nit for construction of second phase of neiah, shillong neiah shillong 2nd... · the project (to be...

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NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shillong

Government of IndiaMinistry of AYUSH

NI Desk



Pagel of 24

EIAH, Shillone

Put"orpffiInviting Tender20 Janua ry nn

Date unO tim, foiF"" UiOConference 2TJanua@

Last dat. und ffi" 6" Bidsubmission 2tFebrua@

Datecrim@Technical Bids


Datero"op@Will be intimated

PlaceorsuffiShri RamtMinistry of AyUSH, --Government of India.AYUSH Bhavan, .B; Block,

SnO S".T.Olex, INA Cotony,New Delhi - tl0013

Contact person!!ri RamrtMinistry of AyUSH,

-'-' ryL

Government of India.AYUSH Bhavan, ,B; Block,

,GjO _Comnlex, INA Colony,New Delhi - 110023 r '

Contact ptton. NumE.",


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NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shillon

Government of IndiaMinistry of AYUSH

NI Desk***

NIT NO : 2.28025110/2016-NI(NEIAII)

tice inviting Tenderonsultant fi

t. Overview1.1 Definitionsi. 'oEmployers" means the Ministry of AYUSH

ii. ,oContract" means the Contru.t ,igtttd by the Parties and all the

attached documents listed in its -clause 1, that is the General

ConJiiion, (CC), the -project

Specific Conditions (SC)' and the


bidders used to reflect specific project and assignment conditions'

iv. 'oDaY" means calendar daY'

V...Governmento'meansGovernmentoflndiavii. .,Personnel'o mean, prof.rrionals and support staff provided by tfe

bidderorbyanyimptementingagencyandassignedtoperformtheServices or any Part thereof;

viii. 66Bid" means the Technical Bid and the Financial Bid'

ix. 'oAssignm ent l Job" means the work to be performed by selected

bidder Pursuant to the contract'


xi. ,'successfut Bidder" means the bidder Psu which selected for award

of Assignment/ job'

xii. ,olmplementing Agencyt' means any agency, contractor or entity with

whom the selected biddlr subcontracts any part of the Assignmt"ili*

xiii. ..Terms of Referenceo, (ToR) means the -details

included in the NIT

specifically in para 2 or oiherwise as well as the contract which explain

the objectives, ,.op. of work, activities, tasks to be performed'

*rp.#"" responsibilities of the Employer and the selected bidder' and

expected r.rrrit. and deliverables of the Assignment/ job.

1.2 Introduction: Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India' for and on behalf of

president of India, invites bids from centrar / state pSUs erigibre to be considered

for engagement u, conrrrltant for works relating to construction of second phase of

North Eastern Institute of Ayurve da & Homoeopathy, shillong'

Dated: 20 January20l7


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NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shill.rg

2. Terms of Reference and Scope of Works:

2.1 Terms of Reference: Terms of reference of the selected PSU will broadlyinclude Pre-construction; Construction and Post-construction activityincluding the following:-

i. Validation of Project Report for Construction of Second Phase of NorthEastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopafty, Shillong.

ii. Finalization of the tendering process involving the entire process from callingof tenders to selection of the implementing agency (contractor);

iii. Monitoring, supervision and facilitation of the implementation of the project,including fulfillment of all statutory and legal requirements;

iv. Submitting report of progress of the project from time to time to the Ministryof AYUSH.

v. Submitting the final report to the Ministry of AYUSH.

vi. Any other item of work that is incidental to and essential for completion ofthe project (to be included in the Form of Contract after due consultationbetween both the parties.

2.2 Brief scope of work: ,Construction of Second Phase of North EasternInstitute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.

Proposal is for Construction of Second Phase of North Eastern Institute ofAyurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong; that consists of Senior Facultyaccommodation, Guest House cum commercial complex, Type III/IV Residence,Senior Residence Hostel, Girls & Boys Hostel.

