merry christmas & happy new year for 2013 · richard lawson, cremorne point, sydney, has a 1960...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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Aug 19 2012. At Eastern creek 117 clubs attended with 1837 vehicles on display. All were given the opportu-nity to drive / ride around the now 4.3km circuit.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year for 2013

Left, Bob Billiard’s Goggo carry all van, driven by his son Martyn. Arriving minus the petrol cap. Is it common to leave it on the roof while filling the tank?

Right, Don Mould and wife arrive in style in their Goggomobil Dart, this after a long absence, owing to electrical problems, that have been repaired recently.

Guess whose car this smoke is coming from?

No 92 Dec Summer 2012

Price $5.00


Club Preamble 

'New to the group and renewals'

A warm welcome to these new members:

John DeRuiter, Kilburn SA has a very strong connection to Goggos and has been a mem-ber of the Goggomobil register for many years.

Michael and Gail Truter have re-joined after a couple of years. They live at Bawley Pt, NSW and have an interesting collection of cars, including Hillmans and a Bond Bug.

John Agostini. Is now partly retired and living in the Perth suburb of Carlisle. Not wanting to be left out from microcar goings on has also renewed his membership

Simon Vassallo has recently imported a Trojan microcar from England. Now that repairs have been completed to the brakes and body trim he will be putting it on concessional rego.

Richard Lawson, Cremorne Point, Sydney, has a 1960 Innocenti TV175 Lambretta fully restored and in regular use. (I haven't met him yet but hope to see him soon Ed)

This being the last magazine for the year, the committee and all start by wishing ‘A Very Merry Christmas’ a ‘Happy and Prosperous New Year’ to all our readers, subscribers and reporters. This comes with heartfelt thanks from me as well FD.

Due in no small part to John’s persuasive ways, this edition is overflowing with events, outing reports and photos. Thank you

to John and all who took the time to contribute. Additional thanks to Graham Sims for his proof-reading expertise, these correct our newsletters, giving them the professional appear-ance they end up with. Now I can’t forget the rest of the committee for their time and skilled ways they apply to make the club run so smoothly. A double thanks to you all

August meeting minutes included, among other things, our Insurance renewal. The current policy expired on 1 October 2012, now renewed. TCIS policy summarised as follows: Public liability cover increased to $20 million up from $10 million. Public & Product liabil-ity cover: $6.10 per member for club membership 51-100. Minimum annual premium is $320 (equivalent to 50 members). Excess $500. Management liability: $125pa. Excess $1000. Voluntary accident policy: $60pa min / $0.50 per head. Our finances are in a healthy state; see Allen's Tirade on page four. Mail was received from ‘Allparts Automotive’ inviting our club to list on their website. While on the subject of our IT presence another reminder for you, the reader, to check out our website that has had some minor changes and additions made. Any of you out there wanting to have your event, your vehicle’s history, story, restoration advice or photos put up, you only have to let Fred know. Another site giving our club a presence has been set up by Boon Lim on facebook. Check out This, we feel, is essential, particularly with the younger, more ‘Hi Tec’ communicative savvy. These we must encourage as they will (we hope) take over our vehicles when we ‘drop off the perch’.


Fred’s Rumblings   A little respect! Next time a person swears at you in traffic, why not wave giddily at them so they spend the rest of the day wondering which acquaintance they just insulted. It might also prompt them to considerer the great human frailty - that we so often treat strangers in a way we would never treat friends. It’s a flaw of our nature on display every morning in traffic queues, as people cut each other off, then mutter in disbelief when strangers do exactly the same to them. Imagine, however, if we knew everyone in the cars beside us. If the person trying to merge frustratingly late was our mother or the man we’re overtaking dangerously was our best mate or son? Respect for our own is why your aver-age Aussie doesn’t chuck a chip packet out the car window on his street - because the person who’ll likely have to pick it up could be a neighbour, even a family member. On an anonymous freeway, however, it’ll probably be a face- less worker doing the cleaning, so out the window goes the chip packet. One of the funda- mental limitations of our monkey brains seams to be we can only empathise with a finite number of people– usu-ally friends, family and colleagues - before many of us trail off into apathy and then, too often, outright contempt. And when you won’t delay your passage through the world by three seconds, to allow another car to merge, that’s the germ of contempt. Luckily our vehicles, mainly used at weekends, thus avoid the morning and evening peak frustration periods. Personally I feel micro cars bring out the best in other drivers, being unusual, cute, colour-ful, small and very photo-genic. How many times, when you have been out, have you had mo-bile phones and cameras pointed at you? Probably not enough for the extroverted of us?

