kiras cure

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Discover a spiritual solution to overcome the pain of Lupus, Fibromyalgia and addiction to pharmacuticals



! Kira’s C.U.R.E. Journeying Through Addiction & IllnessA G u i d e F o r T h e A f f l i c t e d & T h o s e W h o L o v e T h e m ! !B y S r i R a m K a a A n d K i r a R a a

!Please read this Important message from

the authors of this E-book! !This book was compiled as a resource for those who have become frustrated in their search for answers. In discovering what became valuable for us personally, in no way does that reflect what may be valuable for you! The co-authors sole intention is to distribute this book so that you may discover greater inspiration on this topic. It is also a resource for you to explore information that may assist you upon your journey.!!

This e-book does not offer medical advice as we are not doctors. !This e-book does not suggest stopping any prescription medications. !

This e-book DOES Suggest that you discuss what you discover with your duly licensed doctor or health care practitioner, if you are under doctor or health care practitioner supervision.!

All of the sharing contained herein is not intended to propose, or intends to propose a CURE for your situation. Medical advice is not being dispensed and you are reading this e-book for inspiration and informational purposes only. The authors’ may not be held responsible for any adverse affects or consequences you may experience as a result of the content contained in this e-book. This includes all dietary shifts you may choose to make, all practices contained herein, and the totality of the material of this e-book as you may discern to apply it.!

Please be advised that in addition to the karmic/energetic repercussions you may draw to yourself, the unauthorized distribution and reproduction of this e-book without express written consent of

the authors is illegal and prohibited.!

We have intentionally made this book easily available to everyone and anyone who may desire to read it, at virtually zero cost. This intention was created to curb any desire you may have to distribute this e-book outside the legal and authorized means of doing so.!

Everything described herein is based upon our first-hand experience including the results obtained.!

We expressly disclaim any responsibility for any/all liability, loss, risk or other experience, that you may incur based upon your reading and subsequent decision to implement any or all of the material contained herein.!

Only your licensed health care provider, doctor or other professional can offer you advice on what is safe, accepted and healthy for you to adopt into your life.!

All content is copyrighted by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa. (c) 2014!

To learn more about Self-Ascension and Sri & Kira please visit: !!

To join Sri and Kira live each week on their internationally syndicated radio show, please visit:!!

Enjoy timely videos and information provided by Sri and Kira at their YouTube Channel!


Thank you for taking the time to read this important information and !for caring enough about yourself to read this e-book!

“Table of Contents “The greatest healer is your presence!” 5

So what does all of this have to do with Addiction, healing and a C.U.R.E? 9

What happened? 10

Living through Frustration 13

Sounds simple enough..doesn’t it? 17

In summary here is what I did. Perhaps you may find it helpful as well! 23

Actionable Steps that to consider bringing into your life 23

From Diagnosis to C.U.R.E 24

Cleanse! 25

Cleanse the body 25

Cleanse your Mind 26

Cleanse your emotions 28

Sri Ram Kaa’s Avesa Medical Intuitive perspective: 28

Cleanse your Spirit! 31

From C.U.R.E. to C.U.R.E.D! 41

Claim your C.U.R.E! 45

Union is a Gift! 46

Resurrect your life Now 47

Expand 48

Divinity as you Delight in the Dance! 49

You will also find a comprehensive Resource Guide filled with Links for you to explore on page 51


“The greatest healer is your presence!” !

!Often we laugh with our students and remind them:

“Spirit loves us so much that we are continually kept on a ‘need to know’ basis! For if we knew ahead of time what we were saying YES to, most likely we would say No!”

2010: The journey begins! !Without trumpets and without notice, we were on a journey that would lead us through two years of intense challenges and constant reminders that as spiritual leaders and teachers the ultimate gift of wisdom comes through the experiences of our own lives.

We were already extremely visible and active in the public domain that enjoys what we offer, and were caught by surprise at the turn our lives took.

Many would ask: “As spiritual teachers would you have not already known what was coming upon you?” A valid and simply elegant question! And some of what transpired was our own “need to know” experience to prepare our consciousness for the next level of our personal journey in the world.

The answer however was complex.

Together we had chosen to model the gift of universal citizenry when we left our beloved ranch in New Mexico and moved to Central America. We had been visiting Central America for many years and in 2010 it became clear that our journey was one that transcends the beliefs of borders, single allegiances, and judgements.


November 2013!

Sri & Kira share a powerful moment at the Shwedagon Pagoda, in Yangon, Myanmar. A gift that helped harness the beauty of the



!!!!!!!!!!!!Setting up home in a country where we barely spoke the language was simultaneously exhilarating and frustrating. Each step of the journey was a magnificent testimony to the way we have chosen to live our lives and to our commitment to model everything we have been blessed to teach.

Shortly after our move was complete, we were guided to stop scheduling public appearances and to take a “time out” from the circuit of conferences, shows and seminars we so frequently were invited to. Many misunderstood this decision and many judged us and created fascinating explanations that were far from reality. Yet, our guidance was clear and the reasons for this guidance appeared in our lives quickly.

“Surrendering everything to spirit, which has always guided us since coming together, we took the leap and moved forward.

Freeing birds at the Giant Buddha in Myanmar. Powerfully symbolic of the freedom that we all seek from our pain

By the end of 2010 and well into 2011 we were viscously attacked on many levels. The constant bombardment of this negative energy was a daily invitation to presence and awareness. As beings in human form it took an emotional toll on our hearts and souls that challenged us to daily introspection and discovery.

There was the criminal who had lease/purchased our beloved ranch and then literally forged the deed to steal it without payment. There was the disgruntled student who blamed us for a myriad of issues that were her carefully disguised call for help. Her ability to navigate social media and place false reviews of our books on several websites was illuminating! She worked with another of our students who had first volunteered as an assistant and then destroyed precious archives of our transcriptions.

As universal spiritual teachers, we have always held firmly to the recognition that every step of a person’s journey is truly perfect for them. Early in our public life we experienced relentless projections based upon our names, the way we chose to dress and virtually everything else. We navigated all of it with presence and love.

Whenever a person decides to project back toward the one that has been holding presence and guiding them, it simply means that they are at a personal break—through moment!

It is the moment where they must either gaze deeply into their own soul and see their own truth and thereby break through, or they will blame those around them and decide to play once more in the pain that started their search for awakening. One of the greatest gifts any teacher of spiritual wisdom can offer to you is: To love you enough to offer you the gift of living your decision without interference.

Even when you may polarize or become angry, the true teacher will allow you to have the gift of your experience. When you are ready, you will see this gift and until you are ready it sits, like a dear friend, waiting patiently for you.

As we continued onward and dove deeper and deeper into our life in a new country we were blessed with a deepening connection with the Maya and the divinity of our beloved planet. Each day was a mixed experience of the joy of discovery and the hell of the density calling us and doing its best to distract us at each and every moment.

After all, we are ALL having our human experience. Made of flesh and bone as our spirit navigates and allows us to enjoy the beauty of this world for the short time we all transverse this planet.

It was during this time that we began to notice the subtle yet discernible physical challenges that were manifesting along side our experience of the world.

Our journey with the Authentic Mayan Elders of the highlands, those who cared not for fame, money or public exposure called on us…often. We were busily participating in ceremonies as we gained a deeper love and mutual respect for these amazing Elders who frequently do not interface with the “outside world”.

They would call us without notice. They would invite us to ceremonies that were physically challenging and took hours to complete. They were reminding us that as true universal spiritual teachers we were preparing for an even greater journey…and yes, it culminated with what we experienced as yet another shamanistic death.

The mutual respect and the congruence of messages offered to all of us the confirmation to keep going and to trust that which was unfolding. The world was quickly heading toward December 2012. We were clear, and had done our best to disseminate to others, that this was not the end of the world.

We published and responded to 1000’s of people, emails and questions around this topic as we watched something happen with ever greater repitition!

!People were confusing the messages with the messenger!

Seeking an “authority”; those who would offer reassurance. !

The masses were setting aside their own guidance in favor of the many “experts” who sought nothing more than public attention and

financial gain.


So what does all of this have to do with Addiction, healing and a C.U.R.E? !

Literally, everything! For it is always the sum total of our life experience that brings us to the moment where we must confront the effect that this has upon our physical form!

Everyone on this planet is guided by the laws of this world.

Everyone is subject to the limitations of the physical form.

And, we are not the victim of this form!

Quite the opposite!

When we allow ourselves to begin to pay attention we notice those things that we instinctively discard or deny. In our case, it was Kira’s debilitating physical capacity that came forward to present this gift.

As one of the most accurate oracles and consistent carrier of Angelic presence on the planet today, she had become adept at ignoring the signals her body was giving to her. She would tirelessly spend hours responding to emails, preparing for monthly internet revelations and honoring all of her commitments that were still active in the public domain. She had cultivated the habit of denying the fatigue of her body.

There was always another student arriving to spend private time with us, or the weekly radio show that needed attention. It was not that she neglected herself totally, however there came a moment where her commitment to the work had overstepped her discernment of her own needs. An imbalance was set into motion.

This all culminated in April, 2013. Kira had been visibly ill since November 2012. Her symptoms symptoms varied and in hindsight the following list is truly disturbing:

• Fatigue that would force her to bed many times per day

• Inability to sleep well and awake tired

• Fleeting moments of depression that were not tied to any events

• Widespread pain throughout her body that often left her needing assistance to walk or needing Sri to assist her to do simple tasks like putting on clothing.