Phase-I of the construction of the NEIAH, Shillong included the Hospital,College, Library & Administrative buildings. With the growing influx of thepatients, students and staff, an actual shortage of availability of qualityacoommodation in Shillong has been felt. Detailed cost estimate along with scopeof work is given at annexure -II.3. Eligibility:

The PSUs should meet the Financial and Technical eligibility criteria(Quality Evolution Criteria) as per parameters laid down here under:


Criterion Minimum requirement


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NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shillong

(i) Presence of in-house professionally qualified staff in the Central/StatePSU in following indicative categories

. Civil Engineer (Min, Qualification - B.Tech/Dip +Three years' Experience)100 Ensineers

o Electrical Engineer (Min. Qualification - B.TechlDip +Three Yearso Dip)10 Ensineers

o Architects on rolll onapproved panel

(Min. Qualification - B.Arch)3 Architects

B RELEVANT EXPERIENCE(D Value of projects (exceeding

Rs.100 crore) in the last fiveyears. Projects of similar naturewill be considered such as

Ho sp ital s/te aching/Institutions/residential/C omplex/CommercialComplex/Hospitalityprojects/infrastructure workswith civil/electrical works asmaior components

Rs. 1000 Crores (in five years)

C FINANCIAL CAPABILITY(D Profit making (PAT) Company should not be loss making

for two consecutive years during lastfive vears.

In case of a consortium bids, the credentials of the prime bidder will only beconsidered.

4. Clarifications on NIT Document:

4.I The prospective PSU requiring any clarification on this document shall noti$/the Ministry of AYUSH in writing/e-mail or by Fax at the mailing address/ e-mailIDIFAX number indicated in Para 9.5 below, latest by 2610112017. Clarificationsought, if any, are to be asked in the following format:

S.No Clause No. of the NIT Querv/Clarifi cation sousht

4.2 Pre-Bid conference will be held at 11:00 Hrs on 27.01.2017 in theConference hallo Ground Floor, AYUSH Bhawan, Ministry of AYUSH, 'B'Blocko GPO Complex, INA' New Delhi - 110023. All efforts will be made tofurnish clarification during the pre-Bid Conference. In exceptional cases, the same

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NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shillong

will be furnished subsequently. In both cases, the minutes of the pre-Bid meetingcontaining clarifications shall be posted on the website of the Ministry of AYUSH.

4.3 Any clarifications issued by Ministry of AYUSH shall be an integral part ofthis document and shall amount to an amendment to the relevant clauses of thisdocument.

5. Documents / details to be submitted in the Offer:

5.1 The PSU is required to furnish the following details / documents duly signed

and stamped on each page by the authorized signatory of the PSU:-

i. Technical Details about the PSU and other relevant information in the

formats prescribed at Annexure III to VIII including documents in the

details provided therein. (Such information shall form the basis of technicalevaluation).

ii. Certificate of Incorporation / Registration.

iii. Copy of aims and objectives of the PSU as indicated in the Memorandum ofAssociation and Articles of Association of the PSU.

iv. Annual reports and audited statements, audited by the auditors appointed bythe company; of account for the last five years (201I-12 to 2015-16).

Certificates in support of ,turnover, PBDIT from the statutory auditors of the

company are certiffing the turnover and PBDIT. Net Worth certificate in theprescribed format is for the last five years or solvency certificate for the last

six months.

v. Copy of Certificates for Services Tax and copy of PAN and TAN.

vi. Copy of NIT & clarification issued by Ministry of AYUSH to this NIT, ifany, as a mark of acceptance of all conditions of the NIT.

vii. A certificate from the Chairman/ Company Secretary of the PSU certiffingthe details of the signatory authority and attestation of such authority'ssignature or Power of Attorney in favor of the signatory authority for the

purpose of sinning bid documents.

viii. A detailed write-up on the PSU's Approach and Methodology to perform the

assignment based on the TOR.


a. A11 papers which are aphoto copy and submitted as part of the proposal shall

be duly attested by the company's CS/CA or Authorized signatory.

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NIT for conslructio econd phase of NEIAH, shillon

c' Each pagg of the proposal should be duly numbered and total number ofpages in the proposal should be clearly mentioned in the proposal. Index ofthe documents submitted in the NIT should be given and location of thedocuments submitted should be clearly the index so that thetender evaluation committee is able to easily locate n.*. i.lon-compliance ofthis condition will result in rejection of the bid.

d. All monetary figures should be INR.

e' only propogals complete. in lll respects and containing all requisitedocuments/ inform ationl data shall be accepted and evaluated. proposalswhich are incomplete or lacking in any manner shall be declared ,.notresponsive" and summarily rejected u"a no requests for condonation/acceptance of information after the final date for submission of tenderdocuments shall be entertained.

6. Availability of NIT / processing Fee

6'1 Documentl a1d Processing Fee: Copy of the NIT can be downloaded fromthe website of this Ministry at w_*w.a)rush€ Demand Draft / Banker Chequeof Rs' 1000'00 (Rupees o"t rh**ta oitg orawn in favour of the pay and

Bh4van, payable at Delhi /ltrilD;lhi to*u.dr tle cost of Ntt u.,d processing feeshall be enclosed bv the PSU with the technicat uio. eia, ;;;;;"*panied by thecost of NIT document downloaded from the website with processing fee will not beconsidered and will be summarily rejected.

