%

2. Moses my servant is dead ; how therey fore arise, .go over this^Jordan,/thou, and. all this people, unto the land which I dcfc

" give to thecTv even,to ••the:.duniren?©£.ls»efi'' 3. Every place that the sole of -your foot,

shall tread upon, to you have I given uj as I spake unto Moses. . 1j

4. From the wilderness,rand1 this i.eb* anon, even unto the #reatriver, the .rivos -Euphrates,, all the land of the ifittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the surt, shall be your border. <

In1 ibis-lesson what does Mmesrepr&3 sent? , y! •

Moses represents the evolutionary2

force of new ideas that have grown in: the subconsciousness until they havej? lifted man's true spiritual thoughts* (Children of Israel) out of the depths' of sense (Egyptian) bondage, into.<&•-. higher- life expression..

In soul unfaldment what does Jash* ua mean? •;*-• •"'" .-,%

Joshua means ''|^:.:hKs^s|6r^r',oa| 'Jehovah b sah^tibri,*' andfsytritxril izes the next movement of the evoIiiS tionary force of new idea% in wMd|-the sbul realizes that i t ; must abid(i| continually in #tfe Cahitist*coriseioriSne5s|, and must not, on any occasion2 lapse into pride or personal arrogance. j ] When the spiritual F AM in man in firmly established /» the, SQtili^ W,Ba% mstdts?' .M I Rapid :spmtual^pm^ress:::ii&,.a^us^ ;Whe« Joshua took cornmand he noefi jfied the CMdjmh* of l%tsM thhifc!th«y|; would pass- over' itiha. tire1;. F%orai.s«^ Land in tfareedaySi "r|

What brings us into harmony wistb\) Ithe law of life? "j j Spiritual courage:tiaat carries us for-. 'ward in the face of chflcttlties or dart-. jgers foreseen and uncterstood, making|. us sd£-possessed^^and self-reliant meaa^' while. We leam how to realize full-ness of life by living courageously. |

What does possession of the Proml ised Land signify?' . .1

,ft:signifies ah«,s©irh-o£seIf^a»e3| i«caf'in. a booj!.idlkipHhed ;by rij^fii. jtfuhlaxrg. It' sigaiffes\the power' to d p ;rect life and the actual directing of ;jn,conformity with the divine law

December 16, 1951 j. x Josh. 1:1-7 . . _.. .'J

-. 1. Now it came to pass after the deatlti f»f Moses the servant of Jehovah, that Je-' hoVah spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,-> 2. Moses my servant is dead; now

therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, , and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. '.

3. Svery place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, to you have I given it, as I spake unto Moses.

4. From the wilderness, and this Leb-anon, even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border.

5. There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

6. Be strong and of good courage; for thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land which I ' sware unto their fathers to give them.

7. Only be strong and very courageous, to observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to-the left, that thou mayest have good success whithersoever thou goest.

r" What is 'the significance of the words 1. "Moses my servant is dead; now there-| fore arise, go over this Jordan"?

When the evolutionary force of new ideas (Moses) has completed its work of lifting the true spiritual thoughts (Israel) out of sense bond-age (Egypt), it surrenders its leader-ship (dies). The I AM (symbolized by Joshua) then continues with the work of spiritual illumination.

What does the phrase "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, to you have I given it" mean?

It means that every subject on which

we take a firm stand an%hold fast our faith concerning if will sooner or later yield up to us its secret. Thus* we gain more understanding and in-crease our consciousness of our do-minion over our world.

In what spirit do we remain con-tinually conscious of God and of di-vine help?

In a strong, courageous spirit. "Be strong and of good courage." To the person of courage and strong faith all things are possible.

What quality of mind other than courage is especially emphasized in this charge of Jehovah to Joshua?

Persistence, because it is only through courage and persistence that a difficult task can be carried through to a successful conclusion. "Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left." Unless we concentrate ail our energies on a given undertaking, we are not likely to succeed in it.

