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J. O'Loughlin February 2020


JOHN O'LOUGHLIN Offices: Institute of Behavioral Science Department of Geography University of Colorado University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0483 Boulder, CO. 80309-0260 Phone: (303) 492-1619 Phone: (303) 492-4371 E-mail: Web Page: Date of Birth: August 16, 1948 Marital Status: Married, two children Nationality: Irish; Permanent Resident status in the United States Educational History: Ph.D. - The Pennsylvania State University, 1973 (Geography) Minor: Political Science M.S. - The Pennsylvania State University, 1971 (Geography) B.A. - (First Class Honours) National University of Ireland (University College, Dublin) 1969 (Geography and History) Awards and Fellowships: ◆ Semenov Tyan-Shansky Gold Medal (highest research award of Russian Geographical Society) 2015 ◆ International Studies Association, Demography-Geography Section, Distinguished Scholar Award 2015 ◆ Association of American Geographers, Distinguished Scholarship Award, 2013 ◆ University of Colorado at Boulder, Honor Code (GOLD) Integrity Award, 2010 ◆ College Professor of Distinction, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2009 ◆ College Scholarship, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2009-10 ◆ John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 2004-2005 ◆ Boulder Faculty Assembly Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarly and Creative Work, 2001 ◆ University of Colorado at Boulder Faculty Fellowship (awarded twice), 1996-1997, 2004-05 ◆ "The Amsterdam Chair", Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands, Summer 1992 ◆ Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Universität Düsseldorf, West Germany),1984-85 ◆ Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in International Relations, 1981-1983 ◆ Faculty Fellowship, University of Illinois, 1978 ◆ Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Universität Düsseldorf, West Germany), 1978-79 ◆ National University of Ireland Post-Graduate Fellowship (awarded on basis of Final Examinations; declined in favor of assistantship at Pennsylvania State University) 1969

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◆ Second Year College Scholarship and Prize in Geography, University College Dublin 1968 ◆ First Year College Prize in Geography, University College Dublin, 1967 ◆ Local Authority University Scholarship (Ireland), 1966-69 ◆ Aer Lingus National Prize in Geography (Ireland), 1965 ◆ Professional History: ◆ Research Associate, Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya 2019- ◆ College Professor of Distinction in Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2009- ◆ Adjunct Faculty Member, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages, 1995- ◆ Chair, Department of Geography, University of Colorado, July 1993-July 1996 ◆ Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Geography, 1988- ◆ Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder, Program in International Affairs, 1988- ◆ Faculty Research Associate (now Fellow), Institute of Behavioral Science, Program in International Development, 1988-. ◆ Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1988-1990 ◆ Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1980-88 ◆ Visiting Professor, Geographisches Institut, Universität Düsseldorf, West Germany 1978-79, 1985-86 ◆ Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, October 1973 to 1978, 1979-80. ◆ Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, August-October 1973 ◆ Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University, September 1969-August 1973 Research Interests: Political Geography: Ethno-territorial nationalism; minority mobilizations and identities in the former Soviet Union and the Balkans; Russian a n d U k r a i n i a n geopolitics; E u r a s i a n g e o p o l i t i c a l o r i e n t a t i o n s ; spatial modeling of political processes; the political geography of civil war; and climate change/variability and conflict in sub-Saharan Africa, especially Kenya PUBLICATIONS: Monographs: J. O'Loughlin and R.S. Clem (eds) The Political Geography of the Post Soviet Union. London: Routledge, 2019. J. O’Loughlin and E. Holland (eds) Geographies of Global Change. San Diego, CA; Cognella, 2012. J. O’Loughlin, L. Staeheli and E. Greenberg (eds) Globalization and its Outcomes. New York: Guilford Press. 2004.

J. O'Loughlin February 2020


J. O'Loughlin and J. Friedrichs (eds) Social Polarization in Post-Industrial Cities. Berlin: de Gruyter and New York: Aldine, 1996. J. O'Loughlin (ed) Dictionary of Geopolitics. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 1994 (Translated into Japanese and published by Toyo Shomura Press, Tokyo, 2000; translated into Italian and published by Asterios Press, Trieste 2001). J. O'Loughlin, T. Mayer and E. Greenberg (eds) War and its Consequences: Lessons from the Persian Gulf Conflict New York: HarperCollins, 1994 J. O'Loughlin Between Sheffield and Stuttgart: Amsterdam in a Competitive World-Economy and an Integrated Europe. Centrum voor Grootstedlijke Onderzoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam, (1992). J. O'Loughlin and H. van der Wusten (eds) The New Political Geography of Eastern Europe. London: Belhaven Press, (1992) G. Glebe and J. O'Loughlin (eds) Foreign Minorities in Continental European Cities. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, (1987). J. O'Loughlin and G. Glebe Faktorökologien der Stadt Düsseldorf: ein Beitrag zur urbaner Stadtanalyse. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorfer Geographische Schriften, No. 16 (1980) 172 pages. Journal Articles and Book Chapters Naylor, F. and J. O’Loughlin. “Who are the ‘don’t knows’: The problem of missingness in surveys in conflict-affected regions, with illustrations from 10 post-Soviet settings.” Europe-Asia Studies 2020 (accepted;forthcoming) J. O’Loughlin and J.D. Sidaway. “Elsevier’s journals: What is to be done.” Geoforum 2020 J. O’Loughlin and G. Toal. “Does War Change Geopolitical Attitudes? A Comparative Analysis of 2014 Surveys in Southeast Ukraine.” Problems of Post-Communism 2019 DOI: K.J. Mach, C. M. Kraan, W. N. Adger, H. Buhaug, M. Burke, J. D. Fearon, C. B. Field, C. S. Hendrix, J-F Maystadt, J. O'Loughlin, P.Roessler, J. Scheffran, K. A. Schultz, and N. von Uexkull “Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict.” Nature 571, pp.193-197 (2019)

G. Toal and J. O'Loughlin "The Crimean annexation: Legitimacy and public opinion after annexation.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 60 (2019), 6-27.

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J. O'Loughlin and R.S. Clem "The new political geographies of the post Soviet Union" in J. O'Loughlin and R.S. Clem (eds) The Political Geography of the Post Soviet Union. London: Routledge, 2019, pp. 1-12 E.C. Holland and J. O'Loughlin. "Russia and its Neighbors." in J Agnew and K. Olds (eds) Global Regions. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2019, in press J. O'Loughlin and T. Yamasaki " Political Geography- Superpower”, in International Encyclopedia of Geography 2019. Elsevier Science, forthcoming A.M. Linke, F.D.W. Witmer, J. O’Loughlin, J.T. McCabe and J. Tir. "The consequences of relocating in response to drought: Human mobility and conflict in contemporary Kenya." Environmental Research Letters 13, 9, (2018) 094014 (Featured Article by IOPScience) J. O'Loughlin and R.C. Clem "Editorial: The Geographies of the Post Soviet Union and a Farewell to Eurasian Geography and Economics." Eurasian Geography and Economics 58, 6 (2018), 587-591. J. O'Loughlin and V. Kolosov. " Building identities in post-Soviet ‘de facto states’: Cultural and political icons in Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Transdniestria, and Abkhazia." Eurasian Geography and Economics 58, 6 (2018), 691-715. (republished in The New Political Geography of the Post Soviet Union) E.C. Holland, F.W. Witmer and J.O'Loughlin " The decline and shifting geography in the North Caucasus of Russia, 2010-2016." Eurasian Geography and Economics 58,6 (2018), 613-641 (republished in The New Political Geography of the Post Soviet Union) J. O'Loughlin "Thirty-five years of political geography and Political Geography: The good, the bad and the ugly." Political Geography 58,6 (2018), 143-151. J. O'Loughlin "More drilling, more transparency and less skipping." Political Geography 65 (2018), 158-160. G. Toal and J. O'Loughlin. ‘Why Did MH17 Crash?’: Blame Attribution, Television News and Public Opinion in Southeastern Ukraine, Crimea and the De Facto States of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria." Geopolitics 23, 4 (2018), 882-896. K.M. Bakke, A.M. Linke, J. O'Loughlin and G. Toal "Dynamics of state-building after war: External-internal relations in Eurasian de facto states." Political Geography 63 (2018), 159-17 J. O’Loughlin, G. Toal and V. Kolosov. “The rise and fall of ‘Novorossiya’: Examining support for a separatist geopolitical imaginary in southeast Ukraine.” Post-Soviet Affairs 32, 2 (2017), 124-144. A.M. Linke, F.D.W. Witmer, E.C. Holland and J. O’Loughlin. “Mountainous terrain and civil wars: Geospatial analysis of conflict dynamics in the post-Soviet Caucasus.” Annals, American Association of Geographers 107, 2 (2017), 520-535

