nurmalati thesis proposal

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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A. Background

Indonesia is a country that is being intensively incessant advance education in various

fields for the creation of qualified human resources. With the emergence of advanced

technologies, allowing humans to berkopetensi improve education. This is consistent with the

national education goals listed in the 1945 opening of the national education system, namely, "to

develop the potential of learners in order to become a man who is faithful and devoted to God

Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent , and become citizens of

a democratic and responsible.

Education plays an important role for people's lives. Especially for teachers and students

who run the education process. According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of

2003 in Article 1, paragraph 1 states that "Education is the conscious and deliberate effort to

create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing

the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality,

intelligence, noble character and the skills needed themselves, society, nation and state1.

The core of the education process is basically lies in the process of teaching and learning

activities conducted by the teacher. That is why, Soedijarto concluded that the quality of

education is determined by the quality of teaching and learning process; therefore, if a decline in

the quality of education, which first must be assessed is the quality of the teaching-learning


While the quality of the quality of the learning process depends on three elements: (1) the

level of participation and types of learning activities are internalized by students, (2) the role of

teachers in the teaching-learning process, and (3) the atmosphere of the learning process. The

more intensive student participation in learning activities the higher the quality of the learning

process (Soedijarto, 1993a). High levels of student participation in learning activities can be

achieved if they have the opportunity to direct (1) perform a variety of forms of assessment to

acquire knowledge and understanding, (2) practicing a variety of cognitive skills, personal-

social, and psychomotor, both of which formed teaching as well as direct effects as a result of the

implementation of the companion has a variety of learning activities that target the formation of

another major, and (3) appreciate the value-laden events either in the form of passive observation

and assessment as well as actively through direct involvement in various activities and events of

value-laden (Raka Joni, 1993).

Teaching and learning process is essentially a pattern of interaction between learners with

educators. A student is said to learn if it can find out something previously understood, can do or

use something that previously could not be used include certain attitudes they have. Instead of a

teacher who is said to have been taught when he was helping students to acquire the desired


Teachers as facilitators in the learning process that served to create conditions that allow

the teaching-learning process more effective and efficient. Prior to teaching, teachers should plan

activities in a systematic teaching, so it can be skilled in teaching and learning.

Teacher-centered learning is still found some weaknesses. The vulnerability can be

viewed at the time of the process of learning in the classroom, active interaction between

students and teachers or students by students is rare. Less skilled students to answer questions or

1Dinn Wahyudin,dkk. Pengantar Pendidikan. Jakarta : Universitas Terbuka, 2011,hlm :9.

to ask about the concepts being taught. Students are less able to work in a group discussion and

problem solving are given. They tend to learn on their own. Knowledge gained was not built in

stages by the students themselves on the basis of the understanding itself. Because students often

find the answer to the problem or concept being studied.

Apparently a study has shown after the evaluation of learning outcomes siwa poorer with

such an approach perceived student learning outcomes is not maximized. This is evident in the

achievement of the students final grade.

The low student achievement is the final value, an indication that learning has not been

effectively carried out. The final value of the evaluation study did not include performance and

student participation in learning, so it is difficult to measure students' skills.

To fix this needs to formulate a learning approach in a more comprehensive theory of

matter and can associate with the realities in the surrounding environment. For this reason try to

develop a cooperative approach in teaching methods make a match.

Cooperative learning model is based on the philosophy of homo homini socius,

philosophy emphasizes that humans are social creatures (Lie, 2003:27). Meanwhile, according to

Ibrahim (2000:2) model of cooperative learning is a learning model that helps students learn the

academic content and social relationships. The special feature of cooperative learning includes

five elements that must be applied, which include: positive interdependence, individual

responsibility, face to face, the communication between members and the evaluation process of

the group(Lie,2003:30).

Cooperative learning model is not entirely new for the teachers. Model of cooperative

learning is a learning model that prioritizes the groups. Each student in the group had levels of

different abilities (high, medium and low) and if possible a member of the group come from

different races, cultures, different tribes and with regard to gender equality. Cooperative learning

model prioritizes cooperation in solving problems to apply the knowledge and skills in order to

achieve learning objectives.

In order to increase the participation and active student in the classroom, teachers

implement teaching methods make a match. Methods make a match or find a partner is one

alternative that can be applied to students. Application of this method starts from the engineering

students are told to find pairs of cards that is the answer / question before the deadline, students

are able to match the cards were given points.

Subjects of English is one subject that is very important language because language is a

social phenomenon that can not be separated from the existence of society itself. Language is

needed by the public as their fellow adhesive, as a communication tool in meeting the needs of

life as well as cultural identity. English as an international language, English is spoken with a

very wide distribution range as the language of the world's information, science and technology,

as well as the communication medium between nations. In the development of science and

technology is full of communication in English, the empowerment of English. It is therefore no

exaggeration to say that presumably in Indonesia's human resources is an ideal resource to equip

themselves with skills in English

From the data in the field, that in general English language skills are still not satisfactory,

where the students have learned at least six years of learning English from junior high through

high school and some even from elementary, but most of them are still less capable of speaking

English well ( Nurdin Somantri, 2003: 1). Besides the unpleasant atmosphere of learning is also

facing problems in learning English, so they do not have the motivation to learn the English

language. If viewed from the input of student achievement when it entered the school in general

have not been able to speak good English, then in English language learning should be

understood that any concept of teaching concepts implicitly contained learning activities. In

other words the teaching itself contains activities - activities that make children were motivated

to learn and good teaching conditions and the course will look at various aspects of the present in

study participants with the best. Here the teacher has an important role to achieve success in

learning activities, especially on the subjects of English.

