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vi:ekiv journal.Agricultural.

. -

UfrAri or KVrtArwvraii 8m Tbe Imth,of nmm as, ana tiU ae suets, w o- -f su is

hnUnt .xi-te- Abv soil hsra

f.rtila lecdervw M andish nit tha adcitoa of it rw snBtarial, but onlyv sl.rnnc tb ctm.Iitioa trf tba soil's ooctf itoaou,

tV rntn:i'iitli!k (mIwmi ta tboaa -i- nchrs'urs has rd to erlr soils fertie. Allru.i an and up id norierej, rods, rrndered finI v the varn-- ofwsra iosi of Batata, and compoarda. W of u cvnrtiucnu of rocks ard inch oUt oa

li'a a. under paculiar circumataxwna, mar tn'ct.irfd tntm tbt ai nraKphrra auiB aa carboo, frontv. i'iniiva.i' ia piatt l.f Ly tfac decomFociliorid" ic arid pa irkea fnrni the atmosphrre, to-

tem, acd w.rUi a hico It H bcld in aafDeiaj.Nu ba ths of ail th prints-- i- riiii'd tT 'Ut lite in a soil, nor iodr4 a

tb f'imarw ia nature, will tasara piaal-rol-

1 be ontullym cf these primaries, ard nuttrw r 'wecr." al, is asrasaary to atsweaMful wr-rtu---.

t lira porliuoa of ths earth's rrast, known. mil. bare lwn tnarty tunes ia plant turns andturn spam tu tha atrU then tliom portioaara ren

il.ited capable of funrinf farta of f nob ragatat'U; rowltia at iwi and aaimala now reoorv, ar.d,

thm at r avowed from the ami by tbt contin-cow- s

rrnos-a- l of m.ps. it ill tiara to an snr-- il

ui.td new an propratiaed br tan sansw twWr rnvan. At tba sam time, all may know,tr ll- help uf the rbtmirt, that tbs cntHaacU orrarv avil,, t Uw tirua barrra, ara tba aaaM aa

nc fvrtiia toils, t name, bat diffoncK or It ia--rlion. lt srbula soil, from tba arlfa't

tindtroa: posed roots btloar. a a rale,ro- t.irx Um oinKttutnra of plants, ard tbarafirararnot I aaid to I awns uta bat teqainag tkepnt.tm of a portion of tbrac Constituent, tw:

h. .tioa in .vodimo, betur they arc aTailabkta flaata.

i uantncf tbaaarth's nrfaca Uwa as aa endlaeer iiKihiBKU'ie anarra of raw aaatarUl, in la srhichI auu bist he ertated, k only remvioa to avcartaip

nao pianoc tbtaa raw aaalwrials ia pro rrudi.lcv fur aMuuiilaUun. aad wa baT a Botaodt ' t.nng wbat ara vullr called ssom eat wit.

h (barce mat tocar ia tba paniciaeof tbo to pixiix tbe nenaaarr cbanma in eoeditwe,

t utoura tbrir aronriaUoa ta plant lif ! Itt rilMit thit at leaat thes partklea nuat lie d

S'j.Mi.ie in water; tbnasilrx is ooIt sulalle ef-t-tiis eoaiUinatiea with aa alkali, and

avenr coiistilaeat rrqairas soaia change beforei r ba' need aa tbe fuud of plaeta. Lt as ere

lt protwliiT acran ia fallow at'iia, or tboas bear-- tfc tu rmpa; tb nrruuuwa of atmpbere between

tie lrticie land tnera caa ba ao cnenrical cbaneev i innit anca cucdiitoa) depoaita anna tba oo'd ur- -Iict of eTerr part k lea tbia blot of water, aaicb,

i"V tba l eatUd, takes ap eartienK acid, ia--fi;s power as a aolTent, and bT duolicy

ponks frosa tbe sorfacea of partirlea, orecI " irano noaaas aad permit rev conetitaenu to

t ib I ura dt new pnrDone of carbonatede'er, b h, npna the receipt of each icirredutct

tba rrted frva tkwlr reaucf places, ia rendered!!..ke at freeing anoUtrr be cbnnicai rhaace, aa--

til ia onrs of time tba land contains a fan- - prot i iw own eooeuieaou ia a propsel eordi-""-

Al tbu) pracreseed alaat-foo- d is sluAUvtoluule nrder cerUia ctrenmstance, and ia U

igir i ikws, as toeT are caljeo-- tmiute Tepe--

laiK gruatb br proreaauui plant conslitaeBU. Don see tbts onerattoa eeaanaoaiilT coina oi

M itf ard should not tbe art of tbe agricaltarMto araii of stick statural laws as are anoUcablc

te falicw in a Biete raptd maanetf claim tbattr.K nT be dnae so as to caae a ainiHa rear to re- -

p'ent tbe ffcu of acentun ; eveiy particle ofx.ii. u VHeea uroagna Bucrotcops, buiUies in ne

the rock from whence it eaaae, aad iiswill tfcow tbe same coDstiloent-- ; uim'ti"i ovt rtoi aa tbe rock acd nre as um pariicb

ii U in- - cur ba' in to facilitate the cut.UaaatioBuj'aiio of tbese laws on the particle, to ia- -

x tr l a Mill ta!tber airkioa and cooaeqnent expe- -

rure acu tmiu-- s i ounaiuoa of iu ooauineati.eiasae nf tba so oellrd barrea aoila of Maasacbu.

ttut, nriuf oerat rjebt let and rral, cuniaia tbt iuik priotatiaeas duthe floe Mils of tba Hwnu Val- -

lut are tbe cwdiiMa of tbese constitaenU!..? Al a ill tha rdionrr analyrii oflared bTvmi ti woo aretnupaJiatef leccarnicinetberei

fi fft., abow sct difierence betweea tba Iwesuiis.il a frrtiU. the ocbar barrer? M ill a rabbacHT.-- apr.iie rocif Ar.d oe Mt tt tr. kcertain all tbe tneraoic roottitnects required beliwiai.a? W.U h fiww ia Uie loader of tt,i

, it cTfar a. unui after K has been exno- -4 to atr"otcr.c iLfljence ard pruper state of bo--

iicwuwi a tune, as to free portion" of iten: i' occu mmI imp!. Una for plant ear? Would

r". tue powaerot toe r'aaiu rock tiaced irrimadimeiT n.eraa ander-drai- u exhibit tbea eoodiuorsla a eircueair Httntt. vb: and we am frla-- l v :bat miiT hh1, which are ofrpjrauefT barTa it wan ot rsrreaemn, bit tie rend- - red fertililiv tbi ri nb ilmiiirj; and subfoil ploaine, if left in'!, el mt, a QUI a acru.je of tbe tonr:"u'i b so artrd upon tbe contiaued channe

ccinfiantiTrlT lw; beooe the nereMtT forail'lKip te km It sudcenly placed ia a condition fW re- -

"it:.i sorn materwu a femlixert as will b

all that atr he required by tbe rmvrns; cropi. to l term ved from tba surface. I Oder urb orrmuiUuon die pra,taaed porUuoa, freed from thepartK-e- of ami, are rot renjoeed be tbe crop, whilr

n p'.iref u rrowta BiateriallT baatans tha mn.t:Lfd Cerlupment; tbe amount of Bsoivtnr ard

lect tour.-ir.- from tbe soil into and throughI tie plants rauae iii rrcepUen b the earth of newf i fj , tb atmoai bere, wbils the decay andao of i be roots of p sou in the aod leave new

,icriiitf fur aiaraapoera; mfren acd m ure the de.p ii tbe priinarie jielud ap by tbe decay cf

iiim. inemure, w aay taal Worn ant soustn I rrrturrd is ftegrr t.y continued vr frvqoent

ibe resmratioa wnl take ilace to arf'l p"a'er acd murh more (erfecilr, at welle in uiiKk tioie, by ardor drams acd wb toili':ur, tirl wiih a las UHoa surface: still

riiira n ilit if crnp lie ."va anus tbe eor- -Wl'i! TOKIlntn tlM BOOTS rspldlr Mil1.t" ll cdokb fruliiiO)t are aerd tuucj'!y t" aanu ut mriuu cropa, au that tbe ami'' ! i:rne quatititirs of pabclnm.

La thi the pull, of the sliami Vallar cennaiwdwi.b tl c tons of USMcbuietta wbcb a Itarren,-.- v.- ..n uoiLfin, ubw c josiivurata OiltvnoilrtA.T.li;iored.

rnm wiMlrripe tbe aoitsof the Miami Val'.n fiUvt ih-- T ij.yt tmra by water eouraes, at- -

r v.r. uera brnu ;t t front the rarface rf parti.c?r iu. la-- i ai (rred l,y (he prnceatet we bavt Mm

M"rirct tla cot ererj p'rucM) cf this boelr'if 1 koii U tom beea enooied to tbe atmoapbere',tjitjo-iure- tocsrb-joi- acid, acd to eoctact with

ibr oocuiiM-o- i of aiils. so tbat it baa araii-a- duf all nature's lawv cbemiul or otberwise, and

the at . aiaw aisr lie virwed Dot onlv a amore perfect nwiiiaoical debndauoa of aadi soilsa LVx as are in tlaaiacfaaattt, iiat also attbe n prc r.ta ice of the riruirreesed eonrlltioa

tpe all chan-e- wOKh nataral law i capa-Id-of pruoui in;?"n Nt hare said, caa ft be difficult for

ai larmrr to . s m th-- for tbs rent mtma of:! y it Lit mrsis are adrajare, let fcim ander-lri-

tbomoFhlv i.bl. ana sarfsos pkiw to tbtrquirml deuf, and add fertil!ztng Dialer iU rho-aa-

l!. ni tbe n,urt prryrerd source Pplr hasop s at-i-- bi auil is rapid !y sumeotiOf? iu Taloe.

It u it liiv d in a pan of the onantry where tbtt'kfl rViniriJi, no bing but apecial crops, tbea letfci:n ur Irs- - amoa"tf fertil aiattrial ard plowuicm a vanaly of q ii k crvwiag crop, so that allibe pal u um elevated from (be aubsi il mar l i

1 ibe aurtace-aM- l for fu'are a, endthis treatment f.rooe or suors year, uolil bu

soil i ciraiji uf raiainit aasxiraaai quaoutiea of thepi'ial croi bit market require at a Biinianani

b fii.r cu tur of a 'h soil will be lesstbat of s MMn-l- ordinary frood soil

t.W. I lime li heirs :ll Leoerit iy hut jadilei c iu lie ox ma at.

rarmers, woo fcsvs Bot sufficient capi'al for sucknHar, mof t t cootent to benelrt ia Saeree, by

a 1 ptirj; k aiuJi uf Ute trnUis we hare set iorti, aswit! ii tbrir irnana; tbey vbcBld he tore to to

tie win-r- tha rrquiraraeiris of tba so.l are witbiaI itr.ir al. iiy to periorm all the ne.eawry msoipuls-- ti

ie. and ! an..ply tbe arcea-ar- y rotuutaamr; tbaa farfiwr wi hout ruearir lor an1r d'ir,iri t tah.ro-- tiloait carn4 loaila ua a claT farra wilb

n ui, cau be tuluvave a mure sandy ami ai'heq ial with biia who caa arail tj toea apphaj. U b ploes a clay aoil aH Booerdrainxd,ti f d pih of ui.lr six icciias, and who ujes Be

n auatrriaaa bat thae Baa da apoa bis farm,roljuurilv piaves himself ia a posiuoa to ! thesUre of bu akoeeeper. Let those wbs would repuiliavie bet docuioea, read oar article ra

and .,ilaoil flowing," and tbermtyleam tbat tbers are larm where drought is rererfl'; wura ineadows nerer run an'; a bars blightai dxeaee i leas frequent; and that in bo case

bt.rs Uw drains are properly con lracted Las tbeinee.tinsut ercr piuvad ua, rfiUok.

14 'oricfmff fsratar.

Ld't.rt; Knowipetba' oa keep tha rua of anytting new reapectmgtbe liaew cattle, I addrea you for informationaa to tue distemper aa pleura pocumvt.ia. ord'-r- a of t? Iu- - its. 1 mu have ia red it tot"y Naw Jetea farm ll tbe laet lot of Mxo HornI in Srpteinlwr. Tweof tbrin dud ia tbefa I, aud 1'. h briikea oot te such aa axtent thatI aw t welled to sell off any dairy stock and vouuc

balf ai.d bred stork.,a. uta 7b Lead I have had aevea die, and soote toaPiars a k, wi.k all my herd couhin. Two of atyt,--i br. t .nr. tmiute are a mm tbe dead. 1 bopI am iar ,y it tB mr We f arms farm, but it ita.l a ovtid iu. Ii there auy preveeuie? ff roaU)lrB);OTiatif-lilvw- .

1U0S. EICHARDSOX.ew Teik, Feb. 11.

Kafn.g ttiat a friend in Iu-be- couuir bad sr at f w,. u W firk, ia whiab tbia rl i esse was said

or more aa'Kiai loiiie trealea tntg In any Enc.ii n, w rpai 10 aim lor iriioraatKm. ill'l ly, for w cics he has our thanks, ia anaaiedMaan r.iiiTiHdi: la romp iaare with Toar ra.

q it 1 ;oa s rojile of sitraru from the aril-r- leo 1 .i ia ia ile'a "f'aUaulupe

fJ Mnr." 1 bereia are deamuee1 the IrmpionM ap.I'.tiu; m in- - " urm naea or tnii aueaae sodttw r'in-n- : puousd by f'rofa. Ctuoert and IDeU.fuJ. 1 i 1.' 'I t 'w aumul.ta pioaa . twof o'l. inn from amwa; mm twerrte o'har cited lieSi. Write, as ttiry Mens to bars bad tb greatestex.en , ami a Ibe--e embrace alrnoet van ttiinft la'wi be the utbtr. la i third atae. tbe riiaraa

r:ng eipnirrel paariy hopeless, I omit all refer,ecc to r, as alevall peculations as tutoe prnduuns;ttj-- n o: tbe aia'.ad , and tbs accounts of

mortm exaiciQatioiia, leat my article should' tnng f atrcu!t'l firr, or by itsl"f.tb ah mid f ubtea roru from tryicir the Terrs;'i.i.!e iinnlit) rei.i!inodr-d- . "

M. ibus deriis tbs svarptotns off yi r.i.uinouia:

Ii lis f ,;-- although U smmal m.r ar.p.ar i, fsA . trw,.. the -- e, r red sodI I'-- . - " toe pulee quickened,

' pa siUoni per mia- -): s rbarl.t. b.CK.n; and frqn.nt o..uch mar be

. ...rv-- 4 m , erg 4 .,0 oon1" P' '' ""Id s'orm,, and the e",w show,, q .r X erires t bull. 1 bu ent.na.. fnH.ten dV. w,- -, in, ,1,, jmo- .rd -, tad p.ret. Th.iks ru.tr lwi appeute aod ceeetocrew tbe

i. tit. rid, and (omeiimes bar a velUiw.i p ; tnr " frrq.ar.at at aitrbt Uaa iat i.,o-,- i,o, is tbe o..4 tbaa wbeainthe

i t r a l.i - Ii pUnu.-- and frreUr q!-a-.-i t :v io 4j rr-- p ). and the breath eery

ai ;ui tr'a ', Ui'lmi, though is aultM rani J Jiu excirl ft" to fit); a wLil plurr l.qudS. l' m Uj i on.; tht W4 of bulk fre-- a ther - raat:T .t t, and there is a aUone tea.r to i le: cif. t5 delivery of which is at-- ti

wi'hpr a- r!:!Ti ulty and ssrres U Irx rrsafie rire'fss ol I'KUkim Itunng all tbia timet rt r. rja! aiuijst coMtantlr on foot, and

:h". iu i ha.d. aeeas to abeilar itaelf from tbev i ,.d u macn aa p.wiola. If now ws pinch or pressr:. .If oo ;., jtia' tebiod ta witbi-rs- th ani.Mi ;!. o f f of pan be rbrlkm, frwia l!it i: h. r.d .r fcU !, aUojita i et.r-- 'i te'did.

il r it r J in the t su;s 0?t!. a f. ia I.t M blaj.d, r

' li tbr rntl-- s eejeirst.jo uf tis salmall ttead(

a short allowance uf fMJ, bleedine, mbSipj; w ith adrr woolen cloth, ai d tba administration of onedrat'bm of tartar emetic in a pint of warm water; thebleedine; to ba d tea ar three times if tbersis bo iniproverneiit in the pule ard rfpi ration. Hesis ad rises the Bsc of s diet dm krt decocrkm ofbsriee. to which is addtd I tmands (aroirdapois) ofsulpbats of sods in tiht quarts if the

envea ia dVnea of or.e quart tvery three hourr;the in)rrjoB of four clysters each d.y, formed of adeencuua of marah mal ow and liQared, and tbe

of emollient fumigations lienrath tbe s.

This treat sent to rontiuued through tbeArst perird of the direjiw (three or four diva)

"la tha seeoad staae, eina tha appetite is aron.tbe arHiomea swflllrn. the ill quick ard unall,the e best painful to tbe tou- h, ai d tbe briathincplaintive, tbe bldedm be reputed everyt or tLne dayt, rot iw( in ir ih.n f.nir or fiveprandof blad each tie ; l.wlwr : lt besubatitatad rVar the em. . and the f sbouid Im

mors lileral and of iln kind di d lh.i.h,tbe other applications lo lie continual aa lielore."

I ba sTniom! ss dculicd by M. Chain rt are afollows:

lst Bluer. II, ad i'ern.Kd. muznl- - --Mii?hatdry eyes ceaTy, il . hard, quic s- d insular;Banks eliiflllv bravin ; awn n ird t.na'.u no-- tarard boms ratbrr h. t; a . I er-m:- ; duneblack acd lard, unn thai., t h aid hutrarely voided; th anioixl l. l ' ai pen andstreottb, but frrla C'il thir-t- , ai ii b.is a short drycoui;b, at limes strong and frq'ici t.

