memon cv march 2016 - psychology royal holloway university ·...

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Memon  C.V        March  2016    

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 Amina  Memon  

   Educational  Background  &  Qualifications    1982   B.Sc.  Hons   Psychology          (First  Class)            University  of  East  London                                                                                                                                                1985   Ph.D                            Psychology                                                                  Nottingham  University    2012          LLM     Human  Rights       Birkbeck  College      Employment  History    2009-­‐                      Professor  of  Psychology,  Royal  Holloway,  University  of  London    2003-­‐2008      Professor  of  Psychology,  University  of  Aberdeen  2003-­‐1999    Senior  Lecturer,  University  of  Aberdeen  1996-­‐1998          Visiting  Research  Scientist,  University  of  Texas  at  Dallas    1996-­‐1997    Visiting  Lecturer,  Southern  Methodist  University,  Texas  1990-­‐  1999              Lecturer  in  Psychology      Southampton  University.  1989-­‐1990        Research  Fellow  Christ  Church  College,  Canterbury    1985-­‐1987          Research  Fellow,  University  of  California  Los  Angeles.    Professional      Affiliations    British  Psychological  Society:    Fellow.      Association  of  Psychological  Science  (USA):  Fellow  Royal  Society  of  Arts:  Fellow  Scottish  Institute  of  Policing  Research:  Associate  International  Investigative  Interviewing  Research  Group:  Member  Society  for  Applied  Research  in  Memory  and  Cognition  Member    Leadership    2014-­‐       Director  Masters  Programmes  Royal  Holloway  University  of  London  (RHUL)

2009-­‐   Director,    RHUL    Eyewitness  Research  group    2005-­‐9         Director,  Masters  in  Research  University  of  Aberdeen  2000-­‐5         Director  of  Postgraduate  Studies        1999       School  of  Psychology  Advisory  Group  (Senior  Management  Committee)    1999           Member  of  School  of  Psychology  Research  Committee  2000  -­‐     Academic  Mentor  to  junior  colleagues,  Southampton,  Aberdeen,  Royal  

Holloway  2000-­‐         Appointing  and  Search  Committees  for  academic  positions,  Southampton  &  

Aberdeen  University  and  RHUL    

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 Knowledge  Transfer  Activities   Association  of  Chief  Police  Officers:  Visual  and  Voice  Identification  Strategy  Group    

Centre  for  the  Study  of  Emotion  and  the  Law  (CSEL):  Trustee    

Asylum  Aid:  Project  Advisory  Board    

Leadership  Academy  for  Asian  Women  (LAAW)-­‐  Co-­‐Founder    Mosaic  Mentor:  inspiring  young  people  from  deprived  communities    

Freedom  from  Torture:  Research  &  Ethics  Board  

Provision  of  specialist  services  in  children’s  testimony      Inter  municipal  Hospital  District  of  Southwest  Finland    Fair  Trials  International:  Research  &  Advisory  Panel    

Judicial  Studies  Committee  (Scotland)  –  Training  in  Credibility  Assessment    

The  Sharan  Project            Forced  Marriage      Ambassador   Successful  Research  Funding    2016      Royal  Holloway  University  Research  Strategy  Fund.  Mindfulness  Based  Stress  Reduction  for  Hospice  Staff,  2,000.      2012-­‐2013      The  Economic  &  Social  Research  Council.    Eyewitness  Testimony  in  Autism  Spectrum  Disorder.    £100,000        2010-­‐2013    The  Leverhulme  Trust.  Improving  the  accuracy  in  forensic  interviews  via  meta-­‐cognitive  monitoring.  Memon,  P.I.  and  Scoboria,  Winsor  University,  Canada  (Co-­‐PI).  RHUL  budget-­‐  £96,  449.    2010-­‐2011    Economic  &  Social  Research  Council.    Making  the  best  use  of  video  identification  parades  and  meeting  the  needs  of  vulnerable  witnesses.  Memon,  P.I.  Wright  (Florida  International  University)  &  Milne  (Institute  of  Criminal  Justice  Studies,  Portsmouth),  Co-­‐PIs.  RHUL  budget-­‐  £70,638    2009-­‐2010  Economic  &  Social  Research  Council  Recalling  and  recognising  faces  of  other-­‐races:  A  behavioural  and  eye  movement  study.    K  Nakabayashi,  University  of  Teeside  (PI),  Memon  and  Lloyd-­‐Jones  (Co-­‐PIs).  £100,000    2007-­‐2011  Scottish  Institute  of  Police  Research/SHEFC.  Successful  Bid  for  3  year  Post-­‐Doctoral  Fellow  to  work  on  research  on  Vulnerable  Witnesses-­‐  £120,000.  Memon,  P.I.,  University  of  Aberdeen  

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 2007-­‐2010  European  Framework  Programme  “New  and  Emerging  Science  and  Technology”  The  assessment  of  eyewitness  memory  accuracy:  A  multi-­‐componential  correspondence-­‐  accuracy  oriented  approach.  –  PIs,  Memon  (RHUL)  Koriat,  Goldsmith,  Pansky,  University  of  Haifa;  Israel,  DeMulder,  Erasmus  University,  Netherlands;Markowitsch,  University  of  Bielefeld,  Germany.  250,000.    2007-­‐2009    Economic  &  Social  Research  Council.  Using  the  Cognitive  Interview  to  increase  the  accuracy  of  eyewitness  reports  following  forced  confabulation,  Memon,  P.I.,  B.  Clifford  University  of  Aberdeen  &  M.  Zaragoza,  Kent  State  University  (CO-­‐PIs)  £72,252.      2008-­‐2009  The  Leverhulme  Trust  (2007).  Interviewing  older  witnesses:  Out  of  sight  but  not  out  of  mind?  (PI-­‐  Dr  Robyn  Holliday,  University  of  Kent,  Canterbury;  collaborators  Ray  Bull  &  Rebecca  Milne).  £50,498    2009      The  British  Academy.  Obtaining  best  evidence  from  young  eyewitnesses:  investigating  changes  in  practice  following  the  vulnerable  (Scotland)  witness  bill.  Memon  (PI)  &  Havard.  £7,020    2007-­‐2009  The  Nuffield  Foundation.  Street  Identifications  and  their  role  in  the  Criminal  Justice  System  (Valentine,  P.I.  Goldsmiths  College,  Memon,  and  Roberts,  University  of  Warwick,  Law)  £93,325    2007-­‐2009  Economic  &  Social  Research  Council.  “It  happened  as  I  said”:  Effects  of  Retellings  on  Eyewitnesses’  Event  Memory  (with  Dr  Gerald  Echterhoff,  Bielefeld  University,  Germany).  ESRC  Bilateral  Scheme,  UK-­‐  £51,121        2007:  European  Association  for  Experimental  Social  Psychology.  Funds  to  support  an  international  small  group  meeting.  Title:  Shared  Memories,  Shared  Beliefs:  The  formation  and  use  of  joint  representations  in  social  interaction.  €4,720    2007:  Successful  bid  to  the  Scottish  Higher  Education  Funding  Council  and  Association  of  Chief  of  Police  Officers  to  create  a  Scottish  Institute  of  Police  Research  (AM  led  the  bid  for  Aberdeen  University).  250,000    2003-­‐2005      The  Leverhulme  Trust.  Memory  Conformity:  Disentangling  the  Steps  towards  Influence  during  a  Discussion.      £56,525        2003-­‐2005      The  Nuffield  Foundation.    Enhancing  the  effectiveness  of  video  identification  evidence.  (Valentine,  Goldsmiths  College,  University  of  London,  Memon,  Aberdeen).  £99,411    2005      British  Academy,  Association  of  Commonwealth  Universities,  Expert  Testimony  on  eyewitness  reliability:  Do  we  need  experts  or  is  it  a  matter  of  common-­‐sense?  £3,621    2002-2005 The  Carnegie  Trust  Studentship.    Emotion  Effects  on  Eyewitness  Memory  for  Perpetrator  Characteristics.  £30,000  

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 2004      The  British  Psychological  Society,  Research  Seminars  Competition.  (with  Universities  of  Kent  and  East  London).  Verbal  Overshadowing:  Theoretical  and  Applied  Issues.  £3000    2004      University  of  Strathclyde,  Research  &  Development  Fund.  Simon  Hunter  P.I.      Memon  Co,  PI.    How  teachers  interview  children  about  bullying  in  schools.  £7,500.    2003-­‐2005      Economic  &  Social  Research  Council  (ESRC).  The  creation  of  false  reports  with  stereotypes.    (Memon-­‐  P.I.  Holliday,  Kent  University).  £  41,508        2003-­‐2004      Scottish  Executive.  Provision  of  therapy  to  child  witnesses  prior  to  court  proceedings  code  of  practice.    £14,500,  Memon-­‐  P.I    2002-­‐2003      Scottish  Executive.  Interviewing  Child  Witnesses.    (Memon,  P.I.).  £10,949          2002-­‐2003      ESRC:  Estimating  and  understanding  memory  conformity  effects  for  a    simulated  crime.  (Memon,  P.I.,  Gabbert  and  Wright,  University  of  Sussex).  £40,987,      1998-­‐2002      National  Science  Foundation.  Eyewitness  Memory  in  Older  adults.  With  University  of  Texas  (Bartlett,  P.I.)  (Memon,  P.I.).  $247,591    1999-­‐2001      ESRC.  Eyewitness  memory  in  older  adults.  (Memon,  P.I.  Bartlett,  University  of  Texas  and  Bull,  University  of  Portsmouth).  £75,907        1999-­‐2002        Royal  Society  Research  Grant.  Joint  British-­‐European  Collaboration.  Creating  and  tracking  false  beliefs  and  memories  about  the  past.      (Memon,  P.I,  Mazzoni,  Universiy  of  Florence;  Loftus,  University  of  Washington).  £  8050    1999-­‐2002 The  British  Academy  Research  Grant:  False  Memory  Creation      Memon,  P.I    with  Mazzoni,  University  of  Florence.  £4,730      1993-­‐5 ESRC  Grant.    The  use  of  the  Cognitive  Interview  with  child  witnesses.    Memon  (P.I.);  £61,000          1991-­‐1992      University  of  Southampton  Advanced  Studies  Award.  £11,000      Publications    Texts    Memon,  A.,  Vrij,  A.  &  Bull,  R.  (1998).  Psychology  &  Law:  Truthfulness,  Accuracy  and  Credibility  of  victims,  witnesses  and  suspects.  McGraw  Hill.    First  Edition.    Memon,  A.,  Vrij,  A.  &  Bull,  R.  (2003).  Psychology  &  Law:  Truthfulness,  Accuracy  and  Credibility  of  victims,  witnesses  and  suspects.    Chichester  Wiley.  Second  Edition.    Memon,  A.  &  Bull,  R.  (Eds.)  (1999)  Handbook  of  the  Psychology  of  Interviewing.    