How can we overcome our fear of atomic power in an aggressive society?

By working tirelessly to reveal to the world the beneficent effects of atomic power, by developing its vari-ous uses and expressing them, and by working tirelessly for the ideal of universal brotherhood, in which men dwell in peace with their fellow men.


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'. 8 I \ :• I




February 17, 1924 Josh. 1:1-9 _._ . t ,..,-':

TT7*T.' * Plow rFcame to'pass after the*deatfr o f Moses rSf sewant of Jehovah, that Jehovah spake unto Joshua, wk son of Nun, Moses* minister, saying; v?j

2. Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go? jover this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the bvndj •iVmich I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. j I 3 . Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread; liipon, to you have I given it, as I spake unto Moses. | 4 . From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto: ^fbe great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the; jnittites. and unto the great sea toward the going down of ithe sun, shall be your border. 8 5. There shall not any man be able to stand before: fhee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I ^witt be with diee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. -.

6. Be strong and of good courage; for thou shalt cause mis people to inherit the land which I sware unto their Jathers to give them. ; "•• 7. Only be strong and very courageous, to observe to do according to the law, which Moses my servant com-manded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest have good success whithersoever thou guest 28 8. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy friouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written j therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and! then thou shalt have good success. ; 9. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: tor Jehovah thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest t Ti8 And it came to pass after many days, when Jehovah

drgjven rest unto Israel from all their enemies round, about, and Joshua was old and well stricken in.years; 2 % * " ? • That Joshua called for alt Israel, for their elders and for their heads, and for their judges and far their officers, and said unto ffierjaVLam old and well- strickeriSi years: ' A \ . 3 . And ye have seen ait that Jehovah your God hash! &Ope8 unto all these nationsbecause of you; for Jehovah |tourGodv be it » t h a t hato-fought for you. r .8'fv' :'; LESSON lOTEitPBETATION '- ,, V . ' ':"t'~

;>_- What does the deaih of-Moses represent? V .~-•J. Moses representi our understanding of divine: law. prfifcii we emphasize the observance of divine: law.; we l i u ^ d that Jaw- up.in coriscibuaiess until it becomes.the (leader fif all our spiritual Noughts. I n the progress of tauul unfoldment,,every faculty must fie rounded ouh P ^ e find thai die lawr (Moses) has given us the rule ip^-acbfih.butyvremvist the acting ego (Joshua) , which is very necemaryj to our possession of substance, arid life (the promised iaridju .As the activity of the

l l ^ J w a h e s . k is succeededby I AM. . _ Give the esoteric meaning of Joshua, the son of \,Mbsesrnmtster. . . . - ^ '" ,

8;i^rd$;Ni»; meana''' eternal. •. Nun*;Joshua's ,-r belongs to the tribe of Ephraim (will). The Jnahua, identical witfo the name Jesus, means

i*/5T a m Savior.** Joshua is the dkecrive general of the?

.^ iS«^ . ' ^ft5fe'5i'Wjr*eTS*-iJ

law. The I AM asserts its leadership based upon understanding of divine law. \ v -8 |F r ^ : t o t f t o^ -o^^ ' t f6 - ; ; ^< i cn , , ' ? ;

82'|.;rTiJe name Jordan means "the m e t of jud^rrrenl: It represents that place in consciousness where we aria willing to meet the results of our thoughts, face to facel

What is the meaning of verse 3: "Every place thai the sole of your foot shall tread upon, to you have i given''tt, as I spake unto Moses"?' ; V|

The feet represent that part of our understanding which comes in contact with substance. we can take possession of all substance that we prehend and understand, in the name of I AM.

