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KernowHang Gliding& ParaglidingAssociation


Editor’s Blurb

A Happy Christmas and new year to you all! An uneventful flying month for many. A fall in a

climbing wall landed the Editor with a dislocated ankle which has kept him off the hill this month, so if you see him on the hill he’d be grateful if you’d do the right thing and carry his paraglider for him - oh, and pack it up and give him a foot massage when he’s finished flying :-)

It has been an historic month on the towing front, with Graham getting a buzzing CHAPS operation off the ground, the KHPA Tow Syndicate dis-banded, and a new ‘Kernow Tow Group’ created, assisted by many of the old Tow Syndicate mem-bers - including Graham whose view is that having another towing operation on the go is important as an option for his own students once they have qualified. These next few months should see some exciting progress with the Kernow Tow Group, and all those interested are encouraged to contact its Chairman Brian Reynolds (01209 210174) or come along to the lively monthly meeting at the Bird in Hand, Hayle (first Wednesday of each month). Both paragliders and hang gliders are welcome.

These epic changes are nicely put in their histori-cal context in the feature ‘A Towing Tale’ by Alan Phipps in this issue. Alan is considering doing a regular feature on ‘Kernow Lore’ from the deep-est, darkest, most glorious and most ignominious past of our club!

This coming month of January holds a lot in store for us. The Annual General KHPA Club Meeting is on Monday 9th January, half an hour earlier at 7.30pm sharp. The Annual Dinner is at the Seigners Arms, Perranporth, 21st Jan. Guests and visitors are welcome. On this same weekend we hope to

DEC 2005

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 1

hold the time-honoured Frostbite Competition, weather permitting. Details can be found in the ‘Upcoming Events’ section in this issue. And don’t forget to check the website ( for regularly updated news and events!

Mark AS

What’s been happening?KHPA Tow Syndicate winds up and the Kernow Tow Group is formed!

The KHPA Tow Syndicate AGM 2005 was held at The Portreath Arms on Friday 2nd December 2005. 8 members and 7 club guests were present and Pete Coad was in the Chair. Pete reported that there was not a lot to report from this year as

there has been no towing going on. A proposal to wind up the Syndicate and sell the winch to Graham Phipps for 300 free towing vouchers - each worth £5 - for (ex) Syndicate members was passed by 7 votes for, one against and one abstention. Graham has recently revived the use of the winch in his CHAPS business after many years of disuse and waning enthusiasm. It was agreed that Paul Dunstan should receive a gift in recognition of his hard work, and the rest of the money should go to pay for refreshments for the KHPA at the Christmas dinner.

For those who have been confused about the status of the Tow Syndicate in relation to the KHPA Club, Tim Jones explains:

“The syndicate was separate from KHPA. It was deliberately made separate for the reasons mentioned [at the meeting] - those of liability if something should go wrong, so that the club as a whole, or club officers, could not be held responsible. That’s something that is still important with the new group, and needs to be discussed at a KHPA meeting. It was also separate because there are costs (not inconsiderable) involved, and since not all of the club was interested in towing it was not fair to pass on the costs to the whole club. Membership was open to anybody, but it did require a subscription, and latterly existing members also paid a fee for the year, payable on their first tow, just to keep solvent. The syndicate did borrow money from the club at times, but it was always as a loan that was repaid.

The matter of revitalising the syndicate by canvassing for new members was often discussed, because no one really wanted it to fold. However there is a critical number necessary on any one day to make the operation viable, and with existing members dwindling or becoming older in tooth, with more commitments and less raw enthusiasm, it was often left to a few diehards, not quite enough to make the operation work well, to try to get out when towable. Many people had also invested an awful lot of time and effort over the years in looking for suitable sites to base our operations, and even though no sites sufficiently good to tempt people in to regularly preferring to go towing than hill flying were found, we didn’t want to see all those efforts wasted by letting the syndicate disappear completely. So the decision to sell the winch was not taken lightly, and it was only after quite a few years of stagnation.”

