magazine of nutrition

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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it´s a magazine of nutrition that can help you


C o l e g i o A m e r i c a n o d e Q u i t o




Juan Jose Espinosa, Sergio Arcos, Alejandra Gallegos, Alejandra Peñaherrera 7E

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Table of Contents Analysis Results ..............................................................................................................................2

Top ten list for having a good nutrition ..........................................................................................9

Menu #1 ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Menu #2 ....................................................................................................................................... 13

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INTRODUCTION: Next, you will see the results of our survey. The survey was about nutrition, and you will see how people live, eat and take care of themselves.

1. How many times a week do you eat fast food?

ANALYSIS: This chart shows that 41% of the people that answered this survey are healthy and don’t eat fast food too often, 50% eat only once or twice a week, though the other 9% are not that healthy and eat 4 or 5 times a day.

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2. Do you eat breakfast every day?

ANALYSIS: This chart shows that 82% of the people do eat breakfast every day, which is very healthy because breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 14% of the people don’t eat breakfast, which can cause a lack of energy in their bodies or things like that.

3. How many meals do you eat a day?

ANALYSIS: This chart shows that more than 50% of the people eat 3 meals a day, which is normal and healthy. Eating one or zero times per day is very bad because you can get sick of not eating.

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4. Do you cook your own food?

ANALYSIS: Cooking your own food is way healthier than eating fast food or other food because it has less fat and oil which are not so healthy for you in big amounts like they serve in fast food restaurants. 50% of the people do cook their own food, 32% cook it sometimes, but the other 18% do not cook their own food.

5. How many times a week do you drink sodas?

ANALYSIS: This chart shows that 63% of the people that answered the survey drink sodas only once a week, 21% drink sodas twice a week, and 16% drink sodas three times a week.

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6. How long do you take to eat?

ANALYSIS: The chart shows that half the people answering this survey take 20 minutes to eat, 32% take 10 minutes, 14% take 30 minutes and 4% take more than 30 minutes to eat.

7. What do you drink more?

ANALYSIS: This chart shows that a lot of people drink water more than other drinks, also that 0% of the people that answered this survey drink sodas more than anything and that is very good because sodas are not very good for you.

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8. What snack do you eat?

ANALYSIS: This chart shows that the 59% of the people that answered this survey eat fruits for a snack, which is very healthy because fruits are a healthy food. It also shows that the other 41% eat vegetables, sandwiches or junk food for their snacks.

9. How many glasses of water do you drink a day?

ANALYSIS: This chart shows that the majority of the people (36%) drink more than 5 glasses of water a day, and that is good because you need water to replenish and hydrate. People who drink one or two glasses of water a day need to drink more water because it is very important.

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10. In what meal do you eat the most?

ANALYSIS: The chart shows that a lot of people eat a lot at breakfast and lunch, and 5% at dinner. They probably don’t eat as much at dinner because they ate a lot during the day, so when it is time for dinner they are not very hungry and don’t eat a lot.

CONLCUSIONS: Our conclusions are that our community is very healthy, but at the same time it is not always that healthy because the results show us that. We will work to help our community be healthier and happier at all times.

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A NUTRITIONAL WEB PAGE! There is a nutritional page that can help you to see how many calories, saturated fats, oils, percentages of the food groups that your meal has.

Enter to this site to find out more:

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Top ten list for having a good nutrition

1- Always eat breakfast, lunch and dinner

2- Always eat fruit and vegetables

3- Never eat something in excess

4- Build a healthy meal

5- Don’t always eat junk food

6- Make good decisions about your food

7- Never skip a breakfast, it is the most important meal in the day

8- Have healthy snacks

9- Eat much proteins

10- Have fruit or vegetables on your meal

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MENU #1 Breakfast:

1. 2 eggs with onions, tomato, cheese. 2. 1 cup of yogurt 3. 1 cup of granola 4. 1 toast 5. Orange juice


1. 1 full rib stack 2. Mashed potatoes 3. 1 glass of water 4. 3 oz. of celery


1. A quesadilla 2. 2 water glasses 3. Some boiled vegetables

Breakfast preparation:

1. First you break two eggs in a bowl 2. Then add some milk to the two eggs 3. Get a pan into the medium fire 4. Than get some oil on the pan 5. Chop the vegetables into small cubes 6. Get them in the pan until they are a little cooked 7. Put the cheese on the eggs 8. Mix everything 9. Pour them into the pan until it is cooked 10. Pour orange juice in a cup 11. Pour some yogurt in a bowl

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12. Put the cup of granola in the bowl of yogurt 13. Put a slice of bread in the toaster 14. Put the toast in a plate and the eggs on top of the toast 15. EAT!

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Eat Subway, it’s a healthy and fun way to eat sandwiches. We love it!

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• A cup of natural juice • A cup of milk or yogurt • Two French toasts with syrup • A bowl with fruits



• A piece of meat • A cup of rice • ½ of cup of lentil stew • A healthy salad • A cup of natural juice



• A piece of chicken, cooked in the oven • Some cooked potatoes • A healthy salad • A cup of natural juice




• A healthy salad • With a cup of natural juice

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• A bowl of a fruit salad • With a cup of milk or yogurt or a natural juice


1) 5 eggs 2) 8 toasts 3) ¼ of milk 4) 4 soup spoons (big spoons not the tea spoon) of bees honey 5) ½ of tea spoon of vanilla essence 6) ½ of tea spoon of cinnamon 7) A square of butter 8) ½ of tea spoon of cinnamon sugar 9) The amount of syrup that you prefer


1) Crack the eggs into a bowl and mix well with a fork 2) Add the milk and mix well. 3) Add the bees honey and the vanilla essence. Mix it. 4) Add the cinnamon on top of the mix, mix it very well. 5) When the mix is done turn on the stove at a warm temperature. 6) Put a square pan on top of the stove. 7) On top of the pan put the square of butter. 8) Introduce a toast into the mix and when it’s very juicy, put it in the hot pan. 9) When the toast is brown, use a spatula to flip it. 10) When the two sides are brown put out the French toast and put it on a plate. 11) Do the same process with the other toasts. 12) When you are about to eat it put the syrup and the cinnamon sugar on top.

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