jerraganda vol 17 no 28 30 jan 14

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14




    Volume 17 No 28 Club Forum????? Meeting 777 30 Jan 14


    Pres Paul welcomed everyone to meeting 777 and asked Glenda to read the

    Charge to Australia and invited Alex to toast Rotary International.

    Pres Paul again welcomed our guest for this evening, Malcolm Braun. Malcolm

    is heading back to Wales and reiterated his invite to come for a visit and stay.

    Malcolm also reminded us that his Club will turn 50 this year.


    Details for this evenings meeting: Bruce Miller, Anton Pemmer, Terry Spencer and

    Ian Wholohan.

    Jerraganda business:

    From the Desk of the President:

    Not much to report. Belated email from Jude Crawford of the Rotary Club of

    East Perth and a repeat visiting Rotarian to our Club. Paul read out the content

    of the email which included Jude wishing all Club members a Merry Xmas.

    Thankyou Jude, a lovely sentiment.

    Congratualtions to all involved in the 175th Anniversary Ball. The Clubs involved, in particular our

    Club, received an Australia Day Award for combined club activity. And yes, our Pres was there to

    collect the award and say a 'few' words, a copy of the QBN Age article below:

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14


    AustraliaDayaward- EventoftheYear

    Paul Rogers accepts the Event of the Year Award on behalf of the Queanbeyan Combined Community

    Service Club

    QUEANBEYAN'S 175th Anniversary Ball has been named Event of the Year after providing punters

    with an excuse to frock up and dance the night away.

    The Ball was held at the Bicentennial Hall as part of Queanbeyan 175th birthday celebrations in

    September 2013. The event raised more than $11,000 towards the construction of the new pavilion

    at the Queanbeyan Showground. Jerrabomberra Rotary president Paul Rogers was on hand to

    accept the award on Sunday.

    "It was a very successful event. We had more than 300 people attend," he said.

    "It went down very well, we had quite a number of people dress up in period costume and formal

    attire. We had the Melbourne Cup there, entertainment by Smooth Ops and a silent auction.

    "We also had a special medallion created for the event."

    The award recognised the efforts of the Queanbeyan Combined Community Service Clubs which

    consists of the Jerrabomberra Rotary, Queanbeyan West Rotary, Queanbeyan Masonic Lodge and

    Queanbeyan Lions.

    "The Ball was a very good example of team effort," Mr Rogers said.

    "It shows just how much four community services groups can achieve together than one may by


    Pres Paul, Mrs Hunter and Sue Jarvis, the worker bees of the organinsing committee

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14


    Reports: Secretary

    Nothing exciting, just financial statements etc.

    Reports: Treasurer


    Reports: Community:

    Australia Day BBQ: Special thanks to Terry, Paul and Peter who picked up the

    gear from the shed for the event and also returned said gear.

    Thanks to Sue Roger for decorating.

    Thankyou to Glenda who managed to source cheap flags to hand out to the


    Also a special thanks to Peter who went back to check the venue after the church service and

    discovered the door was open and despite assurances, the Church group hadnt put the tables


    Jan Pettigrew added a thanks to everyone for the help, it was a great Club turn out, very efficient

    setup and clean up and the actual layout on the day was very good. Thanks to the cooks and the

    people on the tea and coffee and drinks. Had a great morning and very positive vibes.

    Regards the membership stand, Paul Robey received one enquiry from a 17yr old which he will

    follow up and point in the right direction.

    Pres had a great morning. According to the Pres, the layout just came together, however according

    to his wife; she had a significant input into the layout. As usual, our Club just got into the day and

    needed no guidance. Pres did remind the members that we spend quite a bit of money on our eqpt.

    We need to be a little more careful with how we pack our gear. The covers for the gazebo are not

    in the best condition.

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14


    Reports: Club Service:

    Paul Robey advised that although he didn't have a detailed update on the

    program at this stage, he has been busy organising a QBN by moonlight

    tour, with the following details:

    03 Apr 14.

    True stories real events.

    Tunnels under the city.

    Miscarriage of justice in Aust.

    Will be classified as our dining night.

    Club only event.

    26 people max.

    Paul will coord the numbers.

    Group rate is $44.00, concessions $40.00.