The timing of all this was in one sense unfortunate for the ten or so paraglider pilots - many of whom have been tow-converted in the past couple of months - who are now eager to revive club towing for the coming year. But since Chairman Dave has been engineering two of his own winches and had always intended that they were to be used by the club, it was felt that a fresh start would be a good thing, and on the 6th December, at the Bird

in Hand Pub, Hayle, the ‘Kernow Tow Group’ was formed with the overall aim of re-establishing club towing (ultimately for both paragliders and hang gliders) in Cornwall and to making it sustainable. The view was that any member of the KHPA club (current or future) should have the choice to join a towing group if they so wanted and get the support they needed

The following Officers were proposed, seconded and voted in:

Chairman: Brian ReynoldsSecretary: Mark Ashton SmithTreasurer: Alan KnightTechnical Officer: Dave StevensSafety Officer (‘winch dummy’!): John Trewartha

At the first meeting, the following sub-goals were identified as essential to the success of the operation:

1. To build a winch to appropriate safety standards.2. To find a site or sites that are registered with the CAA.3. To get a Senior Winch Operator certified within the Group with a view to get at least 5 winch operators certified within the Group.

A second meeting was held on Wednesday, 4th January. Encouraging progress towards each of these goals was reported. The second meeting was attended by several members of the original Tow Syndicate - Alan Phipps, Vicki Ferguson, Pete Coad, and Graham who will be looking into offering a deal for training a new generation of winch operators. Vicki is also keen to become qualified as a Senior Tow Coach for the new group to help others become operators, but she is off to Nepal and India for a few months. As Tim explains:

“There are [many] from the old syndicate who have a lot of hard earned experience that they would be more than glad to share. I don’t think anyone wants to see the new group trying to reinvent the wheel unnecessarily.”

For all of you who want to do towing this coming year, please get involved! There will be a lot of experimentation going on - with home-made winches to be built, tow lines to be tested, and new - hopefully thermic - sites to explore. If it all comes off there will be a great sense of achievement in starting from scratch and getting up into the skies from our own efforts and commitment.

Meetings will be held at 7.30pm, the first Wednesday of each month at the Bird in Hand pub, Hayle (next to Paradise Park - the signs are everywhere). The next meeting will be the 1st February. Brief reports of progress will be posted in the Bulletin and the minutes of each meeting may become available on the club website.

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 2

forward to flying with you.”

Annie and I couldn’t believe it. We concluded that it must be something to do with the (very un-British) Swiss culture. We know a Swiss climber who sends greetings with a similar theme. So now we know that the Swiss a) don’t like varios, and b) think that referring to your sex life is a good way of saying ‘hi - hope you’re well!’.

Google Earth - check it out...

“If you haven’t seen Google Earth yet get yourself online and marvel at what is surely the most impressive way for non astronauts to view the planet.” (Bob Drury) With this free software you can see the world as a 3D globe that you can zoom into to under 1000 ft from outer space, and spin and rotate in any axis you want. Some areas have phenomenal detail (Type in ‘Stanwell Park, Australia’ and then zoom in to 1000 ft for an example of high resolution - you can spot individual cars!). Now try ‘Abergavveny, Wales’. Zoom in to 2000 ft and then rotate for a 3D view. Now spin around to get the Blorenge in front of you! Here there is less resolution, but still useful detail for free fliers trying to make sense of the landscape in three dimensions. You can enter longitude and latitude coordinates too.

Interlaken, Switzerland with Google Earth

The links:

Google Earth: sorensen/body_gpsdump.htm

Online XC League:

Lloyd Bailey’s Airspace files:

More fun with Google Earth:

Pilots from Interlaken send their new year’s greetings - Swiss style.

Mark AS and Annie Anderson met the friendly ‘Chill Out’ Swiss paraglider pilots in the flying paradise of Castelluccio di Norcia, Italy in November. (Check out their website: Since getting back, we’ve learned that Chill Out team pilots are doing very well for themselves: Christian Maurer is a Chill Out man and he was the overall Paragliding World Cup winner for 2005, and holds the European XC record at 323km. Their HQ is in Interlaken, and this is a special place as reported in Cross Country, 95: “The Swiss have dominated paragliding competition for the past decade, winning team gold at every World and European Championships... Nearly all the good Swiss pilots live in and around Thun and Interlaken.”

