manual of the broadway tabernacle church, n.y. containing

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W. H. TUAK.uN * Ci. STATIOMKU8 ANI» KM*5 ANU If"*" Stukkt

1866 .

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Manual coat i in 1 I

i to principloD, ru l oo ,ccv. t. arti Iva

l'a ith f and catalof i

of tho church. tfov York.



90p. 19jcra.

2985 NL <0-<3C




The Broadway Tabernacle Church was organized

,in July, 1840, by the union of sixty-seven persons in

a covenant for that purpose. Its public recognition

by an ecclesiastical council took place on the 3d

of September in the same year. The sermon was

preached by Rev. Leonard. Bacon, 1). D., of NewIlaven, Conn., the charge given by Rev. John

Todd, D. D., then of Philadelphia, and the right

hand of fellowship by Rev. William Patton, D. D.,

of New York.

In October following an Ecclesiastical Society was

incorporated, pursuant to statute, under the name of

the u Broadway Tajjernacle Society .'5

The Rev. E. W. Andrews, of West Hartford, Conn.,

having accepted the call of the Church and Society,

was publicly installed on Sabbath evening, January

31st, 1841. Rev. W. W. Andrews, then of Kent,

preached the installation sermon;Rev. Mark Tucker,

D. D., of Providence, gave the charge to the pastor;

I \






< 1*.i[




Rev. E. L. Cleveland, D. D., of New Haven, gave the

charge to the people;and Rev. S. AV. S. Dutton, D. D.,

of New Haven, gave the right hand of fellowship.

In the summer of 1844 Mr. Andrews resigned hisj

pastoral charge, and he was dismissed by a mutual

Council on the 14th of August.

In March, 1845, the Church and Society presented >

a unanimous call to the liev. Joseph P. Thompson,!]

then of New Haven, Conn., to become their pastor.

He was installed on the 1.5th of the following April. 1

Rev. Leonard Bacon, I). I)., preached the sermon;

Rev. Samuel Merwin ottered the installing prayer


Rev. A. 0. Baldwin gave the charge to the pastor;

Rev. S. AV. S. Dutton, D. I)., gave the right hand of

fellowship; and Rev. Edwin TIolt addressed the peo-

Pie._ ^ |

For twelve years after the settlement of Dr. Thomp-son the Church continued to worship in the u Broad-


way Tabernacle,” from which it derived its name.

This building, situated on the east side of Broadway,

between Leonard and AVortli streets, was erected in'

1836.* In 1840 the house was purchased by Mr.!

David Hale, under foreclosure, and was by him leased!

to the Congregational Society formed in connection

with the Broadway Tabernacle Church. At the set-;

tlement of Dr. Thompson, in 1845, the Tabernacle

Society purchased the property, Mr. Hale encourag-

ing the movement by a liberal subscription.

So long as the location continued to be central to.

* The religious society which first occupied this building was Con-

gregational in its organization; but in 1838 “The Free Church,” which

had for some time worshipped at the corner of Washington and Dey

streets, united with it, and it became Presbyterian.













the population ot* the city, the vast cdiiiee was ordi-

narily tilled, and often thronged, upon the Sabbathby a congregation composed largely of strangers,

young men, and persons who, having no stated

place of worship, sought occasionally the privileges

of the Gospel in the ample free galleries of the

Tabernacle. The great Head of the Church mani-

festly smiled upon the enterprise, and made it an in-

strument for his glory in the salvation of many souls.

Since the organization of the Tabernacle Church, sev-

eral Congregational Churches have been formed in

New York, Brooklyn, and vicinity, and the principles

of the Congregational faith and order have been wide-

ly diffused beyond the pale of New England. In

several instances the organization of new Churches

may be distinctly traced to the example and influence

of the Tabernacle as the mother Church. This Church

has ‘itself been blessed with many seasons of special

mercy, and during the first twenty-live years of its

existence there were added to it by profession 45(),

by letter 1,000.

In June, 1S55, the Broadway Tabernacle Society,

after mature deliberation, unanimously voted to au-

thorize their Board of Trustees to sell the Tabernacle,

and seek a location for the Church in the midst of

the resident population of the city. The encroach-

ments of business compelling* families to remove up

town, made it well nigh impossible longer to sustain

the Church in its original home. In 1857 the Taber-

nacle was sold, and the last religious service was held

within its walls on the 26th of April in that year.

A site was selected for the new Tabernacle at the

intersection of Broadway, Sixth avenue, and Thirty-



tburtli street, nearly three miles north of the old loca

tion, and the building was completed in April, 1859

Daring the interval the Church worshipped in the

City Assembly Rooms, the chapel of the u Home for

the Friendless,” and the chapel of the new building on

Thirty-fourth street.

The Tabernacle faces the Sixth avenue, which I

Broadway here crosses diagonally. It is built upon

a lot which measures 100 feet on the avenue by 150

feet on Thirty-fourth street ; and the building is 89

feet 8 inches front, and 150 deep, including the chapel

in the rear, which is under the same roof. The main

audience-room is 70 feet wide by 00 feet in depth in

the clear, exclusive of the recess for the pulpit;the


entire length from the pulpit-screen to the front wall

is 118 feet.

In the ground plan of the interior the building pre-{

seats a parallelogram; but the roof is cruciform, and|

the elevation of the transepts gives a pleasing variety !

to the exterior walls and buttresses. On the corner

of Thirty-fourth street and the avenue is a massiveJ

and finely-proportioned tower, 135 feet in height.

The side view presents three tiers of windows;the

lower tier lighting the aisles, the second the galleries,

and the third forming the clear story of the nave.

The several heights of the building outside are 32 feet

to the top of the aisle walls, (H feet to the top of the

nave—the clear story rising 32 feet above the aisles—

and 88 feet to the ridge of the roof. The transept

walls are carried up to a line with the ridge;these

have a lower tier of three windows, and a great triple

window above. Directly in the rear of the transept

wall, the wall of the chapel rises to the same eleva-


tion with that ot* the aisles, and above this again, is

seen the clear story, which here forms an apsis, in

the rear of the pulpit, over the chapel—thus presenting

in the interior of the church, an arched ceiling 150

feet long, at an elevation ot* nearly TO feet from the


The style of the building is perpendicular Gothic,

carried out with a chaste and almost severe simplicity,

which imparts an air of grandeur and beauty to the

whole structure. The interior elfeet is rich and im-


The windows are- of colored glass, so happily toned

as to subdue the light without making it sombre, and

arc free alike from grotesque figures and gaudy colors.

The Avails are colored uniformly in drab. The pews

are of oak, without doors, and are finished with crim-

son upholstery;and the pulpit, the organ case, and

the galleries correspond with the oaken pews. There

are 312 pews in the house, 212 on the ground floor.

These are arranged in three double-blocks, with an

extra- tier of Avail pews upon either side; that is, there

are eight row s of pews the entire length of the build-

ing, divided by lour aisles. The front gallery ex-

tends back over the vestibule, to the front Avail of the

building, and contains some of the most eligible pews

in the house. Each gallery contains five rows of

pews through its entire length. Counting only the

sittings unobstructed by the pillars, the house Avill

seat comfortably about 1,600 persons.

Back of the pulpit, upon either side, is a gallery

for the choir, the manuals of the organ being upon

the same floor. The great organ, Avith the “swell’

and “pedal,” occupies the space in the apsis over the






cluipel, and the choir organ is directly over the puj

pit, at a lower level.

The following Scheme of the Organ exhibits it

compass, variety, and power, and its admirable adap]

ation to the demands of Church music :





1. Double open Diapason 1(» feet.

2. Open Diapason s **

3. Gamba S k *

4. Stop Diapason 8 *•

5. Melodia 8 “

G. Ni.aiit Horn 4 **

7. Prineipal 4 k *

8 . Twelfth 3 ”

i). Fifteenth 2 .

10. Sesquialtera ....3 ranks.

11. Trumpet 8 feet.

T2. Clarion 4 •

13. .Bourdon 1G feet.

14. Open Diapason . S ”

15. Dulciana S * k

1G. Stop Diapason 3 kk

17. Prineipal 4 ‘*

IS. Fifteenth 2'*

10. Cornet 2 ranks.

*20. Mixture 3 kk

21. Hautboy 8 feet.

*2*2. Trumpet S kk

23. Clarion 4 *•


24. Open Diapason 8 feet.

Stop Diapason 8 k *

Prineipal ... 4 *•

Flute Harmonic 4 11

Pieolo 2“

Cremona . . 8 k *


30. Double Open Diapason, ,

wood 32 feet

31. Open Diapason,* wood 10 k *

32. Grand open Diapason,

metal 10 * k

33. Gamba, metal 1G **

34. Trombone, metal 1G k *

85. Quint, wood 12 **

3G. Violoncello, metal... 8“


Swell to Great.

Choir ki Great.

Swell k* C’hoir.

40. Great to Pedal.

41. Swell * k Pedal.

42. Choir k* Pedal.

43. Vox Tremulant.

14. Bellows Attachment.

45. Bellows Alarm.


40. Full.|

47. Chorus. 48. Solo.

BJlT WO 48A* 1




The Tabernacle is built of Little Falls (Jersey) rub-

ble;the’ dimension-stone and the porches throughout

are of cream-colored New- Brunswick stone. The front

porch, of this stone, is a beautiful specimen of carved

Gothic. The outer doors are of solid oak. There are

ample facilities for ingress and egress.

The chapel, directly in the rear of the main audi-

ence-room, is 28 feet by 85 in the clear, and will seat

nearly 500 persons. This is used as the principal

Sabbath-School room, the seats being fitted with re-

versible backs. Under this is a finished basement-

room, with a good entrance from Thirty-fourth street;

and over it a fine suite of rooms for Bible classes, and

parlors for social gatherings.

On the north side of the main building, at the angle

formed with it by the rear wall of the chapel, is a neat

two-story edifice for the accommodation of the pastor.

On the first floor is a reception-room, which communi-

cates with the chapel, and with the pulpit of the

church. In the second-story is the study, well-lighted

and ventilated, with ample book-shelves and closets;

and adjoining this, occupying the recess between the

Church and the Chapel, is an additional library, of

two stories, with book-cases, drawers, and galleries for

maps. All these apartments are for the pastor’s pri-

vate use.

The new Tabernacle was dedicated to the worship

of Almighty God, on Sabbath, April 24th, 1859.

Devotional Services were conducted by Rev. Milton

Badger, D. D., Secretary of the American Home Mis-

sionary Society, and the sermon was preached by Rev.

Edwards A. Park, D.D., Professor in Andover Theo-

logical Seminary, from 1. Cor. ii : 2. The pastor ot


the Oh urcli offered the prayer of dedication, prefacing

it with the following declaration :

u It does not accord with our views of worship under

the Christian dispensation, nor with the usages of our

body, to attach sanctity to a material structure. Hut

it does accord with the inmost sense of propriety and 1

with the devout sentiment of Christian gratitude, and I

it lias also the warrant of Scripture, that we should set

apart with due solemnity the place in which we and

our children shall worship God, and should hallow it

in our thoughts and associations. Now, therefore, ()

ye people, blessed of the Lord, I would call upon you

to arise, and join with me in offering this new temple

to the service of the Triune God—the Father, the Son,

and the Iloly Ghost.u AVe bring to God, with reverence and gratitude,

this house of prayer and praise, beseeching him to

hallow it with his presence in our assemblies and his

blessing upon our worship. AVe dedicate these walls

to the use of a church of Christ. AVe dedicate thoe

seats for the solemn and joyful convocations of God’s

people, in the reverent worship of his Name, and the

devout hearing of his AVord. AVe dedicate this choir

to the service of song in the house of the Lord. AVe

dedicate this pulpit to the preaching of Christ and

him crucified;and this table of communion to that

high and sacred service whereby we do show forth the

Lord’s death till he come. May he whose glory tills

the heavens condescend to meet his people in this

house ! May Christ here build into his temple new

and living stones ! May the 1 Toly Spirit here bless the

AVord unto sanctification and eternal life! May our

•children and our children’s children here worship in


the beauty of holiness, when we shall slumber in the

dust! And when our earthly house of this Taberna-

cle shall be dissolved, may we enter upon a purer,

nobler worship in that city where the Lord God Al-

mighty and the Lamb are the temple of it ! And to

the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the only wise

God, be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, through-

out all ages, world without end, Amen !"’

At the completion of the new Tabernacle there wasa debt upon the building of sixty-five thousand dol-

lars. The Society might have relieved itself of this

encumbrance by the common expedient ofselling pews


but it was resolved that there should be no private

ownership in the building; and as the financial con-

dition of the community was not then favorable fora

subscription towards reducing the indebtedness, the

Trustees decided to carry the debt until arrangements

could be made for removing it. In the Spring of 1863,

the congregation, having then largely increased, \>y a

free-will offering paid off twenty-five thousand dollars-

of this indebtedness; and in 1861, by a renewed sub-

scription, consummated on the second Sabbath in

March, they raised the remaining sum of forty thous-

and dollars, and cancelled every claim upon the pro-

perty. The Society now holds the land, the building,

and all its furniture free of encumbrance, for the occu-

pation and use of the Broadway Tabernacle Church*




[The iollowing statement of Congregational Principles andUsages published by the Congregational Board of Publication,

will be of service to members of the Church, in respect to their

personal privileges and duties).

I. Power of tee Church.

It is a fundamental

principle of Congregationalism that all ecclesiastical

power resides in the associated body of the brethren,

and not in tlie officers, nor in ecclesiastical bodies dis-

tinct from or above the particular or local Church.

The principal powers pertaining to the Church may be

classified as follows :

1st. The power of electing its own officers.—The

Bishops,or Pastors and Teachers

,and the Deacons


are elected by a majority of the Church.

2d. The power of admitting or excluding its oven

members .—Persons are admitted to the Church by a

vote of the brethren : unworthy members are ex-

cluded in the same manner.

3d. The power of forming its own creed.—Each

Church frames its own Confession of Faith / yet it is














worthy of notice, as showing the unity of the teaching

of the Spirit, and the safety of trusting the local

Churches, that although the Confessions framed bythese Churches may be counted by hundreds, there is

the most substantial harmony and even identity of

doctrine among them, upon the essential truths of re-


4th. The power of reyulatiny the details of its ownworship, and modes of procedure in e.rercisiny the

previouspowers.—The mode in which public worship

shall be performed, the seasons for communion, the

mode of receiving or disciplining its own members,

special seasons for religious worship, are all regulated

by vote of the Church.

5th. The power of independency.—That is, each

Church has these powers in and of itself, which it mayexercise without responsibility to any ecclesiastical

authority above itself. Its votes on all these points

are decisive and iinal. No ecclesiastical power can

impose on any Church a religious teacher, or other

officer; or admit or exclude members; or form its

creed; or regulate its mode of proceeding. Each

Church has the exclusive right of managing its owno o oconcerns.

II. Officers.—Congregational Churches have two

permanent and regularly elected classes of officers.

These are Bishops (usually styled Pastors),and Dea-


In the early history of New England, it was com-

mon for each Church to enjoy the labors of two

ministers (distinguished as Pastor and Teacher), and

the primitive Churches appear to have had several,

composing a Ministerial Elderhood, or Presbytery, in


(not over) each local Church;Acts 14 : 23 ;

Titus 1:5;1 Timothy 4:14; James 5 : 14.

The Deacons appointed by each Church may be as

many as the Church, in its discretion, shall determine.|

The primitive Churches, founded by the Apostles,

had these officers, and no others. Those called

“ Elders” were the same as “ Bishops.” Compare

Acts 20: 17, 28; 1 Peter 5: 1—5; Titus 1: 5—7.

See also Neander’s Church History, vol. i., p. 184, and

Mosheim’s Ecc. History, vol. i., p. 09. Thus Paul,

writing to the Philippians, directs his letters to “ the

saints at Philippi, with the Bishops and Deacons.”

Phil. 1: 1. It is evident, therefore, that in the single

Church in that city were at least two Bishops . In the

Church at Ephesus, also, were several Bishops / for

Paul, having invited the Elders of the Church atj

Ephesus to meet him at Miletus, Acts 20 : 17, stylesj

those very individuals, verse 28, Bishops . Ourtrans- '

lators give the word “'overseers;” but the word in the

original language is bishops, and is so rendered in

every other text. As there were several of these in

each of the primitive Churches, they divided the du-

ties of the ministry among them according to their

natural and spiritual gifts.

No text can be produced in which God assigns pow-

er over the Churches to any individual, or set of in-

dividuals. It is to be taken for granted, therefore,

that no such power exists. The New Testament

speaks of no organization above the local Church. It

always uses the word “ Church” to mean either the

general company of the redeemed,'or the congregation

of professed believers in a particular place. The word

never occurs in the sense of an external centralized



organization, embracing and ruling a multitude of

congregations; as when we hear men say, “The Pres-

byterian Church,” or “ The Episcopal Church.” There

is no such thing as “ The Congregational Church of

the United States,” but “The Congregational Clmr-

dies,” &c. Thus we read of “The Churches of Ju-

dea,” Gal. 1: 22, “ The Churches of Macedonia,” 2

Cor. S : 1, and “The Churches of Asia, 1 Cor. 1G: 19,

“The Seven Churches” in Proconsular Asia, Rev. 1 :

11, the Churches being separate and independent.

But there are various passages which fully indicate

the possession of all the powers above named by the

primitive Churches. The election of officers by the

people was evidently a law of the Christian Church,

from the time of its commencement. Even the desig-

nation of an apostle to fill a vacancy, Acts 1: 15—2G,

was made by the assembled brethren. The Church

at Jerusalem chose the seven persons who were to ex-

ercise the ollice of deacon, Acts G: 3, 5. In Matthew

18 : 15— 17, the Church, and that alone, is expressly

charged with the duty of exercising discipline. The

Church at Corinth were directed by Paul to exercise

discipline, 1 Cor. 5: 1—7, 6: 1—5. The command

to exercise discipline is repeated in 1 Cor. 5: 11—13.

The Church of Corinth actually exercised this power,

as may be seen by 2 Col*. 2 :6—10, where the censure

is said to have been “ indicted of many.*’ Ecclesias-

tical History, also, gives the same account uf the

primitive Churches. Mosheim (who was not a Con-

gregationalist) says, Ecc. Hist., vol. i., p. G8.

“ The assembled people, therefore, elected their own

rulers and teachers, or by their tree consent received

such as were nominated to them. They also, by their




suffrages, rejected or confirmed the laws that were

proposed by their rulers in their assemblies; they ex-

cluded profligate and lapsed brethren, and restored

them;they decided the controversies and disputes that

arose; they heard and determined the causes of pres-

byters and deacons; in a word, the people did every-)

thing that is proper for lliose in whom the supreme)

2>ower is vested/’

Moshcim says again, Mist. Com., vol. i., p. 19G:

u Although all the Churches were, in this first age

of Christianity, united together in one common bond

of faith and love, and were in every respect ready to

promote the interests and welfare of each other by a

reciprocal interchange of good offices, yet, with regard

to government and internal economy, every individual

church considered itself as an independent communi-

ty;none of them ever looking in these respects be-

yond the circle of its own members for assistance, or

recognizing any sort of external influence or authority.”

Congregationalism is true republicanism. Each

Congregational Church and Society elects its ownofficers, owns its own house and property, judges of

the qualifications of its own members, allows to each

brother an equal vote, and has no superior, lord, or


It is worthy of remark, also, that the principles on

which Congregational Churches are organized, being

thus purely republican, are in entire harmony with

the principles of our civil government, and had much

to do with its origin.

III. Powers and Duties of Officers.—Congrega-

tional Churches intrust no ecclesiastical power to their

officers. The New Testament denies to the officers




authority of any original or exclusive character, and

represents them rather as theservants of the Churches.

Matt. 20 : 25, 27.

The great duty of the primitive scriptural Bishopwas to teach and to preside in the assembly of the

Church. As the passages which relate to this subject

are too numerous and too long to be quoted, let the

reader refer to Acts 20: 28, 1 Tim. b : 1—G; 5: 17;

4: 12—10; 2 Tim. 2: 1—27; 4 : 1—5; Titus 1 : 7,

9; 2: 1— 15; 8: 1— 11; Ileb. lb: 7, 17; 1 Pet. 5:


Tiie duties of Deacons in Congregational Churches

are to assist in distributing the elements of the Lord’s

Supper; to attend to the secular business of the

Church; to visit the members for the purpose of re-

ligious instruction and prayer; and, in behalf of the

Church, to minister to the wants of the poor.

Very little is said in the Scriptures respecting the

office of Deacons. Their character, though not their

duties, is described in 1 Tim. 3: 8—12. Neander

says, in his Church history, vol. i.. p. 188 :

“ Besides these (the Bishops), we find only one other

Church-office in the Apostolic age,—that of the dea-

cons. The duties of this office were, from the begin-

ning, simply external, as it was instituted in the iirst

place, according to Acts vi., to assist in the distribu-

tion of alms. The care of providing for the poor and

sick of the communities, to which many other external

duties were afterwards added, devolved particularly

on this office.”

IV. Conditions of Admission to the Church.—It

is the unanimous opinion of the Congregational Chur-

ches, that a credible profession of personal faith in



Christ is the indispensable condition of communionand membership in the Church. It is by no means!

maintained, that entire assurance of salvation should

l)e required, or perfect agreement in the details of

doctrine; but as the Church was designed to include

only true Christians, it follows, of course, that credi-

ble evidence of being a Christian, including belief of

the fundamental doctrines of the Bible, should be the

condition of membership.

This part of the system, also, is in accordance with

divine and apostolic example. For we are informed,

Acts 2: 47, “that the Ford added to the Church,

daily, such as should be saved while Philip required

ot the eunuch before baptism a statement of his belief

as to Christ, ActsS: 37. The apostolic epistles ad-

dressed to the Churches arc 4 inscribed “to the saints,1 '

“ to the faithful,” to the “believers in Christ,” with

other similar epithets;and they were required to ex-

clude those who lived in sin, or who denied the faith;

1 Cor. 5: 11— 13; 2 Thess. 3: 0, 14; 1 Tim. 1 : lb,

-b; (> : 3—5; Titus 3: 10; 2 Pet. 2: 1—3; thus

showing that the Churches were to be made up of

true Christians.

\ . Inflation ok Cju ia iiks to Each Otiiki:.

Congregationalism is distinguished from simple Inde-

pendency and Separatism by holding as a cardinal

principle the Communion of Churches. This is not

merely the principle of comity by which a member of

one Church is admitted to occasional communion in

another, for such comity exists among Churches most

diverse from each other in their forms of government.

It is the principle of mutual helpfulness and mutual

responsibility among Churches which find in the



Scripture the same platform of ecclesiastical order.

Such Churches, though equal in authority, and mu-tually independent, are nevertheless bound to consult

with each other for the common interest, to seek and

give advice on occasions in which the action of one

Church is important to the welfare of neighbor Chur-

ches, to give account to each other of any proceeding

or neglect which seems contrary to the order and

purity of the Gospel, and to give or receive admoni-

tion in the spirit of meekness, when admonition seems

to he required.

\rl . General Iuvlesiastical Bodies.—Although

the Scriptures give to no men, or set of' men, power

over the Churches, yet the Churches, or their pastors,

or both, may associate together for practical religious

purposes, which seem desirable, hut which do not con-

flict with their independence.

Associations are composed either of ministers ex-

clusively, or of Pastors and delegates from the churches.

They meet for prayer and mutual counsel;they ex-

amine and approbate persons who desire to enter the

ministry;and they other suggestions to the Churches,

without trenching upon their rights.

The General Association or Conference of each

State is usually composed of delegates from the small-

er Associations, although sometimes it is constituted

of pastors and delegates directly representing the

churches. This body meets annually;hears reports

on the state of religion; and oilers advice to the

Churches on matters connected with the concerns of

benevolence, sound doctrine, and religious duty. It

is to be particularly noted, that these bo:lies possess

no ecclesiastical power, like the superior judicatories


20 MAM Al, OK Till;

of the Romish Church, and of some Protestant, de-


VII. Ecclesiastical Councils.—AV lien matters of

peculiar importance or difficulty come before a Church,

it avails itself of the advice of other Churches. Thus,

when a Pastor is to be ordained or installed, the

Church sends to a number of the neighboring Chur-

ches an invitation, called a “ letter missive,” to be

present at a certain time, by their Pastors and dele-

gates, to form an ecclesiastical Council, to examine

the proposed Pastor, and to act in behalf of the

Church in the public solemnity of ordination or in-

stallation, if the}7 see no valid objection. And so,

when a Pastor is dismissed, the Church calls a Coun-

cil to advise and act for it in the emergency.

If a member who has been disciplined thinks that

injustice has been done, and particularly if the vote

of the Church was divided, it is usual to call a mutual

Council, chosen half by each party, to give their opin-

ion or advice to the Church. If the Church should

not concur in the result, a copy of the opinion of the

Council may be used as a letter of recommendation

for the aggrieved person with which to apply to an-

other Church. If the Church refuse to unite yvitli the

complainant in calling a mutual Council, he maysummon an ex parte Council

;and if that Council

justify him, he may use their result as a letter of re-


No Council can act on any matter not mentioned

in the letter missive, or remain in existence after ad-

journment at the close of that business.

VIII. Ok the Name Congregationalism.—The

term Congregational expresses the fact that all cede-



siastical power resides in the congregated body or

members of the 'Church; that is, in the congregation

or brotherhood, and notin the officers.

IX. Differences from Other Denominations.

Congregational ists differ from Presbyterians princi-

pally in Church government. Presbyterian Churches

have each a ho ly of lay elders, who with the Pastor

compose the “ Session,” by whom the government of

the Church is exercised;members being received or

excluded by their vote alone. Over the Session is the

Presbytery, composed of the Pastors of the Churches

in a certain district, and an elder from each Church,

appointed by the Session. The Presbytery has power

to control the Sessions and reverse their proceedings,

and no Pastor can be called and settled without its

permission. Over the Presbytery is the Synod, com-

posed of several Presbyteries;and above the Synod

is the General Assembly, formed by delegates from

all the Presbyteries in the land. These delegates are

appointed by the Presbyteries, and are always minis-

ters or elders. A case of discipline may be carried up

successively through all the judicatories to the Gen-

eral Assembly. The people have no voice in the

system, except when the elder is tirst elected.

Congregationalists ditfer from Baptists with regard

to baptism and church communion. Baptists hold

that immersion alone is baptism, that none but adult-

believers should be baptized, and that none but im-

mersed professors should be admitted to the Lord’s

table; while Oongregationalisls a Imit the validity ot

any baptism in which water is applied to the person

in the name of the Trinity, believe that baptism should

also be given to the infant children ot believers, and

welcome to the Lord’s table all evangelical Christians.


Congregationalism differ also from Methodists in

clmrcli government;

the latter governing their

Churches by bishops and conferences, who legislate

tor the whole body, and appoint and remove the min-


Congregational i.-ls differ from Episcopalians in

ceremonies of worship, and in clmrcli government.

The Episcopalians hold to three orders in the ministry,

and confide the admission and exclusion of membersto the Pastor and the diocesan Bishop, who is set over

the Churches and Ministers of a particular district,

and alone has power to confirm members ai:d ordain

Ministers. Among Congregationalists every Pastor

is a Bishop, as among the New Testament Churches;

and all Ministers are equal in office.

X. Intercourse wmi other Denominations.—C011-1

gregationalism, desiring to be free from any narrow

sectarianism, insists upon no denominational peculi-

arities as the condition of fellowship. This principle

is carried out in intercourse with other denominations.

At their seasons of communion, Congregational

Churches invite all church-members, who are in regu-

lar standing in any evangelical denomination, and

who are honoring their profession by a godly life, to

sit down with them at the table of the Lord. If any j

of their members wish to unite with Churches of other

evangelical denominations, letters are given to such

Churches;or if any come from such denominations,

and there is no evidence against their C hristian char-j

acter, they are received as from sister Churches.