'2d slsee. iTres e of all the j.t'e symplini-ir-

extreme eenmliilry of tbe ,.in iivi romprrs"!.ensshmg " the tejth, S'.d fimin;ti n 4 tbe .

I he animal can lea it i lra-- mi rr'; t he erra are cli.teriig and watery; Ibe pul vry quKl; tbirjt

mouth dry and very ; Lrraih bumipj::niS7.il drr; tha tioet:il pamodKaiT contractedand tteir inner earface r tiim d, while a rt'ldishmatter mixed with amall clot o lilo a I forrtdfrom tbem aad from tLe nioul h. J he uifaie of thebortT at time 1 very hot, ard tin a ai 1 squallytold; this beat is ofira I.) oni ma t f theliodv. lbs Hanks are ax Hat d; (Uccuiicb ii etrnic,orteu times contiOBoua, vlutinate ard umUivi ;

tbe ainmal seldom or never lie dowp, and in somecases an exienur and moveable tumor ai parsonlbs Bicfc or elbow. I be ot this ta- -

mor internally, or tae ahaerc of the con.h n tbepresence of tbs other rymptimis a sin v(

btrg death."Treatment durirc 'b firat periitl, Trom mended

by l. (Jbabert: B'eed at tba juralar, if the pul-- e

u etroo. bard, and full, rut o- - her aire. VI hi a tbeoulae ha moderated, apolr s bliaier on escb aids ofI'M chest, and afterwards rub tbe tumors tbui rai .dwith baailicoa ointment animated with cauiharides.Give twice a day aieaiteric drinks composed of annfuioa of jumper berries, ammonia, and rerurian

bark; tzargies of a swee'eutd dronclijn f barley,warm r:yaters, fumiiraiioos of viaeiar directed uptba aurtril, flentv U rubbing, aod tba use ofooTeric,;.

"second peti-xJ- : P'eed as above, apply veryatroce blister m tbe cbet, administer dre'cbes ofaa lufuion of jun rrar Iierrres, amollirnt clrsters,nitrated drinka. and rarles. If tha annual is fee-

ble, (ire tha alexiteiicdauks as above."M aether i cju'sious or sit is

S diaputed poim: judme from tbe aniouut ri rd inhis book. il. taeiie that, iu iia wort form,it iv At any ram, the veterinarws all adi-ia- tbeimmediate and eotire tejratirn of tba diaessedfrom the neejiby animals, tbat tbe ttab'ei aaoold betbonejcblT cleanead, sired, snd didinfecUd, and thatall tb ar.imal sbcu'.d be we J UruKbed sad kept ona biw diet, lbs tskisf of a fairqaaiititT of blood.and the inatruoa of a seUin is the brisket, tbs Upehaving beea pre iuusly dipped ia turpenlias andtbea rolled in poadered canibsrides, is al o recotn- -Benaea as a preaereaUwY measure. w , t .. f.

f ebraary 14, X858. Co. titnl

Th FrttMnnri Itrt.rrxi-- or Warr r xdWatkjit Food ox Yoio Stock. Tbers is toelittle atteorioB paid to the feed ins of eoune: stock.and ws Cad frequently tbat many valuable animalsare lost from diaeaass of ibe bowels, which art efrom ao known eaaae. A fretx-- writer totices thisfact, aad observes that the t f nourishingmatters is in prrmortiee. to tbe enercr of tba dizea- -

tira paaaaues. aad if the dilative erarn are relaxedby an axceis of drink, or by fix4 that containsmors water than the l need , then there is atoaa ot growi h, and aljo a loss of time.

Aaisnals dnnk only when they ana thirsty, andtheir own instinct is tb best rule: bat tbe icnarantfeeder frequently endeavorifp fjroe more water ijtotbe young animal thm it needs t.y mixing the foodwhich it likes with water, snd thus exciting it touruia more wan ii neeas. i; miy I noticed t fiat aa. real numlier of eery good cows, wbirh pive a lar,;eqsantity of aiilk. are pour nurses, srd aeld; m havetnnfiT calres. Tbe reaaon of tbia may be found inthe fart t ist the clf w'aii i dt'perjdi upon sui-- acw a as siawauowa iar,re quantity of waier inwhich tbera is liltl cutritnent, befor it can obtainenough to satisfy its sppetite. Ths notri'ive rr. afterOoau on sucb a larfc-- e qnactity of water, tbat it can-not be aaalnii stid. aad the water itaelf relaxss andloosen the alimentary chanael ao that l hey performtheir function imperfectly. The calf cooae.ien lyremaj-i- s poor, iu muscular at item ii not filled ou',andwhilit i spsnnch H f 'I. in boors ars strikingthmmrh its skin in every direction.

Toe csuae of this stale is eaeuv explained. Tbeetomach snd tbs alimentary nnsl are rlilsttd undertoe pre-- u re ot the msss of food which haa teaawalluwed, and thsy crowd His ; conutq iently

we(nraiirj urgaaa cannot no nueo, ana are coa- -s 'rained in tbev acaun, tbe ti'it are bowed out under tb weL-- of ths intestines, tbe cheat cannot He.velop its-l- f, and the bres remains narrow andbadly shaped. Tbe young animal thui rei led is al-ways defective. A calf will seldom be seen todrink if allowed to suckle a cow that is a good,milker, even w here it is fed crashed grain or wealof any kind, though water should be kept witliia itsreach ia our hot. drr climate.

It may be re award timt calm are sometimessui'ject to a diarrhea or arxmra in the 3iinc; thi" ia eoirir irom ids waiery nature o. tbe lojd onwhich tbrir dims are fed; for at this time tha young

and clover contain a very lara prooriion otwat-- r, and, to obtain tbe aalri'ment required, a vastquantity of water has to be swallowed. The reme--

- .,n " ,uc'1 ce e,r drior 'ot-- and o"swhich is mors nourishing ia proportion to its bulk.

Amonc-- t bogs ths effect of this treatment is verypercer t,ble, and, if we gi into slmo any barnyardat th present tune, tb Ii of voumr ri.awillhe found in i ilifpi which, shoes that they harebeea improperly fed Whil-- t tbe young pins arewith tbe sow, ard she is fed reasonably wll, thspirt are atraiiiht on tbs back, n.nod, with bodissaim noai-- wen pr.poruoneo; l.ut, ss soon ss thevarc taken from tb'-i- dam. tber sr f, d tha awill anddih-wai- of the bouse, which rontam a rrrurge proportion of water, aod Ih least possibleqnaniity of solid food: the immediate cooseqnsnceaere, tbat tbe t tbe pig bloats oat acd hm- -down, th muscle of the hips and shoulders dio- -O'e away, tn Bead kk aa though it were too largeto bs rarried around with convenience or ease to theanimal: tba neck fades into a bundls of tendonswithout ary mum Is or 111-- ; Ih cbeet becomes Bar-row and iaan, and the tieck ii bumped up. W s arevery rnre that our readers ai 1 le able to see anyquantity of tbia kind of ai.imaLt in tbeir neighbor-hood, and, w herever tbey are, let tbera be put dowaspecimens of the effect i of too much water snd tooliul food. A pig once let down in this wsv for twomonths of tba tiuis when be shmld bs growing Isa decid-- d los to tbe breeder, for not only baa heuA all tbs time and food tbat tba animal has

aswd ap. tt it will take a larce quantity offood aad time to bring tbe arimal "backinto a condition and shape that will fit bits to maketba most ef tbe food on wbich be is to be fattemdfur market. Feeders should besr i a mind that water is not food, though Bccesasry tj ensble the ani-mal to convert food mto pork or beef.

CinFjt to Soothe a Sow a Nravrs. .1essrs.Lit art tSoeing an irquiry in tha Oubtry OatiUe-ms- o

a few weoks since, for eomt way to preventbogs from killing tliei' pta when rou'tur. and aloaa answer to that . reminds m of a math.od of one of my neigbiiors, a ha has uei it for asung una. He baa lieea o'ie cf tbe most succeiafulbreeder Itrerknew. Jlekseii s breedinir aowmo of tba tone, and rGraiir routes two litterof piga io a jear, yet be tel.oiii or never haa onehiliwi by the row exoej.t by aecidKt. Ths prioci-l1- -

that be relits lied. U tbe same aa tbrt nuntma.ed by ana e your eorrenpir dents, vis , the intoxicating principle; out instead cf uaitg ardent spiritshe uses hard cider, la but experi.ncs h has ilvriably found this to bars tbe deai-ei- l fft ia

tba anw and making her fcettl and peaceali'e.Variy of his sows lj rot show diipo. i:ion ta y

tbeir young, and threfore do not ued lha naof any preventive', but, when tms exhibits this dit- -piaiiaiai, be adiaiuiatcri tbs c.der.

ii'S metb-i- of giving H to tbem it siniblT to nourit into tbe from which tbey eat, w'hen theywill generally d Irk i; but if tbey do not incline totake il, be sprinkles ao it a little weal, wbea theynever i all u eat a i mat ne warn them to. Hibu:!t gives alKiut four quarts of tider f.jr a due..a id if that quantity does not bare ihe effect,ha eontiuaes to fetd more cidr until the now brcomtssufticiantly intoxicated to ba quiet. He uses cidiTra preference to rpinis, becauae be alwav bas tbacider in hi cellar when it is wanted, and tbe spiritsare wot alwaya to be had w ithout so ore trouble w benwanted: and also it is lees trouble to give a sufficientqaan.iiy of cider than of tbe spirits. At tb prwseotuna, 1 thick that a auil etrongtr reason muht hagives for a.'ing cider instead v( Siiriu, and that I,mei in im rvm q ianiny ot good Cider a personwould bs likely to.et mors slcobol than in tbe vari.aos snraarsrau witrturtt which are sold alwut ihe cone,try snder ths name of "ardent spirits "

la connection wi:h tbe above, I will mention or.ething ia this man's msnagemeut of bis sows. IIthinks it i of great importance and benefit in raisingpigs, to have bis sows so treated that tbey will liegentle and tracts Sli ; and bispitrathtt he desi,rr.sfor breeders he croi!nencs banllt.g at sn ea'r'vae, and, by tb time tbry are old er.pu-- h to havepig--

, Urey are ss gentle ard wi!t allow him te handlenia aa wen aa ins horses or ris ro.

1 hie method of manaa-in- I think ia tber irrattone, 1x4 only ia swine but iu 1! other domestic ari- -niab; and if It were mors generally acted opoa avast aia mat of treaible and veja.ion wonli Imsaved. C. T. Ai.vomi. W ilminirinr. Vt.

Onnttry OcnlU wit.

Hoo Chiiuki. A gei.ileoian from Silulniiir- -f.itmj as that toe bog cholera ia raging with greitfttali'y in tbe n.ii:bb-rooo- of aiubrla. in tbucouuly. lis gave vat! nurori of some eight ortea persons M have suirered I ie bogs whichhsve rtird were all raisrd ia tbe tieigb'iorbocd. afact which proves tbe correctness of Mr. Camptieil'sojlni 'tis expreasrd some tiui! tinoe iu our ojluinns,that the dunaee ia mtngoM. 1 he tar and turper-ti-

r niedv I.S4 lieen uaed with soma surresa, al.though Duthirgbas proved of much elhcf.cy. Num-bers of the farmers havs knit lartrrly snd will hsveto boy their owa ymillpki4rl.ie JUerrmy.

Ta th EtUtnrt of Ms Ijmumlit Journal:EtrYvii4.r, Kr., Sept. Ti, WS.

Gs.iKTt.rHEK: Seeing in vrur paper of tbe 2th oflaat ennntb a notice of large corn grown Bear l?

I have taken the tf you forthe purfoas of enlightening jour nor. hen teadr.rswun what we, in the suulbera part or tbe Mute, cand i in corn rai.orc. Tour cotreepoodemt states thatfour ears weighed, in the sg(rrcte, four pound sndfourteen ouoAea. If that ia th'.-i- best, we, in I.vonco unty, caa beet them.

I"est Novmlier, w ben te corn fn, ard livinggilbert d, the sons W. B Machen, wi, --e farm iaoa tb north side of tddi vill., and k. C. 1 bonih-sun- ,

adjo'ning oa tbe south, lijn'eml eaih other toproduce tbeir lieat corn. Tbey lnoucht twelve eeraajiiece, each of which weighed from If o 1 j'painds. One ear from the fann of T ank Macfienia this vkinity weighed 2' pound. Av, r.ie cropst CO n will be rstd in thie neiblen-noo- tbis year.

Tours, e.,

Xrw Tork, Oct. 5.

ElmunH Bums and pjU'i.k Tracy, who werewwundrd during a riot on Surday n'nht at th

l.taa Garden, at lorkvilla, diad laet nigbt ofthe eroands. Mich I Culliijan was irsunlly killedhy a stab infl ced at the same tim. Tbe police ar.red nineiaea rioters, who are Italians.

1 ne girl reecued bv the 'itarina from the wreckof tie Austria, was Sopl-i- f oaner.

Th steamer Woes Taylor, hsvirg met with aslight sec d int to her m;hirerr, which coald hsvslieen repaired in a brief period, tba barsthought heat to aend tbe steamer St. L rtiis" in herplat. Tb will leave with tb California mailsar.dpassecrs on Tbursday.

CFATIttM, C. W., fct. 5.The greeted excitement has Iwea created here ia

consequenos of legal iroceeirf liemg uudertnksaaj air.et a body of agr.s fjr su'ruumling a traiaof tsrt oa tbe Great. Wrsiem rji'?y ar.dforcibly tt.ereff.im a ntfo rervarr H V.pinp' ta.Mr.Merl.n. a plm'tr of &t. Loui. u of iki- - o

ra bound ir f ir tnal at iL r4tjt .,lha negrs was taken jku.t b.i cs6 brgetit u.tisatis.

Cf Tb glorious stranger now eisibla in thsheavens naa oeea aaurewjea ia ao nner OT lortierwords than tbese:

IFor th Looisi-il- l Journal.THE COMET.

Vision of splendor!Pale as the shade

Th woman of EndorFrnm darkaew arrared,

Tel bright as the sabreThst Halsdia swr pt,

Wbea hie records of Uh- -r

I a ranua were kept.

A era - we heboid theeIs fudneas of power!

niabt hath enrolled theeHer wstrh of the hour,

A- - ralia ta Oly rlorr1J raven pathwar is bred,

iur hearts thrill before thee.Thou hi raid of Und!

Plumed ka the anfelaWhen love whig their High,

And their bol eranavlAre chanted la lbjht.

t,r when, in dcefi wailirs,Tber droop to the earth.

And their white winfa are traitlnctrrm in drarth.

on the beav-- n

A banner of nameTo strike the unak riven

Whh tenor and shain,l aat, yet so alendr!

Wan ret so h. ipht!Vision of spleudor,

Tha Teet-- i our si'tt!PrrrsaoSl, Oct S.

Tite DesTwrrrios or the New York C.tstai.rsLAra. Tbe desiructkm cf tbe Crvslal Tulace atNsw Yolk was mentioned in ths dispatches published yeeterdsv. From tbe dirpatch yesterday it appears thst the exhibitiuB of the Mechanic' Institutewas in progress at th tim in the Palace, and thatnothing was saved, lha loss is estimated at amillion snd a half. Seme of tb snides destroyedcannot bs replaced. Tba building cost 700,01 ).

A large quantity of statuary, etc., remained in thePalace since tbe World's Fair, stnoog which was thU:orz9 Amazon, bv Kiss, co. ting $2.MK. The cityrecsutly took forcible ponesrkm of tha falser, attb tin? in tb band of tbe assignees, and leased itto the American Institute. Tbe Palace stockholderswill now probably sue tha city for ths value of thebuilding.

CiTCapt. To n end, of tbe slaver Fx be, who basbeen undergoing sn exsminatioa at DjMoq lor sumstime, bas been fully commiUed fir piracy. Iliatrial will taks plsce liefor the Circuit Ccurt, oithelith of Octolr. A new complaint has been enttrtdagaio hiin for mit demeanor, which suhjucti l im toa tin of from f 1,000 to fi.OOO, and imprisonmentfor from three to seven years.

Kkadt-Maii- e CboTiusu. Mr. Strsus, corner of

Market and Firtt, bas a large and well selectedstock of fall and winter clothing, which be sells

a holes and retail. Mr. 8. is a reliable tnd clevergentleman, acd invariably gives satisfaction tothose who patroni-- hi in.

Ths. SrAMsH Mission Oirrnsi) to Mr. Pkfs--

tos It will ! seen from one of our Waibiatjlondirpatcbee that tb mission to Spain has been ten-

dered to Hon. Wnw Preston, of tbis city, but thatat the last advices he bsd not signifitd his accept- -

aace cf the asms.

Looofoco Octrages ix Cincisxati. ThaDemocratic organs all thr' ujh the country maV aterrible outcry sbout every ay mptom of violencewhich they can find a pretext for ascribing to anymember or members of the American party ii New

Orleans, Louisville, or Baltimore, but we are notlikely to bear anything from them in reg ir J te such

murderous Ixjcofoco outrages as are recorded in tbsul'j lined paragraph from ths Cincinnati Times tfMonday:

Lucas, the poor Gerr-a- who wai etab1 in the door ofhi ua a h wise laM week., for ehontius lor Katler, died at9 Q cloca una aaornioc. 1 lie eirculataca ol tlie iai ul bdeath caayf a nrot-u- reurion ihrouirhout the eitv.U a terrible Uiins thai aa inonVnrive Uiau aliould he mur-dered ia hit ova deor lor exurciaiiMt a rvlil rerer beioreduo led an? man. and well mar the cemuiuuitr be atarticdlie ihe fact, I he (TfrwiM, wi uoderetaud, hi4dins thatue lea uiaxrj r. aa ae aaan ' eui ia, uar taaa cuarge ot tlieesrjer.

A" the Thirteenth ward delegation was peinr tlieSivtb and Vine laar ereuiurt thev romniLuid aaotii-rae- e

wbich nearlr reaolied ia a not- It seem that a ladot areiut Ihtrwwa rew ot see, n of ar. 11. T d man,waa aiaadiua ea th carbatone. and as the trorMioa aapo ni cheered for Keealer. At that a ato.it, a

reabed Irera Ui ranka and knocked tlie h..y(lown with a tnintervDrr, and fieadiniiiy comnieucrdkirk i or him whes hr was down.