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Chichester  Wiley.  (Published  in  paperback  2001).        Peer  reviewed  Journal  Articles    Maras,  K.  Hawken,  T.  Memon,  A.  &  Crane,  L.  (in  press)  Experiences  of  autism  spectrum  disorder  and  the  criminal  justice  system:  surveying  UK  police  and  the  autism  community  Journal  of  Autism  and  Developmental  Disorders  

Krix,  A.    Saueraldn,  M.  Raymakers,  Memon,  A.  Quaedflig,  &  Smeets,  T.  (in  press)  Eyewitness  evidence  obtained  with  the  Self-­‐Administered  Interview©  is  unaffected  by  stress"  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology    Scoboria,  A.,  Memon,A.,  Gawrylowicz,  J.  &  Clark,  A        (in  press)    Nonbelieved  memories  across  the  adult  lifespan.  Psychology  of  Consciousness:  Theory,  Research,  and  Practice,  2015.    Hellmann,  D.  &  Memon,  A.  (2016,  in  press)      Attribution  of  Crime  Motives  biases  Eyewitnesses’  Memory  and  Sentencing  Decisions.  Psychology  Crime  and  Law    Otgaar,  M.,  Howe,  M.,  Memon,  A.,  &  Wang,  J.  (2015).  The  Development  of  Differential  Mnemonic  Effects  of  False  Denials  and  Forced  Confabulations  Behavioral  Sciences  &  the  Law.  32  718-­‐31    Roberts,  A.,  Davis,  J.,  Valentine,  T.  &  Memon,  A.  (2014)  Should  we  be  concerned  about  street  identifications?    Criminal  Law  Review,  9,  633-­‐655

Davis,  J.P.,  Valentine,  T.,  Memon,  A.  &  Roberts,  A.  (2014)  Identification  on  the  street:  A  field  comparison  of  police  identifications  and  video  lineups  in  England.  Psychology,  Crime  &  Law.  21, 9-27  

Houston,  K.  A.,  Hope,  L.,  Memon,  A.,  &  Read,  J.  D.  (2013).  Expert  Testimony  on  Eyewitness  Evidence:  In  Search  of  Common  Sense.  Behavioral  Sciences  and  the  Law.  31(5)  637-­‐51    Maras,  K.  L.,  Mulcahy,  S.,  Memon,  A.,  Picariello,  F.,  &  Bowler,  D.  M.  (2014).  Evaluating  the  Effectiveness  of  the  Self-­‐Administered  Interview  ©  for  Witnesses  with  Autism  Spectrum  Disorder.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  28(5),  693–701.  doi:10.1002/acp.3055    

Gawrylowicz,  J.,  Memon,  A.  Scoboria,  A.,  Gabbert,  F.  &  Hope,  L.  (2014)  Enhancing  older  adults'  eyewitness  memory  for  present  and  future  events  with  the  Self-­‐administered  Interview©  Psychology  and  Aging  29  885-­‐90.      Wysman,   L.,   Scoboria,   A.,   Gawrylowicz,   J.   &  Memon,   A.   (2014).     The   cognitive   interview  buffers   the   effects   of   subsequent   repeated   questioning   in   the   absence   of   negative  feedback.  Behavioral  Sciences  &  the  Law. 32 207-19    

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Scoboria,  A.,  Memon,  A.  Trang,  M.    &  Frey,  H.    (2013)  Improving  Responding  to  Questioning  Using  a  Brief  Retrieval  Training,  Journal  of  Applied  Research  in  Memory  and  Cognition,  2,  210-­‐215.    Horry,  R.,  Memon,  A.,  Milne,  R.,  Wright,  D.B.,  &  Dalton,  G.  (2013)  Video  Identification  of  Suspects:  A  Discussion  of  Current  Practice  and  Police  in  the  United  Kingdom,  Policing.  First  published  online  March  12,  2013    Havard,  C.,  &  Memon,  A.  (2013)  The  Mystery  Man  Can  Help  Reduce  False  Identification  for  Child  Witnesses:  Evidence  from  Video  Line-­‐ups.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  27,  50-­‐59.     Jones,  T.,  Armstrong,  R.,  Casey,  A.,  Burson,  R.,  &  Memon,  A    (2013).  Verbal  description  benefits  for  faces  when  description  conditions  are  unknown  a  priori,  Quarterly  Journal  of  Experimental  Psychology.  66(9):1818-39. Gawrylowicz,  J.,  Memon,  A.  &  Scoboria,  A.  (2013).  Equipping  Witnesses  with  Transferable  Skills:  The  Self-­‐Administered  Interview.    Psychology,  Crime  and  Law  20,  315-­‐25  

Maras,  K.  L.,  Memon,  A.,  Lambrechts,  A.  &  Bowler,  D.  M.  (2013).  Recall  of  a  live  and  personally  experienced  eyewitness  event  by  adults  with  autism  spectrum  disorder.  Journal  of  Autism  and  Developmental  Disorders,  43(8),  1798-­‐1810.    Odinot,  G.,  Memon,  A.,  LaRooy,  D.  &  Millen,  A.  (2013)  Are  Two  Interviews  Better  Than  One?  Memory  across  Repeated  Cognitive  Interviews.  PLOS  One,  8(10):  e76305.  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076305.      Holliday,  R.,  Humphries,  J.,  Milne,  R.,  Memon,  A.,  Houlder,  L.,  Lyons,  A.  &  Bull,  R.  (2013).    Reducing  misinformation  effects  in  older  adults  with  cognitive  interview  mnemonics.  Psychology  &  Aging,  27,  1191-­‐1203.      Ainsworth,  F.,  &  Memon,  A.  (March  2013)  Remember,  Remember?  The  Journal  Online,  First  published  14-­‐03-­‐2013    Memon,  A.,  Dalton,  G.,  Horry,  R.,  Wright,  D.  &  Milne,  R.  (2012)  How  do  witnesses  fare  with  video  identification  parades  and  what  changes  need  to  be  made  to  policy  and  practice?    The  Journal  of  the  Law  Society  of  Scotland,  November,  22-­‐23.    Memon,  A.  (2012)  Credibility  of  Asylum  Claims:    Consistency  and  Accuracy  of  Autobiographical  Memory  Reports  Following  Trauma,  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  26,  677-­‐679.      Megreya,  A.,  Memon  A.,  &  Havard,  C.  (2012).  The  Headscarf  effect:  Direct  evidence  from  the  eyewitness  identification  paradigm.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology.  26,  308-­‐315    Gabbert,  F.,  Wright,  D.B.,  Memon,  A.,  Skagerberg,  E.M.,  &  Jamieson,  K.  (2012)  Memory  Conformity  Between  Eyewitnesses,  Court  Review:  Journal  of  the  American  Judges  Association,  48(1-­‐2),  36-­‐43    

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Clifford,  B.,  Havard,  C.,  Memon,  A.  &  Gabbert,  F.,  (2012)  Delay  and  Age  Effects  on  Identification  Accuracy  and  Confidence:  An  Investigation  Using  a  Video  Identification  Parade.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  26,  130-­‐9    Horry,  R.,  Memon,  A.,  Wright,  D.  &  Milne,  R.    (2012)  Video  lineups  in  England:  A  field  Study,  Law  &  Human  Behavior,  36,  257-­‐65.      Valentine,  T.,  Davis,  J.P.,  Memon,  A.,  Roberts,  A.  (2012)  Live  Showups  and  Their  Influence  on  a  Subsequent  Video  Line-­‐Up,    Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  26,  1-­‐23.      Memon,  A.  (2012)  Remembering  episodes  of  violence:  The  effects  of  post-­‐traumatic  stress  disorder  on  evidence,  Fahamu  Refugee  Newsletter,  Issue  31,  November,  ISSN  2049-­‐2650    Houston,  K.A.,  Clifford,  B,  R.,  Phillips,  L.H.,  &  Memon,  A.  (2013)  The  Emotional  Eyewitness:  The  Effects  of  Emotion  on  Specific  Aspects  of  Eyewitness  Recall  and  Recognition  Performance.  Emotion.  13,    118-­‐28.        Ainsworth,  F.L.  &  Memon,  A.    (2012).  Refreshing  Testimony  in  England  and  Wales  –  The  Search  for  Best  Practice.  Investigative  Interviewing:  Research  and  Practice.    Valentine,  T.,  Davis,  J.P.,  Memon,  A.,  Roberts,  A.  (2012)  Live  Showups  and  Their  Influence  on  a  Subsequent  Video  Line-­‐Up,  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  26,  1-­‐23  DOI:  10.1002/acp.1796    Memon,  A.,  Havard,  C.,  Clifford,  B.,  Gabbert,  F.,  &  Watt,  M.  (2012).  A  field  evaluation  of  the  VIPER  system:  A  new  technique  for  eliciting  eyewitness  identification  evidence.  Psychology,  Crime,  &  Law.  17,  711-­‐730    Hellmann,  J.,  Echterhoff,  G.,  Kopietz,  R.  &  Memon,  A.  (2011)    Making  the  Visual  Meaningful:  Communication  Effects  on  Eyewitness  Memory  and  Judgments.    European  Journal  of  Social  Psychology,  41,  658-­‐671.    doi:10.1002/ejsp.796    LaRooy,  D.,  Lamb,  M.  &  Memon,  A.  (2011).    Forensic  interviews  with  children  in  Scotland:    A  survey  of  interview  practices  among  police.  Journal  of  Police  and  Criminal  Psychology  26,  26-­‐34.      Davis,  C.  J.,  Bowers,  J.  S.,  Memon,  A.  (2011).  Social  Influence  in  Televised  Election  Debates:  A  Potential  Distortion  of  Democracy.  PLoS  ONE  6(3).    Havard,  C.,  Memon,  A.,  Laybourn,  P.  &  Cunningham,  C.  (2011).  Own  age  bias  in  video  lineups:  A  comparison  between  children  and  adults.    Psychology  Crime  &  Law.1-­‐16,      Havard,  C.,  Memon,  A.,  Clifford,  B.  &  Gabbert,  F.  (2010).  A  comparison  of  video  and  static  photo  lineups  with  child  and  adolescent  witnesses.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  24,  1209-­‐1221.    

