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  • 7/24/2019 NEF PInt Page 28, 29



    G going to present continuous future arrangements)

    V look after, for etc.)

    P sentence stress

    When areyou going?

    When are you coming back?

    Where are you going?


    a Whe n was th e last tim e you went to an

    airport (or station )? Were you meeting

    someone or going somewhere?

    b Read the ma gazin e ar ticle . Complete it

    with these qu estion s.

    Do you know anybody here?

    ] Are you going to stay for long?

    @OJ Is this your first visit?

    [] hat are yo u planning to do?

    ITO W hen arewleaving?


    Does he kn ow yo u're com ing?

    lliD How are you going to get there?

    [EIJ How long are you going to stay?

    lID Wh ere are yo u stay ing in London?

    c Read th e article again and write R (Rim a),

    ] (Jonathan), or M (Maki).

    1 M is going to stay a t a hotel.

    2 _ is going to stay at a friend s hou se.

    3 _ is going to visit a fam ily membe r.

    4 _ is going to th e theat re t


    orr ow.

    S _ is only going to be in the UK

    for four weeks.

    6 _ is going to work.

    2 GR M M R going to present continuous

    a In pairs, cover the text. Can you rem ember

    three of Rima's plans? Can yo u rem ember

    three of Jona than's plans?

    Rim a's going to work.

    b Look at the


    view w ith Maki and Koji.

    Highlight SLX present continuous sentences.

    Do th ey refer to the present or the future?

    c 0 p 130 Grammar Bank 3A Read th e rul es

    and do the exercises.


    Airport Stories

    I m going to look for a job. Maybe as an au pair,

    looking after children. And I want to improve

    my English too, so I can get a better job when

    I go back home. I hope I can find some work

    quickly, because I dont have much money.

    1 Is this your fi rst visit?

    Yes, it is. I m really looking forward to l iving

    here, but I m a bit nervous too.

    2 _

    Six months or a year. It depends how things go.

    3 _


    I have a friend who s working here in a

    restaurant. I m going to stay with her for a few

    weeks until I can find my own flat .

    Well, good luck


    Jonathan, 35 just arrived

    from Melbourne, Australia

    I m going to see my Dad in Wales.

    It s his seventieth birthday tomorrow.

    4 _

    No. It s going to be a big surprise for him. And it s going to be very

    emot ional too. I moved to Australia in 1990, and the last time I saw

    my Dad was five years ago. It s too expensive to visit very often and

    my father cant fly - he had a heart operation last year.

    5 _

    By train. All the family are waiting at my parents house. We re going

    to have a big party there tomorrow night.

    6 _

    Yes, for a month. It s too far to come for a short time - and I want

    to see all my old friends here as well as my family.

  • 7/24/2019 NEF PInt Page 28, 29


    1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    from Nagasaki Japan


    We're on our honeymoon. We got

    married last Saturday.


    7 _

    We're stayi ng at the Hyde Park Hotel.

    We're just here for a few days.

    8 _

    Everything is organized for us.

    Tomorrow we're doing a tour of London

    on a double-decker bus, and in the

    evening we're seeing a show. Then on

    uesday we're going to Oxford and

    Cambridge and on Wednesday we're

    flying to Edinburgh.

    9 _

    On Friday. We're {lo ing to Paris next,

    and then to Rome...

    Well have a good time


    a 3.1 Listen to Rima ta.lking six: months later.

    Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

    I She'sworking in an Italian restaurant .

    2 Itwas easy tofindajo b.

    3 She isn t livingwithherfrien dn ow.

    4 Sheisn 't go ing to Eng lishclasses.

    5 Shedoesn'tknow ifshe 'sgoing togobacktoLi thuania.



    's leaving

    the restaurant next m o


    h .

    7 Herboyfriend is a wai ter.

    S Her fam ilyare very happyth at she'sgetting marr ied.

    b Listenagainformoredetails.Correctthefalsesentences.

    4 VOCABULARY look

    a LookatRima'sinterviewon p.28again.Findand underline three

    expressionswith look. Match th em to theirdictionarydefinition s.

    I try tofind som ething

    2 waitwithpleasureforso meth ingwhichisgoingto happen

    3 be resp


    sible f

    o r o r

    take care


    so me


    dy or so meth ing

    b Completethesentences with after, for, or forward to.

    I Anurse isa person who looks _ _ peoplewho are ill.

    2 She 'sgo ing to New York next month .She's reallylooking it.

    3 Ican 't findmykeys. Can youhelp m e to look them?

    4 I m not looking _ _ th eexa m - it'sgo ing to bevery difficult.

    5 O urhouseisa bit too small.We' relooking anew o ne .

    6 Could you look _ _ o ur dog th isweekend? Wewa nttogoaway.

    C Tellyour partner.. .

    so me thing you are looking fo rward to

    something yo u often have to look for in th emorning

    some body or so mething that yo u (occasionally) look aft er

    5 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

    a Underlineth ewordswhichare important for communication

    inthe sequ estions(the stressedwords).

    I Wh erea reyougo ing? 4 Whereare yo ustay ing?

    2 Wh en areyo u leavin g? 5 When areyo ucoming back?

    3 How are yo uge tting there ?

    b 3.2 Listenandcheck.Listenagainand repeat.Copythe:bYthm.



    a Writedown threeplansor ar rangements

    on Fridaynight.

    thatyouhaveforthisweek.Work inpairs.

    AtellByourplans.Blistenand ask

    are you goingto see?

    for moreinformation . Then swaproles.

    b Communication Where are you going on holiday? p 6

    Findatr avellingcompanion for an exoticholiday.

  • 7/24/2019 NEF PInt Page 28, 29



    Interviewer So Rima, did you find a job as

    an au pair?

    Rima Well, I found a job , but no t looking

    after childr en . I'm working in a restaur an t

    - an Italian restaurant. I'm a wa itress. I

    wo rk very lon g hours!

    Interviewer Was it diffi cult to find a job?

    Rima No. There are lots of jobs in restauran ts,

    hotels, clean ing, things like th at.


    erviewer Are you still living in your

    fr iend 's flat?

    Rima Yes, beca use it's very expensive here

    and I can't afford to rent my own flat.

    Lon don is incredibly expensive!

    Interviewer Your English is m uc h better!


    Well, a bit better,



    don 't go to

    classes, because I don't have t ime. As I sa id,

    I work ver)' lon g hours in the rest aurant.

    But I watch a lot of English TV, and [

    speak English at wo rk.

    Interviewer "Vhen 'are you going back to


    Rima [d on 't kno w. My pla ns have changed

    a bit.

    Interviewer "Vhy?

    Rima Well, I met so meone in th e restauran t.

    He's the c


    . We're getting


    d next

    month .

    Interviewer Co ngratulations! Is he from

    Lithua nia too?

    Rima No, he's Italia n. From Naples . He's a

    fantastic coo k.


    So, are yo u go ing to stay in

    Londo n?

    Rim a Yes. I'm very happy here now. We both

    really like Londo n - our dream is to open a

    restau ran t together on e day.

    In terviewer Are your family co m ing to the




    Rim a No! T hey don 't eve n know I'm getting

    marri ed! You see, they want me to go back

    to Lithuania.

    Interviewer Well, good luck wit h

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