morning, j heeaid's salesladies contest is becoming … · slater — lot 2 block 43 ... cv a....

Post on 30-Jul-2020






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Naomi avenue, 2813—

Same as above,Normandle avenue, 1961

—T. E. Hey-

kondall, 1902 Cordova, owner; Oliver E.Bryant, builder; one-story frame barn;$75.

Second street, 2718 East—

P. C. Val-lejo. at lot, owner; E. D. Mohler,builder; move and alter one-storyframe residence; $300.

Rogers avenue, 2206—

E. L. Peters,223 North Breed, owner and builder;one-story frame residence; $1200.

Sunset boulevard, 1927— 0. E. Rob-erts, at lot,' owner and builder; movennd alter one-story frame residence;$75. \u25a0

Thirty-sixth street, 980 East—G.Manner, 9839 Thirty-ninth, owner andbuilder; new roof; $300.

Thirty-third street, 1321 East— JohnSohn, 111 East Pico, owner and builder;one-story frame residence; $50.

Thirtieth street, 1774 East—lsaacKaurfmftn, at lot, owner; one-storyframe residence; $100.

Twenty-eighth street, 906 East—

R.J. McDonald, 1020 East Washington,owner; J. W. Wylie, Ijiiikler;two-story,

seven-room residence; $1700. ,Thirtieth street. 1738 East

—C. B.

Rrierly, 001 Summit, owner; one-storyfrnme resldenco; $150.

Thirty-fourth street, 1232 East— O. B.Wise, at lot, owner and builder; oneanil one-hnlf-story, .five-room framuresidence; $1100.

Utah street, 122 Bouth-r-Hmry DeLand, nt lot, owner and bulkier; addi-tion to one-story frame residence; $150.

Wall street. 3857— C. C. Dresser, 1732East Fifteenth, owner; John Snee,builder; one-story, six-room frame resi-dence; $1000. . '

Yale.street, 1039—

J. O. Dart, at lot,owner; C. E. Elfler, builder; one-storyframe residence; $1000.

builder; one-story frame residence;SSOO.


Mrs. Lloyd

No Candidate Has Any Material Advantage in theRace for The Herald's Splendid Prizes,

but Votes Coming inRapidlyevery courtesy to the lady Trho securesthe fifth largest number of votes upoupresentation of the order.


J. A. Keeney to J. Bice and A. Sayer—Lot 174 Sunny Side $10Jane Conger to Cary Blair McKenzie—Lots 4 to 7 inclusive Nullen &Pitch-

er's sub of lot 9 range 12 Alhambraadd tract $10

Tho Alamltos Land Co. to W. J.Slater

—Lot 2 block 43 resub of part or

Alamltos Beach townsite $10G. Ward to.J. k\ McNaughton


8 block E Harvard Heights tract... sloMerchants Trust Co. lo ChristianHorn

—Lot 1 block A McCarthy Co.'s

sub of Major Place (Fifthstreet extension Figueroa street andRerlondo Railroad tract) $10

E. M. Draper to C. E. Baker—

Lot 4block B Washington street tract.. s4ooo

Madge Williamson Steams, AnnetteWilliamson et al to Haldee WilliamsonCharbonnel

—Lot 6 block 2 City Center

tract $10C. M. Stimson to W. TV. Beach


beginning southwest corner of Belle-vue avenue and Hillstreet, thencewest along south line of Bellevue ave-nuo 57 feet, etc $10

C. M. Stimson to J. A. Connett—

Lot3 2 block 5 and lots 29 and 31 block 4Highland Park extension $10

J. A. Connett to C. M. Stimson—

Lot5 2 block 4 and lots 29 and 31 block 5Highland Park extension $10

W. Chapman to B\ A. King—

Lots r>and 0 block 6 Berkeley tract $10

CV A. Matson to B. Duln—

Lot com-mencing at point at intersection ofWestern avenue and Santa MonicaFoothill, road running thence south inwest line of section 13 1872 feet topoint of beginning, thence east at rightangle with said west section line ofsection 13 428.38 feet, etc $1

C. Muncey to Eugene Woody andRobert W. Eaton

—Lot 5 replat of B,

T. Palmer's sub $10Louise Larrlmore to M. O. Tremain

—Lot 12 Belvedere Heights $10• Park Land Co. to Sara N. Coffin


18 block 24 Huntingdon Park $10C. J. Taylor to Jennie Taylor

—Lot 13

block 7 Daman &Millard's sub of Shawtract $10

Bank of Hollywood to W. 11. Hlller—

Lot 16 block 3 Hillcrest Terracetract


Rosedale Cemetery Association toAbbio Hlller—South one-half lot 151)section IRosedale cemetery $100

A. L. Sells: to G. Ward—

Lot 1blockG Harvard Heights tract $10

J. 11. Schot and Johanne Schot to T.J. Foley

—Lots 14 and 11 block 7 Man-

hattan Beach $5A. Kinney to Sadie Rceder Jordan

—Lot 6 block 3 Country Club tract.. sloSame to Mary Agnes Jordan

—Lot 6

block 5 same tract $10AVltmer Bros. Co. to E. J. King—Lot

4 block P L. A. Imp. Co.'s sub of partlot 1 block 38 H. S $10

Huntlngton L. & Imp. Co. to Mary J.Duvall

—Lot 4 block A Park Place.. slo

Estate of Eckart Kalb, deceased— »Order confirming sale of personal prop-erty and authorizing executrix to ex-ecute deed to H.C. Werner and CarrieWerner of all property described Indeed 1658-263.

W. E. Hinshaw et al to B. W. Marsh—Part Farm lot 20 Alamltos tract.. sloAddle A, Porter to O. Porter


50, 51, 54 and 55 Harry L. Bennett'sFigueroa Place $10

J. T. Gaffey to W. W. Thomas— Lot23 block R Miradof tract No. 4 $10

Nellie C. Vernon to D. B. Smith—Lot19 Rindge tract $10

M. L. Wicks to J. C. Roberts—

Lot 9Edendale tract $10

"Iam convinced that America offersthe Igreatest opportunity for ItalianImmigrants," said Dr. Rossi yesterday."They receive justice In the UnitedStates as well as obtaining opportuni-ties to earn much more In wages thanis paid in Italy."