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Memon,  A.,  Meissner,  C.  A.,  &  Fraser,  J.  (2010).  The  cognitive  interview:  A  meta-­‐analytic  review  and  study  space  analysis  of  the  past  25  years.  Psychology,  Public  Policy,  &  Law,  6,  340-­‐372.    Otgaar,  H.,  Candel,  I.  Memon,  A.  &  Almerigogna,  J.  (2010)  Differentiating  between  children’s  true  and  false  memories  using  Reality  Monitoring  criteria,  Psychology,  Crime  &  Law.  16,  555-­‐566.    Memon,  A.,  Zaragoza,  M.,  Clifford,  B.  &  Kidd,  L.  (2010)  Inoculation  or  antidote?  The  effects  of  Cognitive  Interview  timing  on  false  memory  for  forcibly  fabricated  events.  Law  &  Human  Behavior,  34,  105-­‐117    Memon,  A.,  Fraser,  J.  Colwell,  K.  Odinot,  G.  &  Mastroberardino,  S.  (2010)  Distinguishing  truthful  from  invented  accounts  using  reality  monitoring  criteria.  Legal  &  Criminological  Psychology.  15,  177-­‐94    Memon,  A.    Havard,  C.,  Clifford,  B.  &  Gabbert  F.  (2009).  Obtaining  evidence  from  child  witnesses  using  video  parades.  Journal  of  Forensic  Science,  Medicine  &  Pathology,  5,  1-­‐5    Havard,  C.  &  Memon,  A.  (2009).  The  influence  of  face  age  on  identification  from  a  video  line-­‐up:  A  comparison  between  older  and  younger  adults.  Memory,  17,  847-­‐859.      Memon,  A.    Havard,  C.,  Clifford,  B.  &  Gabbert  F.  (2009).  Obtaining  evidence  from  child  witnesses  using  video  parades.  Journal  of  Forensic  Science,  Medicine  &  Pathology,  5,  1-­‐58    Wright,  D.  B.,  Memon,  A.,  Skagerberg,  E.  M.,  &  Gabbert,  F.  (2009).  When  eyewitnesses  talk.  Current  Directions  in  Psychological  Science,  18,  174-­‐178.    Darling,  S.  Martin,  D.,  Hellman,  J  &  Memon,  A.  (2009)  Some  witnesses  are  better  than  others.  Personality  and  Individual  Differences,  47,  369-­‐373      Kopietz,  R.,  Echterhoff,  G.,  Niemeier,  S.,  Hellmann,  J.  H.,  &  Memon,  A.  (2009).  Audience-­‐congruent  biases  in  eyewitness  memory  and  judgment:  Influences  of  a  co-­‐witness’  liking  of  a  suspect.  Social  Psychology,  3,  133-­‐144.    Memon,  A.,  Mastroberardino,  S  &  Fraser,  J.  (2008)    Munsterberg’s  Legacy:  What  does  eyewitness  research  tell  us  about  the  reliability  of  eyewitness  testimony?  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  22,  841-­‐51    af  Hjelmsäter,    E.  Granhag,  P-­‐A,  Strömwall,  L  &  Memon,  A.  (2008)    The  effects  of  social  influence  on  children’s  memory  reports:  The  omission  and  commission  error  asymmetry,  Scandinavian  Journal  of  Psychology,  49,  507-­‐513    Hill,  C.,  Memon,  A.  &  McGeorge  (2008).    The  role  of  confirmation  bias  in  suspect  interviews:  A  systematic  evaluation,  Legal  &  Criminological  Psychology,  13,  357-­‐71      

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Darling,  S.,  Valentine,  T.    &  Memon,  A.  (2008)  Selection  of  Lineup  Foils  in  Operational  Contexts'  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  22,  159-­‐169    Hope,  L.,  Greene,  E.  Memon,  A.,  Gavisk,  M.  &  Houston,  K.  (2008).  A  Third  Verdict  Option:    Exploring  the  Impact  of  the  Not  Proven  Verdict  on  Mock  Juror  Decision  Making  Law  and  Human  Behavior,  32,  241-­‐52    Wright,   D.B.,   Gabbert,   F.   Memon,   A.   &   London,   K.   (2008).     Changing   the   criterion   for  memory  conformity  in  free  recall  and  recognition.  Memory,  16,  137-­‐48    Candel,  I.,  Memon,  A.  &  Al-­‐Harazi,  F.    (2007).  Peer  Discussion  Affects  Children’s  Memory  Reports.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  21,  1191-­‐1199    Colwell,  K.,  Hiscock-­‐Anisman,  C.,  Memon,  A.,  Rachel,  A.,  &  Colwell,  L.  (2007).  Vividness  and  Spontaneity  of  Statement  Detail  Characteristics  as  Predictors  0f  Witness  Credibility.  American  Journal  of  Forensic  Psychology,  25(1),  5-­‐30.      Valentine,  T.,  Darling,  S.  &  Memon,  A.   (2007)  Do  strict   rules  and  moving   images   increase  the   reliability   of   sequential   identification   procedures?   Applied   Cognitive   Psychology,   21,  933-­‐949.    Gabbert,   F.,   Memon,   A.,   &   Wright,   D.   B.   (2007).     Manipulating   perceived   quality   of  encoding:  Implications  for  memory  conformity  Acta  Psychologica  124,  319-­‐331.    Wade,  K.A.  Sharman,  S.J.  Garry,  M.A.  Memon,  A.,  Mazzoni,  G.  Merkelbach,  H.  Loftus.  E.F.  (2007)  False  claims  about  false  memories.  Consciousness  and  Cognition,  16(1),  18-­‐28.      Hulse,  L.M.,  Allan,  K.,  Memon,  A.,  &  Read,  J.D.  (2007).  Emotional  arousal  and  memory:  A  test  of  the  poststimulus  processing  hypothesis.  American  Journal  of  Psychology,  120,  73-­‐90.    Colwell,  K.,    Hiscock-­‐Anisman,  C.K.,  Memon,  A.,  Taylor,  L.,  &  Prewett,  J  &  Memon,  A.    (2007)  Assessment  criteria  indicative  of  deception  (ACID):    An  integrated  system  of    investigative  interviewing  and  detecting  deception.  Journal  of  Investigative  Psychology    and  Offender  Profiling,  4,  167-­‐180    Wells,  G.,  Memon,  A.  &  Penrod,  S.  (2006)  Eyewitness  Evidence:  Improving  its  Probative  Value.  Psychological  Science  in  the  Public  Interest,  7,  45-­‐75      Hulse,  L.  &  Memon,  A.  (2006)  Fatal  Impact?  The  Effects  of  Emotional  Arousal  and    Weapon  Presence  on  Police  Officers’  Memories  for  a  Simulated  Crime.  Legal  &    Criminological  Psychology,  11,  313-­‐325    Gabbert,  F.,  Memon,  A.  ,  &  Wright,  D.  B.  (2006).  Memory  conformity:  Disentangling  the  steps  towards    influence  during  a  discussion.  Psychonomic  Bulletin  and  Review.  13,  480-­‐485    

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Colwell,  K.,  Hiscock-­‐Anisman,  C.,  Memon,  A.,  Woods,  D.,  &  Michlik,  P.  (2006).  Strategies  of  impression  management  among  deceivers  and  truth-­‐tellers:  How  liars  attempt  to  convince.  American  Journal  of  Forensic  Psychology,  24(2),  31-­‐38.  

Valentine,  T.,  Darling,  S.,  Memon,  A.  (2006).  How  can  psychological  science  enhance  the  effectiveness  of  identification  procedures?  An  international  comparison.  Public  Interest  Law  Reporter,  11,  21-­‐39.    