Who said Isettas don’t pull the birds any more? This is another way for an Isetta to keep pulling

them. Turn it into a weather vane!

Thanks Alan Town


Treasurer’s Tirade 

It’s not really a tirade. It just sounded good when I said it aloud and don’t worry, I’m not going to go on and on about our financial situation, as, actually it is pretty good. Memberships are holding relatively steady and the take up of email version of the magazine (a bit slow) not only allows us to provide large type, higher resolution images, and hopefully soon video grabs but also helps us save a few bob on postage / production as well. Some expenses have gone up a bit but that’s to be expected, but we are doing ok.

No, I just thought I’d put a couple of observations together. It was the first respectable weather day today so I thought I’d take a scooter to work and I began to think how practical is a bike in this day and age. I mean how useful does it have to be to justify its existence. Does it have to?

I ride a bike for work and the little Honda earns its keep. For the measly $3 a day or so that it uses in fuel and being relatively cheap and easy to service, it has to carry mail, medium sized parcels (of which there is an increasing amount, cheers eBay), registered articles, express post and a postman in all kinds of weather over all kinds of terrain and be completely reli-able, apart from punctures.

But does my own bike have to be such a hero? Can it just be for fun or should it have to have some sort of practical element? The sports bike fraternity would probably say that being able to get from A to B in the shortest possible time makes it infinitely practical. But couldn’t you ride a slower bike and just leave a bit earlier? Harley Davidson / cruiser riders have their own ideas; tourers like to tour on them etc, etc. Dad used to say, the way to measure a bike’s worth was in its beer carrying capacity, which scores the Zündapp Bella, high (2 cartons) and the Adler, low (couple of bottles stuffed in-side your jacket) but I know if it came to the crunch, which one he would let go of and which

one he’d keep.

From my point of view if it’s fun to ride, whether your idea of fun is excitement, a challenge or just a laugh and you can carry something or someone then that’s a good enough reason for it to exist.

Both practical and chal-lenging and I’ve had a laugh. This guy’s living the dream. Al


Sydney Motor Sport Park (formerly known as Eastern Creek). 

Wrong it was Phil Martin's Messerschmitt!

The Shannons Classic Day, front page bottom photo and this one, were taken by Robert, who is with The Sydney Bus Museum. After much finger gesturing, the photos were taken from the rear platform of a 1950 Leyland Titan OPD 2/1 Double Decker as our club vehicles lined up on the circuit slip road prior to our run around the track.

Concessional rego & Inspection Day Bicentennial Park, Homebush  June 10 

Hardly anyone turned up at the inspection day as it was raining most of the day. The stalwarts for the day, as normal, were Tim - Mazda, Boon - Lloyd, Keith - Heinkel scooter, Allen - Lambretta Cento and Rick carting along his Lambretta motor that Keith and Allen set to repairing and advising on.


This event is run annually in conjunction with the Baulkham Hills Shire Orange Blossom Festival and was the brainchild of the (now retired) State MP Wayne Merton. After a year or two of confusion, it is now looked after by local Real Estate man Trevor Leslie and his better half. With the choice of at least six car events available to us on the day in Sydney (some others went to Burwood), I only decided to revisit the Bull and Bush Hotel car park while eating breakfast, and was one of the last to arrive at 9.00 am.