• Rashes that eventually spread across her face and triggered even greater sadness

• Inability to properly digest food of any type and extreme reactions to foods that had formerly not been an issue. This included gluten, most fruits and some vegetables. (Kira Raa is a vegan)

• Challenges in focusing upon any given task for any length of time.

• Exercise became impossible. Five minutes of exercise would result in 2-3 hours of recuperation.

• Frequent and sudden fevers followed by an inability to regulate body temperature.

• White bowel movements that were infrequent and painful.

With all of these symptoms appearing it was her deep trust in the universe that kept her flowing in the world until the April event.

What happened? !Agreeing to teach at a large four day event, Kira gave it her all. During each break she would try to rest and recoup, however by the end of the 4 days there were no longer any physical resources left to sustain her.

Following this April 2013 event her symptoms escalated in intensity and the list became longer.

!From Symptoms to Diagnosis !Regardless of your enthusiasm for life, your career, and the love you have for yourself and humanity, the physical body has the ability to immobilize you! It does not lie and it does not hide. It will tell you when enough is enough and it will always remind you when you are straying from this truth!

Sri and Kira both experienced great “physical pain” in the rebound from what had been a truly magical seminar experience. During the day with the students the energy of the universe was sustaining and joy-filled. The love of the universe supported them to teach and to lift the participants. Yet, each evening there was a physical rebound neither Sri or Kira had ever experienced before.

For the month of May 2013, Kira undertook a strict fasting regimen that offered her symptomatic relief however left her unable to interface with the world. She had moderate results from the cleanse, and this was a precious gift, however it was not enough.

The Secret Begins!

Frustrated by the lack of response from the fasting along with having tired numerous remedies, Sri and Kira chose to seek assistance from the traditional medical community and arrived at the doctors office.

Sri’s brother is an accomplished Gastroenterologist, and given the amount of digestive issues Kira was experiencing, they first went to see a Gastroenterologist. After spending a good hour of answering questions and examination, to Sri and Kira’s surprise the Doctor referred them to a Rheumatologist.

He stated that he felt that this was the primary place to start and that he would only proceed to look deeper after this doctor investigated her immune function and ruled out Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Shock and surprise greeted us. Along with the gift of going deeper!

Waiting for a “diagnosis” !This was the first time that the word Lupus had been put in front of us and it would be almost 3 more weeks before we were able to secure the appointment with the doctor. During that time, Kira embarked on a strict and effective elimination diet.

The weeks on the elimination diet proved to be revealing as Kira discovered foods that previously had not caused any issues in her body were now essentially toxic. Adhering to the regimen was simple at this time as anything outside of this program caused challenge.

During her fasting she began regaining some of her energy and clarity. During the elimination diet she was able to see how her body now responded to foods. These were illuminating experiences as her sensitivities to certain foods had shifted.

Arriving at the Rheumatologists office was surreal. The office was filled with pharmaceutical reps eagerly waiting to sell their medicines and every seat filed with patients who were in obvious pain. We found this experience a powerful reminder of how easily our lives can become filled with pain.

After waiting an hour we sat with the doctor and Kira handed him her 3 page type-written list of symptoms. Kira explained how the fasting had assisted her and what she discovered on the elimination diet. Our doctor literally rolled his eyes and offered her a look of deep judgment.

!A note: While we recognize that not all doctors dismiss fasting and elimination diets.

“You have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and you might have Lupus!” !When anyone from the medical establishment decides that you have a disease it becomes real. It does not matter how much you have learned, how much you are aware or how much you absolutely know that you are not the label being given to you. It is a pronouncement that seeps into your consciousness and it is an opportunity to GROW EXPONENTIALLY! Labels often become self-fulfilling prophecies.

There it was. After 35 blood tests, a painful physical exam and extreme judgement over Kira’s lack of adhering to the traditional medical community, her sentence was rendered and her prescription given. Now what?

The Pharmaceutical Trap!

Without any hesitancy an immediate regimen of pills was handed over. The doctor explained that the medicine, Cymbalta, (Alacir), was approved for the treatment of Fibromyalgia and would offer great relief. He continued to share that the Cetirax would greatly assist with the chronic rashes and the food challenges. He also prescribed large doses of Tylenol on a regular basis for pain. Finally, Vitamin D3 was given as this showed as low on the myriad of blood tests Kira had endured.

What he did NOT share was that Cymbalta was also used for the treatment of depression and that it would alter brain chemistry. Nor did we know the questions to ask! He did not discuss how to stop the medication, nor offered any form of information about it. Simply, “Start on this and I’ll see you in one month.”

This is a copy of the original prescription given to Kira on June 26, 2013.

“Yes! You have Lupus and possibly the early stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis!” !

Living with the discomfort of Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Lupus provides rich opportunity for spiritual growth. The same is true with all disease as our bodies invite us to pay attention to more than just the expression of pain. It is a wake-up call to our greater mission!

After a month on Cymbalta and feeling moderate results, (and now up to 60mg/day), while the Fibromyalgia seemed to be better, the rest of the symptoms were still present. There was the fleeting sense of hopelessness and the constant questioning if life would ever be the same again.

Living through Frustration !The universe is amazing in that if we allow ourselves to be open, there is always an abundance of serendipitous events around us to align with. Through a neighborhood gathering we met a lovely young couple who lived just down the street from us and they were living with Lupus. They were amazed that Kira was not yet “on steroids”. Anna, (the wife), was seeing the foremost specialist in Guatemala for Lupus. Anna’s story is heart-wrenching and she is doing well on her prescriptions. This doctor is so very busy that it often takes months for new patient, however Anna and her husband were able to get us in to see her in early August.

Arriving at the office which was filled with patients, we waited over 3 hours for our consultation. It was clear that this doctor was good at what she did and we observed that she was loving, competent, thorough and clear. Gazing at the blood work, current symptoms and experiences, she pronounced Kira’s diagnosis of Lupus with the possibility of Rheumatoid Arthritis. She gave Kira a long list of medications and handed her the initial four weeks of steroids. She was sympathetic to Kira’s concerns about the medicines prescribed, however insisted that they were her only hope for relief. She had years of experience with Lupus and believed that her cocktail of medicines were the ONLY solution for a less pain-filled life.

!As you will see in the copy of the many prescriptions given on the next page, some of them were prescribed to offset the issues that others would create.

!Kira never took any of these pills and it was the finality of this medical diagnosis that triggered a renewed commitment to find a healthier way to navigate this challenge. Conventional medicines had nothing to offer her. It was time to discover a C.U.R.E. that was outside the realm of conventionally accepted medicine.



It had already been a long road and it was starting to take its toll on everything in

Kira’s life including her Sacred Union with Sri Ram Kaa. !



As an affliction progresses we can easily lose sight of the deep pain and hopelessness experienced by the One with the illness. It’s not like having a fever, where your partner is temporarily incapacitated and in bed. It is far easier to be attentive and loving when your partner is temporarily healing through something that is somewhat “predictable”. When hopelessness enters the picture it destroys ones Joy.

It is easier to deny the problem when the symptoms come and go. It is when the pain is chronic that the condition becomes destabilizing for a partnership.

Kira and I underwent a long period of external stressors. Having moved to Guatemala we were adjusting to a new culture and we experienced the grief of letting go of the familiar. Over the course of months, as we were adjusting to our new life, little by little, a never-ending parade of challenges presented themselves. Hurtful rumors, late payments on money owed to us by others, and a loss of perceived stability all created un-ease. As I reflect upon this now it seems obvious that Kira would be ill. She was a public target. However in the day-by-day moment, denial of happiness assists us to dismiss the recognition of the truth.

The experience was as if people close to us were infected by a virus. There was active deception and manipulation. We lived through the theft of our private client database, the theft of our teaching archives and the loss of our business revenue.

Month after month there seemed to be a steady river of negative energy flowing our way. Kira’s health declined and her resilience waned. In our spiritual communion with

Living with someone in

Pain…a Husbands


the Divine we were guided to call our trusted Oracle of the Maya and asked him to conduct a healing ceremony for Kira.

It is a deep honor to know and work so closely with this extraordinary being. We have become good friends over the years as we broaden each other’s divine connection. Highly intuitive and accurate, we have come to respect his wisdom as he has come to respect ours. It was during this healing ceremony and while he was in deep trance communion with the Spirit Guides that he brought forward a message that shook us to our core.

He shared that Kira was the target of a steady stream of black magic. We were stunned by this declaration and asked for clarification of his sharing. He clarified, (and I have paraphrased):

“While I was in trance I saw a group of black magic practitioners gathered in a circle in northern Mexico. They had a picture of Kira Raa and were sending dark energy to her. They were hired by a man who hates what you stand for and he is paying them to kill

Kira in a way that is untraceable. He wants her dead.”

WOW! What an incredible picture, especially for us. We trust in Divine and the pure light of angelic protection. We trust in the fact that our conscience is clear and that our actions are authentically aligned with our soul’s reason for taking birth.

How could we be affected by such a negative energy?

The response we received was two-fold:

1) It would be far worse if you did not have such a bright light surrounding you both, and

2) This projection is also having a negative effect on the people around you who are less strong.

These black magic practitioners did not injure us….but they did tire us. Now aware of this influence, we began to understand why some people who were once supportive had become so stunningly selfish and antagonistic. While we trusted their pathway, it was illuminating to have this piece interjected into the mix of experiences.