Memon,  A.,  Holliday,  R.  &  Hill,  C.  (2006)  Jim  is  a  very  clumsy  man!  Pre-­‐event  stereotypes  and  misinformation  effects  in  young  children.  Memory,  14  (1),  104-­‐114.    Brown,  A.,  Hornstein,  S.  &  Memon,  A.  (2006)  Tracking  conversational  repetition:  an  evaluation  of  target  monitoring  ability.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,    20,  85–95.      Stein,  L.  &  Memon,  A.  (2006)  Testing  the  efficacy  of  the  Cognitive  Interview  in  a    developing  country.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  20,  597-­‐635    Dixon,  S.  &  Memon,  A.  (2005)  Post-­‐identification  feedback  and  eyewitness  memory.    Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  19,  935  -­‐  951    Hope,  L.,  Memon,  A.  &  McGeorge,  P.  (2004)  Understanding  pre-­‐trial  publicity:    Pre-­‐decisional  distortion  of  evidence  by  mock  jurors.  Journal  of  Experimental    Psychology:  Applied,  10,  111-­‐119    Hafstad,  G.,  Memon,  A.  &  Logie,  R  (2004).    The  effects  of  post-­‐identification  feedback  on    children’s  memory.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  18,  901-­‐912.    Gabbert,   F.,  Memon,  A.,   Allan,   K.  &  Wright,  D.   (2004).     Say   it   to  my   face:   Examining   the  effects   of   socially   encountered   misinformation.   Legal   and   Criminological   Psychology,   9,  215-­‐227.    Memon,   A.,   Hope,   L.,   &   Bull,   R.   H.   C.   (2003).   Exposure   Duration:   Effects   on   eyewitness  accuracy  and  confidence.  British  Journal  of  Psychology,  94,  339-­‐354    Memon,  A  &  Gabbert,   F.   (2003).    Unravelling   the  effects  of   a   sequential   lineup.    Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  6,  703-­‐714    Memon,  A.,  Bartlett,  J.C.,  Rose,  R.  &  Gray,  C.    (2003)  The  aging  eyewitness:  The  effects  of  face-­‐age   and   delay   upon   younger   and   older   observers.   Journal   of   Gerontology:  Psychological  Sciences,  58,  338-­‐345    Nunez,   N.,   Poole,   D.   &   Memon,   A.     (2003).   Psychology’s   Two   Cultures   Revisited:  Implications  for  the  Integration  of  Science  with  Practice.    Scientific  Review  of  Mental  Health  Practice,  2,  8-­‐19.    Gabbert,   F.,   Memon,   A.   &   Allan,   K.   (2003).   Memory   Conformity:   Can   eyewitnesses  influence  each  other's  memories  for  an  event?    Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  17,  533-­‐544.  

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 Memon,  A.  &  Gabbert,  F.  (2003).  Improving  the  identification  accuracy  of  senior  witnesses:  Do  pre-­‐lineup  questions  and  sequential  testing  help?    Journal  of  Applied  Psychology,  88  (2):  341-­‐347    Mazzoni,  G.  &  Memon,  A.  (2003).  The  effect  of  imagination  on  autobiographical  beliefs  and  memories,  Psychological  Science,  14,  186-­‐188    Meissner,   C.   &   Memon,   A.   (2002).   Verbal   Overshadowing:   A   special   issue   involving  theoretical  and  applied  issues.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  16,  869-­‐872.    Memon,  A.  &  Bartlett,  J.C.  (2002)  The  effects  of  verbalisation  on  face  recognition.    Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  16,  635-­‐650.    Memon,  A.  &  Rose,  R.  (2002)   Identification  abilities  of  children:  Does  verbalisation  impair  face  and  dog  recognition?    Psychology,  Crime  &  Law,    8,  229-­‐242.    Memon,  A.,  Hope,  L.,  Bartlett,  J.,  &  Bull,  R.  (2002).  Eyewitness  recognition  errors:  The  effects  of  mugshot  viewing  and  choosing  in  young  and  old  adults.    Memory  and  Cognition,  30,  1219-­‐1227.    Memon,   A.   (2002).   Bridging   the   gap   between   the   study   of   naturally   occurring   and  suggestion  dependent  memory  errors.  European  Psychologist,  7,  31-­‐33.    Colwell,  K.,  Hiscock,  C.  K.  and  Memon,  A.  (2002)  Interviewing  techniques  and    the  psycholinguistic  assessment  of  statement  credibility.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  16  (3)  287-­‐300.    Kneller,   W.,   Memon,   A.   &   Stevenage,   S.   (2001).   Simultaneous   and   Sequential   Lineups:  Decision  processes  of  accurate  and  inaccurate  witnesses.  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  15,  659-­‐71.      Thierry,  K.,  Spence,  M.  &  Memon,  A.  (2001).  Before  misinformation  is  encountered:  Source  monitoring  decreases  child  witness  suggestibility.  Journal  of  Cognition  &  Development,  2  1-­‐26.    Searcy,  J.H.,  Bartlett,  J.  C.,  Memon,  A.  &  Swanson,  K  (2001).  Aging  and  lineup  performance  at   long  retention   intervals:  Effects  of  metamemory  and  context  reinstatement.  Journal  of  Applied  Psychology,  86  (2),  207-­‐14.    Kassin,   S.,   Tubb,   A.,   Hosch,   H.M.,  &  Memon,   A.   (2001).     On   the   ‘General   Acceptance’   of  eyewitness  testimony  research:  A  new  survey  of  experts.  American  Psychologist.,  56,  405-­‐416.    Searcy,  J.H.,  Bartlett,  J.  C.  &  Memon,  A.  (2000)  Relationship  of  availability,  lineup  conditions  and   individual   differences   to   false   identification   by   young   and   older   eyewitnesses.   Legal  and  Criminological  Psychology,  5  (2),  219-­‐36  

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 Kassin,  S.,  Tubb,  A.,  Hosch,  H.,  &  Memon,  A.  (2001).  Eyewitness  Researchers  as  Experts  in  Court:  Responsive  to  Change  in  a  Dynamic  and  Rational  Process.  American  Psychologist,  57,  378-­‐379.    Memon,  A.  &  Wright,  D.  (1999)  The  search  for  John  Doe  2:  Eyewitness  Testimony  and  the  Oklahoma  Bombing.    The  Psychologist,  12,  292-­‐5.    Memon,   A.   &   Yarmey,   D.   (1999)   The   Cognitive   Interview   and   Earwitness   testimony.  Perceptual  and  Motor  Skills,  88,  797-­‐807.    Memon,  A.  &  Higham,  P.  (1999)  A  review  of  the  cognitive  interview.  Psychology,  Crime  and  Law  (Special  issue),  5,  177-­‐196.      Searcy,  J.H.,  Bartlett,  J.  C.  &  Memon,  A.  (1999).  Age  Differences  in  Accuracy  and  Choosing  Rates  on  Face  Recognition  and  Eyewitness  Identification  Tasks.  Memory  and  Cognition,  27  (3),  538-­‐552.    Koehnken,  G.,  Milne,  R.  Memon,  A.  &  Bull,  R.  (1999).  A  meta-­‐analysis  on  the  effects  of  the  Cognitive  Interview.  Special  Issue  of  Psychology,  Crime  &  the  Law  5,  3-­‐27.    Memon.  A.  &  Shuman,  D.  (1998).  Effects  of  race  and  gender  of  expert  on  juror    decision  making  in  medical  malpractice  claims.    Law  and  Psychology  Review,  22,  179-­‐188.      Poole,  D.  A.,  Lindsay,  D.S.,  Memon,  A.  &  Bull,  R.  (1997)  Did  Pope  (in  press)  read  a  different  Poole,  Lindsay,  Memon  and  Bull,  1995?  American  Psychologist,  September,  990-­‐993.      Memon,   A.   &   Young,   M.   (1997)   Desperately   seeking   evidence:   The   recovered   memory  debate.    Legal  &  Criminological  Psychology,  2,    131-­‐54.    Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Holley,  A.,  Bull,  R.  &  Koehnken,  G.  (1997).  Eyewitness  performance  in  Cognitive  and  Structured  Interviews.  Memory,  5,  639-­‐55.    Memon,  A.  Wark,  L.,  Bull,  R.  and  Koehnken,  G.  (1997)  Isolating  the  effects  of  the  cognitive  interview  techniques.    British  Journal  of  Psychology,  88,  (2),  179-­‐198.    Stevenage,   S.   &   Memon,   A.   (1997)   On   the   importance   of   imagery   in   the   Cognitive  Interview.  Reply  to  Roberts.  Psycholoquy,  witness  memory.12.memon      Memon,   A.   and   Stevenage,   S.V.   (1996g)   The   importance   of   time   and   training   for   CI  interviewers.   A   reply   to   Kebbel   and  Wagstaff   on  Witness-­‐Memory   96.7.18.  Psycholoquy.  witness-­‐memory.6.  memon    Memon,  A.  and  Stevenage,  S.V.  (1996f)  Evidence  on  the  Remember-­‐Know  status  of  errors:  A  reply  to  Higham  &  Roberts  on  witness  memory.  Psycholoquy,  witness  memory.5.  memon    