Chill Out boss Micha Schultze sent his greeting: “Happy New Year and nice thermaling in 2006! Maybe up over Interlaken...” Pascal Thaler, the pilot I thermalled with over the Piano Grande, also sent a greeting - but a strange one with ‘To hell with the devil” as the subject heading. It read: “hey mark, hey annie, wish you lots of good fucks, happy slappings and a great 2006 :-) !!! hope to see you in switzerland this year, we are all looking

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 3

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 4

Lone hang glider at Sennen!

The hang glider pilot below was photographed flying at Sennen in early December, in conditions that looked challenging to say the least with dark, grey threatening clouds and active air! It looked from the beach like the pilot was really struggling to get down to earth with no forward penetration and gusty winds, which he/she finally managed to do on a field or garden some where above Sennen beach. Well done that pilot! Anyone know him/her?

Cartoon for the good guys

The cartoon by the American hang glider pilot Harry Martin on page 9 is given to us courtesy of the man himself. I got a couple of t-shirts with his flying jokes on and asked him by e-mail if I could use this cartoon for our Bulletin. He got back to me immediately: “You have my permission to publish the cartoon in your newsletter. You were nice enough to ask, plus you bought some shirts. That makes you one of the good guys. :-)”

Ancient Skywings mags...

At the last Kernow Tow Group meeting, Coady brought along a box full of past Skywings mags, dating back to 1995 (when there were no websites and varios had needles and looked like B52s). John T took some of them and Mark AS took the rest. If anyone wants a bunch of them for a read, contact Mark who has too many to cope with. Let’s call them club assets!

ONCE UPON A TIME........there was a group of hang glider pilots gliding down in darkest

Cornwall. They just couldn’t get enough of what they wanted most - flying. When the wind was from the north-west they were at Perran or Highcliff or perhaps Sennen. Wind from the west and they were soaring Chapel although in those days it was not a recognised site. But St. Agnes attracted them like moths to a candle when the northerly winds blew. Even St. Agnes Head was not a listed site as the lack of any chance of a bottom landing made it seem to one of their most senior pilots rather a chancy business to be risked by some but not openly encouraged. With a south easterly breeze flier friendly Vault Bay afforded a haven for pilots ever keen to get their weight off their feet. Carn Brea was flown and forays were made onto Bodmin Moor. Dragging their gliders across the moor and to the top of Brown Willy they achieved cross country flights reaching the north coast.

Wind is fickle and sometimes pathetic and weak. Then these fliers were left to kick their heels on the ground and grumble and grouse. Until one bright spark heard of pilots up in the civilised counties to the east and north hooking their gliders onto wire and strings to be drawn forward and upward to a useful height from which a glide of some minutes was enjoyed with the possibility of encountering a helpful thermal which would extend their enjoyment. “That’s for us” the pilots decided and started experiments. They bullied one of the newer pilots to lend them his wing. He was so new he wouldn’t know that they wanted it for experimental purposes. On a flat sandy beach near Hayle they attached long cords to the glider and pilot and by running exuberantly upwind towed the glider and pilot some twenty, perhaps thirty feet above the sand. Bravo! it works they cried and retired to a hostelry to discuss how they could mechanise this process and achieve greater heights and glides.

One way or another they acquired what they called a pay out winch. It sounds like an early ATP but rather than dispense money it soaked up their hard earned wages demanding fuel and cable and crimps and tools. Try as they might they failed to make the heights to which they aspired. Meanwhile

Kernow Folk LoreAlan Phipps

“You will see Kernow Folk lore mentioned and that gives me an idea. I will try to write up other items of Kernow Folk lore. They will be pure Hang gliding but no doubt the paras will in time add to the tales.” (Alan Phipps in correspondence with the Editor.)

A Towing Tale

Unidentified flying object - Sennen

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 5

in the South Devon Hang Gliding Club hard cash had been invested in a more sophisticated piece of apparatus called a static winch powered by a petrol engine and equipped with various gadgets for neatly winding in the cable, controlling the tension and chopping the cable if things got out of control. This was fine but they lacked one essential component - land. They needed between 500 to 1000 yards of fairly level accessible ground on which to operate and this they had not got.