The bitumen area was full, so I joined about 30 to 40 others in the paddock adjacent, along with around 10 or 12 swap meet people. All in, there were around 120 display vehicles covering the full spectrum from a T model to a current Jag, hard tops, convertibles, 2 doors, 4 doors, fast backs, motor bikes, tiny Austin 7's to huge US Muscle cars, and of course one NSU Prinz. I spent some time checking out the classics and their owners before finding with one of the swappers, an unused (still in plastic wrap) hard cover repair manual covering NSU's from 1958 to 1972. A rare find and it made my day.

In my younger days, Margaret and I drove a 5 litre V8 Holden Brougham for nearly 10 years, sharing the garage with a Cooper S, and rare as they were, I was parked next to a restored version of the exact model we owned way back

then. Our 583ccs next to the 5000 cc Brougham. That's a 10 to 1 ratio in capacity and 2cyl versus 8cyls.

By 12.30 the cars had begun to trickle out, and as I started off, the owners of a rather neat Wolseley rushed over to tell me I was a trophy winner. 20 minutes later, the local State MP David Elliott presented a small group of us with very attractive plaques to recognise our vehicles. All attendees received a small, but quality plaque for attending. This followed the tradition set by Wayne Merton for many years till now. Might have to come back next year (with some others of you, the readers) ….... John R

Baulkham Hills Orange Blossom Festival  Classic Car and Bike Show Sunday 16th September 


Chatswood Willoughby Spring Fair  Willoughby Street fair and Parade..... Saturday 15th September

This is an annual event that the MCSC has attended for many years. In recent times the mo-tor vehicle representation (besides us) has only included the odd other vehicle or three, often Cadillac or other large marques. It is always very tight for parking whilst awaiting the start of the parade, then very hectic trying to drive back to the display area. This year the Buick car and Fiat car clubs were invited, it was bedlam at the start where some of us were simply stopped in one of the two lanes of traffic in Help Street. The parade went off without a hitch, the Buicks went first, followed by the Fiats, then we (Monica and Keith's Lloyd wagon, Boon's Lloyd sedan, my NSU and Allen's Vespa) bought up the rear. As usual, Victoria Ave Chatswood was chock-a-block with spectators, who gave us a very warm reception. Once back to the display site, we secured the vehicles and sampled the many types of food and drink and checked out the information and product booths. Lots to see and do before once more saying goodbye to Willoughby's very successful Fair Thanks, Boon for doing the legwork for this event...... John R

Burwood Fair and Display Day Another annual spring show for Burwood 16th September 2012

I got to the park about 8:30 and was directed to where all the Fiats were parked near the Children’s entertainment area. The weather was perfect. Keith and Monica (Lloyd) joined me not long after. Allen (Lambretta Centro) was a little late joining us and apparently he got in for free! The fair and display was well at-tended by many clubs. Unfortunately the Orange Blossom show, at Castle Hill, was on the same day so we only had three of our vehicles attending the display and fair. The Fiat (social) club had a big representation at the show. As agreed, I had to leave early (noon) Keith and Allen, apparently, left not long after. Boom Lim.


Checked the weather forecast on Friday 5th October, it was not encouraging to say the least but I was optimistic – only cloudy isolated showers! It will be alright on the day. As it turned out, there were a few light drizzles in the morning and by the time I took the car out, it was clear but cloudy. Got to Balls Head at 10am (a long 240 sec-onds drive) and no rain! As usual, I was the first to arrive.

Allen (Scooter) and Keith (Lloyd) arrived not long after. Dave Nobbs managed to get his Messerschmitt started and got to Balls Head with no idle! Good thing it was only a slightly 60 seconds longer drive than mine! Dave joined us at the Coal Loader for a quick tour of the area. John and Margaret arrived as we got back to Balls Head car park where we had parked the cars. Still no rain! We got the BBQ going soon after. Still no rain and the sun came out for a brief period! Chandra (my wife) delivered my lunch and the salad, just in time for us all to sit down to enjoy the day. Dave led us out of Balls Head around 3PM. Boon Lim.

