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Post on 17-Mar-2019






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Rev Nathan Thompson

Interim Pastor

Office Phone:


Becky Meyer Secretary

Office Phone: 320.986.2024


Wednesday—12 5:45 p.m. Education 8:00 p.m.-

Exec Committee

Thursday –13

6:30 p.m. Outreach

Wednesday—19 8:00 Youth Comm

8:00 Council





Dear Friends in Christ,

Rally Day at Messiah will be on Sunday, September 9th. Worship will be at 9:30 A.M. and there will be many other activities for all ages happening throughout the morning. Please take note of the following Rally Day opportunities:

Youth Sharing About National Gathering

The ten Messiah youth and adults who attended the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans will be sharing as part of the worship message pictures, testimonies and reflections on the spiritual impact of their trip in July. It will be great to hear these youth share the wonderful things God is doing in their lives.

Rally Day Breakfast—8:30 – 11:30 A.M.

Throughout the morning there will be a Pancake Breakfast served by Messiah’s Mission Outreach Committee. The Free-Will Offer-ing will go to help support the Messiah Youth. The whole commu-nity is invited and welcome!

Messiah Webpage Presentation

At the close of the Rally Day worship the Website Technology Team will introduce us to Messiah’s new Webpage. This team has been meeting and working together for several months put-ting together this new Webpage which provides much more infor-mation and resources than the old one. Messiah’s Website will be one you will want to visit often.

Movie “Pay It Forward”

The movie, “Pay It Forward,” will be shown in Messiah’s sanctu-ary on the big screens starting at around 11:15 A.M. on Rally Sunday. Sponsored by the Stewardship Committee this movie will lift up Messiah’s fall focus on how we need to “pay forward” all the ways that God has blessed and enriched our lives.

Rally Day will be a wonderful beginning to a new program year at Messiah. Please invite your neighbors and friends to come and participate in this exciting morning. All are welcome!

Blessings and hope in Christ, Pastor Nathan





Thank you to my family, Messiah members and members of the Community for all the visits, prayers and support Wanda and I received during my cancer surgery and recovery. It was comforting to experience the care of various Stephen Ministers and know the prayer chain was busy praying for me. A special thanks to Stan, Rick and the “Staple Boys” for helping with the farm work and spraying.

The surgery was successful, the side effects are slowly disappearing and I feel great. Pastor Nathan, your prayers and visits were so powerful and encouraging.

At least 3 take-aways I learned from this experience are:

* Never underestimate the importance and power of prayer.

* Life is fragile, never take it for granted.

* This is a fantastic community of caring people

Thanks and Peace

Paul Stark

We, the members of Messiah Lutheran Church have been called by God and given God’s gifts to:We, the members of Messiah Lutheran Church have been called by God and given God’s gifts to:We, the members of Messiah Lutheran Church have been called by God and given God’s gifts to:We, the members of Messiah Lutheran Church have been called by God and given God’s gifts to:

• Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus ChristProclaim the Gospel of Jesus ChristProclaim the Gospel of Jesus ChristProclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ

• Prepare our members for outreach and service.Prepare our members for outreach and service.Prepare our members for outreach and service.Prepare our members for outreach and service.

• Accept all people and minister to their human needs.Accept all people and minister to their human needs.Accept all people and minister to their human needs.Accept all people and minister to their human needs.

