letters to the 7 churches of asia (rev. 2-3). letters to the 7 churches of asia (rev. 2-3) some were...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Letters To The 7 Churches of Asia

(Rev. 2-3)

Letters To The 7 Churches of Asia

(Rev. 2-3)

• Some were good (Smyrna, Philadelphia)

• Some were good / bad (Ephesus, Pergomas, Thyatira, Sardis)

• One was bad (Laodicea)

Letters To 7 Church of Asia

(Rev. 2-3)

Good GoodGood/Bad





• Most of us would like to be in GOOD church (no condemnation)

• None of us would have anything to do with a BAD church (no commendation)

• Reality: may be in a church that is GOOD / BAD (Some commendation & Some condemnation)

A Church Left Its First Love – Ephesus•Rev. 2:1-7

A Church Under Pressure – Smyrna•Rev. 2:8-11

A Church That Compromised – Pergamos

•Rev. 2:12-17

A Tolerant Church – Thyatira•Rev. 2:18-29

A Dead Church – Sardis•Rev. 3:1-6

A Faithful Church – Philadelphia•Rev. 3:7-13

A Luke Warm Church – Laodicea•Rev. 3:14-22

The 7 Churches of Asia

The Church At Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7)

Get a letter – says you lost what you once had!

You Left


1st Love

Your Fire Has Gone Out!

Rev 2:1-7

1 "To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, 'These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands:

2 "I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars;

3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary.

4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

Rev 2:1-7

5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place--unless you repent.

6 But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.

1 "To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, 'These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands:

• What is said (good / bad) is stated by one who hold the destiny of the church in His hand

• Lord has full knowledge of the inter-workings of this congregation.

Lord Sees & Knows It All

A Church That Left Its First LoveWhen the Fire is Gone

1. Its History1. Its History

• 3rd Largest city of Roman world

• Population: 250,000

1. Its History1. Its History

A. Paul Visited Ephesus Briefly on 2nd Journey (Acts 18:18-21)

B. Aquila & Priscilla’s Correction of Apollos (Acts 18:24-28)

C. Conversion of 12 Previously Baptized (Acts 19:1-7)

D. Many Converted on 3rd Journey (Acts 19:8-20)

1. In midst of controversy (v. 8-16)

2. Burned their books (v. 18-19)

3. Stayed 3 years (Acts 20:31)

1. Its History1. Its History

E. Idol Craftsman Caused a Riot (Acts 19:21-41)

F. Paul Met with Elders at Melitus (Acts 20:13-38)

G. Paul Wrote a Letter to Church at Ephesus (Ephesians)

H. Timothy Worked with the Church (1 Tim. 1:3)

A. Paul Visited Ephesus Briefly on 2nd Journey (Acts 18:18-21)

B. Aquila & Priscilla’s Correction of Apollos (Acts 18:24-28)

C. Conversion of 12 Previously Baptized (Acts 19:1-7)

D. Many Converted on 3rd Journey (Acts 19:8-20)

A Church That Left Its First LoveWhen the Fire is Gone

1. Its History1. Its History

2. Its Strong2. Its StrongQualitiesQualities

2. Its Strong2. Its StrongQualitiesQualities

1. Works (v. 2)

1. What they did in service to the Lord

2. Works may be either good or bad; here they appear to be good.

3. This is an active congregation

2. Its Strong2. Its StrongQualitiesQualities

1. Works (v. 2)

2. Labor (v. 2)

- “Toil” (ASV)

- Strenuous, weary labor

- Toil lies deeper than works. The word translated toil has reference to the effort that

produces work at the cost of pain.

- This is an aggressive church.

2. Its Strong2. Its StrongQualitiesQualities

1. Works (v. 2)

2. Labor (v. 2)

3. Patience (v. 2-3)

- Persistence in the mist of toil - staying when the burden is heavy.

- Didn’t give up when things went bad, or when someone criticized, mocked, or ridiculed them

- This is a determined church.

