less is more! choose an item to reduceless is more! choose ... 2017.pdf · which allah has taken in...

Post on 19-Apr-2018






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The new year is here, and it’s time to not only make resolu-

tions, but to put them into action. Whether you want to

start composting or hosting green events, there are plenty of

resources to help you accomplish your green goals. A huge

way to move your lifestyle in a greener direction is to dedi-

cate yourself to living a less-waste lifestyle. Use the 3 R’s and

a little planning to cut down on waste you create.

Less is more! Choose an Item to ReduceLess is more! Choose an Item to ReduceLess is more! Choose an Item to ReduceLess is more! Choose an Item to Reduce Think about an item that you know you get too much of and hope to reduce, and consider

the alternatives. Or maybe you have an item that commonly ends up in the garbage that

you know shouldn’t. Create a plan to keep that item out of the garbage by reducing or re-

cycling. Whatever item you choose, make a plan and stick with it!

Here’s an idea:Here’s an idea:Here’s an idea:Here’s an idea:

Item: Plastic Shopping Bags

Problem: They can’t go in the recycling bin because they cause problems at recycling sort-

ing facilities. But there are recycling options available to keep them out of the garbage.

Solution: Purchase some durable reusable bags and get rid of the need for plastic bags al-


For the bags you do get, collect them separately and bring them to drop-off locations to be

recycled, or find ways to reuse them.


On the auspicious occasion of 106th Milad Mubarak of

52nd Dai-Al-Mutlaq great visionary,

Inside this issue: Fig—The Fabulous Fruit 2-3

Indoor Plantations 4-5

Benefits of swimming 6-7

A New Year Resolution 8



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Burhani Foundation (India) wishes all

& 73rd Milad Mubarak of 53rd Dai-Al-Mutlaq


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The fig – a unique plant and a unique fruit – the oath of

which Allah has taken in the Quran in the surah of its name,

“Al-Teen”. And in his recent sermon, Dr. Syedna Mufaddal

Saifuddin TUS

extolled its virtues and spoke of its remarkable

and unique qualities.

Figs – Syedna told us – were the first sustenance of Adam AS,

it has a ‘hot’ effect when consumed and is a cure for many

illnesses; even for cancer. Its fruit is borne without prior

emergence of foliage of any kind. While most flowering plants

display their blooms for all to see, the Ficus species hide them

away inside their hollow figs.

Syedna went on to say that the surah Al-Teen, is recited as a

means to find something that has been lost. The fig tree has a

long life and can withstand all kinds of climatic conditions

making it a food source for disparate species in disparate


Fig leaves and un-ripe fruits produce white latex which can penetrate the skin causing

burning discomfort or allergic-reactions.

In some sensitive people, eating fig fruit may also elicit allergic reactions ranging from

vomiting, diarrhea, and itching of skin and mucus membranes.

More than 1,200 species eat figs, including 1/10th

of all the world's birds, nearly all known fruit-bats

and dozens of species of primates, dispersing their

seeds as they do so. Ecologists therefore call figs

"keystone resources". Figs not only nourish ani-

mals. Their year-round presence have helped sus-

tain our early human ancestors.

Figs are popularly known as ‘Teen’ in Arabic, ‘Anjeer’ in Hindi, ‘Athi Pallu’ in Telugu, ‘Atti

Pazham’ in Tamil and Malayalam, ‘Anjura’ in Kannada and ‘Dumoor’ in Bengali,. The bell

shaped fruits with wrinkled and leathery skin, are one of the sweetest fruits. They can

vary in size, shape and colour. Figs are seasonal fruits that are found in the western parts

of Asia. Although dried figs are available throughout the year, there is nothing like the

unique taste and texture of fresh figs. The fig tree is a member of mulberry family.

The healing power of figs is not limited only to the fruit. Medicines developed over the

millennia by people in the tropics make use of their bark, leaves, roots and latex. Tests

show that compounds in the fig leaves and bark are effective against bacteria, parasites

and tumors.

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A study shows that swimmers, no matter what level,

are less prone to tension, depression, anger and

confusion when they’ve been swimming, thanks to

the release of feel-good hormone serotonin.

Ever seen a flabby dolphin or a weak-looking com-

petitive swimmer? We don’t think so. That's be-

cause swimming is a great way to increase muscu-

lar strength and muscle tone especially compared

to several other aerobic exercises.