More photos I took at the Chatswood Parade, Burwood Show and Balls Head are on the Facebook club site page!

Balls Head BBQ & Picnic Saturday 6th October, organised by Boon Lim. 

Will anything come of this? Petrol created by using air and electricity. REVOLUTIONARY technology that produced “petrol from air” is being refined by a Brit-ish firm. The small company in the north of England has developed the ‘air capture’ technol-ogy to create synthetic petrol using only air and electricity. Experts have hailed the break-through as a potential ‘game-changer’ in the battle against climate change and dwindling energy supplies. The ’petrol from air’ technology, presented to a London engineering conference last week, extracts carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and hydrogen from water vapour. It then com-bines them to produce methanol, which is processed to form petrol. The company, Air Fuel Syndication, says it produced five litres of petrol in less than three months from a small refinery. The fuel can be used in any regular petrol-powered vehicle. The project, in development for the past two years, was backed by a group of unnamed philanthropists. While the technology has the backing of Britain’s Institution of Mechanical Engineers, it has yet to capture the interest of major oil companies. Company executives hope to build a large plant, which could produce more than a tonne of petrol every day within two years. Telegraph, London, report.


3rd Annual Motoring Expo at the Australian Motorlife Museum (Home of the Paul Butler Collection)

Sunday 3rd Sept I met with about 35 other members of the NRMA's Classic Car Club at the Kiosk in Parramatta Park. An excellent cross section of cars. We were welcomed there by the club and issued with our 'package' for the day. This included brekkie and lunch vouch-ers, vehicle lists (of participants and vehicles), ID entry to Motorlife, the latest copy of Aus-tralian Classic Car, and comprehensive instruction on the route to be taken to travel to Dapto.

At 8.15 we set off, and made our way in small informal groups through Auburn, Yagoona, Alford's Bridge, Menai, Sutherland and into the Royal National Park. So far so good, as I travelled with a '56 Chevy and a 71 XY Fairmont. The run through the park seemed longer and more challenging than the last time I was there (10 years back in a modern car). The long winding downhills stretched the brakes and the long winding uphills tested the NSU's ability to keep up with the V8's I was with (not quite like a group of Micros together). A motorbike that sped past us over double whites was seen 5 minutes later talking to a High-way patrol. Nice result! Out of the Park, we travelled down the picturesque coast, over the Sea Cliff Bridge past Wollongong and Pt Kembla to Motorlife.

We joined about 150 classics from some south coast car clubs plus many individuals (including motorbikes) in the display area, then toured the museum. Quite a good selection of cars, bikes, trucks, buses, caravans, cutaway engines, tools, accessories, typewriters, tele-phones, gramophones, memorabilia, tea room, and workshop that can keep you busy for a few hours. Not to be missed is our own Fred Diwell’s Zeta runabout currently on loan to the museum. Other Micros currently on display are a blue Messerschmitt, Olive green and white Lloyd Alexander, a powder blue Fiat 500, and a Vespa GS160 with sidecar.

Music was provided by the Belmore Basin Jazz band, and at one stage they had at least a dozen ukuleles playing together. Prizes for the top vehicles were presented by well known (now partly retired ) motoring writer Pedr Davis, who also spoke of the distrust/dislike of the introduction of the motorcar at the turn of the century ( 1896 to 1904 or thereabouts). The 280kms trip was a good day's outing, and not as demanding as last Sunday’s round trip to the German Auto Display in Can-berra (598kms). Fortunately at an aver-age 56 miles per gallon trips in the NSU don't impact the bank bal-ance too much. (Did pick up an NSU lapel badge )...John R