The purpose of learning English in MTs (junior equivalent) is to equip students can

master Creativity communication include: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and be able

to communicate orally and in writing in accordance with the context smoothly and accurately in

everyday life ( Curriculum 2004). Sunardi (1997: 2) states the cause of the low quality of

education is the use of inappropriate teaching methods, evaluation tools that are less good or less

material given in accordance with the level of student thinking. Efforts to improve the quality of

English education has been conducted by several parties, especially the government through the

Ministry of Education. It can be seen by the improvement of curriculum, improvement of

learning systems, improvement of qualification of teachers, procurement of equipment and


In teaching and learning English, the first thing to do is mastering vocabulary for the

students. By mastering a lot of vocabularies, students will be able to communicate each other,

easier in doing exercises and help them to express their ideas. Beside that, students will also have

mastery of language skills like reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

Even though vocabulary mastery is important in order to support the mastery in English

skill, in fact many of English learners are often faced with the problems of vocabulary mastery.

Based on the direct observation conducted at the second grade of Mts S al-Hidayah kebon IX

Muaro Jambi, it was found that; students’ problem about mastering vocabulary is due to several

factors. First, they had limited number of words as they found it was difficult memorize the

vocabulary items listed. Second, the teaching learning process was less interesting as teacher

gave monotonous method. Third, the teacher often used translation method in teaching

vocabulary that made students can not remember their vocabularies in long period of time.

Based on the background of the above issues I am interested to do research under the title: THE





B. formulation of the problem

Based on the above background, the formulation of the problem in this study is.

1. How high the score of students’ vocabulary ability by using cooperative learning

methode “ make a match” in mts s al-hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan Sungai Gelam

Kabupaten Muaro Jambi ?

2. How high the score of students’ of students’ vocabulary ability without using

cooperative learning methode “ make a match” in mts s al-hidayah kebon ix

Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi ?

3. How high the significant score of the influence of using cooperative learning

methode “ make a match” toward vocabulary ability of student in mts s al-hidayah

kebon ix Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

C. Limitation of the problem

given the limited ability of the fund that the author had and that discussions are more

focused and not stray from the scope of research, the writer needs to limit the research study,

while limitation in this study are as follows:

1. . authors focus only in the conduct of research on English language learning by applying the

method of cooperative "make a match"

2. vocabulary’s ability in class VII MTs S Al –Hidayah Kebon IX Kecamatan Sungai Gelam

Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

3. research is restricted to only two variables, namely:

a. cooperative learning methods "make a match" as a variable X (dependent)

b. vocabulary ability of student as the Y variable (independent)

4. I only want to know Is the implementation of cooperative methods "make a match" in English

lessons to improve vocabulary’s student the class VII MTs S class VII MTs S Al –Hidayah

Kebon IX Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

D. The Study Design

Based from the title that has been described above, then the form of the design are as follows:



X: cooperative methods "make a match

Y: vocabulary ability of student

E. Research Purposes

Based on the problem statement, the purposes of the research are stated as the


1. To count How high the score of students’ vocabulary ability by using cooperative

learning methode “ make a match” in mts s al-hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan Sungai

Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi ?

2. To count How high the score of students’ vocabulary ability without using

cooperative learning methode “ make a match” in mts s al-hidayah kebon ix

Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi ?

3. To count How high the significant score of the influence of using cooperative

learning methode “ make a match” toward vocabulary ability of student in mts s al-

hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

F. Benefits Of Research

The study is expected to be useful and beneficial to both the theoretical and pragmatic

1. theoretically

gives information on how to solve the existing problems in teaching and learning English,

especially how to improve vocabulary ability of student . Can then be seen whether learning

through cooperative methods "make a match" could improve vocabulary ability of student in

English. The results of this study can also increase knowledge of basic education, particularly on

the subjects English.

2. In practical terms.

a. For students

By applying the method make a match expected to provide a pleasant atmosphere so that

it can improve learning outcomes

b. For teachers

The study is expected to give an idea, add insight and experience in implementing

cooperative learning using "make a match"

c. For schools

Expected to be used as an input for the school to improve student learning outcomes. The

results of this study can also be used as a solution to the problem of the problems that arise in

teaching and learning in class VII MTs S Al –Hidayah Kebon IX Kecamatan Sungai Gelam

Kabupaten Muaro Jambi



A. Definition of cooperative learning methods

method is the means used to achieve goals effectively and efficiently2. methods are ways

in which teachers to present material to students with specific learning to achieve the goal of


Method of learning is the way that teachers use to convey to students learning. Because

the delivery took place in educational interactions, then the method can be interpreted as a way

of learning that is used by teachers in relation mengadkan denagn students during the course of

teaching. Denagn Thus, the learning method is a tool for creating teaching and learning process.

Cooperative learning (cooperative learning) is a teaching system that provides an

opportunity for students to work with fellow students in a structured tasks. Cooperative learning

is known as learning in groups. However, cooperative learning is more than just studying or

working groups in cooperative learning groups because there are structures that push or

cooperative tasks that allows the interaction in an open and effective relationships are

interdepedensi of the group members3.

So the model of cooperative learning is a way of learning activities in groups to work

together to help each other to construct concepts, problem solving, or inquiry.

Brady (1985) defines learning model as a blueprint that can be used as petunujuk to make

or arrange the preparation of learning and then implementing it. According Kiswoyo (1995) term

learning model is defined as a pattern of activities of teachers and students to produce the

changes that happen to students as a result of the act of teaching and learning4.

