name this famous bridge which spans the arno river in florence: a)ponte dei sospiri b)ponte vecchio...

Post on 02-May-2015






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  • Slide 1
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  • Name this famous bridge which spans the Arno river in Florence: a)Ponte dei sospiri b)Ponte Vecchio c)Castelvecchio Bridge d)Ponte della Libert
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  • K I can say the letters of the alphabet and fill in simple forms I can guess meaning of unfamiliar words using other languages and context. I can recognise the letters of the alphabet I can copy Italian sounds without needing written support I can follow simple classroom instructions. I can adapt simple sentences I can find patterns in Italian. I can repeat Italian words with support Qual il tuo obiettivo? Il mio obiettivo .oro..argento..bronzo
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  • 1.Il codice postale 2.Il cognome 3.Il nome 4.La citta si chiama 5.La piazza si chiama 6.Il numero di casa 1.Il codice postale 2.Il cognome 3.Il nome 4.La citta si chiama 5.La piazza si chiama 6.Il numero di casa
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  • Abbina le domande con le risposte giuste 1.Come ti chiami? 2.Qual il tuo cognome? 3.Come si scrive? 4.Di che nazionalita sei? 5.Quanti anni hai? 6.Si dove sei? A.Sono italiano B.Ho diciotto anni C.Sono di roma D.Becchio E.Mi chiamo Gianni F.B-E-C-C-H-I-O
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  • a a b bi c ci d di e e f effe g gi h acca i i l elle m emme n enne o o p pi q cu r erre s esse t ti u u v vi z zeta
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  • Cognome.................................................. Nome....................................................... Nato/a a................................................... il................................................. Nazionalit................................................ Indirizzo.................................................... Codice Postale........................................... No di telefono............................................ No di cellulare........................................... E-mail........................................................ Firma.........................................................
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  • Italians are famous for punctuating their speech with animated gestures and facial expressions to assist comprehension, e.g. creating a ring with your thumb and index finger means perfetto, 'perfect', while flicking the underside of your chin means 'I don't give a damn!' Italians are famous for punctuating their speech with animated gestures and facial expressions to assist comprehension, e.g. creating a ring with your thumb and index finger means perfetto, 'perfect', while flicking the underside of your chin means 'I don't give a damn!'

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