lesson plan for exam courtesy of yazid

Post on 25-Nov-2014






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Submitted as a Requirement of Exam Program of Profession Training, Indonesia University of Education


YAZID RUKMAYADI 0606777Department of English Education


Subject Language Skill Topic Language Focus Time Allocation

: English : Reading : Fable : Action verbs, Thinking Verbs, and Feeling Verbs : 2 x 45

Standard Competence Understanding the meaning of short functional texts or essays in the type of narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition.

Basic Competence Understanding the meaning of short functional texts or essays in the type of narrative.

Indicators Identifying the information from the heard text of fable (related to its characters and events). Reading aloud of fable story in good intonation. Using action verbs, feeling verbs, and thinking verbs.

Learning Objectives In the end of the lesson students are expected to be able to: Identify the information of narrative texts (fables) that they have read. Comprehend the story of narrative text (fable) which they have read. Using action verbs, feeling verbs, and thinking verbs.

Learning Materials

Vocabularies: Vocabularies: Mouse deer Enemy Dirty Splash Crawl Grab Catch-caught Leg Startled Twig Bite Snap -bit :kancil :Musuh :Kotor :Menceburkan/memercikan :Merayap :Menangkap/menyerobot :Menangkap :Kaki :Cemas :Ranting :Menggigit :Mendadak menggigit

Fable story The Mouse Deer and the Crocodile.

The Mouse Deer and the Crocodile The mouse deer is a very tricky animal but he had many enemies. One of his enemies was a crocodile. The crocodile lived in a river near a forest. One day, the mouse deer went to the river. It was very hot day, and he was very thirsty and dirty. He wanted something to drink from the river and then he bathed and splashed about the water. Suddenly, the crocodile saw the mouse deer. Hmm a nice meal. He thought. Then he silently, crawled behind the mouse deer and grabbed him. He caught the mouse deers leg. The mouse deer was startled and terrified as well. Then, he had an idea. He saw a twig floating near him. He picked it up and said, you stupid fool! so you think youve got me. Youre biting a twig-not my leg, you, stupid crocodile! Heres my leg, And with that, he showed the crocodile the twig. The crocodile could not see very well. He was a very stupid creature, too. He believed

the cunning mouse deer. He freed the mouse deers leg and snapped upon the twig. The mouse deer ran out of the water immediately. Ha ha. Ha, he laughed. I tricked you!

Action Verbs Action verbs refer to the verbs of doing and happening. Doing Create Build Make Develop send Show Pour Solve Happening Move Fall Rise Come Go Soften Harden Melt

Thinking and feeling verb

Thinking Think Believe Understand Conclude Consider Discover Doubt Assume

Feeling Enjoy Love Hate Dislike Relish Regret Fear Prefer

Teaching Activities Pre-activities (about 15)

Greeting the students. Checking students attendance. Motivating students. Reviewing the previous lesson. Stating the topic of the lesson. Mentioning the objective of the lesson. Whilst (about 60) Building Knowledge of Field (BKOF) Asking students about fables that they have known. Asking students to share the information or the messages of fables that they have known. Modeling of the Text (MOT) Giving the students the vocabularies related to the story The mouse deer and the crocodile. Pronouncing the vocabularies related to the story and asking students to pronounce them after the teacher (the teacher checks the students pronounce the vocabularies). Reading the story of the mouse deer and the crocodile. Join Construction of the Text (JCOT) Asking the students to read the story and checking their reading. Asking the students to comprehend the story and providing them with the questions and answers that help them to comprehend the story. Explaining students about action verbs, feeling verbs, and thinking verbs. Asking students to identify the use of action verbs, feeling verbs, and thinking verbs in the story The mouse deer and the crocodile.

Independent Construction of the Text (ICOT) Asking students to read the story The Farmer and his three sons in

the work sheet and try to comprehend it. Asking students to identify and classify the written verbs into action verbs, thinking verbs, and feeling verbs. Post activities ( about 15) Checking students comprehension about the lesson Reviewing the lesson by asking the students about what they have learned Giving them home work/assignment to find a short fable story and retell them in front of the class in the next meeting. Closing the lesson.

Teaching Method Communicative Approach: The communicative approach is based on idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. (http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/knowledgedatabase) Teacher in communicative classroom will find themselves talking less and listening more, becoming active facilitators of their students learning (Larsen Freeman, 1986). Since the students performance is the goal, the teacher must step back and observe, sometimes acting as a referee monitor. A classroom during a communicative activity is far from quiet, however, because the students do most of speaking, and frequently the scene of classroom is active. (http://EzineArticles.com/? expert=Larry_M._Lynch)

Variety of methods The methods used for these classroom activities are varied as the following: Explanation : Teacher explains the use of action verbs, feeling verbs, and thinking verbs through PowerPoint. Demonstration : Teacher read the fable story The

mouse deer and the crocodile. Discussion : Teacher and students discuss the fable story of the mouse deer and crocodile. Students performance : Teacher asks the students to retell the story that they have read. Teaching Media LCD, whiteboard, copies of the worksheet. Assessment Technique Form : Oral and Written Test

: Essay, Act out. :


Underline the action verbs in this text. See the example A farmer had three sons. They were strong and young but never agreed with one another. They often quarreled among themselves. The farmer had given them a lot of advice. But they always turned a deaf ear. They disliked advice. The farmer felt very sad about it. The farmer thought a lot and then he thought up a good plan. He called his sons and ordered them, Bring me a few sticks. The farmer tied the sticks into the bundle. Each of you, break this bundle of sticks! said the farmer. They did so, but they could not break it. Then, the farmer untied the sticks and gave each of his sons a stick. Each of them broke the stick easily in the twinkling of an eye. There you are, my sons!, shouted the farmer. If you remain untied, you are strong. But if you quarrel with one another, you will be broken one by one easily. Do you understand what I mean? At last, the advice worked out. They lived in harmony and united ever after. The farmer felt relieved. Now I can die peacefully, he whispered. Do the following instructions.

Find the thinking verbs in the text. The farmer thought a lot.

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Find the sentences that consist of feeling verbs in the text. The farmer felt very sad about it. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Find the saying verbs in the text above. The farmer ordered them, Bring me a few sticks. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Answer Key

called, tied, break, untied, gave, broke, united, quarrel, broken

Thinking verbs He thought up a good plan Do you understand what I mean ? Feeling verbs They disliked advice The farmer felt relieved

Saying verbs Each of you, break this bundle of sticks! said the farmer There you are, my sons! shouted the farmer

Scoring Guide N O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 NOTE : Pro. Int. : Pronunciation : Intonation NAME Pro. ELEMENT Int. Com p SCORE

Comp. : Comprehension Standard of each element : Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor References Sudarwati. (2006). Look Ahead Book 2. Jakarta : Erlangga : 25-30 : 20-24 : 16-19 : 11-15 : 10

Communicative Approach. Retrivied May 27, 2010 from http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/knowledge-database

Communicative Approach. Retrivied May 27, 2010 from http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Larry_M._Lynch


STANDARD OF COMPETENCE : Understanding the meaning of short functional texts or essays in the type of narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition BASIC COMPETENCE : Understanding the meaning of short functional texts or essays in the type of narrative. : XI IPA 3



Approved by: Supervisor Primary Teacher

Drs. Sudarsono, M.I, M.A. NIP.196607051994031004

Wahyu Satia Gumelar, S.Pd.

Acknowledged by: Head school of SMA Pasundan 2

Drs.H. Ayi Muchlis Supriadi NIP.195910181980031007

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