Mr. John Leourd, a a einaa, ran 1 the reeeiie of thebv. this be waa villi a aluuciot. Thoar in theproerwi tbea mmmeneed aaindieciuiinatooe.aiichtiip.oo uie ovtanner. iwrerai were soora.n sue taptrv!. I il.heera arr and Keta r arrived ea tlie. croand and iii-- edtrie dirtiiibtrKM. Tlioiurh their lives were thrrate-ned- .

tliev walked i"to the pr.M ion and trrrrt-- d the man rmhad awlKd t.ie bor. Conspftrniia in tlie dirturbanee waalirvadier General .Sa'guut, who rand aud eurstdlikeamadman.

Thoe eatrasra are beeminf aa frequent aa ItontoeratieprvciTsteus I li"y will not be aolrrated nioro to'iftr,


li'sy tke A uafres aw Btimed to Qiucily. It is eng.

by th New York TribuDS Ibst so excess,rather tfasn a lack cf water, occasioned the rapidspread cf tbe flames on tb steamer Austria. Theburning ttr, instead of being exlinguiihd by tbabuckets full of water thrown urjon it, d mted upon

ths surface to all patts of the vessel.La ly Killed by a Canmm &.!. A i the officers of

tb U. S. Arsenal at Frsnkford, Penn., were teitint-- ,

on Tbarsday last, a mortar loaded w ith an came of

powder ends twenty four pound bait, Mrs. I'lft,tha wif of ths Superintendent of the Arsenal, pa ab-

ed within range at a distance of alicut one tncdredyards jast as tba piece was discharged, sod akillid.

ft is mentioned in a Tenn-si- ee fuper lb tt T ihertJ. killed Philip B. Do; le st Bra' - s Land,inc, on tbs Tsnneeee tiver, on the 2th ul'., andthat Doberty fljd. Wi learned of this aff.ir listweek, bat our informant stated that Dj'ierly com-

mitted tbs act id self defence.Two Naihiille editor hsve beea required to enter

into botd each ia 3,000 to keep tbe peace, a fc'wule

meeting being about to take place between them.Tbeir Games ars not given.

Maine. Tbe Kennebec Journal, of Siturdar, cntaias tb complete official returns cf tbe recent elec-

tion. Gov. Morrill's majority is 8,812.

Both th doubtful Congressional Litrict s provsCepublicsn. Foster's majority in the Ninth bting137, and French's in tba Third Iwing 59. Tliii uiskestlie delegation unanimous. The Legi. lature standc:

eaue 31 Republicans. Home 103 lit paMicane, 3

Democrats.Sh.i bf a On Friday last Mr. M chwl Grs- -

cer, keeper of tbe Arkansas Hotel st Nip Jeon, dis-

charged one of bis waiters, a boy of thirteen. Atnight, beirg in liquor, be sought the hoy ard

whipping b ra, when the boy diew a pisUiland shot him in ibe aixiomen, k'lling him instantly.

POINTS OF TliK tNULIMl TREATY.IFrai the North China Herald

W have received from a re'itMe lource thesummary cf tbs mcst iin porta t.t points if the

Treaty which was signed at Tien-u- ii on the 2G b

alt , by llii Excellency tba Earl of Elin and tbsImiierial Commissioners andand which has since received tbe ratilicstion of tbaEmperor. Tlie treaty contains hrtr-ni- x articler:

Article 1. Contains tlie Trnatr of Pea e at Nankinv. andahrr.-ate- tiie Supplementary Ireatr and Uenrral Kerala.SUM.

Art. 1. ProvHea for the optional eirpolntment of Ch).aw and liritiah Miniaten at tha Court of I ekina and H .

Jam's.Art. t. Contains provisions wit resietl to the perms nent

retabli'tirnent ef the Untiah Ministr at Piking, hia fa uiiyand eiiilr.

Art. 4. Makes prorleioa far tlie trarelinr, poidsl, andAier rrranip-ment- of the Minister.Art. k. 1 lie Hritl a Miuh4N to traoaan hu ioaaa with Zrr.

retary of mate on footing- ef equably.Art. . 1 he same privileges accorded to Chinese Minister

rn lyondon.Art. I. ProrMoa with refereuoa to Ceasuls aod Uoir of.

ftcial rauk.Ait. . fhrlsrtaiitr, whether Pmteetant or Itomae Cath-

olic, e he tolerated, and it professors protected UiroiiKhoutto Uiipir. .

Art. . Britih h.lers r he permit ted tn travel for pleas,are or trade to all uarta of tue Interior amurenients withreelect to paaite.r.a aod eitjee in the hanitpot

A". IS. Clunklans to be open o trade within a .car fromtbe auraiucnf the treatr, and Mire other portion the

as far aa Ilankaw to lieepeuel on the enic a. ionol iteehoiea Iiy tlie ruoeli..

Art 11. The port ol fVanrhunsi. Tanr- -ehow(Oolf ef perh'hl, Tai-- a ah ( t'uruioaa). riaa'ow.ai'dKiuna-cuc- tliainan), to bs u Lie nod in auaition tu tuearutporte.

Art m. i ann ionerena oy as Anglos. ntnerernmmts-idoi- ia piminted lor the pnrjoae.

Art. !. Kevi.ioa of Tariff to be derennlil.art m. Aa orhcial dVclarauoa nf tbe suionnt of traneit

duiiea at iulaod nitoin-lioiii- to lie Hihlih--- Inlnrll-- and t'biuee. The Hntteh nterrlinnt. however, hiIn-- a wd. i he comuiuW the trali-i- t diiei at anart roorrm rae.

n stm. Kediwiloo of tonnace and a fo.ir monthmtitiraie ti veenel encared coasting trade.

Art. rVi. nfhetal io he lor lli fulnrr eon.is on th irt of riujrllrh orhrulp o re ar.

mpam d hy a I 'hmeae veratoa for the present aud to hethe text.

Art. l. Tlie ekararrer I (barbarian) Io be mtpiirrer' d iulumaa" ofh'nal doruiDent.Art. t:. rtntwh anirw-- war to vl.it snr port in th Ym- -

pire. Th romitiamlcra to he treated ou leruia ofby t 'hi near orb:ial.

Art. sk Meaaures to re concert d Iur tlie sunireeaioo or

Art.ftt. FsTnred nation rlaaae.Art fi. I ondiriona atfirtiiis the Canlun iudcmnitr quer.

ti.m. to be rlared in a eeparaie artiele.Art. Sri. KaUhoaUoB to he exebaued within tlie year.

IliSTv, t 6.The siesm Uip Niagira, frr Halifax and Livrr-riai-

sailrd at noon with seventy passengers and102.sJ0in specie.

Sr. Lm-is- , Oct 6.Tbe Salt Lake mail, a ith dates to ths 11th tilU,

ar ived st St. Joerih ou Ibe 1st. Political uiattetsn ere quiet. I ks California Silt lks mail wasr"bl)td by the Indians of Carsoti Valley. Mr. Fur-n'-

Snpenntendnnt of Indian Aft' airs, was prepar-ing to leave Silt lke City for Carson Valley.

Nfcw Yohk, (Motier fi.

Tba exsniinaUon of the mate snd crew of thes'sver llaide ccwntenced vesterday before

White. Tbe affidavit on which the prisoners were arretted Mates that the Haidee receivedon the coast cf Africa npward of eleven hundredpngroe. cf whom two hundred died on the passage.Ibe llai'lre was a small clipper fcbip, pinner I v

owned st Providence. She was eold list year t al'ortngue.a hans at ftporto and smied hence stHnarerwards fur thst

Sew Tork, Oct. ti.

Ilob't Canning Broan, an Englishman, emWtdas a clerk by tbe London andLiveri ool InsuranceCo., bas been arrebud oa a charge oftbat inatitu'ion uf a large amount.

1PrMtfM AUIIItri.Tt Kkt. IMPLF.MfVTiSI'aiei.t nraw and Cutter,

hranet-ra- l and I' oee.Chinese Mii.ar-- ane M'll :

A Wise euck f liowa, llarruwa.t W keelliarrnwa, i

and rvere deeirald iiiipleui'fit, larae and email f rtbe tarro, the oi chard, and f' aaidi'ii. l,ard-- andtiiae freiih aud reutiiu- - at who rasle and retail,drd-- r. rillrd with dieewrrh.

ueaaeut by on applirat on.PKIf.K HI t MANAN.

ortdw 4M Main Loul-v- k. hy.


till Mala St.. bet. Third and Fourth,LOIISVI LLf.. K . octldAw


flKI VSToNE 3d It's Uriuist.iis ani Fluur Sblpbsrl iur eel Uf

a. 4 dAw U lr. IIF. ISO FR e CO.

wji.vitch fNirr- -O iu fi.au tiari.'tt'i In I

lmiluT.-- do and Uoni, sin rapT. lor iaic nytl t LiMl'fcKKKiir h a u.

JJFn LE-- ANT1 LITHlEtat-t- u ken illilLi facl.j

srts'aiTw" LI.fUENBtBlll ft 4 V- -

decisions or AFPtALS OFtJJnYiVkvf . r,-.-;i- r,,i ra r llnr.

tan. Attorney ml Lav, Frankfort, JCy.

FaaKKrosT, Oct k.

ravsKS ir.cipn.Kennedv vs Covinrton cftr, Kenton; affirmed.Irordon's heir ra CVord i.lltj-- ry; revetaed.Vtunihr vs (roldwr. Keolon:Lee v Gray et al., aVoutoti; rcrerwd.

oaprata.IlKkav. Powell:Phipiera Fi eTn. Co.;I.enha and wife ve Kr. Mutual In. Co.;I hamlier vs Keen et alMilievei IliuaA (irav;

adm'r vr Sun ad. CoSard. et at: were argued.AVilhamwn vs Wil lani'ou, waa armied in lairtt outer va Thomaa, i inkm and mandate modified and

tbe iDiiiioa for nbuai iu uverruli-d-

Ae., vs. Johnvin. From Henderson circuit.Hi the loth section ef the art inrorporating the city of

acia Kk-- 'l p. .i. two rem. dire are pro.idiJ lor rt. e to private propi rf y wlm h mar

from in.pr.ivrnienteto tlie etreeu. alleys, market place,df.. within tlie city, f'lmt. When Ibe private pmperty ofaur pertain mar fie lakcuorndhr theorrler.if lliM umd lor trevta, alleys, or ollwr puli'ir iinprove-iient- i.

ur where the grouudi. buildings, or othir proertyhall h.- re.iiired "as a r maeijiienee of rarj- mi; out theawnd oriliiiannea rf tlie riti ." aw h 0 hail be paid.iuKti'iiuipeumiina iherrlor out nf tht City Tretuvrvhe dmss.-- lo be aaeem d el hi r by a prureeding before

he Comity J ud ce, aa prrerribed by tbe art, or by an ordi-ir- ranion in the Clmiii Coint of tbe countr. Secondly,

the Mayor aud toancil of the cilv aha'l be aunty ufm aha ol their power in makinc anv nu.h iuipruve-iien-or in dnini; anr oilier art, or ehall he guiltv of.. neirtei-t- . thei he prramtaU u liable for the con- -

eelieui-eo- l auch ahil-a- ot power, or id audi grow U' lTlict.ar'lon a- hroiiL-li- t bv the annellee .Inhiiuin

tb- -i ily ot tlie pe'snu eoniuona Ihe Uv.vud ounril iu tin ir individual rapacity, anda'ro agailiiher whoenrrnted the wort of. Theetition all. re iu eiilxtanee that the plaiutn waar and iwiiim r id a horn aud lot oa Hie rorner of M.ia

and Lint eroiw tm t. iu Ihe city nf lleudemoo; tliat. bynyanuniiTui uie Maiorand Coun.ll. IiM cio. etn-e-

- ad and improv. d. and tuat tlie work war done intirl a maSPer sa lo throw larce uiianti'toa of wator on tha

'da'n'lfl' lot. in eoneeiueriee uf w lM h h i hou: audin tiineaof nood. were eo bv tbe wa-- u

raetoeut off all Iliat in rardru haah en destroyed and Uie h'alib ol hie family iuiiaired, Ac.;for w hi..U he riaim. damngw, ore, attune imteer ortie;lerton the iianol ihe Msy- -r and CvuncU iu connec-tion a i.a una uuiruveiuent i alleged.

All Uia defendant to this petition excel. Ihe city de-murred aud the dei tim-- wa suataiued.

The plaiuutT then tiled an amended petiiiow, in whichhe alleae eui.elauiially that the de endante, who wire theMayor and Counrii of the city, were auiitv of rrreaa nv-W-m lading lo keep op. a eeiuin valleva or ruiu-r-which had beeuronamiiied for the uf emdnctiiigHie wauv from above the plniutitf a lot to the river- ihatiliey tranrrndt d their authority in letting the contract

r buprovius I iiei cro-- e street, and Hint they were guiltyof rroas netiltct in having the work performed undT lliei'r

wh r- - by he ha. auiaini-- damage. AreThe deleiidanteohjerbd to the tiling ot liiaaim-pdinn-t

hiu ttieir oli.iertion was overrull. A trial au had. whi'hreenited in a verdict and vndgiueut again t thelor lit, to reverse wbirhthey prenecmed thUapiHal

Vareuia qiieetiona were presented lor the ouridHrationof the court, but theonli one a ed nHn av, wlvtherthere waa a minj linder of ranaea of action oeraisoned bytire hliugof the amended If en. waa tbia

properly ol ec'ed to in the court br ow?.lurtge l delivered theonton of the tk.art.H 'ld. It U pif--i tly clear that the oiiguial andsmetid-- eI petition each a t forth a dwliurt caun- nf acUou. If ot ie uueetioa arl ea whether rarh uf thn ru-e- , i f actionaffect all the parties to the action. 1 rau no donhtihat theril) ol lleuderioli. under eliarler, ie only lialde

for intiiriea aod damagr-aa- mar reeuitlo the t.. rtr holders Irion the rarrviug ont of Ihe lawnand ordinance ol the cl y in lo the. roiiiru-tio-o tlie pnhlK linprnvementa aii'lmr'aed hv Hie charierForth arlaai of iniurie. His Mayor and C, um ii and allother municipal rfhorre.in their iudiiidilai eaiiacitr, raulo ver he to liability. Thev aie liable, and onlyliable in eaee uf grow uegllgeoce and nf almne of p .aer.and, iu ibe latter rlaasof ca-- the cilv. in ita roriratocaKudiv. re certainly rxcnii from nvin.biliti : to thatthe liahilitr ef each parte la nreeaurilr rtrlu-iv- s linteven U it were concede i that a caw ef joint liability a ighlariee iu aorne pnmble nonliuaeucy, it n clear that no aurbaae - preeented bv theurunual or amended peipioa here.

Tlie iuiury set ont iu the nnirinal petition waa innirv forwhich theritr i exchieivrly liable, and Uiat irl nut iu theamewnee renins u an injury lor whiehilie MarorandOuuril are rxrluaividy liable. It follow, thatthe two of action do not all the parii. a, audwere, aeroiuiug io wrciloa 111 OI IUC LIV1I CoUe, linproper.ly joined.

Il - tnr that, br sertions IIS and 113 of the Ci'il Code,ail objection to a nuoouider nt rauae f aeiion ar.. ri.vrn.ed to b waii-e- uiilnea. b'.fore dejente.. di fenriaut moveto sfnte or of the jietitun anv caua-- ul anion improperU juiced with oth.ra lint w here, a in ti.tr arUuii. th- -

mieiuinder aid not occur uutil ihe a neuded iw iit ou wannie i, me appropner- - nione io m ige tn objectionohe-c- l to the nung of Uie amended ietitio'l. A uiotioa toatnke out in euro eaae would tie absurd.

Jndirnient reveiw l, with to sus'ain the obji-c-

non io tue ni ng tue aiueuaea pcu ion, and lor a uewraLLjnn v. from Ilonklns

I href JuMii-- tmiaain delivered thi opinion of teeourtIlKLD la tin- caeeof llord vs. liord, oi"..4 11 Mon ,

It wa decided that a deiMl exeruled hy hush.iud and wife.uaunnrnug wi n.e loan lor ineir Ultervet Ithealaveaof the wife, waa not authorized branr of tlistatute prencritiicg tlie mode in wh ch were to besxecuuii uy uurtiauii ami wire, ana ttiereioru was not obli-gatory upon the wife. The hitutos whicb authorized

aed wife tn exicuiv deed of conveyance w.iv deci-ded le relate exclusively to real estate, aud nit to apiuy toslaves or perennalty. Aienrdmg lo the d.itrineby tliat caee. tlie deed wl kh the executed i cou- -luuctiou witn ner buauaua to imuiev and livi formobstacle lo her recovi ry io this case, so far as the slaves ine nitroveray are unlosi tbe sale mailt-h- herhiobaod opmatoa tu defeat her r tyht to tbem by survivor- -

snip.Hinee the decision of tire ease of Thomaa ve. Kevin

B. Mon., tha doctrine renognised hy thu Court on llieHimect of in transfer by uie hniiiaud of the wde'a re.ver ijnarr Interest in alava ia, that auch tranter, althoughlor a valuahls eonsideratiori, does t have tire oldWeatiDg her rurht hr urutiionhip. Is the biregoiug eaeeOf llord ra. Hord, the Court said tliat th gratiiee of the

aeipiired all the biterest of the husband, hut betook it subject to the wife' equity, and also to her riuht oleiiuiiiiuusiiip. iu ine ra-- or i ri(;ni a. Amoirt. u bMonroe, h.", the lnit In comiueoliug uimn the inHie ca- ol llord vs. Ilo'd. mnivde that d etrine to lie cor.reet. ana reeorulze toe dtliiteimn between anhy the hiiHtuind ih such ot hi- - wfe'a rim a tn a aresnrceptdde of hidog ininiedhh lv reduced bit,, iosae.ios,end of her rhoei- in ar.ti,,u. Qr inter-- ! inslaves or other personally wliii-- rannot be to

by the hubiind 'I he siie siidtrsn-fe- r of thet r.aer nv rn tintrhiua a vnlualde willcietste Ui defeat the wife's bv snrvivorhiii, but atran-t- i r of the lat'ir sill not hsve tliat etfe t.

