kinetika parameter stabilitas oksidasi minyak sawit...

Post on 17-Apr-2018






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Lampiran 1 Hasil uji bilangan peroksida

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

Peroksida 60 oC (meq/kg)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

Peroksida 75 oC (meq/kg)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

Peroksida 90 oC (meq/kg)

0 7.9178 0 7.0556 0 6.7235 4 8.2205 4 7.2171 6 8.0979

12 8.4001 12 8.5102 24 9.0007 20 8.9526 20 9.5103 48 6.2979 32 9.5688 32 10.5683 62 6.4912 47 10.0829 44 11.8692 86 6.8423 68 11.1120 56 10.9046 128 3.7530 92 11.4273 68 11.2742 164 2.3511

128 11.0359 92 8.2173 204 2.9013 164 11.5282 128 8.6386 240 1.4764 212

164 6.5996

260 10.9889 200 6.7688 320 10.5831 236 5.3781 380

284 5.1999

452 9.7851 332 3.4339


Lampiran 2 Hasil uji asam lemak bebas

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

FFA 60 oC (%)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

FFA 75 oC (%)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

FFA 90 oC (%)

0 0.1496 0 0.1575 0 0.1746 4 0.1645 4 0.1602 6 0.1795

12 0.1546 12 0.1693 24 0.1708 20 0.1570 20 0.1741 48 0.1966 32 0.1634 32 0.1868 62 0.1982 47 0.1630 44 0.1730 86 0.1975 68 0.1593 56 0.1837 128 0.2171 92 0.1655 68 0.1878 164 0.2234

128 0.1613 92 0.1652 204 0.2263 164 0.1755 128 0.1869 240 0.2305 212 0.1809 164 0.1969

260 0.1708 200 0.2032 320 0.1736 236 0.2083 380 0.1811 284 0.2120

452 0.2000 332 0.2235 R2 = 0.793611



Slope = 7.72x10-5


0.0002 intercept 0.156736



k = 7.72 x10-5


0.0002 t half 8972.011




Lampiran 3 Hasil uji β-karotena

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

FFA 60 oC (ppm)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

FFA 75 oC (ppm)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

FFA 90 oC (ppm)

0 330.7973 20 308.2955 24 295.7042 4 329.5225 32 304.5381 48 281.2988

12 328.4453 44 289.8674 61.66667 263.0050 20 325.4734 56 291.0841 128 233.9865 32 320.4490 68 282.8191 164 229.3928 47 320.2261 92 289.5969 204 200.6676 68 317.2937 128 281.0408

128 307.9233 164 267.1562 164 305.3556 200 261.7021 212 306.7446 236 249.3860 260 296.0362 284 238.6908

320 284.3140 332 228.4120 380 290.9291

452 274.1765 R2 = 0.9562



Slope = -0.1156


-0.4909 intercept 327.1594



k = 0.1156


0.4909 t half 5.9973




Lampiran 4 Hasil uji asam lemak C8

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C8 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C8 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C8 90 oC (mg/g)

6 0.149851 12 0.19026 0 0.1506 24 0.166428 20 0.18906 4 0.1402 48 0.144725 44 0.21338 12 0.1486 48 0.125126 56 0.21002 20 0.1368 62 0.146863 128 0.16255 20 0.1463 62 0.141420 0 0.00000 32 0.1291 86 0.136907 200 0.14488 68 0.1348 86 0.111840 200 0.17579 128 0.1441

128 0.089867 236 0.13920 164 0.1322 128 0.086601 284 0.15793 260 0.1340 164 0.106815 284 0.15784 320 0.1313 164 0.095464

380 0.1147

380 0.1214

R2 = 0.761293


0.6182 Slope = -0.000423



intercept 0.160164


0.1434 k = 0.000423



t half 1639.384696




Lampiran 5 Hasil uji asam lemak C10

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C8 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C8 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C8 90 oC (mg/g)

