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World News The Little League World Series

By Alisha Schruefer

On Sunday, August 28, 2016, The New York Little League Team won the Little League World Series with more than 22,000 people watching. Now some of you are probably wondering; “What's the Little League?” Well, the Little League is a baseball (and softball) organization founded by Carl E. Stotz in 1939. It gives people aged 4-18, a chance to play baseball like the pros do! Now, like Major League Baseball, Little League has a World Series! And, for the first time in 52 years, New York won the series, 2-1 against South Korea! It is VERY special, especially for everyone who has a New York background! The last time they won was in 1964, when Staten Island beat Mexico on August 18, 1964. 1964 was way before our times, and before our parents’, too! Lyndon B. Johnson was president, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones were popular rock bands, and popular TV shows were all in black and white!

Recently, with more than 20,000 fans cheering them on, the New York Team beat South Korea, with Ryan Harlost pitching. Abbadessa, the infielder, scored

the game’s first run on Conner Rush’s single. In the 6th and final (in Little League games) inning, Harlost stepped up to pitch, with the crowd screaming “USA, USA!” Harlost did great! He pitched 8 strike-outs, limiting South Korea to 5 hits in 6 innings. He ended the game striking out Minho Choi, with runners on first and second base.

After the game ended, the team of Endwell, New York got interviewed.


The Little Bulldog November, 2016

Assignment Editor: Carolyn Cohen

Production Editor: Nate Gordon

Copy Editor: Nathan Chen

Assistant Copy Editors: Anneke Lewis, Elizabeth Martin

Reporters: Alexis Ewing, Alisha Schruefer, Anneke Lewis, Clay Narcisenfeld, Dilan Mendiratta, Drake Arnold, Elizabeth Martin, Jack Sandi, Matthew Halle, Nathan Chen, Samantha Pepper

Oxford Dictionary By Samantha Pepper

Bibble, Doodle sack, Oxter. Don’t know what those words mean? Well, why don’t you look them up in the Oxford Dictionary. And while you’re at it, why not check out some of the new words. Some of which are YOLO, scrumdiddlyumptious, and squee. According to TFK, Oxford’s editors update the dictionary every three months. The latest update was in September when they added 500 words and phrases!

Heavy Backpacks By Samantha Pepper

How heavy is your backpack? Does your back, neck, or shoulders hurt? Do you know that it’s no surprise? According to TFK, backpacks are getting heavier, which is putting too much weight on your shoulders and spine. This can impair growth, make it harder for kids to concentrate, and cause back, neck and shoulder pain. One way to help with heavy backpacks is by using small rolling backpacks. According to TFK, your backpack should weigh no more than 10% of your body weight for lower school or 20% for upper school. Follow this advice so you won't have to complain about your back hurting.

The King Of Thailand’s Death By Drake Arnold

King Bhumibol Adulyadej died at the age of 88. He was the longest reigning monarch in the world. King Bhumibol was born in The United States which made him the only king of another country to be born in the US. He became king at the age of 18 after his brother’s death who was the king before him. King Bhumibol was a very nice king who always helped the people of Thailand. He was a very charitable person. He used royal money to develop clinics and schools in many Thai villages that needed help. Everyone in Thailand loved the king. Many people hung pictures of him in their homes to celebrate him. The king was a great musician. He played the clarinet and saxophone. He led a small jazz band and wrote several songs. The people of Thailand are mourning the king’s death.

Mission to Mars by 2030 By Drake Arnold

NASA’s Orion spacecraft is going to launch a test flight that will eventually be suitable for humans. Orion will bring four astronauts at a time to asteroids between Earth and Mars by 2025. The idea behind these exciting new efforts is to get as close to Mars as possible.


NASA is very excited about the first flight being only ten years away. The first humans will reach Mars by the mid 2030's. This journey will be the farthest that humans have ever gone since Apollo landed on the moon in 1972.

The test flight will be filled with 1,200 sensors that will collect information about radiation and heat. There will be no humans on this flight.

I hope that the test flights are successful so that one day my family can take a trip to Mars.

The Hurricane Season By Matthew Halle

What is a Hurricane?

Hurricanes are giant, spiraling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 miles an hour and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons of rain a day. These same tropical storms are known as cyclones in the northern Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal, and as typhoons in the western Pacific Ocean.