Italy / Euro Fiesta August 26th

Well this was the first year for us and being the week after the Eastern Creek classic and the same day as the all British we only had three club members able to attend. But we covered the basics, two wheels, three wheels and four wheels. Graham Sims was out with his Isetta at its first club event, while Ric managed to get all the kids to behave in the Fiat for the trip from Merrylands, and I dragged out the purple Lam-bretta for a run. The Day which was originally known as the Italian fiesta had all the Italian flair for food,

wine and organisation. So you were already into the spirit of it by the time you managed to squeeze be-tween the other cars to park your vehicle. So from Fiat 500 to Ferrari there was plenty to catch your eye. Musicians circulated through the crowds playing traditional music, whilst the kids were either watching the puppet show, having their faces painted or getting up close to some farm animals. The weather was spot on and I could

have got carried away with chatting to some past club members and other enthusiasts and some dessert and wine tasting, but I had a job to go to in the afternoon so I had to leave early. But from all reports everyone had a good time and we should put this one down as a must for next year especially now it is not just Italian vehicles. Al

Trivia to use at Christmas parties .

Things you never knew about microcars:

During 1964, an Isetta was used to smuggle nine people (one at a time!) across the Berlin wall by squeezing them into the heater com-partment. The ruse was only discovered when a passenger sneezed at the checkpoint!

A humpback whale calf can be up to 4.5 metres long and weigh as much as 900kg when it is first born.

Did you know: A truly wise man doesn’t play leapfrog with a unicorn?

The psychiatrist thought the whole idea was madness, while the radiologist could see right through it. Merry Christmas All


Hello! Have you ever done an article on racing microcars in your mag, or are you all purists only inter-ested in original or restored examples?

I found these on a video of 25 years drag racing in SA. They are at Brooks-field strip c1966. Not sure of the power plants, but there was a Holden ‘six’ powered Zeta and another with a Ford ‘six’. Geoff Nowak SA.

Goggomobil see our mag number ???? For its latest creation



To be continued next year




From the Goggomobil archives

Continued Those stored for long periods (up to and including 12 months). The tests used highly polished mild steel probes in accordance with oil industry practice, in a procedure developed by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) of Amer-ica. The stability additives that passed the test are: VSPe Power Plus, VSPe and EPS from Millers Oils, Ethomix from Frost ART Ltd. Ethanolmate from Flexolite. These all received an ‘A’ rating in the research which enables all these products to carry an endorsement from the FBHVC. The endorsement is in the form of the FBHVC logo and the words: ‘endorsed by the FBHVC as a fuel additive for protection against corrosion in met-als’. Ethanol also has a leaning effect and so carburettors need to be adjusted or the air/fuel ratio changes may cause driveability problems and increase exhaust temperature.

This problem of excessive under bonnet temperature is already well known to the Messer-schmitt driver. We may need to perfect further measures to restrict heat transfer to carbu-rettors by the possible use of baffles, pipe routing, thermal blocks and breaks or/also add-ing fans to distribute air flow around the under bonnet area and carburettor.


Since the first Goggomobil left the factory at Dingolfing in the spring of 1955, nearly 100.000 of these cars have been produced and nearly as many families are happy to be in a position to move independently, protected against the inclemency of the weather at all times. All this time, the designers have been looking to the future and, on the drawing boards and on the prov-ing grounds, they have been busy with this new car. So now that the time has arrived, when the children are grown up, and it is necessary to have a bigger vehicle, the new, larger and improved version of your favourite car, the Goggomobil, is available.

The seats can now be adjusted to a reclining position for resting periods on a long journey or for camping overnight, a feature which has hitherto been incorporated only in luxury cars.

For those who value more vivid acceleration and higher top speed, the parallel-twin two-stroke Glas engine, well-known for its liveliness, has been increased to 400cc with the brake horse-power also increased to 20bhp. The designers meantime have not lost sight of the proverbial economy of the Goggomobil and you will still fid that a little petrol goes a long way when you go by Goggomobil.


