les barbares attaquent l'emploi ! par oussama ammar, partner et co-fondateur de thefamily

Post on 25-May-2015






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Toutes les autres vidéos et les prochains Barbares sur: http://bit.ly/1FAGlLc Ne ratez aucun événement de TheFamily, inscrivez-vous sur: http://www.thefamily.co/education Pour retrouver les slides de cette présentation : http://bit.ly/1a9qxnb Avec des taux de chômage records dans tous les pays industrialisés, il est temps de constater l'échec des états et y voir une opportunité économique. Tour d'horizon de ces fous qui privatisent la recherche d'emploi ! En chiffres: 22.1 millions d'Americans ont déjà trouvé un emploi via un réseau social: - 78% via Facebook - 40% “assistés par” LinkedIn - 42% par l'intermédiaire de Twitter. Ne ratez aucun événement de TheFamily, inscrivez-vous sur http://www.thefamily.co/education Visitez le site des Barbares Attaquent: http://bit.ly/1yVdkF0


The information contained in this document is being provided on a confidential basis to the recipient solely for the purpose of evaluating TheFamily (“TheFamily” or the “Company”). The document is intended for the exclusive use of the persons to whom it is given. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient agrees, for itself and its related bodies corporate, and each of their directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives and advisers, to maintain the confidentiality of this information. Any reproduction or distribution of this document, in whole or in part, or any disclosure of its contents, or use of any information contained herein for any purpose other than to evaluate an investment in the Association, is prohibited. The information contained in this document or subsequently provided to the recipient whether orally or in writing by, or on behalf of the Association, or any of its respective related bodies corporate, or any of their respective partners, owners, officers, employees, agents, representatives and advisers (the “Parties”) is provided to the recipient on the terms and conditions set out in this notice.

The recruiting market is very large In the US, corporations alone spend over $140 billion (Forbes)

The Problem(Taux de chômage en Europe)

...and these numbers forget a lot of people

The French Solution

Let’s judge it as a startup

1 Bad Mechanism Design


Bad Business Model

Bad User Experience

Bad result500.000 emplois

non pourvus

Interesting fact:22.1 million Americans found a job through a social network:

- 78% via Facebook- 40% “assisted by” LinkedIn - 42% mentioned Twitter.


stat about angellist job feature

The Show Off Culture


Even embarrassing pictures on facebook are not a problem anymore

Google’s Recruiting Process

Le hasard marche mieux


Academics and entrepreneurs are applying Big Data to human resources and the search for talent

A new science is born: Work-force science is what happens when Big Data meets H.R.

Patterns can now be inexpensively collected and mined for insights into how people work and communicate

Gild: building machines that eliminate human biasFacebook, Amazon, Wal-Mart, Google & Twitter use it

TalentBin creates lists of potential hires by searching the Internet for talent, crawling sites where they gather and collecting data

Entelo tries to figure out who might be looking for a job before they even start their exploration.

More than anything else, merit will prevail

Pôle Emploi comme plateformeSi les employeurs peuvent comparer leurs offres à celles de la même strate, ils peuvent itérer la présentation et les critères de sélection pour plus vite trouver preneur

OK - Making job finding more efficient is one thing

Cultural ShiftLes gens ne cherchent plus un travail mais une raison d’etre

And btw there is no job anymore

The transformation of training: 3 phases

11 Education is rigid = find your place in society

Education is way too long

Too fast to follow -> unschooling



20 under 20 Thiel Fellowship

The Training Hacker Culture Github + stackoverflow + hacker news

Pourquoi 500k emplois non pourvus?Personne ne veut de ces jobs

La formation n’est pas la solution

La société rigide est en train de disparaitre sous les coups de poing de la nouvelle génération

Le délire des critèresOn passe d’une société qui valorise les compétences à une société qui valorise les aptitudes

La theorie du signal est en train de gagner

Finding a job is under attack

Protecting a job is under attack

Being Motivated for a job is under attack

What’s left?

The Entrepreneurial Age S’il y a pas de job à trouver, pourquoi ne pas le créer ?

La liberté comme fondement du management de demain?Y compris dans l’entreprise il va falloir laisser les capacités entrepreneuriales des gens s’exprimer

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