7. Earnest Money Deposit:

7 'l To safeguard the interests of the Government, each bid will be accompaniedby an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 10.00 Lakhs (Rupees Ten rakhs only).Earnest Money can be Deposited along with the technical bid by means of BankGuarantee (in the respective format enclosed as Annexure I)drawn in favour oftheNirman Bhavan puyubl; y Deposit shallhave to be valid for at least six months. Technical bidsil;;;*paniea by EarnestMoney or Earnest Money in deviation from above shall be summlrily rejected. Nointerest shall be payable by the Employer for the sum deposited as EMD.

7 '2 Earnest Money will be returned to all unsuccessful pSus without interest assoon as practicable after a decision on Bids.

7 '3 The Earnest Money shall be liable for forfeiture in the following events:

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of NEIAI1, Shillong

I' If proposal is withdrawn during the validity period or any extension u*r..aby the bidder thereof.II. If the proposal is varied

employer after openingextension thereof.

or modified in a rnanner not acceptable to theof proposal during the- validity period or any

ilI. If the bidder tries to influence the evaluation process.IV' If the first ranked bidder withdraws his proposal prior to signing of contractor fails or refuses to fumish the performance security in accordance withinstruction to the bidders.v' For contravention of any of the conditions of the NIT not acceptable to theemployer.

8. Performance Security Deposit:

8'1 Successful PSUs shall within one month from the date of conveyingacceptance of the tender in his favour in_writing, have to deposit sum equal to fiveper cent of the total estimated cost of the PMC work ui"n"y charges for theproposed construction work as security for the fulfillment of the contract in theform of a Bank Guarantee (in the prescribed format in Annexure vrrr) drawn infavour of the @Tfi!". rs".tt.wglfare' Nirmap Bhavan. The P"tfo.-ffiSecurity Deposit shall have to bevalid up to a period of 60 dayt beyond the defect liability p.rioa of the facilitiescreated under the project.

9. Submission of proposals:

9'trwo Bid System: The original Technical Proposal shall be placed in ascaled envelope crearly marked "TECHI\ICAL BID for engagement ofconsultant for Construction of Second Phase of ,North Eastern Institute ofAyurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong. simitarly, the original financial proposalshall be placed in a separate sealed erivelope "i.!rfv marked ,,FINANCIAL BII)for engagement of Consultant for Consiruction of second phase of ..North

Eastern Institute of Ayurveda f- rromoeopathy, shiltong. The envelopescontaining the Technical bid, financial bid, EMD and bid processing fees shall beplaced into an outer envelope and sealed. This outer envelope shall bear thesubmission address and 'oBid 1o. .ngugement of consultant for construction ofSecond Phase of 'North Eastern rnstitute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy,Shillong' It will also mention the name of the psu with address and stamp. TheMinistry of AYUSH shall not be responsible for misplacement, losing or prematureopening if the outer envelope is not sealed and /or marked as stipulated. Thiscircumstance may be reason ior rejection of the bid. If the financial proposal is notsubmitted in a separate sealed envelope duly marked as indicated above, this willconstitute grounds for declaring the proposal non-responsive.

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NIT for construction of second phase of NEIAH, shillon

9.2 Technical Bids will consist of _

i' Copy of NIT & clarifications issued by Ministry of AYUSH to this NIT, ifany, duly signed and stamped o3 each page by the authorized signatory of thePSUasamarkofacceptanceofallconditionsoftheNIT

ii' Cost of the NIT and processing fee of Rs. 1000 through bank draft / bankerscheque.Qrlon - refundable)

iii. Prescribed Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)iv' All Documents as more specifically mentioned in para 5.1 of this NITv' Information in Annexure fII to VIII. Technical bids not meeting this

requirement or incomplete in any respect will not be considered andsummarily rejected.

9 '3 Financial Bids will consist of the Agency Charges to be quoted by the pSUin the prescribed format at Annexure-Il. ihe Finanriul proposaj shall not includeany conditions to it and any such conditional financial proposal shall be rejectedsummarily

9'3'1 Taxes: The Bidders shall fully familiarize themselves about theapplicable Domestic taxes (Such as: value aOO.O or sales tax, service tax or incometaxes, duties, fees, levies) on amounts payable by the Employer under the Contract.Service taxlSwaach Bharat cess/Krishi-kalian cess must be excluded by the biddersin the financial proposal.