The principles of the Congregational polity are thus;

seen to be accordant with the Scriptures, and with the

practice of the first and apostolic age of Christianity.




As a Church of Jesus Christ associated in accord-

ance with the teachings of the New Testament, for

the public worship of God, for t lie observance of Gos-

pel Sacraments and Ordinances, for mutual edification

and encouragement in the Christian life, and for the

advancement of the Redeemer’s kingdom, we declare

our union in faith and love with all who love our

Lord Jesus Christ.

' Receiving the Scriptures of the Old and New Tes-

taments as the Word of God and the only infallible

rule of religious faith and practice, we confess our

faith in the one living and true God, revealed as the

Father, the Son, and the lloly Ghost; the Creator

and Preserver of all things^ whose purposes and pro-

vidence extend to all and who exercises a

righteous government over all II is creatures.

We believe in the universal sinfulness and ruin of

our race, since u by one man sin entered into the

world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all

men, for that all have sinned/’

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of


God, having taken upon himself our nature, lias by

his obedience, sufferings, and death, provided a way 1

of salvation for all mankind; and that through faith

in Ill's name, whosoever will, may be saved.

We believe that although salvation is offered freely

to all, they only repent and believe in Christ, who, in

thus obeying the Gospel are regenerated by the HolySpirit

;and that all who are thus regenerated are “ kept

by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation.'’

We believe that there is a .Day appointed in whichGod will raise the dead, and judge the world; that

the wicked shall “go away into everlasting punish-

ment, and the righteous into life eternal.”



Accepting this as the faith of this Church, you who!

now present yourself to be received into its fellowship,

do by this act avow your personal sense of the love of

God in the forgiveness of your sins;and trusting that

He who hears and answers prayer, will uphold and

strengthen you, you do give yourself to the Lord

Jesus Christ to he Ilis disciple, receivingHim as your

only Priest and Propitiation, your great Teacher,

Lawgiver and King; you dedicate yourself to God as

the object of your highest love, and to Ilis service as

your highest joy ; engaging to walk with us in the

due observance of Christian ordinances, and that, by

the aid of the Divine Spirit, you will honor your pro-

fession by a consistent Christian life.

In this solemn consecration, you confess your belief

in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and



earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord;

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the

Virgin Mary; Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Wascrucified, dead and buried : The third day he rose

from the dead; lie ascended into heaven, And sitteth

at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;From

thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

You believe in the Holy Ghost;the Holy Catholic

Church, the Communion of Saints;the Forgiveness of

sins; the Resurrection of the body ; and the Life ever-


[Here Baptism will be admiueteivil to any who have not before

leceived it.]


In view of these your professions and engagements,

we affectionately receive you to the communion of

this Church, and welcome you to this fellowship with

us in the blessings of the Gospel, and in the service of

aur Divine Redeemer. May you walk worthy of Him,

ond of vour profession ! May the Lord guide and pre-

serve you till death.; and at la>t receive you and us

to that blessed world where our love and joy shall be

forever perfect ! Amen.




Soon after the organization of the Society, Oct. 2e,

1S40, as a religious corporation, tlie following -Arti-

cles were adopted by both the Church and Society, I

as the basis of union and co-operation :

I. The Congregation shall hold the property, and

receive the income, and make all pecuniary engage-

ments, appropriations and payments.

II. In calling a Pastor, the Congregation and

Church will act as concorrent bodies—a majority of

each being necessary to constitute a call; the Church

nominating, and the Congregation confirming or re-

jecting the nomination,

III. The Committee of the Church will provide for

the supply of the pulpit when there is no settled Pas-

tor;make the necessary arrangements for singing,

and, in general, for the orderly celebration of religious

worship; and the Congregation will liquidate all rea-

sonable expenses thereby incurred. Prodded,That



if the Congregation choose to do so, they shall always

have the right to make the committee a joint commit-

tee, by putting on it as many members of the Congre-

gation as have been elected from the Church.



1. The permanent officers of this Church shall 1> * a

Pastor, or Pastors and Deacons. There shall also be

elected annually, a Clerk, a Treasurer, and four breth-

ren who, with the permanent ollicers, shall constitute

a Committee for the general oversight of the interests

of the Church. This Committee shall provide for the

supply of the pulpit in cases of emergency;they shall

designate the objects of benevolence to be brought

before the Church for its contributions; they shall

confer with persons who offer themselves for admis-

sion, and report to the Church the names of all whomthey deem suitable condidates. They may also trans-

fer the regular prayer-meeting to another evening of

the same week.

2. All officers of the Church shall be elected by

ballot, and without any public, nomination, unless a

committee shall be appointed for that purpose. When

a vacancy occurs in any office, the* Clerk shall notify

the Church of the same at the lirst business meeting

thereafter;and the Church shall designate a time for

filling such vacancy, of which notice shall be given on

the Sabbath proceeding.

3. The Church shall meet for prayer and conference

on Tuesday evening of each week;except that the

; !






first Monday evening of each month shall be substi-

tuted for Tuesday evening. The Lord’s Supper will

be administered on the first Sabbaths of January,.

March, May, July, September and November, and the

prayer meetings next preceding these Sabbaths, shall

be also business-meetings;

at which any matter re-

lating to the interests of the Church may be intro-

duced;and the meeting preceding the first Sabbath

in March shall be the Annual Meeting; at which the

Committee and the Treasurers of the Church and of

the Deacon’s fund, shall present their reports, and the

officers for the ensuing year shall be elected. Upon

the requisition of ten brethren, in writing, the Clerk

shall call a special meeting for business, by causing a

notice to be read from the pulpit on the Sabbath pre-

ceding such meeting. No business shall be transacted

at any meeting other than the business meetings herein

provided, except the consideration of requests to par-

ticipate in ecclesiastical councils, and applications for

contributions at the time for special objects of bene-

volence;which requests and contributions shall be in

order in any meeting.

4. Candidates for membership shall be reported to

the Church at least two weeks, before a regular busi-

ness meeting. No person shall be admitted to mem-

bership except by the election of the Church, at such

meeting;and those who have not already made a

public profession of their faith shall make such pro-

fession in order to complete their admission.

5. Requests for letters of dismission may be an-

nounced at any of the stated services of the Church;

and if at the end of one week, no objection has been

made to the Clerk, he shall issue to the applicant the


hi . « i *.


customary certificate, wliieh shall 1)3 valid only one

year from its date, at which time liis or her relation

to this Church shall terminate, unless such certificate

shall have been returned to the Clerk.

6. It shall he the duty of the Committee to report

to the Church, from time to time, the names of those

members who have removed from the city without

requesting letters of dismission, and of those who are

habitually absent from Sabbath services and the com-

munion table of the Church, for such action as maybe deemed proper in the premises; it being under-

stood that this rule does not supersede the responsi-

bility of individuals to labor personally to recover such

as may fall into error or sin, and, if need be, to bring

their cases to the knowledge of the Church.

7. All questions shall be determined by a majority

of the male members present on the occasion;with

this exception—that the articles of faith, covenant,

form of admission, or permanent rules shall not be

altered but by a vote of two-thirds at an Annual Meet-

ing;notice of the intention to propose alterations, and

a statement of the substance of such alterations, hav-

ing been submitted at a previous business meeting.


30 MAN l A L OF Til K


Tiif following principles of Discipline, embraced in;

the report of a special Committee, were adopted byj

tlie Church, June 20th, 1S52. They have since beenj

incorporated by the Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, in’

their manual;and copied into the manuals of many


other Congregational Churches:

The subject of Church Discipline, like that of Church

polity, is left in the New Testament to the guidance

of general principles rather than specific precepts.

One invariable rule is given for the settlement of pri-

vate difficulties and the censure of private offenses


one conspicuous example is recorded of the method of

dealing with an open and scandalous offense against

a church; there are also occasional instructions upon

the proper subjects of church censure and the mode

of treating an offender; but no formal process of

Church Discipline is anywhere laid down in the NewTestament: that is left rather to the judgment and

experience of individual churches. Your committee

have therefore sought to embody the principles of the

New Testament upon the subject, in a series of re-

commendations, and to digest a plan of disciplinej

suited to the circumstances of this particular Church.




The directions given by (Christ in Matthew xviii.

15— IS, should be implicitly followed in all cases of

private and personal oifensc. The Church should

never in any form entertain a complaint, or suffer an

insinuation from one member against another, in a

matter of private grievance, until these instructions

have been complied with in good faith and without

effect. Even where the letter of these instructions

has been followed, regard should be had to the ques-

tion whether they have been complied with in spirit

or only in form. The Church should never allow a

private grievance to be spread before them without

satisfactory evidence that the aggrieved party has

used all reasonable endeavors to gain redress in pri-

vate, in the spirit of forgiveness, of forbearance, and

of brotherly love. When one member of the Church

suffers himself to be alienated from another, or from

the communion of the Church, because of a private

dillieulty, while yet he does not in a proper spirit seek

to reconcile the matter in private, any member of the

Church cognizant of the facts should labor with him

to persuade him to his duty.

Your Committee are of opinion that the rule of

proceeding laid down in Matthew xviii. is oUijatonj

as a rule, only in cases or private offense. That rule

was given prior to tin* organization of local (dm relies;

it was given to the disciples as individuals—ass abated,

indeed, in one brotherhood, but not incorporated as a

local church, under a covenant and laws. It was a

rule of practical wisdom for the settlement of personal

differences; a rule equally appropriate out of the

church and in it; a rule for kindly intercourse be-

tween man and man. If thy brother shall trespass




against thee, i. according to the precise import of

the original, it* lie shall do thee a wrong—if he shall

injure thee in thy person, in th y property, in thy reputa-

tion, in any of thy personal interests and relations, if

he shall give thee olfense, or do thee any injury what-

ever, go and tell him his fault between thee and himalone,—endeavor to settle it in private ; if he shall hear

thee thou hast gained thy brother. Hut if he will not

hear thee, then-—still for the purpose of a reconcilia-

tion, and with as little publicity as possible;—take

with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two

or three witnesses every word may be established.

And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it to the

church—the whole company, circle, or brotherhood

with which you are associated, and towards which

you sustain relations in common. Hut if he neglect

to hear the church—if lie will not regard the whole

society of believers—let him be to thee as a heathen

and a publican.

A breach of church covenant, or any public and

scandalous olfense against religion, is not a personal

wrong done to any particular member of the church,

or to the members of the church as individuals, in any

such sense as would bring it within the . scope of the

instructions of Christ for the healing of private of-

fenses. Hut while in the judgment of your Commit-

tee, the rule given in Matthew xviii. is not in such

case obligatory as a ride, it is nevertheless desirable

that the principle and the spirit of the instructions

there given should be applied also to offenses of a

public nature, wherever this is practicable. Indeed,

the Committee deem it of the utmost impprtance

that every member of the church should feel it to be



his personal duty to admonish in private an erring

brother, and to seek to restore him to the path trom

which lie lias wandered. This is one of the most im-

pressive obligations of that mutual covenant into

which church members enter with one another.

No member of the church lias a right to pass over

without notice the dereliction of a fellow-member from

Christian duty, on the plea that the offense is not per-

sonal against himself. The knowledge of the trans-

gression imposes upon him an obligation to seek im-

mediately the restoration of the erring member, and

the purification of the church from his offense. Toomit this is to be guilty of a lire ich of covenant and

an offense against the purity of the church;

it is in a

measure to connive at sin. IIow can that church

member be faithful to his own covenant with the

church, who knows that a fellow-member of the

church is living in the habitual violation of that cove-

mint, in the belief of some deadly error, or in the al-

lowance of some known sin, and yet takes no steps to

recover the transgre ssor or to deliver the church from

the scandal that he is bringing upon it ? The discip-

line of the church belongs not to the Pastor, or to the

Deacons, or to the Church Committee; it is a matter

of personal duty and responsibility with every member

of the Church.

In all large churches, and especially in all city

churches, where membership is perpetually changing,

it comes to pass, in the course of years, that there are

numerous absentees enrolled upon the list of members,,

whose very names are hardly known to the active

members of the church, and of whose character and

position nothing is known to the body of present





communicants. The ease of such persons cannot be

left to the ordinary course;

it* there is anything in

them worthy of discipline, it is not likely to be ascer-

tained by any individual inquiry. Your Committee

would therefore recommend that the church from

time to time appoint Committees of Inquiry upon the

cases of absentees, or of members who, though resid-

ing in our vicinity, are supposed to be living in the

neglect of covenant obligations. The way for Mich

inquiries has been opened by the recent adoption of

the standing rules respecting absentees; but these

inquiries should not be devolved exclusively upon the

Church Committee, and much less upon the Clerk of

the Church, who is already overburdened with the

duties of his office. Hut the appointment of such a

committee of inquiry respecting an absentee or a

supposed delinquent, should in no case be regarded as

the commencement of a process of discipline, or even

preparatory to such a process; and it should not give

license to the utterance of any charges or insinuations

touching the character of the person concerning

whom the inquiry is proposed. If even in a criminal

court an accused person is presumed to be innocent

until adjudged to be guilty, certainly a church meet-

ing should hold itself aloof from canvassing the cliar-

acter of an absent member, who is not even upon

trial. The sole object of the Committee of Inquiry

should be to procure information respecting the resi-

dence and the church communion of absent members,

and not to gather up materials tor accusation against

them, as if they were already arraigned. If in the

course of their investigations they find matters worthy

of discipline, they should act precisely as it is proper^




tor church members to net in any case where facts

requiring the discipline of the church are brought to

their knowledge.

In cases of public and scandalous offense, the church

may proceed in a more summary manner upon com-

mon fame. The authority for this is given in the in-

structions of Paul to the church at Corinth. It is

reported couir/ionly that there is fornication amongyou: the common fame of this scandal in the church

had reached the Apostle at Philippi; immediately on

hearing of it, he rebuked the church for their neglect

and connivance in the matter, and required them on

their first coming together to cut off the offender from

their fellowship without delay. Here is a precedent

for proceeding at once, and in a public manner, to

discipline a church member, whose offense is an open

scandal before the world. Obviously every such case

should be brought to the adjudication of the clmrcli.

A flagrant case of immorality, such as intemperance*

fraud, or licentiousness in a church member, dishonors

the church and the cause of Christ, as this is repre-

sented in and by the church. In such a case it is not

enough that one or more individuals, who have had

special oversight of the case, are satisfied of the re-

pentance of the offender; the church should also be

satisfied, and an open offender should in no case he

restored to his full standing in the church, without

making to the church a confession of his sin, and

giving satisfactory evidence of repentance.

As a matter of propriety during a process of dis-

cipline, the party arraigned should be understood to

be suspended from church privileges.

The standard Congregational treatises on church







discipline, make a distinction between the withdraw-

ing of fellowship and excommunication; the former

being sometimes called the lesser excommunication,”

and applied to cases of breach of covenant, or the

transgression of mere church ordinances, and the lat-

ter to breaches of the moral law. Your Committee,

however, can hardly find a warrant for such a distinc-

tion in terms, either in the Scriptures or in the nature

of the ease. The act in both cases is substantially the

same; the individual is cut oil* from the communion

of the Church, and can never again be received into

it, except upon a now confession of faith. If the term

excommunication could be dissociated from all .sup-

erstitious horrors, and from all idea of civil penalty,

it might be retained with advantage, as best corres-

ponding with the facts in the case. Your Committee

would recommend the use of this term, or it equival-

ent, in ul 1 cases where discipline proceeds to the

excision of the offender, care being taken in each in-

stance to spec it v the cause ot excision, that those who

are cut off for mere olfeiises against church order,

may not lie under the imputation of immorality. In

all cases of open and scandalous offense, or of any

breach of morality, or any fundamental error in doc-

trine affecting Christian character, when efforts to

bring the offender to repentance prove unavailing,

the church should proceed to the act ot excommuni-

cation or excisi n, giving the reasons for the same,

which should be publicly announced before the con-

gregation on the Lord’s dav.o © *

But in cases of breach of covenant, the church

should deal very patiently and leniently with the err-

ing member, discharging faithfully its own covenant

• if •!<>') v)



. ir


obligations towards him, which may hitherto have

been neglected, seeking in every way to lead him oi-

lier to repentance; and if after a reasonable delay, all

efforts seems unavailing, the Church shall disown this

member, giving in full the reasons for its action,

which shall also be stated to the assembled church at

the next following communion season.


It is the duty of members removing, and iixing

their residence where they cannot customarily meet

with the Church in its religious services, to apply for

letters of dismission to some church in the community

where their residence is to be. It is the obvious duty

of a person taking such a letter to use it, and unite

with such church without delay. And although one

who takes a letter is in the interim deemed still a

member of this Church, yet if lie sutlers a year to pass

without using the letter or returning it, he ceases to

be a member at the expiration of the year, ami the

validity of the letter as a recommendation to other

churches terminates. The following extract from the

report of the Committee on Permanent Rules, made

at the annual meeting in Aarch, 1.800, states the prin-

ciples recognized by this Church on this subject:

“In the New Testament history it appears that

locality was an important, if not an essential, idea in

the constitution of a church. A church was a local

body of believers in Christ, associated and habitually

convening for the worship of Cod;

it was the com-

pany of believers in one place, joined together in a

' . . U - . a, i to so*; a*



common faith and worship. A church ought proper-

ly to consist only of those who can and do habitually

meet together in the same place for the maintenance

of Christian worship, and the enjoyment of Christian

communion. When, therefore, a member of a church

cannot, by reason of distance, any longer meet with

the body, it is proper that he should take a dismission

from that to some other church, with which he can

meet regularly for Christian worship and ordinances.

It has been customary to regard a person* thus dis-

missed, as still a member of the church from which

be takes his letter, until ho has been regularly received

into the fellowship of another church.u This custom originated at a time when the nemh-

borhood of communities, and the consequent fellowship

of churches was much closer than now. In the early

days of New England, permanent residence was the

rule, and removal the exception;and a church mem-

ber who removed could be followed, without difficul-

ty, into the neighboring town or county, which was

likely to be the limit of his travels. Now, removal

and temporary sojourning is the order of the day, and

permanent residence the marked exception; and be-

sides, removals are likely to be made to such a dis-

tance that a church necessarily los^s sight of its

dismissed members. Rules and usages, therefore,

which sprang up in a different state of society, are not

the infallible law for our times and circumstances. Achurch should not be permanently responsible for

dismissed members, over whom it cannot exercise its

watch and care.”








The annual meeting of the “‘.Broadway Tabernacle

Society,” for the election of Trustees, and other busi-

ness, is held on the second Tuesday succeeding* the

first Monday in November. The terms of office of the

Trustees expire on the first day of December.

The statute of this State, in reference to religious

corporations (I Bev. Stat. 4th ed., 1183), prescribe the

following rules in respect to elections :

1. The trustees of any religious society, or a ma-

jority of them, shall, at least one month before the

expiration of office of any of the trustees, notify the

same in writing to the minister, (or, in case of his

death or absence, to the deacons), specifying the names

of the trustees whose terms of office will expire; and

the minister (or, in case of his deatli or absence one

^ Sc





of the deacons) shall publicly notify the members of

the society of such vacancies, and appoint the time

and place for the election of new trustees to till upthe same. This notification shall he given at least

fifteen days before the election, and for two successive

Sabbaths or days on which the society shall statedly

meet for public worship. The election shall be held

at least six days before the vacancies shall occur.

II. Two deacons (or, if there be none present, then

two members of the society) to be nominated by a

majority of the members present, shall preside at the

elections, receive the votes of the electors, be the

judges of the qualifications of such electors, and the

officers to return the names of the persons who, byplurality of voices, shall be elected to serve as trustees.

III. Every male person of lawful age shall be en-

titled to vote, who shall have been a stated attendant

on divine worship in the congregation for at least one

year previous to the election, and who shall have con-

tributed to the support of the society according to the

usages and customs thereof.

TV. It shall be the duty of the clerk or'seerctary of

the board of Trustees to keep a register of the names

of all such persons as shall desire to become stated

hearers in the congregation, and, therein to note the

time when such request was made, and to attend each

election, in order to test the qualification of electors in

case the same shall be questioned.

V. The inspectors of elections must immediately

thereafter certify, under their bauds and seals, the

names of the persons elected to serve as trustees, spe-

cifying that they were elected to serve as Trustees (of

the Broadway Tabernacle Society), which certificate


thestatute requires to be acknowledged nr proved,

and recorded.


Adopted at an Adjourned Meeting in Junuarj/, 1800 .

I. The inspectors .of election, at each election, shall

preside in front of the audience, with a box for the

reception of ballots.

I I. The payment of pew-rent shall be considered the

only mode of contributing to the support ot this


III. Everv male person who hires from the Trustees

a pew, or one or more sittings, shall be deemed to

have thereby requested that his name be registered as

a member of the Society, and the Clerk is hereby di-

rected to enter such names upon his register accord-


IV. No person shall be allowed to vote, by ballot

or otherwise, at any meeting of this Society who does

not possess the statute qualifications for an elector.

;i'i I






Officer*.—At the appointed time for the meeting,

the Clerk, or it* the Clerk is absent, any meml) t, mayeall the Church to order, and put the question upon

the choice of a moderator.

When the Moderator chosen has taken the chair, if

the Clerk is absent, a Chirk pro inn. should be chosen.

Speal'huj .—When a member desire* to be heard, he

should rise in his place and address himself to the

presiding officer by his title. Moderator, and should

then pause for a moment until the Moderator announ-

ces liis name, or otherwise designates him.

Motions .—Every motion must be made in writing,

if required by any member; and, when seconded,

must be read or clearly stated by the Moderator, and

submitted to the consideration of the Church. Amo-tion made and seconded, must be disposed of before

any other business is in order; and meanwhile all

other motions, are out of order, except such as dispose

of a principal question, as a motion to amend, or com-



mit, or for the previous question; and sncli as arise

out of or are incidental to the principal motion, as

questions relating to order, motions for leave to with-

draw a motion, &e.;and motions incidental to busi-

ness, as motions to adjourn, Ac.

An amendment may go to the exclusion, addition,

or substitution of words or sentences; indeed, a 1110-

lion to amend by striking out all the words after the

word resolved; and substituting an entirely new pro-

position upon the same subject, is in order. Hut

where a resolution is in sections, the amendments

must be in the order of the sections, beginning with

the first section;and therefore, if an amendment is

made to the third section of a resolution first and

carried, it will be out of order to move an amendment

to the first or second section. No subject different

from that under consideration, can be admitted under

color of an amendment.

Dividing resolutions .— Where a proposition is com-

plicated, the preciding officer may divide the same,

at the request of a member.

Withdrawing motion .—Until a motion lias been

stated to the meeting, by the presiding officer, the

mover may withdraw or modify it, at his pleas-


Privileged motions .—There are certain motions

which may be made at any time that the mover can

gain the floor: such are the motions, to refer to a com-

mittee, to lay on the table, to postpone to a future

time, fixed or indefinite, and to adjourn. All these

motions may be debated except the motion to post-

pone indefinitely and to adjourn. Motions to post-

pone or to commit, cannot be made a second time at




tlie same meeting. And when a member is speaking,

no motion can be made, but with Ids consent.

Debate .—-When any motion is before the' Church,

every member lias a right to express his views con-

cerning it. The Moderator is bound to confine every

speaker to the point under consideration, and also to

protect him against all interruption, except that of

being ('idled to order it* he violate the rule of courtesy,

or of debate;but after the matter of order is adjusted,

the speaker has a right to go on with the debate.

Order of voting .—-When several amendments or

propositions are before the meeting, the order in which

they are to be acted upon is usually the reverse of the

order in which they were made. If several sums are

proposed, the largest is to be first put to vote; if

several -periods of time,

the longest ; and as to num-

bers generally, the largest. When a motion is put, it

should be first clearly stated by the Moderator or read

by the Clerk.

Tffect of various motions .—An indefinite postpone-

ment defeats or suppresses the question under debate.

A motion to refer to a committee postpones the sub-

ject until the committee report. A motion to lay on

the table means to lay aside for the present.

The previous question is a motion that the main

question under discussion be immediately acted upon.

If the motion for the previous question is carried in

the affirmative, the question under discussion must be

put without change of form, or further debate. If the

motion for the previous question is lost, then the con-

sideration of the main question under discussion is

still in order. The previous question cannot be put

upon an amendment, or upon any of the other merely



subsidiary motions, which are used like the previous

question itself for the suppression of original mo-


Voting .—There are three ways of declaring the

sense of the meeting : 1 . By the Moderator stating the

substance of the proposition, and declaring it to be

adopted if no one objects;

in this case, if no one

should object, the proposition is adopted by commonconsent.. 2. By the Moderator putting the question

and the members in favor of it responding aye, and

afterwards those opposed responding nay;and there-

upon the Moderator declares the result, but if a mem-ber thinks the Moderator in error, or that an accurate

count would show a different result, he has a right to

demand it immediately;

in which case the question

must be put again, and the voters carefully counted,

o. By ballot.

After the question is put to vote, there can be no

debate, and no new proposition made, until the voting

is finished.

Reconsiderations .—After the vote is taken, any

member who voted in the majority,may, during the

same meeting, move a reconsideration; which motion

opens the subject again for debate;and if the vote to

reconsider is adopted, the whole matter stands just as

it did before the reconsidered vote was taken.

Committees .—Tt is the duty of the Moderator ro ap-

point committees, unless the meeting do so by its own

action. The mover of a resolution, by virtue of which

a committee is to be appointed, is entitled, by courtesy,

to be appointed chairman of such committee. The

person first named in the enumeration of the persons

appointed on a committee, is to be deemed chairman



sj •


of such committee;but the committee itself may elect

another chairman.

Reports of Committees .—When the report of a com-

mittee is presented, motions should be made either to

accept, or to accept and adopt, or to amend, or to re-

commit the report. Upon a motion to accept the re-

port, it will be placed on file;upon a motion to accept

and adopt the report, it will become the action of the


Appeals .—All the decisions of the presiding officer

are subject to revision by the Church.

Adjourned meetings are deemed a continuance of

the original meeting.





and diUcmbcvsi of the (Sfouwli,'s > 7

APRIL, 1866.














.7 W



Abernethy, Charles.

Abernethy, Cornelia.

Abernethy, Maria (Charles.)

Alexander, Agnes W.Allen, Robert.

Allen, William.

Allerton, Mary E.

Allison, Lydia.

Ames, Isabel M.

Angwin, Joseph.

Arbuekle, Eetliia D. (widow of Rev.


Arbuekle, Eliza A.

Arbuekle, Maiy C.

Arbuekle, Sarah B.

Austin, Isabella J. (Alonzo J.


Badger, Clarissa M.

Badger, William.

Barnard, William F.

Barratt, E. Frances (Oliver.)

Barratt. Oliver.

Barrows, Ilenrv M.

Bartlett, Edward G.

Bartlett, Jane W. (Edward G.)

Bassett, 0. A (Win. D.)

Bates, Levi M.

Bates, Martha A. (Levi M.)

Beebe, Ili ram F.

Beebe, Rebecca M. (ILram F.)

Bel*, Angeline A. (Charles.)

Bell, Charles.

Benedict, Anna E. (Seth W.)B nedict, Emily J.

Benedict, Seth W.Berry. Anna E. (Thus. S.


Berry, Thomas >.

Bigelow, James.

Bissell, Allen Rage.

Bisscll, Hannah.Blackmer, Elizabeth W. (Rev. Joel.)

Blaekmer, Rev. Joel.

Blackwood, Margaret.

Blanchard, Charles 1\

Blewett, William.

Bloomingdale, Caroline.

Bloomingdale, David.

Boyd, Frederick S.

Brewster, Ilaniet.

Bridgeman, Sarah A. (Win. II.)

Bridgeinau, Wm, H.Brinkerhof, Jacob, Jr.