He has spent several days studyingconditions at Ellis Island and willvisit Chicago, Denver and other cities.

Dr. Rossi has} begun an Inquiry onbehalf of his government for the pur-pose of checking the operations of thepadrone system and keeping emigrationfrom Italy .within natural bounds.

NEW YORK, Oct. 30.— That the Ital-ian Immigrants who come to the UnitedStates at the rate of 250,000 a yearshould be distributed throughout thecountry and not be permitted to settleIn such large numbers in this city andvicinity is the conclusion reached byDr. Adolfo Rossi, royal commissionerof Immigration of Italy,who is here ona special mission.

By Associated Press.

Italian Royal Commissioner on SpecialMission Studies Conditions

in America


Dr. Varicle says that If the expedi-tion is a success the party will passentirely across the explored countryafter taking observations and securingInformation of a scientific nature Inthe vicinityof the north pole, and comeout at Franz Josef Land, which pointother expeditions made the basl3 ofsupplies.

Dr.Varlcle stated that he proposed toleave Seattle next July ifthe expeditioncould be organized by that time andproceed by boat to the most northeasi-erly point of Grant Land, where abasis of supplies or post of departurewould be established to await the mostfavorable time for the dash to the un-explored country.

poses to Send Party of "Mushers"

SEATTLE, Oct. 30.—Dr. Antoine Var-Icle, the projector of the InternationalPolar institute, which proposes to senda party of the best known "mushers"of the' Klondike country on an expedi-tion to the north pole, reached Seattletoday from Dawson.

By Associated the North Pole

Projector of International Scheme Pro-



FIFTH STREET STOREMiss Florence Dewey .18,016Miss May Turk 7,324Miss Daisy Mclntyre 7,219Miss Lillian Smith 6,350Miss Ethelda Cantwell 4,928Miss Emma Rennow 3,219

LANE &CO.'S STOREMiss Edith House 17,992Miss Omar Beal 10,120Miss Dolly Mclntee 5,780Miss Helen Rich 4,155Miss J. Dunlap 3,536

NEW YORK SUIT HOUSEMiss Edythe Learned 11,491Miss T. Hagan 12,346Miss Carrie Hall 7,191Mrs. A. J. West 1,701

THE BROADWAYMiss Saydee See 9,001Miss Edith Houston 7,627Miss Maude Blanck 7,204Miss Myra Cecil 6,113Miss Eva Snook , 3,935

N. B. BLACKSTONE CO.Miss Catherine Backs 9,237

JACOBY BROS.'S STORE i'"rMrs. W. J. Workman 8,735Miss Daisy Vickers 8,022Miss Mabel Schaefle 4,810Mrs. B. Lusby 4,658

MEHESY'S CURIO STORE t\Miss Grace Gray 8,673

Miss Mabel Gordon, care Cres-cent Drug company 8,592

HAMBURGER'S STOREMrs. W. J. Lloyd 8,201Miss Rose Guggenheim ........ 8,009Miss Mabel Davis 6,212Miss Margaret Fitzgerald 3,965Miss L. Navin 1,621

Mrs. G. C. Stoddard, 449 SouthBroadway 8,188

VILLE DE PARISMiss R. Binder 6,082Miss Mabel Beirne 5,590Miss Etta Schumacher 4,461Mrs. Shipman 1,208

CHARLTON &CO.Miss Margaret McNiven 6,009

BOSTON STOREMiss Helen Harms 6,963

.H. M. MOSHER'S STOREMrs. M. M. Lyon 5,076Miss Mabel Beck 3,503

CRESSATY'S CANDY STOREMiss Lulu Hood \u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0": 4,002


HALES STOREMiss Sarah Hite 2,343

CHICAGO, Oct. 30.—The ChicagoPeace society conducted the service lastnight at the Centenary Methodistchurch. When Mrs. H. W. Thomas,wife of the president of the local peacesociety, in opening the program waveda salute to the success of the Russianrevolutionists and exclaimed In a loudvoice, "Ihope they will win," the au-dience responded with hand-clappingand cheers. Mrs. Thomas explained thatthe motive of organizing peace socie-ties is to federal them permanently intoa more perfect world organization.

By Associated Press.Hopes Revolutionists Will Win

On account of the heavy sea it wasdecided that the president would nottransship to the Dolphin at LynnHaven inlet as intended. The Dolphinand the cruiser squadron proceeded upthe Chesapeake bay.

NORFOLK, Va., Oct. 30.— The cruiserWest Virginia, with President Roose-velt on board, convoyed by the cruis-ers Colorado, Pennsylvania and Mary-land, passed in the Virginia capes at0:30 tonight.

By Associated Press.

on Board, Passes InThroughthe Capes

Cruiser West Virginia,With President

1month's subscription to Dally Her-ald 65c; 3 months' subscriptions toDally Herald, $1.95; 6 months' sub-scription to Daily Herald, $3.80; :ISmonths' subscription to Dally Herald.$7.80.


Those who are already subscribersto this paper may secure votes In this

contest by paying In advance as longas desired. Payments Inarrears countthe same as payments Inadvance, pro-vided there is a payment made for atleast one month in advance.


Votes on subscriptions allowed as foUlows:1month's subscription to DallyHer-

ald 65 votes; 3 months' subscriptionto Daily Herald, 300 votes; 6 months'subscription to Daily Herald, 800 votes;

12 months' subscription to DallyHer-aid, 1700 votes.

IVotes Allowed on Subscriptions PaidI in Advance.

Effort to win the $900 In prizes offer-

er by The Herald has not relaxed onewhit, and the energy and enthusiasmwhich has marked this voting contestfrom the very start has not abated orslackened for a moment. If you arenot a candidate yet, enter your nameat once, as the days are rapidly slip-

ping away, and each moment counts.There are less than seven weeks remain-ing, but there Is plentyof time to jumpin and win out. Do not let otherscarry away these valuable prizes with-out a struggle, but make up your mindthat you will be the winner and goafter the prizes In a manner that will

conlncide with your determination.Those who have already entered aredoing nicely and it seems that each oneis working hard to come out victori-ous. There are many people who arewilling to subscribe ifthey are asked.Get up your courage, girls, and go afterthese backward subscribers. Nothing

counts in votes so fast as yearly sub-scriptions, and there are plenty of peo-

ple waiting to pay their money down.

