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Neurobiology of Consciousness 1


The Neurobiology of Human Consciousness:

Linking Rhetoric, Science, and Graduate Liberal Studies


Kerk F. Kee

Department of Communication Studies

University of Texas at Austin

Kee, K. F. (2006, November). The neurobiology of human consciousness: Linking rhetoric,

science, and graduate liberal studies. Paper to be presented at the meeting of the National

Communication Association Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Neurobiology of Consciousness 0


The purpose of this paper is to suggest Consciousness Studies as the fertile ground for

linking the fields of Rhetoric, Sciences, and Graduate Liberal Studies. In order to do that, I

first present a theoretical model developed in a master’s thesis on the topic of consciousness,

which was completed in the Graduate Liberal Studies program at San Diego State University.

Drawing widely from research by neurologist Antonio Damasio (2000, 2003), philosopher

Daniel Dennett (1991, 2001, 2005), biologist Gerald Edelman (2000, 2004), and psychologist

Julian Jaynes (2000), I argue in this theoretical model that the mechanisms of consciousness

are both biological (neurons, neuronal groups, neural networks, and developmental selection)

and cultural (semantics, language, metaphors, memes, and experiential selection), and the

cultural mechanisms build on the biological mechanisms. This theoretical model shows that

Consciousness Studies can benefit from research from the neurobiological studies of the

brain, and the rhetorical studies of metaphors. Second, I explain the importance of rhetorical

studies of metaphors in understanding human consciousness. Third, I note the recent

establishments of doctoral programs the field of Graduate Liberal Studies as an indicator of

its increased research emphasis. Implications of Consciousness Studies for the liberal arts

tradition are also discussed.

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Consciousness is one of the most profound topics in the history of knowledge. It is

the source of our identity, behaviors, cultures, politics, and civilizations. Without it, we

cannot validate our own existence. It has been an enduring topic of debate in philosophy and

religions for many centuries (Mishlove, 1993), and has become an important topic of inquiry

in science for the past few decades (Churchland, 1986).

Consciousness is a mystery (Blackmore, 2004; Chalmers, 1999; Dennett, 1991;

Edelman, 2004, Jaynes, 2000; McGinn, 1999). We experience consciousness at an intimate

level. Yet, when asked to explain it, the experience is difficult to explain. David Chalmers

(1999) states, “Conscious experience is at once the most familiar thing in the world and the

most mysterious. There is nothing we know about more directly than consciousness, but it is

extraordinarily hard to reconcile it with everything else we know” (p. 287).

An attempt to define consciousness depends on the assumptions, perspectives, and

metaphors one uses to understand it. One can understand consciousness as the ghost in a

machine, the algorithm of a computer program, or the product of firing neurons. At the

experiential level, consciousness can be defined as “those states of sentience and awareness

that typically begin in the morning when we awake from a dreamless sleep and continue

throughout the day until we go to sleep again, or fall into a coma or die or otherwise become

‘unconscious’” (Searle, 1997, p. 5). In other words, consciousness is “the subjective, inner

life of the mind” (Chalmers, 1999, p. 288). Under some special circumstances, there can be

multiple altered states of consciousness, such as hypnotic and trance states, the interaction of

emotional states and the experience of consciousness, and the phenomena described as

multiple personality (Tart, 1969, 1975, 1999).

Scholars are still grappling with the mystery of consciousness. The mystery is

traditionally known as the ‘mind/body problem.’ Churchland (1979) explains that the

mind/body problem is the question of “the relation between familiar psychological states on

the one hand, and the neurophysiological states of the body and the central nervous system

on the other” (Churchland, 1979, p. 107). Philosophers and scientists have not yet solved this

problem. However, neurobiolgist Christof Koch (2004) believes that we stand at a turning

point in the history of science and that the “technology to discover and characterize the

subjective mind emerges out of the objective brain is within reach” (p. 314). The first goal of

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this manuscript is a humble effort trying to put a few pieces of the puzzles together in the

attempt to understand the mechanisms underlying human consciousness. To do this, we have

to explore the historical development of the problem, and the argument for an evolutionary



The ‘mind/body problem’ has inspired different theories, both lay and scholarly

(Mishlove, 1993). Broadly speaking, these theories can be categorized into two camps: the

dualist camp that believes there are two kinds of stuff (i.e. the physical stuff and the

nonphysical stuff); and the monist camp that asserts there is only one kind of stuff (i.e. the

physical stuff) in the world.


The dualists are also known as the “mysterians,” (Chalmers, 1999, p. 288) because

they believe that consciousness is a mystery that cannot be solved by scientific methods.

There are two branches of dualism: substance dualism and property dualism. They emphasize

different aspects to distinguish the mind and the body.


Substance dualists believe that the mind is a nonphysical substance (Churchland,

1992). This nonphysical substance is completely different from material substance that

makes up the rest of the physical environment. If we examine substance dualism further, we

will find two closely related theories: Cartesian dualism and popular dualism. Cartesian

dualism was proposed by French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist Rene Descartes in

1641. He suggested that the world consists of two kinds of stuff. They are the extended stuff

of the material environment, and the unextended, thinking stuff of the mind. These two

substances interact in the pineal gland, which is located at the center of the brain. That is how

consciousness, the mind, and the body work together. On the other hand, popular dualism

assumes that a person is a “ghost in a machine” (Churchland, 1992, p. 9). The ‘ghost’ or the

‘spirit’ of a person is a spiritual substance that takes up physical space, but this substance is

different from physical substance of the environment. Both of these theories believe that the

mind is a nonphysical substance beyond scientific investigations.

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Property dualists focus on the properties of the mind and body (Churchland, 1992).

They contend that a person can be described both in mental and physical terms, but one

cannot be reduced to another because they possess different properties. Churchland (1992)

explains that property dualists argue, “while there is no substance to be dealt with here

beyond the physical brain, the brain has a special set of properties possessed by no other kind

of physical object. It is these special properties that are nonphysical: hence the term property

dualism” (p. 10). These properties include feeling pain or pleasure, having a sensation of

green or blue, thinking of a person or an idea, and desiring a job or a mate. The key

distinction of property dualism is that these properties can never be explained by physical

science, unless there is a separate “science of mental phenomena” (Churchland, 1992, p. 10).