Our Mayan elder suggested that we do another ceremony specifically to cleanse the effects that had anchored around us and to send the energy back to those practitioners.

Whether you believe this story or not is unimportant.

Perhaps simply see it as a metaphor for how negative attitudes and energies create friction and disrupt flow.

The stress in our life continued as the man who lease/purchased our beautiful ranch in New Mexico decided to simply steal it. When we discovered that he had forged a notary seal on a Deed and transferred our home to himself, he quickly disappeared.

He and his fiancee destroyed all our personal belongings that were stored in an out-building. They stripped the property of all its appliances and furnishings and converted everything we owned into cash. Literarily everything we had owned, including the childhood memorabilia of Kira’s daughters, was gone.

We continued to do our work. We held events, we taught students, and we did our best to carry on in a positive manner. However, the stress was taking its toll.

With 2013 came a fresh start. The negative forces that were antagonistic toward us seemed to subside. There were no more harsh projections. At last, it seemed that our lives were returning to a normal productive flow.

The toll upon Kira was more than I knew. As the Angelic Oracle who deliverers the messages of Light and Love, she had received the brunt of the negative projections. Kira is One who gives to others and receives little in return. Her role is to be an outflow of cosmic Light. While that Light does offer some nourishment to her, the body is made of the earth, and earthly attacks take a toll.

In April 2013 Kira collapsed, quite literally, and could not function. The pain, the fatigue, and the sense of incapacitation was severe. My thoughts at that time were simple: Let’s stop working; let’s take time off and heal.

!Sounds simple enough..doesn’t it? !Yet, rest alone was just not enough. In fact, her symptoms progressed and in August 2013 she experienced a full-blown Lupus flare. This dissolved all denial I had been carrying. My wife was in serious trouble. The doctor prescribed steroids and told her that she would be on them for the rest of her life.

I was aggressively researching natural remedies and Kira has already shared in this book what seemed to work. There are indeed many natural minerals and products that help…at least temporarily.

Yet, the pain and disability continued. We felt a call to go to the sacred sites in Asia and the idea of that trip in November 2013 gave Kira something to look forward to. Yet, to guide 19 people on a tour is also tiring.

Our lives were a dance. From moments of positive outpouring of energy to moments of collapse. The pain was constantly in the background, even when laughing. There were times when Kira could not tolerate anyone or anything near her. Any external energy could be irritating and left her at times unable to walk, talk or simply sit up.

For me, I vacillated from moments of compassion to moments of resignation. I tried to help find a cure, but I failed to be the consistent source of emotional comfort. Maybe it was my upbringing that came forward. Having depression era parents from Germany and Sweden, I was taught to be stoic. Pain was kept private in my family of origin. I simply had no experience with being the caregiver. Staying busy had been my family motto.

Chronic illness is a cruel teacher that cannot be ignored.

The joint pain can be extreme and then a few days later subside. I would hear a cry from the kitchen – the pitcher of water was too heavy to hold. Or the afternoon sun sensitivity sets in and Kira has rashes on her body and face. She is hurt and helpless to remedy it. We try and pretend that getting back to the essence of our work will fix the problem and we were both weary of the situation. I stuffed my sense of helplessness.

Chronic pain dulls ones capacity to handle stress. We were at a restaurant and the waiter made a mistake with the order – a minor irritation, and in that moment a disappointment and betrayal of trust…the pain was bigger than her resilience. I began to experience myself as the negotiator between Kira and the outer world…trying to create peace. Everything outside of our home had been a trigger for her.

The One in pain needs love and kindness. !Even knowing this, the need is beyond the normal give and take of a relationship. The unpredictability of the day – Can you walk? Did you sleep? Is there nausea today?…these ever present variables fill the home.

It is not just the patient’s problem – it becomes everyone’s problem. !

And sometimes I was simply fed-up. !Chronic pain results in a me-focus.

!Even though the patient might be attentive to others, the pain

always brings them back to ‘the pain that is in me’. What vitamin might help?

Is there something funny to engage in as a distraction? Why do I also hurt? When will it ever end?

We were fortunate in that our home does not have children, for to attend to them in addition would have been too much for me.

Our pair of small dogs, was our mutual life-saver!

The endless love of a pet is truly healing. Holding, stroking, playing and laughing with your animal friend goes a long way toward making life bearable.

I found my ability to be compassionate had a cycle. There were times when I just wanted to close the door and lose myself into my computer.

Who was taking care of me? Where was my relief?

Kira and I found some comfort in renting funny movies. To be distracted by silliness and laughter was truly helpful. The fact of the matter is that the SLE and Fibromyalgia do not stay contained. As with any serious disease, it affects everyone in the home. Because of the long duration of the illness – some bad habits were developed.

!I found that I wanted time to myself.

I wanted to go out for a car ride.

I was afraid to ask my wife, how are you?

I could not bear to hear more about pain.

She then experienced this as rejection or an emotional wall. A vicious cycle came forward as I sought to shield myself from the grief and helplessness. For me, this meant cutting her out. As the problems lasted more than a year, the suffering was shared in different ways. Caregivers need a vacation too.

Our partnership was tested.

There were the times of deeper connection. Sometimes the pain can drive you into the arms of your lover and solace is savored. To simply sit together, hand in hand, to hold each other, is to discover a fundamental reassurance. The body receives the message of love that the mind failed to articulate in words.

Loving touch is always healing. !I know that it was our commitment to Sacred Union that carried us through the projections, loss and pain. Our commitment to each other, to Spirit and to our Mission offered many moments of meaningful expression.

My commitment to Kira assisted me to transit the times when our interpersonal relationship was hurting. There were indeed times when I wondered how much longer could I tolerate this.

What if it never ended? It was in those moments I would remind myself that life is a journey! Our love and our Sacred Union was the ONLY thing that mattered.

To stay the course, even when it hurts, requires a deep commitment from both parties. We discovered our moments of Joy. We found our moments of shared dreams. Interspersed within the flow of pain were many moments of Joy.

How does one cope with chronic illness?

• First, a trust in Spirit…a belief that even with the pain our life matters.

• Second, a trust in each other, knowing that we are doing the best we know how.

• Third, a trust that we will find our way through this.

• And remember that nothing is permanent; everything is in flow and even illness must dissolve.

• Focus on the Divine – look for the good. Let go of expectations.

Spirit never gives you more than you can handle.

These are valuable spiritual lessons…gifts from the chronic pain.

No matter how wise one is. No matter how smart or spiritually connected…we carry our humanness. We must all walk through suffering and disappointment at times in our life. I love my wife…I am grateful for her.

I LOVE our Life…together!

Perhaps even more than I did prior to this experience. For through this shared journey we have both endured and moved forward. Ever more committed and ever more present.

Kira’s Experience: Creating Support when you feel all is lost!

!My single greatest challenge of living with pain was the additional burden caused by the inability for true support to be readily available.

For me, true support was the need to have someone who could be fully present when the pain or the emotional trauma of the experience was overwhelming. It was the deep seated belief that there “should” be someone who could be present.

Feeling the frequent distance of my partner coupled with the intuitive ability to experience his thoughts about my condition was at times beyond overwhelming and a catalyst to stay on the Cymbalta. While the drug did not numb my senses, it did assist me to navigate a time that was cold, alone and challenging.

As with all experiences there is always a gift! Usually we do not discover this gift until we are far away from the immediacy of the experience. However, this was different. The gift of time and distance were too far away to wait for and the knowing that the gift existed was the fuel that allowed me to navigate what was for me…living hell.

Waking up daily in so much physical pain that as your eyes started to open a sense of dread would arise. Knowing that if you mentioned this out loud your partner would be triggered and the day would consist of disconnect and distance.

I learned how to smile through the pain. I learned how to wake up each morning, call forth joy and say I love you to my partner. I learned how to keep silent…and not all of my lessons served me.

Smiling through the pain only assists the journey if you are truly in connection with it. Calling forth joy and love is a great healer if those around you are able to connect with your desire to walk through the journey for the gifts rather than because of them. And keeping silent can stimulate more emotions and energies that become a vicious cycle of self-defeating behaviors.

I was now the queen of this! Smiling and serving my community without sharing about the truth of my physical/emotional state. Waiting for the times when a workshop or public appearance could assist me to easily “leave my body” and enjoy the gift of spiritual connection.

When the workshop ended I returned to a coldly distant, yet sincerely present, partner who just could not support what I was experiencing. The quality of the emotional support I sought was beyond what could be provided.

More than anything it was this lack of support that ultimately forced me to discover a deeper strength within myself and to explore the resources that

were established.

In the back of this eBook I list the resources I explored. From the myriad of support groups and google searches, to those who are now making their living selling diets and lectures. Be sure to explore them all as what did not work for me might possibly be exactly what you are needing which is why I included them all!

As you navigate these you may find some of them are your golden ticket! For in my search what I discovered is that the experience of this physical expression is as individual as you are!

This was why, for me, the path of Self-Ascension and my beloved Archangel Zadkiel, became the exquisite layer of assistance that walked me through.

As I dove deeper and explored more, my heart was filled with love and appreciation for those who had taken the time to write about their journey through pain and addiction. What was stunning for me, was how many of them were writing from the place of despair and loss.

So many women had lost their husbands, jobs and relationships! Virtually everyone wrote about the pain and the inability to find support. It was clear that a part of this journey was revealing itself I had not witnessed earlier…that if I could walk through this and come out on the other side, I would be able to share and prayerfully assist others to do the same!