1 he rightof the hdaoaud tn lite revenu.ma- v interest oftlie wile in slave Belonging to her pimr to her marriaze orarmitng during roverture, is nn ivly a right to obtain the

ot me penod arnrea at which thewile is entitled tu their pooe.ni. u, and if he die in themeantime, leaving Ins wife "iirv iving him. hi. ri uand toe right of tbe wife rake etfeet by survivorship. Tbeaasign- e uf ibe for a valuable

Uieehanca ol the hu band outliving Uie wile, o. ofihe r.Ti..i,r iuterest. faliiug inlo durinaUie rorerlure. Thie is all that he aoiuire hy hi pnrrhase.ana u me nu'itanu ate ueiure uie wile, and ths peliod imvioi wliirh the wife U euiitl d to the poeiuiutot the slave-- , the right survive to the wito, and the i

does not obtain anything by bis putehase. This,we thin , is trie e, rrvct dnctnne and it i sal tained brainm-i- all ne moo em aultiniratTi! ou the sulii et

Tue riht of the w i.e, in tins ra-- - i rlear. un- -

lei ne na- - done onre act bv w inrb alie la preelud-- fronher clans in a nmrt ot Iu thu case o

Hord vs ll'Td. il waedei idi d that (lie deed derive! no sdJiltual validity araiuat the wife, from the fwri tnat it waru'know ieilged by her. aud Aa the execution ofthe deed ol the wile ra nivuhd and it cannothaae t'le effect ot depriving her ol the right tu aurrt -r

elaiui i tlie lave. There i no tiinwny that she mailssny rei reaenution lo tire punhasera, or that tbe purrtiaaewa made l her lU'Uuee o r her h in fit. The eaee.iirn r re, i"-- ui o,hk ai'nin iiiu principle set lorlll

the cue nf Wright vs Arnold, drr.. is H. Mon., Km. Ilexd v Miration at Uie rim of Hie of the alaves. thathe had sold llrein. and bad no interest then iu, did not

preinone uie rigiitz oi an' one, snu cannot, tlie re ore,u,a h. r a an e'lop-- l N.ither would it have thefl.i-- t ol tendering islid the sale made hr h r and

here f. willed a to her wa abailutelv void, she awoman, aad incapabienf making ucha coutrart,

the dei.d having heeii executed before tin- ac: nl llu. Tilsact, voirt. wa not suseeptibl of continuation. Her

t at iheti'iier-ferre- to a as.iu tact, uuibiug mo atliau ta eipreasioo of her op:nion ef the effect of theioiui dei-- of h and hi.r hii'hand. she wai erli.eotlvlab rinr; undi r the thai the aale was valid, and thatlie bad li i imeieet ia the slave.

Hy Ihe which he and her hliit..e( in uie laud faased to the rui

Wimiijs Hair 1)vk. This admirable article israpi llv rmpruTiug the bair. No arllcle of a similar kindnow before the public enjoys a lie'ter repatation as a resto-rative and iavigonitina hir tonic. It perulmr rberu calliralitie Have a heneheial ertevl uin the growth

of tne hair, giving a silsy and gles'j- texture, to thatviilrh was fnrmerly uf a coarse aud dry nature. It haaim, we uaderaiand, a tendency to preserve lies youthfulc lor and apirearauc of the li.ir. an destroiing or cons,teractitig the ttT rt of ace. with mio reromiuendaiionsin il faror, liard r perceive bow any lady or gentlemanshould b wl h iut ae valua- le an adjunct to their toilet.1 he artic'e may bs bad of the druggist throughout thacountry Jf lasourt Veuiocrat.

MORTON & GRISWOLD SWestern Farmers1 Almanac

"rsia ac a ia)AvsC'OXTAIXINO. beside, ths nsnsl ralrulatlons and a vs- -

full uf itilurmatiou aud amusement forail radius, the time of hnumg the Vouit in the etate ofKeniucky. Jut puUithel aud for nle by

nldtrwHw . sltH'.TtiN GRiawol.D.

Davieas County rami for Sale.I will ell mi Un. II.. . l.l a

r jJ5 mile I iwendmro. rontainipg 171 f ' f '

--a- witn a comfortable dwediug, good stabling.dec., il aire cleared and 100

seres a ail under good lenre. AddiJtU llipl-

anglSdAwrf tiwendi-r- o, Ky.

I. F. STONE,No. GOO IVInlxx at..

One ejuare sbove the Gall House,

LoriSVILLE, KY.Jtsjc-a- f .

Manufacturerg and Dealm in

rine Coaches.JCorkHvn)w.

Buggies (top and no top),Trotting Wagons,


The largest, mot complrtr, & cheapestKSTA BLISfltt KT .V THE CITY.

sp37dwlmXo.189. ilIlKKETSTItniT. !. ISO.

nits. v. MJi.M4;i:i,Nc 489 Market Street, North Side, 2d

Door frr. m tlie Corner of Third,,. Ux. just reee.vrd a lull and larrre stork of .vc&L.A .il tall and winli

lie ,old In,rfV eep.'l dimt

WK ARE IN IltM.V IIKI Ft IT IF Al).VJ,''TI"NS TO llt HUH K OF M tS.'aWSeBBaar AN HOYS' WOOL AMI A$SI Mlt W7e llATSof all colors and 'inalities, making it 'Wa

as in every deiartm. nl a al any time during theleason. l ash aud prompt buyers will tin I embrao d innur aw.. rtni. Ill eieri thing that is new and rt..iiaide. andat Ibe loseet pi ices.

HI.I IIIW ct Till MAN,ptiereiwira to Van Winkle Fieidinr,

srpl d&w2m J1 M iin st , opposite I.ouisville Hotel.

aj DtU NTKY M t.lii ''.I S.N1 , b. fore nia-f-fking their releetens, would ilo well toexam

Oak V fue our stock, as they w ill rind io it at allnines a fml nf everv lbint in our "

bne. and at a., low figuris for cob or fhert time lo promptmen as they nsa procured au w here, our stock ofH AT, and i'AI'h of ab uu .htiis. colors, an 1 styles ia nowss complete be desired.

srpi uotwain I 1U.1U M. dr I lit M.i.POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL,

f KANKKOliT, KV.f tTi V. nest sesoon af tlii- - Pehool will cnnimenre oa Mou-- I

d.n , mbird.ig.l d.Vwtf K. A flRsNT, mnctil.

Uatrhrs, Jewelry, and Silver Ware,n. sliti ttsa c. r. beskkit

rLETCHER & BENNETT,4: Mala aireet, betweea Faarth anil Firth,

ft Tlsve now on hand the largest snd If chost of tiol.l) and SIL- - I Y--n h

(."T.s M.R WATfllE.. FINK JKWKL-rtH- rSa&ofA It V. aad S1I.VKI: WAI:i;everotTered ator sale iu llii city. Their .Licit has bei n houuit vi i'.for r ash. snd selected iii duvet tnmi the manufac-turer and imwrters. and is of Ihe liest quality and niottaidiiouahle ti k. lieiug delermined to sell at estrrrnelytow ran ss for cssii, pun liasi rs will pdu tt to their ad-

vantage to call and i xattitne our stock before purrhasing.A neh aianrtinetit. to w liich we are coustitutlr sddins eve- -r ilimr new aud taahinnable, w Ul alaayf he found to etlcrt

Oold Lever Wstches; tiold I.ecks;Lever Watche'; liold snd Silver Hrectscles.B

I. old (iiiardt trains Gold IN

Isold Vr-- t I hams: silver Forks:(iold Fob chains and jiilvert me (odd, V oral, and Lain- - filrer Tea net;

e.i l lii; Silver IHtehers;IHaiiioiid snd Opal IJngy; filver tioldet snd flips;InaiiM.nd llus and Kur- - Silver t:ooler;

Cingi-- : (iold Xliiiulijea;ti.dd Fencils; 0K-r- Ac.

FI.Frt llKK HKNNFTT..p-- doVwA-- a Min t . bet. Fourth and Fitib.

WATCHES, JEWETjRT, Ao.I would iuvi e tbe attention of strancersvi.lt.

"V ine our city s. we'l a o hsrs to mv stock cf..".J A'ATt:IIKs.4KVFI.RV,r MvVilihi.r.ni

fcjBiawwst of l,oiidon, l.iverionl, aud Geneva maniirae.

civl order of lks. gold, and eome evira heavy. All arewarraufed to give satisfaction. It w altord nie

WM. KKMlllll K, 71 Th'rdat.

('IdlR?-- yHalf ai.Di h and O'h Htse

2o i is'u J t.iau'l ia q iitr sud teni1..:nnc . ti.r :., i.

tr lie IM'I'- - I'tr r

AST II. E SOAP-lO- o bog.s for sale bC acts da a N lt.. b f r.tS F B

niiEiiTiATis.n iici;i.Ta the rentier of the Journal : Preserve Oiit wtke.

If not rjltrted pjurtelf, yon may terre sufferingby trnrhng H to tome one It.

Dr. Mortimore, bj penonal treatment, and tbe useof his remedy, by Physicians snd Drugtjis's, bscured probably twenty thou and osses of tbis paia-f-

and paralyzing di sense comprising ct.es of eve-

ry seeming furm.frpm thosj of a recent IntUirimatory(acute) character, to old chronic cases of ten, twen-

ty, and even thirty jeirs standing.This disease is becoming more prevalent evrry

year, and ij rehlfm cured, or even alleviate 1 hy tbeusual course of treatment. In its active form, itnftea. proves fatal, or if not soon arrested becomeschronic stiffen, the joints, contracts the ligaments.muscles, acd tendons, and thus renders tbs sufferera cripple for life, sr, if ever afterwsr is catd, evenhy tbe use of this remedy, reluirea longer treatmentand greater expense.

This is a vegetable internal remedy whicb curedtbe proprietor of it after lone FtifTt ring and all the

itmedies Vnown had failed, and Ii safe to beus d in any stats of health even by tbs most deli-

cate female or child, and its success, in uring rheumutism, is attested by thousands, among whom areeminent physicians, ministers of various denominji- -

tiona, prominent journalUta, and imlividuils of highstanding threujhput oar country, such as should in

spire confidence in tvery rational mind.This evidence can bs h id on call at the office, or

tbote at a distance, by addressing the proprietor,will receive, by mail, a circular of evidexce. Tberemedy can be had st (5 per bottle or fire buttlesfor fJ20. Tenons ordering st a distance can remitat the proprietor's ri k by regijtering letter, and themedicine w ill be forwarded by en pre?s or as directedto any plsc-- in tbe United States or Europe.

Apply to or addressDR. D MORTIMORE,

Third street, opposite JVamil Office,sept 1 weow3m Louisville, Ky.CrDr. M. etn refer to mire than one Iboasind

physicians snd druggists in the United States in be-

half of ths efficacy of thij remedy.

MARRIED,On the S'd nit., hy Rev. J ediih I nPin1, at th bone of

Anios lge, K., Tiiobas P. tipi.nr, Jr , ofcounty, snu of Ambrn lmdley, ti. , to Iai.i.is 5.

tiivTcv, daughb-ro- Hr. J. II. O ntry, of Frankfort.The bildi grooni and the accomplished bride have our

wirtnest conarstulaiion.. AVe were at the rxaminailon ofMr. Sumner's rrus's Beniluarr at Newcastle, when .hegraduated, and our admiration wa excited by her rental

tine of talent in every branch to wbicb shehad devoted her time. AU ber pet formanrcs de pened thefavorable bnprervioo creatod b her persvuat loveliuere.rhe remained at the college a year after ber graduation.eulpvaiing asi laonidy and with excesdiug succoas her abil- -i'J.-- and actompliahmenta. She won the bigheat prai-e- ufsll h r teachers and the warmest love of all beredlcgcnatea. Most nobly is she fitted to perform her part upon

thetlreater ofUfe.

DIED.On the lnth ult at the residence of Col. Jack A'len, rn

Shelhi cinnlv, of ptilmnnarv ronsiiniption, C'apt. Charlesa. wore, io ine .wa year oi nia age.

SOMETHING TO DO The sabribrrs will employagents of either sex in every town an I rity, in a businesswhich pays from i'20 to 2S per week. Cvnd stamp for return postage for foil particulars.

s.9 8. M. XYRICK CO., Lynn, Mass.

CS"Ths cures made by Pyof. DeGrsth with hia

"CLtxrRIC OIL are almost airarulous, and so won.(Jarful and Instantaneous, so sstufartcrv. snd ciltlgstinof human IU, a to sail npen pub'k fune lonaries aod thore.having charge of public institutions for the sxk and sufT.

t3 look well Into the wall attested nieci'e. the simpleefficacy of this "ELECTRIC OIL."

Tiie al s are rapidly Increasing. testers suppli-- atproprietor's prices by Prof. C. DeGrwtH, Xo. 39 south FJkhths'.re t, near Chstnnt. See adrertisenicnt.

feb IS diawdiweowlr

Buy Early Copies Aow BeadyTHE POETICAL WORKS OF

EDGAR ALLAN POE,lieaut'fnlly Illustrated with tnortthan

ONE HUNDRED ORIGINAL DESIGNST.T Uaklet, Birsft, Fosria, Picsntsoitr., Trssirt,

r. mini v. uruuA.i. Ator maiwit.And engraved in the iuaat stylo of Wood Logravlug by

COOrEIt, LINTON. KVANS,Ar.fcylcnififffi Bound Iriee Six lor'lnra. A few Ceirie

in Morocco, .has jmitart.Also, Ths Fiitkksth Emtio or

FOE'S COMPLETE VOIIIii.In Four Volume I'Jtuo. I'rir $4 V.

OnU'isinr tli Tal of h Grotsfmiue nd ArrvlvsriiiaAVonrlftiul M' nt nf the Fiiiag.,.itvti All hie. heMorjr oi Ariunr rrif(ti nm, Ana rvmvietm rn eri tonof U hii fonrnhtitinn-- u th K(iitpit hv Rl".V W. (iiiiswul I. 1. J.. Wh q .Notkett of IIh LUhy J. K lsOWELLaiMi ! willh.



riHE Piiinnr mu Full f 1.V-- will b mm kd In th1 rvfor.t f lini w the moi rt. kly mud ynliealtlir o

tH)tt tht ht-- irtrti the nofh,Mi portion of thi Contineot for lunny MstUrfottx dift-e-i- in mo,tnttsTimnt ou viol-- f'i nip. will itrvvmil m epirleiu--ration" of wrronulry that ha, hen rtelupvd bv Ihe UtefiTrrnswin; of nvt'iv, creekit. sod bsoii, and drear hedbv tu rc nt hpuvv rmu'YHJr.V FKVFR, TYPH'HT FFVFR, FIMOKK


K K VOfl l lTlN(i willrKeirilhTi..knc-l- U

ciiutiv1) of low ni.isl.y lavndM, and whre jeliive nfthf vi4?riand orpncHincnt ire rat in nave txvn urtnIr f4 urndiH-- t ivni derompo-dtio- of ereahle or orhr d"eonip'-- atter. In our rnntt.ni andVetani Ktatn-- f we niav ihrfttlorr rxurt the rrrvalt nr

niRUrinmi diwarkrv in nn or the other of thealve named torn ; and iu orier that the pnlihc may

theniMlvei with tlte p'oper mmrjf jvp.npatunt nuddr-- attaaksi of di e f ny kiud. w

the peni'h of tlie appeoAahof theee maladl". InRidwMy'p Keady Relief yon have th1 preventive. Withthi Retneslr. vinlHt and nIimBl. tnfeethiaud deathly nay be the chir,. of tin dueie. it rannotha tu you. A tea.(onfiU "f th Remedy,drank In a little water thr r four t linen per riar. will iofortitr the Honiach anamt Ihe totertiou capee of there fcvert" that you are a? mnfe fioin d infer aa tuui'li yoii were

the n.ot whleuiDie and (ovlcir(ior atino- -pbere linger the Pnn. Rtdway' Kadr' Rl'ct bur Peeiiir red. in the Vrllov fever of !... to be the difertai-- tn n If anv of our render are nnfnrtnnateaiito he witi, aoy fevr, tiunera. r'ux.oretitrrv- - either l(e, Convetirtt lntrmttent. or

Kra.lv Ktlief. ai'ied with Kadww'.If ecu. at on., mil id a fw hour arreet the vileDcr andlaOj

t of thr dieafe, and coon fine an.COMMON PI?EAKIS.

I Hrwajapi ae h Rhmmatii$m flout, Si iatico, S'rvrat7uVa ile&dcu'h?. iHjfuenza. Hunho Blood tu the HeadBitioHHHt, trWir. Twtthu:hf CrottOy Whoviin;fntttk. Inflammation of ths Voter U and Lnitf. SndeV Attackmnj ChUami tevr, birktmtniat th Stvmau;A, Convention uf the LVmn, Sunstroke. IAcer Dijiitu I

ht9. and other dtbilitatinff, and mala-Ai-

will run ri..t thmuathotit, the U iiatli mud brvadth ot thland, attacking iu their imt violeat fonnn tha aged, middle and itntui. Mir araint uiee him. wnirn hi.fliet o murh pi upon their vicvim. Had way's lUady Re-

lief will in a lew moment", remove the iuot i aire and tor- -turinr pains, and. f In muuo. Uon Willi Had way

s.peedily effect a cure.CHRONIC DISEASF.5.