There are three theories of property dualism. The first, and the oldest of all, is the

epiphenomenalism. Churchland (1992) explains that the Greek prefix ‘epi-’ means ‘above,’

so the basic argument is that mental phenomena “ride ‘above the fray’” (p. 11). Although

mental phenomena are the result of brain activities, mental phenomena does not have causal

effects in return, and are “mere epiphenomena” (p. 11). Epiphenomenalists assert that the

mind has no control over the body and behaviors. The second theory is interactionist property

dualism. As the name implies, these theorists believe that mental phenomena have causal

effects in return on the body and behaviors, and these behaviors are caused by human desires

and personal choices. The last theory is elemental-property dualism. This theory suggests that

mental phenomena are similar to other elemental phenomena, such as electromagnetic forces

(Churchland, 1992). Therefore, mental properties are like electromagnetic properties that are

elemental in nature, thus cannot be reduced to anything else. Regardless of its diversity, all

dualists hold that consciousness and the mind are nonphysical phenomena.

Although dualism is the most popular theory in western history, society, and many

world’s religions, most philosophers and scientists today reject this view (Churchland, 1992).

Ryle (1949) ridiculed dualism as “the dogma of the Ghost in the Machine.” Blackmore

(2004) argues that Cartesian dualism is problematic, because if mental phenomena, such as

thoughts, can affect brain cells, then they involve either energy or magic. Since it cannot be

magic, thoughts must be physical stuff that uses energy. Damasio (1999) predicts that by

2050, advances in biological sciences will have completely refuted traditional dualism.

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The monist view argues that consciousness and mental phenomena can be subject to

scientific explanation. Monists are also known as the “reductionists” (Chalmers, 1999, p.

288) and “materialists” (Dennett, 1991, p. 33), because they claim that consciousness can be

reduced to materials that observe the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology. Reductionism

reduces macro-level phenomena to micro-level phenomena (Churchland, 1996). Although

some scholars criticize monism to be a limited perspective (Tart, 2006), science in the past

few hundred years has been spectacularly successful (Crick, 1995), especially in the last

three centuries (Churchland, 1996). This record of success makes the monist view a

compelling perspective.

Monist research on consciousness and the mind can generally be categorized into two

groups: artificial intelligence and neurobiology. Some monists hold that the brain is like a

computer. Therefore, consciousness and the mind are products of algorithms in the brain.

This is the foundation of artificial intelligence. Other monists contend that the brain is the

product of evolution and the neurobiology of the brain (Churchland, 1995). Therefore,

consciousness and the mind can be explained by the firing of a complex network of neurons

(Crick, 1995; Damasio, 2000; Edelman, 2004; Koch, 2004). Regardless of the positions,

monists maintain that there is only one kind of stuff, the material stuff. There is no spook

(Edelman, 2004) and no spirit (Dennett, 2005) beyond physical material. Therefore, monists

maintain that consciousness can be examined by scientific experiments and analyses.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of cognitive psychology, and AI researchers

employ the metaphor of ‘brain-as-computer.’ They engage in “the endeavor to understand

mind (thinking, intellect) in terms of its design (how it is built, how it works)” (Haugeland,

1997). In other words, the guiding question is: “How do we design digital artifacts and

computer programs that behave and respond intelligently?” (Joseph & Poole, 2004). Initially,

artificial intelligence researchers were successful in developing mathematical problem

solving and expert systems. However, the metaphor of brain-as-computer is somewhat

limiting in modeling biological intelligence. Under the limiting metaphor, classic AI

researchers ignored insights from neuroscience. This approach then received criticism and

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skepticism from researchers interested in modeling the nervous system (Joseph & Poole,

2004; Rumelhart, 1997).


Searle (1997) states, “consciousness is a natural, biological phenomenon. It is as

much a part of our biological life as digestion, growth, or photosynthesis” (p. xiii).

The possibility of a neurobiological explanation of consciousness is a still topic of debate in

both the public and academic realms (Churchland & Churchland, 1998). However, advances

in neuroscience make it possible to theorize how the brain represents, learns, and produces

behaviors based on the basic principles of whole brain function.

There are two important concepts in biology that are key to the neurobiological study

of consciousness. The first concept is the operation of natural selection. Every organism, cell,

and complex biological molecules are subject to a long continued operation of natural

selection, which stretches back to several billions years ago (Crick, 1988). Dobzhansky

stated, “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” (as cited in

Blackmore, 2004, p. 141). Today, the theory of evolution is supported by observing small

species that breed rapidly, such as fruit flies, and bacteria in response to antibiotics

(Christian, 2004). Evolution is a powerful perspective (Dennett, 1995).

The second concept is mechanisms. Crick (1988) explains, “mechanisms built with

chemical components and that are often modified by other, later, mechanisms added to the

earlier ones” (p. 138). Therefore, a neurobiological approach to the study of consciousness

must acknowledge that consciousness is the product of natural selection in evolution, and it is

a mechanism that builds on earlier ones.

About two decades ago, philosopher Patricia Churchland (1986) established the

interdisciplinary field of neurophilosophy. She proposed to philosophers of mind the

following three tenets: “(1) mental processes are brain processes, (2) the theoretical

framework resulting from a co-evolution of neuroscience and psychology is bound to be

superior to folk psychology, and (3) it is most unlikely that we can devise an adequate theory

of the mind-brain without knowing in great detail about the structure and organization of

nervous systems” (p. 482). Today, the field of philosophy of mind can no longer ignore the

contribution of neuroscience and neurobiology.

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Another strong proponent of the neurobiological approach is biologist Francis Crick

(1995). He stressed the point that the study of consciousness is a scientific problem. He

authored the book, The Astonishing Hypothesis, and the hypothesis states: “all aspects of the

brain’s behavior are due to the activities of neurons” (pp. 258-259), therefore, “to understand

ourselves we must understand how nerve cells behave and how they interact” (p. xii). He

argued that in order to understand consciousness, we have to understand neurons and how

they interact together in a parallel fashion, because the “language of the brain is based on

neurons” (p, 256). Building on this work, his colleague Christof Koch (2004) argues for a

research program to discover the neuronal correlates of consciousness.



As stated earlier, a neurobiological approach must acknowledge that consciousness is

the product of natural selection in evolution, and it is a biological mechanism that builds on

earlier ones. Philosopher Daniel Dennett (1991) argues that a sketch, a model, or a theory of

how the brain works “can turn a perplexity into a research program” (p. 41). The purpose of

the first part of the manuscript is to synthesize existing theories of consciousness that are

based on evolutionary biology, and to sketch a theoretical model of human consciousness.