How great may be our possessions? T h e limits are symbolically described in verse

T h e wilderness means the undeveloped substance. earth was waste and void" (Genesis 1:2). Leban means white, pure, undefiled, representing the char of divine substance. " T h e great sea toward the goingl down of the sun" represents the great possibiBties off expression within and without. . "1

What is to be worked out by the. I AM (JoshuaM through the promise made in verse 5 ? 2 | |

A n everlasting union with Jehovah is the work B» be accomplished. First, the overcomer must trust nf, Jehovah God. T h e n he must realize that he is immersed! in the omnipotence and omnipresence of Jehovah. . J

What is meant by verse 6: "Be strong and am good courage; for thou shall cause this people to inherit the land which I sware unto their fathers to gi'ue i/iemTjg

M a n must affirm spiritual strength and courage in| order that all his thoughts (people) may become esa tabfished in and l ay hold of substance ( l a n d ) . . i y^:rJy*7iof is.ffiie meaning of the command; "Turn•asm from it fo the right hand or to the left, that i&ou moyeif" have- good success whithersoever thou goesi"? - "j : .Success many undertaking, depends upon undiyJoy

attention to an ideal. Do not be sidetracked byfl failures of the past or the discouragements of the presea>. but keep the mark of the high calling in Christ Jess l as your goal. As Jehovah said to Moses: " % e a i | unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:" 83

What ts the metaphysical meaning of the promfsef as set f brth in verse 8, that one may have prosperity an^ success through keeping the book of the law in thougM and in Word? '••'•'.•'-• "-'"%

The law of the Word i s : "Thou shalt also decree M thing;, and it shall be established unto thee." wefflttf] enter into the realization of the power of every wpretf Not only must we speak words of Truth, but our merfl tations should be based upon our understanding of •'.'dw law, whether, at the time we have the lMmini (dayK « darkness (night)

s ~ „ V." , ' ' « • / -inei/j What is it tefarise and go over the Jordan to the 1 I n 1 . 1 9 ' JPromised Land* \ , : • ; - , v t - % " N o w I t c a r n e t o paa after the death of Moses the- ' - T h e > r d a n ^ f c k * n**"5 "d*****-"**"* '**?*««** [ -ervant of Jehovah, that Jehovah spake unto Joshua the son « « negative thought realm m consciousness which must \ of \Nun, Moses* minister, saying, be overcome before one can enter into the Promised [ / 2. Moses my servant is dead: now therefore arise, go Land or into harmony with Spirit

over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land « £ , kce fat fa soU tf/ yoifffot fail tead which I do give to them, even to the children ot Israel. , , , . .. , . , . . „

3. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread "Con- .'• u o u hav* l ^ C T '<• « ' «*»*•« unt° Moses. upon. to you have I given it, as I spake unto Moses. Explain.

4. From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto The feet represent the understanding in relation to the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the the environment. When the I AM is firmly estab-

r Hittite.. and unto the great sea toward the going down of ^hed i n J u b s t a n c e a n d m understanding of the law, the sun, shall be your border. . , „ . .

5. There shall not any man be able to stand before * *"m P°***s>™ of all things. 1 thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I Explain the promise, "I Will be with thee; I will

will be with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, not fail thee, nor forsake thee." 6. Be strong and of good courage; for thou shalt cause Jehovah, the supreme I AM, identifies himself with

* " vTthem0 khCr i t SW3re Unt° J o s h u a * t h e u l d i v l ' d u a , l AM" V w we affirm our unity l° T Ody be strong and very courageous, to observe ^ >bovah we are in the consciousness of his promise, to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to How does Joshua (I AM) build up a fearless,

j the left, that thou mayest have good success whithersoever strong, courageous slate of mind?

