life science knowledge management - … solutions in the biotechnology industry » design a...

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Benefits and takeaways:• Explore how knowledge management platforms are enhancing

clinical operations

• Determine ways to increase information find-ability andaccessibility in research and development

• Case studies from industry leaders discussing how they areimproving business intelligence and analytics at Merck, Pfizer,Shire and Gilead Sciences

• Explore key focuses of knowledge management includinginformation management, intelligence extraction, knowledgeretention, business intelligence and analytics, corporate complianceand more…..

• Hear ways to design and implement user driven, curated knowledgesearch and content management capabilities

• Increase compliance through strategic changes in corporate culture

tim Batchelder, Associate Director of Knowledge and Information Management BiOGen ideC

keith davis, Global Director and Head of Knowledge, Records and Information Strategies (KRIS), BiOGen ideC

John koch, Director for Scientific Information Architecture, MeRCk

Jay Liebowitz,, Professor of Knowledge Management, UniVeRsity Of MaRyLand UnVeRsity COLLeGe

Regina Maxwell, Global Information Science Manager, sHiRe

sherri Matis-Mitchell, Phd, Informatics Scientist in Analytics, Informatics and Knowledge Engineering, astRaZeneCa

Zack Rhoades, Manager of Learning and Education, Clinical Operations PALM,GiLead sCienCes

Phil Verdelho, Director of eDiscovery & Records Management Services, Information Risk Management and Compliance, MeRCk

L i f e S c i e n c e KnowLedge

ManageMent SummitEnhance Information Management and Intelligence Extraction to Create

an Environment Where Collaboration and Business Continuity Meet

August 12 -13, 2014 • sonestA Hotel PHilAdelPHiA • PHilAdelPHiA, PA

SpeaKerS incL

Venue: Sonesta Hotel philadelphia 1800 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

This hotel offers a spectacular downtown location that is convenient to whatever brings you to the city. Located near Rittenhouse Square, in Center

City, the hotel is within the business district and many popular Philadelphia attractions. With 445 well-appointed guest rooms, 24 hour fitness center,

roof top swimming pool and 16,000 square feet of meeting space, the Sonesta Hotel Philadelphia is a wonderful location from which to explore all

that the historic and walkable city of Philadelphia has to offer.

Room Reservations: If you require overnight accommodations, please contact the hotel to book your room. ExL Pharma has reserved a block of rooms at a discounted

rate for conference participants. We encourage conference participants to make reservations by July 21, 2014 in order to receive the negotiated room rate.

To make reservations guests can call 1-800-SONESTA (766-3782) and request the negotiated rate for ‘ExL Pharma August Meetings’

L i f e S c i e n c e KnowLedge

ManageMent Summit

dear colleague,While there is no clear definition for knowledge management, it is evident that this area is essential to the survival and growth of a company. An organization is only as strong as its intelligence and knowledge management is the collection, organization, management and storage of every piece of information a company acquires throughout its lifetime.

Knowledge management is the often unacknowledged lynch pin within life science organizations. Departments can accumulate gargantuan databases and repositories of information that must be accessed by colleagues at any time. To facilitate this process and to perform their functions efficiently, occupations under the umbrella of knowledge management need to utilize the most up-to-date toolkit of strategies and tactics. This ensures all necessary information is search-able within the corporate database and accessible to the relevant groups, thereby maintaining business continuity for the corporation at large. However, enhancing information management, intelligence extraction and maintaining search functions for a company of any size has their own set of challenges.

One primary challenge is the creation of a data science platform that is agile and flexible enough to change with the shifting priorities and information resource needs of a company. Complexities arise with the evaluation of Big Data and the development of business analytics that come with the analysis of that information. Another challenge occurs in trying to increase employee compliance with knowledge management policies and procedures, without confusing the corporation and negatively affecting company culture. Overall, the entire department of knowledge management must determine where their priorities lie and how they will address and evolve knowledge management for future endeavors.