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A.M. Linke, F.D.W. Witmer, J. O’Loughlin, J.T. McCabe and J. Tir “"Drought, Local Institutional Contexts, and Support for Violence in Kenya," Journal of Conflict Resolution 62,7 (2018) 1544-1578 F.D.W. Witmer,, A.M. Linke, J. O’Loughlin, A. Gettelman and A. Laing “Subnational violent conflict forecasts for sub-Saharan Africa, 2015–65, using climate-sensitive models.” Journal of Peace Research 54, 2 (2017), 1 7 5 - 1 9 2 J. O’Loughlin. “The perils of self-censorship in academic research in a Wikileaks world.” Journal of Global Security Studies 1,4, (2016), 337-345 G. Toal. and J. O’Loughlin. “Frozen fragments, simmering spaces: The Post-Soviet De Facto States.” In E.C. Holland and M.Derrick eds. Questioning Post Soviet. Washington DC: Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Press, 2016, pp. 103-126. J.O’Loughlin, G. Toal and V. Kolosov “Who identifies with the “Russian World”? Geopolitical attitudes in Southeast Ukraine, Crimea, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 57, 5 (2016), 745-778. A.M. Linke and J. O'Loughlin. "Spatial analysis in political geography." in J. Agnew, V. Mamadouh, A. Secor and J. Sharp (eds) The Blackwell-Wiley Companion to Political Geography, 2nd edition, New York: Blackwell-Wiley 2015, pp 189-205. A.M. Linke, J.T. McCabe, J. O’Loughlin, J. Tir and F.W. Witmer. "Rainfall variability and violence in rural Kenya: Investigating the effects of drought and the role of local institutions with survey data." Global Environmental Change 34 (2015), 35-47 A. M. Linke and J. O'Loughlin. "Reconceptualizing, measuring and evaluating distance and context in the study of conflicts using survey data from the North Caucasus of Russia." International Studies Review 17, 1 (2015) 107-125. J. O’Loughlin, P. Raento, J.D. Sidaway, J. Sharp and P. Steinberg. "Data ethics: Pluralism, replication, conflicts of interest, and standards in Political Geography." Political Geography 44 (2015), A1-A3. J. O'Loughlin, V. Kolossov and G. Toal. "Inside the post-Soviet de facto states: A comparison of attitudes in Abkhazia, Nagorny Karabakh, South Ossetia and Transnistria". Eurasian Geography and Economics 55, 5 (2014) 423-456. H. Buhaug,, J. Nordkvelle, T. Bernauer, T. Böhmelt, M. Brzoska, J.W. Busby, A. Ciccone, H. Fjelde, E. Gartzke, N.P. Gleditsch, J.Goldstone, H. Hegre, H. Holtermann, J.A.S. Link, P. M. Link, P. Lujala, J. O’Loughlin, C. Raleigh, J. Scheffran, J. Schilling, T. G. Smith, O. M. Theisen, R.S. J. Tol, H. Urdal, and N. von Uexkull . 2014. “One Effect to Rule Them All? A comment on climate and conflict.” Climatic Change 127 (3-4): 391–97. J. O'Loughlin, A.M. Linke and F.D.W. Witmer. "Effects of temperature and precipitation variability on the risk of violence in sub-Saharan Africa, 1980-2012." Proceedings of the

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National Academy of Sciences 111 (2014), 16712-16717 plus supplement. J. O'Loughlin, A. M. Linke and F. D.W. Witmer. "Modeling and data choices sway conclusions about climate- conflict links." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (2014) 2054-2055. C. Raleigh, A. Linke and J. O'Loughlin. "Extreme temperatures and violence." Nature Climate Change, 4, February (2014), 76-77. K. Bakke, J. O’Loughlin, G. Toal and M. D. Ward. “Convincing state-builders; Disaggregating internal legitimacy in Abkhazia:” International Studies Quarterly 58, 3 (2014), 591-607. J. O’Loughlin, P. Raento, J.D. Sidaway, J. Sharp and P. Steinberg. "Predators, sanctions and Political Geography." Political Geography 38 (2014), A1-A3. G. Toal (G. Ó Tuathail) and J. O’Loughlin “Land for Peace in Nagorny Karabakh? Political Geographies and Public Attitudes Inside a Contested De Facto State” Territory, Politics, Governance 1, 2 (2013), 158-182. J. O’Loughlin, G. Toal (G. Ó Tuathail) and R. Camberlain-Creanga. “Divided space, divided attitudes: Comparing the Republics of Moldova and Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) using simultaneous surveys” Eurasian Geography and Economics, 54, 2 (2013), 227-258. J. O’Loughlin, P. Raento, J.D. Sidaway, J. Sharp and P. Steinberg. “Political geography in an age of electronic communication.” Political Geography, 32 (2013), 1-2 G. Toal (G. Ó Tuathail) and J.O’Loughlin “Inside South Ossetia: A survey of attitudes in a de facto state” Post-Soviet Affairs 29, 2 (2013), 136-172. J. O’Loughlin.“Editorial: Introducing the new era of Eurasian Geography and Economics." Eurasian Geography and Economics 54, 1 (2013) 1-4 J. O’Loughlin, F.D.W. Witmer, A.M. Linke, A. Laing, A. Gettelman and J. Dudhia “Climate variability and conflict risk in East Africa, 1990-2009” Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences 2012, Vol 109 (45), 18344-18349 and Supporting Information. A. Linke, F.W. Witmer and J.O’Loughlin “Space-time Granger analysis of the war in Iraq: A study of coalition and insurgent action and reaction.” International Interactions 38, 4 (2012), 402-425. J.O’Loughlin, P. Raento , J.D. Sidaway and P. Steinberg “Editorial: Celebrating thirty years of Political Geography ” Political Geography 31 (2012), 1-2 J. O’Loughlin and F.D.W. Witmer. “The diffusion of conflicts in the North Caucasus of Russia, 1999-2010” Environment and Planning A, 44 (2012), 2379-2396

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F.D. Witmer and J. O’Loughlin. “Detecting the effects of wars in the Caucasus regions of Russia and Georgia using radiometrically normalized DMSP-OLS nighttime lights imagery.” GIScience and Remote Sensing 48 ,4, (2011), 478-500. V. Kolossov and J. O’Loughlin “After the wars in the South Caucasus state of Georgia: Economic insecurities and migration in the ‘de facto’ states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia”, Eurasian Geography and Economics 52, 5 (2011), 631-654 J. O'Loughlin, E.C. Holland, and F.D.W. Witmer. “The changing geography of violence in the North Caucasus of Russia, 1999-2011: Regional trends and local dynamics in Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria” Eurasian Geography and Economics 52, 5 (2011), 596-630. J. O’Loughlin, G. Toal (G. Ó Tuathail) and V. Kolossov “Inside Abkhazia: A survey of attitudes in a de facto state” Post-Soviet Affairs 27, 1 (2011), 1-23 J. O’Loughlin and F. Witmer. “The localized geographies of violence in the North Caucasus of Russia, 1999-2007.” Annals. Association of American Geographers. 101, 1 (2011), 178-201 J.O’Loughlin, P. Raento , J.D. Sidaway and P. Steinberg “Editorial: Academic re-territorializations: Gate- keeping, power, and responsibility ” Political Geography 30 (2011), 1-3 E. Holland and J. O’Loughlin “Ethnic competition, radical Islam and challenges to political stability in the republic of Dagestan.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 43, 3 (2010) 297-308 J. O’Loughlin, F. Witmer and A. Linke “The Afghanistan-Pakistan wars, 2008-2009: Micro-geographies, conflict diffusion and clusters of violence,” Eurasian Geography and Economics 51, 4 (2010), 437-471. J. O’Loughlin, F. Witmer, A. Linke and N. Thorwardson, “Peering into the fog of war: The geography of the WikiLeaks war logs, 2004-2009,” Eurasian Geography and Economics 51, 4 (2010),472-495. J. O’Loughlin “Inter-ethnic friendships in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina: Socio-demographic and place influences.” Ethnicities 9, 1 (2010), 26-54. J.O’Loughlin, P. Raento , J.D. Sidaway and P. Steinberg “Editorial: Re-presenting information – Reviews, interventions, guest editorials.” Political Geography 29, 1 (2010), 1-3 C. Raleigh, F. Witmer and J.O’Loughlin “The spatial analysis of war“ in R. Denemark (ed) The International Studies Encyclopedia. Volume X. Oxford: Blackwell/Wiley, 2010, pp. 6534-6553. K. Bakke, J. O’Loughlin and M. D. Ward. “Reconciliation in conflict-affected societies: Multilevel modeling of individual and contextual factors in the North Caucasus of Russia.” Annals. Association of American Geographers 99, 5 (2009), 1012-1021.

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G. Ó Tuathail (G. Toal) and J. O’Loughlin. “After ethnic cleansing: The returns process in Bosnia- Herzegovina a decade beyond war.” Annals. Association of American Geographers 99, 5 (2009), 1045- 1053. F. Witmer and J. O’Loughlin. “Satellite data methods and application in the evaluation of war outcomes: Abandoned agricultural land in Bosnia-Herzegovina after the 1992-1995 Conflict.” Annals. Association of American Geographers 9, 5 (2009), 1033-1044. J. O'Loughlin and G. Ó Tuathail (G. Toal). “Accounting for separatist sentiment in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the North Caucasus of Russia: A comparative analysis of survey responses.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 32, 4 (2009), 591-615. A. B. Murphy and J. O’Loughlin “New horizons for regional geography.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 50, 2 (2009), 241-251. J. O’Loughlin “Political Geography- Superpower”, “Political Geography – Postwar outcomes” and “Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolossov” (with E. Holland) entries in N. Thrift and R. Kitchen (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2009. J. O’Loughlin “Textbooks that moved generations: Kasperson and Minghi’s ‘The Structure of Political Geography’.” Progress in Human Geography 32 (2009), 275-279 J. O’Loughlin, P. Raento and J. Sidaway, “Political Geography expands: Both the medium and the message.” Political Geography 28, 1 (2009), 1-3 K. Bakke, X. Cao, J. O’Loughlin and M. D. Ward “Social distance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the North Caucasus Region of Russia: Inter- and -intra-ethnic attitudes and identities.” Nations and Nationalism 15, 2 (2009) 227-253. J. O'Loughlin, G. Ó Tuathail and V. Kolossov “The localized geopolitics of displacement and return in Eastern Prigorodnyy Rayon, North Ossetia.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 50, 4 (2008), 635-669. S. Schueth and J. O’Loughlin “Belonging to the world: Cosmopolitanism in geographic contexts.” Geoforum 39, 2 (2008), 926-941 J. O’Loughlin, P. Raento and J. Sidaway, “Editorial: Where the tradition meets its challengers.” Political Geography 27, 1 (2008), 1-4. J. O’Loughlin and C. Raleigh “The spatial analysis of civil war violence” In K. Cox, M. Low and J. Robinson (eds) A Handbook of Political Geography. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008, 493-508. V. Kolossov and J. O’Loughlin “Sotsial’no territorial’naya dynamika i ethnicheskie otnosheniya na Severnom Kavkaze” (“Socio-territorial dynamics and ethnic relations in the North Caucasus.”) Polis (Political Studies- Russia) 18 (2008), 27-47. (Translated and re-published in English in “Social Sciences in Russia”)