ThorW-- who are ao unfortunate ae to he afflicted withChronic rlia-sen- . Hrettkinca oitt, nmnina .S'ore.

ver Sores, Ulcer. Hattrhenm. ViVt. Heat.Sore Head. Sore Eye, Lad Lo. sSore in tht AvKtrvrJHottih, Canker. HoiU lilt.trhe, Krymiei. v. HadC'mvhH, SwtdUn rartt. will iutfer iMcr-- agouit?trf.intliie diMaie diinna thi aiek'y cycle unlewihe th.-- L

eleanae1 from ) Huintintand the ictem renovated f itaimpuritiep bv Kadway'i Renoratinn This Rent,edv ia a qtivrk curt for the dieaepj. and it iethe only known Remedy that will compleMy eradicatefrnm the trm inherited by constitutional traoc.miei'n. Ivoniffli ted Wfth tScrnfula, Fita, Hyphiiu, oranv Chronir dideaM will be effectually cured if Kadway!Renovatn: Resolvent ia ueed.

PREPARE TO FsE.IST THE PE3TILENCE.A (treat nuinher of thee who dielrom petilrntit dla.

eaw-- aivfiid Vnlv mizM m the nuh'orwhen they (sNt(iau atta. k and are loresM the tiret attaclu

of thir deadly foe It ie thTef.re of the gTeatet tinier-tanr- e

to those who to live throiif h an at ack d thiikind, whether Cholera YetluirFwr. Sun St ritkt. Conve-ntion, or Braint'ever. to r.avt ludway'a t.emdy kedet andRegulator ready t. une at auy nioin-u- l. Thene Remedtea.taken when ou feel unwell or in pam either rdiuhr r

will eherk and tou the proKreM of the disease and deiiTexvnn fiom further harm. Ketererv Houee.keeper. Planter, Farmer, jShipiuartrT, aod.iu fact, all hviiiaz chirife of uthera. keen a annul v of Klwa''i Rejidv ke.lief. ReuUUr. and Rerr lveuta in their houeen. Aaif kli

K.aoN mriT MTROarHiN- u- Dte4te or tlie mo't ter.riht and fatal character trill prevail; but, with thoeerenesJiea at hand, ou may ret secure.

There are no reuiediei known to 'u variant tnat the pun- -lie, a a rule, can relv uptu iu the auceeMful treat,toe nt of inf tHM.. aid nialaiioua Radway'aR. aJv Kaiw or RilHtori. a curattvea atm preTeutiveaacatn-'- at- a ot iufeitioiif and mahcuaiit . arelixevj fan. K H R. Renadiea ar aold by lrugeijita andaud Merthantatvarywhere

ka I'WA y tw ju.,ew lore cur.K. Morela. affent. Louivitle.Ky.feb! deod weow I w

OR. GRAVES' FAMILY MtDICINES,EMBRXCINtl M relebrated Avne rtna, for tlie curs of

aod Intermit ent snd Biiioas Fever.tn wlikb caees tbejr aever fail.


PL'KIFYINf., AMIIJATII.sKTfi: H LI.S thai hsve beeome popular tor the enre nf I Ivpper-t- and all diseasesarifins lioiu a lorvid lleer snd to re nieil wnere a mildratliartie ir 1'urKative aiedirine Is miulred. No roercur-l-


illVF.S'tl AMERICAN l.iXIMF.NT -r the .ml denanil rnn- of I'nrnip t'olie ao-- I'hileia Mortiaa,Hiarrh.s. Ilesilarhe. To ith.rhe. and in fart all lain, olever, kind; an 'holie and Bot iu horai- are Mld'leul J'

wuh till Unimenl, and K'1 ful all I lit.,mA Itrtiis

l.sCRAVK l'l tilll.l.r.N VKIi.MIFI IiF. -r worm- -, eiiiial

tn tha besi, Ih int a nue eii'll. r ol woruisfrom Ihe limiisu

Al- -C.HAVF.S'S I'M N FXTllAl 11 ill will five iinmedia's

l fmm imin in of ;iirr or r. alon slid ood fi.rTelter. II I a ure rnre for aud old son-i-


COMI'I.AINT I'll.l.M.1 he alw.re Me.le-in- have been eiterimvelv Plane of

thn'iiclieiit (he North snd Southwest, snd aie now in thlisnrl of lationetl slid c n liefound wh least and retail at WI fori A , J. li.W.l.ier'. R. A. I'oliiiiaon'. snd all tli iirirrrlealdi us shirrof llii. cilv, si I lefema.-- ', I'nrtland, and sll the principall Tui'i-i-

. in w AMianv nl J.lleiioiiiiiie. miiaua.anrlthronehoin th Ve"iern State. Oulv ll tlieni lo beon.vineed thai they will uertorui as recom mended.


I'lIVSIIll llllll' 1 1 VII. IV llh' alak'KIi:FKill Paand ln Fin Fliln and I'olored l.tlho.rarb and

ar8entfra of poeai.s to all parts of ths Umn.as, A NF.W ANir REVI3KII Ftl.

TitlN of 2M) pace aod 1H plalea.Pries 24 cent, a topr. A i.npiilaran-- romprrlieniiive Treatise on th

and eaeualt-i- of .iniit andmarried life haper and fruittnlsl.Iianr.. mode ol runifs Iheui in.fi liritoil. and lnfrtile one theirn'tiTlation snd remoral nervous d.bliitv;if rsiirie.and eure. br are st onea s siniplr.safe

t failure is Impes-ihl- e

rule for dailv eianaarenient anen H.rmatorriioa. with praell.

ral observations en a aster and anitr.nereafnl wiedef treat v hint, onth. rrilr"'tllip fr"ni einpirrral prartrees; o whieh is ar)d-r-

eurpiuentarie on the duel of f..fiialeTpm infanev iold ae-ea- esaa fr.ih'call) illnrtrated hv bea'ii'fulrl' II let. mil ihe rm.-- l thor If mtMnedmi'.orMis sni ilis.ppointd hepeo.! peralenlin rn vours. It, i a truthful s in,, r to the PiarrM-i-lh'- conteir.r'alins piMn.cs ia parltent

to pr"n nlerftritna aeeret rlont.t ir theirand who are ronarioua ef havtng ha.

aided ths beahh, 'lapLine.'S, sn-- eriTdesi-st- which.sir heme lo j"; crit rrrepreroviiofor op Hailed Ir of to anr part, fI'mte-- ftatra. bv so1ri ir lr. l.orkrow (noatiaidl.It.' 1howho .rter ruar rnnanrt Pr. 1 KROW

ii a anr of lha die.rs upon wlnrh his hoek tnat. eitherriwiiiaiivor hv mail, fedi'inr nl to any part ef lhatri.ton.oMii.w Jirertteus.safsl? packed andcarefnUrser rred all ,.bri stien

Adore. Hr. K. H. T.I i KHW, Ho. 11 Maideo Lsca.srt ore, box 7:r, Alhaiv. N. y.nin daily from fl A. M to sr. M .and an

S. nrt.rfroni 1 nptiis P. M.-r- o.- rnmrvrid from No SS Rearer 1ret In "J.i SI

lane, Albany, N. Y. anl. ddrw'.f

TOBACCO 6TEMMERIE3.I offer for mr two Tobacco one in

Kay eiinity. Mo.: the ether iu Urunswiek. Chun.ton county. Mo.

I sre wit known In nianv rnrsred Inthit Toliafrt) trade in ihe We, and are at Iwo ofthe ti wl point oa III .MiaMiuri rirer lor a rP'o.l

of T discco. I will sell either one or both of iidritoinmert-- To any one wLhinc to enitiark in the Tiibar- -

riieuuuinc bti.inee-- anotluv aeuann. such an opportuuitvf,e eeruriuK a good location has never beea A ia ttit est.

Anv nna wl.hlnr to pnrehsea will plears addreas myMr. til.tiKCK F. 1II1.1., of rit. Louis, M..wlio

v .11 siveall uitorma'Uo a4 tu pr.b l.teral. JOl lN Kli'. a, PAT KICK.

'.) dlmAV--

SILVER-WAR-, I b.Vi a h'. srlec i..n nf ":lvr ritiher? Tern.S.jr,.,. la'.lrH i"v,n', ani Kui k'. ar wvd aa a

rral vsii.-t- laii.y Surr suiulua I.t ij.e;r.ta,fr,li nt whiohui nuiiiufaotiirsil lo ordi-r-

J7 VM. sIFMJiiKK, UTMidst.

Lnt I'lRXAlE FOR SLE.WE prnuMia to sell LAI'RA Fl'RNACF snd W.t-l- l

(iuNri. T'MlLi, Tlii property Tiiei-- uin-l-

Kr , has shout ll.tssi rrn.ol Lan nt arbed herwas built in lsSi- - hen re iaabnoet estirely u;and, asirrin nr.ueri.r. ba nioetior a'lvantare. rhe i. rfi.uatril inthe mid t nf her timlier; ore hank from M lo of a miteolT, 13. ni'le. Irani ths Cutniieriaud r.ver, aud 5 miles fih ieunee.ee river, the latter aiwava navirranie. nohealth of the place is niiuniaiel be any prrwit.r of thekind in Teuneee or Th-- tinpr veiueni l

ieat and of th mn. suhetant-a- i character, and tinIron ii of the bel i(iialitv. i '" li on--

H woild u t do so aitnout a pes.sutial examination.

A u v oil Informa l n ran u at LauraFurnace, Ky.. or tUrk.vill- -, lenn.

If dtirvJ. we would sell w tli tlie proiicrt y t ?W tnuspU trim.

I nns ran be mane to mi pnrrnsr-"-Ihisia the ni d il sira?ile p.oi r v of the kin l that Bai

ten orTered lui sale iu ibu tor al iron 'ejiion of Keu'ie--: Ten iiMr.ee. lit..M l,ui N a or itr.t un Ft CNAOK. Kr , Sept. 21,

flaiuii'lL' Weeklr Journal cpv two nioni Im sn--- iviiut to ltd odn-- - t'tarktrille Chr-n- i le.

Exccntoi' Snla cf rarm, &o.I n Ihe firenif" en M'iNntt. the ivtt cv77.i

"Mfdavof Nov.mher neit, w will tll,lo the 'Inilii-.- t li .l ou a eredit of on and two i,'!'!veara, witii inlere-- t fioin t:,o liH of Janipirv. .jH'Jl

lefin. that Ta'u.i' le Fro ol tlie late Win. P. 1, '.Ui- -

ali-- op Marker in Sumter county, Ti nn., sImhiIiiray oe'rreen .VitaAi l'U vh4 f.'o.'anl, ai-- il.rir-l- v

the 'urai lie riwii riinnertnis tlnr- p a ano iu 'u I

view of tne lAHiticiUt and ArtiAri le rtiUfi'l.Farm routiit Jl acre, ao ol wiiii-- are timber dand well set intitue ura-- : ban min tt new andimp'ovtutea s, aud i iu otre the portiuiis ui i:ieMate.

loo. st the same tint snd ptnee. we will the Ftork,p. llouielHiid Furni'iiie. i".. and a

eetof Ulack'niith fool. C. I DVKJ: r. 1.1 FA Vk r.nriwj Kieriitnri i f W. P. t h ile.: ae--

I liutville Journal copy threetimea in weekly paperandrharre to Ni.hvi'le Bvmii r

3300 IM GOLD FOR $1!

Forty-rr-rit- th ift 1'iitcrpi ie.'.l.CSOO Prizoa!


Tickets Limited to i.2,0OG.



200 Cold and Silver Lew .VatchKUvld Veil ani Guard Cdnfns, Solid an-- Povhig-platr-

iyiuervart. Jnctu y, de.

Ta be irawisl linrlaaaii Oai. aa Manaay,November I. 1S."S.

er to the iiift will he rfiawn

slave, on wblfh will be .li.lrilnitd to thT I. r htteeu liuuJrv l valuub t ijiit. anunrwtiiehwtll befo.ind

une and Iwo ei:titv-acr- al.aiid Warrant-- : Imi iinze of AtnTicin t;ol.l. raui-in-

s2.mto :! eaeli; il t;old and Silver Lever Wateti.es, rauicng frum .4."i to ion; ftent' Oo'd Wet I haimand l.lie-- ' tild iitianl I Lain.. Also, .li.; and dnulil.plated uf Table-ft- l eii!, IVa- - ..oi,.,Forks, I'.iltter Kuiien. Ac. Alau, l.aiiie.- -

Gold-st- . liela. ilea, aud piiuted riet. 11'aerk-ts- I.. t. d,c. A:i,tretiileinen. froidtone aud laiu r.leeie litituu, f;iuii,UreSHtpiu, Are.

Allot the above Gift, are.of asgioj a'i'iality as can bepurchaeeit for the prii e.

I bec leave to slate to Ihe public that tuy F.t lerprt.materially differ froiu many o of a similar

r irniv i u irrawiau lurananiy laaea Hace ou u.e rtsyad.-

Secondlr Tbe prizes are worth what they are stnti d tohe In the programme.

Thirdly Tbs DiawiosjUcouiliietid in a fa rand impar-tial maimer.

Fmi'tiili Atl prizes drawn hr who cannot al- -leuu Hie n rawing are Homer areiy I r.anlnl at Ul) ex-pense and rik: aid a list f the drawu uurutw-r- i for-warded ta every whether they an furlunaloor not.

Arentumlllngljor np'ard. will be.npplied with Tlekfsme rare oi u cenis ,rn; nineir llcal l;- tirket, .

Alt orders mint be ad.lre.w d to L. I'. ol.NL, box 7o,lyii.mii.il i Mllll.

All re.iin.ibl ' person, ordrrin li. ket wilt h uitli.lhi- aaaljve, the uiouey to b seut wheu the tickets are ao. I. leiwd

Executor.' Notice.rFRSMNS knnwins- thems-lv- indebted to John C.

w.ll plrwe eon forward and t'W Ihesinie. and ibo liavior; rfcmiis t ihe rst.it- - wilt

theia properly anllienlkated for .:tleiueui.W. Ill NT.I A I OAKPARP,UU. W. Ul LI.

o3 djAwl l ietntor.

wanted.i I purrh.ee.il. hi ..r ln nveir F- - 93 J Gliil MEN ant two sr ihree Wti d F.. about XL 2o year old. Tll-- y .re l;,r the u ol iiivCVj

I .fami in Warren roiim.-- . aud s jJt'- -

snu boms wi l he s vn IheHi. N ue but t!io ufrid chn.raxt.-- m ed be olf red.JAM Ed B. WILDF.U.

Couiier and Democrat roa'.'.

ADesirable HomeforSale.snli.vriber oiTir for sale the FATM

MTHP. he now reHc, eitnated In Todd 5

Keuturkr, near Trvuton, and withina t..w hundn-- yard ef ts ). p .1 of tim Na..hv;i;e amillonderjn Ruilroad, whi. h will le rompl, to tbis plarelti thjn two yiari. lip I arm ab ut

Ono Hundred & Sixty Acresof a. fine Uoi as any in tlie eour.tr, twenty-fiv- of wbichIs well Uinth-re- Tb improvcBieril are aFUAMK DWn.l.ING, wilb rii poouiK, f.ntr lU'ls,Porcbea. liarret. and I'asetnrnt, all areinjs. a p.iu e. i; irria-- e lion, Jiivm I a1 in.I'arns. Stables, e.: a lseyo fUUrn and a f.ilmscprins of water. There are two i of th fin-- t r- -leeted fnii1: a Isrre Yard with beautiful LviTgrecn' end1 afood of ohrtiloVryf also, a hoe t;ar-te- rontainioc

of the N.t vaili'tV of Grapes ia a liisli 'fate ofAny one widhiug to euras in the Tofisi-c- hnt.

ness. In Mu chandisiur, or Ihe Practiec r f M"iii- - ine wouldfind thi a very desiratd location. For lenui apidy

M. T. WAGGEM K. Trenton, K) ., orset 2 drw ,1. A. WAGG EX LR, CUrkvville, Teiin.

JtlTersori Coanty Farm for Sale.The mi l. r.ined erTers for sale a vutuah e Farm,

gtyjd'uileil . nnleasotith of lu:ville, and half a mileJu from the pUuk-ro- a I leadinc to belbvvii. nintain.

Inn acre., all nndor .,od l' uce. Inn rovtnreouall new and plenty of excellent hucain can bebalhrapnlyncti I'l'TOS Wlis-tM-

I'l'tt itiivw. r in premtriea. 'n.. o.ii ujSTJDnrni-- r

Ctii-i- . i.. :. T. I..Tiu2.ssa.lt r:M ,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (.KOrEKY,

Commission & I orwardiugrrlerchant,UKOCtRlFS ANMr ilu'DlVr: OK ALT. KIN PS,

liHANllN. KV,f proinp' llifll

nun AWAY.l:r AWAY from tb on the loth of

Aui'ti't livtns in t n enint . on thT.ihCi-- ri isd, tMlliles nontll of Hnpk B'V tile. SlidIJ ii.i'e norih of 'I'.'nti.. a n man

u.iui. 1 IM. euppoaed to yiars ul I; hi i. k;"a'mut ifii-- t 7 or iti- iii : he ii'i(k and rat.ier ot;very bad ja ti .'th; c awaylw i pair of paiita,broan ani one I'lue .ti iwj im ,t-- cm !, one dara r.oni:l.about, .ui'.ilile to hi pant ; a pair of liued atel.ho..; wool hat: tr, rat, ou littn and on elotii.1 hoUi,'ht liiiir of lly 6c oinh, podd c mity, Ky.

Anv person uivnii' imori'i. 'ion of loi , or e s

him ii jail o 1 Ket bitu, phall h well reaa'ded forIheir trouble. JOIAfl bETTLC

hepteiiibet 20. 1'tid rXi dl4wu


Tf sell four nw Invention... ArMtirs bare made ovron une hetrer than all other .'luilar arencie.

liend four stamps and set H) particiilar.. crat;.nlyil wlJ" F.I'IIKAI M UIIOVV.N, Lowtll, Maes.



Kl'ALI. r.4JTOICVtNo- -. 59 and 61 Sixth st.,


Ars con.tanllr niaklntt and willk"D band sll.ty.esolPl.aTrnr.w aud wit build to order II r. a.r..and Kailioaii aUo l:n noap.nJ jtoss Tso- ssof s sii rioritua'iti'.