The reality of living with a challenge that strips you of all ability to “hide or control” the experience is that you either:

A. Discover the depth of your spiritual nature to walk you through, or

B. Discover a hole that is so deep you cannot avoid falling into depression as it consumes you, or


In summary here is what I did. Perhaps you may find it helpful as well! !

1. I let go of “expecting” my partner to understand what I was going through. Admittedly this was beyond difficult and caused me pain for many months. However the more I let go of this the greater was my ability to discover support.

2. I let go of thinking that the only other two people who knew about this could honestly do anything to support me through it. One worked for me so her motivations were obvious even if not overt. The other was a personal friend who truly cared, however her ability to understand was limited by her own life experience.

3. I let go of my own belief that someone outside of me should be there for me.

4. I discovered that there are some AWESOME support groups online and that for me, those that were comprised of others going through the same experience were the most beneficial. I could simply read their sharing and participate as I felt called without pressure to do anything specific.

5. I allowed my deep connection with the Divine to guide me unconditionally. I cried out often and allowed myself to receive!

6. I reaffirmed to myself daily that this experience was not the truth of who I am.

7. I made it to the other side and you can too!

Actionable Steps that to consider bringing into your life !A. Create your “get me out of this funk” music playlist!

For me, the ultimate lifesaver! I wake up daily, put on my headset and my ceremony begins!

B. Do something you love…everyday…I started playing the Sitar again and this was challenging as the weight of the instrument alone was difficult to handle initially.

C. Exercise is not optional so find some form of exercise that you can really love. I created a ceremony from my morning routine. I LOVE getting ready for, and being on, my spin bike!

D. JOY is your birthright…so be sure to call it in.

E. LOVE YOUR LIFE…it is a gift, regardless of what is presenting in the moment. Look for beauty and find the smile in the little things.

!It was these actionable steps that brought me to the beginning of the C.U.R.E. As you take these steps you will most certainly call forth your C.U.R.E. as well.

Above: Kira’s double toomba Peacock Sitar! A piece of Sanity! Below, Kira’s dear friend, her totally great SpinBike Velo!

From Diagnosis To C.U.R.E !!We had no idea that starting Kira on the Cymbalta was ultimately leading to addiction and further pain. After all, it was the magic pill that was being sold as the panacea for those with her experience of symptoms. It did reduce her pain.

While we did chose to avoid all steroids for the Lupus and to explore just about every alternative treatment we could find, in the end, it was the Cymbalta that brought Kira to her knees.

Through the integration of Avesa Medical Intuitive practices, diligence and day by day experimentation, we discovered the C.U.R.E.

To dive into this we must first offer to you a re-defining of the word, CURE. This was not the textbook definition that we were mastering. In every sense it was a re-definition and a means to lovingly and diligently walk through this moment.

We discovered that the C.U.R.E. was just the beginning and that by actively living with the C.U.R.E., one can truly become C.U.R.E.D!

Here is our C.U.R.E. as you see described below. Once you open to this simple yet powerful formula, you will discover extraordinary insights into your life and your journey!

!To C.U.R.E. is to:

C. Cleanse U. Understand R. Release E. Expose


Let’s Begin the C.U.R.E. !Cleanse! !Much has been printed and said about cleansing and this takes on many different forms. Remember that to fully embrace your healing process means to pay attention to the whole person, not just the physical.

Cleansing takes on the power of emptying the bucket of accumulated waste from all aspects of our lives. This is a big chore and can seem ominous when you are already in pain. However, once you begin, the cleansing process becomes the building block that allows you to move forward.

Cleanse your body.

Cleanse your mind.

Cleanse your emotions.

Cleanse your spirit.

In the back of this book are links to many wonderful practitioners that can assist you to cleanse. There are a myriad of wonderful methods available and some that may not be the best for you.

The most important piece of this is to simply start!

Cleanse the body !If you are open to a fasting process, you may want to start here. Kira initiated a 30 day modified fast prior to ever seeing a doctor. This process assisted her to continue in her service to the world while simultaneously allowing her to gain greater insights into her body’s rhythms. Fasting not only cleanses the toxins from the body, it also gives the body rest.

For Kira, this fasting process was simple. Vegetable broths and lots of water interspersed with fresh papaya. This was her journey and all she could tolerate and we are not suggesting the same for you. However, you may want to investigate juicing and other ways to moderate what you eat as a means to start cleansing.

During this process Kira also relied heavily on Ayurvedic herbs to assist her. She is still taking Ashwagandha and Triphala regularly. She discovered these in her search for natural ways to assist with Lupus. Together they are “miracles” for body regulation.

We established a routine to start each day in the whirlpool tub as a means to assist the body to work through morning stiffness and tension. All water is a blessing for the body. Consider gifting yourself with long baths that are created with love. Float and feel loved and supported.

Sea salt and essential oils combine beautifully to assist you to deeply relax and offers the tissues of the body a time out from the constant pain.

If you are noticing that certain foods are no longer serving you, then you may want to consider an elimination diet as part of your cleansing process. Kira was surprised to discover that she had developed severe reactions to foods that she had consumed her entire life without issue. These reactions ranged from extreme rashes that covered her body and itched for days. Mouth sores that prohibited her from eating anything else. Severe gastric upset and constipation and/or diarrhea.

Some of these discoveries included:

Gluten, All citrus fruit, Bananas, All Sugar, and other assorted vegetables.

The only way you can be sure about this is to take the time to move through an elimination diet.

(We have listed several different ones that Kira explored in the resource guide at the back of this book.)

Finally, Kira drinks water with fresh lemon squeezed into it. She always has her bottle with her and is good at reminding virtually everyone around her of the many benefits of this health filled habit.

And if the idea of fasting is unfamiliar to you then a colon cleanse is essential. There are many of these available and simply explore what feels right for you.

Cleanse your Mind !This is a tricky area while you are in pain as your mind is not motivated to really look upon the pain to find a solution! There is a delicate dance that comes forward as you are challenged by the mind at virtually all times. People in pain usually are taking medicines of some sort. Prescription drugs also have brain altering chemistry as their playground and things get even more complicated.

This was a big step in the cleanse.

At first there is the justification for taking the drugs as you do start noticing that the pain is subsiding and you are supported by the “mainstream” medical community. By the time that Kira realized how much the Cymbalta was damaging her body and masking the truth and she was now at 90mg as her daily dose.

Freshly picked Chard from the Organic Gardens at the Self-Ascension Sanctuary, Sri & Kira’s

home where they grow a majority of their food.

It is simply not possible to cleanse your mind until you have your mind back! Antidepressants, pain killers, and other medicines affect your body’s delicate chemistry.

Achieving this was by far the most difficult part of the process.

We are not advocating for you to stop any medication you may be taking, far from it!

Stopping medications that affect brain chemistry can be dangerous and should be attempted only after significant research and preparation. In our case, we literally waited until we had all the information we needed and looked for a two month “opening’ in our schedule to prepare for any and all side effects. Thank goodness we took the time to prepare.

Here is Kira’s sharing about releasing Cymbalta:

“It was a double edge sword the day that I knew that this medication was now hurting me more than helping me. Part of me was terrified to stop. Would the pain of the Fibromyalgia come back? Was I deluding myself into thinking I do not need it anymore? However I trusted my inner knowing and guidance above all else and began to wean off.

I did not know when I started Cymbalta that it would take such a toll on the chemistry of my body. And, I no longer judge myself that I “should have known”. What was done was done. Had I researched what it was like to discontinue Cymbalta I would not have ever started taking it.

I chose to stop after our trip to Asia and both Sri and I agreed that I needed to stay on it during that journey due to the stressors of extra walking, longer days, hotel beds, restaurant foods and more. Two weeks into the three week tour my lack of physical strength caused me to be extra attentive to the group. I focused upon offering them a profound experience and then I became unable to walk through the sacred sites. 19 people were depending on me and being so physically unable to move forced my mind to stop. This is when the healing came forward with greater force.

When the day came to stop the Cymbalta I began with reducing the dosage by 15mg per week thereby reducing the dosage over a period of six weeks in total. With each reduction I would notice some headaches and mental confusion, however it never lasted more than a day or so and I saw this as positive in the release of the drug.

After six weeks of step-by-step releasing I was now done! I was never more wrong! My withdrawal symptoms had just begun!

Within just 5 days of the last pill I was in so much pain I could barely move. The physical pain was severe and the daily battle with what felt like hammers in my head, metal taste in my mouth, mental confusion and much more pushed me to the brink.

It was then I started researching Cymbalta withdrawal syndrome and was grateful that I did. Without this discovery my ability to move forward would have been limited. Far greater was the pain I was now going through at all levels than anything I had ever experienced prior to starting taking it.” People commit suicide when trying to get off of this medicine and it is said that it is worse the getting off of Heroin, reports a former addict.

How can someone cleanse their mind when their mind is causing them pain? A powerful question and the answer we discovered was through the steadfast power of love and commitment to the journey.

Each day was a reminder that we were one step closer to the day this would be gone. Had we not held that as truth, we might not have made it to the other side. We held the belief that the depression and pain were temporary. We cultivated trust that the body’s chemistry would normalize once more.

What are you believing about yourself and your symptoms?

Cleansing the mind requires eliminating negative thoughts. Remember that our thoughts are fueled by our emotions. Therefore use your positive thoughts to amplify your positive beliefs.

Try on the following statements and see if you can incorporate them into your life:

• Today I am releasing all toxins.

