observations 2, dorm life. comments

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Observations 2, Dorm Life. Comments..


    Colwell 1

    Matthew Colwell

    English 1102


    Mrs. Walden

    Assignment 2: My Dorm

    For my figured world I chose to observe was my dorm, the Sycamore Suite room 36B.

    The reasoning in this was because after living there for around six months or so I have noticed somany different things going on. For example all of the artifacts that make up these dorms from

    TVs and posters to shoes and clothes spread out everywhere. There are plenty of discourse

    communities and actors in the dorm as well. You have the fraternity guys, including myself, very

    artistic type people and jocks. There are only four people in the dorm but the friends each of the

    others bring on a frequent help make up these discourse communities. There are tons of rules that

    are in this figured world as well. Rules such as being quite during silent hours, picking up after

    yourself to not make other roommates mad, not doing anything inappropriate like yelling out

    fowl language or anything like that. Another rule would be when inspectors come in before long

    breaks to make sure your room is up to par, as in, not messed up. You will get fined if furniture

    is not in the condition it was, if you have stained the carpet or something of that nature. There are

    also a good amount of different behaviors present. For example, I will see roommates stressed

    out and staying up all night doing an essay. Sometimes people are frustrated with one another for

    not being as tidy. There is also a lot of friendly behavior as well, people wanting to hang out and

    things like that. It is a very diverse figured world and I am ready to observe it in a lot more in



    My observations took place at a lot ofdifferent times of the week and during the day. I

    spent some time observing the dorm when people were at class and a lot more quite. I also noted

    times when my roommate and I have friends over and when my other roommates have friends

    over. Here are my observations.

    Observation 1: Wednesday 10AM My Room

    As I first walk into my dorm room from class I noticed a few things. For starters the door

    to my dorm has all of our names on a black and grey hat to let people know who lives there. Iswipe my yellow card key to open the door, just like opening a hotel room. The first breath I take

    from the dorm is a combination of must and cologne, not an ideal smell. The must smell is from

    Comment [M1]: Think of something flashy for

    the title.


    Comment [M2]: Id maybe look for stronger

    word choice than this phrase.


    Comment [M3]: What are the common artifacts,

    literacy practices, and specialized languages

    present? -RC

    Comment [M4]: You do a pretty good job in

    showing the diversity of the life in the dorms.


    Comment [M5]: The choice of non busy/busy isa good way to show the diversity.


    Comment [M6]: I like this it adds to the

    atmosphere makes the reader feel as though they

    are there.


    Comment [M7]: I like the detail on the smell -RC

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    the trash standing next to the door that probably hasnt been taken out in a few months. I follow

    the smell of the cologne to the bathroom. I notice a few artifacts such as soap, deodorant, tooth

    brushes, toilet paper that is all over the floor. Not the most clean room. The white and grey floor

    has a lot of black spaces on it due to the shower over flowing on to the uneven floor in the

    bathroom. There are plenty of wet towels hanging from the railings in the bathroom that havent

    been cleaned in a while and are starting to smell a little moldy if you smell close enough. I leave

    this room and walk across the green carpet into my room. My roommate is not around but I

    notice a sea of clothes all over made up of different colors. There is a laptop on his wooden desk

    with a bunch of scattered pencils all over it. There are also empty water bottles on the floor due

    to the overflowing of the trash can. I see shoes everywhere scattered across the floor which get

    mixed into the sea of clothes. There is noise coming from the TV that was left on. The TV is on

    top of a black refrigerator with an Xbox leaning on it. There are a bunch of republican stickers

    on the fridge that my roommate put up. I also notice a few shirts that say KA on them whichare both mine and his. These shirts mean that we are obviously in a fraternity. There are also

    tennis racquets lying around that belong to my roommate.

    As you can see based off of these things that there are plenty of artifacts about in the

    room, there are also a bunch of discourse communities. You have the people that are not as neat

    as the average person; you also have a Greek community as well. There is also a sports

    community based off of the tennis things lying in the room. Those groups might have not been

    present in the dorm but that community is there a lot, in my later observations I will include the

    behaviors of the people when they are around more.

    Observation 2: This past Thursday at 8PM

    Sitting in my room with a few of my fraternity friends I realize how loud we can get. The

    group of us cracking jokes and playing really loud music just hanging out and getting ready to goto a party. All of us are wearing button downs and khaki pants with visors or hats on. My one

    roommate walked in to see what was going on. My one roommate was with his friend, they both

    just got back from architecture class. My roommate is named Robbie; he is in the more

    skateboarder and artistic discourse community. He walks in wearing skateboard brand clothes,

    and his friend as well. He has this tired look on his face from working on a project all day and

    came back to the dorm with his friend to take a break. He was rambling on about how much he

    has to get done with his projects and seemed really stressed out. I was not too surprised when he

    said that because he is always working. I went to go to his room for a little bit to talk a little more

    with him. His room is a lot cleaner than mine. He has all of his clothes neatly put in his dresser.