While the contest is inits infancy doyour work and let the end take careof Itself. Ifyou do well now you neednot worry about the future.

Tomorrow there willbe a coupon

published in each paper, which, whencutout, filled in and forwarded to Con-test Department of The Herald, willcount as ten votes. Up to this data

the coupons printed daily In The Her-

ald have been good for one vote each.

The coupons good for ten votes eachwill appear in Wednesday morning'sHerald, and must be polled on Satur-day, Nov. «tn, only. If polled before

or after that date they will not becounted. The votes which will appear

in The Herald after Wednesday, Nov.

4th wilbe good for one vote each, aausual, and may be polled at any time

within one week from date of publica-tion Look for the coupon tomorrow.

It would doubtless be a revelationto many Herald readers to take aglance at the number of votes wnlrh

come In daily in the Salesladies con-test for the popular young women who

are competing for the prizes. The vote

of the last twenty-four hours well sun-tains the average of the past few days.

Among the popular candidates who

are making stringent efforts to win

is Mrs. W. J. Lloyd, whose photo-graph is presented herewith. Mrs.Lloyd was born In Texas but has re-sided inLos Angeles several years andis very popular. She is employed in

the Hamburger Department Store aposition she has had since her arrivalhere. Mrs. Lloyd is a good vote-get-

ter and has a host of warm friendswhom she can depend upon to help herIn the race— and her record up to date

Is very creditable.We have received many inquiries as

to where the Prizes can be seen, if itis optional with tbe winner to makeselections other than already se-lected, and ifcontestants are at liberty

to call and examine the prizes. Tho

Herald and proprietors of the different

establishments have itthoroughly un-derstood that candidates can get any

information they desire regarding the

prizes. The Southern California Musiccompany, Nos. 332 and 334 So. Broad-way, where the first prize, the ?3isgrand upright Kingsbury piano can beseen, willbe only too pleased to answerany questions regarding It—for In-stance, whether it can be had In any

particular finish; as to the guarantee

and exchange after a certain period ofuse, and anything pertaining to it.

Brock & Feagan, No. 400 So. Broad-way, where the second and thirdprizes can be seen in the win-dows in the daily display, will al-ways be pleased to give the con-testants any information, and wouldlike to have the ladies Interestedcall to inspect the vast stock of dia-

monds and giveinterested ones an idea

of what they are like.The New York Cloak and Suit House,

on South Broadway, have on exhibi-tion a lady's tailored suit. Tt is notnecessary that the winner of tho fourthprize take this particular selection, nsit is left entirely with her to select nnygown out of their vast stock whichIs second to none In Los Angeles, to

the value of $100. The winner of thefifth prize willreceive an order for asuit or gown valued at $50 on the firmof B. B. Henshey & Co. on SouthBroadway. Mr. Henshey, who hasbeen in this particular line of businessfor years in Los Angeles, willextend

NAGASAKI,Oct. 31.—Advices fromVladivostok announce that twentymerchant ships are expected to arrivethere at about the same time in con-sequence of the ratification of the peacetreaty. Onaccount of northwest windsnavigation close to the southwest ap-proaches of Vladivostok is now rela-tively safe from submarine minesplaced by the Japanese during the warperiod. >\u25a0 ."\u25a0\u25a0

Vladivostok Expects Big FleetBy Associated Press,

Los Angeles HeraldPopular Salesladies Contest

Fill In the name of the lady whom you wish to vote for and her busi-

ness address. Bring or mall to the manager of the Contest Depart-ment care of Los Angeles Herald. This coupon counts for one vote.

miss :Address

Not y. od after November 7.

Child Killed With a RifleWATSONVILLE,Oct. 30.—Last even-

ing Walter Schmidt, an eleven-year-oldboy, met his death as the result ofplaying with a 22-callber' rifle with hisfive-year-old brother. The exact man-ner of the accident is unknown.

to J. E. Coombs—

Lot- 18 -block A Mc-Dermott's Redondo avenue tract $10

W. T. S. Hammond to \u25a0N. L. Claberg—Lot 9 block 9 West Adams Hgts.sloC. Dutcher to T. I. & T. Co.

—Lot 7

of sub of east one-half of northwe3tone-fourth of section 21 2 south 13west $10

J. Dutcher to T. I.&T. Co.—Lot 6 ofsame section .$lO

11. Merz to H. R. Earhart—

Lot 12block B G. Cumming's sub of part lots2 and 3 block 60 11. a. .;......... .S6OO

Anna Eernhard to C. E.. Smith— Lot 9.Moneta street i.;,-.;-. ...$lO

J. Bernhard, sr.* to C. E. Smith— Lot10 same tract- .. .' ;.,..... .i,.$lO

Carrie S. Angoll to C.\u25a0.•.T3.-. Smith— Lot37 block A GrlfCin & Kitzmansub oflot 60 Gardena tract ...,'..- 4P t.$lO

Union T. & T. Co. of Los Angeles toM. P. Hughes—Lot 9 block B WaltersMain street and Moneta avenue tract $10

J. J. Charnock to J. Dehalr—

Part lot7 block 74. 11. S »>** $10

H.Lacy to Charlotte Lacy—

All prop-erty of whatever kind. ....'.". $.1

Kalorama Land Co. to J. A. AVilllams—Lots sft and 257-Grlder

Rose Hill tract $10Ella Giles Ruddy to G. 11. Rector

—Lot at

'Intersection ot. south line of

Sixteenth street with east \u25a0 line ofCherry street, tlienco east along saideast lino of Sixteenth street 70 feet. slo

C. M. Stlnvmn to F. L. Stnarns— Lot123 Bnnudry Water AVorks. tract. s2Soi)

F. L. Tinkelpaugh to Anna B. Kln-cnld

—Lots 11. and 12 bloqk IMlraMar

tract' ; ..$lO

S. Townstnd to Gertrude Montfort—

Lot 6 block 1Tutt tract. $10J. J. Uehllsto J. Toltscliin—Lot 113

Dalton Orange Grove tract $10AY. H. Clark to M. E. Hanlon


82 Central Avenue Home tract.- $10Annie Williams to C. C. Chstpman

—Lot 2 Hamilton's sub of Uriquldcz Gar-den tract .: $10

J. II Whltworth et al to W. 11. Carlln—Agreement to convey' part Ro' Boca

de Santa Monica $26,000B. S. Nichols to Lucy H. Nichols

—Part lot 27 Loop &Meserve tract... .$5

Same to same—

Lot 13 block IIPalo-mares tract $5

Columbian Inv, Co. to Rosa P. Case—Lot 2 block 16 range 5 Wilming-

ton ..$lOC. F. Axclson et al to Axelson Mach.