^oTsuk book of the law shall not depart out of thy . A 5 ° D g * *"** c o u r a « e o u s f t e ° f ffiild « * » mouth, but thou shall meditate thereon day and night, that f r o m affirmations of courage, strength, and power. The

I thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written I AM must.be established in its goal, and "turn not from therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and it to the right hand of to the left." then thou shalt have good success. If/hat /, meant oy fa 00„i< 0f fa law 0j- Wnicf,

9. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of ]ehoVah • ft . . ^ y j f m m good courage: be not affnghted, neither be thou dismayed: , , . , , , , ... . , . . . .

f for Jehovah thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest but lhou shaJt meditate thereon day and night, . . . — • for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then

thou shalt have good success"? j The book of the law means the understanding that i there is a fixed spiritual law back of every manifest

effect. By meditation this law is revealed to the in-quiring mind. Meditation (inquiry into the law) should be carried forward in periods of light (day) and in times of darkness (night). Those who follow the law and arrange their thoughts, words, and acts in accord-ance therewith are always prosperous and successful.

'if 8 ••• a

- ^ ; d r J , q ,^tqr«6«rve-f» eVaccording to all tkZ |»T!»fc N o w i r i a k e w ^ , \ / ^ ' ' 5 ^ f p of Moses the servant of Jehovah, that Je-f -=*v«y one must have help to over-| I hovah spake unto Jos^ turmoil of the senses c Moses' minister, saying; ; •*£ consdousnessv Courage is more conv f 2. Moses my servant is_ dead^nwf; tagi01ia thaa-fear, and can be madef i therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thorn?: +n om«.i«^*-''«i«w r>~„ "^""f

and all this people, unto the land whicl *° suPPjant fear. Courage can be uttf L I do give to them, even to the duldrea- parted to every part of the conscious-" t of Israel. if ness through use of the word, and cani i 3. Every place that the sole of your thus cleanse the consciousness of all? * thai ia


)JOU ^ * " ^ ^ ^ i n g s of whatever kind. .f * 4. From the wilderness, and this' What, above all else, gives mark :. Lebanon, even unto the great river, the greatest courage and strength! f t'- river Euphrates, all the land of the Hit! Nothing gives man such courage! -•'• tites, and unto the great sea toward the and strength as the realization that*

going^down of the sun, shall be your, the great God of the universe is as - 5.6There shall not any man be ab i | 'spiritual presence that is constantly*

to stand before thee all the days of thy striving to impart to him ail its* ..life: as I was with Moses, so I will b^jgowexs^l^k^^^^-Zj^^^^:- / V i ' ^ i l

with thee; I will not fail thee, nor for,. Please give the meaning of the pag* ! sake thee : sage "This book of the law shall not < 6. Be strong and of good courage; for depart out of thy mouth, but thoui

thou shalt cause this people to inherit shait meditate thereon day and nighi the land which I aware unto their fathers , , , ,, , ,, , _ , . . „ * to give them. i • • • for ^ten i^ou 3na^ make thy way?

7. Only be strong and very courageous* prosperous, and then thou shalt havei to observe to do according to all the law* good success," : ~M

y which Moses my servant commanded! TJiis j s a treatment for prosperity*; thee-: turn not; from it to the right handf d i t ^ J J b r f n g u c c e s s t o a n y o p -orto the left, that thou mayest have good] , ,. ., .* ,. , . „ , *, _3« success withersoever thou goest. 1 wh<> applies it in thought and worchj

8. This book of the law shall not devi What great promise 13 given to aUj i part out of thy mouth, but thou shalti those who believe in the living Goati

meditate thereon day and night, that thout ^ an ever-present help? I mayest-observe to do according to aflthatj „ B strong and of good courageg is written therein: for then thou abaltt , . ^ . f , , ... e . .. „ f- ~ make thy way prosperous, and then tho* °* n o t affrighted, neither be thou cosy

-- shalt have good success: . | mayed; for Jehovah thy God is witb| •-'•:.'-9. Have not I commanded thee? Bef thee withersoever thou goest." ^

strong and of good courage; Be: not a f | realization of the truth of this stated - S5Sf i S S 5 SS toeTwit;^ 5«* - n -*; *>* thv T* a i

ever thou goest. _ i | & e Pu rP°se o f &«' weakest person^ In this lesson what does Moses repM said will nerve him to accomplishj

resent? • r ~ - . • ^v:-^;\whaitever:.he:.sete-out to do. - ~i Moses represents the evdlutibnarj! - — ^

force of new ideas that have grown, infl the subconsciousness until they hav "* lifted man's true spiritual thoughts!

