newsletter - · josie our sso, has been making cloth bags to store fruit...

Post on 17-Aug-2020






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Sustainability and looking after our

environment is a big focus in our

Preschool. We are passionate about caring

for the environment and we all learn

together about what we can do to better

look after our world.

Through our learning we found that plastic

pollution is a growing problem in the

world and as a preschool we have been

looking at the effects that this can have,

particularly on our oceans.

We have set up a mock ocean habitat

which shows the children how it can affect

the oceans and the creatures that live in


The children have been collecting plastic

waste they have found in and around the

school and been placing it in the mock

ocean to see what happens.

Josie our SSO, has been making cloth bags

to store fruit and other food items. This is

to discourage use of plastics, such as zip

lock bags. You might notice some of the

students from previous years may still

have their cloth bags!

Newsletter Week 10 Term 2 2020

Important Dates

20th July

Term 3 commences

Friday 14th August

School Closure Day

ICAS Competitions


Monday 17th


School Photo Days

Monday 31st August

Thursday 3rd


Friday 14th


Pupil Free Day

Staff TD

Preschool Activities

Student Absence or Lateness: Please Text

0476857209 prior to 9am with LPS, Student Name,

Student class, Date and Reason

Principal: Irene Scriven | Governing Council Chair: Ben Marsland

16-30 Baker Street, Littlehampton, SA 5250

T: 83911194 | F: 83982154


Here are just a few of the other sustainable things that we do:

Recycling and Sort Rubbish Station: Blue is for landfill, red is

for soft plastics, yellow is boxes, bottles, yoghurt tubs and

green is for fruit/veg scraps, weeds, plant waste.

Worm Farm - Fruit and vegetable scraps used in our worm

farm creates worm juice which is then used to fertilize our

garden to grow

vegetables that we then

use for cooking.

Donations: Thank you to the local businesses and families that

have sent in materials that the children are able to use for

making .

Changes have been made to the South Australian Public Health

Act 2011 (the Act) in regards to enrolment and attendance of

children to early childhood services. As from the 7th August

children will not be able to enrol or attend our Preschool

unless all immunisation requirements are met.

The Act requires:

An early childhood service must not enrol a child if all

immunisation requirements are not met.

A child cannot attend, or continue to attend, an early

childhood service if all immunisation requirements are not


Early childhood services must keep a current copy of an

approved immunisation record for each child enrolled in, or

attending that service.

Approved immunisation records must be supplied by

parents/guardians to the early childhood service at

specified times.

There are some approved exemptions. Parents and guardians

should speak with their medical practitioner about whether

exemptions to being vaccinated are considered valid.

Information has been emailed to all Preschool families with

more information about the above changes. Unfortunately,

this will affect all children currently enrolled, as well as any

new enrolments. A ‘Frequently Asked Question’ sheet has also

been emailed. If you are a current Preschool family and you

have not received this information please contact the


Preschool Activities cont…. Early Childhood Services and

Immunisation Requirements

Starting Preschool in 2021?

Do you have or know of a 3-year-old child

turning 4 before 1st May 2021 and they

live in the zone? If so please contact the

school on 8391 1194 to book a Principals


Do you live out of the school zone?

If so please call into the school to pick up a Preschool Registration of Interest Form.

Don’t miss out!

Wacky Wonderful Wednesday

Students in Room 14 held a Wacky Wonderful Wednesday

Word Fun activity last week and students used alliterations to

write these super sentences as well as drawing some little

pictures to illustrate. Here are some of their wacky sentences

and illustrations.

William was wagging wonderful whales

and whiches

Reef the Rock star raced really rilly

likes robbing the rich

Ryder in the red race car ripping around the

rubbish bin

Awesome affectionate

Abigail awesomely had an amazing

adventure skills!

Austin the apple ate an apricot ape

at the apricot store

Magnificent meerkat Mia

marched Magnificently to


Arizona the amazing ant astronaut

was amazed by an alligator and ants.

Talon the toy tiger teddy tripped over

A tadle

There was many other fun and wacky word fun created by

students in Room 14:

Evy the extraordinary egg eats excellent eels

Awesome Alice almost agreed to annoy the angry apes

Happy Hamish had handwriting he happily did’nt it.