Now that most senior and cautious pilot afore mentioned was a tiller of soil and it so happened that he had a large tract of soil ideal for the operation of the South Devon pilots static winch. And this large tract of soil was currently lying fallow. The most senior pilot said he would allow his fellow pilots to use this land. Approaches were made and resulted in our Kernow fliers securing the use of the static winch for a trial period. After some small modifications and improvements were made and new and expensive cables installed tow launching became an exciting and rewarding activity with heights unheard of before becoming commonplace. To celebrate this achievement the Cornish pilots arranged a Tow Launch Competition to which the neighbouring clubs would be invited.

One wily pilot warned his mates, “If those South Devon pilots see how well their equipment is working they will want it back.” This could not be allowed to happen so a “reluctant” offer was made to the South Devon Club to take their redundant static winch off their hands. To the dismay of the Kernow pilots the Devon pilots wanted real money, a lot of real money for their heap of scrap. For better or for worse and by one way or another the sum demanded was raised and the deal was done. To finance the deal the now notorious Tow Syndicate was formed with the members undertaking to pay, by instalments a fairly substantial sum to provide for the repayment of the sum advanced to purchase their winch and for running costs. Some rough and ready rules were drawn up which seemed to work reasonably well and it was decreed that each year an Annual General Meeting would be held to deal with the business of the syndicate.

Now at about this time one of the Kernow pilots and a member of the syndicate was having a bad time with his flying. Too many times his flying terminated, sometimes prematurely, in a harder than recommended meeting with terra firma followed by a visit to another Kernow pilot who had, with great foresight perceived an opportunity to print money by dealing in Hang Gliders, new and pre owned, together with accessories and most importantly spare parts, uprights in particular. The “incidents” suffered by the first mentioned pilot caused him to think that there should some way in which he could derive a measure of compensation. So he conceived the idea of a Crash Trophy to be awarded annually after a meeting at

which the years “incidents” might be reviewed with a view to choosing the most deserving pilot. Like the wheeler dealer pilot this first pilot also had great foresight and foresaw the possibility that the trophy just might become something of a perpetual trophy on his mantleshelf. That is of course unless he mended his ways and improved his flying and landing techniques. He constructed and donated a very suitable trophy but without telling his brother pilots he reserved to himself the right to utterly disregard the findings of the Crash Trophy meeting and award the trophy to whom he willed. Generally the final recipient was unknown to anyone but this canny pilot until the actual presentation. The easy going Kernow pilots were too taken up with their flying to bother to challenge such a grossly improper procedure which has become part of the folklore of their Association.

As the business of the Tow Syndicate provoked little discussion the meeting was soon over. Generally one pilot of large and strong physique, who held the purse strings very tightly, told the syndicate members what he would do and they meekly acquiesced. So unwilling to return too soon to their waiting wives and partners it became traditional to use the rest of the evening considering candidates for the Crash Trophy. This is another feature of Kernow HGA folklore.

Criteria for amassing points for the Crash Trophy was built up over the years. Special “incidents” required new criteria so that, to such obvious factors as glider damage and pilot injury, the members added third party damage, spectator value, consistency, potential and even for one special incident “How the Pilot Took It”. In the days before the pilot of large and strong physique gave up his office, he very conscientiously entered the points awarded the candidates into a computer programme installed on his new fangled portable computer he called his lap top. The whole procedure became a powerful source of entertainment exaggerated by the consumption of many gallons of amber liquid.

Out on the fields of the most senior pilot, the syndicate operated enthusiastically. One year they successfully hosted the Celtic Cup. The first and only time it has been run as a tow competition. In true Syndicate style the cup was won by a one man team called the Irish Team. The fact that the one man had to our knowledge never set foot in Ireland but was a professional pilot employed by the then all conquering Airwave Glider firm, is neither here nor there. A great time was had by all.

Another year the donor of the Crash Trophy secured sponsorship (he is very very good at that) which funded the purchase of a dual place glider enabling the Syndicate to run an event giving flying experience to a group of ill and disabled

done that man!

And what of the present and the future? We no longer have the use of those Elysian fields as that most senior pilot has retired. Various other venues have been found and lost and in spite of our many efforts we lack a permanent home and our activity suffers. The search goes on and if any one who has persevered in reading this far can suggest a possible solution to our site problem please speak up.

With such a story behind us we cannot let the Syndicate fade away.