    He also has a bunch of artwork he did hang up all over the room. The atmosphere in his room is

    a lot more quite than mine is, it is a lot more peaceful. While I was talking to him I noticed that

    his friend had a long board in his hand with some sort of skateboard company design on the back

    of it. This long board had black grip tape with green wheels on it, I thought it looked interesting.It was interesting because I never really long boarded and it looked like it would be fun. Robbie

    put food bought from the Outtakes in the microwave. He was getting ready to head back to work

    Comment [M8]: I think that each of the

    observations need to have times written on them-


    Comment [M9]: What are common literacy

    practices that take place in your dorm room? -RC

    Comment [M10]: Redundancy in the choice to

    call him your one roommate maybe add names

    early on.


    Comment [M11]: Do these skateboard guys

    bring a different s ort of mood to the room when

    mixed with your discourse community of friends? -RC

  • 7/30/2019 Observations 2, Dorm Life. Comments..


    Colwell 3

    on a project and just stopped by to say hey and get some food. Shortly after they left to pull an

    all nighter, as he called it, I walked back to the loud and talkative atmosphere that is my dorm.

    While we were talking I hear a loud knock on the door to my dorm. I opened it and it was my

    RA. She was saying that we were being a bit too loud and asked if we could tone it down. A few

    minutes after that my friends and I left to go out.

    The things I noticed in from these observations were the diversity of the dorm room. You

    have the fraternity guys who are loud and dressed in nice clothes. You also have the

    skateboarding and artsy people. That discourse community is a lot more quite than the one I am a

    part of. I also noticed there is a discourse community of people who are clean compared to those

    that arent.There is also the hard worker discourse community. In this community they are the

    people that have a much stressed out behavior and are always lookingbusy. There are a lot of

    different behaviors in these communities and artifacts as well.

    Observation 3: Last Tuesday at 11PM

    The dorm is a lot more different at night, its a lot more quite because people are on their

    laptops trying to get work done, well most of us that is. I noticed my roommate start getting

    frustrated from the loud TV being played in the living room of our dorm. My one roommate was

    watching a cartoon TV show that was really loud. I walked in there to tell him to turn it down a

    bit before my roommate lost his temper. This was my other roommate, Bryce, he is going to play

    on the UNCC football team next year and he just got back from rugby practice. He hadnt

    showered after practice so the smell was not too great. In this living room there is an

    uncomfortable tan colored couch with a soccer team flag hanging above it. There is a lot of trash

    of rappers from food and empty soda cans lying around. There is one TV in there as well. The

    room itself is really small and hard to fit four people in. After I told him to turn down the volume

    I went back into my room. I feel like my roommate, Evan, was getting tired of living in such asmall space with the same people all the time. The air conditioner was blowing a cool breeze

    throughout the room. Shortly after midnight I brushed my teeth and got into bed. My bed is

    placed on top of my desk and dresser to help create space. Lying in bed I took notice of how

    close the ceiling was to my face. The rooms were not too big and after this realization, I knew I

    did not want to live here next year.

    In these observations I took note of a lot more things. You have the jock discourse

    community which consists of smelling like body odor, wearing a hoodie with a football team on

    it and things like that. I also noticed the behavior in the discourse community of the hard

    workers. If they are bothered by anything that breaks their concentration, they tend to get mad.


    Interview 1: Evan Blalock

    Comment [M12]: Since they left to do school

    work, does that mean that the dorm is not a great

    place for school work to take place? -RC

    Comment [M13]: This discourse community

    sounds interesting. Id like to hear more detail on

    that community. -RC

    Comment [M14]: Once again a bit of

    redundancy in the world choice look to add

    something new to keep the paper fresh and lively.


    Comment [M15]:

    Comment [M16]: Tell him to shower! -RC

    Comment [M17]: I would maybe add what you

    smelled like you did in the first observation the

    description will add to the overall quality.


    Comment [M18]: Once again I like how you use

    the senses too add to the overall feel of the paper.


    Comment [M19]: Great description of your

    room and roommates. It sounds horrible to live

    there -RC

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    A little bit of background on this roommate Evan is a fraternity man who also plays a

    lot of sports. He works hard when he needs to and likes to have fun when he doesnt.

    Evan, what made you move into the dorms?

    -Well, I really felt like I needed to because mostly every freshman does. I wanted to be close to

    classes because I wasnt familiar of the campus when I got here in the first place.

    How does living in the dorm effect being in a fraternity?

    -It is not fun. I say that because I am so far away from brothers houses when I want to go out

    and have a good time. I need to waste gas in my car to go and do the things I want to do. On the

    plus side, being on campus helps because thats where chapter is, so I dont need to drive there.

    Is it hard to do homework in the dorm?

    -Yes Very. There are so many things in the dorm that block my concentration. Sometimes

    roommates are playing music too loud and things like that. I choose to go to the library if I need

    to get work done.

    Do you think youd play more sports if you werent living on campus?