It now falls into the hands of industry professionals to develop strategies and tools to create a flexible, efficient and enduring model of knowledge and information management so corporations large and small can continue to benefit for their intelligence.

At the Life science knowledge Management summit you will be able to learn from your colleagues on how to overcome challenges and rejuvenate your company’s knowledge management platforms. Through 14 sessions and four case studies, this premier event will act as a toolkit and provide you with proven strategies to enhance your organization.

We look forward to welcoming you to Philadelphia in August!


Kristen Consalvo Scott GrossmanConference Production Director Production Team Lead

WHO SHOULD ATTENDThis conference is designed for professionals from pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries with responsibilities in the following areas:

• Knowledge Management

• Information Management/Systems

• Clinical Planning and Performance

• Knowledge/Information Engineering

• Clinical/Medical InformationManagement

• Records Management

• Informatics

• Search Solutions

• Library Systems Management

• eDiscovery Management

• IT Innovation

• Business Intelligence

• Data Architecture

• Research Computing











8:00 RegistRation opens & Continental BReakfast

9:00 ChaiRpeRson’s opening RemaRks keith Davis, Global Director and Head of Knowledge, Records and

Information Strategies (KRIS), Biogen iDeC

InformatIon management

9:15 infoRmation life CyCle management pRaCtiCes anD Challenges

» Identification and notification of information management » Ensure a strong left-side discovery model » Optimize business continuity and risk management » Best practices to increase corporate adaptation to data creation policies, culture and rules

» Develop strong lines of communication with your IT professionals to discover information in on-board and off-board systems

» Identify important legal holes in custodianship and ownership of data

phil Verdelho, Director of eDiscovery & Records Management Services, Information Risk Management & Compliance, meRCk

10:00 Utilize meDiCal affaiRs ResoURCes to sUppoRt CliniCal tRials anD R&D thRoUgh an infoRmation infRastRUCtURe

» Develop information infrastructure to organize product data and disease state literature

» Create a medical information content repository for clinical trials and R&D » Discuss the potential influences of medical affairs efforts on business analytics and competitive intelligence

khodayar farahmand, pharmaD, Manager of Medical Information, Medical Affairs, saliX phaRmaCeUtiCals

10:45 netwoRking anD RefReshment BReak

IntellIgence extractIon

11:15 methoDology to glean intelligenCe fRom DoCUments to faCilitate infoRmation management

» Explore Human versus Electronic data and intelligence processing from documents

» Implement consistent metrics to evaluate data, determine importance and assess priority

» Prevent the build-up of Big Data “noise” by streamlining information compilation and by implementing reoccurring qualitative intelligence evaluations

11:45 eXtRaCt key BUsiness insights anD DeCisions fRom soCial meDia thRoUgh a Data shaRing platfoRm

» Utilize strategies for text analytics and social media content text mining » Best practices to derive sentiment from social media to answer business questions and explore specific issues

» Explore methodologies to bring together disparate data streams

sherri matis-mitchell, phD, Informatics Scientist in Analytics, Informatics and Knowledge Engineering, astRazeneCa

12:30 lUnCh

1:30 enhanCe BUsiness intelligenCe stRategies thRoUgh CRoss-fUnCtional CollaBoRation

» Utilize medical affairs professionals to identify and share knowledge to support R&D and business development teams

» Leverage medical information, literature surveillance activities and field-base teams

» Best practices for efficient use of technological advancements in combination with internal and external data resources to sift through Big Data

» Implement intelligence strategies to facilitate cross-functional communication » Learn how to prioritize content for product data and disease state literature

gigi shafai, pharmD, Associate Director of Medical Information Management – Medical Scientific Affairs, iRonwooD phaRmaCeUtiCals

Knowledge retentIon

2:15 pfizeR’s integRation of a taXonomy management BaCkBone (tmB) with seaRCh to sUppoRt CliniCal opeRations

» Utilize the approach by understanding the vision and exploring the proof of concept

» Harness strategies to create and leverage taxonomic semantic models for automatic synonym expansion