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J. O'Loughlin, F. Witmer, T. Dickinson, N. Thorwardson, and E. Holland. “Preface to the Special Issue on the Caucasus: Political, Population and Economic Geographies” (and a map supplement). Eurasian Geography and Economics 49, 2 (2007), 127-134. J. O'Loughlin, V. Kolossov and J. Radvanyi. “The Caucasus in a time of conflict, demographic transition, and economic change.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 49, (2007), 135-156. (Excerpted and translated into Croatian and published as “Kavkaz u vremenu sukoba (The Caucasus in a time of conflict” Hvratska Revija (Croatian Review) 9, 1 (2009), 135-56. J. O'Loughlin, A. Panin and F. Witmer. “Population change and migration in Stavropol' kray: The effects of regional conflicts and economic restructuring”. Eurasian Geography and Economics 49, 2 (2007), 249-267. J. O’Loughlin, G. Toal (G. Ó Tuathail), and Vladimir Kolossov “The geopolitical orientations of ordinary Russians: A public opinion analysis.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 47, 2 (2006), 129-152. G. Toal (G. Ó Tuathail), J. O’Loughlin and D. Djipa “Bosnia-Herzegovina ten years after Dayton: Constitutional change and public opinion”. Eurasian Geography and Economics 47,1 (2006), 61-75 J. O’Loughlin, G. Toal (G. Ó Tuathail), and Vladimir Kolossov “Russian geopolitical culture in the post-9/11 era: The masks of Proteus revisited.” Transactions, Institute of British Geographers NS 30, 3 (2005) 322-335. J. O’Loughlin “The war on terrorism, academic publication norms, and replication” Professional Geographer 57,4 (2005) 588-591. A. Secor and J. O’Loughlin “Social and political trust in Istanbul and Moscow: A comparative analysis of individual and neighbourhood effects” Transactions, Institute of British Geographers NS 30, 1 (2005) 50-66. J. O’Loughlin “Academic openness, boycotts and journal policy.” Political Geography 23, 6 (2004), 641-643. J. O’Loughlin and P. Talbot “Where in the world is Russia? Geopolitical perceptions and preferences of ordinary Russians.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 46, 1 (2005), 23-50. V. Kolossov and J. O’Loughlin “How Moscow is becoming a capitalist mega-city.” International Social Science Journal 181 (2004), 413-427. J. O’Loughlin, G. Toal (G. Ó Tuathail), and V. Kolossov “Russian geopolitical storylines and public opinion in the wake of 9-11.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 37, 3 (2004), 281-318. J. O’Loughlin “The political geography of post Cold War conflict” in C. Flint (ed) The Geographies of War. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, 85-110.

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J. O’Loughlin “Global democratisation.” In M.M. Low and C. Barnett (eds) Spaces of Democracy. Thousand Oaks, CA; Sage, 2004, pp. 23-44. J. O’Loughlin, L. Staeheli and E. Greenberg “Economic globalization, political changes and social outcomes“ in J. O’Loughlin, L. Staeheli and E. Greenberg (eds) Globalization and its Outcomes. New York: Guilford Press. 2004, 1-30. J. O’Loughlin “Democratic values, trust and geographic context: A multilevel analysis of the World Values Survey Data, 1990-97.” Geojournal 60, 1 (2004), 3-17. J. O'Loughlin, G. O Tuathail, and V. Kolossov. “A risky westward turn? Putin's 9-11 script and ordinary Russians.” Europe-Asia Studies 56, 1 (2004), 3-34 A. Kuchukeeva and J. O’Loughlin “Civic engagement and democratic consolidation in Kyrgyzstan.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 44, 8 (2003), 557-587. J. O’Loughlin “Spatial analysis in political geography.” in J. Agnew, K. Mitchell and G. Ó Tuathail (eds) A Companion to Political Geography. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2003, pp. 30-46. M. D. Ward and J. O’Loughlin “Spatial processes and political methodology.” Political Analysis, 11, 3 (2002), 211-217. J. O’Loughlin “The electoral geography of Weimar Germany: Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) of Protestant support for the Nazi party.” Political Analysis, 11, 3 (2002), 217-243. J. O’Loughlin, F. Witmer and V. Ledwith “Location and political choice in post-unification Berlin: Explaining the PDS (Party of Democratic Socialism) vote, 1999 and 2001.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 43, 5 (2002), 349-382 V. Kolossov, O. Vendina and J. O’Loughlin “Moscow as a world and informational city.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 43, 2 (2002), 170-196. J. O’Loughlin and V. Kolossov “Moscow – Post-Soviet developments and challenges.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 43, 2 (2002), 161-170. J. O’Loughlin and V. Kolossov “Still not worth the bones of a single Pomeranian grenadier: The geopolitics of the Kosovo war 1999”. Political Geography 21, 5 (2002), 573-599. L. Bialasiewicz and J. O’Loughlin, “Re-ordering Europe’s eastern frontier: Galician identities and political cartographies on the Polish-Ukrainian border.” In D.H. Kaplan and J. Häkli, eds. Borderlands and Place: European Borderlands in Geographical Context. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2002, pp. 217-239. J. O’Loughlin “Geopolitical fantasies, national strategies and ordinary Russians in the post-Yeltsin era.” Geopolitics 6, 1 (2001), 17-48. (Republished in K. Dodds ed. Geopolitics: Current Contents of Globalization, London: Sage, 2009).

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J. O’Loughlin “Geopolitical visions of Central Europe.” In M-P. Pagnini, V. Kolossov and M. Antonsich (eds) Europe between Political Geography and Geopolitics. Vol. II. Rome: Societa Geografica Italiana, 2001, pp. 607-622. J. O’Loughlin “Geography and democracy: The spatial diffusion of political and civil rights.” In G-J. Dijkink and H. Knippenberg (eds) The Territorial Factor: Political Geography in a Globalizing World. Amsterdam NL: Amsterdam University Press (2001), pp. 77-96. J. O'Loughlin “Geography as space and Geography as place: The divide between Political Science and Political Geography Continues.” Geopolitics, 5, 1 (2000), 126-137. J. O’Loughlin, “The regional factor in contemporary Ukrainian politics: Scale, place, space or bogus effect.” Post-Soviet Geography and Economics, 42, 1(2001), 28-60. J. O’Loughlin “Can King’s ecological inference approach answer a social science puzzle: Who voted for the Nazi party in Weimar Germany?” Annals, Association of American Geography 90, 3 (2000), 592- 601. J. O’Loughlin “Ordering the crush zone: Geopolitical games in post Cold War Eastern Europe.” Geopolitics, 4, 1 (1999), 34-56. Also published in N. Kliot and D. Newman (eds) Geopolitics at the End of the Twentieth-Century: The Changing World Political Map. London: Frank Cass, 2000, 34-56. V. Kolossov and J. O’Loughlin “Pseudo-states as harbingers of a new geopolitics: The example of the Trans- Dniester Moldovan Republic (TMR).” Geopolitics 3, 2 (1999), 151-75. (also published as Chapter 9 of Boundaries, Territory and Postmodernity. Ed. By David Newman. London: Frank Cass, 1999, pp.151-175). J. O'Loughlin and J.E. Bell "The political geography of civic engagement in Ukraine, 1994-1998" Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 40, 4 (1999), 233-265. V. Kolossov and J. O’Loughlin “New borders for new world orders: Territorialities at the fin-de-siécle” Geojournal 44, 3 (1998), 259-273. J. O’Loughlin, V. Kolossov and A. Tchepalyga “National construction, territorial separatism and post-Soviet geopolitics in the Transdniester Moldovan Republic.” Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 39, 3 (1998), 332-358. J. O’Loughlin, M.D. Ward, C.L. Lofdahl, J.S. Cohen, D.S. Brown, D. Reilly, K.S Gleditsch and M. Shin “The diffusion of democracy, 1946-1994.” Annals, Association of American Geographers 88, 4 (1998), 545-574. (Republished in J. Agnew and V. Mamadouh, eds. Politics: Critical Essays in Human Geography, London, Ashgate, 2008) J. O’Loughlin, V. Kolossov and O. Vendina “The electoral geographies of a polarizing city: Moscow, 1993- 1996” Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 38, 10 (1997), 567-601. J. O’Loughlin “Economic globalization and income inequality in the United States” in L. Staeheli,