    -No, being able to walk to the basketball court or tennis courts is awesome. It makes me feel

    like its not a hassle to drive all the way somewhere to play some sports.

    Would you live in the dorms next year?

    -No! It is way too small here and Id rather be off campus to feel more like I am an adult and

    am not trapped on campus.

    Interview 2: Robby Stubbs

    Robby is a hard working individual who wants to do architecture when he is older. He is

    barely around because he works so hard in the studio. He is constantly stressed from all of the

    work he has to do. He is also really into skateboarding and does it a lot around campus.

    Why did you choose to live in the dorm?

    -I needed to be closer to my classes because the campus is unfamiliar to me. Thats really the

    only reason. That and my parents forced me too.

    Do you think youd skateboard as much if you lived off campus?

    -Well, it depends. But probably not because the campus is so nice to just skate around on, it has

    a lot of flat surfaces.

    Do you like being close to the studio if you need to work?

    Comment [M20]: Good idea giving background

    on the guy youre interviewing-MM

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    -Yeah, if I didnt live on campus then half of my work wouldnt get done. Thats probably the

    only thing I really like about living here. I wouldnt want to drive back and forth to campus just

    to work.

    Do you like living with someone youve never met before?

    -Well It goes both ways. I do because I like meeting new people and getting to know them.

    On the other hand, the roommate doesnt know who I am and doesnt know how I like to keep

    the dorm. What I mean by that is he doesnt know if Ill be mad if he is tidy or things like that.

    What do you hate the most about thedorms?

    -The bathroom, hands down. It is gross, as simple as that. I usually clean up after myself in

    there but others dont. I really like having my own bathroom so sharing one has been a struggle.

    Interview 3: Bryce Murray

    Bryce is new to the dorm as of second semester. He transferred from North Carolina

    A&T because he is playing football in the fall. He lives pretty far away from UNCC. He is also

    on club sports teams such as rugby.

    How does living here compare to living at the dorms at A&T?

    -These dorms are huge compared to them. I could barely move around in the last dorm I had.

    Im glad I made the switch.

    What do you like most about living in the dorms?

    -Well, I love how I dont have to pay for cable or other things such as water. I also like my

    roommates and always am entertained by getting to know them better.

    Do you ever think your roommate, Robby, gets mad at you for not being tidy?

    -Oh yeah, he doesnt say it much but I can tell. I would be cleaner but Im always out playing

    sports and dont really have much time to do it.

    Do you like living on campus near the practice fields?

    -Honestly, no. I dont like it because I have a lot of things I need to bring to practice that I cant

    fit in my dorm, but its not that bad. I do like being close to them but I wouldnt mind driving my

    car to the practice fields.

    Would you live in the dorms next year?

    -If I had to, yeah. They really arent too bad, I like being on campus and I like meeting newpeople.

    Comment [M21]: Fairly good interviews I

    enjoyed them.


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    Colwell 6


    For my narrative, I chose to write about why I decided to live in the dorms and what kind

    of experience it has been living in them.

    The summer was over, I felt scared about being somewhere I have never been before. Everything

    was new to me except my roommate, Evan. Ive known him for a long time so I knew I wasnt

    all alone.

    Comment [M22]: How did you feel after youstarted living here? Are you happy with you

    decision? -RC

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    Colwell 7

    As soon as I set foot on UNCCs campus, I felt a lot older. This is it, I thought to myself, I had

    this feeling like all I knew was the past and my life starts here. Everything before this was just

    building blocks to this, to help ready me for my life. I was an overwhelming feeling.

    My parents and I walked from their car carrying thing after thing into my room. The door was

    weird to me, in order to unlock it you needed to swipe your room card. I thought it was like

    Comment [M23]: I like this kind of motivational


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    Colwell 8

    living in a hotel or something.

    After we finally unpacked I gave my mom a big hug. With the tears in her eyes as if I wasnt herlittle boy any more, I got a little homesick already. Comment [M24]: Beautiful


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    One of the main reasons why I moved into the dorms was because my parents wouldnt pay for

    student parking or an apartment. I lost the freedom of being on the open road in my old car. That

    kind of made me mad.

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    My roommate and I finally got settled in and started to catch up about what happened over the

    summer. We began walking around the campus to find out where our classes were located. I

    liked how close I was to my classes since Im not the fastest person in the world.

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    Colwell 11

    It was hard to get used to living in the dorms at first. I hated sharing a bathroom. It was

    disgusting, the floor was kind of moldy and after awhile there was a lot of trash in it. That made

    me an unhappy camper.

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    After months passed, I didnt really mind living in the dorms. A lot of good memories have

    happened in it and it made me meet new people. It was a scary and unfamiliar experience but

    ended up being a new home for me.

    Comment [M25]: I really loved how you were

    able to tell a story through the pictures. Each led

    into the other very well done.


    Comment [M26]: Add a few more pictures and

    give some more detail on each picture. Overall, Ithink you have a really great start. -RC

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