lesson 1

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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  • 1. RETURN OF YOUR MOCK EXAMPAPERS!!!!Have a look at what score you got. Look at where you did well and which sectionyou dropped marks inWhy did you drop marks, what was missing? What do you need to work on going forwards, is it knowledge, technique in answering questions, evaluations/opinions supported byevidence?

2. IN GENERAL THE CLASS FELL DOWN ON THEFOLLOWING Cartoon question no one put in their own knowledge of the event except 1933 waswhen the Manchuria Crisis was When you make a point you need to back it up with evidence eg. The LON failed to dealwith the Abyssinia Crisis because its decisions were too slowThe League delayedissuing economic sanctions against Mussolini as he was an important member of the LONand Britain and France di not want to risk war with such a powerful member of the LON.As a result they delayed issuing Oil sanctions which could have stopped Mussolinisinvasion and effectively handed Abyssinia into the hands of Mussolini. Not answering the question. People spent too much time just saying what happened inAbyssinia rather than telling me why The LON failed in Abyssinia. Incorporate the twotogether give a reason why it failed then tell me about how this affected the Crisis. No conclusion on the 10 mark question f you dont put a conclusion on you can only geta maximum of 8/10 Conclusions need to be much more detailed and really focus on answering the question 3. WHAT IS THE MESSAGE OF THE CARTOON?USE DETAILS OF THE CARTOON AND YOUR OWNKNOWLEDGE Follow the 3 cs! Use surface features of the cartoon 1-2 marks eg. The woman is having her nose powdered Interpretation only3 marks Eg. The LON is weak and incapable of stopping Japan Interpretation supported by the cartoon OR own knoweldge 4-5 marks Eg . The LON cant stop Japan, this is shown by the Japaneseman stepping over the LON like a door mat. Interpretation supported by the Cartoon AND own knowledge 6 marks The LON could not stop Japapn in the Manchuria Crisis of 1933 due to the fact that there economicsanctions were meaningless because the USA refused to stop trading with Japan. The helplessness of theLON is shown by the Japanese man stepping over the LON like a door mat in the cartoon. 4. NOW MARK THE TWO EXAMPLE ANSWERSUSING THE MARK SCHEMEIF THEY DID NOT GET FULL MARKS THEN YOUNEED TO EXPLAIN WHAT THEY NEEDED TO ADDIN ORDER TO GET FULL MARKS 5. NOW HAVE A GO AT ANALYSING THIS CARTOONTO GET THE FULL 6 MARKSUse the same mark scheme format as for your exam paperYou will be given 10 minutes so that it is realistic with exam conditions. 6. EXPLAIN WHY THE LON FAILED TO DEALSUCCESSFULLY WITH THE ABYSSINIA CRISIS General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge 1-2marks Identifies AND/OR describes reason (one mark for each) 3-5 marks Explained reasons for failure One explained reason6-7 marks 2 or more explained reasons 7-9 marks 7. MARK THE EXAMPLE ANSWER USING THEMARK SCHEMEIF IT DIDNT GET FULL MARKS, EXPLAIN WHAT ITNEEDS TO DO TO GET THE FULL 9 MARKS 8. EXPLAIN WHY THE NAZI-SOVIET PACT (1939)WAS SIGNED? 8 MARKS Answer this question using the mark scheme you have got Once again you will be time so it is realistic! 9. WHAT WERE LLOYD GEORGES AIMS ATVERSAILLES? 4 MARKS One mark for each He did nto want Germany to be too powerful Protect British interests overseas Prevent Germany becoming too weak to trade with Prevent germany becoming so poor that they turned to communism To avoid humiliating Germany so they would want revenge 10. EXPLAIN WHY CLEMENCEAU WANTED THE TOVTO PUNISH GERMANY? 6 MARKS General answer lacking contextual knowledge E.g to make them suffer Identifies and/or describes why One mark for each E.g To gain revenge for French suffering Explains why One explained reason 3-4 marks E.g France suffered moe than any other country in WWI with many cities completleydevstated, so France wanted compensation for this. 2 or more explained reasons 4-6 marks 11. THE FOLLOWING REASONS WERE ALL EQUALLYIMPORTANT IN WHY GERMANY WEREDISSATISFIED WITH THE TREATY. HOW FAR DOYOU AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT? 10 MARKS General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge 1-2 marks Description of reasons 2-4 marks Explanation of one reason 4-6 marks Explanation of two or more reasons6-9 marks Explains two or three reasons plus evaluates equally important9 marks 12. GIVE THE 6 MARK AND THE 10 MARKQUESTIONS A GO THAT YOU DIDNT ATTEMPTFROM YOUR EXAM PAPER. Use the mark scheme to guide your answers Once again you will be timed 13. THE USA 1949-1941 Topic Focus: The Economic Boom in the 1920s:- was it as widespread as it was sometimes made out to be?