Bronson, Sarah D. (I)r. W. A.)

Bronson, Dr. William A.

Brown, Maria L.

Brown, Sarah M.

Bunnell, Jennie V. (Lyman B.)

Bunnell, Lyman B.

Burt, Maria.

Cadv, A. Stoyel.

Calkins, Mary C. (Norman A.)

Calkins, Norman A.

Camp, Antoinette (Amzi Lewis).

Camp, Amzi l ewis.

Camp, Olinda A. (wid. Amzi.)Carey, Mary, (Thomas W.)Caswell, Mary, (Alanson.)

Catlin; Frances II.

Chamberlain, Abigail (Moses).

Chamberlain, Susan E. (Dr. Wm. M.)

Chamberlain, Dr. Wm. M.Champlin, Edward L.

Champlm, Fanny. '

Chandler, Kate.

Chandler, Margaret.

Chester, Catherine W. (Elisha W.)Chester, Elisha \V


Chester, George F.

Chester, Jane J. (G. F.)


Chiihcster, Cloissa.


Chichester, Lewis.

! Cl.vpp, Rev. A. Huntington,


Clapp, Emily P. (Rev. A. H.)

Clough, Maria (Isaac.)

. Connolly, Elizabeth.

Connolly, Maria (James.)

Connover, Thomas D.

Cooke, George T.

Cooke, Elizabeth B.

Cooper, Phyllis.

Corrie, Isabella.


- •_ J1 )

(i .«


Corrie, William.

Cozzens, Mary.

Crane, John W., Jr.

Crehore, Mary M.

Curtis, Margaret A. (Edwin.)

Cushman, William A.

Danner, Julius L.

Davis, Henry G.

Davis, James.

Davis, Louisa J. (James.)

Day, Edgar I.

Day, Elizabeth.

De Men itt, John l\

Dempsey, Mary RDenham, Elizabeth.

Denham, Emma.Dodge, Jeannie G. (Win, A.)

Dodge, W. A.

Doolittle, Eli>ha.

Doolittle, Theresa (Elisha.)

Dorman, Richard A.

Draper, Isabella (Henry.)

Dudley, Daniel D.

Dunham, Harriet L.

Dunham, James H.

Durfee, Adelpha S. (Charles.)

Durfee, Charles.

Edmonds, James.

Edmonds, Margaret.

Edwards, John.

Ely Jane (Isaac B.)

Erwin, Rachel (wid. Richard.)

Evans, John II.

Farrand, Edward F.

Feraud, Hannah.Ferguson, Sophia M.

Fessenden, William W.Field, Henry M., Dr.

Field, Lydia M. (Henry M.)

Field, Sarah T.

Finch, Amelia I. (Edward B.)

Finch, Edward B.

Fislur, Elizabeth R.

Fisher, Harriet E.

Fisher, Joel E.

Fisher, Mary Ann (Nathaniel.)

Fisher, Nathaniel.

Fisher, Sarah.

Fisher, William L.

Fitch, Luther P.

Fonda, Hiram I.

Forbes, E. Gertrude.

Forbes, Elizabeth W.Frisbie, Joanna E. (Myron J.)

Frisbie, Myron J.

Gale, Elizabeth II.

Gale, Sarah II.

Garretson, Mary J.

Gates, Ilmnuh M. (wid. W. II.)

Gavit, Joseph.

Gavit, Margaret S.

Gavit, Meta,


Gavit, William E.

Gaylord, Joseph F.


Gazani, Giegliclino.


Gidman, Richard,

jGilbert, Cassius M.

Gillie, George.

Gillie, Isabella.

Gilson, Emma (Win. 11.)

Girling, Amelia M. (Robert.)

Girling, Frances Louise.

Girling, Robert.

Gordon, Adella J.

Gordon, Stephen H.


Gordon, Stephen T.

Gray, Amelia.

Gray, Hannah W. (John.)


Gray, Harriet (William).

Gray, John.

Gray, Mary II.

Gray, William.

Greenwood, Mary E.


I lack ley, Caleb B.

Ilackley, Frances (Caleb B.)

Hall, Amanda II. F. (Henry C.)

Hall, Aroline C.

Hall, Charles L.

Hall, Elial F.

Hall, Elizabeth M. (Geo. G.)

Hall, Evelyn M (Elial F.)

Hall, George F.

Hall, George Godwin.Hall, Henry C.

Hall, Martha (Robert L.)

Hal), Robert L.

Halsey, Henrietta A. (II. P.)

Halsey, Henry A.

Ilalsey, Julia D,

:a j i».ifu !

'* » i '-»v


Hart, Matilda (Seth.


llarvey, Alpha R. (Charles K.)

Harvey, Charles 11.

llarvey, Ellen M.

Harvey, Olive M.

Harvey, Sarah B. (Willard).

Harvey, Willard.

Haskins, Robert W.Ilaskins, William II.

Hatch, Jane S.

Hathaway, Hannah C.

Haviland, Mary C. (Cha'lcs.)

Hawley, Frances A.

Hawley, Mary A. (wid. Aaron.)

llazeltine Emma (Leonard, Jr.)

Hazel tine, Leonard, Jr.

Hedges, Dr. David A.

Henderson, Archibald.

Henry, Agnes.

Hickock, Sarah E. (Wm. C.)

lliekock, William 0.

llineklev, Elizabeth R. (wid. Zena


Hitchcock, Anna L. (Jno. G)

Hitchcock, John G.

Holder, William W.lloliister, Henrietta K.

Holly, Abner B.

Holly, Catherine J.

Holmes, Abby II.

Holmes, Joanna L.

Holmes, Mary G. (Samuel.)

Holmes, Marv IT. (Win. B.)

Holmes, Mary M.

Holmes, Samuel.

Holmes, William B.

Hooker, Honor ia E.

Howard, Benjamin.

Howe, Horatio B.

Howe, Martha B. (II. B.)

Hunt, Seth B.

Hunt, Frances P. (Seth B.)

Huntington, Ellen J. (Thos. T.


Huntington, Emily S.

Huntington, Jeanette M.

Huntington, Mary Ann.Hyatt, Mary (Theo.)

Isham, Pierpont.

Jsham, Semantha S. (Pierpont.)

Jackson, Mary L.

I Jennings, Arthur Bates.' Jennings, Joel A.


Jennings, Susan F. (Joel).


Jennings, William N.1 Johnson, Delia M.Johnson, Julia (George.)Judson, Anna Maria.

Judson, Eliza.

1 Kershaw, Amelia F. (John.)Kershaw, John.

King, Amanda E. (Thomas.)Kingman, Sophia.

Knapp, Eliza C. (Samuel.)

Knevals, Caleb B.


Kyte, Francis If.

Lambert, Dr. Edward W.' Lambert, Ellen L


Lambert, Martha W. (Dr. E. W.)s


Lambert, Sarah (\\rm. G.)

! Lambert, William G.

Lane, Mary Ann (Thomas.)Lane, Thomas.Leavens Philo F.

Leeds, Sarah P.

Leonard, Ambrose.Link, Christina L. (Frederick.)

Link, Frederick.

Lipe, Melissa.

Lipe, Walter.

Littlejohn, Agnes L. (David.)

Littlejohn, Francis. .

Littlejohn, Samuel B.

Locke, William E.

Lockwood, Frederick.

Lockwood, Helen M.Lockwood, Olivia (Fredeiick.)

Lord, Sarah Ann.Lord, William.

Loring, Herbert A.

Lugar, Amelia M.

Lugar, Frances A.

1 Lugar, Harriet N. (Jeremiah G.)1 Lugar, Harriet N.

iLugar, Jeremiah G.

ILyon, Mary E.

Magee, Alexander.

Magee, Ann.Magee, John Alexander.




Maghee, Sarah P. (Jolin.)

McCombs, Margaret.

McDonald, Margaret (wid. Thus. R.

McDougall, Klva (William.)

McDougall, Jeanette A.

MeDougall, Matthew.

McDougall, Susannah (Matthew.)

Megary, Maria C.

Mellish, Lucy M.

Menair, Jane (Jasper.)

Mcrriam, Ed waul C.

Merrill, Jane M.

Middleton, Mary (John.)

Miller, Mary M.

Mills, Adelie.

Mills, Julia T.

Miner, Henry Clay.

Minor, Catherine R.

Minor, Cyrus S.

Minor, Flora L.

Monroe, Albert F.

Moore, Cornelia C.

Moore, Clarissa E. T. (Edgar W.)Moore, Edgar W.Moore, Sarah M. (L. C.)

Moore, William D.

Morse, Ida May.

Moses, Dorothy (Aaron.)

Moses, Susan F. (Charles.)

Newcomb, Maria II. (Harvey.)

Nicol, Ciorinda B. (Francis B.).

Nicol, Francis B.

Niles, Isabel W. (Win. W.)Niles, William W.North, Dr. Alfred.

Norlhup, Emelinc M.

Oakley, Surah.

Catalina, Lydia A. (John.)

Owens, Elizabeth M. (Thus.)

Palmer, Annie W.Pardee, Almira M. (Dr. Walter.)

Pardee, Mary E. (Ward C.)

Pardee, Rebecca C. (R. G.)

Pardee, Richard G.

Pardee, Dr. Walter.

Pardee, Dr. Ward C.

Parker, Agnes C.

Parker, Joseph, Jr.

Pel ton, Mary C. (Guy II.)

Pel ton, Sarah A.' Pember, Martha A.! Perry, Sarah B. (0. If.)


Peters, Rev. Absalom, I). D.

Peters, Harriet II.

Phelps, Benjamin K.

IPhelps, Hannah M. ( B. K.)

Pickering, Sarah C.

Pitts, Helen 1).

Plyer, Charles W.Plyor, Hattie.

Pomeroy, Ed. Noyes.I Pond, Harriet.


Pond, Harriet (Lewis A)

Pond, Rev. Theodore S.

Pooler, Eliza (John W.)1

Potter, Catherine (John.)

Potter, Cynthia L.

Potter, Wilson.

Pratt, Harriet L (Milo )

Pratt, Sarah B. (wid. Rev. Edward.)Pray, Sarah A. (wid. Isaac C.)

Prentice, Mary A (Sartelle.)

Rand, Sophia C.

' Ranney, Ambrose L.

Ranuey, La Fayette, Dr.

Ray, Susan C.

Reed, Alvan.

Reed, Lucinda (Wilson I).)

Reeve, Jeremiah.

Reeve, Mary (Jeremiah.)

Riggs, Edward.Ritter, Annie.

Ritter, Delia M. (Dr. Thomas.)Ritter, Louisa (Caspir If.)

Ritter, Maria.

Ritter, Dr. Thomas.Robbins, Mrs. Relief (David.)

Roberts, Mary R.

Roberts, Morris, Jr.

Robinson, Mrs. E. L. (Russell.)

Robinson, Frederick M.

Robinson, Mary B. (Frederick M.)

Robinson, Mary C.

Robinson, Robeit II.

Robinson, Russell W.Rochester Susan (wid. Joseph.)

Rockwell, Clarissa T. (widow Dr.


Rogers, Charles T.

Rogers, Sarah M. (Charles T.)






(JiTUi)' )qH


Saxton, Josiah C.

Scliarlau, Win. August.

Sears, Sarah J. (Ilenry P.)

Seely, Caroline A.

Seymour, Elizabeth S.

Seymour, JamesSeymour, Lucy J.

Shafer, Loretta 0. (Abraham.)Shannon, Sarah L.

Sherwood Eranees A. E. (Thos. D.)

Shriver, Eliza C.

Slade, Jonathan B.

Smith, Adon.Smith, Anna.Smith, Mrs. Caroline M.

Smith, Charles S.

Smith, Elijah II.

Smith, Elizabeth (James D)

Smith, Ellen.

Smith, Emma Eve.

Smith, Hannah B.

Smith, Harriet T. (Wrn. II.)

Smith, Helen A. (Harry D.)

Smith, James.

Smith, James I).

Smith, James Henry.

Smith, Mrs. Margaret II


Smith, Mis. Mary.

Smith, Miss Mary.

Smith, Mortimer.

Smith, Rhoda Jane.

Smith, Samuei St. John.

Smith, Sarah.

Smith, Sarah II C.

Smith, Sarah N.

Smith, William II.

Snell, Mrs. Mary.

Snow, Joseph P.

Southmayd, Sarah A. (Stephen 0.)

Staples, John C.

Starr, Mary W. (Matthew W.)Starr, Matthew W.Stephenson, MargaretStevenson, Isabella G. (Henry I-.')

Stites, George M.

Stites, Maria L. (Geo. M.)

Storrs, Harriet T.

Stupes, Abigail.

Sumner, Abigail.

Sweet, Francis P.

Sylvester, Eliza M.

Taleott, Henrietta E. (James.)

Taleott, James.Taylor, Eliza G. (II. S.)

Taylor, Horace S.

Taylor, James.Taylor, Mary A. (William.)

Taylor, Olivia M.

Teal, William II.r

l\ stmun, Eliza (will. John.)

Thayer, Mary E. (N. W.)Thayer, Normandus W.Thomas, Mary.

Thompson, Abel lv.


Thompson, Artemus E.


Thompson, Elizabeth (Rev. Jos. P.)

i Thompson, Eunice (Rev. A. G.)


Thompson, Rev. Joseph P., D. D.


Thompson, Lucy B.


Thompson, Mary K. (Artemus E.)

, Thompson, Mary L. (F. E.)

Thompson, Melissa (A. IC.)


Thompson, Sarah (Jno. W.)


Thomson, Catherine L. (Wm. II,)


Thomson, James B.


Thomson, Mary C. (James B)

! Thomson, Dr. William II.


Thurston, Thomas G.


Tindall, Amanda.


Turner, Dr. A Ivan 11.


Turner, Sarah W.j

Tyler, Charles Alfred.


Tyler, Cornelia.

Van Dyne, Hannah'Van Ness, Harriet E. (Giles P.)

Van Norden, Charles.

Vaughan, Am iriah B.

I Walcott, William Henry.


Walley, Henry C.


Wmd, Elizabeth C.

Washburn, Jane Ives (Jno. II)

Washburn, John II.

Watei bury, Benjamin.

Watson, Charles C.

Weston, Caroline IT. (David.)

Weston, Celia (Milton.

Wheat, Josephine C.

White, Amos C.

White, Hannah.White, Harriet P. R. (Amos C.)

White, Henry Kirk.



A J A™*-


White, Moores M.

White, Sarah K. (Elijah K.)

White, Sophia A.

White, \V i 11 a i cl W.Whitehead, Charles E.

Whitehead, Rachel T. (Charles E)

Whittcmore, Charles.

Whittemore, Maria F. (Charles.)

Whittelsey, Catharine A.

Whittelsey, Ilenrv.

Wilbor, Mary E. (Wra H.)

Wilde, Isaac L.


Williams, Eliza (Charles F.)

I Williams, Frances L.


Williams, Luther.

! Williams, Margaret.

: Williams, Mary A.


Williams, Mosely H.

I Williams, Charles F.


Winslow, Edward II.


Winslow, Helen A.

Witter, William C.


Wood, Rebecca (wid. Benjamin.)


Wright, Rosetta M. (Isaac.)



Adams, John Quincy.

Adams, Ada W. (John Q.)

Bridge, Elizabeth.

Colton, Mary A. (Rev. Erastus).

Durfee, Charles A.

Durfcc, Melanie B.

Emerson, Nathaniel B.

Gale, Mary 0.

Gale, Phoebe.

Gunn, Mary R.

Hall, S. Josephine.

Lillie, Ralph.

I Morse, Ancoletta (Daniel P.)


Olmsted, Albert II.


Partridge, John Chandler.

I Partridge, Sarah K. (James H.)

! Pratt, Win. II.

iPutnam, Jennie S. (Samuel P.)

Putnam, Samuel P.

Reeve, Fanny Isabel.


Smith, Cornelinett (Harlan P.)

I Stowell, Martin Luther.


Ward, Elizabeth C. (w. Frederick.)

I Wright, Dr. Slocum.


Wright, Caroline L. (Dr. Slocum).






Rev. E. W. Andrews,* Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, D. D.

Samuel Pitts, fWilliam G. Lambert,:);

A LBERT Wool) RU F P, §George Walker,


John C. Cass,**

Israel Minor, f|IIenry Whittelsey,

Matthew W. Starr, Jr.,§§

Austin Abbott, ftSamuel Holmes,Wm. G. Lambert,Henry C. Hall,William II. Smith.

J)r. Wm. II. Thomson.



A. K. Thompson, 1810 to IS 43.

Albert W. Huntington, 1 8 4 to


J. W. Camp, 1841 to 1845.

E. F. Treadwell, 1845 to 1840.

Henry M. Benedict, 18 Id to 1847.

Alexa nde k An d e rso n,


William W. Fessenden, 1847 to


James D. Smith, 1850 to 1851.

William W. Fessenden, 1851 to


Leonard IIazeltink, Jr., 1865


1859 to A. K. Thompson, I860 to 1801.

William B. Holmes, 1801 to —MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE.

1840 to 1812.

David Hale,Marcus Hurd,Samuel C. Hills,

Leonard Crocker,George Dry den.

18 42 to 1848.

Leonard Crocker,James Cruiksiiank,

Munson Lockwood,Richard Hale,Stephen C. Gray.

1843 to 1844.

Rev. Amzi Camp,David Hale,Wm. R. Powell,Charles Durfee,Aaron Q. Thompson.

1844 to 1845.

Leonard Crocker,Henry Whittelsey,James Smith,

Seth W. Benedict,

J. C. Lanpiiier.

* Dismissed, August 14 1S44.

t Resigned, August 17, 1853.

4 Resigned, December 23, 1810.

§ Resigned, December 17. 1844.

44 Resigned, February 27, 1800.

3 1|The Piistor, Deaeons, Treasurer, and


R Dismi ssed, August 9, 1S59.** Expelled, January 3, 1850.

ft Dismissed, January 21, 1859.

§§ Resigned, October 28, 1S02.

Clerk are, ex officio, members of the



1845 to 1846. 1852 to 1853.

Rkv. Amzi Camp,James Ciuiiksiiank,

A. W. HUNTINGTON,William G. West,Leonard Chock Kit.

James L. Ensign,A 1 . E X A N her Anderson ,

Thomas E. Smith,

Myron J. Erisijie,

William R. Powell.

1846 to 1847. 1853 to 1854.

Wm. C. Gilman,Henry Wiiittelsky,

John Sloan k,

Setii W. Benedict,

A. K. Thompson.

Alonzo S. Ball,Marcus Mitchell,Thomas Ritter,

Moses Cristy,

Thomas Rutherford.

1847 to 1848. 1854 to 1855.

David S. Williams,Thomas Ritter,

George Walker,William W. Fessenden,

Cyrus S. Minor.

William G. West,George Andrews,Charles II. Waterrury,Langron S. Ward,Henry A. Halsey.

18 48 to 1849. 1855 to 1856.

Albert W. Huntington,Isaac E. Smith,

James Smith,

Marcus Mitchell,Edwin Johnson.

A. K. Thompson,Isaac E. Smith,

Alex’k J. Henderson,Samuel Holmes,Henry C. Hall.

1849 to 1850. 1856 to 1857.

David S. Williams,Edwin, Johnson,Cyrus S. Minor,

William G. West,Joseph W. Camp.

John Gray,Alex. Anderson,W. B. Holmes,NT

. A. Calkins,

Edward Pratt.

1850 to 1851. 1857 to 1 S5S.

Marcus Mitchell,

Thomas E. Smith,

Charles H. Waterrury,John Gray,Asa Parker.

David A. Hale,Henry C. Hall,R. A. Dorman,A. K. Thompson,Samuel Holmes.

1851 to 1852. 1858 to 1859.

Matthew W. Starr,

Amos G. Bartlett,

Henry C. Conkling,Joseph E. Woodrridge,Albert W. Huntington.

Henry A. Halsey,Asa Parker,S. W. Benedict,

Jas. D. Smith,

A. K. Thompson.


1859 to 1 800.

Chas. S. Smith,

James II. Grovkstekn,Henry C. Hale,Myron J. Frisbik,

Wallace E. Caldwell.

1860 to 1801.

Wallace E. Caldwell,Levi M. Hates,

Samuel P. Holmes,Thomas E. Smith.

1801 to 180-2.

Chas. Bell,

Jeremiah Reeve,Wallace E. Caldwell,Calkh B. Knevals.

1802 to 1803.

Wm. II. Smith,

Wm. G. Lamhkrt,Tiios. W, Wiiittemour,Edmund L. Ciiamplin.

1863 to 1804.

Chas. S. Smith,

Wm. II. Biudgkman,Dr. George II. White,Ch a r les Aheii n et ii y.

1804 to 1805.

Wm. Allen,Tiios. W. Whittemork,Dr. Wm. II. Thomson,Nathaniel Fisher.

1805 to 1800.

Wm. W. Fessenden,A. K. Thomson,Edward B. Finch,

James Talcott.

1800 to 1867.

Wm. W. Fessenden,Chas. Whittemork,Rev. A. II. Clapp,

Francis B. Nicol.



,1840 .

Mr. David Halo, d. Jan. 21, IS 19.

Mrs. Lucy S. Hale. dism. Oct. 28, 1S52.“ Lydia Halo. dism. Doc. 5, ISIS.

Mr. Richard Halo, dism. March 27, 1S40.“ Samuel Pitts, dism. Aug. 17, 1853.

Mrs. Rhoda I*. Pitts. kk

Mr. Marcus II uni, d. March 21, IS 17.

Mrs. Fanny Hurd, d. Feb. 7, 1S19.

Mr. Abel K. Thompson.u Israel Minor, dism. Jan. 21, 1S59.

Mrs. Charlotte. L. Minor, *• “

Mr. Jacob Brinkerhoff, disin. April 7,

1S4 i*.

Mrs. Mary G. Brinkorhoff, * k ‘*

Mr. Silas C. Smith, dism. July 1. 1S4S.

Airs. Mary Smith, k * k

Mr. David I. Huntington, dism. March23, 1852.

Mrs. Emily S. Huntington, dism. March23, 1S52.

Miss Harriet S. Chamberlain {Mrs.Stone), dism. Oct. 23. ISM.

Mr. David Bourne, fellowship withd.April 29, 1S51.

Mrs. Mary Gray, d. June 19. 1841.

Mr. Francis N. Shaw, dism. Nov. C,

1S43.k* William M. Ray, dism. Feb. 20,

1S4G.“ Charles Roberts, dism. June 8. 1S42.“ Martin Uhlor, dism. April 12, 1842.“ Augustus llustaee, dism. July 29,

“ J. W. Fellows, dism. Sept. 27, 1S41.

Mrs. Mary A. Follows, ** “k* Charlotte Crawford, dism. April 4,

ISIS.“ Catherine Rotter.

Air. Ilezekiah Whitney, fellowship withd.May 1, 1S54.

Miss Rachel B. Sickles, dism. Jan. 4.


Mr. John S. Savory, dism. Dee. 27, 1845.“ Benjamin Waterbury.“ Isaac E. Smith, dism. Aug. 9, 1859.“ George Williams, dism. Nov. 28.


* Samuel C. Hills, dism. July 4, 1S4S.*• llervey F. Lombard, dism. Sept. 17,


- Charles G. Wright, dism. May 10,


Ali>s Harriet Barry {Mrs. Meeks), dism.Feb. 26, 1844.

‘‘ Jaqiu line Barry {Mrs. Jloxie) dism.Oet. 29, 1845.

“ Lavinia Quackenboss, fellowshipwithd. Nov. 23, 1852.

Mr. George Dryden. dism. Oct. 1, 1850.

Airs. Barbery Dryden, “ kk

Miss Ann Hicks {Mrs. Watkins), dism.April 15, 1842.

k‘ Catherine Alexander, fellowship

withd. Nov. 23, 1852.“ Elva James {Mrs. Macdougal).

Airs. Eliza H. Bacon, dism. July 2, 1845.

Air. Stephen Pritchard, dism. July 5,

1841.kk Asa K. Allen, dism. Jan. 13. 1S41.

Aliss Cordelia Halsey (Mrs. Brown),dism. Feb. 1. 1849.

Mrs. Sarah ITobasco, dism. May 20,


Miss Susannah On*, dism. Aug. 30. 1842.“ Elizabeth A. Wicks (Mrs. Curtis),

dism. Nov. 18, 1-51.

All*. Alfred W. Smith, dism. Dec. 6,

1841.“ Leonard Crocker, dism. Nov. 11,

1847 .

Airs. Penelope Crocker. “ “

Mr. William G. West, dism. Aug. 21,

1 SCO.“ Orange A. Smith, dism. Oet. 14,

is 13.

John C. (’ass, expelled Jan. 3, 1850.

Mrs. Susan W. Cass, d. 1850.

Mr. William G. Lambert, dism. March31, 1-41.

* k Asa Parker, dism. April 22, 1SG2.

Mrs. Rebecca J. Parker, d. Dec. 1844.

Air. Alexander Patrick, d. Dec. 21, 1S53.

Airs. Louisa Patrick, dism. Sopt. 9, 1SG3.

Mr. John W. Crane, dism. April 8, 1842.“ James E. P. Dean, dism. April 30,



Received Oct. 20, 1840, by Certificate.

AH. Albert Woodrulf. dism. Dee. 17, 1S44.u George G. Jewett, dism. Sept. 30,


Airs. Jane L. Smith dism. Dec. G,1S41.

Air. Albert L. Winship, dism. July 1,

1 SG3.

December 28, ls40, by Certificate.

Aliss Charlotte S. Turner, dism. Nov. 24,


0 ?i Profession.

Air. Ahial B. Ilageman, dism. April 19,


Aliss Sarah Gray, dism. March G, 1S47.

March 1, 1S41, by Certificate.

Air. Charles li. Harvey, dism. Alay 22,


Mrs. Rebecca Harvey, k ‘ “



he following abbreviations are used in this catalogue:—d., died; dism.

sinissed; withd., withdrawn;excoin, excommunicated.


V .



Miss Marcia L Harvey (Mrs. Elliott),

dism. Dec 24. 1S44.“ Ann Frost (Mrs. Woo l), dism. Nov.

12, 1S41.

Mrs. Sylvia Griswold. d. Dee. 29, 1849.“ K6t)ccca Wood ( IF. Benjamin.)“ Sarah Sickles, dism. dan. 4, 1 S 44.

“ Harriet Gant, dism. May 6 1846.

Mr. Stephen C. Gray. died May 12 ’842.

Mrs. Harriet Gray, dism. March 6, 1813.

Mr. Thomas Lane.Mr. John W. Hall, fellowship wit lid.

March 1, 1 853.

Miss Priscilla Polhamus (Mrs. Craig).d. July, 1861.

“ Catherine Doyle dism. May 8, 1855.

Mr. Richard E. Dibble, fellowship wit lid.

Get. 28, 1 857.

Mrs. Mary Dibble, d. Sept. 9 1851.

Rev. 1C. W. Andrews, dism. Nov 28,1815.Miss Maria C. Hopkins, dism. Jan. 6. Louisa Weed. dism. Dec. 25 1648.

Mr. James Cruikshank, dism. Feb. 15,


Miss Mary Ann Wheeler (Mrs. Cndk-- shank), dism. Feb. 15, 1851.

Mrs, Sarah Woodruff, dism. l)ee. 17,


Harriet Woodruff,Miss Cynthia Woodruff, k ‘

Mrs. Elizabeth Elder, dism April 7. 1 S58.*• Lydia K. Shipman, dism. Jan. 21,

Miss Elizabeth De Witt (Mrs Cobin-son), dism. Jan. G, 1847.

Mr. Albert W. Huntington, dism. Dec.8, 1 853.

“ llazcn S. Crook, dism. Oct. 8. 1848.

