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La Bella Figura – Experience Italian CultureSpeaking, Lesson 3 Activity 1

Una filastrocca per ripassare l’alfabeto (15 minuti) - Repeat after the teacher


A un aliante e un aquilone

B un brigante bontempone

C un canarino sul cipresso

D un delfino un po' depresso

E un eschimese educato

F un francese fidanzato

G un guardiano con il gel

H un hawaiano in un hotel

I all'imperatore dell'insalata

L un liquore e una limonata

M due mariti e sei marmotte

N tre nitriti nella notte

O un orsacchiotto con gli occhialoni

P un poliziotto senza pantaloni

Q un quartetto ed un quadrato

R un rubinetto raffreddato

S un sovrano e uno spazzolone

T un tucano in televisione

U e poi urrà

V a volontà

Z a chi a zonzo se ne va

Activity 2

Canzone: Certe Notti di Luciano Ligabue

Information on the singer


Luciano Ligabue, commonly known as Ligabue, is an Italian rocksinger-songwriter, film director and writer. He was born in Correggio in 1960, in the province of Reggio Emilia. Before becoming a successful singer, he held various jobs, working in agriculture and in factories. He entered the music world in 1987, when he founded the amateur band Orazero. For this band he wrote several original songs, with which they participated in several local and national contests. The following year his fellow Emilian singer-songwriter Pierangelo Bertoli was the first to discover Ligabue's writing talents, and included one of Ligabue's songs, "Sogni di Rock'n'Roll" ("Dreams of rock n roll"), in his new LP.

The following year Bertoli introduced him to producer Angelo Carrara, to finish an LP of his own, Ligabue, which was released in May 1990. Ligabue soon gained fame as one of the most successful Italian rock stars, finding fans mainly among younger audiences. His most famous hits include Balliamo sul mondo (Let's Dance On The World), Ho perso le parole (I lost words) and the most successful of all, Certe Notti (Certain Nights), which was voted as "Italian song of the 1990s" in a poll held by a popular music magazine. He also collaborated with another famous singer-songwriter, Francesco Guccini, who also had a part in Ligabue's first movie.

Ligabue directed his first movie, Radiofreccia, in 1998, a semi-autobiographical story of a local radio station. Critics acclaimed it as surprisingly well shot for a newcomer, and the film received 3 David di Donatello (the highest award in

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La Bella Figura – Experience Italian CultureSpeaking, Lesson 3 Italian cinema). He also composed the soundtrack. Four years later he shot DaZeroADieci ("From Zero to Ten"): however, it was not as well received as the first work, by both critics and fans.

Ligabue has also published a short story collection, Fuori e dentro il Borgo ("In and out the village"), which won several literary awards, a science fiction novel, and a collections of poems.

Listen to the song then read the text loud after the teacher.

CERTE NOTTI THOSE NIGHTS Certe notti la macchina e' calda E dove ti porta lo decide lei Certe notti la strada non conta Quello che conta e' sentire che vai Certe notti la radio che passa Neil Young Sembra avere capito chi sei Certe notti somigliano a un vizio Che tu non vuoi smettere, smettere mai. Certe notti fai un po' di cagnara Che sentano che non cambierai più Quelle notti fra cosce e zanzare E nebbia e locali a cui dai del tu Certe notti c'hai qualche ferita Che qualche tua amica disinfetterà Certe notti coi bar che son chiusi Al primo autogrill c'e' chi festeggerà

E si può restare soli Certe notti qui Che chi s'accontenta gode Così così Certe notti sei sveglio 0 non sarai sveglio mai Ci vediamo da Mario prima o poi Certe notti ti senti padrone di un posto Che tanto di giorno non c'e' Certe notti se sei fortunato Bussi alla porta di chi e' come te C'e' la notte che ti tiene fra le sue tette Un po' mamma e un po' porca com'e' Quelle notti da farci l'amore Fin quando fa male fin quando ce n'e' E si può restare soli Certe notti qui Che se ti accontenti godi Così così Certe notti son notti le regaliamo a voi Tanto Mario riapre prima o poi Certe notti sei solo Più allegro, più ingordo, Più ingenuo e coglione che puoi Quelle notti son proprio quel vizio Che non voglio smettere smettere mai E si può restare soli Certe notti qui