» Implement Search and TMB within a SharePoint Site » Explore the possible expansion capabilities of this approach and the potential future uses

Beverly Buckta, sc.D., Director of R&D Information Architecture Services, pfizeR

fran holly, Director of Enterprise Content and Collaboration Solutions (ECCS), pfizeR

3:00 netwoRking anD RefReshment BReak


3:30 Design anD implement UseR DRiVen knowleDge anD infoRmation seaRCh, oRganization, CollaBoRation anD intelligenCe solUtions in the BioteChnology inDUstRy

» Design a Knowledge Management program and change management plan based on user experience and behavior

» Leverage web based, agile and cloud based technology and data science to achieve real world outcomes

» Implement solutions for improved find-ability, organization, collaboration and intelligence

timothy Batchelder, Associate Director of Knowledge and Information Management, Biogen iDeC

4:15 meRCk’s CReation of an agile anD sCalaBle Data sCienCe platfoRm to inCRease infoRmation finD-aBility, aCCessiBility anD ReUse in R&D

» Resolve poor information management practices to prevent loss of study results, analyses and historical records

» Develop information capture and modeling strategies that can improve information reuse

» Improve information management through innovative capabilities focused on Search, Access and Analytics

John koch, Director of Scientific Information Architecture, meRCk

5:00 ConClUsion of Day one

TUESDAy AUGUST 12TH, 2014 day 1

WEDNESDAy AUGUST 13TH, 2014 day 2c













L d





8:30 Continental BReakfast

9:00 ChaiRpeRson’s ReCap of Day one keith Davis, Global Director and Head of Knowledge, Records and

Information Strategies (KRIS), Biogen iDeC

busIness IntellIgence/analytIcs

9:15 Big Data, BUsiness analytiCs anD intUition-BaseD DeCision making

» Understand the trends, challenges, applications and research issues related to these areas

» Learn how analytics and intuition can play a key role in your decision making process

» Apply these concepts as it pertains to knowledge management in the life sciences

Jay liebowitz,, Orkand Endowed Chair in Management and Technology, UniVeRsity of maRylanD UniVeRsity College

10:00 the DisCiplineD eXpeRiment appRoaCh to eValUating infoRmation ResoURCes By RigoRoUsly testing new tools By applying the pRinCiples of the sCientifiC methoD

» Explore this structured and efficient process to present factual results and reasonable conclusions to justify resource spending to upper level management 1. Define an observation about an information need. 2. Develope a hypothesis about how a give information resource is expected

to answer that need. 3. Rigorously test all elements of the hypothesis against the information

resource. 4. Gather and analyze the results 5. Deduct a sound conclusion based on fully defined facts

» Justify your go/no go recommendations for prospective external resources based on this proven deductive approach

Regina maxwell, Global Information Science Manager, shiRe

10:45 netwoRking anD RefReshment BReak

corporate complIance

11:15 gileaD sCienCes’ palm to inCRease ComplianCe within the Company By simplifying poliCies anD pRoCeDURes

» Overview of the PALM model utilized at Gilead to provide aligned change management

» Introduction to learning environments that allow employees to balance their own training needs and interests with regulatory requirements

» Blended learning environments comprised of on-the-job training, mentoring, case studies and clear process frameworks

» Implementation of knowledge sharing cohorts to promote a culture of continuing education

» Strategies for creating feedback models (formal and informal) and needs assessments to continuously assess knowledge gaps

zack Rhoades, Manager of Learning and Education, Clinical Operations PALM, gileaD sCienCes

12:00 lUnCheon

corporate buy-In

1:00 UnDeRstanD mUlti-leVel stakeholDeRs, aUDienCe anD Champions to sUppoRt the knowleDge management teChnology initiatiVe

» Navigate the political factors and the human element that affect corporate


» Interpret stakeholders at different levels, from executives to program


» Discuss how to make knowledge management a senior level priority

» Learn how to communicate value and adapt to new changes to achieve

funding goals

» Understand how your knowledge management system directly impacts

company business objective and goals

busIness contInuIty

1:45 leVeRage infoRmal netwoRks into self-sUstaineD anD sUppoRtiVe CommUnities to DeVelop BUsiness ContinUity