9 '4 While Technical Bids will be opened on the date and time given in para 10.1below, financial Bid of only 'technicatty qualified PSUs will be" opened later forwhich separate date and time will be notifie-d on the website of this Hriinlrtry.

?:. The proposal from the interested eligible PSUs shall be accepted at thefollowing address up to 1430 Hrs (Indian staidard Time) on21.02.2017.

The proposal shall be addressed to:Shri Ramesh Chand Aggarwal, DDG,Ministry of AyUSHAYUSH Bhavan, B Block,GPO Complex,INA Colony,New Delhi- 1t0023Mob: 9312318298Tele Fax. 0tl-24651964

9 '6 The proposal may be sent by post or delivered in person on the abovementioned address. The responsibility for ensuring that the pioposals are deliveredin timewould vest with the PSU. Ministry of ayu-SH shall not b, ..rponsible if theproposals are delivered late or elsewhere.

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NIT for Coryttu.lir ld ph"le of NEIAH, Shillon9 '7 Any proposal receiveo by th.e Employer rather by post or courier service or inperson after the specified date and ti.. *itt not i. opened and shall be returnedunopened' Ministry of AYUSH, at its discretion, may extend the deadline forthe submission of the proposals prior to the time of opening of Technical Bids,as it may deem appropriaie.

9'8 validityof theBids: The bids submitted by bidders shall remain validfor a period of 180 daysfrom the deadline date ro, ,ru.irsion of bids.

10. Opening of proposals:

10'1 Ministry of AYUSH shall open the technical Bids at 1500 Hrs. on2l'02'20l7at the address stated in para q.i .u"r. in the presence of authorizedrepresentatives.from participating PSUs, who choose to attend. In case the datefixed for opening of the piopoJals is ryor.q".r"rly declared as- hotiday by theGovernment, the proposals-wiit be opened on ih. next working day with the timeand venue remaining unaltered.

11. Evaluation:

11'1 The duly constituted Tender Evaluation committee shall evaluate theTechnical Proposals on the basis of their .mpo"rir.ness to the Terms of Referenceand by applying the evaluation criteriu, ,p.iiil i-n th* NIT. In the first stage ofevaluation' a proposal shall be rejected if ii is found deficient as per the requirementindicated in the NIT for .rrpbrrsiu.n,ess 1f the profosar. only responsive proposalsshall be further taken up for evaluation. puutuutio'n of technical proposal will startfirst and at this stage the financial bid tn.";;;;t, will remain ,inop.n.o. Theproposals will be evaluated, based on the iigiiilitv criteria and submission of all

ff":J#:llirl"''rarion /documents as askJd roi in this Nrr in para 3, as per

rl'2' Presentation by the eligible bidder: A detailed presentation by the eligibleBidder who clear the technical"scrutiny. Date .ro iir". of the presentation will beintimated to the concerned pSUs.presentation shail broadly include:i. Understanding of the Terms of References. -- --

ii. Technical approach and methodology,

iii. Work plan including timelines;

iv. Maintenance of quality;

v' Steps to be taken for timely completion of the project, plan B or alternatemethods to complete the project in any .urntuuiitu,

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NIT fo. Conrt.u.t ond phqse of NEIAH, Shillon

vi. Experience of working for similar projects with infrastructure.vii' organization and staffing including suitability of the key personnel for theproject an{ any suggestion made"by ;h. biider to imirove the terms ofreference' This is an illustrative list tf it..r, but nbt exhaustive. Based oninputs received from the bidders during the presentation, the emplo yer maymodi$'/ amend the terms of referencE, staifing sched,rle, *ork schedule,logistics, Tg reporting subsequently. These documents witt then beincorporated in the Coniract as Description of Assignment/ job., Specialattention will be paid to clearly define the inputs uno fi"itities required fromthe employer to ensure satisfactory implementation of the Assignment/job.I l '3 Evaluation shall be made under combined euality cum cost Basedsystem (cac-cBS)'Under CQCCBS, the technical proposals will be allottedweightage of 70o/o and only PSUs securing u ,rrinirnum of 60o/omarfrs in technicalevaluation shall be considered technically'qualified. Fir""i"i'proposals of onlythose firms who are technically qualifiea- snan be opened publicly on the date &time specified to be notified, in the prese"""

"r tie pSU,s representative whochoose to attend' The name of the PSu;, their technical score (if deemed necessaryby the employer) and their financial proposal shall be read aloud. Financiatproposals will be allotted weightage of 30i/o.