The research question states: “What are the mechanisms underlying the operation of human


“A theory is a verifiable conceptual system of interrelated propositions explaining

conditionship among a set of phenomena” (Spitzberg, 2001, p. 354). The theoretical model

developed in this manuscript will be a system of interrelated propositions explaining the

operation of human consciousness. This system of propositions can be generalized to the

human species across cultures and societies, because the neurobiology is the same across

races. Furthermore, propositions may be implicit, as in narrative description of a process or a

diagrammatic model (Spitzberg, 2001). The analysis will also include a diagrammatic model

with a narrative description of the operation of human consciousness. Finally, the essence of

a theory is to explain the phenomenon of interest (Spitzberg, 2001). The phenomenon of

interest in this manuscript is the operation of human consciousness.

Neurobiology of Consciousness


A theoretical model of consciousness must fulfill several criteria. First, such a theory

must be both empirical and philosophical, bridging science and philosophy (Dennett, 1991).

Second, such a theory must build on the neural bases for consciousness, and show how it

could have arisen during evolution, and how it develops in certain animals (Edelman, 2004).

Third, such a theory should include the sense of self, the brain, the entire body, supplemented

by cognitive and social theories (Damasio, as cited in Horgan, 1999, p. 299). Fourth, such a

theory should be “a simple and elegant set of fundamental laws, analogous to the

fundamental laws of physics…”(Chalmers, 1999, p. 294). Finally, such a theory should prove

to be “the most reasonable theory on the evidence, to have the greatest explanatory power,

predictive power, coherence, and simplicity” (Churchland, 1992, p. 7).


The purpose of the study is to develop a theoretical model for the mechanisms

underlying human consciousness. This study is significant at three levels: the personal,

humanistic, and scientific. At the personal level, consciousness is the essence of our being. It

is where our concept of self emerges (Damasio, 2000), and where our identity resides

(Edelman, 2004). Consciousness is the source of our thoughts, feelings, and desires that

direct our behaviors and choices (Damasio, 2003; Jaynes, 2000). A theory of consciousness

has important implications for ourselves (Chalmers, 1999). Without consciousness, we do not

know that we exist at the personal level.

Second, this study is significant to our humanity. Civilization is the physical

manifestation of human thoughts, ideas, and plans conceived in consciousness. Therefore,

consciousness is the foundation of our society, economy, politics, cultures, education,

technology, and overall humanity. Without consciousness, we would not have the civilization

we have today.

Third, and perhaps the most important for an academic thesis, this study is significant

at the scientific level. The human brain is the most complicated material object ever known

(Edelman, 2004). John Searle (1997) states, “The most important problem in the biological

sciences… is this: How exactly do neurobiological processes in the brain cause

consciousness?” (p. 3).

Searle’s claim is further supported by a collection of quotes in reference to

consciousness and the mind. These quotes include: “the major unsolved problem in biology”

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(Crick, 2004, p. xiii), “the most intriguing in all of science” (Chalmers, 1999. p. 287), and

“the last surviving mystery” (Dennett, 1991, p. 21). Horgan (1996) states, “Mind, not space,

is science’s final frontier” (p. 159). Based on these arguments, it is apparent that the research

question at hand is significant.

The theoretical model the present study develops brings together four major theories

in the field of consciousness studies. These theories are all based on evolutionary biology.

Each theory is unique and multidisciplinary. By bringing these four theories together, we are

able to draw from a huge range of disciplinary knowledge, and paint a fuller picture of the

operation of human consciousness.

This attempt is unique because such syntheses are rarely done. The field of

Consciousness Studies is relatively young. Due to its short history, there are not many fully

developed theories yet, and there is no consensus on which theory is correct. Most scholars

focus on developing their own theories. Synthetic attempt can be fruitful at this point. The

following section will present the 19 propositions explaining the present theoretical model of

consciousness. The first portion of the propositions emphasizes the biological mechanisms of

consciousness, while the second portion on the cultural mechanism of consciousness.


Proposition 1: There are two sources of input to the multitrack process: internal inputs

from the internal self, and external stimuli from the external environment.

The concept of ‘multitrack’ process was first proposed by Dennett (1991) in his

Multiple-Drafts model of consciousness. According to him, at any given waking moment,

various additions, incorporations, emandations, and overwritings of content can occur

simultaneously, semi-independently, and randomly at various locations in the brain. This

multitrack process occurs over hundreds of milliseconds. At every millisecond, various

contents are at different stages of editions. These contents are the various drafts in the

multitract process. These various editions of contents create narrative fragments in the brain.

Narrative fragments contribute to the narrative stream (to be discussed in Proposition 7).

The first source of input to the multitrack process is the internal inputs from ‘self.’

Major theorists discuss this source slightly differently. Edelman (2004) calls it the internal

states. He explains that ‘self’ signals come from four primary systems in the body and the

brain: autonomic system (i.e. system that does not depend on conscious control), homeostatic

Neurobiology of Consciousness


system (i.e. the system that compensates for changes in a balanced fashion), kinesthetic

system (i.e. the system related to muscles and joints), and proprioceptive system (i.e. the

system related to balance). The first two systems regulate vital organs and interactions of

physiological functions. Some of these functions include breathing, eating, and hormonal

changes. Some of the signals from such ‘self’ systems begin even before birth. All of these

systems operate and sustain the life of the animal. They provide a central referential set of

signals and perceptual categories. Internal states make up an important portion of input

signals to the brain. They are self-generated, and are different from the signals coming in

through the senses.

On the other hand, Damasio (2000) believes that consciousness emerged out of

homeostasis. His conception of homeostatic regulations expands Edelman’s notion of

homeostasis to consider metabolic regulations, basic reflexes, immune responses, pain and

pleasure, drives and motivation, background emotions, primary emotions, social emotions,

and feelings as the key components of homeostasis. According to him, homeostasis refers to

the “coordinated and largely automated physiological reactions required to maintain steady

internal states in a living organism. Homeostasis describes the automatic regulation of

temperature, oxygen concentration, or pH in your body” (pp. 39-40). These automatic

regulations do not require reasoning, and the purpose is to solve the basic problems of life

(Damasio, 2003). These problems include finding energy sources and processing energy to

sustain the life of the organism, maintaining interior chemical balance and protecting the

organism from external agents of disease, and building and repairing the structure of the

organism. The process of homeostatic regulation evolved from simple to complex.

Regardless of the differences, Edelman and Damasio suggest that internal inputs are

biological in nature.