According to National Geographic's hurricane season forecasting, this is the time of year when the risk of hurricanes is the highest. Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th. When a hurricane hits, a landfall becomes very powerful and can cause great destruction. A hurricane’s high winds are also destructive and may create tornadoes. Some powerful hurricanes that have hit us are:

In 2005 Hurricane Katrina was the worst storm in U.S. History. The most recent hurricane was Matthew. It formed on September 28th, 2016. The storm devastated the Caribbean and caused major flooding even in the U.S. “The best defense against a hurricane is an accurate forecast that gives people time to get out of its way.” National Geographic says. If a hurricane is very severe, it takes the name off the list of names used for hurricanes. The names are also in alphabetical order and they use both male and female names.


National News Baby Orangutan Born at the National Zoo

By Alexis Ewing

A new baby orangutan was born at the National Zoo named Redd. He was born one month ago at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo. What is interesting about Redd is he is endangered and the first of his species to be born there in 25 years. His mother’s name is Batang. For the first two weeks of his life, Redd spent his time sleeping while his mother snuggled, nursed, and kept him clean and warm. Redd’s job is to eat and grow and he will depend on his mom till he’s eight years old.

The reason why Redd is endangered is because people destroy the tropical rain forest where wild orangutans live. It’s important for Redd to do well at the zoo because thousands of people visit the zoo. He will help educate people about his species and how important it is for orangutans not to become extinct.

Hawaii and the Coral Reefs By Nathan Chen

Coral reefs are very common in the tropical Pacific Oceans, but in Hawaii, it is limited to the French Frigate Shoals and northwest of the main islands.

Fish are becoming more attractive to Hawaii’s famous coral reefs. Why, you may ask? Scientists have discovered that there are a lot of coral reefs under Hawaii’s oceans. Algae grows easily on these types of surroundings, so there is an endless supply of algae on the coral reefs. Most fish live on algae. Fish are attracted to the coral reefs for the “all you can eat buffet of algae.” Another interesting fact about coral reefs is that both corals and algae depend on sunlight to survive. Hawaii’s coral reefs are in somewhere called a twilight zone. A twilight zone is where the water is so clear, that the sun can shine through the water, into the deep parts of the ocean. As a result, a tremendous amount of algae can be found in the deep sea meadows. The algae plants supports a variety of marine species in the Hawaii oceanic twilight zone.


First Lady Hopes the White House Garden will Stay in Good Hands

By Elizabeth Martin

First Lady Michelle Obama made the White House garden bigger and better for the next president. Mrs. Obama started the White House kitchen garden in 2009. She hopes the next president will keep it healthy. The message in making this garden was a sign for America’s hope for a healthier nation for children. She has also added new benches and wider walkways in the garden.

If Hillary Clinton is elected president she will be much more likely to keep it. She loves eating fruits and vegetables. In fact when she was the First Lady there was a small garden on the roof of the White House. Trump on the other hand likes red meat and eating at fast food places. Trump is not known for eating fruits and vegetables, but Hillary is.

When Michelle Obama started the garden it was small and simple. Later it became bigger and became part of the Let’s Move program. This program is trying to make kids healthier and more active. Many kids in the US are at an unhealthy weight. This may lead to health problems later in life. The food in this garden was eaten by the first family and also given to the homeless. Sometimes it was even given to guests at the White House. This garden is very special to the White House. Personally, I hope the next president keeps it that way.

*This went to press after the election where Donald Trump became the President-Elect.

Girl Scouts Bring Female Statues to Central Park By Elizabeth Martin

If you have ever been to Central Park in New York City you will notice there are many famous statues of men. These statues include Alexander Hamilton, Christopher Columbus, Ludwig Van Beethoven, and William Shakespeare. You also may notice the statues are only of men if you do not include fictional characters like Alice from Alice in Wonderland or Mother Goose.

Girl Scout troop 3484 is trying to get famous women built as statues in Central Park. The girls wanted some women that have fought for the right to vote such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Their goal is to get the statues by 2020 which is the 100 year anniversary of US women’s right to vote. Up to this point, troop 3484 has raised 150,000 dollars to purchase the statues. They need a total of 500,000 dollars to get the actual statues. They have been collecting donations weekly on a sidewalk near where they hope to have a statue. While doing this they chanted “Where are the women?” Also LaGuardia High School in Manhattan has been selling bracelets that say “Bring women of history out of the dark and into the park” to help raise money. The Historical Election of 2016:


Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump By Clay Narcisenfeld

On November 8th, 2016 the United States held a big election for the next President. The candidates were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is a Democrat. She is married to Bill Clinton who used to be our President. She has a daughter named Chelsea who grew up living in the White House. Donald Trump is a Republican. He has never been a politician but is known for being a businessman. He is married to Melania and they have a 10 year old son named Barron. Many people were so excited for Hillary to win because she would be the first woman President in the United States. She has a lot of experience working in politics. Lots of people were surprised that Donald Trump won. It is called an “upset” when someone wins who was not supposed to.