Those nights (when) the car is warm And it decides where to bring you Those nights (when) the road doesn't matter And what matters is that you just feeling you're going Those nights (when) the radio broadcasts Neil Young and it seems to have understood who you are Some nights resemble to a vice That you don't want to give up, never give up. Those nights (when) you make a bit of a racket So that they feel you'll never change Those nights between thighs and mosquitoes And fog and places where you can be familiar Those nights (when) you have some wound That one of your friends will disinfect Those nights (when) the bars are closed At the first motorway cafè there will be someone

celebrating And you can remain alone, (on)those nights here, For enough is as good as a feast So and so Those nights (when) you're awake, Or you'll never be See you at Mario's... sooner or later Those nights (when) you feel like you own a place That doesn't exist during the day Those nights (when) if you're lucky You knock at the door of someone like you There's the night that holds you on its breasts A bit of a mom and a bit dirty as it is Those nights made for making love Until it hurts until it lasts And you can remain alone, (on)those nights here, For enough is as good as a feast So and so Those nights are nights and we offer them to you, All the more that Mario will open again, sooner or later Those nights (when) you’re alone, more cheerful, more greedy More ingenuous and a**hole than ever Those nights are exactly that vice That I don't want to give up, never give up You can remain alone, (on) those nights here,

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La Bella Figura – Experience Italian CultureSpeaking, Lesson 3 Che chi s'accontenta gode Così così Certe notti sei sveglio non sarai sveglio mai Vi vediamo da Mario prima o poi.

For enough is as good as a feast So and so Those nights (when) you're awake, Or you'll never be See you at Mario's... sooner or later

Activity 3


Evan Kant quando Diabolik non c’era

Diabolik is a fictional character, an anti-hero featured in Italian comics. He was created by sisters Angela and Luciana Giussani in 1962.

Diabolik was born from seeing commuters every day. Creator Angela and Luciana Giussani, who lived near Milano Cadorna Railway Station, thought of making comics in a format designed for travelling and carrying in one's pocket. To better understand the tastes of her potential readers, Angela made a survey of the market, from which she concluded that many commuters read mystery novels; another version of the story claims that the very idea came from her finding a Fantômas novel abandoned in a train. Thus was born the "Diabolik format”: the stories appear in monthly black and white digest-sized booklets.

The character

Diabolik is a ruthless master thief. He typically steals from criminals (and has no issue with killing them if need be, but rarely, if ever, kills the innocent or the police), and has a set of lifelike masks which he uses to fool his opponents, assuming every identity at his will. He seems to have a deep knowledge in many scientific fields, including chemistry, mechanics and computers. In his first appearances, Diabolik was a more straightforward villain who did not hesitate to murder anyone in order to accomplish his deeds. He was later given a more “Robin Hood”-like persona and was shown stealing essentially from criminals, in order to soften the series’ violence and amorality.He was raised as an orphan on a secret island hideout of a criminal combine, where he learned all his criminal skills, including developing his special masks, before killing the head of the combine. Diabolik’s true name had never been revealed in the series, and he doesn’t know it himself. Diabolik took his name from a dangerous black panther that the head of the combine killed on the secret island. From issue #3 of the series, Diabolik is aided by his “moll”, Eva Kant, who has gained an increasing role as his partner and lover. Diabolik always drives a black 1961 Jaguar E-type. Graphically inspired by the actor Robert Taylor, he usually wears a skintight black body suit that leaves only his eyes and eyebrows (very distinctive ones) exposed when going “into action.” Diabolik does not use firearms: his main weapons are the daggers he throws with uncanny ability, as well as a small dart gun with knockout darts. Eva drives a white Jaguar, and unusually goes into action wearing a heavy sweater and pants, no mask and no revealing clothing. The stories are set in a fictional town, Clerville, loosely inspired by Geneva, Switzerland.Diabolik’s main opponent is Inspector Ginko, known only by his surname, a fierce police officer who is always thwarted by astute tricks devised by Diabolik. The only other recurring character is the noblewoman Altea, Ginko’s fiancée.

Today we will read an extract from the booklet which recounts the life of Eva Kant and who she was before becoming Diabolik’s lover. The story start in the present time, when Diabolik steal a jewel for her to celebrate their anniversary. However, Eva’s reaction is far from being the one Diabolik was expecting…!

Let’s now read and explain six stripes (32-33, 34-35, 36-37, 38-39). Then work in pairs, you have 10 minutes to read your part and study the pronunciation. The tutor will help you! Then, each group will read them. You can use the space provided to write your lines and their pronunciation.

3Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture ©September 2012

La Bella Figura – Experience Italian CultureSpeaking, Lesson 3 Diabolik steals the “pink diamond” from a jewelry and organizes a dinner for Eva…:

These are the possible roles

Diabolik Eva Kant

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La Bella Figura – Experience Italian CultureSpeaking, Lesson 3

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La Bella Figura – Experience Italian CultureSpeaking, Lesson 3

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La Bella Figura – Experience Italian CultureSpeaking, Lesson 3

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