merrylands prospectus

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Merrylands Prospectus



Merrylands Primary School

Merrylands Primary School

Cumberland Drive, LaindonEssex SS15 6QS

Tel: 01268 417893Fax: 01268 491664



Primary School


Primary School

Welcome to Merrylands Primary SchoolOn beginning their education at Merrylands Primary School, children become part of a friendly co-operative environment where there is an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Each child is made to feel that they have a vitally important role to play in the life of the school. Achievements, no matter how small, are recognised and acknowledged.

At Merrylands Primary School we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum with experienced staff trained to a high level. In addition to gaining language, mathematical, scientific and technological skills, your child will build confidence, develop self-esteem, learn to make decisions and develop the ability to articulate feelings and ideas. We also attach great importance to the development of

Welcome to Merrylands Primary School

children’s social skills and seek to enable them to build relationships with other children and adults.

Merrylands Primary School plays an active part in the wider community and parents and visitors are always welcome. Similarly, children are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities provided by the school and local organisations.

You are very welcome to contact the school office to arrange a visit or ask any questions you may have.

We look forward to meeting you and showing you our school.

Sean Tobin



Primary School

The school mission statement We will achieve our vision through:

• Teams working together

• The development of independent learners and thinkers

• A secure, safe and caring learning environment

• An exciting, stimulating and flexible curriculum

• Respect and success for all

• Encouraging self-confidence, curiosity and the freedom to explore

• A partnership between staff, parents and the wider community

• A well trained and highly motivated staff who demonstrate high expectations and aspirations for every child

School Vision

School VisionA place where everybody is a valued individual and where all staff and children strive, individually and collectively, to achieve their best in all aspects of school life.


Primary School

Our school premisesThe school was opened in 1977 to serve Laindon West being the area bound between Laindon High Road and Lower Dunton Road, the Railway Line and West Mayne. The school accommodation includes classrooms, two assembly halls, two well equipped computer suites, a library, a purpose built technology room, many group rooms, a large meeting room, a parent room, a curriculum resource area and the normal administrative facilities. The grounds are pleasantly landscaped with five playgrounds, an outside learning area for the youngest children and an environmental area with vegetable gardens. The playgrounds and a playing/games field take full advantage of the existing mature trees which provide good shade for the children.

Our school premises


Primary School

The CurriculumThe curriculum at Merrylands is based on:

• The school’s vision and mission statement

• The Programmes of Study in the National Curriculum

• The Essex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education

At Merrylands we enable pupils to develop the basic skills and to use and apply these skills meaningfully within a broad and balanced curriculum. Our approach is mostly topic related, based on the programmes of study.

All children learn in mixed ability classes but within the class children are grouped according to ability for English and Maths lessons. Pupils are taught in a variety of ways – individually, in groups or as a class. All teachers work to make learning active and meaningful and give opportunities for discussion and reflection.

Group and individual targets are set with pupils on a regular cycle and discussed with parents at consultation meetings.

Active learning, educational visits, visiting experts and outdoor work are important parts of learning throughout the school.

The Curriculum


Primary School

Foundation StageThe Foundation Stage curriculum is followed in the reception classes and this provides continuity between children’s preschool provision and school. We value the role of play in developing children’s learning and experiences and use both the outdoor and indoor environments daily.

Key Stage 1At KS1 we build on the work of the Foundation Stage in the development of the whole school child continuing to ensure that children become confident and independent learners. Throughout Years 1 and 2 the children experience a rich curriculum. Much emphasis is placed on developing speaking and listening, reading and writing, number and maths skills.

Foundation Stage, Key Stages 1 & 2

Key Stage 2KS2 continues from Year 3 to Year 6 and during these years the children are challenged and motivated to become responsive learners, aware of themselves as learners and able to work co-operatively with others. We aim to keep learning fun and stimulating, underpinning the importance of strong literacy and numeracy skills as well as recognising that children will begin to show strength and talent across and beyond the curriculum.


Primary School

English Children develop their language in the areas of speaking and listening, reading and writing. English is taught daily.

All children are encouraged to take books home every day to read with their parents and for their own enjoyment. We value the role played by parents in reading with their children and are grateful to those who return their books regularly to the classroom. We find that the children of parents who find time to regularly work with their child at home make excellent progress at school. We also welcome volunteers who come into the school to listen to children read.

Children are taught to develop a comfortable and flowing, legible, joined-up style of writing. Writing is a skill that is used across the curriculum, and it is adapted for many purposes according to the work at hand. Emphasis is put on style, meaning, spelling, good grammar and punctuation.