Alan Phipps

NB. This story is true to the best of my recollection and in the interests of a good story I will strenuously resist any, probably quite unjustified, requests for any amendments or put names to the individuals mentioned. You must work that out yourself. Sadly, some no longer participate.

December Photo Shoot: A Day of Towing in Cornwall Alan Phipps, Sunday 11th

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 6

children. This was a huge and entertaining success and was well written up in our national magazine. Recent members might find an older member who will dig out a treasured copy. Real fame was to follow. Part of the sponsorship money for that event was provided by Sportsmatch, a national sponsoring organisation presided over by the Duke of Edinburgh. The sum we requested and were granted was the smallest of their grants in that year but the reports they obtained of our event made them deem our event to be one of, if not the most worth while of their sponsorships in that year. So we received a notice from His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh requiring a representative of the KHGA to present himself at a function to be held at Buck House. Now, how many hang gliding clubs have had such an invitation? Sounds a bit of a story you may say but I promise you it is true and you can read more about it in the news letter of the time. Again you will have to persuade one of our more senior members to allow you a sight of their copy. Believe me it is a good read.

These were our glory days. The sun shone and the breezes wafted kindly over the fields of that most senior pilot. To establish their turn to launch pilots formed a “helmet queue” and woe betide the pilot who was not ready to clip in when his turn came. Straight to the end of the queue he went. All this was not achieved without a lot of work by some very dedicated and enthusiastic pilots. They worked hard to qualify for the ratings needed to operate under the BHGA later the BHPA rules. That pilot of large and strong physique was our senior tow coach and supervised the training for tow ratings. Others learned the technique of winch driving while all shared readily in the jobs of signalling and cable retrieve. We were of course greatly helped by the facilities made available by that most senior pilot. In addition to the use of his land he made room in his hangar/barn for storage of our winch and was always a source of wise advice and encouragement.

There were other notable events including participation in the All Out events (now called The Festival of Free Flight) of BHPA at Kemble and Wroughton Airfields where our operations and club spirit were admired and even envied by many.

This fairy story cannot be complete without mention of a very special pilot. Besides being a very competent pilot he is a man of tools and nuts and bolts, obsessed by pistons and seals and filters. His fingers are stained with motor oil and grimed with grease but when our machinery fails to respond to the elementary ministrations of us common pilots we call for him. By judicious twitching and tweaking he gets things running just fine and when it all became a bit too much he tore the whole contraption apart and rebuilt it in a vastly more compact and efficient form. Well

(For full captions see the club website gallery.)

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KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 8

Bring your photographs....

Please bring along your photos to the Annual Dinner (best on a mounted board, but there may be a board to put them on) - shots from previous years, from holidays, from this year’s flying, humour, anything. Particularly interesting will be photos from the early years of the club, so for those of you who have been around a while, please have a flick through your old albums!

Frostbite Competiton, Saturday 21st to Sunday 22nd!

The annual Kernow Frostbite Competition (Hang Gliding and Paragliding) is planned for the 21st/22nd with the 28th/29th the back up weekend as weather dictates.

If you can’t make the Annual Dinner (see above), all visitors are welcome to join us after the meal for a social evening. Someaccommodation is available with club members so let Graham Phipps know if you want to take advantage of it.

As in previous years the comp will be sponsored by Cornwall Hang Gliding and Paragliding Services ( so come and win some prizes.

Competitors should call on the evening of Thursday 19th to check as to the likelihood of the comp’ going ahead with Graham Phipps 01209 842877 or 07785 593559 or the KHPA website ( or

Up-coming Events

JanuaryKHPA Annual General Meeting, Monday 9th, 7.30 pm sharp.


The secretary Chris Whittaker needs nominations for the officers to be elected. It will help the secretary if members will give him details of any other motions members wish to raise. The award of trophies will be decided at this meeting and members may wish to consider candidates for the Adventure Sports Trophy awarded for services to the Association. All XC submissions should be passed to Graham. Nominations and motions for the AGM to Chris ( XC submissions to:

Graham Phipps 9 Alexandra Road. Illogan Redruth. TR16 4EATel: 01209 84 28 77E-mail:


All trophy holders are asked to make sure the trophies are brought to the Annual General Meeting on 9th Jan 2006 so that they can be reinscribed with the holder for that year. If you can’t be there please pass your trophy to someone who will ensure it is available at the meeting.