l1'4 Proposal with the lowest cost-may be given a financial score of 100 andother proposals given financial score that irein'iersely proportional to their prices.1 1'5 The total score, both technical-and financial, shall be obtained by weighing thequality and cost scores and adding them up.

lr'6 Highest point's basis: on the basis of the combined weighted score forquality and cost, the PSUs shall be ranked in terms of the total score obtained. Theproposal obtaining the highest total combined score in evaluation of quality and costwill be ranked as H-l followed by the proposals securing lesser marks as H-2, H-3etc' In case H-1 bidder withdrawr, ,..ond highest bidder H-2 will be considered.12. Agency charges.

l2'1 Ministry of AYUSH shall aPprove designs which shall be prescribed for eachconstruction work and the detailed working diawingv preliminary/estimate/detailedestimated/structural designs wilt be unidrm. The psus will hu,r. to quote theagency charges proposed to be charged by them in the financial bids. Such agencycharges will be applicable on the actual cost of execution of the work and shall besubstantiated with th-e-help of documentary evidence establishing the amount of costincurred by the CPSU towards the said construction(s).

l2'2 Ministry will not reimburse any charges to the successful bidder towardslegal fees, advertisements, third party certification fees, proof checking agency

"q-+-Page 11 of 23

, Shillon g

charges, travel expenses' incidental expenses or any other expenditure incurred forthe execution of the project other than the statuary fees paid by the bidder to thestatutory authorities.

13. Award of Contract

13'1 After completing the evaluation and consultation as laid down in para 11.6,the employer shall issue a Letter of intent to the selected psu and promptly notifzall other PSUs who have submitted proposals about the decision taken.13 '2 The selecteq Pqu through its authori zed representative will sign the contractafter fulfilling all the formaliti; within 15 days of issuance of the letter of intent.l3'3 Terms of Payments: Telms of payments will be included in the form ofcontract after due deliberation with the successfur Bidder.

14, Confidentialify.

l4'l Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendationsconcerning awards shall not be disclosed to the PSIJ: who submitted the proposalsor to other persons not officially concerned with the process, until the publication ofthe award of contract. The undue use uv u"y PSu of confidential informationrelated to process may result in the rejection oi itr proposal and may be subject tothe provision of the Governmentis antifraud and corruption policy.I5. Disclaimer

15'l The information contained in this NIT or subsequently provided toapplicants, whether verbally or in documen tary or any other form by or on behalf ofMinistry of AYusH, or any its employees or advisers, is provided to applicants onthe terms and conditions set out in this NIT and such other terms and conditionssubject to which such information is provided.

r5'2 This NIT is not an agreement. This NIT provides interested parties withinformation that may be ur.dl to them in formulu,il" ;ffi;;r"p"sals pursuant tothis NIT' This NIT includes statements, which reflect va.ious'assumptions andassessments arrived at by the Ministry of AYUSH, in relation to the constructionwork' such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain allthe information that.each Applicant may require. This NIT may not be appropriatefor all persons' and it is nof iossible fbr the Ministry of AyusH, its employees oradvisers to consider the objectives, technical expertise and particular needs of eachparty who reads or uses this NIT. The assu-ptiorrr, assessments, statements andinformation contained in this NIT, may not i" ;il;"""."?"r., adequate orcorrect' Each Applicant should, therefore, conduct its own investigations andanalysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability andcompleteness of the assumptions, assessments and information contained in thisNI'I'and obtain independent advice from uppropriute sources. Information providedPage 12 of 23

ph"ru of NFIAH, Shillong

in this NIT to the Applicants is on a wide range of matters, some of which dependsupon interpretation of law. The information girr"tr is not an exhaustive account ofstatutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritativestatement of law. The Ministry of AYUSH, accepts no responsibility for theaccuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinionbn the la#expressed herein.

15'3 The Ministry of AYUSH, its employees and advisers make no representationor waffanty and shall have no liability to any person including any Applicant underany law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles oi..rtitriion or unjustenrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arisefrom or be incurred or suffered otr account of anything contained in this MT orotherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness reliability orcompleteness of the NIT and any assessment, assumption, statement or informationcontained therein or deemed to form part of thir Nrr or arising in any way in thisSelection Process.

l5'4 The Ministry of AYUSH also accepts no liability of any nature whetherresulting from negligence or otherwise how.u., "u,rred

arising from reliance of anyApplicant upon the statements contained in this NIT.

15'5 The Ministry of AYUSH may in its absolute discretion, but without beingunder any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information,assessment or assumption contained in this NIT.