0 0.0795 0 0.1277 0 0.0927 6 0.0780 12 0.1171 12 0.0940

24 0.0726 20 0.1275 20 0.0971 48 0.0779 44 0.1067 32 0.0918 48 0.0755 56 0.1105 68 0.0957 86 0.0783 92 0.1119 128 0.0922 86 0.0749 128 0.1050 164 0.0909

164 0.0738 164 0.0835 260 0.0889 164 0.0696 200 0.0931 320 0.0890 240 0.0691 200 0.0980 380 0.0792

236 0.0805 380 0.0800

236 0.0824

R2 = 0.7850


0.6129 Slope = -0.00003



intercept 0.0956


0.07804 k = 0.00003



t half 20390.8515




Lampiran 6 Hasil uji asam lemak C12

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C8 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C8 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C8 90 oC (mg/g)

0 0.8684 0 1.0803 6 0.8025 4 0.8724 12 1.0578 48 0.8043

20 0.8784 20 1.0753 86 0.7790 32 0.8552 44 0.9966 128 0.7440 92 0.8406 56 0.9770 128 0.7565

128 0.8506 128 0.9409 164 0.7509 164 0.8387 164 0.8591 240 0.7462 380 0.8004 200 0.8853

380 0.8132 200 0.9815

236 0.8265

236 0.8252

284 0.8655

284 0.8782 R2 = 0.9070



Slope = -0.0002


-0.0003 intercept 0.8687



k = 0.0002


0.0003 t half 4151.7224




Lampiran 7 Hasil uji asam lemak C14

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C14 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C14 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C14 90 oC (mg/g)

0 8.1778 0 9.0744 0 8.3272 6 8.0353 12 8.8419 12 8.2850 6 8.1747 20 9.0939 12 8.2913

24 8.1848 32 8.6072 20 8.2477 62 8.0622 44 8.7434 32 8.2659 62 8.1980 56 8.6455 68 8.2759 86 7.9940 92 8.7450 92 8.2627 86 8.0151 128 8.1341 92 8.2724

128 7.7014 128 8.4943 128 8.3199 128 7.7195 164 8.1805 164 8.1682 164 7.7060 200 8.3605 320 8.0597 240 7.5870 236 8.1437

236 8.1971

284 8.2328

284 8.3092 R2 = 0.8208



Slope = -0.0028


-0.0007 intercept 8.1924



k = 0.0028


0.0007 t half 249.4243




Lampiran 8 Hasil uji asam lemak C15

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C8 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C8 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C8 90 oC (mg/g)

0 0.3528 0 0.3824 0 0.3357 4 0.3599 0 0.3937 6 0.3526

12 0.3671 12 0.4144 6 0.3465 20 0.3542 12 0.4260 24 0.3484 32 0.3576 20 0.4141 62 0.3410 68 0.3666 44 0.3859 62 0.3410 92 0.3572 44 0.4146 86 0.3454 92 0.3528 56 0.3816 86 0.3408

128 0.3536 56 0.4231 128 0.3368 164 0.3542 92 0.3712 164 0.3372 212 0.3451 128 0.3629 164 0.3343 260 0.3470 164 0.3635 240 0.3240 320 0.3297 200 0.3578 240 0.3254 380 0.3439 236 0.3507

236 0.3475

284 0.3605

284 0.3570 R2 = 0.6240



Slope = -0.0001


-0.0001 intercept 0.3608



k = 0.0001


0.0001 t half 11287.0461




Lampiran 9 Hasil uji asam lemak C16:0

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C16:0 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C16:0 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C16:0 90 oC (mg/g)

0 411.1995 0 430.1116 0 413.1379 6 407.1677 12 432.7569 0 413.0585 6 408.0819 20 431.4104 20 416.1899

24 405.2337 56 427.5497 20 412.2596 62 407.2193 92 417.9213 32 412.6262 86 404.1905 128 419.1299 47 409.7503 86 400.0363 164 423.5196 92 408.5118