Co.—Part lot 6 and .lots 7 8 and 9, block1Depot tract ...*..$1

Elizabeth Barnfather to E.. R. ,Blesin-game—Lot T, block 180, Santa Monica $500

1.. V. H. Cowles to E. AY. Biegus— Lot165, Alvarado Park tract $10

Emma Easton to MaryF. Barney—Lot43, block 306, Inglewood .......'. $5f.0

A. E. Bell to P. G. Hagen— Agreementto convey lot 15, block F, Grider &Ham-ilton's subdivision of Bell tract ......$735P. G. Hagon to A..E. Bell—Assignment

of all interest in aboveSarah M.Douglass to M.G. Miller—Lot

1, Grider &Dow's Central Aye. tract ..$lOO. C. Hinman et al to AY. Gregg—Lot

28 and part lot 27, block 189, Redond;)Beach » $10

J. A. Keeney to J. H. Elson—Lot 274,Sunny Side $10

C. F. Mayer to E. -L.-Herck-Lot 13,block 4, South AVoodlawn. tract \u0084$lO

J. AY. and Alice L.Lohn to J.,J. Caru—Lot 7, Weir & Stewart's subdivision of lot17, Lamanda Park .......... ....'. $225

T. G. & T. Co. to'l. S. Paine—Lot 42.Crestmoro : i.slo

Mary J. Webster to R. A. Smith—Partlots 3 and 2, block 4, Klnney Hts tract $10

Amelia Sohns to Helen Sohns— Lot 13,John C. Anderson tract $10

T. G. &T. Co. to P. AY. Thompson— Lot10, Calkin's Figueroa St. tract $10

J. M. AVllson to C. E. Wilson—Lots 7and 8, Moore & AVllson's subdivision ofblock 18, Riverside tract; lot 9, Moore &Wilson's subdivision of block 11, saidtract $3000

AY. B. Thompson to J. H;Daveler—Lot32, Euclid Heights $10

Irwin Heights AVater Co. to F. J. Bra-gunier—Lot y, block 1, Villa tract $10

Mrs. Emma R. Sayler to Judith J. Borrt-well—Lot 3, block F, KnollPnrk tract $10

C. Weir to Elizabeth A. Caffray—Lot 12,block A, Moore & Kelleher's subdivisionof part lot li, block (JO, il.S $lUOO

A. J. AVheeler to C. J. Wolfe—Lot 12,block 58, Glendale $1

C. B. Hopper and H. M. Jack to Flor-ence M. Goodman— Lot 144, Hopper &Sons AVestern Aye. tract $10

Park Land Co. to A. F. Keubles— Lot17,block 24, Hwntinfrton Park $10

Equitable T. &Jmp. Co. to EllaJ. Betts—Lot 7, block 3li, AVest Arlington Heightstract $10R. N. Martin to J. L. Preston— Lots l'J

22 and \u25a0 127, James E. AVashburn's subdi-vision of northwest &sect 321 N9 AY $10

P. -A. Helton to Alethea Tait-Lots 5 6and 7, block 1, Venice Park ti-act ;;-...'..510

Alethea Tait to Merchants T. Co.—Lots5 6 and 7, block 1, Venice Park tract ..$lO

Dolgevllle Land Co. and San GabrielAVine Co. to Miss Nellie Shap— Lot :'.blk 25, of subdivision No. 4, Dolgeville $10

Same to same— Lot 19, block 3, subdivis-ion No. 1of said $10

Same to Alice B. White—Lots 3 and 4.block 10, subdivision No. 2, same $10

J. E. AVillis to Mary A. AViswell—Lot18, G. AY. Barnhart's subdivision of partof block S of subdivision of J. M. Painterand B. F. Balland 1.23 acre of Grogantract ;..$lO

Amelia M.Bryant to F. AVurtenberger—Part of Ro San Antonio $7750

Minerva Gilmore to R. Hale—Lots 52and 63, Goldsworthy Eighth St. tract ..$lO

Florence S. Bransby i,»R. L. Jennings-Lot 21, block A, Main St. tract $10L.fl J. AValker to W. J. AVintter—Part

lot 6, block 17, The Palms $10T. C. Douglass to A. A. Miller—Lot 17,

block 10, Boston Heights $10S. A. Steams to T. T. Turner—Lots 19

20 21 and 22, block IS, The Palms $10Kalorama Land Co. to Grace McNaugh-

ton—Lot 10, Grider & Hamilton's RoseHill ...$ir,O

T. G. & T. Co. to A\'. F. Coulter, jr.—Lots 5 and 7, Hawthorne Annex $10

AY. A. Hoffman to Smith & Armitage—Recept of part payment on lot 12, block86, Hermosa Beach $500

C. Legge to Cornelia S. Masters— Partlot 15, Airs. J. H. Woods tract ..........$lO

AY. H. Hillto Jennie E. Hill-Part lot /,replat of Ist addition to Altadena Hts $1L. A. T. Co., 11. P. Barbour to R. F.