» Implement consistency in knowledge/document creation to allow for uniform

accessibility of information enterprise-wide

» Decrease employee use of legacy information and personal information

outreach as your company expands and develops

» Create collaborative intra-company communities to facilitate information

discussion and the exchange of ideas

thierry Breyette, Manager of Knowledge Management and Information Architecture, noVo noRDisk a/s

2:30 knowleDge management 2.0 » Define knowledge management and the ideal placement for it within an


» Discuss the future and evolution of knowledge management

» Identify up-and-coming technological advancements that move this

specialty forward

» Expectations of a user-friendly knowledge management platform

timothy Batchelder, Associate Director of Knowledge and Information Management, Biogen iDeC

zack Rhoades, Manager of Learning and Education, Clinical Operations PALM, gileaD sCienCes

3:15 ChaiRpeRson’s Closing RemaRks

keith Davis, Global Director and Head of Knowledge, Records and Information Strategies (KRIS), Biogen iDeC

3:30 ConfeRenCe ConClUsion


PAyMENTMake checks payable to ExL Events, Inc. and write code C548 on your check. You many also use Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Payments must be received in full by the conference date. Any discount applied cannot be combined with any other offer, and must be paid in full at the time of order. Parties must be employed by the same organization and register simultaneously to realize group discount pricing options. Please note, there will be an administrative charge of $300 to substitute, exchange and/or replace attendance badges with a colleague occurring within five business days of any ExL conference.

CANCELLATION POLICyIf you need to cancel your registration for an upcoming ExL conference, please not the following polices derived from the Start Date of the event: Four weeks or more: A full refund (minus $295 processing fee), or a voucher to another ExL event valid for 18 months from the voucher issue date.Four weeks or less: A voucher to another ExL event valid for 18 months from the voucher issue date. If you cancel at any time after receiving the conference documentation, the voucher will be $395 less.To receive a refund or voucher, please fax your request to 888-221-6750 or call 212-400-6240.ExL Pharma reserves the right to cancel any conference it deems necessary and will not be respon-sible for air fare, hotel, or any other costs incurred by registrants. ExL Pharma’s liability is limited to the conference registration fee in the event of a cancellation and does not include changes in program date, content, speaker or venue.

TERMS AND CONDITIONSBy registering for an ExL Events, Inc. (“ExL Pharma”) event, you agree to the following set of terms and conditions listed below:Registration Fee: The fee includes the conference, all program materials and designated continen-tal breakfasts, lunches and refreshments.The opinions of this faculty do not necessarily reflect those of the companies they represent or ExL events, Inc.

The content in ExL slide presentations, including news, data, advertisements and other infor-mation, is provided by ExL Events, Inc.’s (“ExL’s”) designated speakers and is designed for infor-mational purposes for its attendees, and is NOT INTENDED for purposed of copywriting, not redistribution to other outlets without the express written permission of ExL’s designated speak-ing par-ties. Neither ExL, nor its content providers and/or speakers and attendees shall be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. EXL EVENTS, INC. EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY OF ANY OF THE CONTENT PROVIDED, OR AS TO THE FITNESS OF THE INFORMATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. Although ExL makes reasonable efforts to obtain reliable content from third parties, ExL does not guarantee the accuracy of or endorse the views or opin-ions give by any third party content provider. ExL presentations may point to the other Internet sites that may be of interest to you, however ExL does not endorse or take responsibility for the content on such other sites.

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Save 25% per person when registering four For every three simultaneous registrations from your company, you will receive a fourth complimentary registration to the program (must register four at one time).

Save 15% per person when registering three Can only send three? You can still save 15% off of each registration.

regiStration feeS

EARLy BIRD PRICING Register before June 27, 2014

Conference: $1,895

STANDARD PRICING Register after June 27, 2014

Conference: $2,095


Conference: $2,195

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