Miss Sarah A. Relany (Mrs. Whitlock ),

dism. Sept. 2, 1851.w Julia A. Relany (Mrs. Hovvitfr),

dism. July IS, 1844.

On Profession.

Miss Mary Mulliner d. Nov. 22. 18G3.Mr. Jesse \V. Rcnediet, dism. June 13,

1842.Joseph W. ("amp, dism Feb. 3, 1352.

4* Edward E. Rankin, dism. Dec. 27,


On Profession.

Mr. Krasins E. Ripley, dism. Nov. 24,


July 4, Istl, by Certificate.

Miss Julia Ann Wetmore, di-sin. Nov. 2G,


Mr. William R. Powell, dism. June 16,


Mrs. Ann R. Powell,Mr. I'M ward S. Rates, dism. Dec. 23,


Mrs. Mhrv 0. Rab-s, ‘* “

Mr. William W. Fessenden.k

* Ellsworth M. Punderson, dism.March 10, 1S43.

Mrs. Margaret Kingsbury, dism. Sept.

22, 1853.“ Elizabeth Quiller, dism. Feb. 26,

1843.“ Emma Smith, dism. Oct. 14, 1613.

Mr. Charles U. Pratt, excom. April 30,

1861.•* Hector Sears, dism. June 24, 1851.“

. Lewis P. Clover, dism. June G, 1854.

Mrs. Bridget Clover. “

Miss Clarissa Ruck dism. Oct. 12, 1847.•• Rosina Hamill {Mrs. Treadwell),

dism. June 15, 1847.

Mr. Franklin Sayre, dism. Jan. 10, 1645.“ Thomas P. Gustin, dism. July 20,


On Profession.

Mr. Jonathan F. Morris, dism. June 30,

1858.“ Russell W. Robinson.

Mrs. Caroline Wheeler, fellowship witlid.

April 27, 1852.

May 2, 1811, by Certificate.

Miss Elizabeth M. Renton dism. May23, lb44.

“ Lucy Rogers, d. 1S4S.

Mr. Jacob Freeland, d. May. 1843.“ Henry A. Halsey.

Mrs. Ann H. Halsey, d. May 27, 18G2.

Miss Deborah C Woolley, (Mrs. Evans),dism. June 20. 1848.

Mrs. Emily W. Smith, dism. Aug. 9,1859.“ Ann Eliza Merritt, dism. Nov. 23,

1843.“ Catherine Matilda Peck, dism. Apr.

September 5, 1841, by Certificate.

Miss Almira Ebbets, dism. May 4, 1S47.k* Julia Johnson, dism. March 5, 1845.

Mrs. Elizabeth Meeker, d. May 29, 1842.

Air. Munson Lockwood, dism. Nov. 2s,


Mrs. Charlotte Lockwood, “ * k

Mr. Reujamin Lockwood, dism. May 27,

18 Hi.

Mrs. Elizabeth Lockwood, dism. May 27,

1840.“ Olivia Lock word.

Mr. Le Grand Lockwood, dism. March27. I860.

“ Henrv M. Benedict, dism. Aug. 29,


15, 1659.

Miss Elizabeth Savory (Mrs. Bradley),dism. June 5, 1849.

Mr. Daniel Whiting, dism. Jan. 19,1858.Mrs. Susan 1». Whiting, dism. Jan. 19,

1858.* Julia R. Townc, dism. Sept. 14, 1843.

Mrs. Mary Frazier, dism. July 27, 1842.

Miss Elizabeth Frazier,“ Mary Smith.4

* Ann* Eliza Denniston (Mrs. JPan-ser), dism. Aug. 22, l $48.

Mrs. Marv W. Jewett, dism. Sept. 80,



A\. ‘. < . *4 tf

. r .ui .. : -.a


On Profession.

Miss Betsey Ann Harris. dism. Sept. IT,


Mr. Thomas J. Hall, <lism. Fob. 13. 1.3G0.

November T, IS 11, by Certificate.

Mrs. Olinda A. Camp f Pev. A/nzi.)

M iss Adeline Winchester (Mi \v. Kn ig/i




dism. Oct. IT, IS 12.

“ Rachel Milligan, dism. Nov. I, is 12.

“ Eliza Stephenson {Mrs.Crook), dism.Oct. 3, ISIS.

Mrs. Mary Carnes, dism. July 2, Is IS.

Mr. John I). Carnes, dism. May 25, is 12.

Miss Sarah Oakley.“ Maria A. Stone, fellowship withd.

Nov. ‘23, 1 S52.

Mrs. Mary (.'rocker, dism. Nov. 11, Is IT.u Agnes Sage, dism. J line 21), 181s.

Miss Philomela Strickland, dism. Oct.

11, 1815.“ Caroline Stanard, dism. May 10, 1812.w Margaret Frazier, dism. July 2T,


Mr. Luther Williams.Mrs. Frances Louisa Williams.Mr. Charles L. Westervelt, fellowship

withd. Nov. 23, 1852.“ Nathaniel Barnum, dism. May 20,

1851.“ Samuel Whitney, dism. April 21,

1843.“ Cyrus S. Minor, dism. Dec., 1851.

On Profession.

Mr. Moses M. Bradley, dism. Jan 9, 1851.4* Aaron Q. Thompson, d. Jan. 13,1850.

Miss Martha Jane Clover, dism. June 22,

184T.“ Lucy T. llale {Mrs. Conover), dism.

Oct. 28. 1852.“ Laura Hale {Mrs. Cauip), dism. Feb.

3, 1852.

January 2, 18-42, by Certificate.

Mr. William II. Whitlock, dism. Sept. 2,


Mrs. Elizabeth Whitlock, d. 1843.

Miss Mary L. Whitlock, dism. Sept. 2,

1851.“ Susan Rebecca Webb, fellowship

withd. Sept. 9. 1531.

Mr. James J. Walworth, dism. July 18,


Mrs. Elizabeth C. Walworth,Mr. Frederick II. Johnson, fellowship

withd. Nov. 23, 1852.

Mrs. Euphcmia Sutherland, d. Nov. 4,


Miss Joanna Sutherland, fellowshipwithd. March 1, 1853.

Mrs. June. McVickars {Mrs. Iiickett),

fellowship withd. May l, 1854.

Mr. William II. Moore, dism. March G,

1843.“ Nathaniel Davidson, fellowship

withd. March 1, 1S53.

Mr. William S. Comstock, dism. Feb. 25,1845.

Mrs Betsey G. Swain, dism. Dec. 281542.

Mr. James II. French, d. 1843.Mrs. Mary W. French, dism. Nov. 5,

DIG.Mr. David 11. Fitch, dism. May 20, 1851.Mrs. Mary C. Fitch,

On Profession.

Mr. Erick Samuel Burstrand, dism. Jan.22. 1 s50.

Mrs. Adalino Chapman {Mrs. Wanzer),dism. May 1, 1"51.

Su>un Clark, dism. Oct. 12, 154T.Miss Harriet Wheeler, fellowship withd.

March 10, 1552.u Frances Smedley, dism. Dec. 23,

15 12 .

March G, 1842, by Certificate.

Mr. Lewis Pugh. dism. Aug. 30, 1842.Miss Ruth Grove nor, dism. Sept. 30, 184G.“• Mary G. Jewett, dism. Sept. 30. 18 4G.

Mr. George Andrews, dism. June 2T,1555.

Mrs. Sarah Andrews, “ u

Mr. Charles Durfee, dism. Dec. 1, l54T.Miss Harriet A. Gregory, dism. Nov. 10,

15 43.

Mr. William M. Bennett, dism. May 25,1 852.

John Chapman, d. March, ls51.

Mrs. Anna J. Chapman (Jfrs. EdwardBrown), dism. Jan. 22, 1852.

Mr. George W. Trembly, distil. March 4,

185<rMiss Ann Eliza Goddard {Mrs. Mill-

wood). dism. Nov. 15, 1855.” Julia Ann Reed, dism. Sept. 5, 1843.

Mr. Cornelius B. llulshart, dism. Oct. 12,


Mrs. Mary llulshart, dism. Aug. IT, 1 S 47.*• Maria L. Brown.

Mr. David S. Williams, dism. April 22,1831.

Mr, Alanson Taylor, dism. June 13, 1842.Mrs. Rebecca B. Taylor,

•• Hannah Church, dism. Nov. 28, 1845.Miss Sarah Jane Church,Mr. John Burdell, exp. April 12, 1844.

On Profession.

Mr. John Bacon, dism. July 2, 1815.

Mrs. Mary L. Jackson, dism. Sept. 2G,

18 45.

Mr. A Ivan Reed.Mrs. Sarah White, dism. April 2, 1S45.

*• Harriet B. 1 hompson, d. Aug. 12,Is 14.

Mr. Thomas N. Dale, dism. May G, 1S4T.Miss Amelia Ketcham, dism. April 30,


Mr. William A. Swain, dism. Dec. 28,1842.

Miss Mary J. Hulslander {Mrs. Calhoun)'’,


fellowship withd. Apr. 2G, 1853.




• •/' ,t ai A M .hi, i


May 1, 1842, by Certificate.

Mrs. Olivo Wilkie, dism. M;iv 23. 1815.44 Eliza Dubois, dism. Mareh 0, 1843.

Miss Lucy Leuber, 4 *

Mr. James Olmstead, dism. Sept. 14,

1843.41 Courtland 1*. S. Betts, dism. May 13,


Miss Hannah '\ heeler (Mrs. Gray).

On Profession.

Mr. Jacob Brinkcrholl’, Jr., dism. May6, 1840.

Miss Marv Moore, fellowship wilhd. Nov.23, 1852.

44 Sarah Jane Smith (Mrs 6WA ), dism.April 3, 1840.

Mrs. Lydia Jessup, fellowship wilhd.

May 1. 1854.

Miss Charlotte Jessup (Mrs. 1VaUcer).

fellowship withd. April 20, 1850.

Mrs. Mary a Cruikshank, dism. July 20,

1852.44 Amelia Snow, dism. June Is, 1815.

Miss Hannah J. Ross, fellowship withd.Sept. 0, 1851.

Miss Rose A. Miller, distil. Sept. 20, 1 850.

Mr. (diaries D. Brown, exeom. April 20,

1 850.44 John 0. O'Brien, fellowship withd.

.June. 18 3.

Miss Marv F. Holbrook, dism. July 2.


Mr. Aaron B. Heath, d. Mareh S, 1851.

Mrs. Malvina Heath, dism. May 24, 1855.

Mr. Stephen Conover, Jr., dism. Get. 28,

1852.44 Josiah A. Priest, dism. June 23,


Amintor Davidson, dism. July IS,


Miss Sarah Elder {Mi s. Greeuleaf),dism. Nov. 1. 1847.

44 Ann Maria Lovett, dism. Nov. 2S,


Mr. Henry Camp, dism. March IS, 1810.4 * (lerard Baneker, fellowship withd.

Nov. 23, 1852.

Miss Sarah Maria Dempsey (MrsMoore.)

Mr. Jeremiah C. Lanphier, dism. Jan. 4,

1840.14 Elwood Stratton, dism. April IP

1843.44 John Gray.44 James Smith.“ Thomas C. Chandler, dism. March

14, 1 8-13.

“ Richard S. Cross, distil. Dec. 8, 1851.

Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley, fellowship wilhd.

Feb. 27, 1855.

July 3, 1842, by Certificate.

Mr. Pliny Allen, dism. Sept. 17, 1842.

Mrs. Louisa Allen, 4 * 14

Miss Elizabeth S. A. Curtis,

Mr. William W. Smith, dism. Nov. 22,


Mrs. Deborah Retd, dism. March 14,

1 ">55.

*• Mart Ann Smith, dism. July 11.

1843.*• Elizabeth Austin, dism. Mareh 25,


Miss Mary Ann Austin, u “

*• Cyntiiia Jones, dism. April 3, 1843.Mr. Henry J. Sartwell, dism. April 15,

184 4/

On Profession.

Mrs. Elizabeth Ball, dism. August 20,


Mr. Charles Denham, fellowship withd.April 20. 1850.

" William II. Moseley, dism. Jan. 12,1 852.

,l Stephen 11. Provost, dism. April 3,


Mrs. Ann Delia Turcott, dism. March 5,


Mr. George Hillier, dism. May 23,


“ Calvin S. Knight, dism. May 281845.

Mrs. Mary W. Fox, dism. Nov. 17,


Mr. Jeremiah P. Robinson, dism. Jan.

0, Is 47.

Miss Eve Blanchard, d. Feb. 25, ls51.

Sept. 4, 1812, by Certificate.

Mr. Edward J. Smith, dism. Jan. 4,

1850.“ Richard G. E. Humphreys, dism.

Jan. 24, 1-45.*• Mvroii II. Crafts, dism. Sept. 17,


44 John L. Bennett, dism. Oct. 0,


Mrs. Amanda Bennett, 4 '

4* Jane llustace, dism. July 20, 1844.

Mr. Henry Martin, distil. Nov. 2, 1843.4* George llinman, dism. Nov. 30,


On Profession.

Mr. Seeley Scofield, exeom. Sept. 9,

1 85 J.

Miss Elizabeth Bennett (Mrs. Stock-man), dism. Dec. 0, 1851.

Mrs. Louisa Johnson, exeom. Nov. 4,


Mr. Charles F. Burckett, dism. Nov. 30,


November 0, 1812, by Certificate.

Miss Harriet Rice, dism. Nov. 7, 1S43.

Mrs. Sarah Lewis, fellowship withd.March 1, 1853.

44 Mary T. West, d. Dee. 27, 1854.4‘ Alice Clifton, d. Oct. 30, 1850.

Miss Phebe Miller, fellowship withd.June 30, ISG3.

“ Emalinda Miller, dism. Oct. 12, 1847.



On Profession.

Mrs. Sarah Smith, <1. March 15, IMS.Miss Frances Dolcy, dism. Nov. 25, 1844.

Mr. Augustus F. Ball, dism. Aug. 2(5,

January 1, 1848, by Certificate.

Miss Mary D. C. Sehrciber, dism. July 30,1850.

Kmily 1*. Kummell, fellowshipwithd. May 1, 18.54.

“ Betsey Thompson, d. Aug. 25. 1851.

Mrs. Eunice Thompson, widow Rev. A.< 1 .

Mr. Forman llendriekson, dism. June 20,

Is |(J.

Mrs. Eleanor llendriekson, dism. June 20.

Is 10.

Mr. Robert Johnson, dism. Feb. 10.

1 S 17.

*• Nathan Camp, dism. .Sept. 28, 1 M0.Mrs. Araty (’amp, * k k *

Mr. Albert Dodge, fellowship witlnl.

Nov. 28, 1852.

Rev. Am/.i Camp, dism. Mar. 25, 1851).

On Profession.

Miss Hannah N. Smith (Mrs Oates).Mr. John Sloane, dism. Aug. 5, ls5().

k- John 1*. Hull, dism. Aug. IT. 1M7.k> John 1). Hart, Jr., d. Jan. 2 It, 1 -58.

March 5, 1818, by Certificate.

Mrs. Margaret L. Fov.le, dism. Mar. fi.1

Is IT.

Mr. John A. Fowle, dism. Alar. 0, 1-17.* k Mason B. Browning, dism. Mar. 0,

1M4.1,1 Moses Christy, dism. Sept. 5, 1.818.

Mrs. Elizabeth A. llawes, dism. Jan. 10,

1 M0.Miss Sarah Ann Rowe, tellowsaip w itlid.

May 1, 1S54.

On Profession.

Miss Cornelia Hall, dism. June 25, 1S15.

Mr. Benjamin F. Browning, dism. Jan. 7,

IMG.“ John Stackhouse, d. in 18-18.

“ John Ranson, fellowship witlnl. Nov.28, 1852.

May 7, 1S48, by Certificate.

Mrs. Sarah Hawkins, dism. Jan. 25, 1810.

Mr. Joseph Harris, dism. Jan. 11, 1 sob.

Mrs. Hannah T. French, dism. May 2,


Miss Mary Cousins.“ Eliza Cousins (Mrs. Parker), dism.

Jan. 7, 1M0.“ Jane Cousins (Mrs. Menair), dism.

Oct. 11, 1811.

Mrs. Isabella Menair, dism. Juno 12,


Miss Martha Menair, d. in 1 s 15.

“ Ann Harris (Mrs. Shillington ),

dism. Dec. 29, 1M0.


Mr. John J. Allen, dism. May 23, 1344.I Mrs. Harriet Allen, kk k *

Mr. Isaac Morris, dism. Mar. 30, 1S47.Mrs. Mary Morris, k - “

Miss Julia 1». Meeker (Mrs. Pugsley),dism. Nov. 18 1 M0.

Mr. Horace Dresser, fellowship withd.Feb. 20. l-5fi.

Mrs. Eliza Test man.Mr. Henry Whittclsey.

>k Ruins Lockwood, dism. Apr. 2, 1M5.k‘ Samuel N. Stehbins, dism. May 0,

On Profession.

Miss Angelinc White, fellowship withd.May 1. 1-5-1.

Mrs. Elizabeth Waugh, dism. August 51850.

.Mi'S Emily Hatfield (Mrs. Pager*),dism. Oet. 10. 1 -55.

* Catharine R. Hatfield (Mrs. Minor),dism. 1 )ec. 15, 1 ->51.

k‘ Melissa Hatfield (Mrs. Thompson.)

kl Amarantlni lialiield, d. August 31810 .

Mr. Charles R. Hatfield, dism. Aug. 27,1 802.

u John S. Cook, dism. Dec. 17, 1M5.u Joseph Terry, fellowship withd. Nov.

28, 1 -52.kk

Beiij. Menair, dism. June 12, 1-10.

Miss At>by Ann Cooke (Mrs. Pay),dism. Feb. 2o. 1M0.

Mrs. Fanny Pollock, dism. Jan. 25, 1M0.Mr. Eilward Clock, d. July, 1-40." William 11. Snow, dism. June IS,


Mrs. Lucv W. Dresser, dism. Jan. 4,1 -58.

k* Emma Robinson, dism. August 5,


‘ Elizabeth Dennison, fellowshipwithd. Nov. 23, 1-52.

•kk Phebe Baneker, dism. Oct. 23, 1840.

Miss Catharine Sigler (Mrs. Scojield),fellowship withd. June 23, 1853.

Mr. Samuel Elder, d. Nov. 20, 1310.

July 2, 1M3, by Certificate.

Miss Lvdia W. Bulklev, dism. Oct. 23,

1 - 10 .

kk Martha Ann Day, dism. April 22,1-51.

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Watkinson, d. Jan. 7,


Miss Jane C. Watkinson (Mrs. Gill),

dism. Feb. 3, 1352.

Mr. Isaac C. Mayer, dism. Dec. 10,1847.Mrs. Henrietta N. Mayer, k - kk

Mr. Samuel It. Morse, fellowship withd.Aug. 30, 1853.

kk Walter Reid, dism. April 22, 1357.

Mrs. Margaret 1). Reid, k * k *

On Profession.

Miss Margaret Murray (Mrs. Fletcher ),

dism. July 30, 1-51.

; ?


Mr. Edward F. Treadwell, dism. June 15, .

1*17.“ George Pollock, disir.. Jan. 25, IS If),


“ William Mamvaring, fellowship|

witlid. Mar. 1, 1853.

September'S, 1843, by Certificate.j

Mrs. Margaret Salters, d. Get. 25, 1*57.

Miss Catharine Johnson (Mrs. Halt),dism. Jan. IS, 1 >53.

“ Abigail Stuhes.“ Elizabeth L)oak, dism. April 12,


IS 14.

Mr. Marcus 11. Sand ford, dism. May 12,

IS 15.

Mrs. Susan Rochester.Mr. Jira Payne, dism. Dec. 21, 1844.

0)i Profession.

Mrs. Mary Lavinia Paige (Mrs. Pierce


dism. Get. 30. 1849.'

“ Sarah Wareham, dism. Sept. 17,

1 802.

Movember 5, is 13, by Certificate

Mrs. Susan Colesworthy, dism. July 20,

is 17.

“ Alary Ann Wright, d. Feb., 1802.

January 7, 1844, by Certificate.

Mr. Samuel Fisher, dism. Get. 31. Is is.

Mrs. Mima Ann Fisher, "

Mr. Benjamin M. Wilson, dism. April 2,


Airs. Mary W. Wilson, dism. April 2,

IS 15.

Mrs. Maria Clough.Aliss Sarah Van Size (Mrs. Kelsey), d.

April, 1S50.

Alr>. Miranda AV. Crafts, dism. Sept. 17,

Is 45.

Air. Frederick llennell, dism. Jan. 28,

1 so 1


“ Charles W. Benedict, dism. Jan. 27,

1 >53.“ George AV. Dunmore, dism. Get 12,

IS 17.

“ Edward AVard, dism. April 7, is 10.

Mrs. Sophia Ward, " u

Mr. George Heard, dism. April 24, 1S51.

Mrs. Eleanor Heard, ** “ “

Miss Aurelia Osborn, “ “

On Profession.

Mrs. Mary Bruorton, dism. Aug. 22Is IS.

Air. Asahel Jones, dism. Aug. 22, IMS.Mrs. Alary «!• Jones),

Air. Robert. G. Eeonori, dism. Feb, 15,

1 *49.

Miss Alary Ann Thompson, dism. Aug. 5,


Mrs. Sarah Ann Eaton, d. July 22, 1848.

Sarah Gill, dism. Sept. 11, 1802.

March 3, 18D, by Certificate.

Mr. Seth W. Benedict, dism. Afareh 4,


Mrs. Fanny R. Benedict, d. Jan. 9, 1854.“ Ann Louisa Lockwood, dism. Alarch

27, 1 800.

On Profession.

Air. James Menair, dism. Get. 11, 1844.u Alexander F. AVelsh, fellowship

witlid. Nov. 23, 1852.

Mrs. Hannah Thompson, dism. Dec. 17,1*15.

u Matilda J. Ilart,

Air. Henry Ames, excom. Nov. 23, 1852.

May 5, 184 j, by Certificate.

Airs. .Margaret Stephenson.“ Elizabeth Boozy, d. Dee 14,1852.

Mr. John D. Carnes, dism. Jan. 20, 1S47.

On Profession.

Mrs. Margaret Humphry s. dism. Alay 15,1 *52.

July 7, 1841, by Certificate.

Mrs. Sarah Beach, dism. Nov. 1, 1*17.*• Frances Harris, dism. Jan, 14, 1859.

Air. James AV. lliggins, dism. June 3(J,

1 *10.

AL-s. Eleanor Higgins, “ u

Aliss Eleanor Higgins, “ “

Airs. Elizabeth L. Lee, fellowship witlid.

Nov. 23, 1>52.“ Eliza Barton, dism. Apri 1 5, 1849.“ Lydia Pearson, d. Jan. 1 ^ 47.

On Profession.

Aliss Harriet E. AVhittlesey (Mrs. VanMess).

Air. Thomas 1>. Grillith, dism. Alarch 20,1*51.

Xovemher 3, 1*44, by Certificate.

Mrs. Alary L. Hills, dism. -July 4, ISIS.

Air. Isaiah Beesley, dism. Feb. 1, 1849,

On Profession.

Mrs. Jane Holmes, d. Oet. 13, ISIS.

Air. Thomas E. .Smith, excom. Feb. 25,1*03.

“ Gilbert T. Pugsley, dism. Nov. 13,1*49.

Francis L. Benedict, fellowshipwitlid. March 1, 1853.

John llinchey, dism. May 24, 1819.

January 5, Is 15, by Certificate.

Airs. Esther Sears, dism. Dec. 17, 1845.k* Alary P. Janes, dism. Jan. 29, 1850.“ Abby II. Davis (Mrs. Holmes).

On Profession.

Airs. Chloe Drake, dism. July 30, 1S51.“ Flora A. Smith, dism. Dec. 13, 180-4.

•• Sarah M. Harris, fellowship witlid.

Sept. 9, 1851.

Aliss Mary J. Cox (Mrs. Carnes), dism.i Jair 20, 1847.



March 2, 1845, by Certificate.

Mr. George W. Pratt, dism. June 0,1853.Mrs. Mary Pratt, “ “ 4i

Mr. David A. Hale, dism. Sept. 7. I860.

? “ John Springer, d. Nov. 13, 1819.“ Thomas Ritter.

Mrs. Delia M. Ritter.

On Profession.

Mr. George F. Glossing, d. May 31, 1855.41 John C West. d. Nov. 1858.“ John Crowe, fellowship withd. Aug.

2S, 1855.

May 4, 1845, by Certificate.

Mrs. Sarah Van Sice. d. Sept, 18(51.

Miss Amanda Van Sice (Mrs.Monta. < ye).

cl. August, 1 SOI.

Mrs. Julia Hale, dism. March 27. 1843.

Mr. Norman L. Hart, dism. June 27,


July G, 1845, by Certificate.

Miss Catharine Masterson (Mrs. Pin-ning). dism. Jan. 7. 18.' >2.

Mr. John L. Bail lie., dism. May 1, 185(1.4i David Ritter, dism. June 1 t. 1854.“ Oliver P. llatlield, excom. Jan. 13,


Miss I.aura llatlield^ dism. June 1, 1817.44 Martha A. Denniston (Mrs. Bypie-

man). dism. May 27, 1851,44 Henrietta R. Denniston, dism. Dec.

15. 1853.

Mr. Thomas 11 Ilulse, dism. Mav 2?,


Mrs. Pamelia Ann Dulse, dism. May 22,


On Profession.

Mr. Henry M. Miller, fellowship withd.Nov. '23. 1852.

44 Isaac P>. Lott, fellowship withd. Mar.

1, 1853.

Mrs. Mary Smith.

September 7, 1815, by Certifcate.

Mr. William Thompson, dism. June 8,


November 2, 1845, by Certifcate.

Mr. John M. Grant, dism. Oct. 185G.41 George Walker, dism. Aug. 9, 1 859.

Mrs. Minerva H. Walker,Rev. Joseph P. Thompson.Mrs. Lucy O. Thompson, d. Jan. 27,


Mr. Charles F. Williams.Mrs. Eliza Williams.Mr. William C. Gilman, dism. March 1,


Mrs. Eliza Gilman,Miss Elizabeth Gilman,

44 Maria Gilman,Mr. Edward W. Gilman, dism. June 1,


On Profession.

Mrs. Hannah Henderson, fellowshipwithd. Nov. 23, 1852.

January 4, 1S4G, 6// Certifcate.

Mr. Ira A. Tlmrber. dism. Nov. 24, 1846.Mrs. 1 1 Thurber, 44 u

Miss .Sarah Jane Low ( Mrs. Cross), dism.Dee. S. 1851.

Mrs. Sarah H. Springer,(Mrs. Bedfield),

dism. Nov. S. 180'.).

Mr. George Winchester, fellowshipwithd. Nov. 23, 1852.

44 Gideon Watts Sherman, dism. June22, 1817.

On Profession.

Mrs. Sarah Rozat. d. Aug. 23, 1SG3.

March 1,1540, by Certifcate.

Mr. Noah Gilmore, dism. Nov. 12. 1852.44 Horace R. Latimer, dism. June 2,

. » 1 1 » i • .Hiii ) #. ijiiiiim i^

Miss Marie Louise Newlin, dism. June24. 1817.

Mrs. Abigail Ann Wait. dism. June 27,ls5D.

On Profession.

Mr. Joseph Wait. Jr., dism. June 27,1 >50.

44 Thomas J. Burger, dism. Oct. 4,


Mrs. Mary Ann Smith, d. Nov. 1G, 1801.

May 3, is 40, by Certifcate.

Mr. Oliver P. See veil, dism. Oct. 26,


lb! ward Bmvhard, dism. Nov. 8,

1 802.44 Clinton Clapp, dism. Jan. 12, 1852.44 Henry G. Judd, dism. April, 1851.44 Albert L. Comstock, dism. Dec. 27,


Mrs. Catharine U. Comstock, dism. Dec.27, 1850.