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J. Kodras and C. Flint (eds). State Devolution in America. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997, pp. 21-40 J. O'Loughlin, M. Shin and P. Talbot "Political geographies and political cleavages in the 1993 and 1995 Russian parliamentary elections" Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 37, 6 (1996), 355-385. (Winner of Theodore Shabad prize). J. O'Loughlin and L. Anselin "Geo-economic competition and trade bloc formation: U.S. German and Japanese exports, 1968-92" Economic Geography 72, 2 (1996), 131-160. J. O'Loughlin "The geography of conflict and the prospects for peace" in I. Douglas, R. Huggett and M. Robinson (eds) Companion Encyclopaedia of Geography: The Environment and Humankind London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 353-370. J. O'Loughlin and J. Friedrichs, "Industrial restructuring and minority segregation in Western metropolitan areas" in J. O'Loughlin and J. Friedrichs, (eds.) Social Polarization in Post-Industrial Cities, Berlin: de Gruyter and New York: Aldine, 1996, 1-16. J. O'Loughlin, C. Flint and M. Shin "Regions and milieux in Weimar Germany: The Nazi Party vote of 1930 in geographic perspective" Erdkunde 49,3 (1995), 305-14 plus 2 color map supplements. J. O'Loughlin, C. Flint and L. Anselin "The geography of the Nazi vote: Context, confession and class in the Reichstag election of 1930" Annals, Association of American Geographers 84, 3 (1994), 351-380. (Reprinted in K. Cox, ed. Political Geography: Critical Concepts for the Social Sciences. London: Routledge, pp. 337-378). J. O'Loughlin “The context and consequences of the Gulf War” in J. O'Loughlin, T. Mayer and E. Greenberg (eds). War and its Consequences: Lessons from the Persian Gulf Conflict. New York: HarperCollins, 1994, 5-20 J. O'Loughlin "The checkered history of Geopolitics" in J. O'Loughlin (ed) Dictionary of Geopolitics. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994, vii-xi. J. O'Loughlin. Essays on "Heartland" (pp.115-17), "The New Geopolitics" (pp.174-75), "Post Cold War World (pp.200-02) and "Soviet Geopolitics" (pp.220-21) in J. O'Loughlin (ed) Dictionary of Geopolitics Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. (Japanese translation, 2000; Italian translation, 1999). J. O'Loughlin "Between Sheffield and Stuttgart: Amsterdam in an integrated Europe and a competitive world-economy" in L. Deben, W. Heinemeijer and D. van der Vaart (eds) Understanding Amsterdam: Essays on Economic Vitality, City Life and Urban Form. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 1993, pp. 25-68 (revised paper of earlier published monograph). J. O'Loughlin "The political geography of U.S. and Japanese trade in the Pacific Rim 1966-88" Transactions, Institute of British Geographers NS 19, 3 (1993), 438-59

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J. O'Loughlin "Fact or fiction?: The evidence for the relative decline of the U.S., 1966-1991" in C. Williams (ed) The Geography of the New World Order, London: Belhaven Press and New York: John Wiley, 1993, pp. 148-180 J. O'Loughlin and H. van der Wusten "The political geography of war and peace 1890-1991" in P. Taylor (ed) The Political Geography of the Twentieth Century . London: Belhaven Press and New York: John Wiley, 1993, pp. 63-113. J. O'Loughlin and H. van der Wusten "The new political geography of Eastern Europe" in J. O'Loughlin and H. van der Wusten (eds) The New Political Geography of Eastern Europe London: Belhaven Press and New York: John Wiley, 1993, pp. 1-12 J. O'Loughlin "Precursor to crisis?: The international political and trade relations of the Soviet Union" in J. O'Loughlin and H. van der Wusten (eds) The New Political Geography of Eastern Europe London: Belhaven Press, 1993, pp. 31-52. J. O'Loughlin and L. Anselin "Geography of international conflict and cooperation: Theory and methods" in M.D. Ward (ed) The New Geopolitics New York: Gordon and Breach Science Pub, 1992, pp. 11-38. L. Anselin and J. O'Loughlin "Geography of International Conflict and Cooperation: Spatial dependence and regional context in Africa" in M.D. Ward (ed) The New Geopolitics New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1992, pp. 39-75 J. O'Loughlin "Ten scenarios for the New World Order" Professional Geographer 44, 1 (1992), 21-28 J. O'Loughlin "Central Europe: Politics at the heart of Europe" in Peter J. Taylor (ed) World Government. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 142-152. J. O'Loughlin "Political Geography: Returning to basic conceptions" Progress in Human Geography 15 (1991), 322-340. J. O'Loughlin and L. Anselin "Bringing geography back to the study of international relations: Spatial dependence and regional context in Africa, 1966-1978" International Interactions 17 (1991), 29-61. J. O'Loughlin and H. Heske "From Geopolitik to Geopolitique: Converting a discipline for war to a discipline for peace" in N. Kliot and S. Waterman (eds) The Political Geography of Conflict and Peace London: Belhaven Press, 1991, pp. 37-59. J. O'Loughlin "Political Geography" in G. Dunbar (ed.) Encyclopedia of Geography. New York: Garland Publishing Company, 1990, pp. 136-37. J. O'Loughlin and R. Grant "The political geography of Presidential speeches, 1946-87" Annals, Association of American Geographers 80, 4 (1990), 504-530.

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J. O'Loughlin "Political Geography: Attempting to understand a changing world order" Progress in Human Geography 14, 3 (1990), 420-437. J. O'Loughlin and H. van der Wusten "The political geography of Panregions" Geographical Review 80, 1 (1990) pp. 1-20. J. O'Loughlin and A.J. Parker "Tradition versus Modernity: The political geography of Irish referenda, 1937-1987." in R.J. Johnston, F. Shelley and P.J. Taylor (eds.) Developments in Electoral Geography. London: Routledge, 1990, pp. 60-85. L. Anselin and J. O'Loughlin "Spatial econometric analysis of international conflict," in M. Chatterji and R. Kuenne (eds.) Dynamics and Conflict in Regional Structural Change: A Festchrift to Walter Isard. London: Macmillan, 1990, pp. 325-345. J. O'Loughlin "World-power competition and local conflicts in the Third World" in R. J. Johnston and P.J. Taylor (eds.) A World in Crisis: Geographical Perspectives. 2nd. ed. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989, pp. 289-332. J. O'Loughlin "Racial gerrymandering in American cities" in J.S. Adams (eds.) The Geographic Evolution of the United States Urban System. Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, (1989), 195-248. (in Russian). J. O'Loughlin "Political Geography: Coping with global restructuring" Progress in Human Geography 13, 3 ( 1989), 415-429. J. O'Loughlin "Migration, ethnicity and housing: Intraurban migration and movement into and from a German City, Düsseldorf." Urban Geography 9, 4 (1988), 335-57. J. O'Loughlin "Labour movement or immigration: A reply to Esparza and Waldorf" Environment and Planning A, 20, 8 (1988), 1125-27. J. O'Loughlin "Is there a geography of international relations?: A review essay" Political Geography Quarterly 7, 1 (1988), pp. 85-91. J. O'Loughlin "Political Geography: Putting the context back" Progress in Human Geography 12, 1 (1988), 121-137. J. O'Loughlin "Superpower Competition and Militarization of the Third World" Journal of Geography 86, 3 (1987), 269-75. H. van der Wusten and J. O'Loughlin "Back to the future of Political Geography" Professional Geographer 39, 2 (1987), 198-199. J. O'Loughlin "Reexamining the electoral geography of dealignment" Studies in Comparative International Development 20, 1 (1987), 41-50. J. O'Loughlin "Political Geography: Marching to the beats of different drummers" Progress in Human Geography 11, 3 (1987), 247-63.

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J. O'Loughlin "In a Spirit of cooperation, not conflict: A reply to Ward and Kirby" Annals, Association of American Geographers 77, 2 (1987), 284-88. J. O'Loughlin, B. Waldorf and G. Glebe, "The location of foreigners in an urban housing market: A micro- level study of Düsseldorf-Oberbilk" Geographische Zeitschrift 75, 1 (1987), 22-41. R.J. Johnston, J. O'Loughlin and P.J. Taylor "The geography of violence and premature death" in R. Väyrynen, D. Senghaas and C. Schmidt (eds.) The Quest for Peace. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage and the International Social Science Council, (1987) 241-59. J. O'Loughlin "Chicago an der Ruhr or what?: Explaining the location of immigrants in European cities."in G. Glebe and J.O'Loughlin (eds.) Foreign Minorities in Continental European Cities. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, (1987), pp. 52-70. J. O'Loughlin "Foreign Minorities in Continental European Cities" in G.Glebe and J. O'Loughlin (eds.) Foreign Minorities in Continental European Cities. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, (1987), 9-29. J. O'Loughlin "Immigration to Western Europe 1952-1982: A time-series analysis of movement to Sweden, France and Essen" Environment and Planning A 18, 2 (1986), 375-399. J. O'Loughlin "Spatial models of international conflict: Extending Current theories of war behavior" Annals, Association of American Geographers 76, 1 (1986), 63-80. J. O'Loughlin "Political Geography: Tilling the fallow field" Progress in Human Geography 10, 1 (1986), 69-83. J. O'Loughlin and H. van der Wusten "Geography, war and peace: Notes for a contribution to a revived Political Geography" Progress in Human Geography 10 (1986), 326-352. J. O'Loughlin "World power competition and local conflicts in the Third World" in R.J. Johnston and P.J. Taylor (eds.) A World In Crisis: Geographical Perspectives. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, (1986), 231-268. (Winner of Lao Silesu Prize for Best Book on the Third World awarded by Regional Government of Sardinia, 1989. Translated as Geografi di un Mondo in Crisi, Milano, Franco Angeli Libri). H. van der Wusten and J. O'Loughlin "Claiming new territory for a stable peace: How Geography can contribute" Professional Geographer 38 (1986), pp. 18-28. J. O'Loughlin "Geographic distribution of foreigners in West Germany: Testing spatial autoregressive and economic structural effects" Regional Studies 19 (1985), 365-377. J. O'Loughlin "Predicting the success of Black mayoral candidates" in G. McWorter (ed.), Black Politics in the 1980s. Chicago: Peoples Press, (1985), 45-60