English, Mathematics and Science

Mathematics Mathematics is taught daily. Mathematics is a powerful tool with great relevance to the real world. For this to be appreciated by pupils we try to give each child direct experiences by using mathematics in a wide range of contexts. Children are encouraged to use their knowledge and skills through investigation and problem-solving tasks. The children learn about shape and space, number, algebra, data handling, mental arithmetic and problem solving.

ScienceScience is a way of gaining knowledge and understanding of the world around us. It involves learning through first-hand experiences, problem-solving and through interpretation of findings. We want to encourage our children to develop their understanding through their own natural curiosity, to explore and discover new experiences.


Primary School

Modern Foreign Language (French)Through learning a modern foreign language children have the opportunity to experience a culture and a society in addition to that of their birth and give them a sense of what it is to be a modern European citizen.

French is taught carefully and systematically using a variety of methods and resources to enable children to speak and listen with confidence, accuracy, understanding and enjoyment.

Information & Communication TechnologyInformation Technology (ICT) is used in most areas of the curriculum. The school is well resourced with a wide range of technical equipment including laptops and iPads. We have two computer suites as well as projectors and inter-active whiteboards in each classroom. We aim for all children to become confident and competent with ICT using a wide range of programmes and activities.

MFL, Information Communication Tech


Primary School

Design TechnologyDesign Technology focuses on designing and making, as well as learning about how things work. It is a subject which has strong links with science, maths and art. It enables children to understand their world, apply knowledge and develop creative and practical skills. Great emphasis is placed on healthy foods and cooking.

History and GeographyThese subjects are mainly covered through topic work in line with the National Curriculum programmes of study. They may be included as part of a termly topic or taught in separate lessons. The children are encouraged to plan their work and to use research skills. They are also encouraged to use many different sources of information. All children get experience of working individually, in small groups and as members of the class.

Design Technology, History &Geography


Primary School

Art & DesignWork in art and design may be taught as a separate subject or to support work in other subjects. The children are taught to look at things carefully and to create pictures and models through attention to colour, shape, pattern and texture. They are encouraged to develop their own imaginative skills and to investigate different techniques and materials. All of the children study the different styles and techniques used by a variety of well-known artists.

Art and Design


Primary School

MusicMusic lessons follow a six year balanced and structured programme. We also sing in assembly and hold a weekly ‘singing’ assembly. Merrylands has always been able to devote resources to the development of music within the school and as a consequence has built up a tradition of music making, particularly singing and recorders. The school choirs take part in several annual events, such as the Basildon Choral Festival. There is a good collection of musical instruments, especially percussion, representing various different cultures.



Primary School

Physical EducationPhysical Education is a strength of the school and all types of physical skills are encouraged and developed. Children take part in at least two hours physical education (PE) each week. Our yearly PE programme covers games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and outdoor adventurous activities. The children in Years 2, 3 and 4 normally have swimming lessons paid for by the school. Also, as part of our planned work, trained sports instructors teach ball skills (football/netball/basketball) and cricket.

Outdoor EducationThe School’s Outdoor Education Project is designed to enable all KS2 pupils to learn outside the classroom, with experts who develop enthusiasm. We are developing a comprehensive programme of environmental study, life skills, survival and wilderness.

PSHEAll children follow a programme of Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education. This recognises the importance of the whole child and develops children’s relationships and social skills. Keeping safe, friendship, anti-bullying, healthy living and making well informed choices are regularly revisited as age appropriate.

In the second half of KS2 Sex and Relationship education is part of our curriculum. Our aims in these lessons are to inform the children, maintain high self esteem and self respect and promote sensitivity and responsibility as children grow.

Physical Education and PSHE


Primary School

Religious EducationReligious Education (RE) is in the curriculum by law and there must be provision for all pupils. RE is seen as an integral part of living and working together in the school family. We seek to reflect the fact that religious traditions in this country are, in the main, Christian, while taking into account the teaching and practices of other religions. We believe that knowledge and understanding of all faiths help children to respect the rights of others who hold beliefs different from their own. The class lessons follow an agreed LEA syllabus that can be made available to parents on request.

Religious Education and Assemblies

AssembliesDuring the week there is a mixture of whole school, key stage and class assemblies. These are broadly Christian based and we consider a range of topics throughout the year. We hope that all children will attend so that the school can meet together in this way but if parents wish to withdraw their child from RE or assemblies they should write to the headteacher.


Primary School

Special Educational NeedsThe term ‘Special Educational Needs’ (SEN) has a legal definition, referring to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn or access education than most children of the same age.

Special educational arrangements are made in many different ways including additional help in the classroom, specialist teaching support outside of class and intervention groups led by a learning support assistant. Children who have special educational needs are placed on the Essex Stages of Assessment and the child’s progress is regularly monitored with their parents.