Miss Sarah E. Comstock, dism. Dee. 27,

1 850.

Mr. Henry A Merrill, dism. July 9, 1850.

Mrs. Sarah Merrill,44 M aril la W. Hall, dism. Dec. 19, 1S54.44 Phila A. Williams, dism. April 22,

1 852.

Mr. James E. 11. Wallin, dism. April It),


Mrs. Elizabeth K. Wallin, dism. April 10,


On Profession.

Mr. Ward A. Work, dism. Aug. 3. 1343.44 James L. Ensign, dism. Oct. 9, 1854.44 Andrew W. Rose, dism. June 25,


Mrs. Mary Frances Davidson, dism. Nov.IS, 1847.

44 Eliza Moseley, dism. Jan. 12, 1852.

*v '

' ,





Miss Martha Jam* Moore (Mrs. Scott).distil. Feb. 24. 1 852.

“ Harriet L. Giiinnn, dism. Mareh 1,


Miss Mary E. Vallar (Mrs. Enyeholm),fellowship withd. Mar. 10, 1 nV2.

“ Sarah N. Smith.“ Catharine (.Mi ftmi (Mrs. Van Tuyl).

dism. Fel>. 2 h Is:, 2 .

“ Susan 11. Ca-s. distil. Nov. 30. Is,',2 .

July l), 1' 40 . by Certificate.

Mr. Edgar W. Davies, dism. March 20.

IMS).*• Kdward S. Finney, distil. Jan. 22.


“ John l*. Alvord, dism. Jan. 25, lMs.•* William A. Morgan, dism. May 31,

1 s 19.

Mrs. ltoxana Morgan, u “

On Profession.

Mr. Edwin S. Fierce, dism. Oct. 30, 1819.“ Charles II. Waterbary, dism. Feb. 19,


“ Joseph T. Whitlock, dism. Sent. 2.

i sr> l


“ Frederick G. Huntington, dism. July2, 1817.

“ Emanuel Cunart, dism. Dec. 27.

1850.“ Bruce Fierce, cxcom. Ail!*;. 31, 18,72.

“ James IT. Iloyt. dism. July 18. 1S48.“ James ltedmond, dism. Nov. 7. Isis.

Mrs Margaret Flace. dism. July 30, 1M>.“ Abby A. Bush. dism. Feb, 20. 1 >55.

Missliebecca 11. IVarl {Mrs. Cady)., d.

April 29, lsVj.“ Elizabeth Laidlaw, dism. Mav 17

lhllf.*• Louisa C. Halsey ( Mrs. McCarty), d.

May, 1853.“ Mary Frances Camp {Mrs. Mutt),

dism. Nov. 7, 1851.“ Ann Eliza (-'amp, d. Aug. 18(57“ Mary F. Watkinson, distil. Eeb. 3,

1872.•• Jauo F. Clifton ( Mrs. Williams).

dism. Jan. 11, 1 870.

Charlotte Hale. dism. Oct. *28, 18,72.

•• Christian It. Hatlicld, d. Feb. 2.

1 870.*• Frances 8. Minor ( Mrs. ILath).

dism. Jan. 21, ls59.

September (5, 1810. by Certificate.

Dr. John F. Batchelder, dism. May 80,


Mr. William S. Miller, dism. Oct. 21.


Mrs. Francis A. Boyd, dism. July 4.

ISIS.“ Ann Crosby, dism. Feb. 15, 1349.

Miss Jane Anderson {Mrs. Gibbs\ dism.April 12, 18(51.

On Profession.

Mr. Frederick Lockwood.“ Lewis T. Halsey, d. in Cal. Nov.

1873.” Ira E. Tlmrber, dism. Oet. 12, George Frederick Scott, dism. Feb

24. 1 >52.

Mrs. L. Ophelia Benedict, dism. July 81>51.


Miss Mary Isabella Dolson, dism. March19. lMil.

” Julia Ann Barton, d. April 15, IMS.•folia E. Fitter {Mrs. ('hare), dism.Oet. 20, 1858.

Caroline M. Titus ( Mrs. Sm ith).kk Alary Ann Titus {Mrs. Simms), d.

April. Did.*

Alina 1>. Smith, dism. Oct. 11, 1804.

XoCi /fiber 1, 1810, by Certificate.

Mrs. Lucy. Morse, dism. April 29, D5l.Mrs. Cornelia Ensign, dism. Oct. 8, ls51.

On /Profession.

Mr. Henry M. Halsey, dism. Oet. 28,1850.

March 7, 1817, by Certificate.

Airs. Mary E. Barker. dBm. April 22. 1802..Miss Alary C. Fellows {Mrs. Brown).

dism. Dee. 21, ! 858.Airs. Susan T. Sears, dism. June 24,


Air. Edward E. Brown, dism. Juno F2,


Mrs. Luey Batchelder, dism. May 30.1850.

Air. James AI. West, dism. May 30, 1850.

On Profession.

Mrs. Alary Deni rest, d. May 20, 1852.Air. Alexander J. Henderson, d. Alay 21,

1 855.

Miss Maria Gill {Mrs. Clark), dism.Alay S, 1800.

Mrs. Mary Ann Miller {Mrs. Becker),

dism. 1858.

May 2, Is 17. by Certificate.

Mrs. Elizabeth T. Judd, dism. April 17.


On Profession.

Mr. William Finlay, d. Alay 1, 1849.Mr. John Brown, dism. Aug. 22, 1848.

July 4, 1M7, by Certificate.

Mrs. Charlotte St urges, dism. April 29»


On Profession.

Mr. John Lander, dism. July 30, 1851.

Mrs. Isabella Lander,Aliss Euphemia Lander ( Mrs. McMel-

len ), dism. July 30, 1851.

Air. Lawrence F. Mott, dism. Nov. 7,

1854.“ Thomas Owen, dism. July 2, 1850.



. .J


September 5, 1847, by Certificate.

Mr. Myron J. Frisbie.

Mrs. Joanna E. Frisbie.“ Anna W. Day, dism. June 0, 135*2.

Miss Amanda '1'. ilulsc, fellowship wilhd.March 1, 1858.

On Profession.

Mr. Charles S. Smith.“ Archiltald Henderson,

November 7. 1317. by Certificate.

Mr. Arcliibald Campbell, dism. April 11),


“ Edwin Johnson (Rev.) dism. May14, 1 Sol.

“ Sidney II. Smith, dism. Jan. 7, 1352.“ John Williamson, dism. June 20,


Mrs. Catharine Williamson, “ u

December 23, ls47, by Certificate.

Mx*. William Danfort h, dism. Jan. 4,


Mrs. Lydia Dantbrth, dism. July 9, 1350.

Miss Frances A. Dantbrth,Mrs. Lucy Ann Brewer, d. Feb. 17, 1848.

Mr. Marcus Mitchell, dism. March 27,

1 355.

Mrs. Betsey Mitchell,

On Profession.

Miss Margaret L. Winnie, fellowshipwithd. Aug. 27. 1801,

“ Emily Gilman, dism. March 1, 1849.

February 29, ISIS, by Certifcate.

Mr. Oliver W. Ilimrod, fellowship witlid.

April 29, 1 b50.“ Enoch Tindall, dism. Oct. 3, 1848.“ Frederick S. llawlcy, fellowship

withd. March 15, 1359.“ Calvin lloyt, dism. in 1852.“ Theodore A. Eaton,' d. in Dec.., 1852.

Miss Mary Ann Huntington.

On Profession.

Miss Elizabeth A. Van Rypcr, dism.July 12, 1853.

Mr. Francis M. Hall. dism. Dec. 19, 1354.

Miss Harriet Kingsbury, dism. April 22,

Mr. Samuel Hoyt, dism. April 29, 1>51.

Mrs. Mary Ann lloyt. dism. in 1852.

Mr. Daniel Coit Gilman, dism. Jan. 25,

1S49.“ Wiliiam Blewett.

Mrs. Martha L’Amic, fellowship witlid.

March 1, lb58.

May 1, 184S, by Certificate.

Mrs. J. S. Denman, dism. May 25, 1352.“ Mary Snell.

On Profession.

Mrs.'.Mary Ann Osborn, fellowship witlid.|

Nov. 23, 1852.

Miss Mary Ann Snell (Mrs. Lane).Mr. John W. Cass, dism. Nov. 30, 1852.

June 27, 1848, by Certificate.

Mrs. Abigail Plummer, dism. Sept. 17,


Mr. Jacob Brinkeiliolf. d. March IS, 1.805.” Andrew Jordan, dism. June 1, 1852.‘* Jacob Brinkcrhoir, Jr., dism. April

10. 1851.“ William F. King, d. 1.857.u Horace Gould, dism. June 7, 1350.“ James 1>. Smith.

Mrs. Sarah Gould, dism. June 7, 1S50.*• Angclinc Dolsun, d. Jan. 20, 1854.

On Profession.

Mrs. Wilhemetta Smith, dism. Oct. 11,


' Sarah Jane Morse, d. Jan. 13, 1350.

Miss Augusta Wood, dism. Oet. 23, 1.351.

Mr. Alexander Anderson, d. July 25,


Auy ust 29, 1M3, by Certificate.

Mr. Henry Smith, d. Jan. 0, 1850.

Mrs. Margaret II. Smith.Mr. Benjamin Lockwood, dism. Feb. 15,

1 .851 .

Mrs. Eliza Lockwood,Mr. Archibald Hyatt, cxcom. March 1,

1358 .

October 31, ls4S, by Certificate.

Mr. Ezra W. Goodrich, dism. April ft, Norman A. Calkins.

Mrs. Sarah Fleming, dism. Jau. 10, 1859.

January 2, 1849, by Certificate.

Mrs. Laura West, d, Aug. 7. 1851.

Mr. Thomas Davies, dism. .Ian. 12, 1852.

Mrs. .Jane Benedict, dism. Jan. 27, 1853.

On Profession.

Miss Elsie M. Winnie (Mrs. Brackett ),

dism. June 27, 1849.“ Mary Ann Davies, dism. Jan. 12,

1 852.

Mr. Nathaniel Shiverick, dism. Nov. 8,


February 27, 1349, by Certificate.

Mrs. Esther Evans, dism. April 10, 1851.

Mr. Joseph Wills, dism. Feb. ft, 1S50.: Mrs. Susan Simixson, fellowship witlid.' April 29, 1850.

On Profession.

Mr. William D. Russell, dism. Jau. 13,

1853.** Alpheus Colburn, fellowship witlid.

March 1, 1858.

. i.


May 1, l $49, by Certificate.

Mr. Samuel Delamater, dism. July 0.

1852.“ William II. Niles, dism. May 20,

i >r> i


“ Thomas ilinwood, dism. Nov. 10,

1 $55.

Miss Catharine Stroble, dism. Feb. 21.


Mr. Martin E. Kingman, dism. April 19,


Oil Profession.

Miss Mary Catharine Parker {Mrs. New-house), fellowship withd. June 80.


Mr. Theodore Sturges, disin. Feb. 24,

1 $52.

Miss Elizabeth Herring, fellowship withd.Nov. 28, l $52.

“ Catharine A. Whittelsey.

June 20, 1st!), by Certificate.

Mrs. Ann Eliza Meeker, dism. March 15’

1 s58.

Mr. Theodore L. Atkins, dism. July 1,


Miss Catharine Magee, dism. Dee. 24,


On Profession.

Mr. John Ik Paxton, dism. Sept. 25, 1851.•• Joseph Heath, fellowship withd. Feb.

24, 1 $08.

Miss Mary Elizabeth Test man, dism.Nov. s. 185s.

Mr. Charles M. Miller, fellowship withd.March 28, ls52.

" Alexander Magee.Mrs. Elizabeth K. Collins, fellowship

withd. June 2$, 1858.

Miss Christina Miller {Mrs. Hatfield ),

dism. Aug. 27, 1802.

August 2$, 18-19, by Certificate,

Mr. William lk Shot well, dism. Oct 1$,

1850.“ ltobert Avro, fellowship withd. Aug.

80, 1858.

On Profession.

£iss Louisa F. Parker ( Mrs. Townsend).fellowship withd. June 80. 1S08.

Mr. James Bowles, dism. May 20,1851.

Mrs. Anne P. Powlcs, “ u

October 80, 1 $ 49, by Certificate.

Miss Nancy Campbell, dism. Feb. 2S,


On Profession,

Miss Charlotte S. Whitlock, dism. Sept.

2, 1851.“ Elizabeth 1). Thompson, dism. Dee.

5. 1850.

December 1S-49, by Certificate.

Mr. James If. Warren tjiev.), disin. May14 ,1851.

Mrs. Mary S. Ik Bradley, dism. Jan. 9,


Mr. James Edward Pringle, dism. May15


': *


Mrs. Harriet M. Jones, dism. Sept. 10,


Mr. William I). Smith, dism. April 20,


Mrs. Sarah W. Smith,Mr. Joseph Chapin, cl. June 12, 1857.

On Profession,

Miss Marianne Inwood, dism. Nov. 2,


February 20, 1850, by Certificate.

Mr. George Tavlor, dism. Nov. 24, 1S52.“ Matthew W. Starr, Jr.

Mrs. Mary M. Starr.

Mr. \mos G. Bartlett, dism. Jan. 17,


On Profession.

Mr. David D. Ayres, dism. Jan. 9, 1855.

Mrs. Georgiana M. Bartlct, dism. Jan. 17,

1 s50.

Mr. Thomas ltutherford, dism. Nov. 11,

1 $02 .

April 30, 1850, by Ce/tficate.

Miss Mary Simond, disim June 24,


Air. Samuel Ewing, d. 1859.

Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor. d. 1857.

Miss Emma Taylor ( Mrs. Gilson)." Amelia Taylor (Mrs. Freeman ).

dism. Oct. S, 1802.

Mrs. E. L. Kobinson.

On Profession.

Mrs. Maria Wood, dism. pet. 23, 1551.

July 1, 1 $50, by Certificate.

Mr. James Edwin Vickridge, fellowshipwithd. May 1. 1S51.

Aliss Mary Van Duyn, dism. A! arch 24,

l $52.

ltev. George P. Tindall, disin. August 11,

1 854.

Mr. Beniamin if Evans, fellowshipwithd. May 1. 1851.

On Profession.

Aliss Margaret Tcstman (Mrs. Adams),dism. April 0, 1859.

Auejust 20, 1850, by Certificate.

Miss Ann Al. Dayton (Mrs. liedford),dism. Feb. 12. 1$58.

October 29, 1850, by Certificate..

Air. .Joseph E. Woodbridge, dism. Jun*2, 1$53.



Mrs. Sarah E. Woodbridge, dism. Juno2, 1858.

Mr. Gourde Brown, <1. Doe. 4, 1 "52.

Mrs. Eunice Brown, dism. May 20, JS51.

December 31, 1S50, by Certificate.

Mr. Gcorgo B. Dickenson, dism. March,lb58.


“ Clinton P. Scoville, fellowship witlul.

Oct. ‘26, 1850.*• John A. Johnston, dism. Sept. Hi,


Mrs. Anna Johnston, d. Sept. 20, 1S53.

Abagail Sumner.

February 20, 1S51, by Certificate.

Mr. Walter Jackson, fellowship withd.Feb. 27, 1 S55.

“ Morris J. Franklin, dism. Jan. 5,


Miss Azerbnh 0. Shipman, d. March,1801.

Air. George Lawrence, dism. June 25,


On Profession.

Mrs. Sarah Lawrence, dism. Dec. 15,

1651.“ Genet Jackson, fellowship withd.

Feb. 27, 1S55.

April 21), 1 Sol, by Certificate.

Mr. Joseph Woodbridge, dism. March 28.

1652.“ Charles L. Woodbridge, dism. June

2, 1 "53.

Mrs. M. Isabella S. Hale, dism. Sept. 7,

1 Si'll I.

Mr. David Owen,' dism. June 20, 1630.

On Profession.

Mr. Charles G. Parsons, fellowship withd.March 1, 165s.

“ llalpern Albert, fellowship withd.Dec. 80, 1602.

Ephraim M. Epstein, dism. April 28,

1657.“ George W. Whiting, dism. Jan. 10,


July 1, 1651, by Certificate,

Mr. Luther Halsey Gul’iek (ltev.l, dism.Aug. 21. I "52.

Mrs. Dorothy Moses.Olive C.' Moses, d. Dec. 20, 1605.

Mr. Amos Temple, dism. July 5, 1858.

“ Richard C. Dunn (Key.), dism. April

0, ls51.

Mrs. Mary E. Wilbor. dism. April 27,


On Profession.

Mr. James Short, dism. Feb. 14. 1855.

John Short, fellowship withd. April 20,


September 1, 1S51, by Certificate.

Mr. lleury Jiulson, dism. Jan. 1G, 1652.

Miss Sarah T. Bowers, fellowship withd.Aug. 27, lSGl.

Mr. George Jackson, dism. June 21), 1852.•* Henry C. Conkling, dism. Dec. 2S,


On Profession.

Mr. Joel M. Howard, dism. Sept. 20, 1654." Edward S. Wells, fellowship withd.

J une 80. 1 "08.•• George. M. Stites.

Mrs. Maria L. Stites.

October 26, 1651, by Certificate.

Mr. Augustus- Gaylord, di.sin. June G,


Mrs. Martha Gaylord. “ “

“ Phillis Cooper.Mr. Richard Edwards, dism. April 20,

l "50.

Mrs. Jane Edwards, “ “u Esther Sears, dism. July 1, 1651.

Mr. William Lord.“ William lloldridge, dism. May 24,

1 655.

Mrs. Eliza G. lloldridge, “

On Profession.

Mr. Cornelius Xoafu*. dism. Nov. 30,

1852.“ Henry C. Ilall.

Mrs. Sarah Ann Lord.

December 0, 1851, by Certificate.

Mr. Joseph Wills, dism. Sept. 17. 1858.

“ Smith Curtiss, dism. June!), 1852.

Miss Elizabeth Frances Gaines, d. Oet. 3,

1 "51 .

Mr. Moses Christy, dism. Aug. 20, 1601.

Mrs. Harriet Christy, ••

* Jane Menair.Mr. William E. Whiting, dism. June 5,


Mrs. Ann L. Whiting, “ u

Mr. Cliarb'S Clark, dism. July 1, 1650.

Mrs. Diana Cusar. dism. Jan. 25. 1850.

Mr. Thomas Murdock, dism-. March 22,


Mrs. Jane I L Murdock, k * “

On Profession.

Mr. Augustus H. Farliu. dism. Nov. I,


Miss fsabell i G. Ritter(.I//v». Sferenson).Mrs Anna Maria Wilcox, dism. Feb. 20,

1 "55 .

Mr. John M. Wilcox, dism. Nov. 0, 1855.

Miss Sarah Mitchell, dism. March 27,

1 6.55.

Mr. Josiah T. Wright, withdrawn.Miss Elizabeth W. Forbes.Mrs. Harriet E. Chapin, dism. Nov. 22,


Mary B. Bennett, dism. Oet, 28,


March 1, 1S52, by Certificate.

Mr. James Duff, dism. June 20, 1851.



Mrs. Martha Duff, dism. Juno 20. ISM.“ Susan Wills, dism. Sept. IT, 1854. i

Mr. Clement K. Beebe, dism. April 20, I


Miss Debecea Story, dism. Dv r. 20. l^M.Mr. John A. Seymour tltev.). di.-uu. Juh

10, 1855.‘


u John Vernon, fellowship willid. l’Yb.

27, 1855.

Dr. Alonzo S. Dali, dism. Oct. 25, 185:).|

Mrs. Eliza W. Dali, ••

On Profession,

Miss Mary 0. Hosier (Mrs. Calkins).Mr. Moses Drown, dism. May 20, 185-1.u Thomas 1). Conover.kl Jerome ilusted, fellowship willid.

Dec. 10, 1.800.u Edwin P. Strickland, dism. June 1,

1 854.

Miss Ellen Smith.“ Sarah Smith.

Elizabeth Henderson (Mrs. Jus. D.

Smith).Huldali G. Drown, dism. May 20,

1 S54.

Mi-. Joseph Enscoc, fellowship witlul.

Get. 28, 1850.

April 27, 1852, by Certificate.

Mr. John A. Sterry, dism. May 1, 1805.u Charles E. Latimer, dism. Dec. 7,


Mrs. DulaU Ar. Terry, dism. Oct. 8, 1802.

On Profession.

Mr. T. F. Tracy, dism. Nov. 23, 1854.

Miss Francis Emeline Terry (Mrs. Bar-rett).

June 20, 1852, by Certificate.

Mr. James H. Groveslien, dism. June 7,


Mrs. Anna V. Grovcstien, 4i “

“ Mary McBride, d. August 10. 1850.

Miss Lydia D. Darker, dism. June 7,


On Profession.

M r. Edgar J. Day.11 Richard A. Dorman.

Miss Maria Hitler.

August 31, 1852, by Certificate.

Mrs. Sarah Wood, dism. Nov. 24, 1852.1

December 28, 1852, by Certificate.

Miss Charlotte G. Connor, dism. June 14,

1851.“ Sarah Frances Benedict, dism. Dee.

11), 1856.

March 1, 1850, by Certificate,

Mr. Langdon S. Ward, dism. Oct. 9, 1854.

Mrs. Isabella Draper.Mr. John West, fellowship withd. March

15, 1859.

April 20, 1 853, by Certificate.


Mr. Henry E. Stanifurd, dism. March 4,

I 1 850.u Patrick James Golden, tVllowship

withd. June 20. 1855.

Mr^. Mary A. Golden, dism. Sept. 1,

I 1855.

June 2 s, 1854, by Certificate.

iMr. Albert L. Comstock, dism. Aug. 30,

1 >5 1.

Mrs. Catharine U. Comstock,“ Sarah E. Deed,“ Maria Sumner, dism. June 10, 1856.

A u gtnst 30, 1854, by Certificate.

Miss Dacliel Kimmons, dism. Oct. 28,

1 856.

Mr. Pliny F. Whiting, dism. Oct. 11,


November 1, 1853, by Certificate.

Mr. William Corn, dism. Feb. 28, 1S54.

Mrs. Sarah Ann Corp, u “

Mr. Homer W. Keeler, dism. Jan. 2,

1857.4i Williiam IL Colton, dism. Sept 14,


December 20, 1 854, by Certificate,

Mrs. Ann Hartshorn, dism. Sept. 18,

1 857.

Mr. Curtis Doynton, d. Oct. 1858.

Mrs. Elizabeth G. Doynton, dism. March8, 1859.

Mr. William I). Doynton, dism. Nov. 4,

1850.“ Samuel Holmes.“ William D. Holmes.“ John S. Grid ley, dism. March L8,

1 s50.

Mrs. Elizabeth Sehapps, dism. Dec. 14,


Mr. Camillas Farrand, dism. July 22,

1 >03.

Mrs. Debeeca M. Snyder, dism. June 8,

1 S58.

February 27, 1854, by Certificate.

Mrs. Eliza Jane Palmer, dism. Feb. 19,

1 858.

Miss Juciictte E. Melntviv, dism. April

>, 1 >01 .


‘ l Philinda P. Jones (Mrs. Couper\I dism. Jan. 20, 1 >00.

On Profession.

Mr. Joseph Grcatbach, fellowship withd.Dee. 1857*

May 1, 1854, by Certificate,

Mr. Thomas E. Cornwall, dism. Nov. 13,

1 854.

Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson (Dev. Jos. P.)Dev. Edward Pratt, d. April 4, 1801.

Mrs. Sarah D. Pratt (w. Dev. Ed.)Mr. Edmund W. Clark, dism. Dec. 11,




On Profession.

Miss Mary .Jane Ilemlcrson, d. Aug. 29,


Mr. Arnzi Lewis Camp.Mrs. Amelia M. Girling.

June 27, 1 Sot, on Profession.

Mr. Edward Smith Ward, d. Sept. 10,


October SI, 1854, by Certificate,

Mr. Jacob Brinkerhoir, Jr.

Mrs. Susan Mayerean, dism. Dee. 25,


Mr. Isaac W. Baniutn, dism. March 28,


Mrs. Jaenette Barnum, “

Mr. William II. Raymond, dism. May 20,


On Profession.

Miss Louisa lltehfleld, fellowship witlul.

Feb. 21, 1808.

January 2, 1955, by Certificate.

Mrs. Mary Middleton.Mr. William Gilchrist, dism. Dee. 10,


February 27, 1855, by Certificate,

Mr. Levi A. Fuller, dism. Nov. 20, 1859.

Air. Thomas Warrincr, dism. Oct. 4, 1859.Mr. James Davis.Mrs. Louisa Jane Davis.Mr. William 1*. Tuttle, dism. Nov. 0,


On Profession.

Mr. Abraham Van Tassel, dism. March S,


May 1, 1855, by Certificate.

Mr. Robert Rodiror. dism. Auer. 9, 1859.

Mrs. Jane Shields Rodger, ••

** Electa M. Sheldon, dism. June 13,

1850.“ Sarah Smith, dism. Jan. 25, 1S50.“ Charlotte Landsdown, dism. April 9.


On Profession.

Miss Isabella J. Camp (.»/,*. Austin).Master Nathan Henry Camp, dism. Sept.

27, l >01.

Mr. William Wood, dism. Oct. 13, 1*55.

William Monfort, d. March 7. 1*5*.

“ Oliver S. Atkins, dism. Jan. 25. 1*50.

“ Henry W. II wise, dism. March 23,


June 20, 1955, by Certificate.

Mr. Edward B. Hatch, dism. June 29'


August'!*, 1855. by Certificate.

Mr. James Bedford, dism. Feb. 12, 1S53.“ Frederick S. Boyd.

On Profession.

Mrs. Hannah Bissel (w. Samuel M.).

October SO, 1855, by Certificate.

Mrs. Margaret A. Curtis.

Mr. (diaries F. Aldeii, dism. April 25,


Mrs. Maria Owen. dism. June 20, 1S50.

Mrs. Cornelia L. Turner (J. Hart), dism.April 1 1. 1804.

“ M. Jeiiette Farrand (Camillas), dism.January 11, 1*01.

“ Christina L. Link (Frederick).

On Profession.

Mr. Frederick Link.Mrs. Elizabeth Merritt (Andrew), dism.

Oct. 4, 1*59.

December S\, 1855, by Certificate.

Mrs Relief Robbins (David).

On Profession.

Mr. David Robbins, d. July, 1359.

February 20, 1*50, by Certificate.

Mrs. Mary C. Blake (Anson), dism. Nov.29, 1804.

Mr. Anson Blake, dism. Nov. 29, 1804.

Mr. Benjamin Barr, dism. Aug. 5, 1850.

On Piifiession.

Mr. William Henderson, fellowship

withd. Aug. 27, 1*01.

Mrs. Mary Ann Linton (W. John), dism.

Oct. 1, 1*59.

Miss Lydia Ann Cooper (Mrs. John Oata-


April 29, 1850, by Certificate.

Mrs. Sarah Thompson (John \\r.).

u Clementine D. Rutherford (Tlios.),

dism. Nov. 8, 1802.

Mr. Henry C. llalsey, dism. June 14,

1 *59.

Mrs. Elizabeth Halsey (Henry C.),“

" Amanda II. F. Hall (Henry C.).

, On Profession,

Miss Harriet Brewster.Mr. Robert Allen.

July 1. 1 >50, by Certificate.

Mrs. Mary E. Wilber (Win. II.)

Mr. Hiram F. Beebe.Mrs. Rebecca M. Beebe (Hiram F.).

Mr. V, m. C. lliekok.

Mrs. Sarah E. lliekok (Win. C.).

.Miss Elizahetli 1*. Taylor, dism. Oct. 2,


Mr. David N. Beebe, dism. Get. 20, 1SC0.