The, lefertu all the mirchant Insept itldw

6TEAM HNGINE3 FOR .SALE.NK F.XGIN'F. llix?i:pb pnmps,

a r nt'en up lo nne l ireuisrline Engine, TxlH cou.pl- tr with pumps.Oua ) bill d ', do do.Two ili Vx:ni co, to cisnfc..fine do l.x". do, d do.Theiu Encine sre ne- and of the smriyved

and will lie old low. iwoaraU.1' or u'li-- .eat withb'librs and riiinir. Apply at the luiiudvry uf Lawva drrearre. or a. Ion-- a

till all B. A. G MillNFK. A"ane.


fa d'Wkwtf Alienee of l.:iwi.n or

J.W.McCLUlMG.roaarai.r or ii,mii. aTt,


Malm 1'n.ul. .tllnnraala.,'ILL rosk n vestment, tor

34 per cent, sdvaiiee. the hrt j ear and gmn bondKti.fartorvaecurity lo reptin base st this advaars if

desired, snd ehsree the advance for three yearsover the 21 prrent. a a eonimi-aio-

o, will loan n rrapiiaiLisai js io a percsni.upon res eat ate won 1 iruiuie ine loan. h innota oasnsus'.ir y law.i

l. orrepoaoenreoi witea .

SRrr.ttKNcsa?amnalt:.ely,Vj,, , i

Kv. K. InnbrrUI. it .

Mir. Wallace I I'brnw,H n. It. II Maul n, iHarrfaooTailor. F.'.., Var.v:ttr,.Kr. 1'. C. iir.in.lr.lron.T'noiM.isHa F. I'.. I', ttanviib'. R ,. lnwtl

CCHRODT & LVAl,AN IT AI T K KH V Al.ciilfo?.. I'll.ff'Jj'osne.aod Pure ami deal r . in . l. lu.nr.

iVtShon an. I Mmonrali-l- n VVbi'ki. wet.ile ol . r.l aMfcAdioiid .Ireet, betweeu Main auj V It' r.

Ky. i d ti

LOCUST TIMBER WANTED.- a a a as a k K.FT. in Isree and smalt 'tiianti're.. trom s to

,,IMMI iuf hediaiiirter. 1 will pie a ubeial prirfor It in ra--

anglo v Jin w. A. i:it'H.h'lHN. Ituilirm.Al) Ol'M and ELM TIM HER suitable for llub.

VY. A. K.

lie 5? rat It's Urea tElectric Oi I.IMPORTANT TO TUB WORLD!

IPIAsAP.il ta, let. !?, l"Mt.raor. lh:f.MT-if- sr Sir: Thi' t to re life thai I

IV. lieen parilally for live or .da veara, end I ha.ebv on apilkatvn of liei.iail.'a Fbr'rteinl,ul biinordaud tbousainta ot arup,e. inlronlri run ad a.

Yours trul 1V. KF.XUKICK.

Another-- .lMMvriLi", . Jll. 14.

Ittiir. ItttirsTH fcrr Sir; Toi rerlitiea I here triedI'rol. t ric I lit. 1 ual r deal' for li veyear, a id it bs. rured nie.

Yum ti uly, H FX RY WlHtDS, Bea.

Yet anotheriNiUAWAPfLia, IM. Tit. Itott.

DrGsATw f'sar Sir. Thi crtifl I have beendeaf vr!, year. lleGiath'e nil bv, entorrd my

well.Youi'a truly. J'MIX TAYLOR.A od here ia another from the wealthier Ururrrl.t ia tha

t.r.at Weal -ClIClMrlATI, Nr?v. 3,

Psor. lrf!RATn: Please send tue 14 arna .uiali sis No1. V! uieiliuiu No. a. and "i gross lari;e o. , auddrar un me -r Ibe aniuuut a befote


Tb'.cclehrated rmedy for f.heun ati..ra. Gout, Newst-i;i-

Krvi-U- f rupiion'. I urn., Feb dir.. tenniv br pint i;l,arhs ltirth. everv.as the orii-D- diccveter, al tils old

Philaileipiiia.Ine rale of thi cri al remedy baa been unprecedented

fail year alone ever "j.issi worth wa. ld. and whi teerit u. known i here it I, I'orrell. I nd I. I o., otl;iimiond, la..t year over 1, l!arn iV

Park, ol New Yol k. J.tlsl wortl., th S llnure, efover 4.i"S': I. I). I'aik. of inrinnati. l.nl. aud

other larye lir.len-t- a a'l over llie l'nite-- etate.havmond A rent. V'. ;s kouitn st., oppositeaiioual llotl. lull'l Hliai'uas 'AS llltiabar.Ii ly

JOHUPH GRirriTU,Importer of Fire rras iV risliii? TcU Ir .

t boleawle sad Heiall.its STarrv, rail maim, l.ortsni.LS, asM

COS leave to inform Mirr.h.i.'a. Onnarriitb. and otbIS st, ihat beha. no au.i i, eotMt.atlyrereis.t..((. dtrrt from the Kneivnd. B

di.iiM.ari.l .ill.'le .hr.t fln,el all iua!ltia. rB.a,a4s: Kevilver.an I ot ail kintlc Kilie hatrSIlocks, liouhia rri.'fTi. aud every 'U i a iiiable la

ucrs. vcrt.'j Ai r' " i, b a. u..m paas. Bhat " rt.'k'.Cl antp a I tli'ni i.i liit; .(e.t.S hlt:..t r,; i,il ili.F I, .r, IT.1T1...II.' f .W Ta. HI ar.d tliiiiilan.il... H- -l 44

'ti..n. all .d wuU.li I stlistll at kait-f- u piu'is.a.s Su e-- -

Sle of Lexirifjton and Big Sandy R. R.

t virtue of a d'i-r- of tha I lata., iim.ii v..- .-I dred at it la.t July seriu. iu ir e suit ol Jowi

aeainrt the and Kia !andy railroad. Iwill aril, ae .;oiuniiioi.er, th timhaaS bM ierin thetnvn of I.reernp nnrnty. Kr .a FKl!DAY. the dar of tict tim atonwaid road, or artBiurh thereof a wt.l a'ify the terms of raid decrw. Aadwith mi l mad all of the ear-- , eneinea. and rualeriaiaoare it road or hlonriir tlietvro. and th appurtenant depot

tliat may re long or ri aeeeary to thw wa andeej .rment of Ihe ssnie. or sirrh pan a niav twai.MVan of sM roa 1. nt to the town of Aahlaud. sf fn.ra Ito In mile ia nimplrd and in nirali-'n- : an'l a eonttra- -hi amount of sTa.lius hue ben done alona Ihe ho a io.road tn ai' of th eountte. thronah woi. h it pase.

I he ale wl ) on a rvdil of twrlre month, and thspun hav will be repaired lo bond, with rood w.liritv forth . umrrey, lo tiaveib f ireaaleiirtol a !

eili t.icou'iiinei! at II o'clockI' i. t i.t M II, f'omuilasoiKV.

SnuH 3. lrVi...aep wa

Cnpaitnf rahip.rrHr. d have foyind a eoprr"r-M-.I nndi r the name and iffyle nf tit k FMAN, DL'XCAN.

I'll., forilnr pnnv ni roniiie-iin- a a I "tnniwin, rorkpai knur aud P.ovi-ei- al Hie Nrk houae reent.ye riaed liv ll 'tfuiao. Ilanpllon. ra Co. la're reldiMoushave lieen mad to li:e hull Inc. end he eal ire nrtahliah.metit ia I ina ptare.1 ia ll.e m...t romph-- t an'l tlMtrmchnp .ir We will lie prepared .at all Irniea ta la.kri libwralrnli advanrr en hot, to t. .aekl with u.

llrtwe (for he preeeril) at Mllclieil ai Lu.'soa MaiastrvSliie trait llt'uee.

T. I.. HCFFM X..1 M. DIM AN.

l ouwrill, July I, M. ti. ANItkhn.aiiSJ 'tu.iw

-- $1,000 A YEAR.We want Lucl a"d TraveM i


I., whom the largest I will he fald. Itsrr Lewlor nd- -.

ovli; : volumes ufT. S. ARTHUR'S WORKsS.

Also, a larre and saleslile l of111 TlT.lt AL AM) HltXll.'APHICAL (KiOKs.aVc

.taionc the will he found I.I VF,d of J FFF MV-- tf andHAMILTON, lo-- f. K. a, AN r and o't.r d

frWorer aau J rainier . dee,

Aaions our rerenl publicaU-m- s'e the Publk aod Prtra'eIt'fo ct Iioun Napoleon,

History cf Iudiv andlha India Mut'rjy;

Livingstcne'B Tiavcls and Exploratl-.n-

for blxtccn Year ia the Wilds cfj.fik-;i- , &c, &c.

All of these Hooks are anions the Bio pablierreil

OF LIVINGSTONE'S TRAYELSAtone, we have wil l

OVER T'lliT TIKM SAM I'firiF.and tbe sale ia in Many ol our are nnk-in-from ta to !' a ila, in n bus onr I'ul.lo at.-- ; and

we ela ni llial our iiielude 'lie niol w. I, able Hie.kaul- -ler-- 4 lo Ai'i ai au.i t aaa. n. And b. lp..iu us

r.ars;i Hlea atari rwwll PraCIa,wefnrni.h our to t f..r Irura IS to IJ per cent.

Im: u ii.l pru- aFor l.Ul pi Uiu.i . of Aeeucy, term.. ad treea

.! v P.im IH t.y, phii'her.NtiKI U Ful KTM ril'iiafcT.

? w!m p.FAiOI FOR SALE.

1 Urn BY offer for sale roe valnshla "TTTi.VjS Farm of ..so arm-- , ua Salt river, t hree aiuaa .f

A eboie fill' po.nl. e noiit liai acre, are ua- - 14'"de'fenee and well niltiyatrd. TheUnd - I

ll tlB" red stel baa tour rood p lim which nevrr in.The improveaieaia iniei! in a fo'et hewed lea; Itwei.lin rouuiuinri four rooiua, with stable, two corn evioa,drcaUaeutd. There aa apple or. hard, ha.luaavariety of the t ai bariiiir ires. There n uo better place

Tsswa ca.li ui hand, and the balancetli. a la .iit tue purcbaa r. Apply wa tile prenn to


A Fins Opportunity to Purchae m Desirable raira oa v ery Favorable Term".

I AM anxioire to aell my Farm, and tn or-- j ,JTSy'' " n" -. will , ell oa vrv V.IJL. favorable term., a I eaperl to entas la - ,,,

oinr biisinea. Te Farwa mutaiu ;;j acrr. at I 'll4"! of wbH'h art karrea.., .Hj; cteaird snd ia rtiltla.a,u,Pi of barrtn-- , aud i a. rv of wll limlaredbind. The Karni it.led witr.ia threw raitew wl IkeI aiima ana not sid.miIo lurupike, and is weii wateredS.viur ow it an r ueln-o- well and pniia, be-lli pleolr nf 'ock wat.-- eonveniei.ll hteau-d- Illma ted within ricbt nulra of laatz, llie eounty rvat ofTrias ronnti : three ruib-- from Savrnb-a- rtprrns. a plaes)oi eunmueruine reeon nn laiueil toe its Sire mnleirial

It is conveun nt lo .school, and t harr'iea. aniwithin Ihor I7milee ol two .hipping point rtwAcaai-r-and Canton, i tn ihe Par .i iaa yuurui orchard, embracinrra areat variety and onmber wf euoiea trait treea. Thesoil ta a fertile a any lnda iu Ihel.reen river esunlrr,aud i.iwi'11 adapied to tbe arowtn of ail ear staple

Ila, a rouit'or'able lwlling lone, tvnir andconvenient; -. S Nr.ro Cabin, aud Kaiaa aarnrw-a- l krt'., , ne.vy crop ot lutaero.

I w i off ir the above l.m.l for aale nrivatelv nntil tha110 ol ar.d it not .eld bv that time. I will ef.

ii a, pnouc auction in, aay on ine rriiinw at 11o .. si. l wi'i j. li. CHAWKIcka.

ILowi.-ili- tvaklr Journal eopv till day ef sale aadm r iiopr,tiMi.ie llen ary.j

SALE OF IaANIXP.Y lirtire of a decree of the ChatH prv " . i'7r-oii,- t at I.VIa in .ant l..t tr. I : '

X. Ill nr-- t .MONHAV in H.enih.-- ai'ift"Cnurt-hoi- door, m the to a of l.ailaun.

c.po-- t.. at pub.ir one ..f ilin motUiol in the eoiiiiiy of unirp-r- roDtainins ahowl

dffiacre. tiact nl land is b. aulilully situated, lyincini rao nun rr.iin t.ie town ol r.allatin. rinnre4iaa-- l

a e turupike f I. aud wuhin a) rardaol the Loiu.ville and .Ns bvule railroad) die ni.(Au flace lo .aut-ile- , and known a. tiaelhloraI rarl,

1 l.n mid land are Hirer or four j r;w n. ofct.. water, acre or aid tract well tnioer- -rs tnn s iu bote sr.., a hoe aianv ia the eoiietr. ani ihe balance in a huh sia'e uf riiiri.vati n. Said tract of rand will ae sold as a whole or dl- -vrceii Him two tract, hi sail piirhawr.

the same time and plare, that valuable H.iuae.let. and l.ffle", a nat.d on Main ftr-- in Ihe tows of

a .lent rrom rhe woar , known a. tbeHr. .tew-o- pni-rt- Said bit ba, ea it a sood

r .niaininir s or; room... Kitchen, etab'e an. I I with oilier aerary r. a o. I Hip-- i ifhcr. wuh 1 room towet her with a

ar-- e ard and and i a.l"ethr one of the availrevidene s in the town of Callatia.

Tifm or Sin ia-- tr balance Is landJ rear, lor uoIi b w. l iudored without iuurtt. snd a lieuretained.

Maid liad and Hour and Lot will b .hown to sny onepnrrha-- on apphcatma in i;.iiiatiti. to

Lt'iMWi lAhFk,lowiiiiloaer.fiALliTIJI, Tin V., Sept. J6 Wld

ri.' iii.ille Jnnrnal e.ipy weklr to amownt of ate aa.eud bill t On. orttre by the of November sex' I


MaiBhal'3 3ale.Win. Ri.ldb'. Adm r. ;

staio't C'hsnerry o. 11.91;.Ws. KiMI-- 's Heir.

IS V .irtne of a erre of the l.onraville I haner rjrmrt.ren tertd in tbe above eauee. the ov one

it it will. on Mi iMlAi , Nov rnber 11. ahuot thehour of II o'cio. a A. tl . ll at puh ic ate tmn tu the hich-e- t

bidder, at tbe i ourt hotiie door, in tbe ei'rol ln a crilit of ei mouth, - nitn-- a mar be nerea-rr- .

t ali-f-v lb.- d.cre hiTilnof tl.eelev trwetaof Lvndin metitpinid. tuat.d in Urayiein nunty, ky.t ine ti art c ntainin.- - :i i;41 one rontaintnr ii.i acres,rail. d the lloa Irre-t- wue rontain'ne l.seo acrw.

th l.rav Kneh tract; one routainiDS ;id aare.Ii ina on Hear crei S; one coiitaiulns acre, lyins onM"in; one aer,.., i ln on ot

14.i acre., ad 'oiiiina th i,ra-s- Knob tract; onee.ntainini; i7 acre, ei.i-- d the CVraer tract; ene enntaio- -nit rial I. roa on o.m; on e nia1

ine on Noltii. au.i en oihir cntalniua i 2IJ arr- - a and Sipoe-- c-pi tnoap iraetawritcn were euitrev. d ne . JAl vander lo the f llowimt peix.n.: John1.. W. Howard, psiacr; Jonathan N'Crady, pa acre-- .

A.J. Wllliim.. ioac-- n. tarhy. llll sen-- ; I, I. Kah.neon, 14 acre; m. K. tVatha. 141 acre: .1. T. Ilia

'lo'i. jnii a re: 14. V nwek. i!4 aer- -; Levi Huller,acre; Thou Rtcliardw. acrs: Peter llorntieck, I atacre; t noa. nowaru, .a acre.; n Horn, aerea;

Oreepawalt, 1. ill acre- - Kli kl I rady. aerws- WtsuFulkerwin. luu acres, and to Wnu G. lyiwmaa ial ama.

Th pnrehaser wi'l h mtnired tn ftve hwod. witheeenri y. bearins inf rrM Intra lire dar of aale an.

til put t,aud a lira will be retairfd a additional... v. v. nir3,a. L j. I...!. fi. KAI.F.F.rn aids TH'X. A. MnKtA.j 'P"'"-


Straw and.Com Stalk Cotter.

CA6 It 1 ?ii,aa,--


fikt PRFMirM Awnnrn pt mr. v. . ariiCl I.Tl 'RAI. -- iiCIKTY, AMI A T Al 1.711k.UTATK FA I K3 Wit FRK IT U AS ttt.N

aT sr-- i M ar . m asa sat

tZiT Liberal ducotmt to Dealers.

IV connect ton with (i B. Garmw, th owner f thnatit -r tn Culled fttal. wa are now manufar.

Minnc tbia relebrated aiacht. e Inlhiretty. irderssoh.f.ted. PF.TFK A Rl'CHAMAN,

jttnreM 4eaaenslis 44 wata at., Lowievilb. Kv.

DE. "W. PRICEad Km rrr&k Ccck ot tv tsiiu ti i mmK

Scrofula, CaRfrr, IMcs, Sore Ejt,CHILL. lIKtiMC MARr.IIF.a.