Learning the inside cover has an understanding of the teaching process as well as

containing a series of actions the teacher to create a system environment, and learning processes


3 (Sugandi in Tukiran T, et al, 2011: 55).4 Ekawarna. Peneltian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta : Gaung Persada Press, 2011, hlm: 62.

that occur on students to produce a change in the students as a result of teaching and learning. At

present various models of learning can be applied in the study.

Method of learning is the way that teachers use to convey a lesson to the students.

Because the delivery took place in educational interactions, then the method can be interpreted as

a way of learning that is used by teachers in relation mengadkan denagn students during the

course of teaching. Denagn Thus, the learning method is a tool for creating teaching and learning


Learning model function is as a guide for designers of teaching and teachers in

implementing the learning. Learning model selection is strongly influenced by the nature of the

material to be taught, the objectives to be achieved in such learning, as well as the ability of

learners. Some kinds of learning models are often used in teaching the teachers: teaching (direct

instruction), cooperative learning, teaching based on the problem (problem base instruction), and


Cooperative learning model is based on the philosophy of homo homini socius, philosophy

emphasizes that humans are social creatures (Lie, 2003:27). Meanwhile, according to Ibrahim

(2000:2) model of cooperative learning is a learning model that helps students learn the academic

content and social relationships. The special feature of cooperative learning includes five

elements that must be applied, which include: positive interdependence, individual

responsibility, face to face, the communication between members and the evaluation process of

the group (Lie, 2003:30).

Cooperative learning model is not entirely new for the teachers. Model of cooperative

learning is a learning model that prioritizes the groups. Each student in the group had levels of

different abilities (high, medium and low) and if possible a member of the group come from

different races, cultures, different tribes and with regard to gender equality. Cooperative learning

model prioritizes cooperation in solving problems to apply the knowledge and skills in order to

achieve learning objectives.

Method of learning is the way that teachers use to convey a lesson to the students.

Because the delivery took place in edujatif interaction, learning methods can be interpreted as a

means used by teachers to make contact with students at the time of the lesson. Thus, the

learning method is a tool for creating teaching and learning process.

5 Hamdani. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Bandung : CV Pustaka Setia, 2011, hlm: 80.

 The research method is basically a scientific way to get data specific to the purpose and

usefulness. Based on this there are four key words to note that, scientific methods, data, purpose,

and usefulness. Scientific way means that research activities are based on the characteristics of

science, the rational, empirical, and systematic6.

 Gagne and Riggs in this view the importance of learning students actively in learning.

So, which is important in the efforts of teachers to teach instead of delivering learning materials,

but how students can learn the material in accordance with the purpose of learning. Efforts of

teachers is a series of events that can affect student learning. This means changing the role of

teacher, initially as a provider of learning materials, the first source of influence and an enabler

for the process of student learning.

Slavin (1995) suggested, "in cooperative learning methods, students work together in

four-member teams to master material initially Presented by the teacher". From the description it

can be pointed out that cooperative learning is a model in which the system pembelajarana study

and work in small groups numbering 4-6 people in a collaborative manner so as to stimulate the

students more enthusiastic in learning7.

Anita lie in isjoni called cooperative learning in terms of mutual aid learning, ie learning

system that provides an opportunity for students to collaborate with other students in a structured

task. Furthermore, cooperative learning is said to only run when it's formed a group or a team in

which students work as directed to achieve the objectives that have been determined by the

number of group members generally consist of 4-6 people.

The term cooperative learning within the meaning of the Indonesian language known by

the name of cooperative learning. According to Johnson & Johnson (1994) cooperative learning

is to group students can work with a maximum capacity they have and learn from each other in

the group.

Cooperative learning can be formulated as a directed group learning activities, integrated,

effective, efficient, to the search or examine something through the process of cooperation and

mutual assistance (sharing) in order to reach the process and a productive learning outcomes


6 Sugiyono. 2011. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung : Alfabeta, hal. 2)

7 Isjoni. 2011. Cooperative Learning: Mengembangkan Kemampuan Belajar Kelompok. Bandung: Alfabeta, hal. 16

B. Definition Of The Method Make A Match

Make A Match learning model is a cooperative learning model that divides students into

groups of cooperative (cooperative group), then each group member to create questions /

questions and answers on different paper. In order for questions and answers between groups one

with the other groups are not equal then the subject matter of one group to another group should

be different. Should not be the same.

Make a Learning Model Match Couple Seeking means learning model. Each student gets

a card (or answers to questions), then immediately seek a suitable partner with the cards he held.

Learning atmosphere in the learning model will Make a Match boisterous, but very cool and fun

Make a match or find a partner is a model of cooperative learning by finding a partner about / the

right answer, students who have found their partners before the deadline will receive points.

Things that need to be prepared if the learning dikrmbangkan to make a match the card card.

Card the card consists of cards containing questions - questions and valve - other card contains

the answer to the question - the question.

The next step is the teacher divides the class into three groups komonitas. The first group

is a group of carriers of the cards contain questions - questions. The second group is the group of

carriers of the cards contain the answer - an answer. The third group is the group of positions

penilai.aturlah U-shaped group. try the first two rows facing each other.

If each group is located at a predetermined position, the teacher's whistle sounded as a

mark of the first group and second group of them met each other move, looking for a partner - a

partner that fits pertanynaan. Give them the opportunity to discuss. When merelka discussion

would be nice if there is a soft instrumental music to accompany their learning activities. Results

dikusi characterized by the pairs of group members carry a card carrying member of the group a

question and answer cards.

couples who have formed an answer to the question must menunjukkanj assessment

group. The group then reads the question whether it is suitable partner. After the assessment, set

up in such a way the first group and second group and then position itself as a united group of

appraisers. Meanwhile, students at the first session of the above split into two, some members of

some other questions pemengaang card holds the answer card. Their position in the form of the

letter U. teacher blew his whistle again mark the valve holder groups and answer questions to

move to search, match, and discuss the question - is answer each - each pair shows the results of

its response asks the assessor8.