Clement E. Beebe, dism. Dec. 8,


On Profession,

Mr. Robert Ferguson, excoin. Juno 29,



' >'!: 1 *


Mrs. Mary Harding (James), dism. March

Septembeo 1, 1S5G, by Certificate.

Mrs. Maria Connolly (James).

On J*rofessiou.

Mr. Charlie C. Converse, dism May 0,


October 28, 1850, by i\rtijicafc.

Mr. E. C. Benton, dism. March G, lSiai.

“ Benjamin Howard.Mrs. Mary Brewster (Nathan 11. ). dism. '

July 17, 1857.

On Pj'ofession.

Mrs. Sarah Taylor (James) d. Nov. 17,

l $05.

Mr. John Wightman, dism. March *2C>,


December o(), 1 $50, by Certijicat*.


Mr. Jesse Carpenter, dism. Januarv 20*

l $00.

Mrs. Abagail II. Carpenter (Jesse),

Isabella I). .Marsh (Joseph), dism.May 4, 1 858.

Mr. Thomas Jones, fellowship witlul.

February ‘24, 1803.

14r. Alvan II. 'l'urner.

Mrs. Mary G. Holmes (Samuel).Mr. Franklin Stobbins, dism. Dec. ‘2$,

1 sbl).

On Profession .

Mr. Georgo L. Allen, dism. Oct. 1G, 1357.

Ci bruary 24, 1 $57, by Certificate.

Mrs. Sarah W. Turner (A. II.).

April ‘20, 1 857, by CertiJicaH.

Mr. Joshua B. Hall, fellowship witlul*Feb. ‘2b, 1803.

“ David Fitch, dism. Oct. 4, 1850.

On Profession.

Mr. J.evi M. Bates.

Mrs. Martha A. Bates (Levi M.)Mr. Alonzo E. Austin, dism. March 25,

1 s59.

June. 20, 1S57, by ( \ rtifcate.

Mr. T. L. Snyder, dism. June 29, 1858.

Mrs. Julia L. Snyder (T. L.),

Mr. Edwin S. Fierce, dism. Feb. 22, 1SG2.

August 28, 1857, on Profession.

Mr. John W. Crane, Jr.

October 20, 1857, by Certificate.

Mr. James G. Caldwell, d. Aug. 25, 1801.

Mrs. Eliza Caldwell (James G.), dism.Dec. 13, 1 $04.

Mr. Wallace E. Caldwell,Mrs. Corinth N. Caldwell (Wallace E.),

dism. Dec. 13, 1SGL

December 29, 1851, by Certificate.

Mrs. Julia It. Davis (Lev. Samuel B.),

dism. Dee. 27, 1859.

Miss Sarah J. IVterson, dism. Sept. 11,

Wil.Mrs. Itosetta M. Wright (Isaac).“ Mary C. West (Win. G.), dism. Aug.

21, lsGti.

Mr. Seth W. Benedict.Mrs Anna E. Benedict (Seth W.).Miss Sarah F. Benedict (Mrs. Pierson ),

dism. Aug. *2s. DGO.• Emily J. Benedict.

March 1. 1>5s, //// Certificate.

Mr. Win. W. Ingersoll, dism. June 25,

t m>2.

Mrs. Mary J. Ing.rsoll (Win. W.). “

•• Sarah It. Fisher (Aaron A.), dism.Mav 23, 1 sGil.

“ Harriet Fond < W. Lewis).“ Harriet L. l’ralt (Milo).“ Fanny S. Eddy (W. Hiram), dism.

J uly 9, 1 sGLMr. Horatio Cnderwood, dism. March 21,


Mrs. Elizabeth M. A. Cnderwood (Ho-ratio), dism. March 21, 1 ><».*>.

Mr. ltobcrt Tovcy, d. April 27, 1>63.

On Profession.

Mr. Aaron A. Fisher, dism. Mav 23,1800.- Joel E. Fisher, dism. June 28, 1801.

Mrs. Eliza Fooler (.John W.)Mr. Charles H. Fratt (Bev ), dism. April

20, 1 >05.

A jo it 27, ls57 by Ce it{/irate.

Mr. Austin Abbott, dism. March 0, 1800.

I Mrs. Ellen 1,. G. Abbott (Austin).I Mr. George I.. Dale. dism. March 1,1801.

Airs. Harriet B. Dale (Geo. L.)“

Mr. Walter B. Sheldon, d. April 9, lsG4.

Mrs. Mary M. Crchore (Horace C.)

Mr. Henry M. Barrows.Miss Mary J. Wilson (Mrs. Munson),

dism. .June 1 1, lsGO.

Mr. Samuel 1*. Holmes, dism. April 27,

1 $04.

Mrs. Eleanor A. Holmes (Samuel IV),“

On Profession.

Mr. ltobcrt Girling.“ William F. West, dism. Aug. 21,

1 SOO.

Miss Louisa Lockwood (Mrs. C. 11. Hit-

ter):4- Flora W. Smith, dism. Dec. 13, ls04.

•• Sarah M. Bowkcr (M/'s. Rogers).Mrs. Ann Magee (Ale\.)

Miss Mary (>. Davis, d. Aug. 10, 1602.“ Julia D. Halsey.u Mary E. Starr * Mrs. Pardee).“ Annie Bitter.

Margaret Blackwood.Mr. George T. Cooke.“ ltobcrt H. Eddy, dism. July, 1804.

“ Henry Heath, dism. Jan. 21, 1859.



Mr. !«ntcl Minor, Jr., dism. Jan. 21, 1859.“ John 0. Minor, “

June 21), DoS, by Certificate.

Mrs. II. Maria Newcomb ( Harvcv).“ Carol ims A. Rassett (Win. l>.)

“ Eliza Tovey (Robert), dism. April11, DG4.

“ Mary 8. Tavlor (Charles F.). dism.June 3, 1 m»:1.‘

Mr. Caleb 15, Kmvals.Mrs. Emeline Minor ( W. Gcor-e),d. Jan.,

1 s02.

Mr. Edwin Miner, dism. April s. DG3.Miss Maria K. Miner, “

Mr. James 11. Grovestecn, dism. Oct. 1.


Mrs Anna V. Grovestecn (James II )kk

Dr. Lafayette Eanney.Mrs. Adeline E Eanney (Lafayette), d.

-Jau. 1, Di'io.

Miss Mary A. lianney, dism. April 1.j


I)r. liul'us O. Mason, dism Feb. 15, IS Go.

Mr. Francis II. Holton, dism. June 21.


Mrs. Anna M. Holton (Francis 11.),k *

Sophia Kin-man (\V. Willard).Miss Mary K Allerton.

Mrs. Aba-ail Holden (w. Iiev. W.),dism.Dec. 24, 1 SGI.

“ Aba-ail 15. Whelpley (W. Sami.), “

On Profitanion.

Mr. Frederick M. Robinson.u Henry C. Miner.

Mr. ('harles A. White, dism. June 3,

1SG3.“ Willard W. White.

Miss Fannie E. Frisbie (Mrs. //ayes).dism. Jan. 12, 1800.

kk Jane E. Van Arsdale, d. Jan. T, 1SG;3.

Mrs. Mary A. Taylor (Win.)kk Harriet Winship (Albert), dism. July

1, 1S03.

Miss Aroline 0. Hall.

Mr. Wm. W. Holder.

Any 31, 1858, by Certificate.

Mr. A. S. Cady.u Henry Hayes, dism. Jan. J2,TSGG.

On Profession,

Mr. Francis II. Kyte.“ Henry Ilaldwin, dism. Oct. 27, 1SG2.“ Harrison Parker, dism. April ID.


Mrs. Susan A. Eamsdcll (Ezra E.), dismMarch 8, 1SG1.

Xore/nber 1, 1 858, by Certificate.

Mr. Richard G. Pardee.Mrs. Rebecca C. Pardee (Richard G.)Dr. Ward C. Pardee.Miss Cecilia Rumsev, dism. March 4,


Mr. Aden Smith.Mrs. Louisa Smith (Adon), d. Jan., 18G0.

- Jacnette M. II untin-ton (W. Selden).Miss Emily S. Huntington.Mrs. Eliza M. Sylvotcr (Fordyec).

kk Mary K. Thompson (Arteinas E.)** Mary L. Thompson (Frederick F.)

Mr. James Seynuuir.Mrs. Elizabeth S. Seymour (Janus)." Mary A. Hawley (W. Aaron).

Miss Frances A. Hawley.Rev. Elijah C. Ilaldwin, dism. Nov. 22,

1 ><.»().

Mr. John Danforth, dism. June 30. 1800.Mrs. Mary M. Miller (Ezekiel).

On Profession.

Mr. Walter Lipe.*• Arteinas E. 'Thompson.

Miss Elizabeth Denham.Miss Emma Denham.

•• Martha E. Davissou, dism. April 27,1 sGO.

December 23, 1858, by Certificate.

Rev R. Ravard Snowden, dism. April 7,

1 >03.

On Profession.

Mr. William 15. Fletcher, dism. Nov. 22,

1 John 11. 'Thompson, d. March 1G,

1803 (in the Army).

March 1, 1859, by Certificate.

Mrs. Julia Johnson (W. George).Mr. Wm. W. Niles.

Mrs. Isabel W. Niles (Win. W.)Mr. Edward Conner, dism. June 25,


Mrs. Susan J. Conner (Edward), “

Mr. William L. Alden, dism. Nov. 2G,


Miss L. Almira Robbins, d. May 4, 1804.kk Ellen Jones, dism. 'Feb. 13. 18G0.

Mrs. Elizabeth Everett (Thus. R.), dism.Dec. 24, D59.

Miss (taroline 11. McIntyre (Mrs. DavidWeston.

Mrs. Sarah A. Pel toil (Timothy I).)ik Anna Mom 11 (Claudius L.), dism.June 2. 1 803.

Ayrit 20, W>9, by i Certificate.

Mrs. Simnev Wallev (Henry C.), dism.March 9, 1800.

. Miss Julia A. Janes (Mrs. D. B. Sand-I ford), dism. April 22, 1802.

Mr. Charles Gates, dism. March 1, 1SG4.

Mrs. Harriet P. R. White (Amos C.)

Mr. Robert II. Robinson.Mrs. Mary C. Robinson (Robert II.)

Miss 8usan McGregor, dism. May S, i860.

On Profession.

Mr. Oliver llarratt.

Mr. Amariuh 15. Vaughn.



Mrs. Clara B. .Tonkins (George W.). dism.May 81, 1 >01.

Mr. Francis B. Nicol.

Mrs. Clorinda B. Nicol (Francis B.)

June 28, Kfl. by Certificate.

Mrs. Maria C. Alegary (Dennis.)

Mr. David Chichester, dism. Jan. 11, lsOl.

Elisha Doolittle.

Mrs. Theresa Doolittle (Elisha).

Mr. Charles A. Tyler.

Mrs. Cornelia V. Tyler (Charles A.),k Mary llyatt (Theodore).Lucy Haves (Horace), dism. April 14.

1 S(>3.

Harriet H. Peters ( Absalom).“ Mary E. Ward (Albert S.), d. Jan. 2,

Mr. Bob't A. Williams, dism. May s, 1-00.

Mrs. Catharine D. Williams (Bob. A.) "

1859, on Profession.

Mr. Charles Kay, dism. March 1, ls(>4.

Xoeember 1, 1 859, by Certified te.

Mr. John C. Taylor, dism. Oct. 24, 1SG0.u Lewis Chichester.

Miss Clarissa Chichester.- Sarah Chichester, d. April 27. 1 soi.

Mr. William Come.Mrs. Isabella Corrio (Win.)

Celia Weston (Milton).

Miss Ellen W. Dorchester (Mrs. Pcv.llulijfson), dism. Oct. 17, ls05.

On Profession.

Miss Elizabeth II. dale.

Sarah II. dale.

December 27, 1859, by Ce rtificate.

Air. Francis P. Sweet.William S. Adamson, dism. June 2S,

I Mil.

Mrs. Margaret S. davit (John 12.)-

” Amanda E. King (Thomas).Mr. Isaiah W . Sylvester, dism. Jan. IS,


On Profession.

Mr. Charles W.Opdykc, dism. Jan. 7, 1 803.

February 2s, 18(10, by Certificate.

Air. Zenas B. Hinrkly, d. June 2. 1804.

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Hinckley (w. Zenas B.)

Mr. Henry Hastings, dism. Aug. 12, 1801.

On Profession.

Airs. Harriet E. Parker ( Mr*. Fish. r).

Miss Elizabeth L. Ellis (Mrs. Stanton ),

dism. April 5, iMio.

Miss Margaret McCombs.

Aliss Julia Meeker, dism. Dec. 31, 1861.

Mr. Daniel O. Quimby, dism. Dec. 5. lsoo.Mrs. Clara Bell Qnimby (Daniel O.)," Jane Ely (Isaac S.)

Air. James Taleott.•• Hiram J. Fonda.

Aliss Hannah White.Mrs. Sarah Washburne (Joseph), dism.

April 27, 1 Mil.

June 20, J >00, by Certificate.

Mr. Charles Bell.

Mrs. AngelineA. Bell (Charles).Miss Mary Al. Holmes.Mr. Alanson Caswell, d. July 24, ls00.Mrs. Alary Caswell (Alanson).Air. Jeremiah Beeve.Mrs. Alary Beeve (Jeremiah).

Au<just'l>. l.Mirt, by Certificate.

Mr. Thomas W. Whittemore, dism. Alar.

0. is 00.

Mrs. Attosaa F. Whittemore (Tlios. AV.),

dism. March 0, 1800.“ Susan F. Moses (Charles).

Mr. Edmund L. Cltnmplin.

October 30 1 800, by Certificate.

Miss Lydia Allison.* Alary L. Jackson.

Mr>. Claris.-a M. Badger (Milton).Mr. Charles Whittemore.Mrs. Alaria F. Whittemore (Chas.)

January 4, 1S01, by Certificate.

Airs. Agin-s L. Littlejohn (David).“ Bac.hel Erwin (w. Bichard).

Air. 1-2(1 ward < ’. Alerriam." Stephen Cordon.

Stephen II. Cordon.Mrs. Adella J. Cordon (Stephen T.)

Henrietta E. Taleott (James).

On Pt'ofession.

Mr. Francis Littlejohn/Airs. Mary Carey (Tlios. W.)

February 20, ls>01, by Certificate.

Mr. Cngliclmo Cazani.- Abner B. Holly,

llov. Theodore S. Pond.Mrs. Harriet Pond (Lewis A.)

•• Eliza ('. Sliriver (Thos.)“ Jeim v A. Hull (Calvin E.), dism.

Jan. *18, 1 8(15.

Mr. Josiah 0. Saxton.

On Profession.

Miss Harriet Wright (Mrs. McBride ),

i dism. Alarch 4, ls03.i Air. ('has. 'J'. Budget’s.

May 1, 1800,by t 'ertificate.


April 30, 1801, by Certificate.

Mr. Edward Biggs. Mr. Nathaniel A. Boynton, dism. Dec. 2,

Mrs. Sarah Boynton Perry (Oliver 11.) 1>(13.

Mr. Win. L. Fisher.jMrs. Prudence W. Boynton (Nathaniel),

Mr. George Badger, dism. April 13, 1802. i dism. Dec. 2, 1 S03.” Win.' Badger.


Mr. Seth B. Hunt.


Mrs. Frances I\ Hunt (Seth B.)

Miss Frances II. Hunt (Mrs. J. Catlin,

Jr.)Dr. Edward II. Winslow.Mrs. Helen A. Winslow (Ed. 11.)

Mr. Wm. G. Lambert.Mrs. Sarah Lambert (Wm. G.)Miss Ellen L. Lambert.Dr. Edward W . Lambert.Mrs. Martha W. Lambert (Ed. W.)

*• Sarah J. Sears (Henry l*.)• k Mary II. ('lark (Ezra, dr.), dism.

dan. 12, ISM.Miss Frances Clark, dism. dan. 12. 1SGG.u Mary d. Topping (Mrs. I/. Garret-

son ).

Mr. Wm. II. Smith.Mrs. Harriet T. Smith (Wm. 11.)

Miss Sarah II. 0. Smith.Mrs. (). Loretta Shafer (Abraham).

On. Profession.

Mr. Geo. F. Hall.“ Henry C. Walley.

July 1, 1SG1, by Certificate.

Mr. WYii. O. Kimball, dism. July 11,1802.

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kimball ( Wln.O.) k *

Mrs. Lucy d. Seymour (Kobt. W.)Dr. Alfred North.

(hi Profession.

Mrs. Lydia J. Bartlett (Phineas). dism-dune 7, lsC4.

Mr. Isaac L. Wilde.

Ait (just 27, 1 SCI,by Certificiite.

Mrs. Fanny Champlin (Ed. L.)

Dr. Wm. II. Thomson.Mrs. Cath. L. Thomson (Wm. II.)

Mr. Wm. II. Eraser, dism. Dec. 21. 1SG4.

Miss Kate Chandler.

I Miss Ellen M. Harvev.1 Mr. Willard Harvey.'Mrs. Sarah B Harvev (Willard).Mr dailies W. llalsted, dism. Oct. 21,

“ Bcllj. K PhelpsMrs. Hannah M. Phelps (Benj. K.)Miss faitnie 11. Hyde, dism. Sint *>


1MU.* 4 *

Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde ( W. Jos. ]}.),k* Sarah A. Soiithmayd (Stephen 0.)

J* ranees A. F. Sherwood (Thos. 1> )

Mr. Geo. F. Chester.Mrs dalle d. Chester (Geo. F.)Mr. Thos. liiirney, dism May dl, lsG5.Mrs. (’hloe W Kignev (Thos.) ki

Miss Almira d. Rigney,Mrs. Henrietta Roimdy (Thos.) dism

Sept. 21, 1 bG2.*

Miss Sarah M. Conover, dism. Feb ‘>1

lsOd.' " ’

Re v. doel IMacknu r.

Mrs. Elizabeth W. Blaeknu r ( Re v. doel)1 >r. W in. A. Bronson.Mrs. Sarah 1). Bronson (Win. A.)Mr. das. 11. Dunham.” John S. Cutler, killed in Va. in bat-

tle in isCd.

Z. N. Bradbury, dism. May (5, LbG2.Miss Catharine Danforth, dism. June 17,

1 sG:>.

“ Henrietta Danforth,** Phi him Danforth,

Mrs. Helen A. Smith (Harry D.)” Sarah A. Pray ( Isaac C.)'• Eliza d udson, ( widow).

Miss Anna Maria Judsoii.'“ Mary C. Arbuckle.

On Profession.

Mr. (’has. W . Plyer.w Amos C. White.

October 29, 1801, by Certificate.

Mr. Normandus W. Thayer.Mrs. Mary E. Thayer (Normandus Wr


Mr. doel A. Jennings.dames A. Tindall, d. Aug., 1S05.

Mrs. Amanda Tindall (das. A.)

Miss Jane I vis (Mrs. J. II Washburne).Mrs. Betliia D. Arbuckle (W. Rev. Jas.)

Miss Eliza A. Arbuckle.“ Sarah B. Arbuckle.

Mr. William Allen.“ Chas. Abernethy.

Mrs. Maria Abernethy (Chas.)

Miss Cornelia Abernethy.Mr. KlialF. Hall.

Dr. Geo. II. White, dism. Aug. 29, 1SG5.

Mrs. Rebecca W. White (Geo. II.) dism.Aug. 29, 1 SC5.

Mr. Elisha W. Chester.

Mrs. Catharine W. Chester (E. W.)Miss Emily E. Chester (Mrs. A. T.Bat-

tel)}& sm. Feb. 12, lsGO.

Mr. Charles R. Harvey.Mrs. Alpha R. Harvey (Chas. R.

Miss Olivo M. Harvey.

December o 1, 1SG1, by Certificate.

Mrs. Sarah K. White (W.' Elijah K.)Mr. Edward A. Rand, dism. Dec. 19 1SG5.Mrs. A hagai 1 Chamberlain, (W. Moses).

** Sarah P. Maghee (John II.)“ Susan F. Jennings (doel J.)

Mr. Jesse Joy, d. May 12, 18(52.,k Moores M. W hite.

Mrs. Sophia A. White (Moores M.)Mr. Edward G. Bartlett.Mrs. Jane W r

. Bartlett (Ed. G.)Mr. Thos. S. Berry.Mrs. Anna E. Berry (Thos. S.)

On Profession


Mrs. Marv E. Greenwood (Wr

. Henry B.)Miss Cornelia C. Moore.Mrs. Henrietta A. Halsey (Harlan P.)Mr. IL nry Kirke White.

February 25, IS02, by Certificate.

Mr. Wm. Henry Bridgeman.Mrs. Sarah A. Bridgciimn ( Win. 11.)

Mr. Edward M. Norwood, dism. Feb. 20,1SG0.





l <M»> i ... M



Mr. Luther P. Fitch.“ Matthew McDougall.

Mrs. Susannah Mellougall (Matt.(

Mr. Morris Roberts, Jr.

Mrs. Mary K. Roberts (Morris, Jr.)“ Elizabeth 11. Cooke.

On Profession-.

Mrs. Ellen J. Huntington (Thus. T.)

April 29, 1 8(>2, by Certificate.

Mrs. Enu-line M. Nortlmp ^Win. W.)Mr. Horace S. Taylor.Mrs. Eliza G. Taylor (Horace S.)

•• Sarah T. Field (widow).Mr. Writ. II. Haskins.

k Robert W. Haskins.u Pierpont Isltam.

Mrs. Seinantha S. Isham (Pierpont).

Miss Mary A. Isham (J//*.v. Prentice).

Mr. Leonard llazeltine. Jr.

Mrs. Emma llazeltine (Leonard, Jr.)

On Profession.

Mr. Joseph Gavit.w James Henry Smith.

Miss Ellen R. Stowell, dism. Jan. 22,


July 1, 1 SG2, by Certificate.

Mr. William C. Gilman, d. June (5, 1 Slid.

Mrs. Eliza Gilman (widow Win. C.)dism.Get. IS, lStU.

Mr. Nathan Camp, dism. Aug. 11, lbGo.

Mrs. Phebe W. Camp (Nathan), “

Mr. Henry G. Davis.

October 28, ISG2, by Certificate.

Mrs. Eliza C. Kna]»p (Samuel).Miss Jane Young, dism. Nov. 14. 1 > G 4.

Mr. Nathaniel Fisher.

Mrs. Mary A. Fisher (NathUMiss Sarah Fisher.“ Elizabeth R. Fisher.

Mrs. Melissa Lipe (Walter).Mr. Thos. G. Thurston.

On Profession.

Mr. Edward F. Farrand.Miss Helen M. Lockwood.Mr. Win. A. Cushman.Mrs. Delia M. Johnson (Edward).“ Susan C. Ray (Edward C.)“ Hannah Feraud (Gustave J.)

Miss Margaret Chandler.

December^ 1SG2, by Certificate.

Mr. Henry 11. Underwood, dism. Oct. 13,


James Edmonds.Mrs. Margaret Edmonds (James).Mr. Win. A. Dodge.Mrs. Jennie G. Dodge (Win. A.)

On Profession.

Miss Josephine C. Wheat.“ Agnes W. Littlejohn {Mrs. Alexan-


Mr. Samuel B. Littlejohn.“ Lyman 11. Bunnell.“ William N. Jennings.

February 24, 1 SG3, by Certificate.

Mrs. Gath. J. Holly (Abner 11.)

Mr. Ambrose Leonard.

On Profession.

Mr. John Edwards.Miss Mary Thomas.Mr. Win. E. Gavit.Miss Meta Gavit:

Lucy 15. Thompson.1 Mrs. llonoria E. Hooker (Nath. W.)

April 28, 1 SG3, by Certificate.

Rev. Rich. Judson Adoniram, dismMarch Hi, lsii4.

Miss Mary 11. Gray.Mr. Joseph P. Snow.Mrs. Minerva 11. Snow (Jos. P.) d. April

25, 1SG3.

Miss Isabel M. Ames.Mrs. Joanna L. Holmes (Daniel).

On Profession.

Mr. Robert L. Hall.

Mrs. Martha Hall (Robt. L.)Mr. Charles L. Hall.

Dr. David Anson Hedges.Mr. George Goodwin HallMrs. Elizabeth M. Hall (Geo. G.)Miss Sophia M. Proudfoot {Mrs. John

Feryuson).Mr. Charles II. Clark, dism. Jan. 12,1SG6.Miss Frances Louise Girling.

*• Jaciiette A. McDougull.

JuneS0, 1SG3, by Certificate.

Mrs. Julia T. Mills (S. D.)Miss Addle Mills.

Mr. Israel II. Gerry, distil. Nov. 1, 1SG5.

Mrs. Josephine M. Gerry (Israel 11.)

dism. Nov. 1, 1SG5.“ Frances Haekley.

Rev. Ilettj. F. Mi Herd, dism. Oct. 25, 1SG4,

Mrs. Frances E. Millcrd (llenj. F.) “

On Profession.

Mr. Ambrose L. Ranney.Miss Agnes C. Parker.

October 27, 18G3, by Certificate.

Mr. Simeon Haekley, dism. Feb. 1G,18G4.“ Chatincey L. Hamlin, dism. Aug. 14,

1 SG5.

Dr. Walter Pardee.Mrs. Almira M. Pardee (Walter).Mr. Charles Durfec.Mrs. Adelpba S. Durfee (Cltas.)- Lucy M. Mcllish (David 11.)

Mr. Jeremiah G. Lugar.Mrs. Harriet N. Lugar (Jerk. G.)

Miss Harriet N. Lugar.“ Amelia M. Lugar.“ Frances A. Lugar.

Mrs. Caroline Hloomiugdale (David).




On Profession.

Mr. John II. Evans.“ Elijah Herman Smith.“ Samuel St. John Smith.41 David Bloomingdule.

December '29. 1S03, by Certificate.

Mr Philo F. Leavens.• 4 Joseph F. Gaylord.“ Charles C. Watson.“ Wilson Potter.

Mrs. Cynthia L. Potter (Wilson).Rev. Absalom Pi ters, D. D.Miss Hannah II. Smith.

On Profession.

Mrs. Sarah M. Drown (w. Dr. Samuel II.)

Miss Mary 1!. Dempsey.Mr. William 1). Moore.Mrs. Ehoda .lane Smith (Darwin A.)Miss Amelia Gray.

4‘ Elizabeth Connolly.

March 1, 1SG4, by Certificate.

Mr. Henry L. Dolt wood. dism. Oct. 21.


Mrs. Helen E. Boltwood (Henry L.) 11

Mr. Joel I Fisher.

Mrs. Harriet L. Dunham (James II.)

Dr. Henry M. Field.

On Profession.

Mrs. Lydia M. Field (Dr. Henry M.)

Ayril 20, 1S04, by Certifcate.

Miss Harriet T. Storrs.

Mrs. Jane S. Hatch (Wm. B.)44 Sarah C. Pickering (Tlios. A.)

Miss Hannah Van Dyne.Dr. William M. Chamberlain.Mrs. Susan E. Chamberlain (Dr. Wm. M.)Mr. George Gillie.

* 4 James Taylor.Mrs. Olivia M. Taylor (James).

On Profession,

Miss Sarah 1*. Lambert {Mrs. Leeds).Mr. John A. Magee.“ Caleb D. Hackky.

Mrs. Isabella Gillie (George).Mr. William Gray.Mrs. Harriet Gray (Wm.)

June 2$, 1SG4, by Certifcate.

Miss Agnes Henry.Mr. Edward D. Finch.Mrs. Amelia I. Finch (Ed. B.)

November 1, 1804, by Certificate.

Mrs. Sarah L. Shannon (Horatio N.)Miss Mary A. Williams.Mr. John C. Staples.

Mrs. Martha A. Pombor (Henry II.)44 Hattie Flyer (Chas. W.)