KHPA Annual Dinner, Saturday 21st.

Our dinner is planned for 7.30 pm on Saturday 21st January, the same weekend that we hope to fly our 2006 frostbite Competition. Visiting Pilots, their families and friends are welcome to join us. The venue is the Seigners Arms at Perranporth and a very varied menu is offered at a standard cost of £17 per head. Details of the menu follow and, with such a wide choice, the Seigners Arms need to have diners selections in advance. Please fill in the booking form below and return it to me by the 10th January.

Entertainment there will be but details have yet to be finalised. Any suggestions will be most welcome and should be directed to our chairman Dave. Phone: 01872 870 288 or e mail at:

Annual Dinner - January 2004!

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 9

Coach Course Programme

DAY ONE 9:30 Arrival 9:45 Staff Introductions 9:50 Attendee’s Introductions 10:05 Course Aims10:10 Communication in Theory

11:15 Tea Break11:35 Assessment12:30 Basics

1:00 Lunch

2:00 Mixed Flying 2:45 Briefings and Debriefings

3:10 Tea Break

3:35 Psychological Pilot 4:45 END


9:30 Basics10:40 De-briefing in Practice

11:10 Tea Break

11:30 Accident Analysis

12:30 Lunch

1:30 Dealing with a Major Accident 2:15 Problem Member Scenario 3:00 Tea Break

3:15 How Little They Know 3:45 Coaches Role and Responsibilities 4:10 Conclusion, CHB, Course Evaluation 4:25 END


Club Coach Course - 11th-12th

As reported in November’s Bulletin, the South Devon Hang Gliding and Paragliding club are hosting a club coach course on 11th & 12th Feb 2006. The venue will probably be Ivybridge Community College, Ivybridge , South Devon.

Cost will be £25 per pilot for non South Devon members.

South Devon members will have their course fees subsidised by the club. On this course not only will you learn how to coach others but you will learn so much about your own flying.

Accomodation list to follow and floorspace will be available at S Devon members’ houses.

Please pass this information on to anybody who you think may be interested.


Mark Nicol8 UndertownUgboroughNr IvybridgeDevon PL21 0NH

Tel 01752 896597

mob 07773331964



7.30.p.m. Saturday 21st January. 2006

Further to the announcement in last month’s Bulletin Here is the booking Form. Any problems? – then please contact me by ‘phone or e mail. A lot of members have already sent in their bookings following our monthly meeting. Thank you all for your help.

Bookings for our Annual Dinner are required by 10th January 2006. Please complete this booking form and hand/send it with your cash/cheque to Alan on or before this time. (10 Gregor Road. Truro. TR1 1AH. Email: Telephone: 01872 273839.) Please make cheques payable to ‘KHPA’.

Name: ………………………………………. ‘Phone Number: ……………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


e mail address: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please book me in for ………. Places.

Menu Selection: For me. For my guest/s

Starter Menu Item No: …… …… …… ……Main Course Item No: …… …… …… ……Dessert Menu Item No: …… …… …… ……

I enclose cheque/Cash for £……………… (£17 per person.)

Starters.1) Traditional home made wild Mushroom Cream Broth with 2) Rich Celery & English Stilton soup finished with Cream & roasted pine kernals 3) Finely sliced French Onion soup with Cheese topped crouton 4) Fanned Galia & Charantais melon with a compote of forest berries 5) Chicken Liver Pate with a crisp leaf salad, citrus dressing & warm toast 3.956) Smoked Scottish Salmon with Lime crown & mixed leaves salad Main Course7) Marinated prime braised Steak topped with Shallots, Button Mushrooms & Smoked Bacon Lardons 8) Pan fried Breast of Chicken in Basil & Oregano rich Tomato sauce 9) Boneless Chicken Breast with a pommery Mustard cream sauce 10) Braised Pork Loin Steak with a Roasted Pepper & Cream Cider sauce 11) Salmon Medallion accompanied with a Dill Cream & Saffron Butter sauce 12) Escalope of Turkey with a fine Herb Breadcrumb crust with a Piquant Charcutiere sauce 13) Grilled English Sirloin steak finished with a Pink Peppercorn & Cream sauce 14) Traditional Roast Sirloin of Beef with Yorkshire Pudding, Horseradish & roast Jus 15) Roast leg of Lamb with Rosemary scented gravy & Mint sauce orVegetarian16) Baked Aubergine Gateau with a Tomato & Basil sauce 17) Vegetable Wellington with a Mushroom & Chive sauce