The second source of input to the multitrack process is the external inputs from the

external physical-behavioral environment outside of the body and brain. They can be an

object, a person, or an event. Dennett (1991) explains that sensory inputs from the

environment evoke trains of events in the cortex. These trains of events then gradually

produce discriminations of greater and greater specificity. For example, when a physical

object is presented to a human observer, an onset is created by the visual stimulus (i.e. a

physical object), then the location of the object is detected, then the shape of the object, then

Neurobiology of Consciousness


the color of the object, then the motion of the object, and finally the recognition of the object

by the observer. External inputs can be physical, social, or cultural. As a whole Proposition 1

concludes that there are two sources of input to the multitrack process: internal inputs from

the internal self, and external stimuli from the external environment.

Proposition 2: Both internal and external inputs are filtered through excerption.

Excerption refers to our tendency to take an aspect or an image of an object, a person,

or an event, frozen in time (Jaynes, 2000). In consciousness, we never completely see

anything, interact with anyone, and experience an event. We can only see, or pay attention to

a part of the thing, person, or event at any moment. Our knowledge of a thing, a person, or an

event, is then a collection of excerptions and possible attentions we can give at various


Jaynes (2000) contends that individual personality and changing situational factors

determine what aspect or what image we excerpt. These factors are critical because our

consciousness of the world and the people we interact with depend on these factors. He

suggests, “How we excerpt other people largely determines the kind of world we feel we are

living in” (p. 62). In other words, the external environment of things, people, and events are

objective, and our consciousness of this environment depends on a filter shaped by social

interactions and personal choices. It is important to note that excerption is not memory.

However, memory adheres to the excerptions we made of the external environment.

Furthermore, he argues that “consciousness is a metaphor of our actual behavior” (p. 61).

We suspect excerption applies to internal inputs from the biological systems

discussed in Proposition 1. In other words, individual personality and changing situational

factors determine which aspect of internal biological states one pays attention to. You are

constantly breathing, but you may not excerpt this biological process when you are driving in

Los Angeles heavy traffic in a hot summer afternoon, talking to a friend on the mobile phone

about the documentary What the Bleep Do We Know? you just watched, with Elton John

singing in the background.

Proposition 3: Excerpted inputs become distributed contenful states.

Specialized brain areas (Churchland & Sejnowski, 1992; Dennett, 1991, Edelman,

2005) process external and internal inputs, and yield contentful states. Therefore, contentful

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states exist in both space and time in the physical brain. The concept of ‘distributed

contentful states was first proposed by Dennett (1991) in his Multiple Drafts model.

According to him, distributed contentful states contribute to the multitrack editing process

discussed in Proposition 1.

Proposition 4: Distributed contentful states are processed by current perceptual


Perceptual categorization is “the selective discrimination of an object or event from

other objects or events for adaptive purposes” (Edelman, 1992, p. 87). It allows an animal to

partition and categorize input signals coming from the ‘self’ and the environment into

sequences or a series of scenes (Edelman, 2004). Edelman (1989, p. 138) explains that the

neocortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and basal ganglia are responsible for the process of

perceptual categorization. A key mechanism for perceptual categorization is global

mappings, and it is primarily a non-conscious process (Edelman, 1989).

Global mappings are interactions between the sensory and motor systems in the

nervous system. A global mapping is “a dynamic structure containing various sensory maps,

each with different functionally segregated properties, linked by reentry. These are linked in

turn by non-reentrant connections to motor maps and subcortical systems such as the

cerebellum and basal ganglia” (Edelman, 2004, p. 49). Global mappings make up of the main

basis for perceptual categorization in higher brains (Edelman, 2004). The concept of reentry

is discussed in Proposition 10.

Proposition 5: Contentful states that have been perceptually categorized become

perceptual sets.

Perceptual categorization is the process of partitioning and categorizing input signals

coming from the body and the environment into sequences that result in adaptive behaviors

(Edelman, 2004). For example, a human takes in the continual, parallel, and multiple visual

signals from the garden and categorize them as coherent stable objects (i.e. “trees,”

“flowers,” and so forth). A bird might do such a categorization but with different perceptual

and motor responses (it might rest on the object we call a tree).

Contentful states feed into the perception categorization process and yield perceptual

sets. Perceptual sets are internal information states. They make up our verbal reports of

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experience and memory, meaning making or “semantic readiness,” (Dennett, 1991, p. 135)

emotional states, and behavioral predispositions. “For instance, a discrimination of a picture

of a dog might create a ‘perceptual set’ – making it temporarily easier to see dog (or even just

animal) in other pictures – or it might activate a particular semantic domain, making it

temporarily more likely that you read the word ‘bark’ as a sound, not a covering for tree

trunks” (Dennett, 1991, p. 127). When probed, perceptual sets get elevated to brain-scale


Proposition 6: Perceptual sets are processed by conceptual categorization.

In order to recognize the common properties and to produce generalization across

various complexes of signal and perceptual sets, “the brain must map its own activities, as

represented by several global mappings, to create a concept—that is, to make maps of its

perceptual maps” (Edelman, 2004, p. 50). This process is called conceptual categorization or

concept formation.

Edelman (2004, p. 101) suggests that conceptual categorization takes place primarily

in septum, amygdala, and hippocampus. The mechanism of conceptual categorization is non-

conscious, however, because the process of forming new concepts requires attention,

consciousness is necessary (Edelman, 1989). It is important to note that linguistic metaphors

(Lakoff & Johnson, 2003; Jaynes, 2000) and cultural memes (Dawkins, 1989; Dennett, 2004)

are essentially concepts. Therefore, metaphors and memes are probably formed in the same

brain areas.

Jaynes (2000) defines metaphor as “the use of a term for one thing to describe another

because of some kind of similarity between them or between their relations to other things”

(p. 48). He suggests, “understanding a thing is to arrive at a metaphor for that thing by

substituting something more familiar to us” (p. 52). “The essence of metaphor is

understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another” (Lakoff & Johnson,

2003, p. 5).

According to Dawkins (1989), “Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases,

clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches” (p. 192). He explains that a

meme is an entity that can be transmitted from one brain to another. He further argues that

memes are living structures. Therefore, the concept can include examples such as

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“architecture, rituals, laws, music, art, and written tradition, as a co-adapted stable set of

mutually-assisting memes” (p. 197).

Proposition 7: Perceptual sets conceptualized create narrative streams.