Donald Trump won more electoral votes than Hillary, but Hillary won the popular vote. Donald Trump’s electoral votes were 306 and Hillary Clinton’s were 232. Many people think this is not fair because the person who wins the popular vote really should be the President!

African American Museum By Jack Sandi

President Obama opened the African American Museum on September 24, 2016. There were close to 7,000 people at the opening. The first idea to have an African American history museum goes all the way back to 1915. However, it was only in 2003 that President Bush authorized the African American Museum and the place of it was decided in 2006.

The museum is part of the Smithsonian Museums and is located on the National Mall. It has eight floors, four of them are above ground and four of them are underground. The museum goes back to the 15th century to today explaining African American history. It is an amazing place where you can experience how African Americans shaped our country to date. There are almost 40,000 items to see. You can see many things from a slave cabin to shackles that the children wore. You can also learn about the art, food and music created by black artists in modern history. Your visit to most museums will take about 45 minutes to 2 hours. To visit the African American Museum you should set aside about six hours. There are metal detectors that you go through for safety, like the ones we go through a t t h e a i r p o r t s . Unfortunately, it is very hard to find tickets to v i s i t t h e m u s e u m . Actually, all tickets are sold out until March 2017. However, some tickets are given out free in the mornings, but you h a v e t o b e t h e r e . Another tip is that some people are selling their tickets on a popular w e b s i t e c a l l e d "craigslist," but always talk to your parents to make arrangements to see the museum first. It is a must see place in DC and in the country today.


Interviews Interview Aryemis Brown

By Jack Sandi

1. What college are you planning to go to?

I’m looking at Georgetown University. 2. What do you want to become in the future?

I want to own a business. 3. What is your favorite part about being at Bullis?

All the friends that I get to make and the teachers. 4. What is your favorite part about being a senior?

I get to meet a lot of new people since this is my last year at Bullis. 5. What are your favorite subjects?

Math, English, History and Science. 6.What do you think of having senior buddies?

Being a senior buddy is amazing, especially getting to work with lower schoolers. I like to pass along what I learn to my little buddy.

7. What do you think Bullis is? I think that Bullis is a place that loves everyone. It’s a community. I have a lot of fun here.

8. Why did you want to come to Bullis? My dad started working at Bullis before I came. Then I saw how much people love it here, which made me want to come. 9. What would you change about the senior buddies program?

I would try to let the seniors meet their buddies more often.Gerald L. Boarman Discovery Center:

Interview with Superintendent John Pouncy by Alisha Schruefer

1. Mr. Pouncy, thank you for your time today! First, what is your background and why did you come to work at the Discovery Center?

I come from Baltimore and I started general construction in 1982, and joined Coakley Williams 16 years ago. When Coakley Williams started work on the Center, I came here. It takes 1 ½ hours to get to work because I live in Baltimore, and 2 ½ hours in the evening because of traffic. Our office is in Bethesda, and we work from 3:30 in the morning to 5:30 p.m.

2. What is your role in the construction of the Discovery Center? I play superintendent. I’m the supervisor for the construction.

3. What's the main purpose of the Discovery Center?


It's a Center designed to teach minds and help people grow.

4. How is the progress coming on the construction of the Discovery Center? We're right on schedule, and we're scheduled to open in June 2017!

5. Do you think it will be a big change for the Bullis community? Why? It's something that Bullis will be very proud of, something the community can brag about, something you see first when you come on campus, and it's going to be extraordinary and something big! 6. What role does Dr. Boarman play in the construction since it's named after him?

He plays the head role, like the Head of School, and he tells everyone what to do. It's a very big role! 7. Can you describe the layout of the building?

Well, there’s going to be a first, second, and terrace floor of the Center. There will be patios and a meeting space, and a café and various other rooms.

8. How much did the construction of the building cost? About $20 million.

9. Let's talk about spaces in the new building and their functions. Will there be a café? If so, what kind? Yes, there will be a café. It will be a medium one, and a place where anyone can eat and socialize.

10. Is there an auditorium? What will it be used for? Yes, there will be an auditorium with retractable seats. It will mainly be used for informal presentations. 11. Will there be STEM classrooms and a maker space?

There will be a lot of classrooms, STEM classrooms and also various maker spaces. Thank you so much for your time, Mr. Pouncy. We have learned so much about the new Discovery Center from you today! Everyone in our Bullis community cannot wait for it to be finished, and we appreciate your part in bringing it to life.