Gifted, Talented and Able PupilsWe recognise the need to provide equality of opportunity for pupils of all abilities in order to maximise their potential. We are committed to helping all our pupils to develop their personalities, skills and abilities, both intellectually and socially and to providing teaching which makes learning challenging and enjoyable.

SEN and Gifted, Talented and Able Pupils


Primary School

Enrichment ActivitiesThese activities, which are for the benefit of our children, are organised by the school and includes activities run by other organisations. These clubs take place before school, during lunchtime, and after school. The range varies according to the interests and abilities of the adults and the age of the children involved. Clubs include: Football, Netball, Martial Arts, Basketball, Chess, Gardening, Cooking, Choir, Fencing, Tennis and Homework Club. Our Breakfast Club runs every school day throughout the year from 7.45am. All children are eligible to join this club. Further details are available from the School Office.

Parents and VisitorsAll parents are welcomed at Merrylands School. Parents are encouraged to support their child’s education by following all aspects of the Home-School Agreement and especially by making sure that their child completes their homework.

Many parents come into the classroom to listen to readers, work with individual children or small groups, help supervise on class visits, etc. If you have a skill you would be willing to share, please let us know.

Parent - Teacher consultation meetings are held at least twice a year and a school report is written towards the end of the school year.

We recognise that the success of your child’s education depends on close co-operation between home and school and you are, therefore, invited to make an appointment at any other time to discuss your child’s progress and welfare.

Parental Involvement & Enrichment


Primary School

Home Activities and HomeworkAll children are expected to read regularly at home for a minimum of one hour per week. We encourage parents to read aloud to their child throughout their primary years. From Year 1 children will have a list of spellings, number bonds and times tables to learn each week. Other planned home activities relevant to the work in class plus mathematics and literacy is given on a regular basis and there is progression from Year 1 to Year 6 in terms of amount and independence.

Home Activities and Homework


Primary School

Pastoral CareAt Merrylands all staff work closely together to ensure there is a safe, secure and supportive environment where children will be happy and well cared for.

Children are encouraged to talk to their parents or an adult in school if they have any problems or worries and school and home can then liaise together to support the child. The school has a Parent Liaison Officer and families can ask for support with any issues which may impact on a child’s learning.

Pastoral Care

Our behaviour policy is based on a positive approach. In September each class negotiates a class set of rules, rewards and sanctions. It is important that home and school work closely together and we will liaise with and consult parents if difficulties arise.

The school has strong policies with regard to bullying and these are revisited each year in lessons, ‘circle time’ and assemblies.


Primary School

Child ProtectionThe school is strongly committed to safeguarding the well being of all the children and has clear procedures and policies with regard to child protection and safeguarding children in our care. All staff, coaches, outside teachers and volunteers are appropriately checked prior to working in school. Records are kept of checks made. Training is part of staff induction and regularly updated. Annual reports are made to the governing body. The Headteacher is the designated person for Child Protection.

Medicines and Child Protection

MedicinesPrescribed medicines cannot be administered to children at school unless agreed directly with the Headteacher and First Aider and upon the completion of a “Request for the Administering of Medicines” form. Parents should make every effort to administer medicines before and after school. Pupils should not bring medicines into school.


Primary School

The Friends of Merrylands School (FOMSA)All parents are automatically members of our Parent - Teacher Association as soon as their child is admitted to the school.

FOMSA brings together the staff, parents and friends of the school for the benefit of the children’s education. The profits from social and fund-raising activities are donated to the school and spent entirely on improving the education provided for every child.

Committee members are always pleased to hear from anyone willing to lend a helping hand or about any new ideas for future activities. Please help your child by supporting The Friends of Merrylands School.

Friends of Merrylands School (FOMSA)


Primary School

Visits and Charging PolicyThe school policy on charging is in line with that of Essex Local Authority. Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of educational visits, visiting speakers or workshops. If there are financial difficulties families are encouraged to contact the Headteacher or Parent Liaison Officer. Requests are dealt with in total confidence.

Complaints ProcedureParents are encouraged to discuss issues with the Headteacher as soon as possible.

We want to be able to resolve matters to everyone’s satisfaction. However, if a matter is not resolved, then the school has an established complaints procedure, a copy of which is available from the school office.

Visits and Charging Policy & Complaints


Primary School

School Uniform Ofsted quotes

School UniformWe are grateful that families strongly support our school uniform policy and proud that the children look so smart. Enclosed with this prospectus is a list of items, some of which are available in school.

Oftsed - June 2011There are some good features in the school’s work. In particular, good care, guidance and support mean that pupils enjoy school, feel safe, get on well together, lead healthy lifestyles, behave well and play a significant part in enabling the school to run smoothly.

Merrylands Primary School

Cumberland Drive, LaindonEssex SS15 6QS

Tel: 01268 417893Fax: 01268 491664


Merrylands Primary School


Primary School

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