;' (Children of Israel) out of the deptfili of sense (Egyptian) bondage, into••*% higher life expression. .', • ' !:p

In soul unfoldment what doe&% Joshua mean? • *|

Joshua means "Jah is savior," cak "Jehovah is salvation," and "symbol^ izes the next movement of the evo-3 Iutibnary force of new ideas, in which.! the soul realizes that it must aMdey! continually--la the Christ cdnsciousri ness' and'must not, on any occasional ;lapse into pride, ow personal ;arroM ganee~ - - »' --•„ , . 4

'^Iffhsn^me sptfi^toZ I AM in manii$$ ^0kmly? esfaftixsneol m90^souti whcM • results? . " . " - ' 3

Hapidspsriteal progress is assur=d:1 ; When Joshiis took command be noti-ffied the Children of Israel'that they! ,would pass' over into the^ Promise^1

pLsMmtnTSeTaays - 5 ^ C T *i-~ Jehovah's command,to Joshua tool ^asj&k%-J'i<~y- "*•• -••• •'ih-- .•v^'iVvV- r^fr-.'i.' \ " ^ v ^ . ^ - i ^ . V v '•---"••••

'f '" July 2, 1944 [ , J o s J h . 1 : 1 - 9 -definBS' e f t . Now if came to pass after the" death'dead,"' and g n o s e s the seryan^of Jehovah, gut. MSbshm takes con^ancL "w^ari »o*aii. spake unto, Joshua the son of Nun£ JT ^ ' . • V""'---r—•'i-e- •'--•'-1"'* *-"*» Poses ' minister, saving; •' fef r e a d v t o PV*W I l f e ^ T ^ Pv2. Moses my servant is dead; now there* fie° to express it, according to plan; ;c, pjbre arise,, go over this Jordan, thou, and' 'JP'&tf metaphysical symbqlogy is [M this people, unto the land which I do found in the command to pass over p w t t o them, even to the children of I s rae l i ;^ W d „ „,,,£ *// ioe Children of

Srfi ^ r S ' ^ h 5 0 1 6 ! 0 5 - ^ - / 0 0 * lsrael int° th'l*»d *" l^ovah had pa l l tread upon, to you have I given it, as • , , ' fepake unto Moses. given them? | | 4 ; From the wilderness, and this Leb- The Children of Israel represent our |»oa, even unto the great river, the river true thought forces. These are to be ^iphrates, all the land of- the Hittites, led out of sense consciousness into m unto _the great sea toward the going s p i r i tual consciousness. This transfor-Pawn of the sun, shall be your border. r ... • , , r , ,-r p . There shall not any man be able t 0 ^ t i o n is made by means of the life Stand before thee all the days of thy life: as " o w °f thought through the body ihvas with Moses, so I will be with thee; (Jordan, "the south flowing"). The ||will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. i body consciousness (Canaan, "low-m . Be.strong and of good courage; for l a n d " \ i s ^ d i v i n e g i f t t h a t ^ t h i e shou shalt cause this people to inherit the . u „(.* c - ,. \-u J I^ lihd which I sware unto their fathers to bought forces are to lift up and exalt lave them. •; until it becomes the redeemed body or Il;7: Only be strong and very courageous, spiritual consciousness made manifest pr>. observe to do according to all the law,, in us. jh ich Moses my servant commanded thee:j wBy was ]oshm fdd repeateMy t0 ftora not from it to the right hand or to the , J ' , , ' . ' lm. that thou mayest have good success! have couraie and be stronS?