• I am preparing myself for greater joy.

• I am a vessel of the Divine.

• Each day I am better and each day my body moves toward greater health.

Cleanse your emotions !There are many emotions that come forward when one is going through the process of healing. As Sri Ram Kaa is an extraordinary Avesa Medical Intuitive and psychotherapist the opportunity to call forth all of his talents was a precious gift.

The following information is shared as a means to inspire you to gaze outside the box as you allow yourself to heal through the discomfort.

Sri Ram Kaa’s Avesa Medical Intuitive perspective: !As an Avesa Medical Intuitive and the co-founder of the Avesa Quantum Healing School, I look for the energetic conditions that would support a disease symptom. That is, while the initial cause of a symptom could be chemical, microbial or some other environmental situation, there are also emotional and subtle energies that contribute. These energies are less understood, especially by science. Yet the field of medical intuition can be demonstrated scientifically.

A true Holistic approach to healing must include emotional factors as well as the patient’s beliefs and relationships. Here are some of the energies and subconscious beliefs that often affect people with Lupus. (These same emotional orientations also show up in people afflicted with Rheumatoid Arthritis.)

Lupus includes a compromised immune system. The inflammation results in part because the body mistakes healthy tissue for tissue affected by disease. That is, the immune system is actually attacking itself! Energetically, auto‑immune disorders are cases of "mistaken identity."

How can this happen?

A person who has been hurt, betrayed or abandoned by those they’ve loved starts doubting their own discernment about friend or foe. In fact when there has been a series of betrayals, (dysfunctional childhood experience), then a subconscious attitude of “there is something wrong with me” takes hold in the patient’s subconscious mind. In this situation the negative self belief set’s up the person to have a variety of afflictions.

Auto‑immune diseases include self-criticism, a belief that we are unable to make healthy choices in the areas of relationship or friends.

The immune system responds to a sense of safety; that is, it is triggered when a threatening element is introduced. From strictly the emotional perspective, our system is put on alert when we feel intimidated, insecure or threatened – or when we ‘have’ to act aggressively.

When emotional support is absent in our life, the immune system becomes more stressed and we exhaust our inner resources. Instability in our social network also weakens us. Emotional burnout can occur when a person feels that they are on high performance constantly….unable to maintain a “defensive-proof” energy field. Then a virus can easily enter.

The Healing Journey must include shifting one’s world-view. No matter how successful a person might seem on the outside, an auto-immune disorder signals that there is an unhealed inner self-doubt. Healing includes learning to truly trust and believe in our own choices and to trust our intuition rather than old emotional tapes about people. With all auto‑immune diseases, we attack our own self by undermining our faith in the choices we make for happiness. Healing accelerates once we allow ourselves the gift of claiming back our life without the need to have others validate it.

Fibromyalgia has similar bodily symptoms as Lupus, however, there is a different emotional orientation at work. Fibromyalgia is an indication of not knowing how to proceed, how to get your needs met, or even how to ask for what you need. FMS does indicate a being “stuck”. In this way Fibromyalgia is similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is specifically a time‑out from one's work in the world. People with Chronic Fatigue have no energy for their work in the world. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue can show up together.

With fatigue, depression and pain there is often a systemic inability to self-motivate. There may even be a desire to be rescued or to find someone to assist the client to get out of their current situation/life pattern. As Fibromyalgia occurs in many varied areas of the body, this suggests that there are different relationships and belief themes contributing to the pain pattern that keeps a person from getting on with their life.

However, the general theme is that “it hurts to move forward”.

Fibromyalgia offers a time‑out for evaluating relationships. When a client starts to look deeply and re-address relationships so that their true needs can be met, then a healing shift can occur.

A common problem with those afflicted with Fibromyalgia is that it can turn into a long-term condition. The client may have accepted their condition because they don’t see a

way out. It’s as if they have resigned themselves to compromise. If the client is not aware of this Medical Intuitive insight about relationships, then they may not look carefully into that area of their life.

Often the individual with Fibromyalgia knows that their relationships aren't right but they don't know how to improve them or how to find someone to help them evolve their psychological territory. Fibromyalgia is difficult to heal because in the short term, the affected person is getting some of their needs met so they are therefore not entirely willing to let go of an unhealthy relationship. The muscles and nerves then learn unhealthy patterns of compromise.

The healing action that is most effective is direct and loving “confrontation” of the relationship patterns in place. A loving yet detached counselor can help the client have their ‘ah-ha” moments.

Summary: All symptoms have emotional conditions that allow the disease to manifest in a certain way or in a certain area of the body. While the emotional orientation may not be the sole factor in the client’s diagnosis, the fact remains that the disease offers an opportunity to resolve subconscious beliefs. Building emotional health builds resilience in the face of pain. Emotional dysfunction always limits our Joy and capacity to harness our inner healing resources.

Therefore it is my belief that physical healing must include a shift in emotional well-being and attitudes. !

My interest in health and healing arose in the late 1970’s as I saw first hand how distant allopathic medicine was from ‘the whole person’. For example, some years ago it was statistically shown that there were more heart attacks on Monday mornings than any other day of the week. In a paradigm prior to the technological revolution men often worked in a white collar culture that failed to celebrate their individuality. That is, white collar work was about the company, the job and getting ahead. Therefore it was no surprise to me that returning to work on Monday morning was depressing rather than invigorating. It was a return to the emotional treadmill.

During the 1960’s and through the 1970’s men who suffered heart attacks often used the illness to re-evaluate their lives and their life styles. Many changed their diets, reduced saturated fats, exercised more, engaged in family life more. For having nearly died, they found the motivation to reset their priorities. The physical problem stimulated a new world view and if the patient took action and truly changed their patterns, then they usually lived much happier following the heart attack.

Same goes for middle aged housewives who suddenly found themselves in the hospital with a gall bladder attack. When the woman of the house found herself in constant service to children, husband and home there was little time to get her own needs met. Gallstones symbolically represent repressed emotion, usually resentment or a lack of fulfillment or meaning derived from the day’s work. Studies indicated that women who stayed in the hospital without surgery had the same reduction in symptoms as women who received gallbladder surgery. Why? Because they had a few days to relax, to receive attention from others, to have meals delivered and to rest! Please understand: these women were not manipulating anyone. They were in fact unconsciously crying out for support.

This leads us to a universal situation. Western culture has evolved a lot since the 1970’s the self-help movement, the exercise movement and the fact that women are welcomed into the work force all contribute toward people getting their needs met. As a rule, westerners are more ‘me-focused’ and better educated about health and nutrition.

However, the fact remains that every human being has emotional hurts and history buried in their subconscious mind. We inherit much of the unfinished business (pain) of our parents. Pain-based experiences from childhood contribute to a perspective that includes fear. Fear of judgment, fear of rejection, fear of pain, fear of failure, fear of poverty, fear of illness, fear of being powerless, fear of death…you get the picture! Normal people carry ample amounts of fear.

If you stand back from the picture and look at how people behave you will witness how all kinds of limiting beliefs, prejudices and fears limit the ability of humankind to experience Joy. This is a huge trap! The re-circulation of pain and fear results in all forms of social and political dysfunction; and physical illness.

Belief systems come and go. Education and experience instruct us. Yet, no matter what your history, the experience of true Joy is always nourishing.

Yet, for many, Joy is considered an exceptional moment. I suggest to you that Joy is in fact a signal from the soul that you are ‘on track”.

That means that Joy should become your barometer. Joy is healing. Joy is vitality. Joy is the energy of healthy action. !

Make your decisions based upon what choice brings more Joy into your life. Sure, some ‘practical considerations’ come to bear on our choices, especially when it comes to our family’s security and well being. But please, choose a career where there is more Joy, even if it means less money…because once Joy becomes your barometer, the money will follow.

It is illogical and it is true….thus, the rational mind will never wrap itself around the power of Joy.

To put Joy first is to reclaim your birthright as a true human being. Remember, that emotional joy (an ego-trip) can be selfish. It is a learning experience only. True Joy always includes Love. Joy is inclusive and it ignites creativity, health and harmony.

And this brings us to the final piece of the C in C.U.R.E.

!Cleanse your Spirit! Without a strong commitment to your spiritual self the ability to walk through the multi-faceted aspects of your C.U.R.E. are challenging.

It does not matter what your spiritual beliefs are, what matters is that they assist you to see the bigger picture at all times. That through the gift of the greater self, the “you” that is living through the experience of illness or pain or addiction is present to remember that this is not the truth of who you are!


A simply daily practice that assisted us is the Mantra of Self-Ascension.

A non-dogmatic affirmation declared to the universe that simply says, I remember. You may want to give it a try or find another

mantra that is your joy!

Ultimately, to cleanse your spirit is to open yourself to the greater gift of your experience and to be present and to Understand your

C.U.R.E! !

A spiritual cleanse is the removal of doubt and the affirmation of trust in the Divine. My trust does not need proof — it is an energy of

Divine commitment. To believe in lack and limitation is to deny the power of Spirit.

!When you allow yourself to be in Trust you can then leave the timing

of the C.U.R.E to God.


Understand! !“If you keep doing what you have always done… will arrive at where you

are going”   - it is time to understand that ‘something’ must change if you want a different experience.


To fully understand the messages of the body and the reason for emotional pain can only result from clear headed examination.  The body does not lie, however, we could easily misinterpret its signals.  Your emotions are always true, however, the circumstances you feel badly about could have a different interpretation. 