128 388.2122 200 415.3726 128 413.0272 164 392.8762 236 403.8693 212 410.1798 164 384.6714 236 404.3134 260 406.7661 204 401.0374 284 417.9264 380 404.4406 240 389.5261 284 417.5056

R2 = 0.6305


0.6891 Slope = -0.0860



intercept 408.3274


413.3204 k = 0.0860



t half 8.0628




Lampiran 10 Hasil uji asam lemak C16:1

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C16:1 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C16:1 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C16:1 90 oC (mg/g)

0 1.1069 0 1.1832 4 1.1629 0 1.1129 0 1.2042 12 1.1602 6 1.0901 12 1.2142 20 1.1397 6 1.1064 20 1.2244 32 1.1302

24 1.0956 20 1.1565 68 1.1393 86 1.0804 44 1.2278 92 1.1370 86 1.0780 44 1.1692 128 1.1207

128 1.0306 56 1.1794 164 1.1307 128 1.0530 92 1.1621 212 1.1308 164 1.0710 128 1.1548 260 1.1194 164 1.0420 164 1.1669 380 1.1101 204 1.0786 200 1.1322 380 1.1200 240 1.0314 236 1.0968

236 1.0975

284 1.1400

284 1.1337 R2 = 0.6569



Slope = -0.0003


-0.0001 intercept 1.1012



k = 0.0003


0.0001 t half 2524.4702




Lampiran 11 Hasil uji asam lemak C18:0

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C18:0 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C18:0 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C18:0 90 oC (mg/g)

0 36.3074 0 37.4770 0 38.0755 6 36.5901 0 37.0378 4 38.1125 6 36.1670 4 37.4904 12 37.4823

24 36.1303 12 37.4706 12 37.9275 62 37.1767 20 36.9887 32 37.5141 86 36.6456 20 37.0617 68 37.4265

128 33.9526 32 37.2306 92 37.8779 128 34.8629 56 37.0171 128 37.5212 164 34.9671 68 36.6754 164 37.2062 164 34.7005 128 36.5102 212 36.5099 204 33.3122 128 36.8728 212 36.5160 240 34.5241 236 36.6144 260 37.4060

236 36.4504 260 37.0499

332 36.3681 320 36.4354

380 36.9507

R2 = 0.6401


0.6098 Slope = -0.0117



intercept 36.6306


37.8311 k = 0.0117



t half 58.9890



Lampiran 12 Hasil uji asam lemak C18:1 cis

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C18:1 cis 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C18:1 cis 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C18:1 cis 90 oC (mg/g)

62 330.4800 0 335.3487 32 336.8481 86 322.9465 4 334.6846 68 334.7324 86 325.3413 20 334.4679 164 333.8238

128 307.3743 32 334.2648 260 332.6598 128 312.3761 56 333.9573 380 330.6229 204 304.9637 128 331.0994

236 329.9296

236 328.7843

R2 = 0.8925


0.9415 Slope = -0.2354



intercept 345.3285


336.5961 k = 0.2354



t half 0.8925




Lampiran 13 Hasil uji asam lemak C18:2

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C18:2 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C18:2 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C18:2 90 oC (mg/g)

0 109.5549 4 105.9640 4 105.7865 0 102.8655 32 106.6401 12 105.0261 6 103.7428 164 104.9600 32 105.4163 6 102.6183 200 104.4121 92 105.6861

24 102.5889 284 104.0695 128 105.3078 62 100.9190 284 103.9337 260 104.2086 62 103.5674 332 103.1809 380 104.2365 86 101.3103

86 102.0253 128 95.9236 128 97.8754 164 99.4001 164 97.2071 204 90.9456 240 98.1852 R2 = 0.6452



Slope = -0.0439


-0.0039 intercept 104.5595



k = 0.0439


0.0039 t half 15.7814




Lampiran 14 Hasil uji asam lemak C18:3

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C18:3 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C18:3 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C18:3 90 oC (mg/g)

0 2.5838 0 2.6927 0 2.5833 6 2.5633 0 2.6839 12 2.5992 6 2.5471 4 2.6462 20 2.5830