lybithersoever thou goest. j Because courage is required to win fep; This book of the law shall not de-1 back what has been so completely lost fprt out of thy mouth, but thou shalt medi-. that even the memory of it is forgot-gite thereon day and night, that thou, t e n F a i t h ( A b r a h a m ) first I e a d s u s t 0 anayest observe to do according to all that: . ,, •<• , / • , . / j , . , ^written therein: for then thou shalt make! Perceive the gift of the redeemed body, |Sy way prosperous/and then, thou shalt b u t when faith fails to complete the sjkve good success. redeeming process the true thought | f 9. Have not I commanded thee? Be forces are withdrawn frpm the con-prong and of good courage; be not af- t e m p l a t ion of the body consciousness, ;#righted, neither be thou dismayed: for Je- , .*, ,, r ,, , ' , , . . hovah thy God is with thee whithersoever w

rh l d l t h e n [Ms

a u n , d e r * ? dominion

•thou goest. i : of sense cy the fleshly tendencies I Why is iFstated in the lesson textTJoshua was directed to "cause this %at Jehovah spoke to Joshua only people to inherit the land which I "after the death of Moses"? sware unto their fathers to give them. | Those who seek divine guidance and What spiritual truth is expressed in leceive it become leaders by reason of this verse? this fact. When Joshua took over the The gift of spiritual consciousness leadership he was already trained to ("the land") is given to us by the rely upon Jehovah and he at once re- Father, but we make it our own and |eivedPthe inspiration to act with dis- realize its fullest possibilities inherit L c h . "Jehovah spake unto Joshua." the land") only as we develop it .by l o s e s led the Children of Israel for conscious thought through the I AM lorty years, and in their eyes he repre- U courage needed in order to per-iented the divine law. The law gives us severe? l i e rule of action, but when this is Courage is needed when the task fixed in mind we must still learn to act lipon it. %:What is signified by the words |'Moses myjervant is dead; now there-fore arise"?

undertaken is one that does not show immediate or outstanding results. Growth in spiritual life, like growth in the natural world, is more often than otherwise, a gradual process, re-

quir ing "long patience."


October 5, 1902 Josb. 1:1-11

(For scripture see May 19^ 1918) In the study of Bible symbology we should

remember that the death of a character does not mean that there is a total disappearance from'con-sciousness of the mental action which it represents, but that it typifies the obscuration of that particular phase of activity as a dominant quality, and the ascendency of some other faculty that needs develop-ment.

In a certain stage of our development we depend almost entirely upon the Divine Law which Moses represents. W e do not assert the I AM of our Being, but depend entirely upon the Law to bring us out of the wilderness of sense.

We find, however, that God is identity as well as life, and love, and intelligence, and to express His perfection in the " i m a g e and l ikeness" we must develop the I AM power of Being. Hence the neces-sity of the retirement of Moses and the ascendency of Joshua as leader of the forces,

Joshua means in Hebfew, " J e h o v a h is Savior." His name originally was Hoshea, the same as the prophet Hoshea, signifying " salvation" or " h e l p . " To this was added afterwards (Num. 13:16) " J e " for Jehovah; and the name became Jehoshua, " J e h o v a h is salvation," shortened to Joshua, later modified in Neh. 8:17 to Jesb.ua, from which came its Greek form in the Septuagint, Jesous, ]esus. Thus Joshua and Jesus represent the same faculty in differ-ent states of activity.

The Jordan is tha t great stream of mortal thought which runs through the race consciousness, and which we find within ourselves as an ancestral inheri-tance. To march boldly, into this muddy stream requires fortitude and fearlessness. Joshua was told to be " strong and of good courage."

" E v e r y place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon," represents that mastery of the I AM which comes when we " p u t our foot right down" on conditions and affirm our dominion. . L e b a n o n means "white mountain;" Euphra tes ,

"fructifying." Hit t ies, "oppos i t ion ," that is, you are to come into a consciousness of the purity of your being, that it is fed and fructified by a stream from on high, and you shall overcome all opposition. This is the promise of the Lord to every child who over-comes in the name of the Divine I AM, the Supreme Will at the centre of our being.