15'6 The Ministry of AYUSH reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposal(s) or to annual the NIT process and rejeciall proposals at iny time prior to awardof contract without assigning any reason whatsoever and without thereby incurringany liability to the affected psu (s) on the ground of such action.

l5'7 The Applicant shall bear all costs associated with or relating to thepreparation and submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation,copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations orpresentations which may be required by the Ministry of AyUSH, or any other costsincurred in connection with or relating to its Proposal. All such costs and expenseswill remain with the Applicant and the Ministry of AyusH shall not be liable inany manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expensesincurred by an Applicant in preparation for submission of the proposal, regardlessof the conduct or outcome of ihe-selection process.

l5'8 Any effort by a PSU to influence the proposal comparison / evaluation I workaward decision by way of overt/covert canvassing shall result in non-consideration /rejection of its proposal.

15'9 The Ministry of AYUSH reserves the right to change the schedule of dates /time stated in th_i9 MT. changes, if any, .,iitt u. disp-iayed on the website ofMinistry of AYUSH and it shall be the responsibiliiy tr tn. psUs to keepPage 13 of 23

NIT fo. Conrtru"glir ph"ru of NEIAH, Shillong

themselves abreast of such updates. As such the PSUs are requested to regularlycheck the website of Ministry of AYUSH

15' 10 In case of any dispute, jurisdiction of courts in New Delhi will apply.

l5' 1 I The responsibility of giving truthful information without concealing any factsis that of the PSU (s). In case, at any stage, it is found that any information givenby the PSU(s) is false / incorrect / concealed, then Ministry of AyUSH shall havethe absolute right to take any action as deemed fir incluiing but not limited todropping the bidding PSU from consideration for award of woik / blacklistil ;r;.without incurring any liability to the affected PSU(s) on the ground of Ministry ofAYUSH's action.

16. Tentative cost of the project

16.1. cost of the construction of the project: Rs. 40.g0cr

l6'2' Cost of the Contingency, Consultancy & Procurement of items: Rs. 1 5.23 Cr.Kindly note that while quoting the agency charges as o/oage of the project cost onlycost of construction as mentioned at l6.l above] is to be considered.

17. Project Life Cycle

17'1 The construction phase of the project will last 24 months, starting from thedate of signing of the agreemOnt between the successful bidder and the Ministry ofAYUSH.

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NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shillong

otal we 00m s for Central / State PSUs

S. No. Criterion Evaluation CriteriaA ORGANIZATIONAL STRENGTH 25 marks(i) Presence of in-house professionally qualified

staff in the PSU in followins indicativecatesories.

. Civil Engineer

13 marks

Civil Engineer(Min. Qualification - B.TechlDip with 3 yearso

experience)o >300 Engineerso > 250 <:300r > 200 <= 250o >151 <:200r >100 <= 150. <:100

13 marks11 marks9 marks7 marks5 marks0 marks

o Electrical Engineer

7 marks

Electrical Engineer(Min. Qualification - B. TcchlDip with Three

years' experience)c >20 : Tmarkso >15<:20 : 4marksr >10<=15 : 2markso <= 10 : 0 marks

. Architect on roll / on approved panel

5 marks

Architect(Min. Qualification - B. Arch)

r >t : Smarkso >2 <:5 : 3 marks. <=2 z Lmarks

B RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 20 marks(i) Value of projects (each exceeding Rs. 100

crores) in last five years10 marks

i. > Rs.2000 Cr 10 Marksii. > Rs. 1750 <= 2000 8 Marksiii. > Rs. 1500 <: 1750 6 Marksiv. > Rs. 1250 <= 1500 4 Marksv. >: Rs. 1000 <: 1250 2 Mark

Details of projects to be furnished by thebidder in a separate Annexure V to be enclosedwith this.

(ii) Number of projects(each exceeding Rs.50crore awarded in last 05 years)

l0 marks

No of Projects(10 marks)

i. > 20 l0 Marksii. > 14 <= 2O 8 Marksiii. >9 <=14 6 Marksiv. >4<:9 4Marksv. >:2 <-4 2Marks

Details of projects to be furnished by thebidder in a separate Annexure to be enclosedseparately with this.