Keep in mind that not all learners either acting as a card holder questions, answers

cardholder, or appraiser to know and understand exactly what the card right questions - the

answers they've matched pair. The case for the assessment group of learners. They also do not

know for sure whether they are correct assessment of the partner answers the question. Under

this condition the teacher facilitates dikusi to give all students a chance to confirm it - things they

have done for the pair questions - answers and assessments.

Couples who have been formed must indicate the question-answer and read in class.

Mechanical methods of teaching make a match or find a partner developed by Lorna Curran

(1994). One of the advantages of this technique is that the students find a partner while learning

about a concept or topic in a fun atmosphere. Step-by-step implementation of the method make a

match as follows:

1. Teachers set up some cards that contain some of the concepts or topics that are suitable for

review sessions, one part about the card and other parts of the answer card.

2. Each student gets a card that read about / answers.

3. Each student think of an answer / question of the cards held.

4. Each student seeking a suitable partner with the card. For example: a card bearing the holder

to defend the state will partner with a card that says about the "attitudes and behavior of citizens

is animated by his love for the country in ensuring the survival of the nation".

5. Any student who can match his card before the deadline given points.

6. If students can not match the card with his card (can not find the card or cards about the

answers) will get a penalty, which has been agreed.

7. After one round of cards, shuffled again so that each student gets a different card than before,

and so on.

8. Students also can join a 2 or 3 other students who hold the appropriate card.

9. Teachers together with students to make conclusions on the subject matter.

On the application of the method make a match, obtained some of the findings that the

methods make a match can foster cooperation in answering students' questions by matching

cards in their hand, the learning process more interesting and most students seem more

8 Agus suprijono “ cooperative learning: teori dan aplikasi PAIKEM.

enthusiastic about taking the learning process, and the activity students seemed to have students

look at each card pair. This is a characteristic of cooperative learning as it is raised by Lie

(2002:30) that, "Cooperative learning is learning that focuses on mutual assistance and

cooperation clogs

Cooperative learning methods make a match to benefit students, such as the following:

1. Being able to create an atmosphere of active learning and fun

2. Delivered learning materials more attractive for students

3. Able to improve student learning outcomes achieved completeness level of learning

4. The excitement will grow in the learning process (Let them move)

5. Cooperation among fellow students with a dynamic materialized.

6. The emergence of mutual cooperation dynamics are evenly distributed throughout the


No ivory that is not cracked, as well as on the method. In addition to the benefits

perceived by students, cooperative learning methods make a match based on the findings in the

field has a few drawbacks, namely:

1. Needed guidance from the teacher to conduct

2. Limited time available to students do not get too much play in the learning process.

3. Teachers need to prepare adequate materials and equipment.

4. On a class of fat (<30 students / class) if less wise then that arises is the atmosphere like a

market with uncontrolled crowd. This condition will certainly disrupt the tranquility in the left-

right class learning. Moreover, if the building is not soundproof class. But it can be anticipated

with some of the commitments agreed order with the students before the 'show' starts. Basically

control the class it depends how we motivate the opening step.

C. The definition of Vocabulary ability

Many experts defined the term of vocabulary in many ways. In general, all of the definitions

have similar idea that is number of words used for communication.

Vocabulary is total number of words which (with rules for combining them) make up a

language9. In other source, Longman said that vocabulary is a list of words, usually in

9 Hornby, AS, 1987. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English.

alphabetically order and with explanations of their meanings.10 Webster stated that vocabulary is

a list or collecting of words or of words and phrases usually aphabetically arranged and

explained or defined11. He also stated that vocabulary is a summary or stock of words employed

by a language, group, individual, or work, or in relation to be a subject.

Vocabulary is more complex than the definition suggest.12

“First, words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words

that we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes those

words that we recognize and use in reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also

comes in two forms, receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words

that we recognize when we hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes words that

we use when we speak or write. Receptive vocabulary is typically larger than productive

vocabulary, and may include many words to which we assign some meaning, even if we

don’t know their full definitions and connotations – or ever use them ourselves as we

speak and write”.

Based on the definition above, it can conclude that vocabulary is the knowledge of words

and word meanings in both oral and print language and in productive and receptive form. In

other word, vocabulary is the total number of words that has meaning and it is also as the

element of language which is used in speaking, listening, reading and writing. So, if we want to

master in language, we must mastery in vocabulary too.

Mastery is a very great skill or knowledge13. Mastery is great skill or knowledge in a

particular subject or activity. Webster14 also stated same meaning that mastery is the skill or

knowledge in a subject that makes one a master in it.

Great Britain: Oxford University Press: 959

10 Longman group.1989. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English New Edition. Britain: Longman: 1177

11 Webster, Merriam. 1966. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of The English Language Unabridged. Massachusetts, U.S.A: G and C. Merriam Company:2560

12 Lehr, Fran. (n.d, Online). A Focus on Vocabulary. Available at: ES0419 .htm. (Accssed from the internet on 14 May ).

13 Barnhart, Thorndike. 1997. Intermediate Dictionary. USA, America: Scott Foresman:538

It means practices not knowledge alone. In this case, mastery is a level of performance

shows that a student has demonstrated the knowledge, skill and abilities for a unity of instruction

or subject area depend by a recognized standard.