Important! Since the production of the attached leaflet, describing the B.95 it has been decided to import to Australia only B.105 models. There will be no increase in price for the added performance. In appear-ance, the B.105 is identical to the B.59 however, the engine produces 50 BHP at 6250 r.p.m. instead of 40 BHP at 5,500 r.p.m. the increase in power is brought about by:- 1 Higher compression pistons of 8:1 2 Ported and polished heads 3 Quick lift camshafts. 4 The fitting of an Amal 10 T.T.9 carburettor. The above modifications combine to give a maximum speed of over 100 MPH using the standard gearing of 14.3 MPH per 100 RPM. In 4th gear. Transmission, suspension, complete weather protection are unchanged.

Berkeley didn’t want to be out

done ! From the BerKe-

ley archives

John Fryirs from Moss Vale had a clean up prior to his overseas trip and came across this Berkeley and Goggomobil informa-tion. More to follow next year. As this copy is very hard to read, anyone wanting the information or a copy of the text contact Fred for a photocopy of the original.. Many thanks John, next a short story relat-ing to the holiday?


The Concours d'Elegance. Rare classics in baroque surroundings. Vehicles at the 4th Schloss Classics Bensberg Concours d'Elégance have all made history in one way or another. As in previous years, an exclusive selection of spectacular classics awaits you in the breathtaking inner courtyard of the Grand hotel The stuff of legend, exclu-sive pieces and exceptional prototypes are all the cars on display during Schloss Bensberg. A high-calibre jury chaired by Dr Franz-Josef Paefgen, former chairman of Bentley Motors and president of Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S., judged the participating vehicles. The 2012 Concours d’Elégance at the Schloss Bensberg Classics is also a FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens) A-rated event, the highest rating FIVA bestows.

Oliver Hartmann, of Germany, Frisky owner, (bottom left photo) just participated in this FIVA Concours “Schloss Bensberg Classics” The event is sponsored by VW. A Scootercar made third in its class after a Bizzarini and a boring Toyota 800.


‘Above & below’ A couple of commercial vehicles on display in Zug during our 2009 trip to Switzerland.

Allan & Veined Jolly.

Overseas Events & news



Restoration help, info & advice

Correspondence Received Fiat - Chrysler - ATECO distribution Australia and New Zealand’s leading independent car distributor, the Ateco Group will transfer Australian and New Zealand distributorship of the Alfa Romeo, Fiat and Fiat com-mercial vehicle brands to the factory - Chrysler Australia (CA) in Australia on 1 May after successfully returning the three brands to the Australian market. In New Zealand, where Ateco took over distribution of Alfa Romeo and Fiat in 2000. Arrangements are being made for a new distribution network. Following the Fiat Group’s takeover of Chrysler the new Group is combining its distribution arms in all major markets and concentrating on those, such as CA, that are factory owned. The changes to Alfa Romeo and Fiat distribution will have no effect on the distribution of Ferrari and Maserati, which will remain with European Automotive Imports. All existing Fiat and Alfa Romeo dealers will move with the brands to CA, while arrange-ments for staff at Ateco who worked exclusively on Alfa Romeo and Fiat will be made on an individual basis. Fiat left the Australian car market in 1989, followed by Alfa Romeo’s departure in 1992 after the Fiat Group decided that neither brand was a viable proposition for the local market under its own factory administration despite an Australian history that dated back as far as 1901 for Fiat commercial vehicles. Editor Note: Lightburn in SA were distributors for Alfa Romeo cars in the 1960’s,

Andrew of Western Australia needed to replace his Messerschmitt rear suspension rubber inserts. This is the advice he was given, being told, it’s removing the old ones that is diffi-cult.