The process of conceptual categorization yields concepts that contribute to narrative

streams. A narrative stream or sequence is made up of narrative fragments at various stages

of editing. Since these narrative fragments undergo continuous editing, there are ‘multiple

drafts’ of a single narrative fragment over time. If one probes too early, a ‘rough draft’ with

little specificity may be obtained. If one probes too late, a completed draft may have died out

or been transmitted to other parts of the brain. Therefore, conscious narratives are not

independent of particular probes. When probed at a particular point in time, a single version

of the narrative stream (i.e. ‘stream of consciousness’) can be obtained.

It is important to note that since our narrative stream of consciousness is made up of

narrative fragments undergoing continuous editing, there are no pre-consciousness and post-

consciousness states. Also, there is no final or published draft in the actual stream of

consciousness, whether or not the experimenter (or even the subject) can gain access to it.

Furthermore, “the Multiple Drafts model makes ‘writing it down’ in memory criterial

for consciousness; that is what it is for the ‘given’ to be ‘taken’ – to be taken one way rather

than another. There is no reality of conscious experience independent of the effects of

various vehicles of content on subsequent action (and hence, of course, on memory)”

(Dennett, 1991, p.132). This is probably one reason why Weick (1995) and E.M. Forster both

argue, "How can I know what I think until I see what I say" or why von Foerster (1984)

proposes, "Doing = Knowing" (p. 60).

Proposition 8: Narrative streams that have sequalae are linked to special value-category


Sequelae refer to modulation of subsequent behavior (Dennett, 2005). Things that

have sequelae can have important consequences to our survival, unique and unusual, or both.

A vast amount of narrative streams exist at any given time. However, most of these narrative

fragments are short-lived, and only modulate current activities. Just because a content-

bearing event creates a narrative stream in the brain during the multitrack process, it does not

mean that the narrative stream will contribute to consciousness. Only those streams that have

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sequelae made it to the brain-scale state and have effects on modulation of subsequent

behaviors (Dennett, 2005). After making it to the brain-scale state, these narrative streams are

linked to special value-category memory.

Modulation and changes in neural inputs from the value systems affect the dynamic

memory system. Value systems are related to “rewards and responses necessary for survival”

(Edelman, 2004, p. 25), and they “bias neuronal responses affecting both learning and

memory and controlling bodily responses necessary for survival” (Edelman, 2004, p. 25).

These systems influence the degree and extent of memory recall and output. Edelman (2004)

calls the central memory system a “value-category memory system” (p. 53). He suggests that

“the development of all these systems was a necessary evolutionary precursor of conscious

activity” (p. 54).

Proposition 9: Narrative streams that do not have sequalae die out and vanish.

Narrative streams that do not have sequalae die out and disappear in the multitrack

process. If not probed as suggested in Proposition 5, the subject never becomes aware of

these contentful states and narrative fragments.

Proposition 10: Basic consciousness is generated by reentry linking special value-

category memory and current perceptual sets.

Millions of synaptic connections are established within a local brain region, and over

long distance among various brain regions during development. These are not a series of

linear and sequential transmissions. They are ongoing, recursive, reciprocal, and parallel

transmissions of signals among brain areas through multiple pathways simultaneously.

According to Edelman (2004), reentry is the interconnected network of ongoing, recursive,

reciprocal, and parallel transmissions of signals among brain areas through multiple

pathways simultaneously. Reentrant paths make possible the partitioning of the huge array of

signals from the environment into objects and events. Reentry also makes possible the

synchronization of the activity of neuronal groups in different brain maps. It binds them into

neuronal circuits capable of producing temporally coherent output.

Basic consciousness, which is Edelman (2004)’s notion of primary consciousness, is

a series of scenes produced by perceptual sets linked to special value-category memory

through reentry. This is the fundamental consciousness in all living animals. When the

Neurobiology of Consciousness


perceptual set (or perception or scene) of a lion is formed in the brain of a deer, this

perception is linked to survival value memory that controls bodily response. Upon

recognition of the lion (i.e. danger), the deer takes off and runs away from the lion.

The manuscript thus far has focused on the biological mechanisms of consciousness.

The propositions will now explain the significance of cultural mechanisms in human

consciousness. These cultural mechanisms include language, metaphors, memes, and other.

Proposition 11: Human consciousness is generated by reentry linking perceptual and

conceptual categorizations, special value-category memory, and brain areas responsible

for semantics and language.

Perceptual categorization produces a series of perceptions and scenes of the ongoing

events in the external environment. Conceptual categorization generates linguistic metaphors

and cultural memes in order to map the similarities among, and make sense of, the ongoing

series of perceptions and scenes. Through reentry, perceptions and concepts are then linked

to special value-category memory that promotes survival responses, and brain areas

responsible for semantics and language, in order to generate meanings associated with the

perceptions and concepts and contribute to an ongoing story told in language. The result of

these rapid reentrant connections among these areas is the dynamic human consciousness. So

what brain areas are responsible for semantic and linguistic capabilities? The answers include

Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas of the cerebral cortex.

Wernicke’s area is located at the back of the superior temporal gyrus. Medical cases

show that damage to Wernicke’s area leads to the inability to produce meaningful speech or

comprehend it. A patient with Wernicke aphasia (i.e., linguistic impairment) can speak

fluently, but the content of the speech is “a strange mixture of clarify and gibberish” (Bear,

Conners, & Paradiso, 2001, p. 646). It is also believe that Wernicke’s area functions to relate

incoming sounds to their meaning. It specializes in storing memories of the sound that make

up words.

Broca’s area is an area located in the left frontal lobe. Medical cases show that

damage to Broca’s area leads to difficulties in speech production or motor aphasia. Patients

with Broca’s aphasia experience difficulty speaking even though comprehension is relatively

intact (Bear, Connors, & Paradiso, 2001). A prominent characteristic of Broca’s aphasia is a

“telegraphic style of speech in which mainly content words (nouns, verbs, and adjectives

Neurobiology of Consciousness


carrying content specific to the sentence) are used” (Bear, Connors, & Paradiso, 2001, p.

643). Another observation of Broca’s area is its close location to the part of motor cortex that

controls the mouth and lips. Therefore, it is suspected that Broca’s area and nearby cortex

may be specifically involved in making grammatical sentences out of words (Bear, Connors,

& Paradiso, 2001).

This proposition shows that the mechanisms underlying human consciousness are

both biological and cultural. We call this the bio-cultural operation of human consciousness.

Proposition 12: Narratization produces an ongoing story in human consciousness.

Humans are story-telling animals (Fisher, 1984; 1985; 1987), and stories are

“communications about personal experience told in everyday discourse” (Browning, 1992, p.