Based on the definition in above, it can be concluded that vocabulary mastery is great skill

and knowledge of words and meaning in both oral and print language and in productive and

receptive form.

1. The importance of vocabulary

Today’s frontier is knowledge. Brain has taken precedence over brawn; our physical

struggle for existence had been replaced by intellectual struggle, and knowledge of words has

become a most valuable tool. The more vocabulary we possess, the more efficient are these tools

of thought. With a good vocabulary, which indicates scope of knowledge, we can grasp the

thoughts of others and be able to communicate our own thoughts to them. Youth, with its

idealism and enthusiasm, probably has always wanted to change the world. Perhaps there is only

more evidence of this desire today. But those with limited vocabulary never can alter the world.

( Online).

The quality of someone’s language skill is clearly depend on her/his quantity and quality

of vocabulary15. Many vocabulary that we have, it will bigger possibility we skilled in language.

According to Rivers in Nunan’s book16, vocabulary is Essential for successful second language

use because, without an extensive vocabulary, we will be may unable to use the structure and

functions we may have learned for comprehensible communication. English users could not

understand the structure and the function effectively when they communication to each other. By

having a rich vocabulary, they will be able to share and develop their idea.

14 Webster, Merriam. 1966. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of The English Language Unabridged. Massachusetts, U.S.A: G and C. Merriam Company:1390

15 Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1991. Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa 1. Bandung: Angkasa:1986

16 Nunan, David. 1995. Laguage Teaching Methodology. Britain: Phoenix ELT:117

Young students who don’t have large vocabularies or effective word-learning strategies

often struggle to achieve comprehension17. Meanwhile, according Goswani, in Lehr said that

young children who have a large number of words in their oral vocabularies may more easily

analyze the representation of the individual sounds of those words.

The importance of vocabulary is as follow18:

a. An extensive vocabulary aids expression and communication

b. Vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading comprehension.

c. A person may be judged by other based on their vocabulary

d. Linguistic vocabulary is synonymous with thinking vocabulary.

e. The greater a person’s vocabulary, the greater their understanding of themselves,

society, economy, history, etc.

Based on the explanation above, the writer can conclude that vocabulary is important to

be able to communicate with other people. Good vocabulary mastery also can make many people

or especially learners have good understanding of themselves and all aspects of their life such as

their society, history, economy, and so on. If people are lack of vocabulary or only have little

vocabulary, they will face trouble in their communication and achievement because vocabulary

will be needed not only in speaking but also in reading, listening and writing.

2.Teaching Vocabulary

A number of classroom techniques for vocabulary development19. They are as follows:

1. Context Clues

17 Lehr, Fran. (n.d, Online). A Focus on Vocabulary. Available at: ES0419 .htm. (Accssed from the internet on 14 May ).

18 Kosasih, Engkos. 2008: Online. Teaching Vocabulary by Means of "PAIKEM”. Available at: http://sman5- Accessed from the internet on 14 May 2010).

19 Nunan, David. 1995. Laguage Teaching Methodology. Britain: Phoenix ELT.

Context clues are techniques for guessing vocabulary from context including activating

background knowledge from the topic of the text, obtaining clues from grammaticcal structure,

pronounciatio and punctuation and using the natural redudancy of surrounding words. For

example, the reder should be able to guess the meaning of ‘workaholic’ in the following

sentece : ‘My father was a workaholic , he worked so long and so hard that we rarely saw him’.

2. Word morphology

Learners can be taught to extend their vocabulary by mixing and matching word stems,

suffixes and affixes.

3. Mnemomic devices

These are tricks for committing words to memory. Nattinger points out that there is

resistance to the use of such devices by many teachers.

4. Loci

These are form of mnemonic in which a list of words to be learned are associated with a

familiar visual image such as a room or awell known tourist spot. Each wword is asssociated in

some way with one of the items in the visual image, and taking image is the use of assist in the

recall of the word.

5. Paired associates

In this technique, which is similar to the use of Loci, words in the first and second

language which have similarity of sound and meaning are associated. Nattinger cites Curren’s

example of the German word schwarz which means black and which could be associated with

the English word ‘swarthy’.

6. Key words

Here the target vocabulary item is paired with its native language equivalent in an

idiosyncratic way. ‘For example, in learning thst the Spanish word perro means “dog”. One

might notice that the first syllable of the new word sounds like “pear” and would then visualize a

large pear-shaped dog waddling down the street’(.

7. Total physical Response

In this technique, the target vocabulary items are paired with relevant physical actions.

8. Cognitive depth

This technique was developed by Craik and Lockhart. Students are asked one of the

following questions in relation each word.

1. Is there a word present?

2. Is the word printed in capitals or in lower case letters?

3. Does it ryhme with......?

4. Is it a member of.... category?

5. Does it fit into the following sentence?

Each question forces successively deeper levels of processing, and Craik and Lockhart

found that there was superior retention and recall when words were related to questions 4 or 5

than 1 or 2.

8. Formal Groupings

Certain vocabulary items can be memorised by teaching students to recognisebasic forms

of words and how they combine with certain affixes. For example, students could be taught the

meanings of words such as tele (far, distant), phone (sound), photo (light), graph (write, mark)

and then given lists of vocabulary items containing these words and asked to guess the meaings

of these compound words.

9. Word families

This is an extension of the formal grouping technique. Excercises can be develop to show

word ‘families’ are developed from a singel root.

10. Historical orthographical similarities

This involves the development of associations based on historical, orthographical

similarities between cognate language. For example, there are many words in languages such as

Spanish and Italian, or English and German, which share common or cosely related meanings

and which can be exploited to assist learners to expand thier target vocabulary.