The resistance of water can be 44 times greater

than air, meaning you have to work harder to

move through it. That means that every kick and

every arm stroke becomes a resistance exercise --

and it's well known that resistance exercises are

the best way to build muscle tone and strength.

It’s like working out with weights or machines

without the need for expensive equipment, which

makes swimming an affordable way to strengthen

your muscles.

Not only is swimming kind to

your heart and a great form of

cardiovascular exercise, it’s also

shown to control blood sugar

levels, lower blood pressure

and reduce levels of bad cho-

lesterol in your blood. So by

swimming regularly, you’re less

likely to develop illnesses like

type 2 diabetes, heart disease

and stroke.

When your face is under water, oxygen is at a premium. In turn, your body adapts to

use oxygen more efficiently. Plus, it learns to take in more fresh air with every breath,

and expel more carbon dioxide with every exhalation. A study in the Indian Journal of

Physiology and Pharmacology even found that swimmers had better tidal volume (the

amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during relaxed breathing) compared to

runners. This results in lower resting heart rates, lower blood pressure, and better run-

ning performance.

Unlike exercise machines in a gym that

tend to isolate one body part at a time,

swimming puts the body through a broad

range of motion that helps joints and liga-

ments stay loose and flexible. The arms

move in wide arcs, the hips are engaged as

the legs scissor through the water, and the

head and spine twist from side to side.

Plus, with every stroke, as you reach for-

ward, you're lengthening the body, which

not only makes it more efficient in the wa-

ter, it also helps give you a good stretch

from head to toe.

Swimming is recognized as one of the

biggest calorie burners around, and it's

great for keeping weight under control.

The exact number of calories you burn,

of course, depends on your own physiol-

ogy and the intensity with which you ex-

ercise, but as a general rule, for every 10

minutes of swimming: the breast stroke

will burn 60 calories; the backstroke

torches 80; the freestyle lights up 100;

and the butterfly stroke incinerates an

impressive 150.

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• Keeps your heart rate up but takes some

of the impact stress off your body

• Builds endurance, muscle strength and car-

diovascular fitness

• Helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy

heart and lungs

• Tones muscles and builds strength

• Provides an all-over body workout, as

nearly all of your muscles are used during


Swimming is one of the most popular sports. Whether we plunge into a pool or swim in

the open sea, we all love being immersed in water. Swimming is an exhilarating experi-

ence in itself, but there are also numerous health benefits attached to this unique exer-


The body receives maximum intake through the act of swimming. The health benefits of

swimming are associated with fun, relaxation, and enjoyment. In the summer time, it

assists in reducing body heat and rejuvenates our energy by refreshing us. It builds up

strength and energy like no other exercise possibly can.

Swimming is a healthy activity that you can continue for a lifetime. It is a low-impact

activity that has many physical and mental health benefits. Any type of exercise is better

than none, but swimming is proven to be one of the best. Great for both mind and body,

here’s why spending more time in the water is a seriously smart choice.

Swimming is a great workout because you need to move your whole body against the

resistance of the water. Swimming is a good all-round activity because it:

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The health benefits of Figs include its use as a treatment for various health problems. It is

used as a quick and healthy way to gain weight back after suffering through an illness.

These health benefits come from the presence of minerals, vitamins and fiber contained in

the fruit. Figs contain a wealth of beneficial nutrients, including vitamin A, B1, B2, calcium,

iron, phosphorous, sodium, manganese, potassium and chlorine.

There is 5gm of fiber in every three-fig serving. That high concentration of fiber helps promote regular bowel function, prevents constipation and eliminates diarrhea.

The fiber in figs helps to reduce weight and is often recommended for obese people. However, their high calorie count can also result in weight gain, especially when consumed with milk.

Figs contain Pectin, which is a soluble fiber. When fiber moves through the digestive system, it basically mops up excess clumps of cholesterol and carries them to the excretory system to be eliminated from the body. The high amounts of fiber can benefit in your overall health by preventing cer-tain types of abdominal cancer, as well as colon cancer.

The American Diabetes Association rec-ommends figs as a high fiber treat that helps promote functional control of dia-betes. Figs are rich in Potassium, which helps to regulate the amount of sugar which is absorbed into the body after meals. Large amounts of potassium can ensure that blood sugar spikes and falls are much less frequent, so figs can help diabetics live a much more normal life.

People usually take in sodium in the form of salt, but low potassium and high sodium level may lead to hypertension. Figs are high in potassium and low in sodium, so they are a perfect defense against the appearance and effects of hypertension.