24 2.5056 4 2.6426 32 2.5907 62 2.4864 20 2.6977 32 2.6117 62 2.5226 32 2.6465 47 2.5591 86 2.4869 56 2.6564 68 2.6015 86 2.4778 56 2.6345 92 2.6051

128 2.3551 92 2.6027 128 2.5687 164 2.3819 128 2.5322 128 2.5610 164 2.3394 128 2.5589 212 2.5406 204 2.4030 164 2.6267 320 2.5093 240 2.3637 200 2.5696

236 2.5150

236 2.5008

284 2.5519

284 2.5477

R2 = 0.8157


0.7006 Slope = -0.0010



intercept 2.5536


2.6002 k = 0.0010



t half 722.9992




Lampiran 15 Hasil uji asam lemak C20

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C20 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C20 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C20 90 oC (mg/g)

0 3.0556 0 3.2445 0 3.2474 6 3.0717 0 3.2390 4 3.2511 6 3.0359 4 3.3126 12 3.2407

24 3.0645 4 3.2986 68 3.2190 62 3.0275 12 3.2468 92 3.2038 62 3.1033 20 3.2178 164 3.2322 86 3.0466 32 3.2627 260 3.1882 86 3.0491 44 3.3114 320 3.1911

128 2.8724 56 3.2034 380 3.1747 128 2.9254 68 3.2279 452 3.1962 164 2.9751 128 3.2168

164 2.8951 164 3.2132 204 2.8500 200 3.1488 240 2.9030 236 3.1113

284 3.1465

284 3.1275

332 3.1581 R2 = 0.6878



Slope = -0.0009


-0.0001 intercept 3.0801



k = 0.0009


0.0001 t half 755.8478




Lampiran 16 Hasil uji asam lemak C20:1

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C20:1 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C20:1 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C20:1 90 oC (mg/g)

0 1.0294 0 1.0789 0 1.0894 6 1.0266 0 1.1007 4 1.1053 6 1.0194 4 1.1056 12 1.0826

24 1.0144 4 1.0968 68 1.0857 62 1.0355 12 1.0753 92 1.0905 86 1.0128 20 1.0633 92 1.1010 86 1.0154 20 1.0569 128 1.0701

128 0.9897 32 1.0971 164 1.0910 164 0.9842 32 1.0599 212 1.0727 164 0.9710 44 1.0952 212 1.0504 204 0.9531 56 1.0821 260 1.0572 240 0.9641 68 1.0605 320 1.0468

68 1.0587 380 1.0547

128 1.0546

128 1.0287

200 1.0207

236 1.0182

236 0.9953

284 1.0149 R2 = 0.8459



Slope = -0.0003


-0.0001 intercept 1.0315



k = 0.0003


0.0001 t half 2234.5074




Lampiran 17 Hasil uji asam lemak C22

Lama peyimpanan 60 oC (jam)

C22 60 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 75 oC (jam)

C22 75 oC (mg/g)

Lama peyimpanan 90 oC (jam)

C22 90 oC (mg/g)

0 0.5772 0 0.5801 0 0.5816 6 0.5769 0 0.5778 0 0.5812

62 0.5729 4 0.5906 4 0.5840 62 0.5912 4 0.5881 0 0.0000 86 0.5750 32 0.5803 92 0.5682 86 0.5705 44 0.5873 0 0.0000

128 0.5694 56 0.5750 0 0.0000 128 0.5566 128 0.5572 212 0.5724 204 0.5319 164 0.5491 212 0.5584

332 0.5417

R2 = 0.6569


0.7073 Slope = -0.0002



intercept 0.5869


0.5813 k = 0.0002



t half 3276.6274



Lampiran 18 One-Sample Test pada nilai Ea komposisi asam lemak jenuh

Test Value = 0

t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean


95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

Lower Upper EA 2.819 6 .030 182173.6610

7 24021.1584

9 340326.163


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