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Memon,  A.  and  Stevenage,  S.V.  (1996e)  What  to  measure  and  when  to  report:  A  reply  to  Goldsmith  and  Koriat.  Psycholoquy,  witness-­‐memory.11.memon    Memon,  A.  &  Stevenage,  S.V.  (1996d)  A  consideration  of  individual  differences  and  imagery  ability  amongst  cognitive  interviewees.  Reply  to  Douglas  on  Witness  Memory.  Psycholoquy,  witness  memory.10.memon.    Memon,  A.  &  Stevenage,  S.V.  (1996c)  The  Cognitive  interview  in  a  broader  context:  A  reply  to  Geiselman  on  Witness  Memory.    Psycholoquy,  witness  memory.8.memon    Memon,   A.   &   Stevenage,   S.V.   (1996b).   A   clarification   of   the   importance   of   comparison  groups   and   accuracy   rates   with   the   CI:   A   reply   to   Fisher.   Psycholoquy,   witness  memory.14.memon    Memon,   A.   &   Stevenage,   S.V.   (1996a)   Interviewing   witnesses:   what   works   and   what  doesn’t?  Psycholquy  7  (6),  psyc.  96.7.06.  witness  memory.1.memon    Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Holley,  A.,  Bull,  R.  &  Koehnken,  G.  (1996).    Reducing  suggestibility  in  child  witness  interviews.    Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  10,  503-­‐18.    Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Holley,  A.,  Koehnken,  G.  &  Bull,  R.   (1996).   Interviewer  behaviour   in  Structured  and  Cognitive  Interviews.    Psychology,  Crime  and  the  Law,  3,  181-­‐201    Pennebaker,   J.   &   Memon,   A.     (1996)   Recovered   memories   in   nontext:   Thoughts   and  elaborations  on  Bowers  &  Farvolden.  Psychological  Bulletin,  119.  381-­‐385.    Memon,   A.   &   Vartoukian,   R.     (1996).   The   effects   of   repeated   questioning   on   young  children’s  eyewitness  testimony.  British  Journal  of  Psychology,  87,  403-­‐15.    Poole,   D.   A.,   Lindsay,   D.S.,   Memon,   A.   &   Bull,   R.   (1995)   Rejoinder   to   Pope   (1995):  Comments  regarding  Poole,  Lindsay,  Memon  and  Bull,  1995.    Clinical  Psychology:  Science  &  Practice,  3,  363-­‐65.    Memon,  A.,  Bull,  R.  &  Smith,  M.  (1995).  Improving  the  quality  of  the  police  interview:  can  training  in  the  use  cognitive  techniques  help?  Policing  and  Society,  5  (1),  32-­‐40    Poole,  D.  A.,  Lindsay,  D.S.,  Memon,  A.  &  Bull,  R.  (1995)    Psychotherapy  and  the  recovered  memories   of   child   sexual   abuse:   U.S.   and   British   Therapists   Beliefs,   practices   and  experiences.  Journal  of  Consulting  &  Clinical  Psychology,  63  (3),  426-­‐437.    Memon,   A.   (1995)   The   British   Psychological   Society   Report   on   Recovered   Memories.    Expert  Evidence  3  (4),  155-­‐8.    Memon,  A.    Milne,  R.  Holley,  A.  Bull,  R.  &  Koehnken,  G.  (1994)  Towards  understanding  the  effects   of   interviewer   training   in   evaluating   the   cognitive   interview.   Applied   Cognitive  Psychology,  8,  641-­‐659    

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Memon,  A.  &  Koehnken,  G.     (1992)    Helping  witnesses   to   remember  more:   the  cognitive  interview.  Expert  Evidence:  The  international  digest  of  Human  Behaviour,  Science  and  Law.  1  (2),  39-­‐48.    Memon,   A.   &   Bull,   R.   (1991).     The   Cognitive   Interview:   its   origins,   empirical   support,  evaluation  and  practical  implications.    Journal  of  Community  and  Applied  Psychology,  1,  1-­‐18.    Memon,  A.     (1990)     Young  people's   knowledge,   beliefs   and  attitudes   about  HIV/AIDS:     a  review  of  research,  Health  Education  Research:  Theory  and  Practice,  5,  327-­‐335.    Memon,   A.,   Dionne,   R,   Short,   L,  Marlalani,   S.,  MacKinnon,  D.  &    Geiselman,   R.   E.   (1988)    Psychological   factors   in   the   use   of   photospreads,   Journal   of   Police   Science   and  Administration,  16,  (1),  62-­‐69.    Memon,   A.   &   Bruce,   V.   (1985)   Context   effects   in   episodic   studies   of   verbal   and   facial  memory:  a  review,  Current  Psychological  Research  and  Reviews,  Winter  1985-­‐86,  349-­‐369.    Memon,  A.  &  Bruce,  V.   (1983).     The  effects  of   encoding   strategy   and   context   change  on  face  recognition,  Human  Learning,  2,  313-­‐26.    Book  Chapters    Granhag,  P-­‐A.,  Memon,  A.  &  af  Hjelmsäter,  E.  (2010).  Social  influence  on  eyewitnesses’  memory.  In  Granhag,  P-­‐A.  (Ed.)  Forensic  Psychology  in  context:  Nordic  and  International  approaches,  Willan  Publishing,  U.K.    Memon,  A.  (2008).  Eyewitness  Research:  Theory  and  Practice.  In  D.  Canter  (Ed.)  New    Horizons  in  Psychology,  Crime  and  Law  Ashgate      

Memon,  A.  (2007).  The  Ageing  Eyewitness  In  B.  L.  Cutler  (Ed.),  Encyclopedia  of  psychology  and  law.    Thousand  Oaks,  CA:  Sage  Publications.  


Memon,   A.   (2007).  Exposure   Duration   and   Eyewitness   Memory.   In   B.   L.   Cutler   (Ed.),  Encyclopedia  of  psychology  and  law.    Thousand  Oaks,  CA:  Sage  Publications.  

 Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Holley,  A.,  Bull,  R.,  &  Koehnken,  G.  (1997).  Eyewitness  performance  in  cognitive  and  structured  interviews.  Memory,  5,  639-­‐656.  Reprinted  in  Roesch,  R.,  &  Gagnon,  N.  (Eds.)  (2007).  Psychology  and  law:  Criminal  and  civil  perspectives.  Hampshire,  UK:  Ashgate.    

Memon,  A.  &  Thomson,  D.  (2007)  The  incredible  eyewitness  in  Tall  Tales  about  the  Mind  &  Brain  Ed  S.  Della  Salla,  Oxford,  Oxford  University  Press.    Colwell,  K.,  Hiscock-­‐Anisman,  C.K,  Woods,  D.,  Memon,  A.,  &  Michlik,  M.  

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(2007).  How  liars  attempt  to  convince:  Strategies  of  impression  management  and  deception  regarding  a  simulated  theft.  In  Geiselman  (Ed),  Intersections  of  Psychology,  Psychiatry,  and  Law  (3rd  Edition).    American  College  of  Forensic  Psychology  Press.    Memon,  A.  (2006).  The  Cognitive  Interview.  In  O.  Hargie  (Ed).  A  Handbook  of    Communication  Skills  Routledge,  London  &  NY.  Third  Edition.    Hope,  L.  &  Memon,  A.  (2006)  Cross  Border  Diversity:  Trial  by  Jury  in  England  and    Scotland.  In  Kaplan,  M.  &  Rodriguez.  Understanding  World  Juries  Through    Social  Psychological  Research.    Bartlett,  J.  C.  &  Memon,  A.  (2006).  Eyewitness  memory  in  young  and  older  adults.  In  R.  Lindsay,  R.  Ross,  D.  Read,  &  M.  Toglia  (Eds).  Handbook  of  eyewitness  psychology:  Memory  for  people  (Vol.  2,  pp.  309-­‐338).  Mahwah,  NJ:  Lawrence  Erlbaum  and  Associates.    

Hill,  C.  &  Memon,  A.  (2007)  Interviewing  suspects  of  crimes.    In  Christianson,  S.  Å.  (Ed.)  in  Offenders'  memories  of  violent  crimes.  John  Wiley  &  Sons.    Memon,  A.  (2003).    The  Cognitive  Interview.  In  O.  Hargie  (Ed).  A  Handbook  of    Communication  Skills  Routledge,  London  &  NY.  Second  Edition.    Memon,  A.,  Gabbert,  F.  &  Hope,  L.    (2004).  The  ageing  eyewitness.  In  J.  Adler  (Ed.),  Forensic  Psychology:  Debates,  concepts  and  practice.  (pp.96-­‐112).  Willan,  Forensic  Psychology  Series:  Uffcolme,  Devon.    Memon,   A.,   &   Henderson,   S.   E.   (2002).   What   can   psychologists   contribute   to   the  examination   of   memory   and   past   mental   states?   In   R.   Simon   &   D.   W.   Shuman   (Eds.),  Retrospective  Assessments  of  Mental  States  and  the  Law.  (pp.  307-­‐334).    Washington,  DC:  American  Psychiatric  Press.    Memon,   A.   (2002).     La   testimonianza   nei   casi   di   abuso   sessuale   su  minori.     (Eyewitness  testimony  in  child  sexual  abuse).  Milano,  Giuffre'  editore.    Thierry,  K.  L.,  Spence,  M.  J.,  &  Memon,  A.  (2000).  A  comparison  between  fuzzy-­‐trace  theory  and  the  source-­‐monitoring  framework:  Evidence  from  a  child  witness  suggestibility  study.  In  K.  P.  Roberts  and  M.  Blades  (Eds.),  Children’s  Source  Monitoring.  Mahwah,  NJ:  Lawrence  Erlbaum.    Memon,  A.  &  Wright,  D.  (2000).  Eyewitness  Testimony:  Theoretical  and  Practical  Issues.  In  J.  McGuire,  T.  Mason  &  A.  O’Kane  (Eds.),  Behaviour,  Crime  and  Legal  Process.  Chichester,.  John  Wiley  &  Sons.      Memon,  A.  (1999).    Cognitive  Interviewing.  In  Memon,  A.  &  Bull,  R.  (Eds.)  Handbook  of  the  Psychology  of  Interviewing,  Chichester,  Wiley.    