The " book of the law" is the understanding of the Divine Law, which is Moses. This is not to depart out of our mouth. We are to speak the truth always. We are also to meditate day and night. When we do this there is no danger of our affirming! the I AM power from a personal or egotistical s tand-point. True prosperity and success always result when we think and act from the Universal.

October 6, 1907 Josh. 1:1-11

(For scripture see May 19, 1918) Joshua means " S a v i o r " or " h e l p e r . " Under

certain states of mind the I Am in man acquires greatly added power. This power has its foundation in Spir-itual understanding. The leadership of Moses was given to Joshua because he had been under instruction and had acquired a proficiency that enabled him to. perform with dispatch. W h e n Joshua took command he notified the children of Israel that they would pass over into the " Promised Land " in three days . This promptness of action is the result of confidence and power. W h e n we know the law of Spiritual demon-stration and have the courage to act, we are Joshua. It is this state of mind that saves the whole mentality from its errors and brings it to a consciousness of its natural inheritance in Being.

Courage is as contagious as fear and it can be im-parted to every part of the consciousness through the use of the word. W e often find ourselves quaking with fear and trembling within without knowing why. The cause is sub-conscious timidity. All the fearful experiences we have ever passed through have left I their record upon the sensitive plate of the mind and ' they are vibrating in our nerves in spite of the con-sciousness that there is nothing to fear. W e must have help to overcome this inner storm, or the next step, chronic nervousness, will ensue.

Nothing gives such courage and strength as the real-! ization that the great God of the Universe is a spirit-ual presence that is constantly striving to impart to man a*ll of its powers. " This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shaft meditate the.rein._daY. and n igh t , tha t_thqumayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shaft have good success ." This is a treatment for pros-perity and will bring success to anyone who applies i t in thought and word.

" B e strong and of good courage; be not afraid,.; neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God i s : with thee whithersoever thou goest ." This promise.; is to those who believe in the living God as an ever-present Father helping his children in every under-. taking. The realization of this will make stout the, heart and purpose of the weakest man or woman antf nerve them to accomplish whatever they set out to da . It is a truth. T r y it and prove it. ;.; •'•£

UNITY magazine

UNITY magazine


• • s What, in consciousness, does "Joshua" represent? [, -• L~Ncw it c a W m ^ i ' A e r ^ death of Moses thel > T ^ f » ? e P " * * * ? * " • * » of the Law. fol-servant of Jehovah, that Jehovah spake unto Joshua the son j I o w m g M o > e * ' m e n e S a t l v e statement or letter of of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, *"* Law.

2. Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go; What does "Jordan" represent? "Jordan" means "river of judgment" When the over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land

which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. n;.„v,„ I ..... I..- k=.,„ ,- i r u j • ,u •2 tr i .L . .L i £ , . i ]i ,. j Uivme Law has been established in the consciousness, 3. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread , , c . . _ . WWW«M«»«,

upon, to you have I given it, as I spake unto Moses. *?* t n e ^P"?/ °\ wisdom (bavior, Joshua) is recog-4. From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto nized as the "rriinister" of the Law, we understandingly

the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the and courageously pass judgment on all thoughts. Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of \v/e c o m m a n d m o r t a l thoughts (waters) to stand the sun. shall be your border. still afar off, to recede from consciousness, that the

5. There shall not any man be able to stand before ' . . ' ""** **" thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will Israelites (positive thoughts of Truth) may pass over ibe with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. (stand in, time of judgment) and come into possession ! 6. Be strong and of good courage; for thou shall cause of the "promised land" (realization of Divine Sub-.this people to inherit the land which I sware unto their s t a n c e > the foundation of the new Christ Body). fathers to give them. What does the "sole of »our foot* symbolize?