Mr. Cyrus S. Minor.Mrs. Oath. R. Minor (Cyrus S.)

Mrs. Jane M. Merrill (wid. James).Mr. William F. Barnard” Win. H. Teal.** Wm. E. Locke.44 Julius L. Danner.

On Profession.

i Miss Flora L. Minor.

December 27, DG-4, by Certificate.

Mr. Thomas Logan, dism. March 20, 1800.“ Mr. Benj. Vaughan Abbott, dism

March 0, DOG.Airs. Elizabeth T. Abbott (Brnj. B.) “

Caro lino A. Seely (Charles).Air. Liclul. Gidman.

44Cassius Al. Gilbert.

44 Daniel W. Fox, dism. Jan. 12, 1SGG.Mrs. Sarah Benton, (L. C.), dism. March

0, 1SGG.

Mary 11. Holmes (Wm. B.)Aliss Alary Titcomb, dism. Mar. 0, 1SGG.

February 25, 1*115, by Certificate.

Airs. Sophia C. Rand (Albert T.)• 4 Helen 1). Pitts (Jesse G,)' 4 Hannah C. llathawaj- (w. Tlios. E.)44 Henrietta K. Hollister (Sami. W.)

Mr. Charles JO. W hitehead.Airs. Rachel T. Whitehead (Chas. E.)

Annie M\ Palmer (Herbert F.)Mr. Joseph Parker, Jr.

On Profession.

Miss Elizabeth Day.Air. James Bigelow.

May 1,

1 5Go, by Certificate.

Airs. Clarissa T. Rockwell (w. Dr.Theron)Air. Horatio B. Howe.Airs. Martha B. Howe (Horatio B.)

44 Evelyn M. Hall (Elial F.)4’ Mary C. Pelton (Guy R.)

Air. Alosely il. Williams.

June 27, 18G5, by Certificate.

Air. John 11. Washburn.*’ Air. Jonathan Bowers Slade.

Airs. Lucinda Reed (Wilson D.)

August 20, lbGo, by Certificate.

Mr. John Kershaw.Mrs. Amelia F. Kershaw (John).

On Profession.

Air. Albert F. Monroe.

October Jl, 1 S(i5, by Certificate.

Air. AVilliam C. Witter.44 Daniel B. Dudley.44 Joseph Angwin.

On Profession.

Aliss Emma E. Smith.Mr. Herbert A. Loring.“ Joseph Rochester, d. Dec. 2G, 1SG£>.



January 2, l SCO, by Certificate.

Mr. Ohas. P. Blanchard.“ John P. Do Meritt.

Mrs. Jennie V. Bunnell (Lyman B.)

Mr. William llenrv Wolcott.“ Allen P. Bissc'U.

Mrs. Mary C. Haviland (Chas.)

Mr. James B. 'Thomson.Mrs. Mary C. Thomson (Jas. B.)

Mr. Edward X. Pomeroy.“ Clius. Van Nordcn.

Mrs. Anna L. Hitchcock (John ().)

On Profession.

Mr. John G. Hitchcock.*4 Arthur B. Jennings.

Miss Margaret Williams.

Mr. Mortimer Smith.Miss E. Gertrude Forbes.

•• Anna Smith.“ Ida May Morse.

February 27, 1SGG, by Certificate.

Miss Mary E. Lyon.Mrs. Mary B. Robinson (Fred. M.)u Margaret McDonald (\v. Thus. It.)

Rev. A. Huntington Olapp.Mrs. Emily 1\ C lapp (Rev. A. H.)“ Elizabeth M. Owens (Thos.)

Miss Elizabeth C. Ward.

On Profession.

Mr. Win. August Scharlau.

Miss Maria Burt.

Mr. Edgar W. Moore.Mrs. Clarissa E. T. Moore (Edgar W.)Mrs. Antoinette Camp (Ainzi Lewis.)

April 15, 1SGG, by Certificate.

! Mr. Martin Luther Stowell.Mrs. Sarah K. Partridge (James H.)Mr. John Quince Adams.Mrs. Ada W A darns (John Q.)Mr. Albert II. Olmsted.Mr. Nathaniel B. Emerson.J )r. Slocum Wright.Mrs. Caroline L. Wright (I)r. Slocum).

•' Miss S. Josephine llall.

Mr. Charles A. Durlee.Mrs. Mary A. Colton (Rev. Krastus).


Mr. Samuel P. Putnam.1 Mrs. Jennie S. Putnam (Samuel I*.)


Mr. Ralph Lillie.

On Profession.


Mrs. Cornelinctt Smith (Harlan P.)


Mrs. Ancoletta Morse (Daniel P.)Miss Mary O. Dale.


Miss Phud.e Dale.Mr. John ('handler Partridge,


Miss Mary R. Dunn.Miss Melanie B. Durfee.Master William 11. Pratt.

Miss Fanny Isabel Reeve.Miss Elizabeth Bridge.Mrs. Elizabeth C. Ward (w. Frederick).

' *

... - '.i A




Abbott, Austin 70 I

Abbott, Benjamin V 75Abbott, Elizabeth (Benjamin V.) 75 !

Abbott, Eilen L. G. (Austin) 70Abernethy, Charles 7:1


Abernathy, Cornelia 73 1

Abernethy, Maria (Charles) 73

Adams, Margaret T (50

Adamson, William S 72Adoniram, Rev. Bichard Judson 73 ,

Albert, llalpcrn 07!

Alden, Charles F 00

Aldcn, William T 71

Alexander. AgnesW 74

Alexander, Catherine 57Allen, Asa K 57


Allen, George 1 71

Allen, Harriet (John J.) 01

Allen, John J Cl

Allen, Louisa (Pliny) 00

Allen, Pliny . ....00Allen, Robert 00

Allen, William 73Allertou, Mary K 70

Allison, Lydia 72

Alvord, John B 04|

Ames, Henry 02

Ames, Isabel M 74j

Anderson. Alexander 05Andrews, Rev. Edward Waren 5s


Andrews, Sarah (George) 50 .

Angwin, Joseph 75Arbuckle, liethia 1). (Rev. James) 73Arbuekle. Eliza A 73 I

Arbuckle, Mary C 73Arbuckle. Sarah li 73 1

Atkins, Oliver S 00Atkins, Theodore L 00Austin, Alonzo E 70Austin, Elizabeth (William) Oil

Austin, Mary Ann 00Ayre, Robert 00


Avres, David 00j


Bacon, Eliza II. (John). 57Bacon, John 59Badger, Clarissa M. (Milton) 72

PAGEBadger, George 72Badger, William 72Bailin', John 1 03Baldwin, Rev. Elijah C 71

Baldwin, llenry 71

Ball, Alonzo S 03Ball, Augustus F 01

Ball, Eliza W. (Alonzo S.)

Ball, Elizabeth (Augustus F.)Baneker, GerardBaneker, Phebe (Gerard)Barnard, William FBarmim, Isaac WBarnum, Jenetto (Isaac W.).Barnum, NathanielBarr, BeniaminBarratt, OliverBarrett. Frances EBarrows, Henry MBartlett, Amos GBartlett, Edward GBartlett, Georgiana ( AinosG.).. ..

Bartlett, Jane W. (Edward G.)Bartlett. Lydia J. (Phineas)Barton, Eliza (Brigham)Barton, Julia ABassett, Caroline ABatelu lder, John PBatyhelder, Lucy (John P.)

Bates. Edward SBates, Levi MBates, Martha ABates. Mary G. (Edward 3.)

Battell, Emily E. (A. T.)Beach, >arah (Daniel)Beard, Eleanor (George)Beard. GeorgeBecker. Mary Ann (Alexander) . ...

Beebe, Ciciiicnt E 03,

Beebe. David Nr

Beebe, Hiram EBeebe. Rebecca MBeeslev. Isaiah

Bcldeii, AbigailBell. Angeline A. (Charles)

Bell, CharlesBenedict. Anna E. (Seth W.)Benedict, Charles WBenedict, Emily JBenedict, Fanny RBenedict, Francis LBenedict, Henry M








78 MAN 1' AL Ol*' Til K

l*AGEBenedict, Jane M. (Charles W.) 05

Benedict, Jesse W .5s

Benedict, I.. Ophelia (Henry M.) 07

Benedict, Sarah Frances OS

Benedict, Seth W 02, 70Bennett, Amanda (John L.) .00

Bennett. John L 00

Bennett, Marv B. (lU nn A.) 07

Bennett. William M . .


Benton, E. C 70

Benton, Elizabeth M 5s

Benton, Sarah (E. C.) 75Berry, Anna E. (Thomas 3.) 73Berry, Thomas S 73

Belts, Courtlandt 1’. 3.. 00Bigelow. James 75Bissell, Allen P 70

Bissell, Hannah 00

Black liter, Elizabeth (Bov. Joel) 73

Blackmon, Bov. Joel 73

Blackwood, Margaret 70

Blake, Anson 00

Blake, Mary C 00

Blanchard, Charles F 70

Blanchard. Eve 00

Blewett., William 05

Bloomingdalc, Catherine (David) 74

Bloomingdale, David 75Boltwood, Helen E. (Henry L.). . ..75Boltwood, Henry L 75Boozy, Elizabeth (Henry) 02

Bourne, David 57

Bowers, Sarah T 07

Bowles, Anne P. (James) 00

Bowles. James 00

Boyd. Frances A 04

Boyd, Frederick S 00

Boynton, Curtis OS

Boynton, Elizabeth G. (Curtis) ..... .OS

Boynton, Nathaniel A 72Boynton, Prudence W. (Nathaniel A.). 72Boynton, William B 0s

Brackett, Elsie M. (Samuel) 05Bradbury, Z. N 73

Bradley, Elizabeth S 5SBradley, Mary S. B. (Moses M.) 00Bradley, Moses M 59

Brewer, Lucy Ann 65Brewster, Harriet 0,1)

Brewster, Mary TO

Bridgeman, Sarah A. (William II.) . .73

Briditeinan, William Henry 73BrinkcrholF, Jacob 57, 05Brinkerhotf, Jacob, Jr 00, 05, 00

Brinkerhoff, Mary G. (Jacob) 57Bronson, Sarah 1). (William A.) 73Bronson, Dr. William A 73Brown, Anna J. ( Edward E.) 50Brown, Charles D 00Brown, Cordelia (John) 57Brown, Edward E 04Brown, Eunice (George) 07Brown, George 07Brown, lluldah G 03Brown, John 04Brown, Maria L. (Charles D.) 50Brown, Mary O. (Thomas) 04

PAGEBrown, MosesBrown, Sarah M. (Dr. Sami, if.)

Browning, Benjamin FBrowning. Mason I>

Bruorton, Mary (John)Buel, Clarissa

Bulklcy, Lydia WBunneil, Jennie V. (Lyman !>.).

Bunnell, Lyman BHurchard, EdwardUurekett, Charles FBurdell. JohnBurger, Thomas JBurstrand, Frick SBurt, MariaBush, Abby A. (John)Buxton, John B


Cady, A. SCady, Rebecca HCiesar, Diana (Friend)Caldwell, Corinth NCaldwell, ElizaCaldwell, James GCaldwell, Wallace ECalhoun. Mary Jane (James C.)Calkins, Norman ACalkins. Mary C. (Norman A.)Camp, Bev. AmziCamp, Amzi LewisCamp, Ann Eliza

Camp, Antoinette (Amzi L.)Camp, Araty (Nathan)Camp. HenryCamp, Isabella J.

Camp, Joseph WalterCamp, Laura (Joseph Walter).


Camp, Nathan 01,

Camp, Nathan HenryCamp, Olinda A. (liev. Amzi)('amp. Phebc W. (Nathan) ..

Campbell, ArchibaldCampbell, NancyCarey, Mary (Thomas W.). .


Carnes, John D 50,

Carnes, Mary (Dennis)Carnes, Mary J. (John DCarpenter, Abigail II

Carpenter, JesseCass, John O('ass, John WCass, Susan HCass, Susan W. (John O.)

Caswell, AlansonCaswell, Mary (Alanson)Catlin, Frances 11

( hainberlain, Abigail (Moses)Chamberlain, Susan (Dr. 'William M.)Chamberlain. Dr. William MChamplin, Edmund LChamplin, Fanny (Edmund L.)(’handler, KateChandler. Margaret 74

('handler, Thomas C 60



i N



Chapin, Harriet Elizabeth (Joseph)..Chapin, .JosephChapman, John. ...

Chase, Julia E. (Unfits)

Cheater, Catharine W. (Elisha W.)...

Chester, Elisha \V

Ciiester. George FChester, Jane J. (George F.)

Chiehester, Clarissa

Chichester, DavidChichester, LewisChichester, SarahChristy, Harriet (Moses)Christy, Moses 01,

Church, Hannah (Caleb)‘Church, Sarah JaneClapp, Lev. A. HuntingtonClapp, ClintonClapp, Emily P. (ltev. A. II.)

Clark, CharlesClark, Charles 11

Clark, Edmund WClark, FrancesClark, MariaClark. Mary H. (Ezra, Jr.)

(Mark, Susan.Clil'tpn, Alice (Joseph).Clock, Edward AClough. Maria (Isaac)

Clover, Bridget (Lewis P.)

Clover, Lewis PClover, Martha JuneColburn, AlpheusColesworthy, Susan (Hiram F.)Collins, Elizabeth UColton, William HComstock. Albert L 63,

Comstock, Catharine IF. (Albert L.) 63,

Comstock, Catherine MComstock, Sarah EComstock, William SOonart, EmanuelConkling. Henry CConner, EdwardConner, Susan JConnolly. ElizabethConnolly. MariaConnor, Charlotte GConover, Lucy T. (Stephen, Jr.)

Conover, Sarah MConover, Stephen. JrConover. Thomas J)

Con verse, ( Uiarlie CCooke, George TCook, Elizabeth BCook, John SCook, Sarah Jane (John 3.)

Cooper, Phillis

Cornwall, Thomas ECorp, Sarah Ann (William)Corp, WilliamCurrie, Isabella


Cousins, MaryCowper, Philinda PCrafts, Miranda W. (Myron II.)

Crafts, Myron II



IN '



i‘»7 i















Craig, Priscilla (John) 53(Mane, John W 57Crane. John W.. Jr 70( ’rawlerd. Charlotte. 57Crehore, Mary M 70I 'rocker, Leonard 57Crocker, Mary (Lemuel) .50( 'rocker. Penelope (Leonard) 57( ’rook. Eliza (Samuel) . . . 50( rook, llazen S 53Crosby. Ann 04Cross, Biehard S 60Cross, Sarali .Jane { Biehard S.) 63Crowe, John 63Oruikshank, James 5sCruikshank, Alary Ann (James) 5s(Tuikshnnk, Marv Ann (Theodore). . .60Curtis, Elizabeth' A. (CalviD) 57Curtis, Elizabeth S. A 60Curtis, Margaret A 60( 'urtis, Smith 67Cushman. William A 7tCutler. JohnS 73


Dale, George L 701 )ale. Harriet. B 70Dale, Thomas N 59Danfort h, Catherine 73Danforth, Frances A 65Danforth, Henrietta 73Danforth, John 71Danforth, Lvdiu (William) 65Danforth. Philura 73Danforth. William 65Danner, Julius L 75Davidsoa. Amintor 60

Davidson, Mary Frances (Amintor). .. 63

Davidson, Nath aniel 50

Davies, Edgar W (54

Davies. Mary Ann (Thqmas) 65Davies, Thomas 65Davis, Henry G 74Davis, James 69Davis, Julia It 70

Davis, Louisa Jane (James) 60

Davis. Mary 0 70

Davison, Martha A. 71

Day. Anna W. (E. S.) 65

Dav, Edgar J 68Day. Elizabeth 75

Day, Martha Ann 61

Dean. James E. 1‘ 57

Delumater, Samuel 66

Demurest, Mary (Albert) 61

Do Meritt. John P 76

Dempsey, Mary It 75

Denham, Charles 60

Denham, Elizabeth 71

Denham, Emma 71

Denman. J. 3. (Jacob S.) 65

Denniston, Henrietta It 63

Dennison, Elizabeth W 61

Dibble, Mary (Biehard E.) 53Dibble, ltichard E 5S






Dickenson, George li

Dimomi, MaryDinning CatharineDoak, Elizabeth

Dodge, AlbertDodge, Jennie (J. (William A)...Dodge, William ADolson. Angeline (Gabriel L.)...

Dolson, Mary Isabella

Doolittle, ElishaDoolittle, TheresaDorman, ltiehard ADotey, FrancesDoyle, CatharineDrake, Chloe (William)Dinner, Isabella (llenry)Dresser, HoraceDresser, Lucy W. (Horace)Dry den, Barbara (George)Drydcn, GeorgeDubois, Eliza

Dudley, Daniel li

Dull', JamesDuff, Martha. (James)1 >11 n n, ltichard CDunham, Harriet L. (James II.)

Dunham, James II

Dunmore, George WDurfee, Adclphu S. (Charles). . . .

Duriee, Charles

Eaton, Theodore AEaton, Sarah Ann (Nathaniel)...Ebbctts, AlmiraEddy, Fanny SEddy, Kobert II

Edmonds, JamesEdmonds, Margaret (James)Edwards, Jane (ltichard)

Edwards, JohnEdwards ltichard

Elder, Elizabeth....Elder, SamuelElliott, Marcia L. (Key. Samuel).Ely, Jane (Isaac S.).

Kngeholm, Mary EEnseoe, Joseph.Ensign, Cornelia (James L.)Ensign, James LEpstein, Ephraim MErwin, Euclid (ltichard).

Evans, licnjamin DEvans, Deborah 0Evans, Esther (Thomas)Evans, John II

Everett, ElizabethEwing. Samuel

Karlin, Augustus 11 .


Farrand, CamillusFarrand, Edward F. .



.. .00

. ... 08

.... 02til

. . (V4


. . 72

. . (Is


. . r»s

. . 02

. . Os

. .01


. . r,t

. .57

. 00






. . . . 07

78. 02


5‘J, 7 t





. 7













. OJ






75. 7t


.. .08

.. 74

Farrand. Jenetto MFellows, J. \VFellows, Mary A. (J. W.)....Feraud, Hannah (Gustav J.).

Ferguson, HubertFerguson. Sophia M. (John).Fessenden. William W, 58Field, Dr. Henry M 75Field, Lydia M.‘(Dr. Henry M.) 75Field, Sarah T 74

Finch. Amelia 1. (Edward li.)

Finch, Edward BFinlay, WilliamFisher, Aaron AFisher, Elizabeth It

Fisher, Harriet EFisher, Joel E 70,

Fisher, Mary A. (Nathaniel)Fisher, Mima Ann (Samuel)Fisher, NathanielFisher, SamuelFisher, SarahFisher. Sarah It

Fisher. William I

Fitch, DavidFitch. David II

l'iteh, Luther 1*

Fitch. Mary C. (Clarke)

Fleming, SarahFletcher, Margaret MFletchhcr, William II

Fonda, Hiram JForbes, E. GertrudeForbes, Elizabeth WFowle, John AEowle, Margaret L. (George M.)

Fox, Daniel WFox, Mary W. (Constantine). ;

Franklin. Morris JFraser, William II

Frazier, ElizabethFrazier, MargaretFrazier, MaryFreeland, Jacob V

Freeman, Amelia TFrench, Hannah TFrench, James II

French, Mary W. (James II.)

Frisbie, Joanna E. (Myron J.)

Frisbie, M v run J

Fuller, Levi A


Gaines. Elizabeth FrancesGale, Elizabeth 11

Gale, Sarah II

Gant, Harriet. (Francis S.)

Garretson, Mary JGates, CharlesGates, Hannah N. (William 11.).

Gavit, JosephGavit, MetaGavit, William EGavitt, MargaretsGaylord, Augustus





* - '



Gaylord, Joseph F 75Gaylord, Martha (Augustus) 07

Gazani, Gugliclmo 72

Gerry, Israel 11 74

Gerry, Josephine M. (Israel) 74

Gibbs, Jane A. (David) 04

Gidman, Richard 75Gilbert. Cassius M 75

Gileehrist, William 09

Gill. Jane C. (Elias) 01

Gill, Sarah (James) 02

Gillie, George 75

Gillie, Isabella (George) 75Gilman, Daniel G 05Gilman, Rev. Edward W f:8

Gilman, Eliza (William C) 08, 74

Gilman, Elizabeth 0 G3Gilman, Emily 05Gilman, Harriet L 04

Gilman, Maria 1* 08Gilman, William C 08,74Gilmore, Noah 08Gilson, Emma T 00Girling, Amelia M. (Robert) 09Girling, Frances Louise 74Girling, Robert 70Glossing, George F 08Golden, Mary Ann (Patrick J.) OSGolden, Patrick James 03Goodrich, Ezra W 05Gordon, Adella J. (Stephen T.) 72Gordon, Stephen 11 72Gordon, Stephen T 72Gould, Horace 05Gould, Sarah (Horace) 05Grant, John M 08. 70Gray. Amelia 75Gray. Hannah W. (John) 00Gray, Harriet (Stephen C.) 53Gray, Harriet (William) 75Gray, John 00Gray, Mary (John) 57Gray, Alary 11 72GrUy Sarah 57

Gray. Stephen (’ 53Gray, William 75Great bach. Joseph 03

Gregory. Harriet 59Grecnlcaf. Sarah E 00

Greenwood. Mary E. (Henry B.) 78

Gridlev. John S.*. 03

Griffith. Thomas 11 02

Griswold. Silvia 53Grovenor. Ruth 59

Grovesteen, Anna V. (James) (is, 71

Grovesteen, James II 03, 71

(luliek, Rev. Luther Halsey 07

Gustin. Thomas P 5s


Hack ley, Caleb B 75

Jlackley, Frances 74

llacklev, Simeon 74Hageman, Abiel B 57

Hale, Charlotte 0-4

PAOKHale, David 57Hale, David AHale, Isabella M. S. (David A.) .

Hale, Julia (Richard)Hale, Lucv S. ( David)Hale, Lydia (David)Hale, RichardHall, Amanda II. FHall, Aroline ('

Hall, Catharine J. (Henry)Hall, Charles LHall, CorneliaHall, Klial FHall, Elizabeth M. (George G.)Hall, Evelyn M. (Elial E.)Hall, Francis MHall, George VHall, George GoodwinHall. Henry CHall. John WHall. Joshua BHall. Marilla W. (Francis M.)Hall. Martha (Robert L.)Hall. Robert 1

Hall. Thomas Jllalse\ . Ann II. (Henry A.)I lalsey, ElizabethHalsey, Henrietta A. (Harlan P.)

Halsey. 1 feiirv AHalsey. 11 enrv CHalsey, Henry M1 lalsey. J ulia I)

Halsey. Lewis THalsted, James WHamlin. Channec} 1,

Harding. MaryHarris, Betsey AnnHarris. Frances (Joseph)Harris, JosephHarris. Sarah MHart; John I)., JrHart, Matilda J. (Seth)llart, Norman LHartshorn, Ann (Philander)Harvey, Alpha R. (Charles R.)

Harvey, Charles R 57,

Harvey. Ellen MHarvey. Olive MHarvey. Rebecca (Charles R.)

Harvey, Sarah B. (Willard)Harvey, Willard


Hankins. Robert \V

Haskins. William II

Hastings, HenryHatch. Edward BHatch, Jane S. (William B.)

Hatfield. AmaranthaHatfield, Charles RHatfield, Christian RHatfield, Christina M. (Charles R.). .


Hatfield. LauraHatfield, Oliver PHathaway, Hannah C. (Thos. E.)

llaviland, Mary C. (Charles)

Hawes, Elizabeth A. (George)Hawkins, Sarah (Willet)

Hawley, Frances A 71





Hawley, Frederick S 05

Hawley. Mary A 71

Hayes. Fannie E. (Henry) 71

Hayes, Henry 71

Hayes. I.uey 72lla/eltine, Emma (Leonard, Jr.) 71

lla/eltine, Leonard. .!r 74

Heath. Aaron 15 00

Heath. Frances S 01

Heath. Henry To

Heath, Joseph 00lie • th, Malvina ( Aaron 15.) !iu

Hedges. l)r. David Anson 74

Henderson. Alexander *1 01

Henderson, Archibald 05

Henderson. Hannah ( Edward T.) 03

Henderson. Mary .lane till

Henderson. William till

Hendrickson. Eleanor (Furman) til

Hendrickson. Forman t>


Ilennell, Frederick 02

Henry, Aimes 75Herring, Elizabeth titi

lliekoek, Sarah E (ill

liickoek, William (' till

Higgins, Eleanor (.lames W.) 02

Higgins, Eleanor It <12

1 Muffins. .James W ti2

Highlield. Louisa (ill

Jlillier, George (it)

Hills, .Mary L. (Samuel C.) 02

Hills, Samuel G 57Ilimrod, Oliver W bo

Ilinehcy, .John 02

Hinckley, Elizabeth It 72

Hinckley, Zcnus It 72

I linman, George tit)

II inwood, Ann Eliza (Thomas) oil

II in wood. Thomas 00

Hitchcock, Anna L. (.John (4.) 70

Hitchcock, John (4 70

Holbrook, Marv F 00

Holder, William W 01

Holdridgc, Eliza G. (William) 07

lloldridge. William 07

Holly, Abner 15 72

Holly, Catharine J. (Abner 15.) 74

Hollister, Henrietta K. (Samuel W.)..75Holmes, Abbv 11 02

Ibdmes. Eleanor A ; 7 >

Holmes, Jane (John) 02

Ibdmes, Joanna L. (Daniel) 71

Holmes, Mary G 70

Holmes, Mary W. (William 15.) 77)

Holmes, Mary M 72

Holmes, Samuel 0s

Holmes. Samuel 1* 70

Holmes, William I* (is

Holton, Anna M 71

llolton, Francis It 71

Hooker, llonoria E. (Nath. W\) 71

Hopkins. Maria O oSHoward, Benjamin 70

Howard, Joel M 07

Howe, Horatio 15 77)

Howe. Martha 15. (Horatio 15.) 77)

lloxie, Jacqueline 7)7



Hoyt, Calvin 05iHoyt. James 11 04Hoyt. Mary Ann (Calvin) 05Hoyt. Samuel 05Hull. Jennie A. (Calvin E.) 72Hull. John 1* 01

llulse. Aminda T 05lltilsc. Henry W tilt

llulse. Pamela Ann (Thus. E.) 0J

llulse. Tims. E tv’5

1 1 wlshart. t ‘i.riielius 15 51)

1 1 ulshart. Mary (Cornelius 15.) 5i>

Humphreys, Slar.ran t (John) 02Humphreys, Richard G. E 00

Hunt. Frances 1*. (Seth 15.) 78Hunt. Seth 15 72Huntington. Albeit W 531 1 uni ington, 1 )avid J 57Huntington. Ellen J. (Tims. T.) 74

Huntington. Emily S. ( David J.) 57

1 I unt ington. Emily S 71

I luntington, Frederick G 04

Huntington. Janette M 71

Huntington, Mary Ann 05

Hurd. Fanny (Marcus) .5?