281). In consciousness, there is an ongoing story of our life. According to Jaynes (2000),

narratization is the process of generating an ongoing story, and this process may be conscious

and unconscious. Narrative streams that made it to the brain-scale state must be integrated

into this ongoing story. Narrative streams that do not fit the ongoing story are quickly

forgotten. Jaynes (2000) states, “A stray fact is narratized to fit with some other stray fact”

(p. 64). An individual’s self-concept determines the theme of the story, thus the actions and

choices in response to different situations.

Proposition 13: Conciliation produces a coherent story in human consciousness.

Conciliation is the process of bringing “things together as conscious objects just as

narratization brings things together as a story” (Jaynes, 2000, p. 65). Jaynes (2000) explains

that conciliation is similar to “assimilation” (p. 64) and “compatibilization” (p. 65).

Assimilation is a process by which “a slightly ambiguous perceived object is made to

conform to some previously learned schema” (p. 64). Jaynes further contends, “…

assimilation consciousized is conciliation. A better term for it might be compatibilization” (p.

65). In conciliation, we ‘compatibilize’ excerpts and narratization so they are made to agree

with each other. Proposition 13 argues that narratization and conciliation interact to maintain

a coherent story.

Proposition 14: The story produces a socially constructed and nameable self.

Neurobiology of Consciousness


In the most primitive sense, consciousness began when an organism acquired the

power of telling a story about its internal states, and objects or events in its environment

(Damasio, 2000). In the most evolved form of consciousness in humans, the ongoing story

needs an actor/actress and an audience. With the acquisitions of semantics and language

(Edelman, 2004), a sense of self emerged and led to the origin of human consciousness

(Jaynes, 2000). The emerged socially constructed and nameable self plays these roles, and

the different roles are denoted by the analog ‘I’ and the metaphor ‘me.’

Proposition 15: The socially constructed and nameable self is the combination of the

analog ‘I’ and the metaphor ‘Me.’

The most important feature of our consciousness is the metaphor we have for

ourselves, and Jaynes (2000) calls it the analog ‘I.’ It is an analog because it is a model

generated by the very thing it is an analog of. The analog ‘I’ has the ability to move about

and do things in the ‘mind-space’ in our imagination. Our ability to make decision is

completely based on our ability to create this analog ‘I’ as the imagined self dealing with

imagined outcomes in an imagined environment. The analog ‘I’ refers to the actor/actress in

the story we have of ourselves.

The analog ‘I,’ when reflected in third person form, is also the metaphor ‘me.’ It is a

metaphor because it is “the use of a term for one thing to describe another because of some

kind of similarity between them or between their relations to other things” (Jaynes, 2000, p.

48). In the imagined environment, we sometimes catch glimpses of ourselves, and Jaynes

(2000) calls this our “autoscopic images” (p. 63). In our imagination, we may see ourselves

sitting on a comfortable sofa, holding this manuscript in our hands, and reading every word

carefully. This third person view of ourselves is the metaphor ‘me.’ The self can become an

audience of the ongoing story, with himself/herself as the central figure in the story. The

metaphor ‘me’ is the main character in the story we watch ourselves in.

The concepts of analog ‘I’ and metaphor ‘me’ come from Jaynes (2000). The

relationship between the two concepts is unclear, and Jaynes does not address this directly.

However, Proposition 15 suggests that the socially constructed and nameable self is the

combination of the analog ‘I’ and the metaphor ‘Me.’

Neurobiology of Consciousness


Proposition 16: The socially constructed and nameable self exists in the mind-space,

produced by spatialization.

Spatialization is the process of organizing things (with spatial quality) and concepts

(without spatial quality) in an invented mental space, or ‘mind-space,’ in our own heads, and

the heads of others (Jaynes, 2000). This mental space is where every metaphor we generate

and everything we can think of exist in our consciousness. When we think of a few physical

things, such as a computer, a cat, New York City, and the rainforest of Borneo Island, they

have the quality of spatially separated in mind-space.

According to Jaynes (2000), concepts without a material form are made to have

physical characteristics and spatial quality in order to exist in consciousness. When we think

of the past two thousand years, we are likely to create the metaphor of time and years as

concrete objects, then the metaphor of a temporal succession, so we can organize the past

two thousand years in some spatial order, perhaps from left to right, in our mind-space.

“Consciousness is always a spatialization in which the diachronic is turned into the

synchronic, in which what has happened in time is excerpted and seen in side-by-sideness”

(Jaynes, 2000, p. 60). This process creates the ‘mind-space’ in consciousness.

As discussed in Proposition 15, when we ponder upon a situation with the ‘self’ as the

main figure, the analog ‘I’ and metaphor ‘me’ reside in an imagined space, move about, and

make decisions. We can imagine the outcomes of our actions in this mind-space without they

actually taking place in the physical-behavioral environment. When we tell the story to

another person, we create the details in the mind-space of another person.

Proposition 17: The socially constructed and nameable self has episodic memory.

Episodic memory is our ability to internally rehearse, review, and replay events that

grab our attention (Dennett, 2001). Humans can selectively replay and replay and replay an

actual or imagined event obsessively multiple times in the brain. Edelman (2004) calls

episodic memory “the long-term memory of sequential events, the brain’s ‘narrative’ ” (p.

99). Episodic memory is unique to humans, and it is what makes learning possible with a

single exposure. The self can repeat remembered events in consciousness. Episodic memory

makes semantic activity possible. Hippocampus is responsible for memory, including

episodic memory.

Neurobiology of Consciousness


Proposition 18: The socially constructed and nameable self has feelings.

Damasio (2003) defines feeling as “the perception of a certain state of the body along

with the perception of a certain mode of thinking and of thoughts with certain themes” (p.

86). This theme can be the ongoing story in consciousness. Feelings are internal, private, and

mental (Damasio, 2003). In consciousness, feelings are only accessible to the ‘self’. Damasio

(2000) calls consciousness “the feeling of what happens” (p. 26). That refers to the awareness

and perception that something takes place around ‘us,’ and then the concept of ‘self’


Proposition 19: Episodic memory and feelings interact in mind space.

We propose that episodic memory and feelings interact in mind space, and this

interaction may be the basis for addictions that are mentally based. When something takes

place around you, you form a perception of a certain state of the body along with a

perception of a certain mode of thinking and thoughts. You then obsessively replay the

perceptions in the mind-space. If the feeling is painful, you then seek to avoid the situation

that would induce the same painful feelings. If the feelings is pleasurable, you then seek to

create the situation that would induce the same pleasurable feelings again. The experience of

the pleasurable feelings reinforces the memory. When the memory gets obsessively

rekindled, and it causes you to pursue the pleasurable situation again beyond control, it

becomes an addiction.