7. Only be strong and very courageous, to observe to „ „ ' •*" •* * do according to all the law, which Moses my servant com- , * n e s o l e ot m e , f o o t symbolizes the firm lmpres-manded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or tophe left, sion of the understancling upon Substance. This estab-that thou mayest have good success whithersoever thou goest. Iishes the unity between Substance and understanding,

8. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy ^ying m a n fa coacept 0f his tmhrnited possibilities. mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that ur\,„ ;. ;, tc„i - . „ „ ; „ , ,_ •• , i L t ,L n ,L .. . L . J j - . n »L . • !_•« - yV no is it that promises to stand before thee all the thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written „ r ' therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and dt9*t °f ^V a'e' and * null not fad thee, nor forsake then thou shalt have good success. thee ? 9. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: for Jehovah thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest

10. Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying, j I I . Pass through the midst of the camp, and command the people, saying, Prepare you victuals; for within three days ye are to pass over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land, which Jehovah your God giveth you to possess it

Jehovah or man's- spiritual I Am. Through its power we are enabled to understand and to possess our Divine birthright.

What affirmations will lift one out of the old law of denial, into the new law of positive affirmation ?

Those given in the text, which are, in substance: I am strong and of good courage. I do observe the Law, and turn not from it to the right hand, nor to the left, that I may have good success whithersoever I go.

July 3 , 1938 "What isthe meaning'of'< the names) Josh 1:2T6 .Canaan and Jordan? • •'

2. Moses my servant is dead; now there-! Qm (lowland) represents the fore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and ali> , , .v I . f, /.. „„„!+.; this people: unto the land which I do give body consciousness; Jordan (the south to them, even to the children of Israel. flowing) the life flow or thought,

3. Every place that the sole of your foot through the body, shall tread upon, to you have I given it, as I Why is the command to "be strong spake unto Moses. and of good courage" given to Joshua?

4. From the wilderness, and this Leb- ~ ' ° . fL^JL _„i„ l c :«. ;» anon, even unto the great river, the river The I AM IS strong only as it is Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and identified with Truth. When man iden-unto the great sea toward the going down of tifies himself faithfully Only with his the sun, shall be your border. t m e higher self, he is strong. Courage

I J A S C r e £*" n l ^ J ^ Sf S I e t 0 is required for faithfulness to Truth in I stand before thee all the days of thy life: as ~ | 1 ™ 77?^ ' s o l fU t6 !Lith t h e e : 1 fntfr&he promise "As Twos with § will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. \ " c f , , I 6. Be strong and of good courage; for Moses, SO I Will be With thee, I thou shalt cause this people to inherit the This promise is fulfilled when man k land which I sware unto their fathers to cultivates the presence of God and be-I 2"™#'T- \L * *L • i • / comes conscious of Him as the indwell-1 . What ts the metaphysical meaning of . ~~ . . , . , j . ,,„ I ,, j , r i. , ine Spirit of wisdom, peace, and love. | the command to Joshua to cross over *• H

I the Jordan into the Promised Land— I since "Moses my servant is dead"? I Moses represents the early stages of | the individual's growth in Truth, in the * understanding of divine law. The work | of Moses is finished when the individ-I ual is ready to submit to the guidance I of the I AM (Joshua) in all things. I What is the meaning of the name \ Joshua?

Joshua means "Jehovah is salvation." _ . It is by virtue of his use of the I AM I principle that man is saved. Jehovah is • I the "I AM THAT I AM" or real self of I f man. I Interpret verse 3. I Every idea that we lay hold of and I have faith in becomes ours. I What do the borders of the Prom- ' $ ised Land represent metaphysically? I In the individual consciousness the 1 "wilderness" represents the multitude | of undisciplined and uncultivated If thoughts; "this Lebanon" represents I pure thoughts; "the great river, the | river Euphrates," the nervous system in I man. The Hittites represent thoughts | of opposition and resistance, and the I sea represents universal mind. I How does the I AM function in man? I The I AM, enables man to identify | himself with power, love, wisdom, I peace, and Truth in all its phases.

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