Maisie the magic monkey is in a meerkat maze

Cooper carrot lived in a cabbage castle

Mia was mad and when Mia is mad Maisie is magic!!!

Bowie Big bad baboon baked big bacon badger begged

badley for big bacon

Pippa penguin played prime minister

Colourful Connor can kick a can in a castle riding a camel that

can kick a cactus eating cake at cambbra

Invincible iris ate an annoying ibis

Phoenix the parrot parachute like a pumpkin

Lilah lion launched lightning lamb literally laughing loudly

During our End of Term online Assembly the following

Principal’s awards were presented for students who have been

following our Super Seven Values:

Positive Attitude: Jayla Gatt, Alex Van der Zwaag, Bonnie Roy,

Charlie Raymond, Phoenix Stephenson, Chanel Prokopowicz,

Hamish Bailey, Archer Hawkins, Elliott Black, Maya Bowden,

Frankie Beurskens, Harry Smith, Hallie Paech, Beau Curran,

Olivia McAvaney, Nikita Sampson, Cameron Princi, Xavier

Carbray-Tann, Molly Passmore, Lily Clark, Michael Bontenakel,

Jack McAvaney, Ayden Walker, Paige McSherry, Lucy Cartland,

Astor Beurskens, Angus Neale

Being Trustworthy: Taya Kumnick, Harvey Bryant, Harry

Donaldson, Zahli Berra, Sophie Hampton.

Kindness: Chloe Engley, James White, Ayla Kalvas, James van

der Zwaag, Billie Goedecke, Mila Holt, Mitchell Durdin, Leza

van der Merwe

Respect: Gracie Semple, Jacob Bands, Jesse Duffield, Dallas

Luck, Lilly Bennett, Georgiana Carbray-Tann, Henry Watts,

Elizabeth Whalen-Cordes

Including Others: Wyatt Peterson, Georgie Parkinson

Valuing Others: Bethany Willis, Eli Beauchesne

Fairness: Jasmine Henderson

Principal’s Awards

Premiers Reading Challenge


We are offering optional parent/teacher interviews in Week 2 of next term, starting Monday the 27th of July. This is a good opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher and discuss learning progress and goals for the rest of year. To book an interview please go to click on ‘Make a Booking’ and

use the code a68c2 We are still under COVID-19 restrictions and are trying to

minimize the number of people on site. We ask that where

possible, only one parent attend interviews and that toddlers

and children are kept home. School children may be asked by

the class teacher to attend the interview but please wait for

confirmation from the class teacher before bringing them


Specialist subject teachers (Visual Arts, Music, Spanish & PE)

are available to discuss their child's progress at any time during

the year and they can be contacted via the Front Office.

The smooth running of our interviews relies on all parents

keeping to the timetable. Please consider other parents and

end on time. Interviews have been scheduled for 20 minute

intervals - 15 minutes with the teacher and 5 minutes for

change over so all bookings remain on schedule.

If you need more time with a particular teacher, please arrange

a separate meeting or phone call. If none of these particular

times are workable, please contact your classroom teacher

directly by email, through a note or by ringing the school and

leaving a message.

If you have any further questions with regards to parent/

teacher interviews, please contact your classroom teacher or

the Front Office on 8391 1194. Bookings for interview will

close on Wednesday July 22nd.

This term Mrs Bevan’s Year 3/4 and Sara’s Year 4 Classes have been learning about the rock cycle and researching particular rocks and landforms in Australia. The importance of effective note taking and transforming information into their own words has been a focus. Many students have engaged with the topic and shared fossil specimens and rocks from their own personal collections. We encourage the students to further develop their research skills as it is through perseverance and practice

that we grow and learn fascinating facts.