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Clifford,   B.C.   &  Memon,   A.   (1999)   Understanding   the   Cognitive   Interview.   In   A.   Heaton-­‐Armstrong,   E.   Shepherd   and   D.   Wolchover   (Eds).     Witness   Testimony:   Psychological,  Investigative  and  Evidential  perspectives.  Oxford:  The  Blackstone  Press.      Memon,   A.   (1997).   The   Cognitive   Interview.   In   O.   Hargie   (Ed).   A   Handbook   of  Communication  Skills    Routledge,  London  &  NY.  First  Edition.    Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Holley,  A.,  Koehnken,  G.  &  Bull,  R.  (1997).  Context  effects  and  event  memory:  how  powerful  are  the  effects?    In  D.  Payne  and  F.  Conrad  (Eds.)    Intersections  in  Basic  and  Applied  Memory  Research.  Mahwah,  NJ,  Lawrence  Erlbaum  Associates  (pp.  175-­‐191).        Memon,   A.   Cronin,   O,   Eaves,   R.   &   Bull,   R.   (1996).       An   empirical   test   of   the  mnemonic  components  of  the  Cognitive  Interview.  In  G.M.  Davies,  S.  Lloyd-­‐Bostock,  M.  McMurran  &  C.  Wilson  (Eds).  Psychology  and  Law:  Advances  in  Research.  Berlin:  De  Gruyter.      Milne,   R.,   Bull,   R.,   Koehnken,   G.   &   Memon,   A.   (1995)   The   cognitive   interview   and  suggestibility.   In   G.M.   Stephenson   &   N.K.   Clark   (Eds.),   Criminal   Behaviour:   Perceptions,  Attributions   and   Rationality.       Division   of   Criminological   &   Legal   Psychology   Occasional  Papers,  No.  22.  British  Psychological  Society,  Leicester,  UK.    Memon,  A.  &  Bartlett,  D.  (1995).    The  role  of  Language  in  the  Courtroom.  In  Carson,  D.  and  Bull,  R.  (Eds.)  Handbook  of  Psychology  in  Legal  Contexts.  Chichester,  Wiley.    Memon,  A.  (1994)  Introducing  the  Cognitive  Interview.  In  R.  Bull,  D.  Glasgow  &  J.  Aldridge  (Eds).   Interviewing   children   for   legal   purposes.   A   University   accredited   distance   learning  course  for  legal  professionals,  Unit  III,  Level  1.      Memon,   A,   Cronin,   O,   Eaves,   R.   and   Bull,   R.   (1993)   The   Cognitive   Interview   and   Child  Witnesses.     In   G.M.   Stephenson   &   N.K.   Clark   (Eds.)   Children,   Evidence   and   Procedure.    Issues   in   Criminological   &   Legal   Psychology.       No.   20.   British   Psychological   Society,  Leicester,  UK.    Memon,   A.     (1991)   Perceptions   of   AIDS   Vulnerability:   the   role   of   attributions   and   social  context.   In   P.   Aggeleton,   and   Davies,   P.   (Eds).   AIDS:   Individual,   Cultural   and   Policy  Dimensions,  Brighton,  Falmer  Press.    Memon,  A.    (1991).  AIDS  risk:    attributions,  stereotypes  and  social  context  In  Johnson,  M.,  Herbert,   M.,   and   Marteau,   T.   (Eds).   European   Health   Psychology,   Health   Psychology  Section,  British  Psychological  Society,  England.    Clift,   S.,   Stears,  D.,  Memon,  A.  &  Ryan,  L.   (1990)  The  blame  dimension   in  young  people's  moral  constructions  of  AIDS,  In    P.  Aggeleton,  and  Davies,  P.  (Eds)  AIDS:  Individual,  Cultural  and    Policy  Dimensions,    Brighton,  Falmer  Press.      Invited  addresses    

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 Memon,   A   (March   2016)   Assessing   Credibility   in   Asylum   Contexts,   Swedish   Migration  Board,  University  of  Gothenburg,  Sweden.    Memon,  A.  (April  2014).  Are  discrepancies  in  testimony  due  to  memory  inaccuracy  or  deception?  A  review  of  research  and  theory,  Presentation  to  the  medical-­‐legal  report  writers,  Freedom  from  Torture,  Clifford  Chance,  Canary  Wharf.

Memon,   A.   (September,   2012).   What   do   we   know   about   Eyewitness   Identification?    Japanese  Association  of  Psychology  and  Law,    Tokyo.    Memon,  A.   (June  2011)    Assessing  credibility.    Keynote  address  4th  European  Conference  on  Psychology  and  Law,  Krakow,  Poland.    Memon,   A.   (April   2011)   Why   do   lawyers   need   to   know   about   the   Psychology   of  Eyewitnesses.  Faculty  of  Law,    University  of  Oslo.      Memon,   A.   (October,   2009)   Obtaining   evidence   from   vulnerable   witnesses   using   video  parades.  Keynote  address  to  the  Nordic  Association  of  Psychology  and  Law,  Estonia.    Memon,   A.   (April,   2009)   Vulnerable   witnesses   and   individual   differences   in   eyewitness  identification  and  testimony  in  children  and  older  adults.  Invited  speaker  at  the  South-­‐East  eyewitness  network,  University  of  Greenwich.    Memon,   A.   (January,   2009)   Gathering   evidence   from   vulnerable   witnesses.   Eyewitness  Identification  Evidence  workshop  sponsored  by  The  Nuffield  Foundation,  London.      Memon,   A.   (April,   2008)   Invited   Speaker,   Eyewitness   Testimony,   University   of   Lund,  Sweden.    Memon,   A.   (March   2008)   Invited   Speaker,   Cognitive   Interview,   Glasgow,   Law   Society   of  Scotland.    Memon,  A.    July  2007,  Invited  Speaker,  Crime,  Psychology  and  Law  workshop,  Prague.      Memon,   A.   (2007,   May)   Psychology,   Law   &   Eyewitness   Testimony,   University   of   Cork,  Ireland.    Memon,  A.  (2006,  November).  Memory  conformity  in  child  witnesses.  Presentation  at  the  Japanese  Psychological  Association  meeting,  Tokyo.    Memon,  A.  (2006,  October)  Can  child  witnesses  produce  reasonable  composites  of  faces?  Association   of   Chief   of   Police   Officers:   Facial   Identification   Sub-­‐Group   conference,  Manchester.    Memon,   A.   (2006,   September)   Forensic   Imagery   Analysis   Seminar:   Eyewitness  Identification.  Faculty  of  Advocates,    Edinburgh.  

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 Memon,  A.  (2006,  September).  The  reliability  of  Eyewitness  Identification  Evidence:  Do  we  need  Experts?  Judicial  Studies  Committee,    Edinburgh.      Memon,   A.   (2006,   September)   Enhancing   video   identification   evidence.     The   British  Association  Festival  of  Science,  Norwich,  2-­‐9  September.    Memon,  A.  (2006,  September).  Visual  Cognition.  Presentation  at  the  Advanced  Life  Support  Instructor  Day,  Resuscitation  Council  (UK),  Bristol.    Memon,  A.  (2005,  June).  Eyewitness  Testimony:  Research  and  practice.  Keynote  address.  European  Association  of  Psychology  and  Law,  Vilnius,  Lithuania  (June).    Memon,  A.  (2005,  July).  Lecture:  Social  Influences  on  child  and  adult  witnesses.  International  workshop  on  children's  eyewitness  memory  and  suggestibility:  cognitive,  social  and  metacognitive  factors  on  memory  reports.  Invitation  from  the  German  Research  Group  on  Cognitive  Development,  University  of  Wurzburg,  Germany.    Memon,  A.  (2004,  March).    Expert  Witnesses  -­‐  Identification,  Interviewing  and  Precognition.    Invited  address  to  the  Law  Society  of  Scotland,  Dunblane.    Memon,   A.   (2004,   January).   Interviewing   vulnerable   witnesses.   Invited   address   to   the  Faculty  of  Advocates,  Edinburgh.    Memon,  A.  (2003,  September).  Interviewing  child  witnesses.  Invited  paper  to  be  presented  at   the   Association   of   Chief   Police   Officers   Annual   Meeting   (Facial   Identification   Group),  Manchester.        Memon,   A.   (2003,   February).     System   and   estimator   variables   in   eyewitness   research.  British  Psychological  Society,  Scottish  Branch,  Annual  Meeting,  University  of  Edinburgh.    Memon,  A.  (2003,  January).  Interviewing  vulnerable  witnesses.    Solicitors  and  Higher  Court  Advocates  (SHCA)  Annual  Conference,  London.        Memon,   A.   (2002,   September).   Memory   Matters:   The   psychology   of   witness   memory.  Institute  for  Cultural  Research,  School  of  African  &  Oriental  Studies,  University  of  London.    Memon,  A.  (2001,  September).  Eyewitness  identification  in  older  adults:  Report  on  recent  research.   The   Association   of   Chief   of   Police   Officers   (Facial   Identification   Group)   Annual  Meeting,  Manchester.      Memon,   A.   (2001,   September).   The   Cognitive   Interview.     British   Association   for   the  Advancement  of  Science,  Annual  Conference,  University  of  Glasgow.      Invited  Speaker  (Research  Seminars)    

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University  of  Washington,  Seattle;  University  of  Texas,  Dallas;  Simon  Fraser  University,  Canada;  University  of  Victoria,  Canada;  University  of  Texas,  El  Paso,  Padua  University,  Italy;  Kiel  University,  Germany;  Florida  International  University,  University  of  London,  Goldsmiths;  Institute  of  Education,  London;  Southern  Methodist  University,  Dallas,  Bristol  University,  Portsmouth  University;  Surrey  University,  St-­‐Andrews  University,  Lancaster  University,  Newcastle  University,  Manchester  University,  Stirling  University,  Dundee  University,  Southampton  University,  Glasgow  Caledonian  University,  Pontifical  Catholic  University,  Brazil;  University  of  New  South  Wales,  Sydney,  Flinders  University,  Adelaide,  James  Cook  University,  Townsville,  Central  Queensland  University,  Rockhampton,  Deakin  University,  Melbourne,  Monash  University,  Melbourne,  Victoria  University,  Wellington,  New  Zealand,  Judicial  Studies  Committee,  Perth,  University  of  Plymouth,  Warwick  University,  Cranfield  University,  Dundee  University,  Central  Lancashire  University,  Strathclyde  University,  University  of  Leeds,  University  of  Cork,  University  of  Cologne,  University  of  Bielefeld,  University  of  Maastricht,  University  of  Gothenburg,  University  of  Lund,  University  of  Stockholm,  University  of  Oslo.      Conference  Presentations      Hellmann,  D.  &  Memon,  A.  (2015)  Attribution  of  Crime  Motives  biases  Eyewitnesses’  

Memory  and  Sentencing  Decisions.  Association  for  Psychological  Science,  New  York.  

 Maras,  K.  L.,  Crane,  L.  &  Memon,  A.  (2014)  Police  officers’  experiences  of  autism:  Existing  

good  practice  and  challenges  for  investigative  interviewing  of  people  with  autism  in  the  UK.  International  Investigative  Interviewing  Research  Group  7th  Annual  Conference  (Lausanne,  Switzerland).    

