motivation i arbejdsmiljøarbejdet kan deles

Post on 27-Jan-2017



Health & Medicine



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1Biogen | Confidential and ProprietaryBiogen | Confidential and Proprietary

mandag 1. maj 2023Opstart af AMO

Motivation i Arbejdsmiljø arbejdet

2Biogen | Confidential and ProprietaryBiogen | Confidential and Proprietary


• Biogen• Ny AMO• AMO vision• AMO medlemmerne• Engagement (Safety commitment) • Kommunikation• Opsamling


Biogen in HillerødMay 2015


2001• Site


2006• Con-

struction complete

2007• QC Labs

& Label and Pack in Operation

2009• LSM con-

struction complete

2010• Commis-

sioning of equipment

2012• Engineer-

ing & Process Validation Runs complete

2013• FDA & EMA

licenses for TYSABRI production

2014• Manufactur-

ing capacity expansion begins

Hillerød Site: Development


• 1 employee


• 55 employees


• 185 employees


• 600 employees


European Manufacturing Site in HillerødSite size: 247,000 m2. Under roof: ~48,500 m2

Warehouse 4,700 m2

Canteen & Auditorium 1500 m2

Admin Building4200 m2

QC Labs4600 m2

Spine 275 m

LSM90,000 L capacity

21,000 m2

Assembly, Label & Pack

4500 m2

Utility & Link 2500 m2


Global Manufacturing

►Biological Manufacturing Facility

► 6×15,000L

►Commercial Label & Pack Facility

►Medical Device Assembly

Cambridge, MA Hillerod, Denmark Research Triangle Park, NC OSD, Research Triangle Park, NC

►Biological Manufacturing Facility

► 6×15,000L► 3×2000L► 4×200L (preclinical)

►Flexible Volume Manufacturing Facility of 1,000 L

►Biological Manufacturing Facility

► 5×2000L► 2×200L


►Clinical Label and Packaging

► Cell Banking Facility

►Oral Solid Dosage Manufacturing Facility



• Biogen• Ny AMO• AMO vision• AMO medlemmerne• Safety commitment • Kommunikation• Opsamling

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• Biogen• Ny AMO• AMO medlemmerne• AMO vision• Safety commitment • Kommunikation• Opsamling

10Biogen | Confidential and ProprietaryBiogen | Confidential and Proprietary

Uddannelse !


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Lad AMO tage beslutningen

• Lyt og hjælp på vej• Hjælp med lovens intention• Involver hurtigt ledelsen hvis der ikke

straks kan tages en beslutning I AMO gruppen

• Snak om ledelsens ret til at vente

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Juli 2010

Løse identificerede problemer

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Projekt lister……..


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Aktions liste i EHS database


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Site leadership team projekt liste

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• Biogen• Ny AMO• AMO medlemmerne• AMO vision• Safety commitment • Kommunikation• Opsamling

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AMO vision

• Hvem er vi?• Hvad vil vi?• Hvad gør vi?

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AMO Vision – input......

We seak and use KnowledgeWe practise PersistanceWe lead from the Heart• ’We are Hard working, Sweet, Sticky and good for you!’

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Juli 2010


AMO Challenge

”How can this team drive Awareness to Culture ”


” How can AMO be an integral part of Hillerød Leadership”


” In 2 years, what would not have been done if the AMO wasn’t formed”


22Biogen | Confidential and ProprietaryBiogen | Confidential and Proprietary

Rammer:AMO arbejde skal indgå i personlige målDer skal sættes tid af : 5-10-15 %Vi tager beslutninger på stedetVi kommunikerer om AMO arbejde på afdelingsmøderLedelsen bakker op om AMO ved at:• Italesætte AMO arbejde på afdelingsmøder• Ved at spørge til AMO arbejde, deltage i AMO

møderVi er synlige og tilgængelige i vores afdelingerVi efterspørger og søger feedback

RetningVi i AMO:Er opmærksom på trivslen i vores afdelingLaver handlingsplaner for APV problemer i vores afdelingLaver lokale mål udfra globale målIntroducerer nye medarbejdere til sikkerhedsaspekterne i vores afdelingMedvirker til at sikkerhedsregler overholdesRapporterer alle hændelser vi serSkaber rammerne for en sikker arbejdsplads

ReglerVi siger til når vi opdager forbedringspotenitialerVi har en positiv tilgang til sikkerhed- No BlameAlle AMO møder prioriteres og forberedes, der er møde pligtVi er ambassadører for korrekt adfærd

RollerLedelsen anerkender AMO prioriteringAMO formidler fremdrift på handlingsplaner Vi bruger hinanden på tværs af teamsVi bruger AMO committee til at eskalere de ting vi ikke selv kan løfteVi er ikke politi, sikkerhed er alles ansvar

RelationerFortrolighedÆrlighedÅbenhed TillidDiplomatiskPositiv team ånd


If you are ever in doubt or feel unsafe, please contact your supervisor or the EHS+S team