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J. O'Loughlin "Geographic models of international conflicts" in P.J. Taylor and J. House (eds.) Political Geography: Recent Advances and Future Directions. London: Croom Helm, 1984, pp. 202-226. J. O'Loughlin and G. Glebe "Residential segregation of foreigners in German cities" Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 75 (1984), 273-284. J. O'Loughlin and G. Glebe "Intraurban migration in West German cities" Geographical Review 74, 1 (1984), 1-23. J. O'Loughlin "Spatial inequalities in Western cities: A comparison of North American and German urban areas" Social Indicators Research 13 (1983), 185-212. J. O'Loughlin and A.-M. Taylor "Choices in redistricting and electoral outcomes: The case of Mobile, Alabama." Political Geography Quarterly 1,4 (1982), 317-339. J. O'Loughlin "The identification and evaluation of racial gerrymandering," Annals, Association of American Geographers 72 (1982), 165-184. J. O'Loughlin "The art and science of gerrymandering," in A. Merritt (ed.) Redistricting: An Exercise in Prophecy. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois, Institute of Governmental Affairs, (1982), 88-105. J. O'Loughlin "Racial gerrymandering," in M.B. Preston, L. Henderson and P. Puryear, (eds.) The New Black Politics. New York: Longman, (1982), pp. 241-263. J. O'Loughlin and G. Glebe "The location of foreigners in Düsseldorf: A causal Analysis in a path analytic framework," Geographische Zeitschrift 69 (1981), 81-97. J. O'Loughlin "The neighborhood effect in urban voting surfaces: An international comparison," in A.D. Burnett and P.J. Taylor (eds.). Political Studies from Spatial Perspectives: Anglo-American Essays in Political Geography. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons (1981), pp.357-388. J. O'Loughlin "The distribution and migration of foreigners in German cities," Geographical Review 70 (1980), 253-275. J. O'Loughlin "The election of Black mayors, 1977," Annals, Association of American Geographers 70, 3 (1980), 353-370. J. O'Loughlin "District size and party electoral strength: A comparison of sixteen democracies," Environment and Planning A 12, 2 (1980), 247-262. J. O'Loughlin "Activity spaces and travel behavior on a large University campus," Traffic Quarterly 33, 4 (1979), 525-538. J. O'Loughlin "Black representation growth and the seat-vote relationship," Social Science Quarterly 60, 1 (1979), 72-86.

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J. O'Loughlin "Territory and social conflict in Belfast," in M.C. Romanos (ed.) Western European Cities in Crisis. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company (1979), pp. 165-184. J. O'Loughlin and D. Munski "Housing rehabilitation in New Orleans: A comparison of two inner-city neighborhoods," Economic Geography 55,1 (1979), 52-70. J. O'Loughlin and D. Berg "The election of Black mayors, 1969 and 1973." Annals, Association of American Geographers 67, 2 (1977), 223-239. J. O'Loughlin "Malapportionment and gerrymandering in the ghetto," in J.S. Adams (ed.) Urban Policy- Making and Metropolitan Dynamics: A Comparative Geographical Analysis. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Press (1976), pp. 539-565. J. O'Loughlin "An empirical model of residential change and Black electoral success," Proceedings, Association of American Geographers 8 (1976), 118-122. J. O'Loughlin "Geographic contributions to Policy Studies," in S. S. Nagel (ed.) Public Policy and the Social Sciences. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company, 1975, 163-174. (Also published by Transaction Books, New Brunswick, NJ, 1979). J. O'Loughlin "Geography and Public Policy," Policy Studies Journal 2, 1 (1973), 35-39. Papers under review (February 2020) A. Linke, F. Witmer and J. O’Loughlin “Climate change in Kenya: Perceptions of drought and observed data.” A. Linke, F. Witmer and J. O’Loughlin. “Flooding, institutions and the volatility of climate-conflict forecasts in Kenya.” K. J. Mach, W. N.Adger, H. Buhaug, M. Burke, J. D. Fearon, C.B. Field, C. S. Hendrix, C.M. Kraan, J.-F. Maystadt, J. O'Loughlin, P. Roessler, J. Scheffran, K. A. Schultz, and N. von Uexkull “Next priorities for research on climate and the risk of violent conflict in poor countries” E.C. Holland and J. O’Loughlin. “Russia; the re-energized superpower.” Current Research (February 2020): Use of SMS surveys in tracking conflict and cooperation in Northern Kenya. Changing environmental conditions and societal conflict in Kenya using comparative surveys from 2014 and 2018 (with A. Linke, F. Witmer, J. Tir and T. McCabe) Geopolitical orientations in Eurasia (with G. Toal, K. Bakke and M. Laruelle) Attitudes in Russian-supported ‘de facto’ states (with V. Kolosov)

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Book Reviews: Understanding Conflict and the Science of Peace by Walter Isard Progress in Human Geography 17 (1993), 577-78 War and the City by G.J. Ashworth Journal of Historical Geography 14 (1993), 473-75. Bases Abroad: The Global Foreign Military Presence by R.E. Harkavy Political Geography 12 (1993), 568-70 Geopolitics in United States Strategic Policy by G.R. Sloan and Arms Races, Arms Control and Conflict Analysis by W. Isard Annals Association of American Geographers 80 (1990), 473-76. Land and Housing Policies in Europe and the USA by G. Hallett. Geographical Review 80 (1990), 194-97. Geopolitics of Domination by G. Parker Progress In Human Geography 13 (1990), 301-303. Long Cycles by J. Goldstein and War and the Changing Global System by W.K. Domke Society and Space (Environment and Planning D) 8 (1990), 123-125. Nation, State and Territory by R.E. Mellor. Geojournal 21, (1990), 421. Production, Work, Territory by A. Scott and M. Storper, Geographical Review 78 (1988), 83-85. Geopolitics by P. O'Sullivan, Economic Geography 63 (1987), 90-91. Applied Urban Analysis by I. Cullen Geographical Review 76 (1986), 325-27. The World as a Total System by K.E. Boulding Professional Geographer 38 (1987), 491. Leben in zwei Gesellschaften by E. Lichtenberger, Government and Policy (Environment and Planning C) 4 (1986), 116-17 Urban and Rural Change in West Germany by T. Wild, Progress in Human Geography 9 (1985), 289- 291. Gastarbeiter in der städtischen Gesellschaft by Helga Leitner, Annals, Association of American Geographers 75 (1985), 453-456. The Changing Geography of the United Kingdom by R. J. Johnston and J.C. Doornkamp, Professional Geographer 36 (1984), 512. Migration, Social Justice and Regional Development by Gordon Clark, Geographical Review 74 (1984), 218-220. The City in West Europe by M. Bateman, D. Burtenshaw, and G. J. Ashworth, Urban Geography 4 (1983), 92-93.

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Federalism and Regional Development edited by George W. Hoffman, Political Geography Quarterly 2 (1983), 90-92. Political Districting and Geographic Theory, by R. L. Morrill, Professional Geographer 34, (1982), 479. Seats, Votes and the Spatial Organization of Elections by G. Gudgin and P.J. Taylor, Geographical Review 72, (1982), 238-241. Location and Public Problems: A Political Geography of the Contemporary World by K.R. Cox. Professional Geographer 33, (1981), 270-271 Fundamentals of Human Geography, J. Blunden et al. Professional Geographer 31 (1979), 342. Post-War Europe: A Political Geography, M. Blacksell, Professional Geographer 31 (1979), 108-109. Black Migration: Movement North, 1900-1920, Florette Henri, Annals, Association of American Geographers 67 (1977), 292-293. Locational Approaches to Power and Conflict, K.R. Cox, D.R. Reynolds, and S. Rokkan (eds.) Professional Geographer 27 (1975), 505-506. Newspaper, Magazine a n d B l o g articles: J. O’Loughlin and G. Toal. “How people in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria feel about annexation by Russia.” Washington Post Monkey Cage blog, March 20, 2014 G. Toal and J. O’Loughlin “How popular are Putin and Obama in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.” Washington Post Monkey Cage blog, January 22, 2015 J. O’Loughlin and G. Toal “Mistrust about political motives in contested Ukraine” Washington Post Monkey Cage blog, February 13, 2015 G. Toal and J. O’Loughlin “Russian and Ukrainian TV viewers live on different planets” Washington Post Monkey Cage blog, February 26, 2015 J. O’Loughlin and G. Toal. “The Crimean conundrum.” Open Democracy March 3, 2015 G. Toal and J. O’Loughlin “What people in South east Ukraine really think of Novorossiya” Washington Post Monkey Cage blog, May 25, 2015 G. Toal and J. O’Loughlin “20 years after Dayton, here’s what Bosnians thinking of being divided by ethnicity.” Washington Post Monkey Cage blog February 2, 2016