Emily McGee 9-3

Jim Hanson 9-4

Amber Fritz 9-5

Troy Andreasen 9-6

Tanya Winter 9-6

Margaret Eblen 9-7

Amy Winter 9-8

Brenda Onstad 9-10

Alyssa Olson 9-11

Howard Anderson 9-13

Karen Anderson 9-13

Lillian Thorstad 9-13

Jennes Swenson 9-15

Ian Johnson 9-16


Remembering the Saints in Light

Recognizing members who have gone before us during the month

Eugene Eiken 09-03-07

Hazel Anderson 09-04-09

Maynard Nordquist 09-05-04

Donna Torgerson 09-08-07

Gordon Larson 09-10-10

Leona Gildseth 09-23-04

Kristen Gilbertson 9-16

Rhonda Peterson 9-16

Dennis Saurer 9-16

David Sanstead 9-17

Piper Sanstead 9-17

Marissa Braaten 9-18

Gene Rollofson 9-18

Ardis Stark 9-18

Robert Spaulding 9-19

Mandy Frovarp 9-20

Kaia Frank 9-22

Kari Martinson 9-22

Savannah Swenson 9-22

Chayla Hohn 9-23

Brooke Anderson 9-24

Kesha Anderson 9-24

Patrick Anderson 9-24

Grant Beuckens 9-24

Marlin Friese 9-24

Royce Aasness 9-25

Jordan Beuckens 9-25

Polly Hedstrom 9-26

Arland Helberg 9-28

Damon Sanstead 9-28

Jelene Backman 9-29

Aiden Yell 9-30


No August Council Mee�ng

I am not interested in the past.

I am interested in the future,

For that is where I expect to

Spend the rest of my life.

“Forge�ng what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to

win the prize.” Philippians 3:13, 14



September 9, 2012

11:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Join us for a movie and popcorn

Watch the movie “Pay It Forward” while enjoying some popcorn

Stewardship commi3ee wants to challenge everyone to ‘pay it forward’ in some

fashion. So come enjoy the movie and share in a discussion on how Messiah has and

will ‘pay it forward.’


Men’s Fellowship Resumes Weekly Meetings

The Men’s Fellowship resumes on September 8 meeting each Saturday morning at 7:30 A.M. New men are always welcome to come and share in a good breakfast, a helpful time of Bible learning, and some great fellowship and conversation together.

This fall the Men’s Fellowship is also inviting the men from area congregations to come and share together is this wonderful fellowship opportunity. Everyone at Mes-siah is encouraged to help us in inviting neighbors and friends. All are welcome!

Confirmation Students/Parents Orientation Meeting

Students in the 8th & 9th grades and their parents are encouraged to attend the Confirmation Orientation Meeting on Wednesday evening, September 5, at 6:30 P.M.

This meeting will discuss the Confirmation schedule and plans for the coming year along with reviewing the expectations, and requirements, before a student is con-firmed. The first day of Confirmation Class will be on Wednesday, September 12, at 3:30 P.M.

If you have questions please contact Pastor Nathan.


Are you interested in traveling to Haiti? If so, this may be your opportunity!

A group from Fair Fax, Virginia is traveling to Haiti with TeacHaiti in October to help set up a play ground for the school. Because people from our church have ex-pressed an interest in traveling to Haiti, we have been given an invitation to travel with this group. The travel dates are October 17th to the 22nd. As of now, the ex-penses for the trip would need to be covered mostly on your own. Lodging, food, and transportation while in Haiti has been set at $100 per day. You would also need to cover your airfare and spending money (which would be very minimal). Miquette is hoping to know who is interested in traveling around the beginning of September. If you are interested in this trip and have further questions, please contact Melissa Bergman at 986-2602 or Have a blessed day!



Mission of the Month: Lutheran Campus Ministry, Morris

Mission Items to Bring: Newborn Kits: Items needed- Ivory soap, bath sized bar, newborn

sized stocking caps, receiving blankets.

Notes from WELCA President:

How was that for a fast summer??!? Here we are into our fall schedule, resuming our quilting

and thinking about apple pies! Speaking of apple pies, we have a source for apples and I will

keep you posted on the “pie making” date. We will be selling our pies at the Holiday Expo in

Hoffman on November 17th. More on this next month.

At our September General Meeting, we will elect a President and Treasurer. Prayerfully

consider serving as a Co-President or Treasurer. Eunice Eblen has faithfully served as

treasurer for six years and deserves a break! Thank you, Eunice!!

Messiah Church has one more Farmers Market meal to serve. It is on Wednesday, September

26th. Again, volunteers will be needed at 1:30 for food prep and again at 4:30-7pm for serv-

ing and clean-up.

I will attend the Synod Women’s Convention in Park Rapids on September 8th. You are en-

couraged to attend the QMF days. We do more than quilt! There are kits to assemble for the

Fall Lutheran World Relief and Global Health Ministry. The pick up date is in October, so

your help would be greatly appreciated.