First remove the rear guard, speedo cable, rear shock absorber. Easiest to leave the rear brake cable attached! Remove the rear swinging arm clamps noting where the spacers are of the 8 bolts. (could be two or four spacers) Swing the unit around as far as you can take into account the brake cable if you’re lucky the outer metal part of the old donuts will peel off the rubber, maybe will need some force, then cut off/ remove the remaining rubber. This leaves the inner metal ring around the swinging arm. There are several ways of removing these, the easiest way I have found is to cut through with a hack saw or dremel as best as you can then use a cold chisel to break the remaining bit of the ring. You can’t get the hack saw cut right up to the inner near the swinging arm. Make sure you don't cut into the aluminium. Another way is to tack-weld two threaded rods onto the inner ring, then make up a circular plate to cover the drive/ speedo openings. Place another plate over the rods with a spacer in between and pull the old rings off. Make sure you clean and polish the chain case shafts then. MAKING SURE the new units are around the right way push/ tap them on. Bolt it all together, making sure the spacers, (there may only be two) behind the 8 bolts go on the correct way, they have a champers that goes inner down to the outer, so the other


14.06.12 Neijmeijer Lubertus = NZ Bert, comments on Mulhouse museum.

Sure, that is big, no huge, gargantuan and totally massive, but it is not the biggest collection in Europe! The biggest one is actually the Mahy collection in Brussels/Leuze, with more than 1,000 vehicles. Mind you, the "Schlumpf" collection in Mulhouse is big enough to keep you entertained for many hours. I visited the place twice, had to recharge my cameras and used many memory sticks/cards to photograph most of the vehicles. Ferraris, Matras, Talbots and Bugattis as far as one can see, one-offs, weird ones, all sorts. Yes, there are some micros there, too, but they are not shown on the slide show. It is even more astounding if you realise that most of those vehicles were bought with stolen money, funds siphoned off from the tex-tile works they owned (which went bankrupt as a result). Then the "State" stepped in and confiscated the lot, to the glory of the fatherland, proclaiming it the National Automobile Museum of France. It makes Robin Hood and Ned Kelly pale in comparison! The area it is in is a rough, semi-industrial part of town, but Mulhouse has a nice historic centre with signifi-cant buildings. It is easiest to reach Mulhouse from Basle, Switzerland. Not a bad thing, be-cause Basle has good rail connections to Germany and Italy and has a car museum near to the railway station (approx 1 hr on foot), located in a round building. That is worth a visit as well. Regards, Bert.

Correspondence Received

Can you think of a better Christmas

present for yourself or your partner?

Rumcar News is it, this “Specialist Microcar” quarterly magazine specializing in the rarest microcars from around the world. It is fortunate in having some of the most knowl-edgeable and best known writers on their subject, and is where

the experts start to look, when researching a rare microcar. It is not too late to subscribe for 2012 yes that is 2012.

They will send you three back issues straight away, and the last issue of the year in mid December, only £17.50 for printed copies, (overseas may be more? Ed) or £10 for digital copies by e-mail.

Send your cash, or cheque made payable to: The Register of Unusual Microcars, Rumcar, School House Farm, Boarden Lane, Hawkenbury, Staplehust Kent TN12 0EB or to pay by Pay Pal go to the Rum website at: and follow the Rumcars News links.


For Sales

WANTED MICROCAR for restoration in any condition; Isetta, Messerschmitt or any other make of microcar. Please ring Angelo mobile 0419 255 444 or email

WANTED SCOOTER Bob Nash is looking for a Vespa Scooter. Prefer going one but a restoration project could be considered.


Ian Wilson has numerous Haflinger parts and chassis and a complete car for sale (needs res-toration)! Complete car minus engine ideal for restoration $2500. 1 Chassis minus engine, Lots of smaller spares but not much in the way of body parts, these located in Adelaide SA, for full details give Ian a ring and he’ll see if he can help. H 08 8262 3033 M 0408 836 123

Fred has received three replacement points backing plates (suit Messerschmitt) these take Siba points. The assembly replaces Bosch points that are no longer available. Contact Fred for delivery details.