11. Collocation

Collocations are words which are commonnly associated. Nattinger suggests that

exercises to develop and strengthen these associtions can greatly facilitate learning.

Some strategies for teaching and learning vocabularies20. They are:

1. Get into a pair-define-explain routine

2. Set up a word of the week program

3. Make your students into word wizards

20 Reiss, Jodi. 2008. 102 Content Strategies for English Language Learners: Teaching for Academic Success in grades 3-12. New Jersey: Pearson Meril Prentice Hall:109

4. Play vocabulary bingo.

The tips and techniques that can used in teaching vocabulary. Some of them are about the

oldies but goodies21. They are: 1. Matching synonyms, 2. Matching opposites 3. Fill in the blank

sentences. Several aspects of lexis that need to be taken into account when teaching vocabulary22,

they are:

Boundaries between conceptual meanings: knowing not only what lexis refers to, but

also where the boundaries are that separate it from words of related meaning (e.g. cup,

mug, and bowl).

  Polysemy: distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form with

several and closely related meanings (head: of a person, of a pin, of an organisation).

Homonymy: distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form which

has several meanings which are NOT closely related ( e.g. a file: used to put papers in or

a tool).

Homophony: understanding words that have the same pronunciation but different

spellings and meanings (e.g. flour, flower).

Synonymy: distinguishing between the different shades of meaning that synonymous

words have (e.g. extends, increase, expand).

 Affective meaning: distinguishing between the attitudinal and emotional factors

(denotation and connotation), which depend on the speakers attitude or the situation.

Socio-cultural associations of lexical items is another important factor.

 Style, register, dialect: Being able to distinguish between different levels of formality,

the effect of different contexts and topics, as well as differences in geographical


21 Pettigrew, Joseph. (n.d, Online) Teaching Vocabulary: Two Dozen Tips and Techniques. Vocabulary . htm. (Accssed from the internet on 14 May ).

22 Moras, (2001. Online), Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced Students: A Lexical Approach. (Accssed from the internet on 02 March 2010).

  Translation: awareness of certain differences and similarities between the native and the

foreign language (e.g. false cognates).

  Chunks of language: multi-word verbs, idioms, strong and weak collocations, lexical


Grammar of vocabulary: learning the rules that enable students to build up different

forms of the word or even different words from that word (e.g. sleep, slept, sleeping;

able, unable; disability).

 Pronunciation: ability to recognise and reproduce items in speech. 

The implication of the aspects just mentioned in teaching is that the goals of vocabulary

teaching must be more than simply covering a certain number of words on a word list. We must

use teaching techniques that can help realise this global concept of what it means to know a

lexical item. And we must also go beyond that, giving learner opportunities to use the items

learnt and also helping them to use effective written storage systems. 

There are some ways in presenting new vocabulary23. They are:

1. Exposure. This is the first procedure in a vocabulary lesson plan where students are tuned

into those words you want to present.

2. Inductive Ways of Presentation. In order to get to a word, teachers show a picture and talk

about it. This works differently from deductive methods (more commonly used with

grammar related teaching contexts) where teachers isolate the rule and then follow-up with a

number of practice activities.

3. Issues of Fluency and Accuracy. In fluency, the emphasis is placed on meaning whereas

accuracy emphasizes form and structure.

23 Sasson, Dorit. 2008. Lesson Plan Terms About Teaching New Vocabulary. . (Accssed from the internet on 14 May ).

Practicing new vocabulary can convey by t eaching vocabulary in a context . The aim of a

context is to establish some kind of frame within one of the following text types such as a rap

chant, a song or a picture, a story, etc. The reader is encouraged to understand, interpret, make

sense, decode (i.e. what does each phoneme sound like?) and decipher (i.e. putting the parts

together in order to solve the information gap between decoding and deciphering)24.

Brown mentions five guidelines for the communicate treatment of vocabulary teaching


1) Allocate specific class time to vocabulary learning

During the teaching and learning process, the teacher needs to provide students opportunities

to practice their vocabulary without some interruption for their grammatical mistakes.

2) Help the students to learn vocabulary in context

The best acquisition of vocabulary comes from comprehension or production of words within

the context of surroundings. Students may try to associate new words with a meaningful

context to which they apply properly.

3) Play down the role of bilingual dictionaries

The first and the second devices in teaching vocabulary above are aimed at resisting the

overuse of students’ bilingual dictionaries. But this way cannot be used a long the learning

because it rarely helps the students to acquire some words for later recall and use.

4) Encourage students to develop strategies for determining the meaning of words.

24 Sasson, Dorit. 2008. Lesson Plan Terms About Teaching New Vocabulary. . (Accssed from the internet on 14 May ).

25 Kosasih, Engkos. 2008: Online. Teaching Vocabulary by Means of "PAIKEM”. Available at: http://sman5- Accessed from the internet on 14 May 2010).

The teachers should try to autodidact learning. The students may apply word-attack strategies

such as identifying the goals of introduction, applying word building, definition clues, and

interference clues.

5) Engage in “unplanned” vocabulary Teaching

The teacher may engage the students in unplanned teaching. The teacher can give several

examples to the students and he/she encourages them to use the word in other sentences. The

teacher must make a sure that such unplanned teaching; however, does not detract from the

central focus of activity by going on and on.