Hurd, Marcus f>7

llustace. Augustus 57

Hustaee, Jane (Augustus) 00

II listed. Jerome OS

Hyatt. Archibald 05

Hyatt. Marv 72

Hyde, Elizabeth (Joseph P.) 73

Ilyde, Fannie 15 73


Ingersoll, Marv J 70

Ingersoll. W. W 70

1 u wood, Marianne 00

I sham, Pierpont 74

Isham, Semantha S. (Pierpont) 74


Jackson, Genet (Walter) 07

Jackson. George 07

Jackson. Maria L. (Jeremiah) 07

Jackson. Mary L 50,72Jackson. Walter 67

Janes. Mary P. ( Elijah) 02

Jenkins. Clara 15 72

denning . Arthur P 70

Jennings. Joel A 78

Jennings. Susan F. (Joel) 73

Ji linings, William N 74

Jessup. Lydia (Benjamin) 60

Jewett. George (J 57

Jewett, Mary G 50

Jewett, Mary W. (George G.) 53

Johnson. Delia M. (Edward) 74

Johnson. Lev. Edwin 65

Johnson, Frederick II 50

Johnson. Julia 5S

Johnson. Julia 71

Johnson, Louisa (Robert) 60






1'AG E•Johnson, Robert (51

Johnston, Anna G. (John A.) (57

Johnston, John A (57

Join s, Ashuel <52

Jones, Cynthia (50

Jones, Kilen 71 '

Jones, Harriet M (5(5

Jones, Mary J. (Asluiel) (5*2|

Jones, Thomas 7o ;

Jonlon, Andrew (Joj

Judd, Elizabeth T. (Ilenry G.) (54!

Judd, Henry G <53'

Judson, Anna Maria 73

Judson, Eliza 73

Judson, Henry (57

Joy, Jesse : 73


Kay, Charles 72 \

Keeler, llonier W (5sI

Kelsey, Sarah Y (52

Kershaw, Amelia 1<\ (John) 75j

Kershaw, John 75 ,

Ketchum, Amelia 59 !

Kimball, Elizabeth A. (William ().)... 73

Kimball, William 0 731

Kimmons, Rachel <>S

King, Amanda E (5s

King, William F (55

Kingman, Martin E (5(5

Kingman, Sophia 71

Kingsbury, Harriet 05

Kingsbury, Margaret (Ephraim) 5s

Knapp, Eliza C. (Samuel) 74

Knight, Adaline (Henry E.) 59I

Knight, Calvin S (50;

Knevuls, Caleb li 71

Kummeil, Emily P (51

Kyte, Francis II 71

PAGHLeonori, Robert GLeuber. LucyLewis, SarahLink, Christina LLink, FrederickLinton. Mary ALi pc, WalterLipe. Melissa ( Waller)Littlejohn, Agnes L. (David)Littlejohn, FrancisLittlejohn, Samuel BLocke, William ELockwood, Ann Louisa (Le Grand).,,Lockwood, Benjamin 53,

Lockwood, Charlotte (Munson)Lockwood. Eliza (Benjamin) 53,

Lockwood. FrederickLockwood, Helen MLockwood, Le GrandLockwood, MunsonLockwood. Olivia (Frederick)Lockwood, RuinsLogan, ThomasLombard, IL-rvey FLord, Sarah Ann (William)Lord. WilliamLuring. Herbert ALott, Isaac BLovett, Ann MariaLugar, Amelia MLugar, Frances ALugar, Harriet N. (Jeremiah)Lugar, Harriet NLugar, Jeremiah (4

Lyon, Mary E

M.Maedougul, Elva (William)..Magee, AlexanderMagee, AnnMagee, CatherineMagee, John AMaghee. Sarah 1*. (John H.).

Laid law. Elizabeth 04

Lambert, Dr. Edward W 73

Lambert, Ellen L 73

Lambert, Martha W. (Dr. Ed. L.) 73

Lambert, Sarah (William G.) 73

Lambert, William G 57, 73

I/Amie, Martha (James) (55

Lander, Isabella (John) (54

Lander, John <54

Lnndsdown, Charlotte (James P.) (59

Lane, Mary Ann (Thomas) (55

Lane. Thomas 5s

Lanphier, Jeremiah C (50

Latimer, Charles E (53

Latimer, Horace R 03

Latimer. Mary B. (Horace R.) 03

Lawrence, George 07

Lawrence, Sarah (William) 07

Leavens. Philo F 75

Lee, Elizabeth L 02

Leeds, Sarah P 75

Leonard, Ambrose 74



Manwaring. WilliamMarsh, Isabella DMartin. HenryMason, Ruins 0Mayer, Henrietta N. (Isaac O.)

Mayer. Isaac CMaycrrau, Susan (Bernard A.)

McBride. Harriet.

McBride, Mary (William)McCarty, Louisa C. (James J.)

McCombs, MargaretMcDonald, Margaret (Thomas K.)...

McDougall, Jaenctte AMcDougall, MatthewMcDougall, Susannah (Matthew)McGregor, SusanMcIntyre, Jaenctte Ellon

McMellen, Euphemia L. (Peter)

Meeker, Ann Eliza (Charles W.).

Meeker, ElizabethMeeker, Julia

Meeks, Harriet (James C.) 57




• • - ^






Megary, Maria C 72Mellish, Lucy M. (David B.) 74

Mcnair, Benjamin 01

Monair, Isabella (Benjamin) 01

Monair, James 02Monair, Jane (James) 01, 07

Mcnair, Martha 01

Merrium. Kdward C 72

Merrill, Henry A 03Merrill. Jane M. (James) 75Merrill, Sarah (Henry A.) 03

Merritt, Ann Eliza 5.3

Merritt. Elizabeth 00

Middleton, Mary (Reuben) 00

Miller Charles M 00Miller, Kmalinda do

Miller, lienrv M 03

Miller, Mary M 71

Miller, Ehcbo 00

Miller, Rose Ann do

Miller, William S 01

Millerd, Rev. Benjamin F 74

Millerd, Frances E. (Benjamin F.). . . .74

Millliiran, Rachel 50

Mills, Addle 74

Mills. Julia T 74

Minor, Catharine R. (Cyrus S.). ...01. 75

Minor, Charlotte L. (Israel) 57

Minor,’ Edwin .71

Minor, Emeline 71

Minor, Flora L 75Minor, Henry C 71

Minor, Israel 57

Minor, Israel. Jr 71

Minor. John C 71

Minor, Maria E 71

Mitchell, Betsey (Marcus) 05Mitchell. Marcus 05

Mitchell, Sarah 07

Moncll, Anna 71

Monfort,- William 00

Monroe. Albert F 75Montanye, Amanda (William) 03

Moore, Clarissa E. T. (Edgar W.) 70

Moore, Cornelia C 73

Moore, Edgar W 70

Moore, Mary 00

Moore, Sarah Maria (Lansing C.) On

Moore, William D 75

Moore, William II 50

Morgan, Roxana (William A.) 01

Morgan, William A 01

Morris, Isaac 01

Morris, Jonathan F 5>

Morris, Mary (Isaac) 01

Morse, Ida May 70

Morse, Lucy 04Morse, Samuel R 01

Morse, Sarah Jam j)( Samuel R.) 05Moseley, Eliza (William H.) 03Moseley, William II OnMoses, Dorothy (Aaron) 07Moses, Olive C

.(John) 07

Moses, Susan F. (Charles) 72Mott, Lawrence 1* 04Mott, Mary Frances (Lawrence. P.) 01




Mullincr, Mary 53Munson, Mary J 70Murdock, Jane II. (Thomas) 07Murdock, Thomas 07


Neatie. Cornelius 07Newcomb, II. Maria 71

Newhouso. Mary C 00Newton. Maria Louise 03

Nicol, Clorimla B 72N ieol. Francis B 72

Niles, Isabel W 71

Niles, William II 00Niles, W. W 71

North, Dr. Alfred 73Northup, Emeline M. (William W.) ..74

Norwood, Edward M 73


Oakley, Sarah 51)

Oatalina. Lydia A 09O'Brien, John G 00Olmstcad, James 00Opdyke, Charles W 72

Orr. Susannah 57

Osborn, Aurelia 02

Osborn. Mary Ann 05

Owen, David 07

Owen, Maria 09

Owen. Thomas 01

Owens. Elizabeth M. (Thomas) 70


Palmer, Annie W. (Herbert F.) 75Palmer, Eliza Jane ^ Charles W.) 03

Pardee, Almira M. (Walter) 74

Pardee. Mary E. (Dr. Ward C.) 70Panlee, Rebecca C 71

Pardee. Richard G 71

Pardee. Dr. Walter 74

Pardee, Dr. Ward C 71

Parker, Agnes C 74

Parker, Asa 57Perkor, Eliza 01

Parker, Harrison 71

Parker. Joseph. Jr 75

Parker. Lydia D 03

Parker, Mary E. (Asa) 04

Parker. Rebecca J. (Asa) 07

Parsons, Charles G 07

Patrick. Alexander 57

Patrick. Louisa (Alexander) 57

Payne, Jira G2

Pearson, Lydia (Oliver R.) 02

peek, Catherine Matilda (Benjamin). .53

Pelton. Mary C. (Guy R.) 75

Pelton. Sarah A 71

Pember, Martha A. (Henry II.) 75

Perry. Sarah B. (Oliver II.) 72

Peters, Rev. Absalom, D. 1) 75


I* AfiK

Peters, Harriet II 72

Peterson. Sarah J 70

Phelps, Benjamin K... 73

Phelps, Hannah M. (Benjamin K.). . . . 7a

'Pickering, Sarah ('. (Thomas A.) 75

Pierce, Bruce (U

Pierce, Edwin S 70

Pierce, Edwin S 04

Pierce, Mary Lavinia (Edwin S.) 02

Pierson, Sarah F 70

Pinney, Edward S ..01

Pitts. Helen 1). (Jesse G.) 75

Pitts, Rhoda P. (Samuel) 57

Pitts. Samuel 57

Place, Margaret (Robert) 04

Plummer, Abigail 05

Plyer, Charles W 73Plyer, Hattie (Charles W.) 75

Pollock, Fanny (George) 01

Pollock, George 02

Pomeroy, Edward N 70

Pond, Harriet (Lewis A.) 72

Pond, Harriet 70

Pond, Rev. Theodore. S 72

Pooler, Eliza. 70

Patter, Catherine (John) 57

Patter, Cynthia L. (Wilson) 75

Patter, Wilson 75

Powell, Ann R. (William R.) 58

Powell. William R. 58

Pratt, Charles G 58

Pratt, Charles 11 70

Pratt, Rev. Edward 08

Pratt, (leorge W 03

Pratt, Harriet L 70

Pratt, Mary (George W.) 03

Pratt, Sarah B. (Edward) 08

Pray, Sarah A. (Isaac C.) 73

Prentice, Mary A 74

Priest, Josiah A 00

Pringle, James Edward 00

Pritchard, Stephen 57

Probasco, Sarah (Samuel) 57

Provost, Stephen 11. 00

Pugh, Lewis 51)

Pugsley, Gilbert T 02

PugsleV, Julia B. (Gilbert T.) 01

Pundcrson, Ellsworth M 58


ickenboss, Lavinia 57

Her, Elizabeth 53

imby, Clara B. (Daniel O.) 72

imby, Daniel O 72


Ramsdell, Susan ARand, Edward ARand, Sophia C. (Albert T.)Rankin, Edward ERanney, Adeline ERannev, Ambrose LRanney, Lafayette

PACKRanney, Mary A 71

Ranson, John 01

Ray, Abby Ann (William M.) 01Ray, Susan C. ( Edward C.) 74Ray, William M 57Raymond, William H

Reilford. Ann MItedford. JamesRedmond, JamesReed. Alvall

Reed, Deborah (James)Reed, Julia AnnReed, Lucinda (WiLon 1).)

Reed, Sarah E. (Jehiel)Reeve, JeremiahReeve, Mary (Jeremiah)Reid. Margaret 1). (Walter)Reid, WalterRice, HarrietRicker, Jane (John M.)Riggs, EdwardRigney, A Imira J

Rigney, Chloe W. (Thomas)Rigney, ThomasRipley, Erast us LRitter, AnnieRitter, DavidRitter. Delia M. (Thomas)Ritter, Louisa (C, II.)

Ritter, MariaRitter, TlmmasRobbins, DavidRolddns. L. AlmiraRobbins, ReliefRoberts, CharlesRoberts, Mary R. (Morris)Roberts, Morris. JrRobinson. Elizabeth (Jeremiah)Robinson. E. L. (Russell W.)Robinson,. Emma (Hamilton)Robinson, Frcderiek MRobinson, Jeremiah P


Robinson, Mary B. (Frederick M )....


Robinson, Mary CRobinson, Robert II

Robinson, Russell WRochester, .Joseph

Rochester. Susall (Joseph)Rockwell, Clarissa T. (Dr. Theron)...


Rodger, Jane Shields (Robert)Rodger. RobertRodgers, Charles T


Rogers, Emily H. (Arthur)Rogers, LucyRogers. Sarah M. (Charles T.)

Rose, Andrew WRoss, Hannah J


Roundy, Henrietta (Tliomas)Rowe, Sarah Ann

71 Rozat. Sarah (Guilleaume)73 Rulitfson. Ellen w75 Rumsev, Cecilia

58 Russell, William 1)

71 Rutherford, Clementine D74 Rutherford. 1 hoinas71 Ryekman, Martha A. (R. W., Jr.) £S







•' ah •

> ii>. -i•



S.1* AG 1C I

Sage, Agnes (Loverett II.) bb'

Salter, Margaret (*>!*


Salters. Margaret (Daniel) I

Sand ford, Julia A. (D. R.) 71j

Sanford, Marcus 1» <>2I

Sartwell, Henry J <>0j

Saver)', John S >u

Saxton, Josiah C 72 !

Sayre, Franklin 5s

Schapp.s, Elizabeth (Cornelius) Os

Scharlau, William August TO

Schreiber, Mary D. C. . . . 4(51

Scotiold, Catherine (Seely) 01

Seolield, Seely Co

Scott, George’ Frederick »>4 Martha Jane (Geo. Fred.) tit

Scovel 1, < Hiver P (id

Seoville, Clinton P 07

Sears, Esther 0~

Sears, Esther (John It.) 07

Sears, Hector b.s

Sears, Sarah J. (Henry P.) 7d

Sears, Susan T. (Hector) Ot

Seely, Caroline A. (Charles)! 7b

Seymour, Elizabeth S ... .71

Seymour Janu s 71

Seymour, Itev. John A 0>

Seymour. Lucy J. (Robert W.) 70

Shafer, O. Loretta (Abraham) 7d

Shannon, Sarah L. (Horatio N.) 7b

Shaw, Frances N 57

Sheldon, Electa M. (Rerthier M.) Ot)

Sheldon, Walter R 70

Sherman, Gideon Watts 0d

Sherwood, Frances A. F. (Thomas D.).7d

Shillington, Ann 11 01

«Shipman, Az.erbah C 07

Shipman, Lydia K. (Do Grass) bs

Shi wrick, Nathaniel 0b

Short, James 07

Short, John 07

Shot well, William R 00

Shriver, Eliza C. (Thomas) 7'-

Siekles, Rachel R <">7

Sickles, Sarah f>S

Simixson, Susan (Andrew) 00

Simms, Mary Ann 01

Simond, Mary 00

Slade, Jonathan Rowers 75

Sloan, John 01

Smedley, Frances 5b

Smith, Adon 71

Smith. Alfred W 57Smith, Anna 70

Smith, Anna 1) 04

Smith, Caroline M 04

Smith, Charles S 05Smith, Edward J 00

Smith, Elijah Herman 75

Smith, Elizabeth 11 0s

Smith. Ellen ,.0s

Smith, Emily W. (Isaac E.) bs

Smith, Emma bs

Smith, Emma E 75Smith, Flora A. (Thomas E.) 0J

Smith, Flora W 70

PAGRSmith, Hannah RSmith, Harriet T. (William If.)..


Smith, Helen A. (Harry D.)Smith, HenrySmith, Isaac ESmith, JamesSmith, James 1)

Smith. James HenrySmith, Jane LSmith, LouisaSmith, Margaret II. (Ilenry)Smith, MarySmith, Mary (Enoch)Smith. Mary (Silas C.)Smith. Mary AnnSmith, Mary AnnSmith, Mary Ann (James)Smith. MortimerSmith. Orange ASmith. Elioda Jane ( Darwin A.) .


Smith, Samuel St. JohnSmith, SarahSmith. SarahSmith, Sarah (J. Gorton)Smith, Sarah (John)Smith. Sarah II. ('

Smith. Sarah NSmith, Sarah W. (William D.)Smith, Sidney II

Smith. Silas CSmith. Thomas ESmith. WilhelminaSmith. William DSmith, William II

Smith. William WSnell, MarySnow, Amelia (William II)

Snow, Minerva R. (Joseph P.)

Snow, Joseph PSnow, William II

Snowden, licv. R. RSnyder, Jula 1

Snyder. Rebecca M. (John W.)...Snyder, T. L .*

Southmayd. Sarah A. (Stephen C.)

Springer, JohnStackhouse, JohnStamford. HenryStanley. Elizabeth (Charles II.). .


Stamnrd, CarolineStanton, Elizabeth LStaples. John CStarr, Mary M. (Matthew W.)Starr, Matthew WStartwell, Henry J

Stebbins, FranklinStebbins, Samuel NStem', John AStephenson, MargaretStevenson. Isabella GStitt s. George MStites. Maria LStockman, Elizabeth (Moses)Stone, Harriets. (Joseph)Stone, Maria A. (Thomas)Storey. RebeccaStores. Harriet 1’



Stowell, Ellen K 74 I

Stratton, Ellwood Go i

Strickland Edwin F <;<

Strickland. Philomela .hi)

Stroldo, Catharine 66j

Stubcs, Abigail 62Sturges, Charlotte (it *

Stories, Theodore (Hi i

Sumner. Abigail (William S.) (17 i

Sumner. Maria (John) GsSutherland, Euphemia (John) r>!»

Sutherland, Joanna 50;

Swain, Betsey G. (William A.) 50Swain, William A. 50Sweet, Francis P 72Sylvester. Eliza M 71Sylvester. Isaiah W 72


Talcott, Henrietta 15 (James) 72Talcott, James 72Taylor, Alanson 50Taylor, Eliza G. (Horace S.) 74

Taylor. Elizabetn (William) GOTaylor, Elizabeth P GOTaylor, George GGTaylor, Horace S 74Taylor, James 75Taylor, John C 72Taylos. Mary A 71

Tavlor, Mary S 71

Taylor, Olivia M. (James) 75Taylor, Rebecca B. (Alanson) 59Tavlor. Sarah 70Teal, William II 75Temple, Amos G7

Terry, Beulah Y. (Samuel) GSTerry, Joseph 61

Tcstman, Eliza (John) 61

Testman. Mary Elizabeth GGThayer, Mary E. (Normandus W.). . . .74

Thayer, Normandus W 73Thomas, Mary 84Thompson, Aaron Q 50Thompson, Abel K 61

Thompson, Artemus K 71

Thompson, Betsey 61

Thompson, Elizabeth ( Rev. Joseph P.).6S

Thompson Elizabeth 1> GGThompson Eunice (Rev. A. G.) 61

Thompson, Hannah 61

Thompson, Harriet B. (Aaron Q.) 50

Thompson, John II .71

Thompson, Rev. Joseph P ,D. 1) 03

Thompson, Lucy B 74

Thompson, Lucy O. (Rev. Joseph P.). .63

Thompson, MaryK 71

Thomson, Mary L 71

Thompson, Mary Ann 62Thompson, Melissa (Abel K.) Gl

Thompson, Sarah GO

Thompson, William 63

Thomson, Catharine L. (William II.). 73

Thomson, James B 76

Thomson, Mary C. (James B.) 76

Thomson, Dr. William HThurber, Iluldah (Ira A.)'Thurber. Ira A'Thurber, Ira E'Thurston, 'Thomas GTindall, Amanda (James A.)Tindall, EnochTindall, Rev. George P'Tindall, Janu s ATitcomb. MaryTovey. Eliza'Tovcy, RobertTowne. J ulia RTownsend. Louisa F.Tracy, T. F !


Treadwell. Edward ETreadwell. Rosina II. (Edward E.)Trembly, George WTureott, Ann Delia'Turner, Dr. A Ivan II

Turner. Charlotte STurner. Cornelia L'Turner. Sarah WTuttle, William PTyler, Charles ATyler. Cornelia F


IThler, MartinUnderwood, Elizabeth M. AUnderwood. Henry BUnderwood. Horatio

Vail Arsdale. Jane EVan Duyn, MaryVan Dviie, HannahVan Ness, Harriet E. (Giles I\).

Van Norden. CharlesVan Rypcr, Elizabeth AVan Sire, Sarah (Joseph)Van 'Tassel. AbrahamVan Tuyle. Catharine AVaughan, A. BVernon. JohnViekridge. James Edwin

W.Wait, Abigail Ann (Joseph)Wait, Joseph, JrWalcott, William HenryWalker, Charlotte (Joseph N.)Walker. GeorgeWalker, Minerva H. (George)Walley, Henry CWalley, SiinneyWallin, Elizabeth K. (James E. II.).


Wallin, James E. II

Walworth, Elizabeth C. (James J,)..

Walworth, James JW a user, Adeline (Samuel)




' '



88 MAN lrAF. Ob' TIIK


Wnnzicr, Ann Eliza 5sWard, Edward 02

Ward, Edward Smith Gl>

Ward, Elizabeth (' 70

Ward, Langeon S (is

Ward, Mary E 7


Ward, Sophia (Edward) 02

Wareham, Sarah (Janu s J.) 02

Warner, Julia (Janus II.) 5s

Warren. ltev. Janu s II (id

Warriner, Thomas 01)

Washburn, Jams Ives (J. II.) 74

Washburn, John II 75

Washburne, Sarah (Joseph) 72

Waterbury, Benjamin 57

Waterbury, ('harles II 04

Watkins, Ann 57

Watkinson, Elizabeth Ann (Win.) 01

Wztkinson, Mary 1* 04

Watson, Charles C 75

Waugh. Elizabeth (.James L.) 01

Webb, Susan Rebecca 51)

Weed, Louisa 5sj

Wells, Edwant S 07

Welsh, Alexander F 02

West. James M 04

West, John 0s

West, John C 04

West. Laura (John ('.) 05

West, Mary C *0

West, Mary T. (William G.) 00

West, William F 70

West, William G 57

Weston. Caroline 11. (David). 71

Weston. Celia 72

Westervelt, Charles L 51)

Wetmore, Julia Ann 5S

Wheat, .Josephine C 74

Wheeler, Caroline (John) oS

Wheeler, Harriet 51)

Whelplev. Abigail B 71

White. Amos (' 74

White, Angeline 01

White, ( harles A 71

White, l)r. George It 74

White, Hannah 72

White, Harriet 1\ R 71

White, Henry Kirke 74

White, Morris M 74

White, ltebeeea (Dr. Geo. 11.) 74

White, Sarah 51)

White, Sarah K. (Elijah K.) 74

White, Sophia A. (Morris M.) 74

White, Willard W 71

Whitehead, Charles E 75

Whitehead, Kaehel T. (Charles E.)... .75

Whiting, Ann L. (William E.) 07

Whiting, Daniel 5s

Whiting, George W 07

Whiting, Pliny F 0s

Whiting, Susan P. (Daniel) 5s

Whiting, William E 07

Whitlock, CharlotteS 00

Whitlock, Elizabeth (William II.).... 59Whitlock, Joseph T 04

Whitlock, Mary L 59

Whitlock, Sarah A. (Joseph T.) 5S

PAG RWhitlock, William H 59Whitney, Ilezckiah 57Whitney, Samuel 59Whittelsey, Catharine A 06Whittelsey, Henry 01Whittem -ire, Atossa F. (Tlios. W.).. ..72Whittemore, ( 'harles 72Whittemoro, Maria F. (Charles) 72Whittemore, '1'hoinas W 72Wightman, John 70Wilbor, Mary EWilbor, Mary E. (William II.)..


Wilcox. Anna Maria (John M.)..Wilcox. John MWilde, Isaac LWilkie, OliveWilliams. Catharine I)

Williams, Charles FWilliams, David SWilliams, Eliza (Charles)Williams. Frances L. (Luther). .


Williams. GeorgeWilliams. Jane FWilliams, LutherWilliams, MargaretWilliams, Mary AWilliams. Moseley 11

Williams, Phila A. (David S.)...

Williams, Robert AWilliamson, Catherine (John). .


Williamson. JohnWills, JosephWills, JosephWills, Susan (Joseph)Wilson, Benjamin MWilson, Mary W. (Benjamin M.)Winchester, George S. .

Winnie. Margaret LWinship, Albert 1

Winship, HarrietWinslow, Dr. Edward II

Winslow Helen A. (Dr. Ed. 11.).

Witter, William CWood, Ann F ‘

Wood, AugustaWood, Maria (Ira)

Wood, ltebeeea (Benjamin)Wood, Sarah (Samuel)Wood, WilliamWoodbridge, Charles LWoodbridge, JosephWoodbridge, Joseph Saiait E. (Joseph E.) . .


Woodruff, UbertWoodruff, < 'vnthia

Woodruff. Harriet (Albert)Woodrutf, SarahWork. Ward AWright, Charles G...Wright. Josiah TWright, Mary Ann (John).Wright, Rosetta M

Y.Young, Jane 74



• •'


. . <





Attains, John Quincy TOAdams, Ada W. (John Q.) TO

Bridge, Elizabeth TO

Colton, Mary A. (Rev. Erastus) 70

I )u rfee, Charles A 70Durfoo, Melanie J> 70

Emerson, Nathaniel B 70

Gale, Mary O 70Gale, Pluebe TOGunn, Mary R 70

Hall, S. Josephine 70

Lillie Ralph 70


Morse, Ancoletta (Daniel P.) 76

Olmsted, Albert II.... . 7G

Partridge, John Chandler 70Partridge, Sarah K. (James II.) 70Pratt, Win. II 70Putnam. Jennie S. (Samuel P.) 70Putnam, Samuel P 70

Reeve, Fanny Isabel 70

Smith, Cornelinett (Harlan P,) 70Stowell, Martin Luther 70

Ward, Elizabeth O. (\v. Frederick).. ..70Wright, Dr. Slocum 70Wright, Caroline L. (Dr. Slocum.). . ..70




, v*.‘ ' '








Additions. Removals.











! 1




Fellowship withdr’n.Excommu-





July 6, 1S40 07 G7 07

Mar. 1, 1S41 37 3 40 107Feb. ‘28, 1S42 87 15 102 7 1 8 201Feb. ‘27, 1843 03 59 122 33 2 ‘ 35 ! 2SSFeb. ‘27, 1844 58 37 95 29 4 33 ! 350Feb. ‘25, 1845. 19 17 30 29 I 2 ’i 32


Feb. 24, 1840 38 8 40 33 1 l 40 300Mar. 9, 1847 80 50 80 40 2

*244 402

Feb. 29, 1843 23 19 42 32 3 35 409Feb. 27, 1819 25 12 37 39 7 40 400Feb. 20, 1850 22 17 39 24 10 i 35 404Feb. 25, 1851 . .


24 5 29 39 3 42 391Mar. 1, 1S52 39 24 Oil 78 7

*5 ‘292 302

Mar. 1, 1853. . .. 19 15 34 40 5 23 2 70 i


320Feb. 27, 1854 20 20 32 8 14 54 i


Feb. 27, 1855. ... 15 0 21 43 2 5 50 1 209Feb. 20, 1850 20 11 31 27 2 0 85 I 205Feb. 24, 1857 27 11 88 24 1 8 33 270Mar. 1, 1858 18 4 22 14 3


l 18 274Mar. 1, 1859 00 41 101 29 4


5 ’i 391

336Feb. 28, 1SG0 44 9 53 27 2 3 1 33


356Feb. 20, 1801 39 ft 44 30 3 83 367Feb. 20, 1802 102 12 114 22 7 3 ‘i 33 448Feb. 24, 1803 .... 3S io

!54 30 5 1 3G ! 406

Mar. 1, 1804 35 28j

63 22 10;

8 i 41 4SSFeb. 28, 1805. ... 89 47 32 5


1 8S 497Feb. 27, 180G 33 13 i 40 29 0 I

35 i 508April 15, 1800 21 10 l 87 16 2 1

_ 2L* .—L*IS 527

D ^^ “"C/





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