Beliefs about the world, about men or about women, beliefs about religion and poverty are usually influenced by our childhood experiences.  Our beliefs perpetuate certain emotions and situations.  As we mature, we grow through outdated beliefs, and not all of them are evaluated.

To understand means we must look. 

We must look deeper than before, with detached eyes.  Only then we can really learn.  Then we can make informed new choices.

Clear understanding is a gift that comes from the cleansing process.  As you cleanse your body, chance are your emotions will also cleanse simultaneously.  People who fast often report that grief and sadness show up.  The grief and sadness have nothing to do with the current events – they are residual emotions that have been stored in the body.

Imagine how many emotions never get fully released!  Our bodies can carry a lot of extra things, from toxic chemicals to toxic emotional beliefs.

To understand is to seek clarity. 

This will not happen properly if you look through the eyes of judgment.  It was fear of judgment that caused us to repress our emotions in the first place!  So….the cleansing process actually cultivates Understanding – it is a natural progression.

You will benefit GREATLY if you keep a journal during your C.U.R.E. process.  The purpose of the journal is to create a safe place to explore your experiences.  To vent, to write, to draw to express whatever wants to come out.

Have compassion for those parts of you that never received the expression they needed. To understand, is to cultivate compassion. 

Understanding may include some study. Research what others have to say about your symptoms. Then ask your body, ask your Angels, ask your Higher Wisdom to offer you greater understanding about YOUR particular version of those symptoms.

Remember, all experiences are meant to inform.  Bring understanding to yourself and let your experience inform you.




Holding on to unproductive beliefs, just because they are familiar, is a bit insane!  The same goes for your emotional attitudes.  Just because everyone in your family or church agrees that “X” is bad does not necessarily mean that it is universally true.

Understand that we cultivate a bias or a prejudice simply because we want to fit in with our family or other group. Our need to belong sometimes overpowers our clarity.  The energy of detached exploration, (understanding), will offer you an opportunity for Release.

What are you holding on to that no longer serves you?  

What are you denying?  

What habits do you have that are not helping your health and harmony?  

The C.U.R.E. process is interconnected.  As we cleanse we learn something that brings greater understanding to our conscious mind.  Then we can choose to release the unproductive elements. 

Release is accelerated by choice.  That choice is easier when we have understanding.  The steps interconnect with each other to support our journey.

A wonderful form of Release is to free yourself from judgments that things should have been different. 

When we hold a judgment based upon pain, we actually freeze negative energy in our tissues.  These unresolved injuries and judgments that we were wronged, become magnetic forces that attract more pain-based experiences into our future. 


To have a beautiful future we must release the past. And the way that we can call this into our lives is through the process of forgiveness.

There are many ways that you can embrace the process of forgiveness and the next five pages of this manual is a re-print of the process that we have given to our students for years.

You will find that if you commit to the process you will RELEASE and you will Forgive. It is powerful and it works!


! A Spiritual Cleanse !!!!





!If you or a family member have been hurt, there

are some important steps you can take to ease the pain and be free once more.


Liberation means having no attachments. Hurt, regret and anger are forms of attachment. They use up energy and put the psyche ‘on guard’. You can resurrect your enthusiasm for life by truly releasing judgements. Forgiveness can cleanse away the attachments that weigh us down.

We all have the power to gift ourselves through truly gazing at a hurt. By gazing without re-living it, by just “looking with loving acceptance” at old hurts, we offer a profound healing opportunity to ourselves.

Your soul is infinitely loving and filled with wisdom. Using the eyes of the soul allows forgiveness to be a natural process.

In this booklet we will show you how easy this is!

It is important we are not afraid of our own memories.

It is is important we make peace with our past.

It is important to have all of our vital energy available to live our lives with joy.

Everyone has been hurt during their lifetime. Often these hurts are truly unfair or seem unjustified.

Forgiveness is the release of negative thoughts, bitterness and resentment. To forgive is to let go of the need for revenge and instead come to peace with the past.

It takes a lot of life force energy to hold anger toward another. Resentment and repression also consume energy and actually hurt our health. The act of forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. Committing to forgiveness frees up vital energy to use for our life purpose.


What forgiveness is not

Forgiveness is not forgetting or pretending it did not happen. It DID happen, and we need to retain the lesson learned without holding onto the pain.

Forgiveness is not reconciliation! We have to make a separate decision about whether to reconcile with the person we are forgiving or to maintain our distance

Forgiveness is not giving permission to

continue hurtful behaviors; nor is it condoning the past or future behavior

Forgiveness is NOT excusing!

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself! It frees the grip that the past has on you.

Forgiveness IS Healing! Here are the Basics of Forgiveness:

• Acknowledge  your  own  inner  pain.  

• Express  those  emotions  in  non-­‐hurtful  ways  without  yelling  or  attacking  another  person.    Tell  your  story.        Write  your  story  

• Protect  yourself  from  further  victimization.    Once  you  have  truly  expressed  the  pain  and  said  privately  what  you  perhaps  could  not  express  to  the  perpetrator,  then  bring  your  attention  to  resolution.  

• Try  to  understand  the  point  of  view  and  motivations  of  the  person  to  be  forgiven;  replace  anger  with  compassion.  

• Forgive  yourself  for  your  role  in  the  relationship.    You  did  show  up  and  you  were  hurt.  

• Decide  whether  to  remain  in  the  relationship.  

• Perform  the  overt  act  of  forgiveness  verbally  or  in  writing.  If  the  person  is  dead  or  unreachable,  you  can  still  write  down  your  feelings  in  letter  form.    You  do  not  have  to  deliver  the  letter.    Use  the  writing  as  a  form  of  expression  and  release.


Forgiving and letting go can  be  a  dif*icult  challenge.  And  it  is  even  more  stressful  to  hold  on  to  grudges.  !Over  a  lifetime  we  accumulate  many  bumps  and  pains.    Often  these  smaller  injuries  go  unattended  to  and  get  buried  in  our  subconscious  mind.  While  an  individual    hurt  might  seem  small,  a  collection  of  small  hurts  adds  up  to  a  signi3icant  energy  drain.      !The  forgiveness  process  that  follows  offers    a  thorough  cleanse  of  all  those  hurts.          This  process  lets  the  subconscious  collection  of  hurts  come  forward  to  be  consciously  released.    It  is  simple,          powerful  and  truly  liberating.  !In  the  Bible,  the  Master  Jesus,  tells  his  disciples  that  forgiveness  must  be  done  seventy  times  seven  times  to  be  a  truly  complete  process.        !This  process  will  help  you  liberate  the  many  judgments  stored  in  the  subconscious  mind  and  will  offer  a  healing.    !Sometimes  it  is  not  just  people  that  need  to  be  forgiven,  sometimes  it  is  governmental  agencies,  hospitals,  schools  and  churches.      !

To  be  truly  effective  the  journaling  process  described  on  the  next  page  must  be  undertaken  every  day  for  seven  days.      !The  effectiveness  of  this  practice  builds  each  day.    Make  your  commitment.  !If  you  miss  a  day,  you  must  start  over  for  another  seven  days.      !This  is  an  act  of  self-­‐responsibility  &  kindness.      !The  seven  times  seventy  is  a  gift  of  freedom  you  offer  to  yourself  and  others.  ! !


Freedom! Seven times Seventy


MORNING EXERCISE: Write the following phrase 35 times by hand each morning !I  now  unconditionally  forgive  and  release  _________________________________                                                                                    (free  associate  a  name)  !!It  is  best  if  you  simply  write  without  stopping  to  rePlect  or  analyze  why  a  particular  name  was  written.    Get  your  35  names,  even  if  you  need  to  write  a  name  more  than  once.  !It  is  OK  if  some  of  the  same  names  repeat  each  day.    By  writing  quickly  with  soft  focus,  you  allow  your  subconscious  mind  to  offer  up  the  names  of  those  parties  toward  whom  you  have  held  hurt.  !When  forgiving  your  mother  or  father,  use  the  various  names  that  you  knew  them  by.    For  example:  Mother,  Edna,  Mommy,  Mrs.  Jones.    There  are  different  moments  in  life  when  the  mother  was  fulPilling  a  role  and  it  can  be  useful  to  forgive  every  aspect  or  identity  of  that  person.  !Remember  that  you  have  7  days  –  so  don’t  try  to  force  how  the  names  come  out  onto  the  paper.    After  you  have  done  the  process  a  couple  days,  you  can  then  start  the  next  morning  with  the  various  identities  of  your  parents  or  siblings.  !After  you  have  completed  your  list  of  35  names,  then  pause  and  bring  your  hand  to  your  heart.    Breathe  in  the  energy  of  “thank  you”  ,  then  relax  with  a  few  more  conscious  breaths  and  then  read  your  list  of  names.      !As  you  slowly  read  the  list,  if  you  feel  any  twinge  of  emotion  then  bring  your  hand  to  your  heart  and  declare  this  afPirmation  out  loud:      !I  now  unconditionally  forgive  and  release  _______(name).    They  did  the  best  they  knew  how  given  their  state  of  consciousness  at  the  time.  !!!