Aramark Interview By Anneke Lewis

1. What are Aramark’s main goals? To deliver a dining experience that will nourish and enrich the lives of the students

2. Does Aramark usually work for schools? Aramark provides food service for hundreds of schools grades k-12. Additionally we also manage hundreds of higher education accounts at colleges and universities around the country. 3. Who decides what food we will get and when?

Aramark has a team of chefs who have created menus that will be used at the school. The Director of Culinary, Craig Mason is responsible for the day to day decisions on which items to select, based on student preferences, special events and production techniques 4. Who decided to have Aramark switch?


The senior leadership team at the Bullis School decided to make the switch

5. What exactly does Aramark do? Aramark provides a vast array of managed services including food service, facilities management, uniforms, laundry to a wide range of clientele that encompasses education (both k-12 and higher ed.), conference centers, business dining, national parks, stadiums and arenas, as well as correctional facilities. 6.What is something people don’t usually know about Aramark?

Aramark was founded by a man who started selling peanuts out of his car in southern California in the 1930’s.

Interview of Mr. Kelley, Coach of Bullis Boys Basketball Team

By Matthew Halle

1. How long have you been coaching basketball at Bullis?

13 years. 2. What is your favorite part of coaching basketball?

Bringing different people together to form a team. 3. How do you handle the tryouts and cut process?

We give everyone a chance, but we only get to keep thirteen people 4. What are the most important things to teach your players?

To respect your teammates. 5. How do you motivate your players?

I have a lot of players who love basketball. 6. How can you get more shots on your opponents?

Play great defense. 7. Did you play basketball when you were a kid?

Yes. I loved everything about basketball.

Interview with Ms. Heinzelmann, Coach of Bullis Girls Basketball Team

By Alexis Ewing

1. Why did you come work at Bullis?

I decided to work at a school because I love kids and basketball so I started to coach basketball. 2. Why did you choose to coach basketball?

I could not play basketball anymore, so I thought that I could stay connected with basketball by coaching.


3. Why do you like to coach basketball?

I like it because it's challenging and fun. Also, you are able to teach others. 4. When did you start coaching basketball?

I started coaching basketball in 2003. 5. Did you ever play basketball?

I played since I was a kid. 6. What city did you grow up in?

I grew up in Bethesda. 7. What are your goals for the upcoming season?

To win, have fun, and grow as a team.

Interview with Mrs. Kohan, 5th Grade Teacher By Dilan Mendiratta

1.Why did you choose to apply as a Bullis teacher?

I really liked how nice everyone was and I saw the campus and really thought it was a good school. 2. Where did you teach before coming to Bullis ?

I taught at Bailey's Elementary School in Virginia. 3. What is the biggest difference so far between teaching at Bailey's Elementary School and Bullis?

The difference was that at my old school there were 30 students and at Bullis the classes are smaller. 4. What do you love about teaching fifth grade?

I love fifth grade because of the reading assignments, and I really love to read. 5. What is your favorite project that you have taught or worked on this year?

Teaching the "Shark Tank" was the best. 6. Why did you choose to be a teacher?

I love to spend time with kids.

Interview with Head Varsity Football Coach Mr. Cilento

By Dilan Mendiratta

1.Why did you come Bullis to be coach ?

I wanted a different experience coaching football. 2. What year did you start as a coach at Bullis ?

I started coaching varsity football in 2010. 3. What plans/ideas did you have to improve the team ?


I wanted to put more energy and enthusiasm into the games.

4. Why did you choose to be a coach for football? It gave me a lot of opportunities for a good college.

5. How do you get your team to feel confident for the game coming up? We improve from looking at our mistakes and watching game film on how the other team plays.

School News Invention Unit in the Third Grade

By Clay Narcisenfeld

The 3rd grade is working on creating inventions. We are learning to do this by using a model called the Design Process. We start the Design Process by thinking about a problem that needs to be solved. Then we brainstorm ideas about how to solve the problem. After we pick an idea, we sketch a picture of the invention. After we sketch the picture, we explain what the invention will do, and then show it to people and get their feedback. The third graders have some really good ideas! For example, one person has an idea for a square pencil. This solves the problem of a pencil rolling off a desk. Another third grader has an idea for a way to test for strep throat without putting the big stick down a throat. Another great idea is a website called “Book Reminder”. This will help students look up books to help them remember different parts of a book.

The third graders have visited the Bullis School Maker Space to work on creating their inventions. Once their inventions are final, they can then share it with people and hope they will buy it! If they buy it, maybe we can become rich and famous!



We wish everyone a wonderful


-The Lower School Newspaper Team

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