Witriout n in U-i- kniiV r hr pinfil rfiwditi. And.i m h'rrI mniwnrrmtt

ONANISM J.II- n tl and hm icvowii ir. H

iT lo ni 'tim hi Ki.tfvi. nt if h prrftfrtr.lh iatvnvM of ir.rw lr. W. i.. UfTtkub nis1..l i Jmbavn., .ItiJi.' . siii'larw l'ndrwt-'- , J,dir.' ti'itHkTi, Jtni' I. iMfij., ftnil MMtir other ttKmiiiHTuiii tu in ii ion ; of wh it mr ihkrt. trl.m n, tu ea ni:nttrvn by tho who mxy clnmtm to iok al

T hi iTwn fu l en ft )mr Id tmnsbiMt v to prrfnnuIat .it i'.H.iSfft-- t to 1, ! iniw-- i 'li s.ri1iTr- u rn.il onim, unv U r' frfil rr'i th diaaw, hut mln

.t'rv-- r : l U br i0.iiU til u 1 L KK- ta will mtmmk

KfiinifT 3IaikM ntrrrt, krlwr- -

and rvrnth. jlv 14 wly


w Jll"""hartrr rrnii mt .h

Ialnlaimay. prepare I to Hieare FAUM 1 KUPKR TT

or daiuaire by l ire for Ihe term of i.v veara.I. it i us a note f. tne whole iv yearV premium and col.

onlr ten crnt. of ttr premium wot la ra.H,b avinrttie balance to he rotlertMj by aeraenl wlienmaearv to pay the liabilitiai ul that ompenv. Tlii. t

noi iutr prop.-rt- wi'tnn the liniitsof auv eitr,town, or viratie, but coitnnea itertas. to Farai

J. 8 l ' BAN .uN, Preeidenk.

PiKEcrrm:f.aai- - V.rer It. W. A. Vert eat her,John Ttiatrher, pobert V Miller,Kohert Mall ry, vv. F. Pnll.a k.aoh-r- t Aer, TV .F. I). Ilohlta, Philip Harbar,J. H. liannoa, Thos P. Camp.J.iba 11 rr.

Af.r.MTS roa jKrrEssriv corTT;Piwrt Hint, SherifT. rvtrirtJitiiL CiaArT-.x- , IVpniy sberiff, Weatera Pawtrlet.

No. 5. seuih .ide Ma n street, betwenat nib and n.jttlu v. r . II. Moii-- s s .ad llery at. ire t. IoniaviliO. h v. juiwly


Wnl Ll call tli attention of w.trnlfWdrovers Pi Ibir Livery and iale MaK'ea, WA

whre titer ar- - fu ly prepared loart-- A

ample scrooim.Hlntiou to s'o.k drover, aatavaararon the no-- rea.inable

They hope, by wncl atteuiWa to btineaa, to aierft a.bate of puhlul uatrona-- .

SI.iNr.K.iiritv. An., Jiily.vu, tce.anil wra

NOTICE.W 5 HAS AWAY from tbe lata of11 .lamea Sander, decctaw-d- , in l'akra,.iity.J

Ky., FlkK NKIiKO tiLkYF.S. In.wiu Ar,vVJli.i, aauie.t t am. an, ol blrek e..lor. aedia rears, S feet or IM inel.a h'sh. snd Uva iera

nnyorof trie band rut erf al tha Srat lomt; aatri.lainert Naucr.aaaa aleiot 'i vear.. copper co.ora. w.i.h.u abuut Uu lb, i -l t ,r 1 iin-- and n n, k;iokn. so I hr wo iron, on n ie.1 i aiharin tadtr..ut 7 re ir.i tne 't.r n.ait-- I'ol.y id yrarai,

in b'lir l , o a sirl. naiad pati-v-. areai'vart Ji...n!ln.'t.i,ii.

...u y.ry Iik. I. M H . IL f I s I I .A.lm'r ot jas. Aaadcis, d J.

Citl ti:!aie.S.r..J


Smith's Tonic Syrup.trr. ni ... i.nr tear. ha. wiaitain-- l - i

aeni ear-- ror I nilhi au4 I ev r or Ai. aa.l rTW piibtte aiar r.i. a tli Hci th, tt .ro-el- ,ri.Kie ia i's eauo.ii ia. mo 'root he rore.

raiefnilr nri.ed rertabt r'irle, awd alwa a yrpard by 'he pr .prk kr ia . a, and ibrrl"rw be iaa sarmsi isBioforrr.i twlliltr.

It Itaphorr-i- an. woHrtta eewihined wh i' ,r. ai T .ne iia"". '"T H el iw'tv jpwidm S

CniimrreaiidotlMir peoaousrs as a erarral aad seruedy iu all rats a Toast at re'i-r- l and us ha

It . prodnee Ilea dark- - OWdtre s. Vnrr'nt of IK Fa, or air t the wrta efrVrtw whlrh a f' .Wwalwattnd th w, o llitietne or reoaade. Sir ma-- b-- ive" inline . .o-- l h. an sireilitiani a wha'ewa to ke.siabw. Iniar.r.. aa all wre ro deilitaid ar bare 'be uut dibia.? ruaU'uteua. wuhuwt th atipnhva-.p'S- j

of any tnilltlow ot even unp ot etf.. t-rac.pi ni...f lawik-io- who bare a .iib 4 H. aad .Sl-- tl p'twa who bar oot aad rt. a' tn.

"1 " ' " a'r Tml and tl.v will tbea he t it, areat r.itia.r,iy er atSaar rwasedlew aaJthat is an ih , trine el .nnd for it.i!'i! r'f" I a's sad tnaocewt ra a awr. H t,,i, r,, k.s known 'ail m nvisI ed ,er ov aatww asat I'twt, whether f .hvil or lows staadnis. tbe direiiwwa wr kullwwed rJulllll .e.tirine ka become atapl rewiedr sod fer ewn ha. V . Viwi lv ad threticlvool th etatea of ".yaaiwe.. Awoowea. yit L..uean. Te,. Ar.an-a- Im..io. Il'ii,-- !.. uw,.Ma. la--

ana. .lK ka. p. ua.. I. ma. and t . i..roia. ani .wve I.-- . iu . rniKr. . aa I H, rmawenil rrure.1 aewr i.aat.etwl ..f a- - j. 11, ,nd fi raaa ao.1 wia-- v f ,!,lib...w..ikn., -- ..a.

lal rvneMi. Snown 'a 'h- - rwere PTTierlv o.liow.! Sie

favor, and aatrowew a larva nunihcr f rvewarcMule prae"and ler rt .a erfn ac to Ooiuine and o'hr riue4perain. .i.ins in of o.rtntv t to t lull, andSer a ornpli af Ibi rcaaailr alwai . oa l

Tie- peoerietov ba in hi e w a rarer aamncr ot ert' ruedrwe a wil a irow I n:.i'a. i. .ie

itrtra-aa.- eo.alir in I hi laanl r tr and Kei- -r

till op a Urge a il.rnie, hot he w, not deesa h a. s. ,. ary. a It

JOHN X SMITH, Proprietor. WILICnLoctasiLLS. Rl , A'l. j; dA.'m


S ft cl cl 1 ei v H tn cl w ci i e ,a.d .TiwrntTrEti: or TRnks hiress c.

POI'Hl ?U'E MAIS STEEtr, rifcV5r SIXTH AXl kEViN II SIKEETj,W.nmnm wa 4 - a.s'.

awd Manufacturers wowM Snd il o tbeir .i' to aia ary al.k hal.-- takia tkr k.avt orders Ircra a dtataaca will hr to a if ma le in

PUBLIC SALS OrLand. Trotting S:ick, Farm IIor.

.Malts. Crwod Marf, iattlr,Fine Sltffrp. 1c.

15N1AY tir- rh in or wt. (U ar raj.

mctr nf kaiid. fruutitw ob tba TrBokfort aaifvat-tVa- tMrr'li. aiiiins mv irsttsrn frofM U)fvraVa fi Kiktwsa. "4 7 pu.iv frwrn nrtf"rt. Thra rvoa ani rui r.ff.r-i-. Hnli iu

brtrh rfr mok H"if-- va'4ItllD - rt'ss'k'swaj thsj lfaaVri. at a f S Sv imm '.i CsiwH ha aMti aa ri th aWand mn Mstm- ivr.ret-s- ta ih vsTtty. 11m Uui i t.blwrll in w It wirrad. au'l. in piut of rm

my mad Id th Mai- -. Iba r 1 tH nxr-f- r i aasrr'f. IHsai am twa chitrrswa-- tit s:nl tth . r. al ihrv iaatirunnii miy oabnrn, Uia fturih-rs- t within w ihaa thrr itiawa

A'f, my rntira tut ol Tro'.bo aa ( f Mi, v latha ir Ua As,

TH Kf. YLAR ol.l aTaLLlON-i- .

N 1. T'rn'tv. a rtrh cIwaimI. t aaU rackajali a, kr TKkwt-r-

.No. 3. Lrif' r. a dark tra trnr, mm VSvitzM.

. a MsxarJ r , l. hn-!- iksarh. v faNMi.THs--r mm ail Arniy rmri. r.v ami ana

ntrsriiiaa-T- r htr uf ihm ean. mu4 .. vl -4irl. trut a aui aay tlaj vvrr my tracl. iu tUiem'lnttvit.

Turva flvtta nl ra Filli-- . mmm hr Wimvv.i ttrr ol wkw. wnl tVw 'i aiwl fso'na ef

rwia i aiiiiQtPit. llavinai mmnv ai thm. I hm haanahiU tt rinv tMtnm sari ZtV w to 4rm9 ll

Tt nxxwm mum :Wds Vir-- . mmi asc. ImiM, and broken Uwia aU. lb arts fxuia wtii m:imdottmm.

ti sht trv-fa- r aldsa, Hr nowrrm.Onu dark irrta rrt mtton, t bra'lW M Tnraa'.A.Thrt O iit-- aad iomw Uitea, fraaa tba mm dmtmm

thr sid .

Fir rrarlln and HaM vvmnVnt, hr Farrka, a 4tha flnet Mtirraa j.railtoiaa m Kaiuckr, and Irwu Ibemmm tiaiw aa aw".

M r dxaitsahw eiaiiWa, Maxiaaai-- , aad (bv of hi ytmrWunCo- p.

AU of wt Riwvd Ma.r-- Tner b lamlW:Fvw HraFt: rm mrxm aad tiaWv brnaa) r

Id Mill, aad oa aid anbroKt-a- P or Im

Mitck tow aad l it-- atviian. as aiaa.v ixfliuf "fr aniHtir: rok af irxca: I'ttrmifisf I tnnl M rwrrrrnvtinn; 1 lartja rtrnnt; Wmmnm, ) fr 4 linraw. tavsat

uta r fir atava: mv rpay traaa a mm r list.r 'ntvistflncaf aiiwsjf 'ro; 4 r ni.-- i

tUfi WVl, ud u aiiorb liw I t . Ur a truvi; ilvit 1ri ita' ia f 1t rrnck; Iloabnid and btU

I 'imttnr, tke.. ate.Tit-- aanasn! aill ba ard aa a rr) ri

nliss)k, wuswut iBrrr4 all mum rnrrr ia, foraota-- with giod rntv wil bt ruiiirfM, pa.abiv at mrof th hnks al rtaaarit for taat aiaoutai aad aadr,caah ta a ad.

1 ba land a ill ba aoM oa UtiraaTml pay mntA,ia nao'l. ilvt rainr- - m ana two i;n iitt(front dtr, and a Uea ntaiad ta aacara the tWirrrmi fmrtnnu.

The aala IU anttwM 4Voaa dar ta day till aoarkirdand will coanoKV at in a citxk racb v.

2w4 TH(M. fTTKl.KLoia?Tin .TovtnaJ ropr four tira- - and fjrward

to Una om"a. Lr.. Cm, ami lit

Ohio River Farm fox Sal a.A Farm ta M Kfntvk t Hiitom. ywi mhmvm I V

Kr., mitaiain S arr -- i land, tb inaJk u f wb.h w bt ..Jrrt t lr afnir vrV ani on Mn! irrni. Apply to lMllry

l'Wivil, Ky.. or arfr.a4iftwlfai BE. J.

600 ACRES OF CUOICC LAP.rriNO of nr iSrmrn l, I dT?j

ff "sarvaat io rlinf Mtfb hr naTriaita. I '

JLZ tlwraioraj saaa hra. aa- - aj arra- - aim, t T"!y arniiiid and adtoiuliwr tl: ttinv- - --yj"

In tIMm nf I. ..T.rat. runv. Imd., I iihm--..uth nf J.rrvirftvUla. oa H . A. ami K tt., aeariv .vit

In rntrtraltoDf annndaatlr attiafliwd a ith avrllnt Tmr-- ,, umba-- and s rirrk nf hj vary ttj build idsi

j i ill tit- on atucb stxc (our dwelling b jusi-- aatl inr fKtofrharils,

I iri We tn mrmf that rhi tetwt la mm mnryimrt frt9coarrnieBs a af brat a (wuh rn ri t nft t, tvr.HraMnaf bonnt-a- , arhooin, 4c , friiJifvnf ,,, aor ar.htii-a-

iu apntarsttH br anr at lands in tha Sat ftatll a poid ui Ota asitt pnrrlwera an--1 nIns larma. Anr vairtir iatornatia wli be snr-- a avaarnaii apvtcauoa to Um aadarwifned, at ClvaTtlaiw orby t twr.

aboTft 4 rry nlra bi.(dfiw rn aaid twa. willKa sid oa my I rvam, esCsaiiy to Uann-- a nro'0raaWitor i bmhl nn thm. WM. Lfhllkr.

k RBaai, a fxi Co , la a., aug.

173 Acres tf (bristian fwaaty LandFOlt SALE.

a- -! ICAVINI. deterwiirred tn ehn mr loca- -7 tioa. I ortvr a rras- .tetrabl karot for eal. fj

" j ID mnes southward nf llophinevdl, oa ther J " il roarf Ss Lara, est, kr wa. of Janrea Unm i

s.hi.--; awl eHrrminded br ahnrehn. eOooa. Billla. Ae.;iai aerea eleared and in a tne atateof rnltivaiion; ljacr--

Soelr set in clover, th remainder Snelr trmnervd. waser- -

rd, Ac. Improvement sweat. Frie par acre. Trm1 suit snrcbaerr. Ta tenvmeai. two fcncweiiaof wa-ter, land mraecpribas S drrtsaoa. Apply oa toe prewiiaeto lit.-.-i wT R. P kVla.

rRM FOR 3ALC.I will offer mr k arat for aam, oa hleh I

kr.. ,, I be rrvville and uan. i.t t. irupis, its anirw froaa laprtnaneld. The fa. or

com am 14 ro--; i a aerea elewrvd and rn a hli-- star oieillUvaoua. trt nalancw neavily tiWiOercn witn rl.octimber. atd liea imnweitately a ih bver h Foi k. a sineit a araet stork tarni; a lars pullKia of U sell setIB

Trua--i u rah: balance la oa, two, aad threeyear, with lD'art from ilat.

or further particilar. apply So m ow th prrwitaea, otto ritirmaa k MrnwelUer. rWnrv, ai law. Iy.uiaits.Kr. (anstawtl) THi M. M. t. L t YHdi w K.

TOR SALE.TH E nadrcTd. to fitt th Vlll'lns knsisawi.

onVr hr sal th.tr aew tt Tk A ti 94.W aa t.okNMILL, rstnatwd ia a cod aeashborltoo) for rna.luis. aaplentv of timber, wotrlar and oak of all klnda. a10 a.ft sadnirsory. Tnr Mul waainwadd for a klowia H U. buti. a it aompieteit for llonrnif It hi toe hast place to st naorrehteheap that rss Sr fouad. The r woead a Uietimber and THare aenld he houahl arvi.ia sor iH.iaa, hi.rt.t of wnewl swwrv ar 11 uw um wa a a.tehed Aad a aardins- raachia would a well Thenwould be eardina enowgh arv aawaow Sw way tor thrhlne. Also with ibe mill I ahaltinw, saw. aad halt, ailready tn put ap euttlna lath .Am rta th aaiil is sps tirvanti tnd rrrat we. ith tb mill istrlnt 7 ) acrea ol la ad. tar lv tSmharwd. aa.1 rrna iraaict

oa th mat rotes fro. to lueparil-rille. Bo.'ill eounty. ky.. i write irosa I Jiuravtlle. ad ow- -

rH raiie Irosa lies loulviii aa-- l anviip. Ka troaaThe ruai hioery ta nearly sll new. foi.t 4a irb boiler.

.It oke. and eyiioder. Thoaawiabisa tw hwould do well i call and saaiiDe. a w wid naa a bar.rain. jnly 17 d Jdi wlf WS.LI k.K HARM.


. I DEHRKto di.ooae of mr tirt Pro.Ty.VV friy.on Livintri"'B rrk, Lma coanty

A 77,11 IT h4'-- . 4 "lie from tycwl.trr mil- -,

c 'IO .i s,l....ia no v mil- - from sd'- il. Till, ky.. toarthcT wuh hum to ;i

KaaBrHaa. ictm of food Land.Alao. biaea.mith aud waatow ahopa awd all wr 11 asary

wul b sold low and nt faenrable term.I'..r further informabAa. addrua th andeBeiaBerf.at Dv.

cu.uurp, ...JunaJu wljr

BOUIilON HOUSE.PAKl.a.KKNTlCKY.Ioi Sale.; WISH 1X1 ta rUrv f root haaiaas. I sffer tbs

.f...T haras, and .iN,lad'" hoi, tuartfwr with th fursiiar ia it. for

r ."II Th Howrhiia Hoaa has hwra Uea loaawitahltabsdaau i u well aad toa seweraily kawwa to riutre parti- -ilardeacniitien of toralioa. , ae. niirPe it t aay thait will accommodate eorwfortanlr 10 peopl. that tt lata

pood repair awd wll fwrwiahe ia every Sr-ar-t local, aaha alarreaad eaa.tauuy icraira patrwBaaw.

with th hows tsalwo-ac- r lot ipo wbtrhtherartww aod stablew. ore f them Ih bee irs the Hlatwith eacaeitr for Ir horaca. which win a soidwithtkhowaa. T be aboa property w ill bold al a decided oar.rata. For terms apply Sw

anstvtl ll. THrRSTi!.fTprtrwa.N. H. TbsrtonrhoB llorm is Ih hrkiat .taad fat

nwtgnaaa th moraine trala p w th t.SL.1.1.Lontviil Journal copy waekly aaiitforbld aaaeaarss

thiaomc.! I ant I 'twen.

nur scott tarm for sale.aaj Wlutl I.Mi I dieeonttnnefarmlns. I eiferI for .ale my k'arm ia .cott rounty. tworajj ." mile win rbea.1 uf tieoraetow a, os thst urn. --A.

al r,h" i.i.-- f from tieorsetown (by lmn'sV.li-- Leiim.ton.rontainin 7..S arr of ea in landand in aehiyba stai of enitiratioa a say farm ia theSlat; abut quaeres of th heel ! rn tb. of timber, wellset in f the cleared land laatawell art in srawi. . I wharh liar acrea unrat-rat- e hemp landIt w wl.nppuerf with drinkias and lock water -- aaioaj

.priaw. heeides hindina verv bandaowielvpB North F.lkkora about of a mile, whirr

ai.esaa a.tditioaaliipi-l- f,tors water; that parbind.In HPw kJkhwrBM well with stoBefencirf.

part nf a larre ar hrwk dwollins.witn ail tn Beery a u

wmtllia soodarder, aud a food set ol cattls scalesT re f rw it trvwssr varionaaad abuaitaal.