- How and why did US society change in the 1920s The Wall Street Crash:- Causes and consequences How successful Roosevelts New Deal dealt with the problems facingthe USA in the 1930s? 14. WHO KNOWS THE MOST ABOUTTHE USA: PAST AND PRESENT? 15. When did Columbus discover America?1492 Who is the richest person in America?Bill Gates Who was the first President of America?George Washington 1789 Name 10 states of America? What continent does America fall under?North America What two sides were involved in the American Civil War? The North and South Which state is Hollywood in?California Who is the richest American sportsman? Tiger Woods Who was the President of America in 1918?Woodrow WIlson Which American President got shot? JFK, Abraham Lincoln What day is American Independence day? 4th July What happened in USA on October 26 th 1929?The Wall Street Crash What happened on 11/9/2001? September 11th What number President is Barack Obama?44th In which state did Perl Harbour occur?Hawaii Which state is Barack Obama from? Hawaii 16. Which US Sports team is the richest franchise in America? The Dallas Cowboys $1.81 billion Which is the highest grossing film in Hollywood History? Avatar $2.782 billion What is the population of America? 312 millionWhat score did you get?How well do you know theUSA? 17. WHAT WAS LIFE LIKE FOR AMERICANS DURINGTHE 1920S? Learning Objectives To use primary sources to investigate American life in the 1920s To understand how life was changing for the ordinary American People in the 1920s 18. HOW DID THE USA DO DURING WWI? Think about whether you think they did well or badly from the war?Whilst the war went on the USA lent money, as well as selling armaments andWhy do you think this? How can countries benefit from wars between other countries?munitions (bullets) to Britain and France. When did the USA join the War? They also sold lotswar,food to Britain and just like the others?If they were in the of wouldnt they suffer France because British and FrenchIndustries were more focused on war than food. The food Britain and France didproduce was not enough to feed the army as well as the population at home. Need to insert extract from page 345 of text bookAmerica also took over Britain and Frances trade around EuropeWhen America joined the War in 1917, they were not in it long enough to draintheir massive resources. 19. WHAT WAS LIFE LIKE FOR AMERICANSDURING THE 1920S? Task 1: Use the evidence to try and figure out what they are telling you about howlife was changing for people in USA during the 1920s. Write down what lifewas like in the 1920s in America. Task 2: Using what you have learned from the images you will need to write out thefollowing statements about life in 1920s America either on the true side orthe false side of your table. 20. TRUE OR FALSE? Sales of Consumer goods increased dramatically during the 1920s The building roads industry employed more Americans than any other industry in the 1920s.During the 1920s the amount of US roads doubled. the sale of candles increased dramatically because not many people could afford electricity inthe 1920s People stopped buying goods and simply kept their money safe in case of financial trouble inthe future The 1920s was the period where most of New Yorks Skyscrapers were built People used cars less and less in the 1920s. The Suburbs became more and more popular during this time due to the increase in motorvehicles making transport much easier The amount of trucks in USA increased from 1 million in 1919 to 3.5 million in 1929 Silk stockings went from a luxury item to a common purchase for women in the 1920s. By 1930300 million pairs had been sold to a population of 100 million Passenger flights became much more common. There were virtually none in 1919 but by 1932162,000 passenger flights a year flew People began to shop online for their goods Mail order catalogues became a new way to shop for goods In 1918 only a few homes had electricity but by 1929 almost all urban homes had it. 21. GROUP TASK:You need to create a panorama report which explains WhyAmerica and its people are becoming so rich!Look at how the following factors helped the Boom in theUSA in the 1920s:Peoples state of mindNew IndustriesRepublican policiesWWIIndustrial strength 22. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! You need to write a letter from a 25 year old American to their distant cousin in Englandexplaining how their lives have changed since the War - focus on how their daily liveswould have changed, their hobbies, income, job roles, holidays etc 23. Need to specifically look at the automobile industry before doing this!WITHOUT THE NEW AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY,THE PROSPERITY OF THE 1920S WOULDSCARCELY HAVE BEEN POSSIBLEHOW FAR DO YOU AGREE WITH THISSTATEMENT?

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