Gods work, Our hands--


Sunday, Sept 2 Fellowship Coffee -- Group #3 10:30am

Tuesday, Sept 4 Martha Bible Study at 7pm (note day change!)

Thursday, Sept 6 Quilting Mission Fellowship (QWF) at 1:30pm

September 7-8 Synodical Women’s Convention, Park Rapids

Thursday, Sept 13 Mary Bible Study at 1:00pm

Thursday, Sept 13 General Meeting at 7pm

Wednesday, Sept 26 Farmer’s Market Meal

Thursday, Sept 27 Quilting Mission Fellowship (QWF) at 1:30pm

Sunday, Sept 30 Fellowship Coffee -- Group #3 10:30am

Newsletter Deadline:

Please have your articles for the October newsletter to Becky by Thursday, September 20 to ensure that they make it into the news-letter.

October—April Service Group Meeting

Group Meeting Sunday, September 9, 2012 10:45 a.m.

The Messiah Service Group concept has worked well. It’s been

inspiring to see all the people involved in leading & supporting Sunday worship!

Because the 12 original groups were fairly small, we have combined them into 6 larger groups that each serve two months per year.

September - Yochim, Vern & Bev

March - Anderson, Curt & Cindy

Anderson, Pat, Jacki & family

Braaten, Mike, Mandy, & family

DeNoble, Candyce & family

Giese, Terry & Faye

Gulbrandson, Norman & Mavis

Johnson, Curt & Debbey

Larson, Louise

Lazier, Bruce & Mary

Lindquist, Aaron, Sarah, & family

Loeffler, Ed & Annette

Nordquist, Irma

Olesen, Charles

Randt, Brian, Pam, & family

Sanstead, Mitch, Kris, & family

Schoephoerster, Roger & Marilyn

Skogstad, Berdell

Stark, Leroy

Stark, Curt, Heidi, & family

Stock, Arlene

Sylskar, Brian, Carol, & family


October - Bergman, Steve, Melissa, family

April - Stan & Raelene Stark

Anderson, Alan & Rebecca

Anderson, Betty

Anderson, Elmer & Jeanne

Anderson, Elroy

Andreasen, Troy, Brenda & family

Backman, Jelene, & family

Bohrer, Carmelle

Bredy, Gordon & Lorraine

Bruns, Leslie & Delores

Christopherson, Cindy & family

Dynda, Don & Helen

Eblen, Gene & Eunice

Erickson, Mark

Frank, Brad, Lori, & family

Gunderson, Roger & Yvonne

Kaplor, Wanda

Nadgwick, Lorne

Nelson, Shirley

Olson, Gary & Lori

Rosdail, Susan

Shauer, Adeline

Swenson, Jeff, Clare, & family

Thorstad, Lemay & *Lillian

Thorstad, Maynard & Carol

Vestrum, Hazel

Westberg. Arlene

Yochim, Evan, Rosie & family



One never leaves the home without being clothed. How do you dress yourself each morning, “ Spiritually” ?

In Ephesians 6:10-18—Put on the Armor of God—

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around waist, with the breastplate of right-eousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flam-ing arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests”.

Put on each piece daily to guard against the devil’s wiles. In Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

Put on that armor each day and know the enemy. Is your heart heavy with something you want to share. A Stephen Minister will pray, listen and share scripture with you. Always take everything to God in prayer. In Philippians 4:19—”My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Hebrews 13:8—“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Blessings Sandy 986-2382 Ardis 986-2678

4th-12th grade Youth


September 19th at 6:00 pm



� Sunday, September 9th: Rally Sunday!! We will be starting off this new Sunday School Year with some games and great fun for everyone!! Hope to see all the SS kids there!

� Also, the Leader/Guide Installation will be held during the Church services on Sunday, September 9th

� Sunday, September 16th: Sunday School Class begins!


If your child is in Grades 3-8, they are expected to bring their Bibles each

week. It is one of our goals to get the children familiar with the parts and

books of the Bible. It’s awfully hard to work on these skills without a

Bible! Please help them remember this MOST IMPORTANT tool weekly.

The BLAST Leadership Team sign-up board is in the Narthex. We have

many spots to fill, PLEASE consider sharing yourself with the youth of



GOD’S PEOPLE IN SERVICE—SEPTEMBER ACOLYTES 2 - Ireland Winter 9-16 Ross Anderson 23-30 Savannah S.

