man eats own dog

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 Man Eats Own Dog


    Bad Meat

    With his long, brown trench coat flying behind him, Jeff Moore ran as fast as an

    alcoholic who smokes a pack of Marlboros a day can run down the ally behind the

    produce market.When I get my hands on you Im gonna break your scrawny little legs! Its not

    like youll eer win another race anyway!Jeff chased his once pri"ed race dog, #uck, for almost four blocks. $%hausted and

    out of breath, he leaned up against the wall of a small oriental restaurant. #uck was long

    gone by then. &naccustomed to physical actiity, Jeff had worked up 'uite an apatite anddecided he might as well get a bite to eat.

    Jeff, being the only customer inside the dimly light oriental restaurant, chose the

    table ne%t to the kitchen, hoping to get his food a little faster. (he elderly )sian man with

    the beard half his height handed Jeff a menu printed on old parchment paper.*ick.

    What+*ick! *ick! the elderly )sian man pointed gruffly at the menu.Just get me the freshest thing on the menu. &nderstand hina-man+!+ Fresh+!

    I understand, and with a polite grin on his face, the old man walked back into

    the kitchen.Jeff sat at the table, waiting. oon the sound of si""ling meat and a saory aroma

    filled the room. Jeffs mouth watered.

    It was /012 in the morning when Jeff heard the scratching. 3e found himself out

    of bed and opening the door. #uck walked in, his nails clicking on the hard wood floor as

    he walked.3ello Jeff, #uck said as he leaped onto Jeffs bed, making him eye leel with

    his owner.

    What the hell are you doin here #uck+3a. Its been almost three months since youe seen me and thats the hello I


    4oure the one who ran away. What do you want #uck+ Jeff stared coldly at#uck.

    4ou know, you dont look so good Jeff, #uck leaped off the bed and trotted

    oer to the dresser. 4ou sure do hae a lot of pills around here. 4ou arent sick are you+

    I got the flu or somethin. Whats it to you mutt+ Jeff was getting tired of #uck

    beating around the bush.What are your symptoms+ 3eadache+ 5eer+ Its not the flu Jeff. 3a! 4ou wish it

    was the flu!6od damn it #uck! $ither get on with it or get the fuck out of here!

    4ou hae rabies Jeff.

    What the hell are you talkin about+(hat day I ran away, you had a bite to eat at that little oriental place. 4ou ate

    some bad meat that day Jeff.

  • 8/11/2019 Man Eats Own Dog


    )nd how the hell do you know this+

    #ecause, I was that bad meat.

    (here are three main stylistic techni'ues I used to emulate 7afkas writing style.

    (he first is the fairly simple and to the point style of writing. It makes the story a bitblunt, but it also makes eery sentence powerful and important. )nother techni'ue that

    7afkas writing and mine hae in common is the fact that both leae information out. In

    Metemorphesis, 7afka leaes out how 6regor turns into a bug. In my story, I leae out

    how #uck is able to talk to Jeff. (his also relates to the third techni'ue I used0 the factthat Jeff is not surprised that #uck can talk. (his is similar to the fact that 6regor was not

    ery surprised when he turned into a bug.

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