management - nethunt · defenitive guide to marketing influencers management. why work with...

Post on 01-Jun-2020






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Defenitive Guide to Marketing Influencers Management

Why work with influencersAmanda Blau via Moz claimed: “Important people with an engaged following can amplify the reach of whatever idea, content or brand they choose to share. If you only weave influencers into your content strategy when your finished product is ready to be promoted, however, you’re missing out on the full potential of having respected experts on your team.” Today in 2018 we can admit that constant work with influencers increases your brand awarenesses, brings relevant traffic to your website and delivers more qualified leads to your sales team.

In his Moz blog post, Rend Fishkin admits, that influencers have two special powers. Number one, they can amplify social reach to your audience. Well, if you share something on a Twitter, a Facebook, a LinkedIn, a Pinterest, a Reddit, an Instagram, whatever network you might be using, the influencers on those networks have the ability to help amplify that reach. You can reach your audience of a few hundred. But influencers help to increase your content engagement and reach thousands, many thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands.

Secondarily, “they can provide links, mentions, and other kinds of signals that search engines use to rank sites higher. Meaning that even in the rare case where your target audience is not following anyone, is not paying attention to any of these influencers and search is the only channel that they use to discover information, influencers can still help you by helping you achieve these signals that will help your site, your content, your pages rank better in search, which means your target customer will find them”.

How to use NetHunt to track influencer marketing progressBefore starting to work with influencers, you should choose the right tool to build the right influencers marketing funnel, monitor progress, and track success. And NetHunt might be a right choice to start. Below, we’ll show you in examples of how it works.

Here on the image, you can see how using NetHunt you can create a “status” field to track your marketing influencers progress (stage, phase, days in stage and probability)

First of all you should upload your contacts to NetHunt CRM.

Influencer tracking matrix—theory, stages, goals

The crucial question about influencer marketing is organization and tracking. Which steps of communication with influencers to choose. OK, we’ve got our list of bloggers, journalists, writers to act with but we still need some step by step activity schedule. Here in our article, we want to share our view on this topic.

Activity phases

After we gathered influencers we create 31-day work cycle:

This field indicates the phase of your influencers’ workflow. Here we are using best practices and putting 31-day cycle:

• Day 1: Like • Day 3: Like • Day 6: Like/Share • Day 10: Like/Share• Day 12: Like/Share • Day 22: Like/Share/Comment • Day 25: Comment• Day 31: Contact


• NA--phase for recently added influencers, we sending friend requests via Facebook and LinkedIn (following for Twitter).

• Day 1, 3 (LIKE)--in this phase we start to like influencers posts and comments.

• Day 6, 10, 16(LIKE/SHARE)--since day 6 we also start to share influencers’ posts, news, photos (related to your company’s topics off course). Please don’t share personal posts, memes, and jokes.

• Day 22(LIKE/SHARE/COMMENT)--here comes day 22 and we find some good influencer’s social post (better a long read, link to his article, etc.) and put our comment/question .

• Day 31(CONTACT)--and finally after we’ve liked, shared and commented influencer’s social content we are ready to send him a message with the offer to learn more about your product, blog, write some review, schedule a meeting, etc.

• New--this is a stage for recently added influencers

• Friending--this is a stage for influencers you work with (sending friend requests, liking, commenting and sharing via, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

• Negotiating--sending a message or email with collaboration request

• Win/Lost/Postponed--this stage indicates the result of our interaction with contact.

This field indicates the stage of your influencer:

Here is main pipeline view

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