You  are  welcome  to  use  the  verbal  declaration  for  all  35  names.    This  enhances  the  power  of  this  cleansing  process.  !Optional  Journaling:    After  you  have  made  your  review  and  verbal  declarations,  rePlect  upon  the  following.      !As  I  complete  today’s  forgiveness  process  I  notice  that:_________  !EVENING EXERCISE: Write the following phrase 35 times by hand each evening prior to bed. !I  now  unconditionally  forgive  and  release  _______________________________      (your  Name)    !Just  keep  writing  your  own  name  over  and  over.    Also  try  writing  the  names  you  used  in  childhood  or  a  nickname.    For  example  write  Suzi  instead  of  Susan  or  other  names  from  various  times  in  your  life.      !Let  the  forgiveness  process  touch  all  identities  you  have  used,  including  married  names.!Close this process by breathing deeply, hand to heart and declaring out loud: !I  now  unconditionally  forgive  and  release  _______(my  name(s)).    I  did  the  best  I  knew  how  given  my  state  of  consciousness  at  the  time.      !Repeat  the  verbal  declaration  at  least  once  for  each  of  the  names  you  used.  


In the releasing of unproductive beliefs and pain-based emotions, new material is exposed.  Again, the cycle inter-connects.  As we cleanse we gain understanding, we release and finally, we expose that which was covered-over! 

To expose what was denied or hidden is to be available to our truth.  The more we expose that which we have not attended to, the more we discover our truth.

This quality can sometimes be understood as ‘vulnerability”  That is, many people avoid emotional healing because they are frighted to be vulnerable, they are afraid to feel the pain or afraid to be hurt again.  This fear keeps you trapped. 

Perhaps it would be gentler to reframe vulnerability as “availability”.  To make yourself available to be seen, to be understood, to feel safe as you expose the truth.

Freedom comes through the loving exposure of what is inside.  This means that forgiveness must include yourself. Did you discover this in your seven times seventy?

We all need to forgive ourselves for not being as perfect as we would have liked!  We need to forgive ourselves for showing up to be hurt.  We need to forgive ourselves for having to repeat the healing process over and over.

We all have layered our experiences – is it no surprise that as we C.U.R.E. we then cleanse in layers?  We release the layers as we gain understanding and we expose the truth as we expose the denials.

To Expose is to witness our soul. 

To expose is to allow your awareness to witness that you are more than a bundle of thoughts, feelings and sensations.  You are more than a physical body.  YOU are more than you have given yourself credit for! 

The C.U.R.E. process results in an entirely new way of living.  Are you ready to live a new life?  Are you ready to be C.U.R.E.D. of the paradigm which allowed pain and disease to be accepted?

The C.U.R.E. process will inevitably lead you to a more spiritual life. 

Your consciousness will recognize a deeper level of truth.  As we live from a deeper truth, we then lose all need for superficial attractions.  Our priorities change, our life style becomes healthier, our attitude is more positive and we discover the truth that JOY is indeed a signal from the soul that we are “on track”.

We have exposed the essential!

Beloved reader – are you ready for the C.U.R.E.?  It takes tenacity and it requires time.  It also helps you know the difference between the essential and the illusion. 

Cleanse – Understand – Release – Expose … 

These steps become the dance, a flow of healing energy that leads you to be C.U.R.E.D

From C.U.R.E. To C.U.R.E.D! Congratulations! You have gifted yourself with persevering through the C.U.R.E to begin living your life from the C.U.R.E.D. experience! This is a gift that only you can give to yourself and you are worth it!

Let’s now celebrate together and dive deeply into living your life as one who is

C.U.R.E.D! C Claim U Union R Resurrect E Expand D Divinity as you Delight in the Divine Dance!

Healing is a restoration of harmony.  It may or may not include what may be considered a physical ‘cure’. Healing can occur at the physical level, the mental level and the spiritual level of a person’s Self. It can be all-inclusive of these three levels or it can occur within any one of them.

Let’s explore this!

If you have a terminal disease, it is healing to arrive at the place where you are at peace with your situation.  As you release your fear of the disease, the “One” opens to the possibility of a richer life experience during the time you have left.  Therefore the terminal illness can stimulate a profound healing experience.When we offer healing to the Whole Person, we are addressing all levels of the “Self” and the healing progress, (new harmony), can be experienced at the emotional and spiritual levels before there is any effect at the physical level. 

With patience and trust the physical body will respond to the new found harmony experienced at the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.  Sometimes the body is the slowest to change and sometimes it might be the first!

In essence, healing is the word we use to describe an improvement in one’s overall harmony.  Healing is usually accompanied by a greater sense of freedom and peace.  Through this recognition it is important to remember that any degree of enhanced peace and happiness is healing in action!

To live a conscious life requires that we look at what was hidden…that we become available to the deeper Truth that is expressing through us. As we listen to the messages of our body and resolve stored emotional pain, we set in motion a momentum toward enhanced peace and joy.  We accelerate the healing process.

!This expands our playground! 

We release trapped energy and are free to recognize new opportunities. We receive the gift of choosing how we will use our energy. This freedom to choose is a great responsibility. Our choices have an impact that ripples outward and touches the entire world.

In the simplest terms, the conscious journey is a journey home. A returning to Oneness, to the Enlightened state of being that radiates deep Peace and Bliss.

Is that your choice? 

If so, then this self-guided program will help you cultivate greater peace and awareness.    

Your hurts and pain, your symptoms and struggles are sacred gifts that will help propel you on your journey!

Welcome to the Conscious Journey that assists you to be C.U.R.E.D!


Many people like to learn from authorities.  They seek books and teachers to open doorways to greater understanding and personal empowerment.  This can be a good first step.  Ultimately, one comes to realize that the outer Teacher is awakening something that is within.  The fact is that the truth we sought was already present inside of us.

Many people lose sight of this fact and invest a lot of time and money seeking inner resolution through an exploration of outer causes.  This attitude keeps you in a place of victimhood as you seek, seek, and seek.

“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.”― Thich Nhat Hanh

Instead, first engage your intelligence to make sure that you have taken wise steps to support your body.  Detoxify, cleanse and ingest nutrients and minerals.  Then, once you have begun your physical regimen, bring your awareness to the hidden content you have been carrying. 

We all start out being frightened of change and thus we instinctively fear transformation.  The ego is the repository of your fears and it uses fear as its weapon to maintain control.  Fearing liberation, the ego would rather have predictable suffering!

So…who is in charge?

Bring out your journal and begin the exploration of your own subconscious. Bring light to that which was hidden and bring loving attention to your Inner child.  Journaling can be a powerful act of self-care.  It takes courage.  It takes some persistence. And it is worth it.

Remember, you are on a journey of self-discovery.  Not self-criticism.  The past is just ‘that’…past!  For every past event, given the level of consciousness you were carrying in that moment, you truly did the best you knew how! Have mercy on yourself given the pressures you were experiencing at the time while remembering to have mercy for others as well.

As we allow our yearning for Sacred Union to activate our passion, the Love we experience carries us past the river of fear.  It is a flowing current that keeps you moving forward.  The journey becomes exciting and we get energy from each self-discovery.

With regular journaling you will dive deeply into self-discovery, self-acceptance and your freedom.  Smile at the revelations. All recognition is a step forward that assists your wisdom to grow.

Sometimes the healing journey requires that we revisit ‘old issues”.  

!Kira’s early upbringing included a lot of pain, a father that often abused and criticized  her. Siblings that wished she would leave.  They often vocalized to her that she was flawed and did not fit in.  Her parents shipped her off to a Catholic boarding school and Kira made sure that she graduated early so that she could permanently leave home by the time she was 17.

This sort of abusive energy is exactly the type of pain that would result in immune system failure.   When a person is constantly criticized they begin to believe that something is wrong with them.  This belief of unworthiness together with unsupportive relationships leave the child in a place of defeat….open to more pain.  

As an adult, Kira worked long and hard on her personal healing journey.  She did her personal work and processed her pain imprints.  She became highly productive and helped others to raise their self-esteem and enjoy success.  

When the Fibromyalgia and Lupus appeared, it was not the result of a long held pattern of defeat.   Instead, the severe stress and two years of negative projections we experienced re-ignited  an old energy.  

The stress of the betrayals and the judgments were far too similar to the pattern from childhood.  This re-ignition of an old pattern allowed the  Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Lupus to anchor – for awhile.  Through the experience of the symptoms Kira called in her C.U.R.E.   She revisited the unproductive beliefs that were subconsciously triggered.  She released what needed to be released and she CLAIMED back her life.

For Kira Raa, the experience was an opportunity to demonstrate to herself again that life is not about betrayal and pain.  She was able to experience the resurrection energy of co-creation.  This was a gift, for healing allows us to be of service to others.  

When we heal we bring insight and love into other peoples lives. 

C.U.R.E. to C.U.R.E.D. is a gift of service that was birthed through Kira’s pain and her tenacity to serve the Divine at all times.

Are You Ready To Heal?

Are you ready to accept the changes that will support your Healing?

Claim your C.U.R.E! !To live your life as one who is on the other side is to have fully accepted and claimed yourself as WHOLE and COMPLETE.

Does this mean you will not ever have another symptom from your past experience of the condition…most likely not.

What it does mean is that you are clear that you are a magnificent being who is playing on the playground of life with all of your heart and soul. You have the inner wisdom to know that you have resources and that you are not your pain or your addiction or your illness.

These labels of the worldly experience do not define you. They have simply gifted you with the reminder that you are eternally amazing and ready to claim the joy of this life, regardless of the illusion.The illness and the labels are all conspiring to assist you to wake-up and remember the truth of who you are.

You might be saying … that sounds too easy or simple.

The reality is that it IS that easy and that simple.

Only our belief in our labels makes it complicated and through those beliefs we found ourselves in the position to seek a C.U.R.E. to begin with.