Desserts18) Raspberry Tartelette with a fresh mixed Berry Coulis and Chantilly cream 19) Baked glazed Apple Tartin served with Creme Anglais 20) Chocolate Paris Brest with fresh cream 21) Fresh fruit salad & fresh cream 22) Brandy snap basket with an Orange, Lemon & Passion fruit Sorbet 23) Cheese plate with fresh Grapes

Coffee or Tea

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 10


Welcome - Chairman Dave welcomed the 19 members attending and opened the meeting at twenty past eight.

Apologies for absence were received from Woody who is working away, Mark A.S. & Daisy.

Minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed.

Matters Arising.

Bowling. Seven club members bowled but no report was available, Graham said that he had a good night though. Thanks to Pete for arranging the evening

Annual dinner. Will be at the Seiners Arms on the 21 Jan. Menus’ are with Alan, who will be looking for numbers & the cost of the meal to be paid. Members are requested to bring pictures with them for a photo board.

Tow Group. The conclusion of the tow syndicate annual meeting was that the group has now been wound up by agreement & Graham has purchased the winch from them. Chairman Dave says that a new tow group is in formation and interested members should contact him.

AGM & Jan meeting 2006. To ensure that time is available for both the AGM and monthly meeting to take place the start time for the AGM will be 7.30 prompt. Volunteers are invited to stand for election as club officers. Graham P proposed & Steve H seconded that £100 of club funds is made available for a buffet. Vote carried.

Regular Reports.

HG training.Graham had seven days training in the month. The pilots included one HG tow conversion, six PG tow conversions and two HG power conversions. The winch has seen a lot of use.

PG training.Mark had none to report.


The HG & PG Frostbite Competitions have been set for the weekend of 21/22 Jan to coincide with the Annual Dinner. Graham reminded members that co-ordinators are required for both competitions.

Club FlyingHG Big Al, Little Al & Jeff Brooke enjoyed a windy afternoon at St Agnes.PG pilots had a scratchy afternoon at Godrevy. Mike made contact with an independent minded pilot who has resisted persuasion to join both the local and national clubs. Members who make contact with this pilot are asked to try and convince him that joining both organizations is in everybody’s self interest. Members might note the possible consequences to the club of an independent pilot having an accident at one of our sites, that these pilots are unlikely to be aware of any particular landowners restrictions on our activities at each site and also that as club members there by agreement, we are not trespassers.

Incidents Big Al may have bent his base bar. If he did he may have stalled in & hit a rock.

Other Business.

Alan P suggested making the email bulletin available to anybody that wants it.

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 11

Mark B suggested having a membership form available on the web site to print off & send to the treasurer for new members or existing members with changed details.Chairman Dave suggested a crash trophy meeting now that the tow syndicate has been wound up.

Members Forum.

A proposal for the AGM was made by Alan P for a committee to handle the club business & make recommendations at the monthly club meeting.The Treasurer will reimburse Mark A.S. the £5 to secure Keneggy.Mike asked whether the club subsidises pilots to take club coach courses. A proposal was made by Patrick & seconded by Dave that the club should vote on subsidising suitable members as coaching needs arise. Vote carried.

There being no further business the meeting closed at twenty five past nine.