    Bowls night needs to be confirmed and Paul will work in tandem with Robert Cooke.

    Reports: International


    Reports: Youth and New Generations

    Two RYLA attendees coordinating with Paul Robey for them to come and spk to

    the Club.

    NYSF was very successful, a few helped out on Aust Day, one even got sunburned

    on one side of his body.

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14


    General Business:

    Robert Cooke has officially tendered his resignation to the Club. Robert has

    decided he can no longer commit due to time away. He has now joined Probus

    and his resignation was effective as of Aust Day.

    Pam and Terry stayed with Gerry and Katherine overnight who sent their regards,

    and advised that Club Members are welcome any time. Woo Hoo!! HotelMcNamara here we come!

    Market Mistress: or was it Joker????

    Chilly, Bruce and Anton are on the Markets this week. Chilly has water and


    It is here that things became a little hazy. Whilst people started talking

    over the top of our Market Mistress, quick as a flash, Anne changed hats



    asked Malcolm to draw the Joker and

    Mrs Hunter told a very moving and

    romantic joke!!! Malcolm drew Paul

    Robey's ticket and Paul in turn drew

    the 5 of hearts. Woo Hoo! The joker

    lives another week! $32.00 was added

    to the mysteriously unknown total for the joker.


    and back to the Market Report:

    From Mrs Hunter (with Market Mistress' permission): Be very wary of the crazy drivers, including

    the turquoise van which constantly parks near the bollards and insists that some Club Members

    allow him to park there.

    Need to clarify that no-one is now allowed to park in the Market proper. Traders are to provide

    trolleys etc for the patrons to transport large items to their cars.

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14


    SGT Fines:

    Fines session this week started with the Pres, had a few fines in-between, another

    couple for the Pres and finished with the Pres.

    Stop Press: There was one last late fine to Sue Jarvis. Sue offered the use of her

    Donger to put out the Aust Day BBQ signs, as the ground around Jerra is tough to

    say the least. What we didn't realise until said Donger was handed over, was Sue

    has actually written on the handle "Sue J's Donger"! We tried to pretty it up topresent back to Sue, however Sue had other ideas!

    The Pres warned me not to lose Sue's Donger. No words needed Sue got the message!

    Heads and Tails:


    Attendance for tonight is 84%, and David advised that there was no point in

    fudging the numbers as our fearless leader had no Port or Bailey's for his

    faithful servants.

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14


    Farmers Market Corner:

    From the Pen bloody nobody

    Thank you, yup, no-one.

    Market Takings for this week:

    01 Feb 14

    Glenn Wahlert

    Glenda Wahlert

    Bruce Miller










    No bloody idea..


    Markets this week Mez Mulvaney, Jon Wells, Anton PemmerMarkets next week Kerry & Lynne McPherson, Paul Robey.

    Pres Paul thanked Malcolm, for his company yet again and confirmed that the 50th is 26 Jun 14.

    Members Contributions:

    In Answer to my pleas, thankyou to Pres Paul for the article below and to Cathy Hobbs for sending

    me the QBN Age link, and to Pres and Sue Roger and Sandra Robey, thankyou for the teasers fromthe weekend (sounds like a thankyou speech!). You all look like you had a great couple of days


    St Jude Update:

    Members will recall the RAWCS trip in August 2010 and the

    contribution our members were able to make to the School of St

    Jude. Members also enjoyed the recent visit of Felix from the School

    and the excellent presentation he gave in the School hall. Keeping

    our contact with St Jude alive and well the club is currently

    sponsoring a teacher at the school and Paul and Sue Roger continue

    to sponsor the student they met in 2010. Paul and Sue recently

    received an update photo of their student Dorcas and would like to

    share it with members. Dorcas is now 5C at the Sisia Upper Primary

    Campus at Moshono. The School recently enrolled another 150

    bright students, who have just started their first year of primary

    school. The school is also now only one year away from their first

    secondary school graduation.

    Dorcas Now this is what we are all about!

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14


    Lion King: The Lion King show was brilliant. Costume and acting were great. Everyone really

    enjoyed it. Big thanks to Glenda for organising the weekend and great to see so many club

    members enjoying themselves. Of course what goes on tour stays on tour so no anecdotes to tell.