Kruse makes five suggestions for teaching written vocabulary in context. They are26:

1. Word elements such as prefixes, suffixes and roots.

2. Pictures, diagrams and charts

3. Clues of definition

4. Inference clues from discourse.

5. General aids

H. Research Hypotheses

“Hypothesis is a temporary answer toward the problem statement where such problem statement

has been stated in interrogative sentence”.27

The hypothesis of this research is stated as follow:

Ha: “There is the influence of using cooperative learning methode “ make a match”

toward vocabulary ability of student in mts s al-hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan

Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi”

26 Nunan, David. 1995. Laguage Teaching Methodology. Britain: Phoenix ELT.

27 Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Page 64

Ho: “There is no the influence of using cooperative learning methode “ make a match”

toward vocabulary ability of student in mts s al-hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan

Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

Ro > rt (roberservasi > ttabel) Ha acceptable



1. The Research Approach and Range

a. The research approach

The approach that is going to be used in this research is Quantitative Approach. This

research is aimed to find the influence between the two variables, relatively,

independent and dependent variable. The one which is as independent variable is “the

influence of using cooperative learning methode “ make a match” and the other is

“vocabulary ability of student”

b. The research range

This research is conducted at Mts S Al-Hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan Sungai

Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi . This range is a study about the influence using

cooperative learning methode “ make a match” toward vocabulary ability of student

in mts s al-hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi.

2. Sources of Data

a. Primary data

Primary data is the research data obtained directly from genuine sources (not

through an intermediary).28

Primary data is data that is collected or obtained directly from respondents during

the fieldwork, data obtained in the form of information or particulars concerning and

directly related to the problems above.

b. Secondary Data

Secondary data is the source of research data obtained by investigators indirectly

through its medium (obtained and recorded by others).29

Such data are:

- History and geography Mts S al-hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan Sungai Gelam

Kabupaten Muaro Jambi.28 Muchammad Fauzi, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Semarang: Walisongo Press. 2009. Page 16529 Ibid, page 166

- The organizational structure

- The situation of teachers, students, and administrative staff

- Curriculum

- Facilities and infrastructure

3. Population and Sample

a. Population

The population is composed of the generalization that the object or subject that

has certain qualities and characteristics are determined by the researchers to learn and

then drawn the conclusion.30

The population in this study were all students of class VII a/b numbered 50


b. Samples

Sample is a portion of that population. The population in this study does not take

a whole, the sample in this study is the class VII Mts S Al-Hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan

Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi . To determine the sample is done by tests of

normality and homogeneity test.31

Samples may be taken if a state subject in the population completely

homogeneous. So that the samples taken are representative of means to represent the

actual population. The sampling technique in this study using random cluster sampling

technique. Where sampling in this study did not directly but in a class all students group

or cluster. The author will take two classes in the class VII randomized experiment of

class as a class and one class of control again as a class.

4. Research instrument

a. Observation

Observation is a complex process, a process which is composed of a variety of

biological and psychological processes. Two of the most important are the processes of

observation and memory.32

30 Sugiyono, op Cit, page 29731 Sugiyono, op Cit, page 29732 Sugiono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D. Bandung: Alfabet. Page 64

In this study the authors make observations directly to students, school

infrastructure and state of Mts S Al-Hidayah kebon ix Kecamatan Sungai Gelam

Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

b. Documentation

The documentation is intended to obtain data directly from the research, including

relevant books, regulations, reports on activities, photographs, documentary films, and

data relevant to the study.33

c. Interview

The interview is a way of collecting data used to obtain information directly from

the source.34

Interviews in this study are used to complete the acquisition of data is a history of

the school, the state teachers, students and so state. This interview was conducted by

asking the informant directly related to the problems that the authors raise.

d. Test

The test is a set of stimuli given to a person whose intention to get a response that

can be used as the basis for settler score points.35

The Tests used in this study is in the form of multiple-choice test of 20 questions.

Before the tests were conducted to sample it first tested the validity and reliability of the

matter and considering the level of difficulty and the different questions, the test used is

written in the form of objective tests.

to see whether the test is good or not, so the test must meet the requirements as


1. Validity Test

Validity is a state that describes the level of the relevant instrument capable of

measuring what will be measured. For that matter in assessing the validity of research

using point biserial correlation formula as follows:

33 Ibid. page 7734 Ridwan. Belajar Mudah Penelitian Untuk Guru, Karyawan, dan Peneliti Pemula. Bandung: Alpabeta. 1010. Page 7435 Amirul Hadi. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Pusataka Setia. Page 139

rpbi = Mp−Mt

SDt √ p



rpbi = point biserial correlation index numbers

Mp = mean (arithmetic mean value) scores achieved by the test participants (testee)

the correct answer, which is being sought correlations with overall test.

Mt = total mean score, which was achieved by all participants of the test (testee).

SDt = total standard deviation (standard deviation of total score)

p = proportion of test takers who answered the question very well against the

grain that is being sought kolerasinya the overall test.

q = proportion of test takers who answered one of the items being sought about the

correlation with the overall test.

2. Reliability tests

The formula that the writer uses is the Kuder Richardson formula (KR-20) as


r11 = ( nn−1 )( s t 2−∑ pq

s t2 )Where:

R11 = the reliability of the instrument

n = Number of items question

1 = constant Numbers

ST2 = total variance.

P = proportion of test items answered correct item in question

Q = proportion of jawabanny one testee

3. Level of difficulty

About the good is a matter that is not too easy or too difficult. Difficulty index is a

number that indicates a difficult and easy questions.

Difficulty index formula P = BJS


P = index of difficulty

B = mostly students who answer questions correctly

JS = The number of tests


Problem with P = 0.00 to 0.30 is a difficult problem

Problem with P = 0.30 to 0.70 is about average (not too hard)

Problem with P = 0.70 to 1.00 is a matter of simple

4. Distinguishing features.

Distinguishing features is the ability of a matter to distinguish between students who

are good (high capacity) with the stupid students (low-capacity).