In the last magazine the Trabby article was written by Paul Markham who has a blog site covering his ‘second’ greatest love Heinkel. He goes on to say “I’m a project manager in sunny Perth WA, with an unhealthy interest in vintage motor scooters, travel and ancient history.” Follow his interest at

Scooter Précis

If this Isetta is still for sale, and you’re interested, contact Mark Jansen mob 417 828 569 email or LMD 3498874

Two NSU Prinz cars: great little restoration project on eBay Located at Harcourt, Victoria, last price check, $2000 for both cars.

Another NSU Prinz this time in Sydney. Needing complete restoration, a Prinz MkII (?) with many extra bits. Call Graham Kemmis on 02 9869 2415. A number of photos are available form John at <>

What happened to all you scooter guys and girls? all been hibernating or hiding? Nothing heard from any of you for the past few months………..shame! Surely one of you must have had some adventure or ride out to report.



‘Microcar and Scooter Club Inc’ No 987 6195.

Web site, email

Correspondence C/o MCSC. Post Office Box 42, Berowra, NSW, 2081.

President: John Renshaw, ph 02 9484 8666, <> Secretary: Douglas Kennedy, ph 02 9456 2833, <> Treasurer: Allen Wall, 02 9707 2296 or 0417 267 173, <> Editor: Fred Diwell, with assistance from Graham Sims and John Renshaw, ph/fax 02 4565 0219, e-mail <> Mag distribution: John Renshaw with assistance from Douglas Kennedy and Allen Wall Events Co-ordinator: Scott Stevenson with a request for assistance Events: Allen Wall, along with committee collaboration. Research officer: Douglas Kennedy, contact as above. Spare parts adviser: Fred Diwell, contact as above. Club plate register & inspector: Keith Wall, and movement day book Ph 02 9790 3803 or 02 9707 2296 CMC delegates: Allen Wall, Peter Luks Mark Robinson. Public officer: Allen Wall.

The objectives of membership are for the preservation, restoration and promotion of Microcars and Scooters, all kept to as original condition as practical. Monthly meetings take place at the Greyhound Club, Boardman Ave, Yagoona, on the third Friday of each month starting around 7.45 p.m. We hold rallies and social events on a regular basis for members and associate with similar clubs here and overseas. Localised personal information and advice can be acquired from our state delegates or web site:

⇒ Victoria: Paul Lucas at Mornington, 03 5975 7203. ⇒ Queensland: Terry White at Kelvin Grove 07 3356 5828. ⇒ Tasmania: John Barrass at Newstead 03 6333 0544. ⇒ Western Australia Zig Pasnicki has put his hand up 08 9397 6315. ⇒ South Australia: Ian Wilson at Clearview 08 8262 3033. ⇒ Queensland Ruth Farrar (BMW specialist) 0438 883 201.

Other independent associated registers and clubs that promote the same ideals are: British two stroke club in Victoria, Goggomobil register in NSW, Microcar Club of New Zealand, Siva in Perth WA, Velosolex Oz group in Vic, and Southwest Brisbane motoring club inc.

The club magazine is published four times a year around the beginning of March, June, Septem-ber, and December. Items for inclusion should be submitted to the editor by the 20th of the month prior to publication; receiving information early gives us a better chance of getting the magazine out on time. Rates for half or full page advertisements are available at modest cost.

Membership joining and renewals can now be made by direct debit to Bendigo Bank BSB 633000.East Gosford, to MCSC Inc A/c 122802259. Make sure you put your name in the com-ments section so we know who it’s from.

During compilation of this publication the MCSC editor believed all reports and information true and correct. However the editor makes no representations, either expressed or implied as to the accuracy of information and data contained herein, and accepts no liability for any use of the information and data or reliance placed upon it. In other words if we got something wrong we are sorry and let us know. This particularly applies to phone numbers, dates and name spelling. We do try our best! All rights reserved © 2012 MCSC.

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