    Thanks Pres Paul, and I think the photos do help!

    Not sure who the star of the show is! A certain young lady certainly starred!

    Show? What Show? We are having too much fun!

    Ah yes the show! and ice cream nom, nom, nom

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14



    03 Apr 14 QBN Moonlight Tour

    Mar 14 Bowls night - Rotarians Vs Teachers

    Social & Special Events

    1-4 Jun 14 Rotary International Conf - Sydney

    Farmers Market

    8 Feb 14 Mez Mulvaney, Jon Wells, Anton Pemmer

    15 Feb 14 Kerry & Lynne McPherson, Paul Robey

    St Benedict's Roster

    24 Feb 13 Robert Cooke and Jan Pettigrew

    24 Mar 13 Peter and Sue Jarvis

    28 Apr 13 David Stevens and Jan Pettigrew

    Club Officers 2012-2013

    President Paul Roger

    President Elect Paul Robey

    Vice President Chris Hunter

    Secretary Glenn Wahlert

    Treasurer David Bailey

    Club Service Director Paul Robey

    Community Service Director Sue Jarvis

    International and Foundation Director Terry Spencer

    Youth and New Generations Director Lynne McPherson

    Club Service Members

    Director Paul Robey

    Sergeant Mez Mulvaney

    Welfare Sue Roger

    Program & Fellowship Ian Wholohan

    At tendance & Meals Off icer David Stevens

    Communications and PR Chris Hunter

    Welfare & Histori an Sue RogerJerraganda Editor Mez Mulvaney

    Club Service Projects Colin Hobbs

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14


    Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra

    PO Box 8 Jerrabomberra NSW 2619


    Chartered 18 Nov 1998

    Meets Thursday 6.30 8.30Jerrabomberra Public School

    Apologies David Stevens by 12 Noon TueT: 0413519894E:

    Bulletin Contributions Mez Mulvaney 0419121128


    Alex Alexander Lynne McPherson Paul Roger PHF, President

    David Bailey, PP, PHF Kerry McPherson Sue Roger

    Robert Chilman Bruce Miller Pam Spencer, PHF, PP

    Anne Davis, PP Liz Mulvaney, PHF Terry Spencer, PHF, PP

    Cathy Hobbs Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF David Stevens, PHF, PP

    Colin Hobbs, PP Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP Glenda Wahlert, PP

    Chris Hunter, OAM, PP Paul Robey Glenn Wahlert

    Peter Jarvis, PHF,PP Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Jon WellsSue Jarvis, PHF Ian Wholohan


    Vera Alexander Vickie Still Phil Sixsmith

    Community Service Members

    Director Sue Jarvis

    BBQs Jan Pettigrew

    Epic Markets Anne Davis

    Fairs TBA

    Ball Sue Jarvis & Jon Wells

    Bowel Care Kerry McPherson

    Projects Bruce Miller

    International Members

    Director Terry Spencer

    Polio Plus Pam Spencer

    RAWCS David Bailey

    Foundation George McIver

    GSE/Friendship Exchange Robert Chilman

    Shelter Boxes Cathy Hobbs

    Youth Service Members

    Director Lynne McPherson

    Local Programs Glenda Wahlert

    District Programs TBA

    National Programs Lynne McPherson

    International Programs TBA

    Vocational Service Peter Jarvis

  • 8/13/2019 Jerraganda Vol 17 No 28 30 Jan 14



    In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided to sponsor a new Rotary Club

    based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of

    mentor (Peter Jarvis went on to become our Charter President).

    Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful campaign, the Club was chartered on

    18 November 1998 with 20 members. We are an unusual club as we have a very high proportion of female Members.

    Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Storethe venue was very good until we grew in

    numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre for a few years. We now meet at the

    Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm). As at 26 Jan 2014 the Club has 26 members

    11 female and 15 male. Included in this are seven married couples. We also have 4 supporters of the Rotary Club.

    (Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club bulletin and a design for the

    Club banner. There were some good and (very) bad suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name;

    Jerraganda. The banner design by David Stevens was eventually selected. The design incorporates a goose and the

    windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate.

    A lot of people are afraid of heights.

    Not me, I'm afraid of widths.

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