Thadi.Unerof tht rarm tram t,eorrli.wa wuniwemsrv barer ail lb adraBtates of tb he.l arhixi in tbr

Weal without havinw So board hrsceiMrea tprrw horn. Itth farm should He too bane for a purchaser. I would leu

boo too aeres, with tb improvrwient. A I praonswlB.rl,iirrt,,S,. Itaraila eeery particular. araiari.td toea laud si ami Bath pramfcesa for tbem etv...

ylwt B. l.wtjttp,r liwieattt .lourwal rowv tilt forbid, ewwd tea per toadvar- -

tiswr.andehart thiaerttra - fVswrpe fawns


turned hy mad ia rood rd.r.rl. llttrlB.1 tenia rww siawwractorv.

Third atroeS. LowwvUi. k.EMPII.E

Family Sewing Wachines.Djuble Thread and IVinblc Lock Stitch!

Price, $30.

X KAYW'.1 PITkMT T- h- a aMai hrn -- I remarkatdr wmpie rnrworwertoa. asm doe lhamm work a fAa Scat Sl' kl iiiMia

Aaron.nl Offuwarr eoniprleiowia uniraswasaj twileaiu to - it iwcewfu'tr ia few hours' wiaerH-e- . Ttitrh 1. 'h boat mail hy rowch'Berv. ao4 la rsienw a

tki Vat ka.u rvTar. It hi vwrv aJaaOe. and. th rl.w.ol Iia M tn break h anr strain in wwainn or otbwrwlw.

Tf wm will not rip. Ibonirh evwrr lourth itrh sw lastTha, alaehiB rnn the Ikeret icottoa. .il. or boenl

from apoola, and u want no- fai.nili( oil" beiBf nac.saary, aa ta Bad olher machine

I nspee th.s railicited. For ml hv

No. i tfaeainie Buildui. Knur-- 1.. lnenlb-- K,rm-- Aeat wanted for th mis cl Uua Maabin 'hmn.h-eii- t

!' Mat of J w f

SEtD-- s AtRItrLTlIlALn ULUOlSt.ASrnrs rTa aaara Ritt'is


KKAl"t'K'd lll'l R Mil t, I MING S STRAWtLTTkkS. ANU

ArrilculturaJ Implement OenerallT.t'III('lllarofHl. and farmers n ttbwral

II tenua. Aim i;AKIk andUKA.s Ltl',m part el -.... bur.te Kntiirkr Bl.l rtra;

h. label, kentiKkr tire hard UrwaW,S huele-l- P'lrw loolhr eed;l.wti . r Ke.1 Tip:k4 tkvr. tut i.luver, aad r ranch clowr.


IliUUAri tC FMSNT.I LaittK Ok" PAR!,

v. hi re s.-- r. ,ivrv artiakt aauailr frand la Ariciiiursl aud a4Stor--

tifTJ'ftraxt raflrc-i- of Iin!. m 11s pr .1

tal aevO. a.ul hy ni..i 011 pr. ?".;. 'tt.I L r ft A bl 1.11.1 V tl ,

sJi24Sl fed Maui St., Lauarrui, f.


mud ,

try. a... I in no . t i l.ti 'i mS a t rlrl an) ew .li I. . iii.ar.. SI ..thai Ka ... .

oueraul raaJl.il. llarowaJiwuS waa arwacntas..trrr aa I Fever, r KiaVirts frraj wowld o wU ta

aa kne..a an. I lh- -r t. fVon, wHo hawn, aot otrw r anle-i- aimaana iu priT..d h. eonld I. ia..re .r 'oia allrio, etea-n--l, a.jd tavMaWy Sao. a i taw pwaras

& ETAT.DIRD, Vrhole-al- o Ajeista.



." a awrva wa.

McLeansSTRENGTHEN. (. f 02DI lLn4 BLOW

Th- Oieatest Remedy la tba World!ST THMOrdiaiiadia.C J iMts a hewrJ, kwowa owl. la mr- - VP.f self ail eVtuira.lr s

,J ".w.bimdwi.h rn- -st , A' u tl-- . TU.iaoM Vj C7X?!- i ef 01 a Ieiaal ria. a.

hrb. ared bar a mil)k.M.a he wood.?na. vi: aao...r..,,.k ll, aim rn.r. h.rk. ..ih.wd.irk.

ioina. vnl. aider S.,w--

wuh . a. r. peofloc-in- sHia aei-- i a.. hi

f. r 10 re,torarao of health OT.V;iue,...liXTnv';.'; -

A.lll11.. t.triu.s.wIt. healing tdne w .lwa era-- ..

ooue, jowtl . ma aadI. ft ai,ira,,in " ..vt., vw( tr. wool

lrl.au ,. I ontial wul enWnuulr cwrL.wer I'.onplaiot. I've, Lmotiew. bntiev --ee.. Hetolur. IH tb Kidwwv., ami arl aMliteaan.tn from a IwrVH I rer or ..'oinarh. kleartnwn,.Inward PUcw. trelitr or Vlw. of loe u.ioi..'fc Fll--m-

Mood u. tr Hea.1. im.l Pmu or Swm.mi.ia- in toHead. of the ll.art. K.iMaemo. W i at 'ha

oiuach. .wr , I aokti. or MaVauar fawhi.aa hea I. Mir lawn. lir.. r .lioaoof th-- ...10 allkew. uht Mwet. Inward Per. p, m na smadMm. . heat. e . uddew l iMoa Meat. Imsrwa.

b ..r ti.riia 1 "a'lil.ii I an cor. 1 ! wdc tier,.raor hervww li ..a., a.. Kbucka ra irea aiB.ml tort ud: ami -- !. II will aaa

litwae of tii K.wilder and W .rob. awrb a SemiraaltVeaanew. Iircuntiaewce of l rine. .trautaarv iaimmmat-ti- .

n or Vteakueeaol 'b V..n,h.,r Plal.ier. c.r See. m m. aW I ordml willt.u to enr aav rf mr aiaive Ii a na ,f taaea per uir.craeaan each bottle iu Knilwh. aod r rwnea.

leaee Hot m Siliaata IhiUu Han wes aad dwrtem

t4 l m.it'i.. and il no intawe ha rt failed tasie1nwtirwmii-iaeei- A ao. uVen .ill wt r -- (.or .leb ut i wt McLtaM t olrsaxti Aaauanf C'rana ilkfir yoiif

To vws l.afetra Do row vtah ta h bwhh aod niwaT bra aw at .1 mw of Mr Lea 1'.I wdiai. It will weenwtheB and ii...ae tows h ood a

ihrowah , , avm. anal tar rw. hanw of leal-- .1 . mount to rourrheaa aawio. ul wmraatad sf re wudv ta.a.

W mr to parent., if owr eMtdr, artd klv, p.ut. or .tti.a,d w theo oolaini. peovalewl amowSoiidrvn. etew thm a wwall I'lanuiy of McLetaa's fordatl

.:d it will make 'hem newltn.-- taaa.uaa. Delay BoSa iiiomept Irv it. aa.1 yoa will tw e .nv.nced.

Ir 10 Ilrt i. tora To T r k.vvrv aowatrv merebaret,l...l.l a..i 'Ke rite antii lie ha. a of

i. Lean', 'liretijtlienili t -- r.! .!. It a.H ratoole. oaeaueaIt aiaay.ewrea. A ti wrai liwn.uat will as araaa ss hvsa So one to ar.iw.

r.f dVnraeww or iliwb r who morewe luiur ar Haiwi.nl , traa.

ar he avina H la reel a a.wol.t .;wl neh men. S uw WeLe a reewrracwao. Cor- -

and ta norhtn al a lb onlr remedy that'II 1'nr tt tio-- l taomushlv, aud at ua mm Iras

tie-- r.w eTtyrtow pr. ea'iee I.. s.rw. I1 or lay prval.-n- .i.a-e- .

Preool r bo'tlr. or av bottles for 4J.J. Ik. .H.1.1A1. u.ie r of he Cordial.

.d Leua'. V ml Lioima-nl-

.tii os tit corner 0 Third sad Una." Iae, Mo.

iu hr TFT I. TLrtOTT.Cl.,A Hro , aud Ka Bond at Fal; a.

Fich Di?t;rng Ctldin TlelJ.Th "Millvilt rem- - foei."V

, lor fhw facma. If awl ard befoe MtedtiH ih let J,- of west. It w.ll B

I. a; .1. b tn th awheel htdir. or for raatt. as Thowner aawr dtrera. Let Boon rs aar ll that dar. a liasI i put m low. aw-- term w eaer. a te. ii.n r a wu. 'oa r ou who want a a od fartn. It w cry rare lad.sd .has

eoniNti.ina ao mane of eoAeoureoewt . cmfort. ana) all in of wwth

ewf opoa to market il perwea wieAiua fan Her ua-

rioatuiB will aJ.lr-.r- w tbe ..ler:t.r al Pncwloa. heT it aiuarue m ntiatel a kily t oak. lf

cwinir. k '., t mile fei.-- rtnc.-- . a rom fdur-.nl-

the .toppina: point, and w.i of Hovkiavii:. Itr .i t ' 1. - --ow ae, r us oitrvatr.B awralty nrh.,lrv pi uy taod IB knrucki ; ta re too ,

.rarw tipUud. prtetucin teWB, wheat. hbea r. farm around with buw llmlar ami cusbina r..asiaiM ofp.ira wawr. and w fani-- l tor suo.1 beaith. Tv irweii.ri

- a mama f raat. wo b a pwwa a " heaam awd ajout e. a brirk bun, two aaeei '

II tee-- ia so.. water po.tr mill wuh two sua ofb .m.. ariudiiM ail th araaua a areas ansifmry ta sswra


I wul ..'so " 'o 'he hiirh-- hsl.Vrr. oa Wdnaatdar. thIra day of Lieeerohey next, aa artovw. ow ta .. .1

, on ui's ereet. il roe toca. facta iaa ue,and howsehold aud k tcts a fiiruititr .ws 'a patee, ia imita. t..iuw-- ai porh botf. Iw etoctt di.. 'te S Siwt mill-

eana. oien. at, huavv aod harm m, hm ta'tioat, corn, aV.i ai- bed, tt. farie'S

traira. taswa rl, fe; Man. '. "a,w taf aawr. inv'oo.1 order, 'h eelier aad railroad horaa power. od ewrn

warranted to he.l tud clean over I. .sal per

rtr, u, buy ate outl di poaiUv. Ti'ww uland rnarautp- i.

avpiharwwwh A. HARFfCNDINti.

i ibw'Ai.n association".rttia.AueLriii..

I 8'ac'ewr lwrt(H'ia. "' partial' nfo.aa.nl roe raa re'ter' a' thm r ayf diafe.aiwd. ay

atrfwdarua I irwiauf aatd A y mur dmasra.Til all o iead with xnai 1 Ho..., k aI aft- KM A T' IKK I. A. pf.MI a a L W S a h V..a. I

kKHKA. l.Lt.hr. lirillUl, litVie. of li IsM.or l LV AW k. Ac.

Tb IHiW Kl AA.-- IATmiN. m aiwwto th wwCof

ol human lite caud y !evual was a. aadbe .leceoirona practrc d up tt. wof'orniwaao ewwiwea ofwt ibeaai ky tfua a, eerea-a- l veara arm mwrr1.1M11IIW nrni.u. a t'II AKiTArtl.s. At T worthy ofhear name, to apew a IHetieWear bar ta uwwtiwew, of rht

o oieeaaen. aU uteir form, aad tw sir M t t'lc AL

iftVll K t. K. TI.s to ail whw auolr hrtel.r. aitk ifa.ripimn of Sheir eow.iit.ea. aww. occupation, babtt. . 'it.., and. tn ease of ..tr-- m iert.. to f l I III K f

ritKlOf I tl A Kirk- - t m Beed- -- ) thatu Aaaoemi a.a comma- - d in hlieS dclwal .hill U I

aad will furuieh th aroat apr ived moWerw

b Idrertora. on a review of th pa, feel aaratred thatheir taoorw in thai TOhev of hetarotent eiSort, ha.a keene .real te Ue aiSielct, ermllv H low roon..11 Urer have rear. Wed to v. te wnh Ptnela. al tw thi rrv In, porta at ha macB dmrd ma.J.t puMiehed hv "1 a

or Senitn.il Watlw. 'b Vtew .d tmaneuo. tta..ra.ua or aa-- l ."he llii luiis of the wtiul

by thai omeilnna aiirreon. whwn wil a wot hvwail, in a eal-d letter --wrep.ww. k RSVw Olf IMAHUI,.a t of T Wi t f k d Pi for vnMtiO.

lr--, for Keporv .rirranie-nt- . lw li KlIR' I a It ( a I.--Iliil'N. I .ramitiii luewao, ll .ward Awtmieoa. No-- J

.u'n --in .i. p'nU.1. tpliia. "a.Hy order of the lorecior.


Gnnaus FtiscaiLB. Secretary. arl7 weow'y



'pit reanlneeaa .Tway. he known V ire. owea - ia. eA K k'arreU'a Arabma .tuty thai narus are euu


fsmrea spoa las Hamaa en.wita saNmnded s

a ib,ara,llam. swws. sad palav.TUB ARABIAN LIS1ME.NT

Will oar nut aad wmkaem ia th back.

THE LmMEKT.Wrtl-- sr opinai diarases. awelHaas. aprailt. aad I


Will owl ww Sees, sws haada. urn, aam starta,

THE ARABIA! UlIMnTWin war atamta, frosted parta. aad "welted ssrS.

THE ARABIAN LINIMENTWM sar snr throat, anr area, and has tarda.



WM sar waak bite aad many entaasooa dlsssnam.


WtH enr contracted eord. stir? a tut sad wsva.


Winvnr nmmlahv loo thm he. aad swa-- t,THEARAH1A.N LINIMENT

Will Sar pain in th head. ana, aad aJr.bT3 THE ARABIAN LINIMFV'T

W ill eurs.rr live, rwtea, tumora, aad we- -.

Till? AltAPIAN LINIMrUNrWlltewr awclled and naiarnl hriaatawf Sua ale.

TUB ARABIAN LINIMENTWUIenra nrrslMr. acarly all narrow mnamuasorr ifatsss

THE ARABIAN UMMLMIssdailedto aUonaitution.

THE ASVr.UN IINIM TN ffs a Mrrnd W th atrhctrd.

THEAtAHIkN LI.NIMtNTWUt mad perfvet mtaaactten ia all fame.


VlDcuiwprain. bruise a. wtru'L-al- and ewrrar.THE ARABIAN IJNiatNT

Will stir cal.t. rata, wound, and arraiehs.TUB LINIMFNT

W'U ear swewaev. fowndW, and poB vil.


Will cor r rtr hothn aad sit infhaamat.aa.TH B ARABIAN LINIMFNT

Should haia iaawrf reory Pew lew.

d IV pw. ii Laka aireet. I kKasaHaldhy Rarrswad Jt Pattwa, Louiavtla..

S.ildhvd. H. Wilder t.. LouisvUI. art Itare

A. IHC3RIDE,wt is. WHUI ESAI rafitail,le,ler Is --a

' -- S l..twax and u'lerr. wanatartarw "1fi f K an and Mechaiiica fca.iateiw

Rk. J alrp dwaulpttcn. Ns, aa Third e. -- yfWIeel

0THtK BkNK or Kr.TH Hl,I rnssiss. Sept SV lait

IK.a)Y. Nov. rth. m ii act :f

'h. lae Lei;arnr or blei.ttre. pproeeu 'h- Ae. eotHu-.- "Aa act to e'euil cl.arer f H Hans of

l.iii-e.- Hank of k'Bti.rk'. I v..nvrs Haos.mncrual aliemtarrcw of liw. - to a pmwua V hvproxy, a aam raatuwali-w-

H or er of the board el ht."'""a:wt7.v A. . HAWK1N, I aahirr.riiuienle IrMimal rnar-- awtil i:ta .Nowraibrr

and twrwajj account. j Lex. ''a. arad :J' i

Tl TTiOTII CLOTIll-v- DCFOT.krtlaraW FOWTth 4 JIvMW w w r

w.krtx ( !, t..i WniKH i i -

' "lfnMyrsAar'-- r. w

Ui mm it-- mmtm . jr mM9iu aaaua


ear ront"tl h founS s 1st sod Sn...m '

dredllavil --a eo re.I tab a reiwnea, '.h aj

b a , nos d'ill eouuuiw U mil ' i- "- r"1 ,n ''" pneea.

ep 4.Ww Pw

LUOli OlT Toil TI1E.--I-.

rTVljVKS: arw

are malu.a. ti.ra.1 u N w Y r ind '''-- . "'it a

maa.it J. era "iri.snoiil keatusy atwuma i ic'i pai Ua.

Mi i .. .' an.pt- rrr rmt'erw w 'h wir cam,in I ' v ti r tu. ?i a iu.Wr m

j bard aod mat U iirvrent - ;. aiii.sl. I'l r..v Ma if.. tue- -r

rd 4 Ciemer tf k utewuia aad iriama airewi.

top related