 Maras,  K.  L.  &  Memon,  A.   (2014)  Perceived  credibility  of  witnesses  with  autism  spectrum  disorder:   Do   behavioural  manifestations   influence  mock   juror   perceptions?   International  Meeting  for  Autism  Research  (Atlanta,  USA).      Memon,   A.   (2010,   June)   Positive   Developments   in   Interviewing.   Invited   Symposium   &  Paper  presentation.  European  Conference  on  Psychology  &  Law,  Gothenburg,  Sweden.    Memon,  A.,  Odinot,  G.  &    LaRooy,  D.    (2010,  June).  Eliciting  new  information  from  eyewitnesses  via  repeated  interviews:  how  does  it  impact  accuracy  and  credibility?  International  Investigative  Interviewing  Conference,  Norway.      Memon,  A.,  Odinot,  G.  &    LaRooy,  D.  (2010,  March).  Eyewitness  memory  across  repeated  cognitive  interviews.  Paper  presented  at  the  American  Psychology  Law  Society  Conference,  Vancouver.    Humphries,  J.E.,  &  Holliday,  R.E.,  Bull,  R.,  Milne,  R.,  &  Memon,  A.  (2009,  March).   Isolating  the  effects  of  Cognitive  interview  instructions  on  witness  testimony.  APLS  San  Antonio,  TX.    Hellmann,  J.  H.,  Kopietz,  R.,  &  Memon,  A.  (2009,  March).  „Wie  gesagt:  Der  hat  angefangen!“  –  Der  Saying-­‐is-­‐Believing  Effekt  bei  Augenzeugen.  [“As  I  said:  He  started  it!“  –  

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The  saying-­‐is-­‐believing  effect  in  eyewitnesses].  Presentation  held  at  the  51.  Tagung  experimentell  arbeitender  Psychologen  (TeaP)  [Conference  of  experimentally  working  psychologists],  Jena,  Germany.      Memon,  A.,  Fraser,  J.  &  Meissner,  C.  (2009).    The  Cognitive  Interview:  a  new  meta-­‐analysis  and  study  space  analysis.  Paper  to  be  presented  to  the  American  Psychology,  Law  Society,  San  Antonio  Texas,  March.    Memon,  A.,  Clifford,  B.,  Zaragoza,  M.  &  Kidd,  L.  (2009).  The  effect  of  Cognitive  Interviewing  timing   on   the   forced   fabrication   effect.   British   Psychological   Society,   Annual   Conference,  Brighton,  April.    Memon,   A.,   Clifford,   B.,   Zaragoza,   M.   &   Millen,   A.   (2009).   Distinguishing   truthful   from  forcibly   fabricated   events   using   reality   monitoring.     Paper   to   be   presented   at   the  International  Investigative  Research  Group  Annual  meeting,  University  of  Teeside,  April.    Memon,   A.   Havard,   C.,   Clifford,   B.,   &   Gabbert,   F.   (2008)   Obtaining   evidence   from   child  witnesses  using  video  parades.    Paper  presented  at   the  13th  meeting  of   the   International  Association   of   Craniofacial   Identification   (IACI).   Abstract   published   in   Forensic   Sci   Med  Pathol  (2009)  5:47–55    Memon,   A.   Havard,   C.,   Clifford,   B.,   &   Gabbert,   F.   (2008)   Obtaining   evidence   from   child  witnesses   using   video   parades.   Paper   presentation   at   the   European   Association   of  Psychology  and  Law,  Maastricht,  July.    Memon,  A.  (2008)  Using  the  reality  monitoring  approach  to  detect  deception  in  eyewitness  statements.   Paper   presentation   at   the   European   Association   of   Psychology   and   Law,  Maastricht,  July.    Davis,   J.,   Valentine,   T.,   Memon,   A.   &   Roberts   (2008)   Street   identifications:   An   effective  means   of   eliminating   an   innocent   suspect   or   a   cause   of   mistaken   identification?   Paper  presentation  at  the  European  Association  of  Psychology  and  Law,  Maastricht,  July.    Hellmann,  J.  H.,  Echterhoff,  G.,  Kopietz,  R.,  &  Memon,  A.  (2007,  September).  The  role  of  uncertainty  for  audience-­‐tuning  effects  on  memory.  Presentation  held  at  the  EAESP  Small  Group  Meeting  on  Shared  Memories,  Shared  Beliefs:  The  Formation  and  Use  of  Joint  Representations  in  Social  Interaction,  Rapallo,  Italy.    Memon,  A.,  Darling,  S,  &  Valentine,  T.  (2006,  May).  Eyewitness  descriptions  of  perpetrators  in  a  staged  crime  scenarios:  accuracy,  distinctiveness  and  lineup  performance.  Association  for  Psychological  Science,  Annual  Meeting,  New  York.    Memon,  A.,  Gabbert,  F.  &  Wright,  D.    (2005).  Task  demands  and  memory  conformity.  Paper  presented   at   the   European   Association   of   Experimental   Social   Psychology,   Wurzbug  Germany.    

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Memon,  A  Joffre,  S,  Kennedy,  V.  &  Laird,  E.  (2005).  Can  child  witnesses  produce  reasonable  facial  composites  of   faces?  Paper  presented  at   the  biennial  conference  of   the  Society   for  Applied  Research  in  Memory  and  Cognition,  Wellington,  New  Zealand.    Woods,   D.,   Colwell,   C.,   Colwell,   L.,   Wasieleski,   D.T.,   Anisman-­‐Hiscock,   C.   &   Memon,   A.  (2005).   Can   empirically   derived   assessment   criteria   indicative   of   deception   improve  credibility  assessments?  Paper  presented  at  the  American  Psychology  Law  Society,  La  Jolla,  San  Diego.      Hill,   C.,   Memon,   A.   &   McGeorge,   P.   (2005).   Interviewing   suspects:   The   effects   of  investigator  bias  and  questioning  style.  Paper  presented  at  the  biennial  conference  of  the  Society  for  Applied  Research  in  Memory  and  Cognition,  Wellington,  New  Zealand.    Hulse,  L.  &  Memon,  A.  (2005)  Police  accounts  of  a  simulated  shooting  incident:  The  effects  of   arousal   on   memory.   Paper   presented   at   the   biennial   conference   of   the   Society   for  Applied  Research  in  Memory  and  Cognition,  Wellington,  New  Zealand.    Gabbert,  F.,  Memon,  A.,  &  Wright,  D.  B.  (January,  2005).  Manipulating  witness’  confidence  in   memory:   Implications   for   memory   conformity.   Paper   presented   at   the   biennial  conference  of  the  Society  for  Applied  Research  in  Memory  and  Cognition,  Wellington,  New  Zealand.    Memon,   A.,   Valentine,   T.,   Darling,   S.   &   Franssens,   D.   (2004,   September).   Enhancing  eyewitness   identification  accuracy  with  video  parades.  Paper  presented  at   the  Australian  Psychological  Association  Annual  Conference,  Sydney.    Gabbert,   F.,   Memon,   A.   &   Wright,   D.   (2004,   July)   Manipulating   witness’s   confidence   in  memory:  Implications  for  memory  conformity.  Paper  to  be  presented  at  the  European  Law  and  Psychology  Meeting,  Kracow,  Poland.    Anders,   P.  Memon,   A.,   Gabbert,   F.   &   Allwood,   C.   (2004,   July)   Contagious   contacts:   How  police   trainees   influence  each  other’s  memories   for  a  criminal  event.  Paper  presented  at  the  European  Law  and  Psychology  Meeting,  Kracow,  Poland.    Memon,  A.  &  Bromby,  A.  (2004,  July).  Scots  Law  on  dock  identifications.  Paper  presented  at  the  European  Law  and  Psychology  Meeting,  Kracow,  Poland.    Hulse,   L.  &  Memon,   A.   (2004,   July).   Deadly   Encounters:   The   Effects   of   Arousal   on   Police  Officers'  Memories  for  a  Simulated  Crime,  Paper  to  be  presented  at  the  European  Law  and  Psychology  Meeting,  Kracow,  Poland.    Memon,  A.,  Holliday,  R.  &  Hill,  C.  (2004,  March).  Jim  is  a  clumsy  man:  Pre-­‐event  stereotypes  and  false  memory  in  children.  Poster  presentation  at  the  American  Psychology  Law  Society  meeting,  Scottsdale,  Arizona.    