You can drown in the belief that you will never win nor find the other side.

You can swim in the ocean of negativity and self-doubt and you will find others who are wiling to join you there.

You can believe what others say if you choose to. Especially those who call themselves specialists.


you can CLAIM YOUR C.U.R.E.

Do you have the courage to step out of the patterns that brought you to the symptoms in the first place?

It is 100% your choice and it does require your full commitment to everything we have shared with you so far and the rest that is written here.

!Ask yourself right now…

Am I ready to claim myself as C.U.R.E.D?

Regardless of your answer, the bottom line is that your ever-infinite whole Self is already screaming yes or you would not be reading this book.

To claim is to co-create. To claim is an act of conscious choice.

Union is a Gift! !You are ever in union as you are in the divine presence of your body and your soul! From the moment you took birth on this planet you have been in union with your body and your body is in union with the air so that it can breathe and sustain life.

You are in union with the sun as it offers you nourishment and illumination. You are in union with the sky as it is ever present with both the gifts of light and dark, demonstrating the precious gift of balance. You are in union with all of humanity as together we all traverse this experience finding our commonalities and our differences.

You ARE union interdependent with all life. What makes this sacred is your consciousness. As a divine spark

you get to witness the interplay of love igniting all expressions. There are infinite opportunities for union.

There is a great miracle of healing that bursts forth from our inner wisdom when we allow ourselves to shift our focus from separation to union. Separation is the cruel underpinning of our labels and our discomfort. It calls our attention and makes us feel lonely and alone. The truth is that you may at times be lonely, however you are not ever alone!

It does not matter if you have a partner or not. What matters is that you are able to be joy-filled and whole as yourself. Your accomplishments matter and your life matters! Your energy contributes light to the whole.

For each beautiful breath you take offers the gift of union to another…this does not need to be a conscious sharing, just a simple knowing. Your heart knows Union. To claim union is to live ever-focused on the Divine. Through your Miracle of Focus you are C.U.R.E.D!

Resurrect your life Now !The energy of Resurrection is often debated and challenged merely because of the profound energy that this word offers to Christianity. However there are other definitions of this. Here is one taken straight from the dictionary:

• the revitalization or revival of something !In this case the revitalization or revival of the “something” is YOU! You are now offering to yourself a life of great freedom.

You are Claiming through Union your personal Resurrection and the gift to be FREE!

Freedom means that the following no longer have any power over you:

•Labels that limit your ability to be

•Diseases that try to rob you of the joy of living

•Defining yourself as the pain or the illness or the addiction

•Believing that you are not worthy of an amazing life

•Chemicals that distort your ability to function

•Toxicity that disturbs your harmony

•Living the distortion that pain calls forward

•Making decision based upon whether or not you can cope with the day ahead

Imagine that you have just been handed a paintbrush and a set of paints. The set contains every possible color you can think of and some you most likely have not.

In front of you is a large blank canvas and you are the artist.

!Now that you have the paints, the canvas and the ability…

how will you paint the next phase of your life?

!The C.U.R.E. offers you the foundation to: Resurrect your ability to co-create Health,

Harmony and Passion!

Expand !Initiate the regimen of knowing yourself as C.U.R.E.D. This begins by arising each morning with the joy of knowing that you have another day of discovery before you.

There will be times when you awaken and discover that you may be stiff, or have a headache, or have some other physical experience seek to disturb your peace. Perhaps it is your to-do list or other things that are pressing on your mind or spirit.

This is the time when your daily ceremony becomes an exuberant reminder that you are expanding your awareness and your life!

Did you make that music playlist? Are you exercising with exuberance and joy?

Are you doing something you love…everyday? Whenever someone doubts our expansion or challenges our exuberance we invite them to revisit one of our all time favorite movies, the 1989 now classic Field of Dreams.

There are undoubtedly those who will say that much of what we are proposing is simply based upon mind over matter.

Perhaps. And it is YOU that makes it TRUE. Expand your trust.

However, if you have read this entire eBook you will discover that in order to arrive at the place where you can effectively invite the mind over matter scenario takes a good dose of commitment!

With each breath we are expanding and with every moment we are growing! It is only when we decide that we have nothing left to learn or nothing left to experience that we lose the battle to those energies that seek to stop our progress.

Play along with us for a moment: What if, just in this moment you could accept that you are a limitless being of great light and love?

What if you are a beautiful soul that chose to have a human experience?

Would you not want to experience everything?

What if illness is merely an exercise to assist us to cultivate our mastery?

What if being on this planet in particular is so rich in those experiences that you not only said yes to being here, you ran to the font of the line?

The answer is…YOU ARE AND YOU DID! This life, right now, is an incredible gift of expansion. Your expansion tickles exuberance to birth through your life! It is when we take in a deep breath and then let it out with a smile that we send our thank you to the universe for allowing us even one more day! Make it amazing!

Share your love and joy with others!

Divinity as you Delight in the Dance! !

You are the dance, you are the delight and you are divine. So let it show!

To anchor your C.U.R.E. is to share your joy every moment of every day. This is not the joy that is solely emotional. It is the joy of the dance of life.

The divine lila that is ever in motion and ever calling to us to simply be. The joy of knowing that everything has the movement of the divine and allows us to discover this when you offer ourselves the moment to pay attention. To dance is to have freely moving through, emotions and movement.

We recently became the custodians of two amazing Yellow Naped Amazon parrots. When they arrived they each claimed one of us as their special person. Sri’s parrot, Radha, went through months of only allowing Sri to touch, feed and pet her. She would snuggle into him and if Kira came too close she would snarl and inform her that Sri was hers.

Kira’s parrot, Zadkiel, came with an inherent fear of men and at first was so silent we did not know if he spoke at all. He would allow Kira near him,however preferred his cage and limited human interaction.

Over a series of months we worked with the energy of love and reassurance combined with healthy doses of delight and the Divine. Daily Kira would repeat to both of them, I love you. Sri would reassure Radha that she was a beautiful and very good girl.

Today, Zadkiel is a chatter box who insists on spending virtually all day out of his cage and offers an I love you to all who visit. Radha now enjoys the company of others and will vocally let you know that she is a good girl and very pretty!

Why do we share this story?

If you gaze at the photos above you see the pure energy of the dance of the Divine. The delight of simply being and knowing that you are safe to be and safe to express.

For in the essence of living in the C.U.R.E.D. state, it is the acceptance that you are safe to be…just as you

are, right now, that inspires the dance to continue.

Dance with the Divine! Delight in the C.U.R.E.

Know that you are C.U.R.E.D. !

And may your heart know that we love you dearly.

Links and Resources for your Journey !The sole purpose of this page is to save you time and energy as you look for your magic solution to your particular situation. Every link here was a part of our journey. Some of these proved to be almost frustrating! For example, as a vegan who was already “eating correctly” Kira found many of the programs made her sad.

If this was the answer and she was already doing it why did she have this situation?

Always remember! It is all part of the journey and we are all unique, just because it was not part of Kira’s “magic” does not mean it might not be perfect for you!

May your journey bring you to your C.U.R.E. and your C.U.R.E. be your journey!

Nutritional Supplements for you to research: we purchased most at Amazon

Cibdex 500mg CBD Cannabidiol Hemp Oil SupplementPain Block - Pain Relief Rub Cream by Prologel, LLCBiotics Research - Intenzyme Forte 500 TabsVitalzym 360 SoftgelsOrganic India Triphala, 90-CountAncient Minerals Ultra Pure Magnesium Oil 8 oz.Curcumin C3® (Turmeric)Neuro Endure Mini by Neuro Genetic Solutions ( this was a life saver!) !Elimination and Fasting Diets:

Printable one-sheet diet from Dr. Oz How To Elimination Diet by Bryan Walsh Simple Elimination Diet by Dr. Robin Berzin How to Juice Fast Safely by Casey McClusky How to Fast Yourself by Andrew Saul The Master Cleanse !Cymbalta Withdrawal Information and Help! Cymbalta Withdrawal Forum Common Side Effects from Cymbalta PDF of the FDA Report on Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome !People who Personally Assisted Kira on her Journey Avesa Master Healer Sri Ram Kaa Martin Pylea at Life Enthusiast Suzanne Toro !Lupus Diets and Programs The Lupus Recovery Diet by Jill Harrington The Lupus Site How to Defy Autoimmune Disease by Elisa Rodriguez, RN LDN !Certified Self-Ascension Intuitive Counselors who Understand and are Highly Skilled

Personally certified by Sri and Kira and can work with you regardless of where you live! Patricia Peterson Barbara Matthews and Susan Edwards Alice Collins—please send Morava Gelbart — please send


Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa are gifted Healers and spiritual teachers. Through their Archangelic communion, they have developed Avesa Quantum Healing, a powerful healing modality that has helped thousands worldwide.   In 2003 they brought the path of Self-Ascension to the world. A lifestyle of spiritual authenticity leading to "Ascension Consciousness” while living a fulfilling life. It is an enlightened state of being.   Since that time Sri and Kira have become sought-after speakers and workshop leaders. Sri & Kira openly share their experiences with the intention to offer reassurance to the reader.   Having five books in print (and more in progress!) , they actively discuss their spiritual discernments and Divine connection. "Your life is your spiritual path", says Sri, to which Kira quickly adds, “and let it be amazing!”   To learn more about these remarkable teachers, visit Tune in weekly to their highly rated Radio show, Sri and Kira LIVE! at

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