Fuller—Lot9. block 2-\ Neville tract ....$lOJ. L. Griffin to C. AW Rice—Lot 10,

block 9, Rudeclnda tract SlOWitmer Bros. Co. to Barbara A. Blo-

basheimer— Lot 20, block B, Hays tr ..$lOHeimosa Beach L. & W. Co. toFrances

AY. Barnard—Lot 24, block 20, HcrmasaBeach $10

Amanda Burdlck to Laura Bales et al—Part Ro San Jose $10

Laura Bates et al to Amanda Burdlck—Part same as above $!'\u25a0>

G. H. Clark to li.Fredrick— Portion ofRo Simla Gertrudes $3«)0

R. Mrliar to J. F. Ballard—Lot 10, block31. Harbor View sub In San Pedro ....$lO

J. W. Gllman to Amelia Goildard—Partlot8, block 11, M.D. Painter's subdivisionof north 53 acres of block Q, Painter &Ball tract $10I.R. Pine to E. AY. Salsbury— Lot 2,

Miller&Carter subdivision $10J. 11. Carr to Directors of First Church

of Christ. Scientist, of Alhambra— Lots 5and 0, AY. R. Jones resubdivislon $10

First Church of Christ of Alhambra toJ. H. Carr— Lots 16 and 17. Langdon tr $10

C. L. McCutcheon to J. H. F. Pock—Port lot 11, block 10. Rudccinda tract SLPOO

T. C. Turner to Mrs. Lodona C. Mac-Lean—Lot £0. Alamlto3 tract $10

C. S. Gilbert to M. L. Gunby—Lot 16.block 63, Alamltos Beach townsito ....$lO

J. F. Gaarwood to D. Aiken—Lots 54 andE5, block B,Rigglns Bros.' subdivision $10

R. AVrlght et al to Downey Holinesschurch—Lots 13 and 14, block 7, DowneyLand Association \u25a0 $1

Frances C. Maxon to Mrs. Bettle Gil-lesple—Part section 61 S 8 AY $10

Mrs. Bettle Gillespie to S. AY. Funk-Part section 12 1 S 10 AY $11,000

Susanna C. Ott to J. AAr.Ryorson— Lot12, block 5, Azusa $100

Mrs. 10. 'I. Carter nnd MontKomery Car-ter to R. Rnnnells— Lot 14, block 3, Ses-sions' addition to AVhittler m

M. 11. Mills to Charity J. Ader—Lot 17,block 37, Sessions addition to AVhittler $1000

AY. A. Kraemer to T. C. Douglass— Lot7, block 12, Boston Heights $3000

G. Zobeleln to J. Schurs— Acroement toconvey lot 17, block 10, Zobeleln's MainBt. tract $1100

J. M. Creamer to F. AY. Barbour—Lotcommencing at a point 150 feet west fromthe southeast corner of lotS, range 17, asper map of Alhambra addition tract;

thence eaßt 160 feet 3 inches; thence east150 feet .etc I $10

J. F. Nadeau to Mary H. Davidson-Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, block G, EdgemontPark ....$lO

S. H. Miner to Golden State Realty Co.Part lots 3 7 8 and Dart lota 4 and 5,

and all lot 6, Flowers subdivision $10J. S. Dodge to F. S. AVilllams—Lots 35,

34 and part lot 44, Montrose tract ....$lOL. A. Bide. Co. to Christine D. Jewelt

—Lot 24 block XPelliasler tract $10J. H Miller to Cora Belle Thomas

—Lots 3', 10 and 11 block 20 Cloar-\u25a0WEter ..$lO

F. B. Harbert et al to T. A.Ktepe'rt—

Lot 1Harbert & Butterworth's Adamsstreet tract $670

11. A. Keatlnge to Lou Nelswendei—

Part lot 9 block 2 Sanchez tract.. sloJennie AA' Guthrle to Kate E. Mo-


Lot 21 Mattison's. High LevelTableland tract $10

C. H. Mellento L. Morris—

Lot 15block 2 Bundinl tract $400

Nina E. Price to M. Louella Smith—

Lots 8 and 9 Sierra Vista tract. ... .$lO

MONDAY,OCTOBER 30.J. A. Louttit to C. F. Cleveland— Part

lot 17 block 6 Boulevard tract $10Same to F. A. Miller—Part lot 17

block 6 same tract $10AY A. Penney to T. G. & T. Co.


7 and 8 Wright's add to Ocean Park. sloH. C. Ifall to Anna M. Gill

—Lot lo

block D Main street tract $10S. Preusch to Pauline Scholz

—Lot 21

block 2 AVrighfs sub of Sister of Char-ity tract ..$lO

S. T. Eldrldgo to Annie W. McQulgg—Lot 3 block 26 south one-half ofAArest End' University add... $10

H. C. Hall to F. Espe— Lot 16 blockD Main street tract .......$lO

Southern California Bank to M.Kahn—Lot 13 block F Grider & Hamilton's

sub of east portion of Bell tract.. s6soM.Kahn to P. G. llagen—Same prop-

erty as above '. $10O. M. Newby to Frances McCray—

Lots 19 and 20 block 2 Pacific Homeblock B San Pasqual tract $10

S J. Clark to A. R. AVllliams—Lot SF. B. Wetherby's sub of'part of lot Itract $1&

R. A. Eno et al to Sue E. Allln—

Partlots 9 and 10 block C Stanwood


sub ofFaim lot 182 American Colonytract *10

Mary L. Hlgley to E. P. Ustlck—Lot12 S. A. Tuttle sub of south one-halfof lot 4 block DSan Pasqual tract.. slo

Mary J. Kelsey to N. P. Gribble—

Lot25 Smith's add to Whlttier $800

C. E. Bates to R. S. Dozler—

Lot 2block 18 Harvey & Rlcker's add toAVhittler i $600

Alice M. Gordon to J. R. Ross—

Lot 3block 4 Moulton's add $10

J. R. Ross to G. AY. Stimson—

Lot 3block 4 Moulton's add $10

T. I. & T.Co. to L.L. Elliott—

Lot 10block 47 resub of part of Alamttos Baytownsite ...$lO

San Rafael Ranch Co. to Alice J.Oastren— Lot 23 San Rafael Heightstract No. 3 »1«

J. A. Keeney to Mrs. Anna CondonDugan

—Lot 22 Sunnyside $10

Sylvia S. Hillto Amanda N. Narance—Lot 437 Burke Bros, add No. 2 to

Figueroa sub $10AY. P. Lawry to E. S. Tomblln


Ro Rodeo de las Aquas $10Mary Louisa Scudder to C. R. John

—Lot 32 South Side tract $10

L. J. Zimmerman to F. Schiageter—

Lots 59 and 60 Bowen & Chiimberlin'sMain Street Boulevard tract $10

C. F. Westlake to E. L. Morton—

Lot19 block 4 Foot Hilltract ....$lO

L.Gwynn to Emma A. Foree—

Lot 31Grider & Hamilton's Grant place.. slo

T. G. & T. Co. to H. Smith—

Lots 34and 35 Cribb & Sinclair's Venice An-nex $10

Same to C. A. Covelle—

Lots 32 and 33same tract $10

J H Bathrick to Gardena Bank &Trust Co.