By the formula:


- BnJn

= PA - PB


D = The number of tests

JA = A lot of the group participants

Jn = Many of the group participants

BA = A lot of the group participants who answered the question correctly

Bn = A lot of the groups of participants who answered the question with one

PA = proportion of the group participants who answered correctly

PB = the proportion of participants who answered the wrong group

The different classifications:

D = 0.00 to 0.20 is ugly

D = 0.20 to 0.40 is sufficient

D = 0.40 to 0.70 is good

D = 0.70 to 1.00 is good

A. Data Analysis

Data processing is the main activity carried out by a researcher. Away, because the

results do not exist without preceded by data processing. Data analysis is intended to perform the

testing of hypotheses and answer the problem formulation has been proposed. But before further

data analysis of the first test for normality and homogeneity test.

1. Test for normality

Purpose test for normality is to look at the sample is normally distributed or not. Testing the

normality of the data is by using the formula Liliefirs, according Sudjana (2001:95) with the

following steps:

1. Score the results obtained and the study of data compiled from the smallest to the largest.

2. Calculate the average of each class of samples

3. Calculate the standard deviation of each group of samples

4. Looking for raw scores from raw scores using the formula:

Zi = Xi−X


5. By using the standard normal distribution lists, odds are calculated by the formula:

F(Zi) = P (Z < Zi)

6. By using the proportion of Z1, Z2, Z3, ........., Zn is less than or equal to Zi is expressed by:

S(Zi) = Banyak Z 1 , Z 2 , …………… ,Zn yang≤ Zi


S(Zi) = F (Zi)


7. Compute the difference F (Zi) - S (Zi), then determined the absolute price.

8. Take the largest of the absolute difference in price, the price is called L0's largest

9. Comparing L0 (L count) at a price that is critical to the table L with 95% confidence

level, the test criteria are:

a. If LO <Ltabel then the data are normally distributed

b. If LO> Ltabel then the data are not normally distributed.

2. Test of homogeneity

Homogeneity test is performed to see whether the two groups of samples have homogeneous

variance or not. Test of homogeneity of the authors use the Bartlet test by using a table f.

Step calculation:

a. Enter the numbers statistic to test the homogeneity of the Bartlet test table

b. Calculate the variance using the formula:

S2 = (n1. S1 )+(n2. s2 )+(n3. s3 )+……

n1+n 2=n3

c. Calculating log s2

d. Calculating the value of B = (log s2 ∑ ¿¿))

e. Calculating the value of xh itung2 = (log 10 [ B−∑ (db ) log s1

2 ]f. Compare xh itung

2 with the value of x tabel2 and degrees of freedom (db) = k-1, with the testing

criteria as follows:

if xh itung2 ≥ x tabel

2 , is not homogeneous

if xh itung2 ≤ x tabel

2 , the homogeneous

3. Testing the hypothesis

In addition to learning the results of the test data obtained through the tests that have

previously been tested reliability, validity and data analysis was then performed using the t test

for small samples of each other is irrelevant.

The data used were the t test with the following conditions:

1. The samples came from populations distributed

2. Both classes have a homogeneous variance

The formula to find t or t0 to modern day small sample (N less than 30) are as follows:

T0 = M 1−M 2SEM1−M 2

Description of the formula:

T0 = The degree of difference in the two samples kelomok

M1 = Mean group 1 in the variable X

M2 = Mean group 2 on the variable Y

SEM1-M2 = Standard Error Mean difference in two samples

Measures to be implemented:

1. Finding the Mean for Variables I

M1 = M’ + i(∑ F X ')


2. Looking Mean for variable II

M2 = M’ + i(∑ F Y ')


3. Finding the Standard Deviation Variables I

SD1 = i√∑ F X ' 2

N−[∑ FX '

N ]2

4. Finding the Standard Deviation variable II

SD2 = i√∑ F YX '2

N−[∑ FY '

N ]2

5. Variable Mean Standard Error Finding I:

SEM1 = S D2


6. Finding Standard Error Variable Mean Difference Variables I and II by the formula:

SEM2 = S D2


7. Finding Standard Error Variable Mean Difference Variables I and II by the formula:

SEM1-M2 = ❑√S EM 12+S EM 22

8. Looking t0, with the formula:

T0 = M 1−M 2S EM 1−M 2

9. Interpretation

a. If t0 ≥ TTable rejected the null hypothesis means between the two variables are

significant pervedan.

b. If t0 ≤ TTable accepted the hypothesis of zero means the two variables are not

significant pervedaan.

After data analysis using the t test, further analysis of the influence of Phi correlation for a

large sample of one another are not interconnected, with the steps:

a. First formulate its Ha and Ho.

b. Determine the range (R)

R = H - L + 1

c. Determine many classes

d. Determine the length of class interval

i = R / K

e. Create a frequency distribution table

f. Determine the average or mean (M)

M = M’ + i (∑ F X '

N )

g. Determine the median (MDN)

Mdn = 1 + [ 12

N−f kb

f i] . i

h. Seek mode (Mo)

Mo = 1 + [ f a

f a+ f b]+ . i

i. Make a correlation table Phi (Phi correlation coeffisien)

j. Finding the value of Phi correlation with the formula:

Φ = (ad−bc )

√( a+b ) (a+c ) (b+d )(c+d )

k. interpret

1. If the null hypothesis is rejected means that there are significant effects

implementation of the use of podcasts for student learning outcomes

2. If the null hypothesis is accepted then it means there is no significant effect of

application of the use of podcasts terhadapa student learning outcomes.


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