You can make a huge

difference by speaking up

Safety Culture

• Always assess the risk before starting a task

• Mitigate or eliminate the risks before starting the work

• Take care of yourself as well as other - pass the torch

• Dare to speak up

• If you’re not sure or don’t understand – don’t be afraid to ask


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Hændelses rapportering

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• Biogen• Ny AMO• AMO medlemmerne• AMO vision• Engagement (Safety commitment) • Kommunikation• Opsamling

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At øge vores bevidsthed om sikkerhed ved at gøre det

•Personligt•Relevant •Vigtigt Så vi handler ud fra dette


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Elevator hændelsen

EVP, Pharmaceutical Operations & Technology

Vil se elevator skakten og høre hvad vi gør for at undgå en gentagelse


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All Were Preventable

Better Planning

Correct LOTO

Use of Line Break Procedure

More Thorough Risk Analysis

More Ownership


Management Commitment

Action Plan – Short Term

Extended Stand down– No work in LSM, Spine, Utilities, LSM Warehouse, Dispensary.

• Emergency work can be authorized by your supervisor• Includes Harvest area repair and HVAC modifications.

Area Assessment and Remediation– Areas of facility have been assigned to coordinators– Assessment checklists will be evaluated for each area/room– Marshalls have been assigned by floor or system

• Will approve the checklists when rooms are acceptable.System Safety Evaluation

– System owners/RE/CE to walk down system• Insure system is safe and stable.• Update LOTO tags, add locks and end caps as required, etc.• System Marshall to approve status

Reassess all previously active work– Is there a JHA? There should be.– Review JHA/work permit - It needs to be signed off by Marshall

before work can proceed.


Safety Starter – Management Commitment

From Safety Awareness to Safety Culture

Safety Starter are provided for your use at your team meetings to discuss the information and have a short discussion to increase awareness and encourage prevention. Please internalize this information and share with

others as appropriate.

Keeping BIIB HIL employees safe takes the full commitment of site management at all levels

• Are you committed to safety?– Do you share the safety starters or have safety on the agenda at your staff meetings?– Do you encourage your staff to report all Near Miss and Hazard Identifications?– Do you participate in the routine safety audits of your area?– Do you perform periodic walkthroughs of your area looking for any potential safety concerns?– Do you follow up on any safety issues and expedite them to closure effectively?– Are your employees fully trained in their required safety training?– Are you and your employees aware of what actions to take in case of any type of emergency?– Do you and your employees feel empowered to stop any unsafe practices?

Your proactive commitment to safety makes a difference. Please consider safety a value and we will all succeed in keeping our friends and colleagues safe.

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• Biogen• Ny AMO• AMO medlemmerne• AMO vision• Safety commitment • Kommunikation• Opsamling

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Procedure for AMO

Opslagsværk for AMOHvad er det jeg skal som AMO rep???


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2015AMO poster session


AMO organization HIL site 2014-16

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Problem løsning



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Got you !

A metalnet was set up to protect to avoid human contact with the chain belts on the conveyer belt in Warehouse.

The AMO-team

- works fo

r your


45Biogen | Confidential and ProprietaryBiogen | Confidential and Proprietary


Hit by the IBC-lifter?

Yellow floor markings define the work area of the IBC lifters in LSM buffer prep.

The AMO-team

- works for your


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Catching you!

Machine guards to avoid human contact with moving machine parts in L&P

The AMO-team

- works fo

r your


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Safe traffic in warehouse

The AMO-team

- works fo

r your


Cornes mirror in warehouse to avoidtraffic incidents

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Hit by a truck?

Marked walking path to separate walking and driving traffic in Warehouse

The AMO-team

- works fo

r your


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KPI´s 2009

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AMO succes, opsamling

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EHS Policy, brug den!Vis den til nyansatteOmtal den ved prioriteringsmøderOpdateres ved ændringerGør den specifik for virksomheden

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Effektive møder, Der skal ske noget!Eskaler beslutninger og problemer til ledelsen hurtigt!!!Hold fast I problemerne indtil løsningGå runder I forbindelse med møder

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Opslag på opslagstavler, e-boards kontinuerligt Indfør EHS performance på tavlemøderKom med på alle afdelingsmøder med et kort relevant indslag, få AMO folk til det hvis muligtPoster sessions

57Biogen | Confidential and ProprietaryBiogen | Confidential and Proprietary


Hvad med de AMO folk der ikke performer ?SPM til AT: Hvis en Arbejdsmiljø repræsentant ikke udfører de sikkerhedsopgaver som er aftalt internt i virksomheden, fx i arbejdsmiljø udvalget, kan man så fratage arbejdsmiljø repræsentanten sin arbejdsmiljø stilling og afholde valg på ny? Et eksempel kunne være at vedkomne ikke gennemfører de aftalte sikkerhedsrunderinger eller generelt ikke tager sig af de opgaver der følger med positionen fx introduktions af nye medarb, opfølgning på ulykker og lign?

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Hvad med de AMO folk der ikke laver noget?

Svar: Man kan ikke afsætte en arbejdsmiljørepræsentant i utide. Der er ikke beskrevet noget om en sådan mulighed i reglerne (Bekendtgørelse om samarbejde om sikkerhed og sundhed), med mindre der er tale om fravær pga. sygdom, orlov eller lignende i mindst 4 måneder.

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