Companv should be profit makirrs in last 3 Averase Annual nrofit in the last 3 vears:

Annexure I


Proposed Quality Evaluation Criteriaarks fo

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NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shillong

S i gnatr-rre of Authorized Signatory

Name of Authorized Signatory

$rr-*15 of 23

years (PAT) i. > 40 Cr. 15 Pointsii. > 30 <:40 Cr. 12 Pointsiii. >20 <= 30Cr. l0 Pointsiv. > 10 <: 20Cr. 8 Pointsv. <= 10 Cr. 6 Points

D APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 40 marksConsultant Approach and Methodology toperform the Consultancy assignment / jobbased on the TOR

Mark to be allotted by 'Client's evaluationcommittee I team on the basis of presentationmade by the PSU on the following parameters:





Understanding of the Tenns of Reference:5 marksArchitectural Vision : l0 marksTechnical approach and methodology : 5

marksWork plan including timelines: 4 marksMaintenance of quality : 5 marksSteps to be taken for timely completion ofthe project, Plan B or alternate methods tocomplete the project in any eventuality :

4 marksExperience of working in similar projects:4marks

Organization and staffing includingsuitability of the Key personnel for theProiect: 3marks





(Marks in negative for E (i, ii, iii)(i) No. of litigation / arbitration / dispute cases

during the last ten years only with client(from 2006-07 to 2015-16) in connectionwith construction works.

> 19 Cases : 5 marks)9<::19 Cases: 3 marks>:1 <:9 Cases: 1 marks

(iD No. of projects executed during the last tenyears (from 2006-07 to 2015-16) where timelines have been exceeded by more than oneYear

> 19 Cases : 5 marks)9 (= l9 Cases:3 marks>-l <:9 Cases: I marks

(iii) No. of projects executed during the last tenyears (frorn 2006-07 to 2015-16) whereproiect costs have been exceeded bv 30%

> 19 Cases : 5 marks>9 <: 19 Cases:3 marks1:l (= 9 Cases: I marks


PSU Stamp

Annexure II


Percentage (h) Agency charges(To be quoted by the PSU indigits/figures)

Percentage (' ) Agency charges(To be quoted by the PSU in words)

Charges quoted should be excluding Service tax and Swacch Bharat/Krishi KalyanCESS.

Signature of Authorized Signatory

Name of Authorized Signatory

PSU Stamp

NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shillon

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NIT for construction of second Phase of NEIAH, shillong

Annexure IIIDetails about biddine PSU



I Full name of the Bidder PSU(in capital letters)

2. Full address of the Bidder PSU3. (A) Telephone No.

(B) Fax No.4. Names and details of the Authorized

Signatory of this NIT (Address,contact telephone number, Mobilenumber, Fax No., Email ID)

5. Has the bidder PSU been blacklisted by any organization? If so,attach the details of the same.


8. Service Tax resistration No.:No. of full time employees with thebidder PSU

Engineers Supporting Staff(Technical)

Financial strength of theOrganization for the last 5years.

Turnover Net Profit11-t2

















9. It is hereby cerlified that .......- (Ttr. biddi"gPAIJ herein) has never been black-listed by Central / State Governments / pSUs.

10. It is hereby submitted that all the terms and conditions of this NIT areacceptable to the PSU / State pSU.

I hereby certify that the above-mentioned particulars are true and correct.

Signature of Authorized Signatory.

Name of Authorized Signatory

Page 18 of23

PSU Stamp

vNIT for construction of second Phase of NEIAH, shillong


No.Category No. of persons

l. Engineers:Civil


) Supporting Staff (Technical)


Details of Personnel

Annexure IV

Signature of Authorized Signatory.

Name of Authorized Signatory

PSU Stamp

Page 19 of 23

NIT for construction of Second phase of NEIAH, Shillone

No. of Personnel Details ofInfrastructure



Annexure V

Details of Net work offices

Signature of Authorized Signatory.

Name of Authorized Signatory

PSU Stamp

Page 20 of 23



Signature of the Authorized Signatory

DURING LAST 10 YEARS (2006-07 to20t5-16)

Note: List should .o.rtuPSU during last l0 years

Is theredispute/legalcase/Arbitration caseraised/pendinginrespectof the

Documentattached asproof ofcompletion ofproject such as(completioncertificate/handing over/finalpayment/customer's testimonial)

Reference PageNo. ofthe biddocument

Page 21 of 23

NIT for construction of Second phase of NEIAH, Shillong

Annexure VIIWHEREAS (name of bidder)(hereinafter called "the(date)

bidder") has submitted his bid dated

(name of contractfor

)(hereinafter called " the Bid,,).KNOW ALL PEOPLE by thesebank) of

presents that we (name of

SEALED with the common seal of the saicl Bank this_20rnpcoNpnioNsm

(1) If after Bid opening the Bidder withdrawsspecified in the Form of Bid;


his Bid during the period of bid validity

(2) If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his Bid by the Employerduring the period of bid validity;a' Fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the

instruction to Bidders, if required; orb' Fails or refuses to furnish the Performance security, in accordance with the

instruction to bidders, orc. Does not accept the corrcction of the Bid price.