These 19 propositions describe the Bio-Cultural model of Consciousness (Figure 1 in

Appendix A) rooted in evolutionary biology. A list of all 19 propositions can be found in the

Appendix B at the end of the manuscript. According to this model, human consciousness can

be defined as a bio-cultural operation that involves a narrative streams producing multitrack

process that contributes to the modulation of subsequent behaviors dictated by a self (i.e.

analog ‘I’ and metaphor ‘me’) that has episodic memory and feelings in mind-space, in order

to promote survival with well-being. The multitrack process excerpts inputs from the internal

self and the external environment to form perceptions (i.e. present scenes) and concepts (i.e.

linguistic metaphors and cultural memes), which are the bases of the dynamic narrative

streams. Rapid neurobiological reentrant paths connect current perceptions, concepts,

Neurobiology of Consciousness


semantics, language, special value-category memory, and the self with an ongoing story in

order to generate dynamic human consciousness.

The bulk of this manuscript has been an attempt to establish the claim that the

operation underlying human consciousness is both biological and cultural, through the

development of a theoretical model. The focus at this point turns to the significance of

rhetorical studies of metaphors, in our attempt to understand human consciousness.


Rhetorical studies of metaphors are essential to a fuller understanding of human

consciousness. According to Jaynes (2000), language and its capacity to generate metaphors

are key to the operation of human consciousness. He argues that language is not simply a

means of communication. In fact, language is “an organ of perception” (p. 50). Language is

diachronic, and it creates a sense of moving through time. He suggests that through

metaphors, language is able to create abstract concepts otherwise not observable in the

physical-behavioral environment. Language is a limited stock of terms, but it can describe an

infinite set of situations, or even create new situations conceptually. In early times, language

grew from concrete referents to abstract concepts by the generation of metaphors. Jaynes

calls language “the rampant restless sea of metaphor” (p. 51). He claims, “The most

fascinating property of language is its capacity to make metaphors” (p. 48).


Jaynes (2000) defines metaphor as “the use of a term for one thing to describe another

because of some kind of similarity between them or between their relations to other things”

(p. 48). He uses the example of “the snow blankets the ground” (p. 57) to illustrate metaphor.

The term is ‘blanket’ and the thing to be described is ‘how the snow covers the ground’—

“the completeness and even thickness with which the ground is covered by snow” (p. 57).

The term ‘blanket’ is used because of the similarity between ‘blanketing’ and ‘fully covering

with a thick material.’ Therefore, the term ‘blanket’ describes how the snow ‘covers’ the

ground: like a blanket does.

Moreover, Jaynes (2000) suggests, “understanding a thing is to arrive at a metaphor

for that thing by substituting something more familiar to us” (p. 52). “The essence of

metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another” (Lakoff &

Neurobiology of Consciousness


Johnson, 2003, p. 5). In the same example, understanding the way the snow covers the

ground is to arrive at a metaphor for covering by substituting ‘blanketing,’ which is more

familiar to us in our daily experience. We understand the way the snow covers the ground by

associating our familiar experience of being covered by a blanket. This association makes

understanding possible. Jaynes claims, “… the feeling of familiarity is the feeling of

understanding” (p. 52).

As culture and civilization develop, human experience becomes increasing complex.

New language develops to describe new experiences. Metaphor plays the key role in

generating new language to describe the increasing complexity of human experience. Jaynes

(2000) contends, “… if we ever achieve a language that has the power of expressing

everything, then metaphor will no longer be possible” (pp. 51-52).


Jaynes coined the terms ‘metaphrand’ for “the thing to be described” (p. 48), and

‘metaphier’ for “the thing or relation used to elucidate it” (p. 48). Take for example the

phrase ‘mind-space.’ It is a metaphor of real space. The mind is internal to us, and space is

external in the physical-behavioral environment. The external environment is the metaphier,

and the imagined space in the mind is the metaphrand. He explains, “A metaphor is always a

known metaphier operating on a less known metaphrand” (pp. 48-49).


Furthermore, Jaynes (2000) coined the terms ‘paraphier’ and ‘paraphrand’ to further

expand on his discussion of metaphor. Some metaphors are complex, and they have various

associations and attributes attached to them. He called these associating attributes

‘paraphiers.’ By employing complex metaphors, the associating paraphiers then project back

into the metaphrand. This projection creates various associations and attributes to the

metaphrand, and he calls these new associating attributes ‘metaphrands.’

Consider the earlier example of “the snow blankets the ground.” The metaphier is the

‘blanket’ on a bed. This metaphier is used to describe “the completeness and even thickness

with which the ground is covered by snow” (p. 57). Therefore, the metaphrand is the

completeness and even thickness of the snow. However, there are various associations and

attributes of the metaphier used, which is a ‘blanket.’ These associating attributes are

Neurobiology of Consciousness


“warmth, protection, and slumber until some period of awakening” (p. 57). They are the

paraphiers of the metaphier of ‘blanket.’ These paraphiers project back into the metaphrand

of the way the snow covers the ground. This projection creates the idea of “the earth sleeping

and protected by the snow cover until its awakening in spring” (p. 57). He called this

projection the ‘paraphrands’ of the metaphrand. By employing a complex metaphor, such as

‘blanket,’ it invokes a complex set of interactions among the metaphier, metaphrand,

paraphiers, and paraphrands. These associations and attributes are all packed into a single

term of ‘blanket.’

The interactions among the metaphier, metaphrands, paraphier, and paraphrands are

critical to consciousness. Jaynes (2000) explains,

… consciousness is the work of lexical metaphor. It is spun out of the concrete

metaphiers of expression and their paraphiers, projecting paraphrands that exist

only in the functional sense. Moreover, it goes on generating itself, each new

paraphrand capable of being a metaphrand on its own, resulting in new

metaphiers with their paraphiers, and so on. (p. 58).

According to this view, metaphors grow, and perhaps infinitely into the future.

Because this kind of consciousness is linguistically and metaphorically based, it is only

unique to human beings at this point in evolution. More importantly, without the

understanding of language, rhetoric, and metaphors, a neurobiological model of human

consciousness is incomplete. Where can all these come together? The answer is the field of

Graduate Liberal Studies. This is the theme of this panel.