—Part lot 36 block A Gar-

dena *10Sarah J. Kline to G. Spencer

—Lot 23

block 7 Huntington Park $10Lauretta W. Carter to F. H. Cook

—Lot 8 block R Monrovia $1500

L. A. Land Co. to Mary Stewart—

Lot11 block 2 Huntlngton Park $10

S. Z. Osmun to E. A. Forrester &Fons

—Part lot 71 West • Moreland

Heights tract $10L. A. Trust Co. to-M. O. Tremain

—Part lots 3 and 4 block A AVest Six-teenth street tract $10

AY. C. Murray to J. F. McNaughton—Lot 21 block G Harvard Heights

tract $10E. Thomas to Isidore Gray

—Lot 39

block 8 Park tract $10J. C Bowley to F. 11. Bradford and

F. Espe—

Lot 61 Bradford & Espe'aFigueroa and Vernon avenue tract. slo

Bayside Land Co. to M. F. Dillon—

Lot 10 block D Harvard Heights. .$lOEllen Wallace to Pacific Terminal

Inv. Co.—

Lot 20 ,block B Desnoyertract $10

J. B. Althouse ot al to F. L.Thomp-son

—Lot 62 \u25a0 West Ninth straet

Heights $10C. A. Lelghton, Clarice Leighton,

Emma C. Fuller and T. S. Fuller to F.H. Miller

—Lot 16 block West Adams


$10O. It. Clark to 11. R. Kramcs

—Lot 7

block 2 Tutt tract $10J C Goersch to LlllioEilers

—Lot n«

Rin'dge tract $600United L.& AY. Co. to Madge G. Sav-

nge—Lot 8 block 6 Serra Vista town-site $10

AY. F. Decker to O. P. Carter—

Lotbeginning at point in east boundarylino of section 28 8 north 15 west 1.76inches north from southeast corner ofsaid section 28, thence south 1.70 inchesetc. $400

Seasido Water Co. and Broadway B.&-. T. Co., trustees, to J. Andrews


15 block B KnoirPnrk tract $10A D Bellinger to AY. 11. Beckman

—Lota 11 and 12 Bellinger tract $10

Elizabeth C. Nourso to AY. AY. Martin—Lot 2(1 block 2 Dow & Nile's Sub ofVornondale $10

Laura L. Ingram to J. Anderson—

Lots 21 and 23 block 5 George DaltonStreet tract $10

B. R. Miller to Harriet J. Phillips—

Lot 30 block 13 Child's Heights...$lOA. D. Butt to Jennie J. Wild


lot 12 block X Mott tract $10W S Taylor to T. D. Osborn


lot 21 block G AVest Los Angeles.. sloJ. AY. Wise to S Schulman

—Part lot

47 Alanis Vineyard tract..' $10Simon Schulman to Callle M. Parker—Part lot 47 same tract $10Leonora S. Otto to H. J. Macomber—

Lot 2 Pasadena avenue, tract..... .$lONc-1110 Henry to Eda Loomis

—Lot 20

A. C. Shafer's sub of sub of block 6 In35-acre lot 8 block 39 11. S $10

U. T. & R. Co., J. M. C. Marble, A.E.Pomeroy to Alice E. Thomas

—Lot 14

Rlndgo tract $10Alice E. Thomas to P. A. Stanton

—Lots 14 and 15 liiudge tract. $10

Union T. & T. Co. of Los Angles toE. E. Bowler

—Lot 3 Adams Jb Fourth

avenuu tract $10C. O. Hutchlns et al to J. H. Clever

—Part lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and ,r.,r. Ralph Rogerssub block 14 Highland-Park $10

Ernest Canfleld to E. 11. Lockwood—

Lots 25 and 26 A. O. Porter's sub ofpart of Porter & Green tract $10

J. T. Burton to J. AY. Butler—

Lot 2J. T. Burton's South Park tract.. slloo

Mrs Florence Palmer to Lucius At-Wood

—Lot 6 block P Grider & Hamil-

ton's sub Vernon Park $10Mrs. Josephine Musanlo to H. S.


Lots 4 and 5 block B Potter'sWoodlawn tract $10

C. F. Budde to Libble Parker—

Lot 46Alanis Vineyard tract $10

AY. H. Kring to P. A. Stanton—

Lot18 Rlndge tract ...$lO

J. C. Henderson *o E. F. Sanborn—

Lot 8 block 39 Electric Railway Home-stead Association $1750

G. B. Link to J. Fletcher— Lot 28 S.J. Rolph's sub Of block 161 Pdmona.slo

American Savings Bank to Alice R.Dutton

—Lot 64 and part lot 63 Flg-

ueroa -Square' $10

V. Slmonetti to L. Slmonettl—

Agree-ment to convey lot commencing atpoint on southeast line of Date street(formerly Lover's Lane) distancenortheast 120 feet from west corner oftract conveyed to G. E. Long by deed17-360. etc .S6SV

J. H. Bartla et al to City of Mon-rovia

—Part lots 4 to 16 Inclusive, for.

street purposes In Fairmont street.. slM..J. McDermott and G. B. Werner


Superintendent Backus yesterdayissued building' permits as follows:

Arlington street, 1807—

R. C. Tyler,511 Braly, owner and builder; one-story, six-room frame residence; $1000.

Arlington, 1813—

Same as above.Arroyo Seco avenue, 3432

—J. R. Gil-

bert, at lot, owner and builder; addi-tion to one-story frame residence; $125.

Arroyo Seco avenue, 3291—

L. B.Boyer, owner; A. A. Guzman, builder;new roof to story-and-a-half frameresidence; $850.

Alessandro street, 1927—

J. B. Davee,owner; B.E. Kasley, builder; one-storyframe building; $2000. .

Belmont avenue, C34 North—

Lucy M.Brown, at lot, owner; alterations tostory-and-half frame residence; $100.

Blanchard street, 3022—

W. E. Greer,owner; J. W. Hall & Son, builder; one-story frame residence.

Catalina street. 1102— J. F. Williams,1010 T)ewey, owner and builder; one-Story frame residence; $500.