Figs are rich in calcium thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis. It is also rich in phos-phorus, which encourages bone formation and spurs re-growth in case of damage or degradation.

Vision loss in older people is normally due to macular degeneration. Figs are particularly good in helping you avoid this very common symptom of aging.

The high mucilage content in figs helps to heal sore throats. The soothing nature of figs and its natural juices can relieve pain and stress on the vocal chords.

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Not everyone is lucky enough to have a large vegetable garden of one’s own, especially in

metro cities, it is today a luxury. But this does not mean that bringing green home is im-

possible. And what better occasion than a brand-new year to get more serious about

your gardening?

To start with, here are few plants you can grow indoors. You don’t need a huge terrace or

balcony: all you need is a little space right inside your home for these beautiful plants.

This very useful plant clears formaldehyde and

benzene, which can be a by-product of chemical-

based cleaners, paints and other toxins. Aloe plants

like to be dry and warm, not wet and cold, so water

only when you see that the soil in the pot is dry.

The best spot to keep this plant is a sunny window.

Aloe in full shade will not thrive. Also, if you have

just repotted the plant, do not water it for two to

three days — wait for the roots to settle.

Commonly known as Tulsi, growing this plant is a no-

brainer. Seen thriving even after little-to-no main-

tenance, this plant has a number of medicinal prop-

erties. In addition, it helps in purifying the air and

improves air quality. It can be planted in a simple

pot. It requires regular sunlight, so the best place

to keep this plant would be a sunny window. All you

need to do is water it regularly (but be sure not to

over-water) and watch it thrive.

This plant does not require direct sunlight and can

grow up to 12 feet in height, so make sure it is

planted at a spot that allows enough space to

grow. Also, you can control its height by pruning.

New leaves will sprout below the cut in a few

weeks. Keep its soil moist but not soggy. Yellow

leaves in the plant are a sign of over-watering or

poor drainage. You can place it near a sheer cur-

tain or a window.

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Planting Planting Planting Planting

You can start planting your money plant in any season anytime. Money plant can grow in

both direct and indirect sun light. However, too much direct sun light can turn the leaves

yellow and even burn them.

Growing Money Plant in WaterGrowing Money Plant in WaterGrowing Money Plant in WaterGrowing Money Plant in Water • The important step on how to start a money plant from cuttings is to select a healthy

branch, about 30 cm.

• Cut the branch at 45 degree angle above a node that is the point from where leaves

emerge. The branch should have minimum 2-3 nodes on it.

• Put the cutting in a container like a glass or plastic bottle, glass of water, etc.

• Keep at least one node below the water level and put the container near sunlight.

• New roots will grow at the nodes in a few weeks.

• Keep changing water when it becomes turbid, may be once a week. Frequently add

water to maintain the level.

• No fertilizer is necessary but you can add a nitrate based fertilizer in water for faster


Growing Money Plant in SoilGrowing Money Plant in SoilGrowing Money Plant in SoilGrowing Money Plant in Soil

Money plant is a popular houseplant that is grown indoors mostly in

water. Money plants are evergreen climbers that can grow up to 20m

high, requiring no extensive care. They are very easy to grow, both in

soil and water filled bottles, jars or in any container. Money plant care

is quite easy and needs no expertise. Money plants can be grown inside

old fused bulbs/globes. These bulbs hanging from a thread look amaz-

ing showing the plant's green leaves along with its root system. Money

plants do not need much care if you do not overdo anything like

sunlight, water and fertilizers. It is difficult to kill so it is also known

as devil's vine or ivy. Some tips on how to care for this plant are

given :

Second MethodSecond MethodSecond MethodSecond Method

To help the plant to

grow faster, first

put the cutting of

the plant in water

and let the roots

develop. You can

then carefully

transfer it to a pot

containing soil.

First MethodFirst MethodFirst MethodFirst Method

• Select a pot with holes at the bottom to provide good drain-

age. The growth of the plant depends on the pot size.

• Fill the pot with a free-draining soil. Actually any soil will do.

• Make a hole in the soil and insert the node of the cut stem

and fill the hole with the soil.

• Water well once the roots are formed. Allow the soil to dry

out between two waterings.

• Over-watering will cause roots to rot. Leaves turning yellow

and curling up is the sign of excessive watering.

• Put a stick in the soil, so that the vine can climb.

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