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G. Toal and J. O’Loughlin “Here are the 5 things you need to know about the deadly fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh.” Washington Post Monkey Cage blog April 6, 2016 G. Toal and J.O'Loughlin "Public opinion in the Eurasian de facto states." Caucasus Analytical Digest 24, 28 April 2017, pp.15-20. F. Witmer, J. O'Loughlin and A. Linke "Forecasting violence in Sub-Saharan Africa: What can we learn?" The Broker 12 July 2017. J. O’Loughlin and C. Hendrix “Does climate change cause wars?” Washington Post Monkey Cage blog July 11, 2019. C. Hendrix and J. O’Loughlin “In search of consensus in climate-conflict links” New Security Beat, Wilson Center, July 2019 G. Toal, J.O’Loughlin and K.M. Bakke “ Washington Post Monkey Cage blog February 2020. Reports: "A Study of Circulation Modes on the Urbana Campus, Phase 1," Office for Capital Programs, University of Illinois, Report No. 11741, March 1975, 33 pp. (with J. Parkhurst). "A Study of Circulation Modes on the Urbana Campus, Phase 2," Office for Capital Programs, University of Illinois, Report No. 12751, December 1975, 25 pp. (with J. Parkhurst). Theses: Selected Aspects of the Electoral Geography of Philadelphia, 1960-71: A Cartographic and Multivariate Analysis (unpublished M.S. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1971). Spatial Justice for the Black American Voter: The Territorial Dimension in Urban Politics. (Ph.D. dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 1973) University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 (1974). Selected Papers Presented at Professional Meetings in Past 5 Years A. M. Linke and J. O’Loughlin. “The impacts of global warning and changing weather patterns on human conflict.” American Geophysical Union (AGU), Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 9-12, 2019 A. M. Linke, F. Witmer and J. O’Loughlin “Fickle weather effects undermine forecasts of Kenya violence related to climate: Evidence from survey data.” American Political Science Association, Washington DC, August 29, 2019 J. O’Loughlin “Academic freedom; The perspectives from the editor’s chair.” International Studies

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Association, Annual meeting, Toronto, March 31, 2019 J. O'Loughlin "Who are the 'don't knows': Examining the MAR (Missing at Random) assumption in opinion surveys using data from 10 post-Soviet settings." Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies annual meeting, Boston, MA, 8 December 2018 J. O'Loughlin "Climate change and conflict: The debate and the evidence." Plenary lecture, International Geographical Union Thematic Conference, Moscow, June 6, 2018 J. O'Loughlin "The political geography of war and peace 30 years on" Plenary lecture "Geographies of Peace" International Geographical Union thematic conference, La Paz Bolivia 25 April 2017. J. O'Loughlin "Who is willing to fight? Responses to crisis and outbreak of violence in South East Ukraine 2014." Presentation at the "Geographies of Peace" International Geographical Union thematic conference, La Paz Bolivia 23 April 2017. G. Toal and J. O'Loughlin "Why did MH-17 crash? Blame attribution, television news and public opinion in Southeastern Ukraine, Crimea and the De Facto States of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria." Political Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers, annual meeting, Cambridge, MA, April 4, 2017. J. O'Loughlin and A.M. Linke "Context in political geography." Plenary presentation, Political Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers, annual meeting, Cambridge, MA, April 4, 2017. G. Toal and J. O’Loughlin “Frozen fragments, simmering spaces: The Post-Soviet De Facto States.” Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC, December 6, 2016. J. O’Loughlin and G. Toal “Did War in the Donbas Change Geopolitical Attitudes in the Rest of Southeast Ukraine? A Comparative Analysis of April and December 2014 Opinion Surveys” Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies annual meeting, Washington DC, November 19, 2016 J. O’Loughlin. “The political geography of immigration in the United States.” Plenary lecture, Hungarian Political Geography Association, annual meeting, Budapest, October 22, 2016. J. O’Loughlin “Thirty five years of Political Geography and political geography: The good, the bad and the ugly.” Plenary Lecture, Political Geography Specialty Group/Elsevier, Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, March 28, 2016. J. O’Loughlin. “The perils of self-censorship in academic research in a Wikileaks world.” International Studies Association, annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 16, 2016 A. Linke, J. O’Loughlin and F. Witmer “Household livelihood shocks and migration as pathways between local environmental change and conflict in Kenya.” International Studies Association, annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 16, 2016

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J. O’Loughlin and G. Toal “Where Russkiy mir meets Europe: Explaining geopolitical orientations in contested Ukraine (south east and Crimea).” Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 20, 2015 J. O’Loughlin and V. Kolossov. “The role of iconography in contemporary geopolitics: Post Soviet de facto states (Transdniestria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Nagorny-Karabakh). International seminar on Jean Gottmann, Immanuel Kant Baltic State University, Kaliningrad, Russia, August 23, 2015. J. O’Loughlin “Climate change and violence in sub-Saharan Africa” Plenary lecture, International Geographical Union, Regional Conference, Moscow, Russia, Augst 17-21, 2015 J. O’Loughlin “Geopolitical gambits and the crisis in Ukraine: Public opinion surveys in SE Ukraine, and the de facto states of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transdniestria in 2014.” Plenary lecture, Russian, Central Eurasian and East European specialty group, Association of American Geographers annual meeting, Chicago Il, April 22, 2015. A. Linke, J. O’Loughlin, F. Witmer, J. Tir and T. McCabe “Environmental change and conflict in Kenya: Perceived and actual drought effects on sense of personal insecurity and violent beliefs” American Geophysical Union, Annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 17, 2014. (also Association of American Geographers annual meeting Chicago, April 2015 and Midwest Political Science Association meeting Chicago, April 2015) A. Linke, J. O’Loughlin, F. Witmer, J. Tir and T. McCabe “Climate variability and violence in Kenya: Investigating the relationship and the role of local institutions with survey data from a national sample.” Workshop on “Climate, Land Use and Conflict in Africa”, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, KlimaCampus, Hamburg, Germany 22 September 2014. J. O’Loughlin and G. Toal “Inside the de facto states.” Conference on “Perceptions of security and governance in de facto states, University College London, September 11, 2014 J.O’Loughlin, A. Linke, K. Bakke and G. Toal “Internal and External dynamics of state building in post-war de facto states” Assocation for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, New York, April 25, 2014. (also presented at International Political Science Association meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2014) J. O’Loughlin “Political geographies of Ukraine: Evidence from elections and surveys” Association of American Geographers, Annual meeting, Tampa. FL, April 11, 2014 A. Linke and J. O’Loughlin “Geography is more than space: Reconceptualizing and measuring distance and context in the study of conflicts” International Studies Association, Presidential panel, Annual Meeting, Toronto, March 28, 2014 Other presentations in last 15 years: Tbilisi State University, Georgia: University of Arizona; University of Amsterdam (NL); US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC: University of California, Los Angeles; Ohio State University (2); Arizona State University (2); University of North Texas; University of Illinois, Urban-Champaign (2); Indiana University; University of Plymouth (UK); University of

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Edinburgh (UK); Dartmouth College; Woodrow Wilson Center (Kennan Institute), Washington DC (March 2008, April 2010, February 2015, November 2016); Carnegie Foundation, Washington DC; West Virginia University; Stavropol State University (September 2005 and October 2006); Dagestan State University (October 2005 and October 2006); Pennsylvania State University; Royal Holloway College, University of London (2); University of Milano (Bicocca), Italy (2); El Pomar Foundation Leadership Conference-Colorado Springs, Osaka City University, Japan; University of Kyushu (Fukuoka), Japan; National Science Foundation, Arlington VA; National Geographic Society, Washington DC; National University of Ireland, Maynooth (2); University College, Dublin (2); Abkhazian State University, Sukhumi; Tiraspol State University, Transdniestrian Moldovan Republic: South Ossetian State University, Tskhinvali: George Washington University, Washington DC (4): Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York: US Department of State, Washington DC; D u b l i n C i t y U n i v e r s i t y ; University College, Cork; University College Galway; University of Durham (UK); Masaryk University, Brno, Czech republic; University of Nairobi, Kenya; Northwestern University; Kennesaw State University, GA; Duke University; University of South Carolina GRANTS AWARDED: University of Colorado Research Innovation Office, Seed Grant “Climate Change, Livelihood Security, and Violence Exposure: Tracking the Effectiveness of Peace Initiatives with a SMS Panel Survey in Kenya.” $50,000 (with supplementary IBS funding). J. O’Loughlin, PI. (T. McCabe and J.Tir, co-PI’s) July 2019-December 2020.

ZOIS (Zentrum für Osteuropa-und internationale Studien -Center for East European and International Studies Berlin) “Geopolitical Orientations of the populations of Eurasian de facto states.” 40000 Euros (Approx. $45000), J. O’Loughlin, PI. December 2019-December 2020.