Eleventh street, 1306 AYest—

J. A.Joyce, at lot, owner; Raymond & Cor*lett, builder; addition to one-storyframe residence; $100.

E street, 2210—

J. B. Davee, owner;E. E. Easley, builder; one-story, six-room frame residence; $1600.

Fourth sreet, GIG East—

H. D. Feenl-more, 2416 West Seventh, owner; T. A.Asbridge, builder; two-story brickbuilding; $3125.

Forty-fourth street, 1227 West—

C. A.Felt. 1140 Santa Monica, owner andbuilder; one-story frames residence;$400.

Fourth street, 210 West— P. It.Klein,lessee; Weber Show Caso anil Fixturecompany; builder; change, store front;$100.

Fortieth street, 450 West—O. 11.Rarager, IRI3 AVest Pico, owner andbuilder; one-story, six-room frameresidence; $1600

Forty-fourth street, 130!) West—

P.Taylor, 1301 Santa Monica, owner; ,S.C. Barrett, builder; one-story, six-roomframe residence; $1800.

Forty-third street, 4<!S East—

Dora M.Hamsley. Glcndora. owner; T. V. Hams-ley, builder; one-story, five-room frameresidence; $1800. •

Fifth street, IO« East— Mr. Busson,1206 AVest Second, owner; move one-story frnme residence; $100.

First street, 1241 AYest—

Alice S. Hed-dtn, 204 Emerald, owner; Jasper Llnd-sey, builder; one-story frame residence;$fOO.

Forty-seventh street, 1070 West—

.1.E. Brown, owner and builder; one-and-balf-story seven-room frame residence;$ISOO.

Forty-flCth street, 153 East—

J. Pre-ter. 162 East Vornon, owner andbuilder; one-story, six-room frameresidence; $1800.

Forty-first street, 0(50 feet east ofLong Bench avenue

—Robert Marsh &

Co., owner; J. Myers, builder; one-storyframe residence; $250.

Forty-first street, 840 feet east ofLong: Beach

—Same as above.

Forty-first street, 800 feet east ofLong- Beach

—Same as above.

Fifth street, 323-327 East—

A. J.Brown, owner; R. N. Lambcrth & Co.,builders; three-story frame apartmentbuilding; $2.->,300.

Fifty-third street, 148 East— AVllllamBrown, owner; Sayre & Shaw, builders;one-story frame building: $.100.

Forty-seventh street. 1380 East—

C.E. Palmer, 1437 East Fortieth, ownerand builder; one-story frame barn;$100.

Forty-second street, 804 East—

W. R.Buback, owner; 11. C. Stewart, builder;one-story, six-room frame residence;$1500.

Hobson street, 1210—

J. O. Wooley, atlot, owner; C. F. Tumbleson, builder;addition to one-story frame residence;$200.

Huber- avenue, 1183—

C. F. Bryan. 621Hellman building1,owner and builder;

one-story, live-room frame residence;$1000.

Juliet street, 2500—

Lawrence Ander-son, 1627 Hobart, owner; T. W. Day,builder; two-story, eight-room frameresidence; $3500.

Johns street, 3447—D.' Riddle, 3441Johns, owner and builder; one-storyframe residence; $200.

Lucille avenue, 1617—

FrederickHandy, 1041 Maltman, owner andbuilder: one-story frame residence;

Main street, 456-457 South— J. M!Miller, lessee, at lot, 0, M. Webb,builder; change store front: $300.

Normandio avenue/ 2818— G. J. Lown,2916 Brighton, owner and builder: two-Rtory, . eight-room frame residence;$2800.

Naomi avenue, ZSOf)—

E. A. Scott, 941East Twentieth, owner; S. P. Scott.



Fall Term Opened September ItClass and private Instruction In everydepartment of music nnd language bybest teachers. Tho value and Import-ance to children of our kindergartenwork should bo known to every parent.I'hysicnl culture by foremost teacher.For catalogue, terms, etc., apply toConservatory, 232 S. Hill st, LOUISEVANS, Mgr.

Sfjslg' The Largest BusinessWfft'Sg College in Los Angeles

penmanshTpFailures elsewhere succeed here. It's theTEACHER—It's the SYSTEM. Visit onoof our largo classes. Ages 12 to R2, 501Currier Bldcr. Home 2196; Main 6576.




800 S. 1111 lnt. nny nml Evening.'

rm-. ~~jn7-^,# FOR SALE©"iSiiiltfSßßlsSllftttr Swell new bungalow InBliilTltfWH'ifßaag tho southwest, justvSBjNMi&BnMnaBr completed and must

be sold for all cash atwSSr**^ oneo; 5 rooms, recep-

X^ w tion hall and trunkroom, flno bath and best of plumbing.Worth $3500, but if sold at once for allcash, $2500. Don't miss this snap.

EDWIN ALDERSON.Owner, 209 Laughlln Bldg.


FWrSALE-A~SCHOLARSHI P IN THELos Angeles College of Fine Arts, ata very low figure. Address BOX 105Herald.



Real Estate

BEN WHITEWill Exchange

your propeity; immense bargains; ap-ply at once. Satisfaction and quick re-sults. Member Realty Board. 304-5 BRY-SON BLOCK, 2d and Spring sts.

FOR SALE-A SCHOLARSHIP IN THELos Angeles College of Fine Arts, ata very low figure. Address BOX 105Herald.

FOR SALE JSuburban Property

NOItTOjfT'L.ACE. jBfnJ. John 11. Norton,

Loa Angelea Triint Co., Trintec,

On Wllslilre boulovnrii, lrtTrrenBronaon avenue nnd Wilton tilncc.

Inside the rlty Ilnilta, nml one mile

Atluma nml Arlington. I.otn lea*:;->;;\u25a0•\u25a0 thnn half tbe price. \

Building restriction*, $3000, (3300,$4000.

iMituriiiios., I• 328-321* Ilrndlmry Ilullillnc.i> l£xcluii!veAHcnt*.