A P P E N D E D & M O S T U P - T O - D A T E L I S T A S O F D E C 2 0 0 5

K E R N O W M E M B E R S C O N T A C T L I S T :Surname Name Phone Mobile e-mail

Abbott Mike 01736 798598 07866 170 632 Anderson Annie 01736 351858 07980 810 689 annie@exploreclimbing.comAshford Alan 01208 79050 07816 534 325 Ashton-Smith Mark 01736 351858 07980 634 965 mark@equilibriumcentre.comAustin Phil 01736 795915Barter Kev 07900 046 574Birch Aleck 01726 890956Bull JamesButler Mark 0700 5980362 07971 795 559 Patrick 01872 274667 07887 841 813 Ian 01840 261718 07941 623 650 i.callaghan@virgin.netClelford Mike 01736 710376 mikeclelford@aol.comCoad Pete 01209 716522 07977 841 117 peter.coad.camborne@ukgateway.netConnatty Mike 01752 269378 07884 292 493 Gavin 01209 219081 07971 459 894 Mark 07801 370 725 Crockford Peter 01326 372107 07976 721 350 Jenny 01736 761838 07710 219 465 Paul 07785 232 444Dodge Tom 01579 363144 07957 360 988 Paul 01209 217304 07979 328 169Eagle Nigel 01637 880546Easthope Geoff 01872 573308 (Honorary Member)Ferguson Vicki 01326 315013 07977 793 518 Fowler AlanFowler Glen 01326 374938Fox Martin 01726 852190 07989 593 172Full Roger 01736 796140 07768 661 498 Geraghty 01326 372943 07969 137 753 Barry 01208 831647Green Eddy 07981 453 029 eddy_green@yahoo.comGreen Roger 01726 69687 07967 662 948Hancock Andrew 07773 331 481 Steve 01872 571582 07881 585 208 Martin 01406 362099 Hobbins Barry 01326 318143 Rob 01548 559083 07754 543 672 Hoer Jeff 01404 850489Holmes Tim 07812 023 576Howse Paul 01326 574498 07749 890 061 Alan 07929 132 006Jones Gay 01326 574498 07812 710 883Jones Martin 01736 871246

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 12

Surname Name Phone Mobile e-mail

Jones Tim 01209 832234 tjtjones@talk21.comKerhoas Michel 01326 372215 07767 887834 Kippax Richard 07733407673 Knight Alan 01209 831748 Knight Jon 01736 753387 07768 254 274 jon@jon-knight.comLira Manuel 01326 314719 07866 367 310Marking Ron 01209 213254 (Honorary Member)Nancarrow Dave 01872 573835 davidnancarrow@hotmail.comOngley Clive 07901 851 855 cliveongley@bconnect.comPhillips Stephen 07753 744 440 Alan 01872 273839 07980 275 918 Graham 01209 842877 07785 593 559 Neville 01736 330412 07919 034 652 Mark 01736 755156 07977 207 991 lslywl@aol.comPuckey Barry 01503 265934 Rainey GrahamReynolds Brian 01209 210174 07773 080 906 brianreynolds3@btinternet.comRichards MikeRose Stephen 01208 814989 07968 585 281 Scott Martin 01872 572456 Seyler Patrick 07775 697 241 paddy@mntv.comSmith Chris 01752 851696 07855 512 309Stevens Dave 07855 688 203 soapy@sprite-motorcycles. Stockman Richard 01392 215411 07887 526 488 Christiane Sweeney Karl 01752 851818 07899 075 033 Roger 01736 368407 078130984483Trewartha Jon 01736 757771 07780 997650 flyingwiz.flyingwiz@virgin.netVercesi Ron 01736 361555 07782 132 691 ron.vercesi@btconnect.comWard Mark 01749 672654 07714 692 841 m.awkward@btinternet.comWhitelaw Phil 01326 564369 07879 416 308 PhilWhitelaw@hotmail.comWhitmarsh Richard 01872 520647 whitters777@hotmail.comWhittaker Chris 01209 860401 07977 250 225 chriswhittaker@hotmail.comWood Jeffery 01736 793298 07748 813 58Woodhams Mark 01326 378555 John 01637 879281Zahara Charlie 01872 222945 07795 273374

*If your details have changed, or you wish you include your details to fill in the gaps! Please contact: Paul Howse 01326 574498 / 07749 890 061

I M P O R T A N T N U M B E R S :

Perranporth Airfield 01872 552266

Highcliffe (Mr Crocker) 01840 230418

RNAS Culdrose 01326 574121

Lands End Aerodrome Control Tower 01736 788944

Penzance Heliport 01736 364296

Military Freephone for midweek flying 0800 51 55 44

Red Arrows, Royal Flights and TRA’s 0500 35 48 02

KHPA Bulletin December 2005 page 13

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