National Science Foundation, Geography- Spatial Sciences and Political Science Programs SBE-RCUK: “With Russia or Not? Geopolitical Orientations of the Populations of Russia's Neighbors" $660,000 J. O’Loughlin, PI (Gerard Toal, co-PI: with matching funds $460,000 from RCUK to Kristin Bakke, University College London), July 2018-June 2021 National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Sarah Tynen “State and Society Interactions: Negotiating Governance, Migration and Citizenship” $15,997, July 2016-July 2018. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Meredith DeBoom "Politics and geopolitics of resource extraction in Namibia" $15,999, July 2015-July 2017, J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Political Science Program “RAPID: Attitudes and beliefs in Russian-supported ‘de facto’ states and in eastern Ukraine in the wake of the Crimean annexation.” $156,633, May 2014-May 2015. J. O’Loughlin, PI(G. Toal, co-PI) National Science Foundation, Interdisciplinary Behavioral Social Sciences Initiative. “Analyses of Relationships Between Changing Environmental Conditions and Societal Conflict” $999,994 September 2013-August 2015. J. O’Loughlin, PI (J. Tir and T. McCabe, co-PIs)

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University of Colorado-Boulder, Innovative Seed Grant Program, “Climate change and local conflicts in Kenya.” $48,000, J. O’Loughlin, PI (J. Tir and T. McCabe, co-PIs), July 2013-June 2014 National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Joshua Rodd "Socio-political interaction and health outcomes in refugee-hosting communities" $15,842, June 2013-June 2015, (J. O’Loughlin, PI World Bank “Historical geo-referenced conflict data for the ECA region: May 2012-April 2013 $57,000. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences and other cross-directorate initiatives, REU supplement to “Climate change/variability and conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa” $10,100. August 2011-June 2012. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics Initiative, REU supplement to “The Dynamics of Secessionist Regions: Eurasian Unrecognized Quasi-States after Kosovo's Independence.” $10000, May- September 2010, J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences and other cross-directorate initiatives, “Climate change/variability and conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa.” $550,000, May 2010-December 2012 J. O’Loughlin, PI (M. Goldman, co-PI; A. Lange, J. Dudia co-PIs at NCAR) National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Natalie Koch "From Almaty to Astana: Authoritarianism, Nationalism, and Kazakhstan's Capital Change " $12,000, April 2010-October 2011 National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Andrew Linke "The localized geographies of Kenyan electoral violence" $12,000, April 2010- October 2011 National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Edward Holland "Identities and nationalisms in Russia’s Buddhist regions" $12,000, June 2009- January 2010, J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Adam Levy "Border narratives and territorial controls: The case of Moldova" $12,000, February 2009-June 2010, J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics Initiative. “The Dynamics of Secessionist Regions: Eurasian Unrecognized Quasi-States after Kosovo's Independence.” October 2008-October 2011, $749,970. J. O’Loughlin, PI (M. Ward, G. Toal, co-PIs) National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Frank Witmer "The effects of war on land use-land cover change in Northeast Bosnia" $12,000, June 2006-September 2007, J. O’Loughlin, PI

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National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Marco Antonsich "Territory and European identities" $12,000, March 2005- December 2006, J. O’Loughlin, PI Research Experience for Undergraduates, National Science Foundation supplement to “The Dynamics of Civil War Outcomes: Bosnia and the North Caucasus.” $6,000, May 2006-December 2006, J. O’Loughlin, PI Committee on Research and Exploration, National Geographic Society. “Population migration, refugee movement and inter-ethnic relations near a war zone: Stavropol krai, Russia.” March 2005-March 2006 $19,550. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics Initiative. “The Dynamics of Civil War Outcomes: Bosnia and the North Caucasus.” October 2004-October 2007, $679,600. J. O’Loughlin, PI (M. Ward, G. Toal, K. Gleditsch and J.Mennis, co-PIs) National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program. “Russian Geopolitical Culture and the 9/11 Attacks and Response”, January 2002-September 2002, $49,991. J. O’Loughlin, PI (G. Toal, co-PI) National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Paul Talbot "Territory, identity and the geopolitical vision of Russians" $12,000, June 2002-December 2003, J. O’Loughlin, PI FIPSE-EC Program, US Department of Education “Transnationalism. International migration, Race, Ethnocentrism and the State" (TIRES)” September 2000-June 2003, $45,000 (co-PI), J. O’Loughlin, PI Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS) University of California at Santa Barbara and University of Colorado funding for “Workshop on New Methodologies for the Social Sciences: The Development and Application of Spatial Analysis for Political Methodology” March 2000, $22,000, J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program. “Can democracy be sustained? Civic engagement, social capital, and the future of democratic governance in Moscow” March 1999-August 2001, $255,000. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for Anna Secor “Islam in Istanbul: Women, Urban Migrants and Class in Islamist Politics.” April 1998-December, 1998, $10,000, J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, Research Experience for Undergraduates, supplements to grant “The transition to democracy in Ukraine” January 1997-August 1997 and January 1998 – August 1998. $10,000, J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, Doctoral

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Dissertation Improvement grant for Michael Shin "Regions, Contexts, and Political Changes in Italy, 1989-1996" $10,000, October 1996-September 1997. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Education and Resources Division, Graduate Traineeship Awards, "Globalization and Democracy" $562,000. 15 September 1995-15 September 2001. J. O’Loughlin, PI (M. Ward, E. Greenberg and L. Staeheli, co-PIs). National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, "The transition to democracy in Ukraine: State-building, ethnic mobilization and adjustments to a market economy" $155,000. 1 August 1995-1 August 1998. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Political Science Program, "The diffusion of democracy, 1815-1994" $142,000. 15 August 1995-15 August 1997 J. O’Loughlin,PI (M. Ward, co-PI). University of Colorado, Council on Research and Creative Work "The transition to democracy in Ukraine" $4200. 15 October 1994-15 October 1995. J. O’Loughlin, PI FIPSE-EC Program, US Department of Education "Immigration, ethnicity and citizenship"1993-95 $45,0000. J. O’Loughlin, PI University of California, Global Conflict and Cooperation Program, 1990-91. Awarded for the Cartographic Analysis of International Cooperation and Conflict. $13,500. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program and Political Science Program, "Spatial Analysis of International Cooperation and Conflict," 1990-92. $149,571. J. O’Loughlin, PI National Research Council. Travel Grant to IGU Meetings in Sydney, Australia, August 1988 ($1,000) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Awarded for international symposium on "Foreigners in European Cities" March 1985 at Universität Düsseldorf ($7,000) J. O’Loughlin, PI (G. Glebe, co-PI). Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Awarded for continued work on German immigration, 1984-85. ($30,000). University of Illinois, Office of International Programs and Studies. Awarded for study trip to Britain, West Germany, France and the Netherlands, May-June 1984. ($2,300). University of Illinois Research Board 1984-85. Awarded for study of intraurban movement of foreigners in European cities. ($5,000). Rockefeller Foundation, Fellowship in International Relations 1981-83. Awarded for immigration, social conflict, and international relations. ($56,000). University of Illinois, Research Board, 1981-82. Awarded for the evaluation of gerrymandering in electoral districting. ($5,100).

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Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, 1979-80. Awarded for micro-level study of distribution of foreigners in Düsseldorf. ($11,200). J. O’Loughlin, PI (with G. Glebe) Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung fellowship 1978-79. Awarded for comparative study of German and American city neighborhood conditions. ($19,000). University of Illinois, Center for International Comparative Studies, 1979. Awarded for study trip to West Germany. ($5,000). University of Illinois, Summer Faculty Fellowship, 1978. Awarded for comparative study of territorial social indicators in North American cities ($1,500) University of Illinois, Research Board, 1977. Awarded for study of election of Black mayors in 1977 ($1,000). University of Illinois, Center for International Comparative Studies, 1977. Awarded for exploratory research on territorial social indicators in West European neighborhoods. ($1,600). University of Illinois, Research Board, 1976. Awarded for a model and analysis of institution travel behavior. ($3,400). University of Illinois, Office of Capital Programs, 1974-75. Awarded for study of the selection of transportation modes on the Urbana campus. ($13,500). National Science Foundation-Association of American Geographers, Metropolitan Analysis Project, 1973. Awarded for the study of electoral districting in U.S. cities. ($1,500) TEACHING University of Colorado-Boulder Geography 1962 - Geographies of Global Change. Enrollment about 180 per semester. College required MAPS (Minimum Academic Preparations Standards) class - co-taught with W. Travis and J. Fluri Geography 1982 – World Regional Geography. Enrollment about 300-400 students per semester. College required MAPS (Minimum Academic Preparations Standards) class Geography 2002 (also listed as Geography 1962) – Geographies of Global Change. Enrollment between 170-500 students. College required MAPS (Minimum Academic Preparations Standards) class Geography 3882 - Geography of the Former Soviet Union. Enrollment about 30 students Geography 4100 – Conflicts in the Post Soviet Union. Undergraduate seminar. Enrollment up to 15 students.

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Geography 4712 - Political Geography. Enrollment from 50-200 students. Senior-level class. Geography 4892 - Geography of Western Europe. Enrollment limited to 25. Critical thinking senior-level course for Geography and for International Affairs majors. International Affairs 4500 (Geography 4742 or Geography 4100 cross-list) –Capstone Senior Seminar on “The Post-Cold War World: Post-Communist Russia” Enrollment limited to 15-20 students Geography 5152 - History and Nature of Human Geography. Enrollment about 15. Required seminar for all first-year graduates in Geography. Geography 5222 and 5332 - (Cross-listed with Economics, Political Science and Sociology) Two –semester Graduate Seminar in Globalization and Democracy. Enrollment 15 graduates. Geography 5712 - Political Geography. Enrollment about 3-8 (graduate equivalent of Geog. 4712) Geography 6712 - Seminar in Political Geography. Enrollment about 8-10. Topic varies but recently included “Nationalism”, "Globalization", “Human Dimensions of Global Change” and "Xenophobia in Western Europe". Graduate seminar. Political Science 4282 - Global Issues. Critical thinking course for International Affairs majors. Enrollment limited to 25. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Geography 104 - Geographic Perspectives on Human Behavior. Enrollment about 200. Freshman-level introduction to social geography. Geography 110 - Geography of International Conflicts. Enrollment about 150. Freshman-level class in political geography of international relations. Geography 110-Honors - Geography of International Conflicts. Enrollment about 10. Honors program class for students in the Chancellor's Students Program. Geography 271 - Spatial Analysis. Enrollment about 30. Required course for all Geography undergraduates on research methods. Geography 272 - Urban Field Trip. Enrollment about 25. Senior-level course exploring the American city, with field study in New Orleans, Detroit, Decatur, Il. and Chicago. Geography 342 - Geography of Western Europe. Enrollment about 45. Senior-level class. Geography 386 - Political Geography. Enrollment about 40. Senior/grad. level class