COMMUNION 1-15 Marilyn Schoephoerster, Arlene Stock

PREPARATION 16-30 Bev Yochim, Irma Nordquist

COMMUNION ASSISTANTS Mikaylah Stark Aaron Beyer Ardis Stark


FLOWERS Lynette Bruns Wanda Stark


September 2 Marilyn Schoephoerster, Arlene Stock

September 9 Mitch & Kris Sanstead family

September 16 Marilyn Schoephoerster, Louise Larson

September 23 Arlene Stock, Jackie & Pat Anderson family

September 30 Candyce DeNoble family


September 2 LaVerne O. Bret O. Terry or Faye G Jackie O.

September 9 LaVerne O. Bret O. LeRoy Stark Hailey S.

September 16 Beverly Y. Steve B. LeRoy Stark Aiden W.

September 23 LaVerne O. Arlyn S. Pat or Jackie A Kaia F.

September 30 Beverly Y. Lynn S. Curt Stark Chris O.


September 2 Coffee served by WELCA Grp 3 in honor of Bud & Suzy Ziemer 60th Anniversary

September 9 Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for Messiah Youth Programs

September 16 Coffee served by Churchmen—Don Olson

September 23 Coffee served by Youth—Erick Stark’s, Frank

September 30 Coffee served by WELCA Group 3


September 2 Terry & Faye Giese, Ed & Annette Loeffler

September 9 Curt & Debbey Johnson

September 16 Brian & Pam Randt family

September 23 Jackie & Pat Anderson family

September 30 Curt & Heidi, Paige Stark


September 2012 Pastor’s Office: 320-986-2514 Pastor’s Cell: 651-210-8014 Church Office: 320-986-2024 Church E-mail: Pastor’s E-mail: church Web site:


1 7:30 Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at Church

2 9:30 Holy Communion

10:30 Coffee–WELCA Group 3 in honor of Ziemers 60th Ann


4 9:30 Runestone Conference Pastors 7:00 MAR-THA Bible

5 6:30 Confirmation orienta- tion for parents/students

6 1:30 QMF 7:00 Stephen Ministry

7 8 7:30 Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at Church

9 RALLY SUNDAY 8:30-11:30 Pancake Breakfast-funs for Messiah Youth Programs

9:30 Worship Service—Ldr Guide installation— Natl Yth Gathering sharing Messiah Web site intro

10:45 Sunday School

10:45 Oct. Work Service Grp

11:15 “Pay it Forward” Movie

10 11 12

3:30 8 & 9 Confirmation

5:45 Education Comm

8:00 Exec Comm

13 1:00 Mary Bible study

6:30 Outreach Mtg 7:00 WELCA Gen mtg

14 15 7:30 Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at Church

16 9:30 Holy Communion

10:30 Coffee by Churchmen

10:45 Sunday School


18 19 3:30 8 & 9 Confirmation

6:00 4-12 Kickoff/Pizza pty for area Youth at Messiah

8:00 Yth Comm mtg

8:00 Council Meeting

20 7:00 Stephen Ministry


22 7:30 Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at Church

23 9:30 Worship Service

10:30 Coffee-served by Youth

10:45 Sunday School


25 26 3:30 8 & 9 Confirmation


27 1:30 QMF

28 29 7:30 Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at Church

30 9:30 Worship Service

10:30 Coffee-WELCA Group 3

10:45 Sunday School

Synodical Women’s Conv

in Park Rapids

Messiah Lutheran Church ELCA

502 Kentucky

P.O. Box 486

Hoffman, MN 56339




Menu: Pancakes, Sausage, Orange Juice and Coffee

Free Will Offering to go toward Messiah Youth Programs



Come join in the activities planned for this first day of Sunday School. All kids grades preschool to 8th grade WELCOME

◊ “PAY IT FORWARD” ◊ 11:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Watch the movie “Pay It Forward” while enjoying some popcorn

Stewardship commi1ee wants to challenge everyone to ‘pay it forward’ in some

fashion. So come enjoy the movie and share in a discussion on how Messiah has

and will ‘pay it forward.

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