Barb O’Connor

Teacher Librarian

Over the last two weeks the

following students have finished

their Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Well done to everyone:

Ashton Muhlhausler, Warren Liu, Milan Scamoni, Bailey Grant, Max Trojan, Jack

Eckert, Charlie Stradiotto, Breanna Luxon, Harmony Schubert, Peyton Grubb, Taya Kumnick, Zahli Berra, Elsie Blakemore, Amelia Eckert, Leza Van Der Merwe, Lawson Elliott, Thomas Nunn, Ethan Schultze, Keira Trevorrow, Jack Cannon, Oliver Cooper, Austin Jones, Archie Oakes, Roman Petrie, Ollie Stradiotto, Harriette Barlow, Violet Dougan, Daisy Hickerson, Ellisa Marden, Lotti Marzonie-Thomson, Charlize Pocock, Mason Jones, Maisie Mayfield, Harper Bailey, Oliver Kain, Finn Wright, Engley, Sally Tolcher, Hayden Zadow, Rhys Batge, Nicholas Dvorak, Robert Van Der Zwaag, Billy Badenoch, Fin Gautier, Faith Stewart, Zoe Haylock, Lucy Bubner, Isla Shephard, Sharnee Carter, Gracie Semple, Liam Filmer, Cameron Princi, Hayden Zadow, Angus Neale, Emily Palmer, Marlia Reynolds, Tennessee Stephenson, Evelyn Campbell, Wade Riddle, Braxton Crudden, Emily Richardson, Billie Goedecke, Marcus Reddy, Phoenix Stephenson, Ethan Beauchesne, Harrison Cooper, Shepard Hammond, Harrison Leach, Mason Payne, Logan Pielago, Henry Weyland, Harper Bogdanowicz, Asha Herbig, Lily Hicks-Wilson, Georgia Marsland, Savanah McArthur, Oakley Reynolds, Emerson Reynolds, Talon Mayfield, Lucas Bell, Liam Thom, Jasper Carbray-Tann, Ayeesha Datson, Emily Lunnon, Evie Stewart, Siena Baugh, Jet Johnson, Rhylan Allen, Alaistair Snell, Liam Hawkins, William Innes, Caitlin Witt and Rupert Curran.

Congratulations to Dahlia Duigan who has recently been

awarded first place in a recent People’s Choice Poetry

Competition. Well done Dahlia.

Congratulations to Molly Passmore and Alex Cooper for

finishing Multi Lit.

During the holidays we are looking for families who would be able to feed the chickens and collect the eggs. Please click on the link to sign up.


Parent/Teacher Interviews

Beneath our feet!

Looking after our Chickens

Message from Irene

Throughout their time at Littlehampton Primary School, students may be identified as candidates for one of our Enrichment programs by their teacher.

During Semester One this year a number of students worked towards completion of various stages of the Lead Learner course, which was developed in conjunction with the Department’s Gifted and Talented Policy.

Enrichment teaching and learning is designed to add depth and breadth to curriculum areas as taught in our mainstream classes. A topics based approach is used to foster engagement and learning is programmed with reference to: Effective Learner Profiles and Visible Learning more broadly, the Positive Education PERMAH framework, the Site Improvement Plan and the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum.

This semester, our Stage 1 and 2 Lead Learners focused on reading comprehension and number sense in maths - whilst our senior students in Stage 3 discovered more about global humanitarian organisations, economics and business. It has been inspiring to see the ways in which students have referred to the SOLO Taxonomy to demonstrate their higher order thinking skills.

Feedback received indicated that students found the course both validating and capacity building, as they achieved individual growth by challenging existing understandings.

Looking ahead to Semester Two, students in Stage 4 of the Lead Learner program will have the chance to co-construct their assignment

rubric. The opportunity to personalise their learning and become more self-directed will be the foundation, as they learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Sustainability or Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia. These topics have been selected as they are crucial to the development of the Intercultural Understanding General Capability from the Australian Curriculum.

Ms Mandy Betts, Enrichment Teacher.

Dear families,

This term has been a most unusual one. We started the last

holidays thinking we were going ahead with the majority of

students online learning, to scrambling at the end of the

holidays, preparing to return to some form of normal with a

majority of students back face to face learning. I want to

congratulate our school staff for handling these major

disruptions in a professional and collaborative manner. Thank

you also to our students for their resilience and grit in

embracing the changes to their learning environment and the

way they supported their teachers through this whole period.

Lastly, thank you to you, our families for the continuous

support of the school and your children. It makes our lives that

much easier when families are also supporting their children to

cope with change and upheaval. It has been, and will continue

to be, a very interesting time we are all living through. Please

take the time over the school holidays to relax and chill with

your family. Stay safe and warm.

Take care, Irene

Enrichment at Littlehampton PS

Semester 1 Lead Learners

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