2. Its Strong2. Its StrongQualitiesQualities

1. Works (v. 2)

2. Labor (v. 2)

3. Patience (v. 2-3)

4. Doctrinally Correct (v. 2-6)

- Cannot bear evil men (v. 2)

The evil men were detected, convicted, and expelled

- Exposed false apostles (v. 2)

- Hated deeds & doctrine of Nicolaitans (v. 6, 15)

2. Its Strong2. Its StrongQualitiesQualities

1. Works (v. 2) – An Active church

2. Labor (v. 2) – An Aggressive church

3. Patience (v. 2-3) – A Determined church

4. Doctrinally Correct (v. 2-6) – A Sound church

What could be wrong with such a church?

A Church That Left Its First LoveWhen the Fire is Gone

1. Its History1. Its History

2. Its Strong2. Its StrongQualitiesQualities

3. Its Problem3. Its Problem

3. Its Problem3. Its Problem “left your first love”

A. Place of Love

1. Love is essential

- Love God (Matt. 22:37)

- Love Truth (2 Thess. 2:10-12)

- Love One Another (Rom. 13:8)

3. Its Problem3. Its Problem “left your first love”

A. Place of Love

1. Love is essential

2. Love produces action

- Context (v. 4-5)

- Gal. 5:6 – faith works by love

- 1 Jn. 5:3 – love of God – keep commandments

3. Its Problem3. Its Problem “left your first love”

A. Place of Love

1. Love is essential

2. Love produces action

3. Without love – are nothing (1 Cor. 13)

4. Love & hate should be balanced (v. 4, 6)



3. Its Problem3. Its Problem “left your first love”

A. Place of Love

B. First Love was left behind

1. “Loyal but lacking” – Summers

2. “This was still a sound church which fended off false doctrine, but the

fire had gone out. There is more to serving God than doing the right things”


3. Their fire is gone!

4. Love, enthusiasm, excitement – vanished!

3. Its Problem3. Its Problem “left your first love”

A. Place of Love

B. First Love was left behind

C. Common Problem

1. Not excited about being Christians

2. Not enthused about worshipping God

3. Not fervent in our actions

4. Not zealous for learning & growing

5. Not doing everything out of our love for God

Strong Weak


Sin / Error

Love for

Truth / Lord

We Are Often Stronger In Our Opposition To Wrong Than Our Love For What Is Right

Not enough to abhor evil – must cleave to what is good (Rom. 12:9)

“The love here referred to is evidently love to the Savior; and the idea is, that, as a church, they had less of this than they used to. Though they still maintained the doctrines of Christ and opposed error, they showed less love towards Christ than they had formerly done. What is here stated of the church at Ephesus is not uncommon.”

(Albert Barnes)

Against Worldliness

Opposing Sin

Against Inst. Music

Exposing a brother

Against Divorce

Forsaking assembly sinful

Developing Godliness

Saving Sinners


Restoring erring

For Marriage

Worship of God

Stronger Here Than Here

A Church That Left Its First LoveWhen the Fire is Gone

1. Its History1. Its History

2. Its Strong2. Its StrongQualitiesQualities

3. Its Problem3. Its Problem

4. Its Future4. Its Future

4. Its Future4. Its Future

A. About the lose identity – v. 5

- If don’t change – remove lampstand (identity)

- Soon – no longer be the “Lord’s church”

- It is decision time!

- Can’t stay in the this lull / rut

At a Crossroads

4. Its Future4. Its Future

A. About the lose identity

B. Problems are Curable

1. Could be fixed

At a Crossroads

4. Its Future4. Its Future

A. About the lose identity

B. Problems are Curable

1. Could be fixed

2. Must Repent (v. 5)a. Prompted by memory (v. 5) - The lever of repentance is memory

b. Change your mind

c. Do first works – do what used to do!

At a Crossroads

Remember Repent Return





ACTS 3:22ACTS 3:22

JN. 8:24JN. 8:24

LK. 13:3LK. 13:3

JN. 12:42JN. 12:42

Acts 2:38Acts 2:38Rev. 2:10Rev. 2:10

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