The Graduate Liberal Studies movement started in 1952 at Wesleyan University

(O’Callaghan, 2000). Although its initial purpose was to provide broad liberal education for

teachers at the graduate level, it has evolved to adapt a more rigorous research emphasis in

today’s higher education. After more than half a century of evolution, the audience of

Graduate Liberal Studies programs has become more diverse (O’Callaghan, 2000). With the

establishments of the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree at the Graduate Institute of the

Neurobiology of Consciousness


Liberal Arts at Emory University, and the Doctor of Liberal Studies (D.L.S.) Degree at

Georgetown University, there is an increasing need for GLS programs to increase rigorous

research requirements of the programs. O’Callaghan (2000), an Associate Dean and a

professor of Liberal Studies at Georgetown University states, “The ability to synthesize

materials from diverse disciplines is a crucial objective of liberal studies programs… Rather

than descriptive or factual alone, knowledge should be integrative, illuminating issues and

ideas” (p. 12). Some Graduate Liberal Studies programs label themselves “Master’s of Arts

in Liberal Arts & Sciences,” such as the one at San Diego State University, because these

programs have an interest in the sciences.

Important implications can be drawn form the Bio-Cultural model at three different

levels: disciplinary, public, and intellectual. First, Graduate Liberal Studies can provide a

transdisciplinary context for scholars from across disciplines to pursue bigger questions, such

as human consciousness, which require cross-disciplinary thinking. In order to truly

understand the complex operation of human consciousness, researchers need to draw widely

from neurobiology, psychology, philosophy of mind, linguistics, rhetorical studies, and many

other disciplines. The significant research topic of human consciousness cannot be fully

understood within the confines of any traditional disciplines. A breakthrough is likely to

occur in a paradigm shift when an idea is transferred from one discipline to another (Kuhn,


Second, Graduate Liberal Studies can provide the platform on which public

intellectuals can make a difference. According to Alan Lightman at MIT, the definition of a

public intellectual is:

Such a person is often trained in a particular discipline, such as linguistics,

biology, history, economics, literary criticism, and who is on the faculty of a

college or university. When such a person decides to write and speak to a larger

audience than their professional colleagues, he or she becomes a “public


The issue of human consciousness is a question that affects every public member of our

society. Scholars of Consciousness Studies can play an influential role as public intellectuals

in our society. The major consciousness theorists in cited in this model, such as Antonio

Neurobiology of Consciousness


Damasio, Daniel Dennett, Gerald Edelman, and others, are influential public intellectuals of

our time.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, Graduate Liberal Studies can be the place to

revive the possibilities for a new intellectual renaissance. Stephen Roeder (2005), Dean,

Professor of Physics and Chemistry, as well as founder and former director of the Master’s of

Arts in Liberal Arts & Sciences program at San Diego State University believes that this

effort is worthwhile because it can potentially bring the sciences and the humanities together.

C. P. Snow (1989, first published in1959) notes a knowledge divide between the physical

scientists and the literary scholars. He calls the two groups of scholars the ‘two cultures.’

With the continuing trend of research specialization and the artificial boundaries of academic

departments for the purpose of administrative resource allocations, this knowledge divide

will continue to widen. Although the topic of consciousness is traditionally a humanistic

issue, scientists today can contribute to the theorizing by bringing another valuable

perspective in evolutionary biology as well as specific neurological disciplines. However,

objective science alone is not sufficient, because consciousness is in part a subjective

experience (James, 1999, first published in 1902).

A specific issue in consciousness studies that involves this complexity is qualia.

‘Qualia’ is the term used to refer to the ‘feel’ of conscious experience, and all conscious

experiences can be considered as qualia. However, qualia certainly would not exist if we did

not have brains, yet qualia are not scientifically reducible to measurement at this point (S.

Roeder, Personal Communication, March 31, 2005). The issue of qualia needs scholars from

both of the two cultures. At the macro level, collaboration between scholars in the sciences

and the humanities can contribute to the emerging ‘New Humanism’ (Roeder, 2005) and the

‘Third Culture’ (Brockman, 1996).

The manuscript introduces the research question, “What are the mechanisms

underlying the operation of human consciousness?” Through the analysis and synthesis of the

major theories rooted in evolution, we see that the mechanisms of consciousness are both

biological (neurons, neuronal groups, neural networks, and developmental selection) and

cultural (semantics, language, metaphors, memes, and experiential selection), and the cultural

mechanism builds on the biological mechanism. The present Bio-Cultural model of human

consciousness is far from final and complete. However, as we continue to negotiate for a

Neurobiology of Consciousness


final theory of human consciousness in the contact zone between the sciences and the

humanities, hopefully we can move toward a unity of knowledge (Wilson, 1998) and bridge

disciplines in the humanities and the sciences (Gould, 2003).

Neurobiology of Consciousness



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Neurobiology of Consciousness


Figure 1. The bio-cultural model of consciousness.

Neurobiology of Consciousness




Neurobiology of Consciousness


Proposition 1: There are two sources of input to the multitrack process: internal inputs from the

internal self, and external stimuli from the external environment.

Proposition 2: Both internal and external inputs are filtered through excerption.

Proposition 3: Excerpted inputs become distributed contenful states.

Proposition 4: Distributed contentful states are processed by current perceptual categorization.

Proposition 5: Contentful states that have been perceptually categorized become perceptual sets.

Proposition 6: Perceptual sets are processed by conceptual categorization.

Proposition 7: Perceptual sets conceptualized create narrative streams.

Proposition 8: Narrative streams that have sequalae are linked to special value-category memory.

Proposition 9: Narrative streams that do not have sequalae die out and vanish.

Proposition 10: Basic consciousness is generated by reentry linking special value-category

memory and current perceptual sets.

Proposition 11: Human consciousness is generated by reentry linking perceptual and conceptual

categorizations, special value-category memory, and brain areas responsible for semantics and


Proposition 12: Narratization produces an ongoing story in human consciousness.

Proposition 13: Conciliation produces a coherent story in human consciousness.

Proposition 14: The story produces a socially constructed and nameable self.

Proposition 15: The socially constructed and nameable self is the combination of the analog ‘I’

and the metaphor ‘Me.’

Proposition 16: The socially constructed and nameable self exists in the mind-space, produced by


Proposition 17: The socially constructed and nameable self has episodic memory.

Proposition 18: The socially constructed and nameable self has feelings.

Proposition 19: Episodic memory and feelings interact in mind space.

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