We undertake to pay to the Employer up to the above amount upon receipt of his first writtendemand, without the_Employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand theemployer will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him

-owing to the occunence of one

or any of the three conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.This Guarantee will remain in force up to and _including the date

-- daysafter the deadline for submission of Bids as such deadlirie stated in tt

" iortr.r.tions to Bidders oras it may be extended by the Employer, notice of which extension (s) to the Bank is herebywaived' Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above


(name of country) having our registered office(hereinafter called " the Bank") are bound unto

the Employer") in the sum of(name of employer) ((hereinafter called ..

for which payment well and trulyto be made to the said Employer th" buffi successors and assigns by thesepresents.

day of



(Signature, name and address)

I ' The Bidder should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and figures denominated inIndian Rupees.

2' 28 days after the end of the validity period of the Bid. Date should be inserted by theEmployer before the Bidding documents are issued.

Page 22 of 23

NIT for Construction of Second Phase of NEIAH, Shillong


(Address of Employer)

Annexure VIII

of Employer)


To: (Name

WHEREAS(hereinafter called ,.the contractor") has undertaken,

(name and address of contractor)in pursuance of contract

No.(date) to

(hereinafter called', the contract,'j.(name of contract and brief description of works)

AND WHERES we agreed to give the contractor such a Bank Guarantee;

Now THEREFOR we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalfofthe contractor, up to a total of

words) rr"h s,,- b"ing payable in the typ"s;fi1":rififfi3"ji'lrmrlilprice is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand, and without cavilor argument, any sum or sums within the limits of

(amount of guarantee) as aforesaidwithout your needing to prove o, to ,ho-l-unds o.specified therein.

reasons for your demand for the sum

we hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the contractor beforepresenting us with the demand.we-fuither agree that no change or addition to or other modification or he terms of the contract orof the works to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be madebetween you and the contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee,11d we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.This guarantee shall be valid until28 days from the date of expiry of hen Defects Liabilitv period.

Signature and deal ofthe guarantor

Name of BankAddress

Date1l. An amount shall be inserted by the Guarantor, representing the percentage of the contractPrice specified in the contract and denominated inlndian Ripees.

Page 23 of 23

<--:1 .-,t ,lLO^qPhasfin - J-1-- t_ry:*_0_



Building and servicesCivil and Internal ServicesBuilding Works

TOtal - Civil and lntarnel Qorrrira.

Total Cost (Rs. In lac)t.L.1

r.1..13,303.41A3,303.412. External Development


Oevelopment WHorticulture Ope




Total External DevelopmpHrarir"rigffi\A/eiar Tznl, It r^,.r^-^-






3.2-.erv, .s,rr\ \vrrustS,tuuttu 01 uvglllgd(J,

Wutur supplyStrom water Ora


fir" fighting & fSohr W.t.r, STp,

Recycling of STp W

Total - PIJF 'Q. Eira Ei-L+



3.4 9.18



29s.094. Electricals & l.lvac4.1 LLrrLlr rrqr, u\), nVAL O( JOlaf HV

r r-rr

J streetlights


| --.-- Total _Electricalfl-I Sub Total Cost (A _D)I
















Nsay Hs. 56 Cr.



':. '| ..:i:;.i' ,.r .'.. .

1r: .,. rr :..,....,:::! .

::::_; r' :: : '

:..1 .::, '",...t _:,,'t 4' {i,

' ''.:i.: . *:,i_.!: .,j;- -. -.,


.1,,1t.t. ',.' -,;


Name of building Area (Sqm)Total Cost (Lacsl

Buildine$12,L25.85 6,79,9s,A46.52

2 S:TAFF QUARTER_TYPE IV A L,164.20 3,54,25,4f;1.8O,3 $TAFF':QUARTE R,WPE: lV.B (incl: oireCtorri R,ead6ce):.' I ,- t,:i:i... .t.r: . . .

1.150.63 3,50,t2i52O.274

ITAFF QUARTER-TYPE I 838.78 2,55,23,236-625 sENtoR qEStDENT HOSTEL 1,99s.27 6,38,18,461.546 uG x:sre L_ctnLs 1,590.90 5,O8,84;737.64

ug,F,tosTE!_BOY,s 1;590-90 5,09,84,737::64


CABIN 25100 7,96,837.5A,9 Total eost

:. i. .: ,10,1131,53 . 33,03"41,019.53

top related