.\u25a0»\u25a0•' I.OOK AT~TIII.S.For Sale

—Choice suburban lots;

flno business property at n K~eet biffbargain sure; flno investment. Don'tmiss it or you will regret it; comennd Investigate. Five-room cottage,northern corner; largo lot; price*1700; good buy; nlso choice, lots Inbeautiful Colosrovo with trees onthem, $373 rnch. Come In.

lIHNTH.YM&FAItIVSWOHTH,: '\u25a0' H27 Chamber of Commerce.

Ruys a choice lot on S. Flower Inexclusive neighborhood, worth $2000;60x162 to 14-ft. alley.

so. c:ai,. iikai,kstatr mv. Co.Bulto 604 I'aclflo Klectrie BUlg.< 2100— Both Phones— 2loo

FOR SAI,E—FIVR ACHES SOUTH MAINST,A nice piece of land fronting on

South Main street, partly Improved;fine well and the very best water;would make a good suburban home;cash and terms.

J. A. MOniiAN<fc CO.,\u25a0 t\P~~- 2oa-2(»3 Vnr niiig.

BOMB CHOICE ACREAGE BETWEENthe city and Redondo, right on tho carline In3 and 6 nero tracts; wnter on thelots under good pressure; a bargain.liOSS & I.INDSEY, 314 11. W. HellmanHldS.; phones Home 7662, Main 4822.


A fine piece of land, nicely locate,]near the city limits and closo to theproposed Moneta aye. car line; willcutup to good advantage, and ready salsfor the lots; this is a fine buy; wil)give terms.

J. A. MORLAN & CO..202-203 Fay Building.

FOR SALE—Seven acres of land close to the

city and Just right to cut up In lots;proposed ear line willpass the prop-erty. This Is a good buy and achance to make some money.


202-2»:< Fiiy Blflg.

Rsach Property


FINE LOT AT "WILMING-ton harbor, 50x110, water piped, streetgraded, 800 feet from station. Willsacrifice for quick sale for $400,which is $200 less than value.

McFATRIDGE, 319 S. Spring st.

OCEAN PARK—HAIIT AYE., FU-R-nished 6 or 12 rooms; would rent.SIDDALL, 208 Copp Bldg.

Real Estate—


MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON GlLT-edge city property, bearing 6 and 7 percent net per annum.


IPhone Home 242 Byrne Bldg.,

7186. Third and Broadway.

Hotels and Lodging Houses

FURNISHED ROOMING HOUSES,some, up-to-date and lovely places;some bargains from $300 to $12,000;all sizes, 6 to 135 rooms. Too busyto mention them In add. Don't buy

'until you get our list; none payinglarger incomes. Come see the larg-est dealers In this line In Los An-geles. Houses, flats and hotels every-where. Come see PHOENIX REALTYCO., 202 and 204 Grant Bldg^

DO YOU WANT TO BUY A ROOMINGhouse? If so, call and see our list.We have them from $350 up to $10.-

| 000, and from 8-room to 85 rooms, in

all different locations/ and all atgreat bargains.IGREISCH &MILLER, 545 S. Spring.

FOR SALE—FOR $500, ROOMINGhouse of 28 rooms, good location. W<j

have a largo list of rooming houses offrom 12 to 75 rooms. We can suit you.

\u25a0 O. H. JONES & CO., 117 S. Broadway.

FOR SALE—TWENTY-ROOM ROOMINGhouse near Ist and Broadway; fine fur-niture and good lease; suitable for tran-sient; It willpay to investigate this; noagents. BOX ia, Herald.

Autos and Vehicles

BMALLFRENCH AUTOMOBILE RUN-aboutfor sale; good as new; mustsell. Call Monday morning 713 S.

\u25a0 BROADWAY.


FOR SALE-GREATEST VALUES INhousehold goods ever known; giganticremoval sale; puffed edged Swiss cur-

1 tains, 40c pair; $2.25 portieres, $1.60; door1 panels, 30c; box couches, $2.60; couch

covers, $1.10; steel sanitary couches,•\u25a0 $4.50; dressers, $5.75; washstands, $2.50;6-piece toilet sets, $1.75; 6-foot extension'tables, $5; 52-piece dinner sets, $4.50;set knlxes and forks, 75c; linoleum, 50c;treasure tablis, $3.50. Buy now; Itmeansdollars saved to you. J. M. OVERELL,

J 652-H54 So. MainSt.

IFOR SALE— WINDOW FRAMES. WE:furnish them ready made by mn-

1 chlno much cheaper than you can buytho material and make them your-self. Get prices at our Big NewYard and Mill. Quick delivery andsatisfaction our motto.


20th and Alameda.\u25a0 Branch office, 9th and Maple.

FOR SALE—DOORa JUST BOUGHT3000 (off color) colonial pine. WillBell from $1.00 to $1.40. These are:\, snap; 2000 Oregon pine doors $1.50;firtOO tine redwood doors $1.00 to $1.40;also a lot of windows very cheap,ship them any place. Write for price.; NATIONAL LUMBER CO.,

'Ml*£v \u25a0\u25a0 20th and Alameda.Branch office, 9th and Maple.

rOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HANDbilliard and pool tables. Bar fixture*otnil kinds; easy payments. Send for cat-alogue. Tilt! BRUNSWICK-BALKK-COLLENDEK CO.. 820 8.. Broadway,L.oa Angeles

FOR \u25a0'SALE—BATH AND MASSAGE. parlors, doing good business; new

furniture: centrally located. Mustpell; sickness. Best offer buys. BOX246. Herald office. .

FOR SALE—A SCHOLARSHIP IN THELos Angeles College of Fine Arts, ata very low figure. Address BOX 105Herald/ .

FOR SALE-LAUNDRYROUTE. HORSE.r -.and wagon. Call 1152 EAST 27TH ST.,




Real Estate

FOR EXCHANGE— SSSOO INCUM-. brance; new 8-room house for a goodranch, clear or nearly so. Immediatepossession can be given. WM. N.. HOLWAY, 211 Grant Bldg. Home

.1939. .. \u25a0 -:.:-FOR EXCHANGE—S3SO EACH; IN-

cuinbrance $155 each, one or morelots South Hollywood for horse and'mrroy. WM. N. HOLWAY, 311 Grantr.lcts-

MAXON WILL EXCHANGE fOURnroDorty. any location. Large list toeeloct from. MAXON REALTY CO..114-115 Btlms6n Bid*.

top related