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Geography 494 - Seminar in Political Geography. Enrollment about 5. Graduate seminar on research on the Geography of International Relations. Geography 495 - Graduate Geography Seminar. Enrollment about 5. Topics included Urban social justice, urban field methods, social indicators, housing and international conflicts. Listed on the University of Illinois "Incomplete List of Excellent Teachers" in 1973, 1975, 1976, 1979, 1986, 1988. SERVICE ACTIVITIES: Selective Committee work: University of Colorado-Boulder 1988- • Chair of the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct, 2019 -; Member, 2017 - • Chair, Search Committee, faculty positions in Human Geography, 1989-90, 1991-92, 1993-

94, 1994-95(2), 1995-1996 (2), 1998-99, 2004-05, 2006-07(2), 2007-08 (2), 2008-2009, 2011-12, 2015-16, 2019-20

• Member, Search Committee, search, International Affairs and Political Science, 1999-2000, 2007-08

• Member, Search committee, joint search, IBS-Population Program and Geography, 2006-07 • Chair, Faculty Re-appointment and Promotion and Tenure Committee, Program in

International Affairs, 2000-01, 2006-07, 2012-13 • Chair, Faculty Reappointment and Promotion Committees, Geography, 1993-94, 1994-95,

1998-99, 2003-04, 2005-06, 2009-10, 2012-13, 2013-14 (member of many other committees) • Institute of Behavioral Science, Social Science Data Analysis Center Oversight Committee,

1998- • Chair, Diversity Committee, Department of Geography, 1995-95, 2000-2001, 2006-07 • Arts and Sciences College, Selection Committee for College Scholars, 2010- • Arts and Sciences College, Personnel Committee on Promotion and Tenure, 1995-1996, 1997-

1999 • Elected Member of College of Arts and Sciences Council for Department of Geography, 1995-

96 • Director of Graduate Training Program on "Globalization and Democracy", Institute of

Behavioral Sciences, 1996-2004 • Program Review Self-Study Committee, Department of Geography, 1999-2000 • Program Review Self-Study Committee, Program in International Affairs, 1994-95 Chair,

Department of Geography, July 1993-June 1996 • Principal Organizer for the Conference on "Long Term Consequences of the Gulf

War", Institute of Behavioral Science, 1990-92 • Principal Organizer of the Conference “New methodologies for the social sciences: The

development and application of spatial analysis for political methodology.” Institute of Behavioral Science, March 2000

• Principal Organizer of the Conference “Responding to Globalization: Societies, Groups

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and Individuals.” Institute of Behavioral Science, April 2002. • Search Committee for Director of International Affairs Program, 1992 • Executive Committee, Program on International Affairs 1992-95 Advisory Committee,

Program on International Affairs 1988- Computer Committee, Department of Geography, 1995-96, 2000-01 Graduate Committee, Department of Geography, 1988-91, 2005-06

• Colloquium Committee Chair, Department of Geography, 1988-89, 1991-92, 2008-09 • Personnel Committee, Department of Geography, 1992-96, 2001-03, 2004-06, 2007-09 Social

Science Writing Awards Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1991-92 • Vice-Chancellor's Liaison Committee with College of Environmental Design, 1989-91

Committee on Research and Creative Work, Graduate School, 1990-93, 1998-2001 Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Blue Ribbon Panel on the Library, 2001-02

• Chair of Tenure and Promotion Committees, Department of Geography, 1993-1996, 2002-03, 2003-4, 2004-05, 2007-08, 2013-14 (7 in total), service on 6 others.

• Chair of Reappointment and Promotion and Tenure Committees, Program in International Affairs, 1998-99, 2002-03, 2006-07,

• Mentor of 6 Junior Faculty Members, Department of Geography, 1996 - and 2 in Program in International Affairs 2002 –

University of Illinois-Urbana 1973-1988: • Department of Geography Committees included faculty searches, program development, graduate admissions and awards, colloquium, diversity, promotion and tenure, courses and curricula. • School of Social Sciences Committees included program review, courses and curricula and promotion and tenure. • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Committees included core curriculum, conflict and peace studies program, courses and curriculum and promotion and tenure. • Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Committees included West European studies, Afro-American Executive, Afro-American program review, and International Education. Advising: University of Colorado-Boulder 1988- Undergraduate Honors Thesis Advisor to over 40 International Affairs and Geography seniors, 1988-2018 Graduate Advisor PhD Graduates at University of Colorado-Boulder: Jan Nijman 1990 (Distinguished Professor/Director, Institute of Urban Studies, Georgia State U) Richard Grant 1991 (Professor, Department of Geography, University of Miami, Miami, FL) Donald Lyons 1991 (Professor and Head, Department of Geography, University College Cork,

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Ireland). Sven Holdar 1993 (Senior Political Analyst, OSCE, Yerevan, Armenia) David Cook 1994 (Senior Planner, Transportation Center, University of Colorado at Boulder). Colin Flint 1995 (Distinguished Professor, Department of Political Science, Utah State University). Michael Shin 1998 (Professor, Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles) Anna Secor 2000 (Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY) Luiza Bialasiewicz 2002 (Jean Monnet Professor & Chair , Dept. of European Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam) Takashi Yamazaki 2004 (Professor, Department of Geography, Osaka City University, Japan) Paul Talbot 2004 (deceased) Ian Feinhandler 2006 (Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Front Range College) Frank Witmer 2007 (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Computer Engineering University of Alaska-Anchorage,) Marco Antonsich 2007 (Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Loughborough, UK) Clionadh Raleigh 2007 (Professor, Department of Geography, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK) Natalie Koch 2012 (Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Syracuse University) Adam Levy 2012 (Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Ohlone College, CA) Edward Holland 2012 (Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas) Andrew Linke 2013 (Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Utah) Joshua Rodd 2016 (Foreign Service Officer, US Department of State, Washington DC) Meagan Todd 2017 (Post-doctoral Associate, Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Indiana University) Meredith DeBoom 2018 (Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of South Carolina) Sarah Tynen 2019 (Graduate School program manager, Office of the Dean, University of Colorado) Masters thesis degrees, University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Geography David Cook 1990 Randall Wilson 1991 Colin Flint 1992 Shannon O’Lear 1992 Michael Shin 1994 Anna Secor 1996 Paul Talbot 1996 Kristina Hisey 1996 Luiza Bialasiewicz 1997 Valerie Ledwith 2000 Altinay Kuchukeeva 2002 Ian Feinhandler 2003 Frank Witmer 2003 Clionadh Raleigh 2004 Sam Schueth 2004 Edward Holland 2007

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Andrew Linke 2008 Natalie Koch 2009 Jennifer Bartmess 2012 Meredith DeBoom 2013 Sarah Tynen 2014 Department of German and Slavic Studies Kerstin Switala 1998 Nadia Teryip 2003 Current Graduate Advisees: Faran Naderi Sarah Posner Francis Naylor Fedor Popov Service on other PhD and Masters committees of 40 graduate students in Geography, Political Science, and Germanic and Slavic Studies, 1988-2018 Mentor for 6 U.S. Post-Doctoral Associates, Institute of Behavioral Science, 1997- Mentor for 7 foreign doctoral and post-doctoral (Fulbright) visitors, Institute of Behavioral Science 1997- University of Illinois-Urbana 1973-1988 Department of Geography Undergraduate Advisor 1974-78, 1979-81, advising over 150 majors and serving on 15 Honors Projects committees. Graduate Advisor to 6 students. Service on committees of 25 graduate students. Other Professional Activities: Co-organizer of the Political Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers Preconference, Boulder CO April 3-5, 2005 Organizer for special sessions at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers 1982, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1991, and annual 1995-2011 plenary lectures for the Political Geography Specialty Group. Co-Organizer of International conferences in Düsseldorf, Germany (1985), Paris (1990), Madrid (1990), Prague, Czechoslovakia (1991), Amsterdam (1994), Maynooth, Ireland (1998) and Moscow, Russia (2000). Chair and Discussant at more than 1000 professional meetings 1988-2018 Manuscript and Proposal Reviewer: Paper reviewer for 30+ academic journals and for 14 publishers.

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Proposal reviewer for 8 separate programs and initiatives of the National Science Foundation. European Science Foundation, DAAD (Germany), Austrian Science Foundation, Swiss Science Foundation, Irish Research Foundation Earth Sciences panel for National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships 1986-88. Panel Member, National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, 1996-1998 Member, Committee on Research and Exploration, National Geographic Society, 2010-18 Editorial Work: Editor Political Geography Quarterly (later Political Geography post 1990): F o u n d i n g Associate Editor 1981-1992; Editor for the Americas 1992-97; Editor, 1997-2000; Editor-in-Chief 2000-2015 Eurasian Geography and Economics, Associate Editor, 2001–2008; Editor 2001-2010, Editor in Chief, 2010-2017 Editorial Boards Annals, Association of American Geographers 1993-2006; 2009-2013 Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 1997 -2001 Post-Soviet Affairs 2013- International Interactions 2012-17 Geography, Environment, Sustainability ( M o s c o w ) 2009- Political Geography, 2016- Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2018- Research monograph series "Geography of International Relations“ Co-editor (with Peter J. Taylor) published by Frances Pinter/Belhaven Press, London and John Wiley Press, New York, 1989-96.

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