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Colwell,  K.,  Hiscock,  C.  K.  Sjerven,  E.  and  Memon,  A.  (2003)  Assessment  criteria  indicative  of  deception.  Poster  presented  at  the  biennial  conference  of  the  Society  for  Applied  Research  in  Memory  and  Cognition,  University  of  Aberdeen.    Memon,   A.   et   al.     5   papers   presented   in   July   2003:     Joint   European-­‐American   Law   and  Psychology  Association  meeting,  University  of  Edinburgh.    Memon,  A.  et  al.    4  papers  presented  in  July  2003:  Society  for  Applied  Research  in  Memory  and  Cognition,  University  of  Aberdeen.    Memon,   A.   et   al.     (2002,   March).     4   papers   presented   at   the   biennial   meeting   of   the  American  Psychology  and  Law  Society.    Austin,  Texas.    Gabbert,  F.,  Memon,  A.,  Wright,  D.  &  Allan,  K.  (2002,  June).  Social  influences  on  eyewitness  memory.  European  Association  of  Experimental  Social  Psychology,  San  Sebastian,  Spain.    Hope,   L.   &   Memon,   A.   et   al.     (2002,   June).     Two   papers   presented   at   the   European  Association  of  Experimental  Social  Psychology,  San  Sebastian,  Spain.    Hafstad,  G.,  Memon,   A.  &   Logie,   R.   (2002,   September).   The   effects   of   post-­‐identification  feedback   on   children’s   memory.   Paper   presented   at   the   European   Conference   on  Psychology  and  Law,  Leuven,  September.    Memon,  A.,  Hope,   L.  &  Bull   (2001).  Contamination  of  witness  memory   from  exposure   to  mugshots.  Proceedings  of  the  British  Psychological  Society,  9  (2),  August  2001.    Hope,   L.,   Memon,   A.   &   McGeorge,   P.   (2001).   The   biasing   impact   of   pre-­‐trial   publicity:  Memory   for   defendant   details.   Proceedings   of   the   British   Psychological   Society,   9   (2),  August  2001.    Memon,  A.,  et  al.  (June,  2001).    4  Papers  presented  at  the  Society  for  Applied  Research  on  Memory  and  Cognition,  Kingston,  Ontario,  June.      Memon,  A.,  Hope,   L.  &  Bull   (2001).   Exposure  duration:   effects  on  eyewitness   confidence  and  accuracy.  Paper  presented  at   the  3rd   International  Conference  on  Memory,  Valencia,  July  2001.    Memon,  A.  &  Mazzoni.  G.  (2001,  September).  Extracting  tooth  memories:  Imagination  and  mere   exposure   on   autobiographical   beliefs   and   memories.   Paper   presented   at   the   XII  ESCOP  and  XVIII  BPS  Cognitive  Section  Conference,  Edinburgh.    Memon,   A.   et   al.     (2000,   March)   2   papers   presented   at   the   American   Psychology   Law  Society  Conference,  New  Orleans.      Hiscock,   C.K.,   Colwell,   K.,   Townley,   S.,   &   Memon,   A.   (2000).     Reality   Monitoring   and  deception  in  an  incarcerated  population.    American  Psychological  Association,  Washington,  D.C.    

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 Pickrell,   J.  Mazzoni,  G.,  Memon,  A   and   Loftus,   E.   (1999).    Multiple   Examples  Can  Change  Beliefs   about   the   past.   Paper   presented   at   American   Psychological   Society   Conference,  June.    Memon,   A.   et   al..   (1998,   March)   2   papers   presented   at   the   American   Psychology   Law  Society  meeting,  Redondo  Beach,  CA,  March  5-­‐7,  1998.    Bartlett,  J.,  Searcy,  J.  &  Memon,  A.  (1998)  False  recognitions  of  new  faces  in  laboratory  and  eyewitness   identification   tasks.     Paper   presentation   at   the   Vth   Cognitive   Ageing  Conference,  Atlanta,  April.    Memon,  A.  &  Yarmey,  D.  (1998)  The  Cognitive  Interview  and  earwitness  testimony.  Paper  to   be   presented   at   The   American   Psychology   Law   Society  meeting,   Redondo   Beach,   CA,  March.    Brown,  A.,  Memon,  A.  and  Hornstein,  S.  (1997).  Target  memory.  Poster  presentation  at  the  second  meeting  of  the  Society  for  Applied  Research  on  Memory  and  Cognition,  Toronto,      Memon,  A.,  Wedge,  G.  &  Beese,  R.  (1996)  Juror  perceptions  of  recovered  memories:  Does  prior   knowledge   influence   decision   making?   Poster   presentation   at   NATO   ASI   meeting:    ‘Recollections  of  Trauma’  France,  June,  1996.      Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Holley,  A.  Koehnken,  G.  and  Bull,  R.  (1995,  July)  Eliciting  information  and  misinformation  in  Cognitive  and  Structured  Interviews.  Society  for  Applied  Research  on  Memory  and  Cognition,  University  of  British  Columbia,  Vancouver.        Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Holley,  A.,  Bull,  R.  &  Koehnken,  G.  (1995,  August)  Eliciting  information  from  young  children   in  Cognitive  and  Structured   interviews.  Vth  European  Conference  on  Law  and  Psychology,  Budapest.    Memon,   A.   (1995,   September).   The   Cognitive   interview:   The   effects   of   training.   British  Psychological  Society  Cognitive  Section  Annual  Conference,  Bristol.    Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Koehnken,  G.  and  Bull,  R.  (1994,  July)  Children's  event  memory:  the  effects   of   interview   technique   and   repeated   testing.   Symposium:   Research   on   Ways   to  Interview   Child   Witnesses   (R.   Bull).   23rd   International   Congress   of   Applied   Psychology,  Madrid.        Memon,  A.  et  al.   (1994,   July)  3  Papers  presented  at   the  3rd  Practical  Aspects  of  Memory  Conference,  University  of  Maryland.    Memon,  A.,  Wark,  L.,  Koehnken,  G.  and  Bull,  R.  (1994,  March)  The  performance  of    child   witnesses   and   interviewers   using   a   Structured   or   Cognitive   Interview,   American  Psychological  Association:  Law  Society  meeting,  Sante  Fe.      

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Wark,  L.  Memon,  A.    Holley,  A.    Koehnken,  G.  Bull,  R.     (1994,  March)  Children’s  memory:  the  effects  of  participation  and  retrieval  aids  on  recall  of  a  staged  event.  Poster  presented  at  the  BPS  Annual  Conference,  Brighton.    Memon,  A.   et   al.   (1994,  April)   3  papers  presented  at   IVth  European   Law  and  Psychology  Conference,  Barcelona.    Memon,  A.,   Cronin,  O.,   Eaves,   R.   and  Bull,   R.   (1992,  March)   The  Cognitive   Interview  and  Child  Witnesses.  BPS  division  of  Criminological  and  Legal  Psychology,  Annual  Conference,  Harrogate.    Memon,  A.  et  al.  (1992,  May).  3  Papers  presented  at  the  NATO  Advanced  Study  Institute,  Italy.      Memon,   A.,     et   al.   (1992,   September).     2   papers   presented   at   the   Third   European  Conference  of  Law  and  Psychology,  Oxford.      Memon,   A.   (1991,   April)   Introducing   the   Cognitive   Interview   as   a   procedure   for  interviewing   witnesses.     Paper   presented   at   The   British   Psychological   Society,   Annual  Conference,  Bournemouth.    Memon,  A.    and  Bull,  R.  (1991,  June)    The  Cognitive  Interview:  how  and  why  it  may  improve  the   memory   of   an   eyewitness,     Paper   presented   at   The   first   Joint   British-­‐Spanish  Conference  on  Psychology,  Crime  and  the  Law,  Pamplona,  Spain.    Memon,   A.   and   Clift,   S.   (1989,   April).   Attitudes   and   beliefs   about   HIV   and   AIDS.   British  Psychological  Society,  Annual  Conference.  St.  Andrews.    Memon,   A.   (1989,   September).   Young   people’s   knowledge,   attitudes   and   beliefs   about  HIV/AIDS.  The  International  Conference  on  Health  Psychology,  Cardiff.    Memon,   A.   (1990,   April)   AIDS   vulnerability:   stereotypes,   attributions   and   social   context.    Paper  presented  at  Social  Aspects  of  AIDS  Annual  Conference.  London.    Memon,   A.   (1990,   July)   AIDS   risk:   attributions,   stereotypes   and   social   context.   Paper  presented   at   the   4th   Annual   Conference   of   The   European   Health   Psychology   Society,  Oxford.    Carson,   D.   and  Memon,   A.   (1990,   September)   Teaching   Law   and   Psychology   in   Europe.    Paper  presented  at  European  Conference  on  Law  and  Psychology,  Nurnberg,  Germany.    MacKinnon,   O’Reilly,   Memon,   A.     &   Geiselman,   E.   (1986,   July)   Strategies   for   improving  memory  for  license  plates.  The  Southern  California  Chapter  of  the  Human  Factors  Society,  Los  Angeles.    Memon,  A.   (1985,   July).   The   recognition  of   unfamiliar   faces:   the  effects  of   pose,   context  and  delay.  International  Conference  on  the  Meaning  of  Faces,  Cardiff.    

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 Memon,  A.   (1985,  April).  The  recognition  of  unfamiliar   faces:   the  effects  of  pose,  context  and   delay.   British   Psychological   Society,   Annual   Postgraduate   Psychology   Conference,  University  of  London.      Memon,  A.  (1983,  April)  Context  Effects  in  Face  Recognition.  British  Psychological  Society,  Annual  Postgraduate  Psychology  Conference,  St.  Andrews.        Media  Publicity  1992-­‐  2015    The  Dallas  Morning  News,  NY  Times,  The  Times,  The  Guardian,  The  Independent,  Aberdeen  Press  &  Journal,  The  Scotsman.  BBC  News  (Jill  Dando  Murder),  Discovery  Channel  Documentary  (False  Memories),  Tomorrow’s  World  (with  Peter  Snow),  The  Sunday  Times  (false  memories,  BBC  Radio  4  Memory  series,  BBC  Panorama  –  Memory  of  Police  Officers  in  Shooting  Incidents,  Various  Radio  interviews  and  local  press  coverage,  BBC  Radio  4  November  2014  BBC  news­‐14100786  The  Wellcome  Collection­‐be-­‐all-­‐wrong-­‐night-­‐wellcome-­‐collection-­‐admits-­‐mistakes      Research  Panels  Economic   &   Social   Research   Council   (1991-­‐);   ESRC   Post-­‐doctoral   Research   Fellowships  (2006-­‐)  National  Science  Foundation  (1995-­‐)  Canadian  Research  Council  (1997-­‐),  ESRC  Peer  Review  College  (2010-­‐)  National  Institute  of  Justice  (1996-­‐)      Editorial  activities    Associate  Editor:  Applied  Cognitive  Psychology,  2008-­‐2012  Associate  Editor:  Legal  &  Criminological  Psychology  1998-­‐2002    Associate  editor:  The  Psychologist      2004-­‐2010    Contact  Details    Academic  Website:    Leadership  Academy  for  Asian  Women    Twitter   Linked  in    

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