jeopardy an america government foundations of government review game

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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An America Government

Foundations of Government

Review Game

Good Luck Contestants!

Forms of Government


Ideals and Principals


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What form of government has the following features:

Government is not limitedPower is held by one or a few people

Elections offer no choicesForce is often used to keep order

Which form of government means rule by the people?


What is the form of government where all citizens take part in the decision making process of the


Direct Democracy

Ancient Athens

New England Towns

What is the form of democracy where citizens elect people to run

the government?

Representative Democracy

Also known as a republic.

U.S. Capitol

The White House

What is the form of government where there is

a centralized system in which all powers of

government belongs to a single, central agency ?


Great Britain has a unitary

system of government.

What is the form of government in which a union

or states recognizes the sovereignty of a central authority while sharing

powers with political units such as states?


U.S. Capitol

Annapolis State House

State and National governments share power.

Our first plan of government gave the states

more power than the national government. What is this form of government



Articles of Confederation

Confederate States of America

What is the form of government in which small, usually self-appointed elite or military holds the power

to rule ?


Ancient Sparta

Ancient Chinese aristocrats

What is difference between a parliamentary democracy and a

presidential democracy?

• In a parliamentary democracy, the legislature or parliament selects the executive from its own members.

Example: Great Britain

• In a presidential democracy the legislative and executive branches are independent from each other.

Example: United States

What is the difference between a monarchy and a


Monarchs are kings or queens and they inherit their power.

Dictators are absolute rulers but control of the government is not inherited.

Which branch of government is responsible for making


Legislative Branch

In the United States this branch of government is usually called Congress.

Which branch of government is responsible for interpreting or

judging the laws?

Judicial Branch

U.S. Supreme Court

Which branch of government is responsible for enforcing the


To prevent anyone or group of people becoming too powerful, the framers of the Constitution divided

governmental power among several branches that must

cooperate in decision-making. What is this division called?

Separation of Powers

What are the first 10 amendments to the

Constitution known as?

The Bill of Rights

To prevent abuse of power, each branch of government has

the power to stop an action of the other two branches.

What is this system called?

Checks and Balances

Who is the Head of the Executive

branch of government?

The President

What was the purpose of the Framers creating a constitutional

form of government?

To limit the power of those in charge

Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?


When is Independence Day?

July 4th

What document was written in 1776

and stated our intention to separate from

Great Britain?

Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Name two principles of government that are stated in

the preamble of the Declaration of Independence?



Unalienable Rights

What was the first plan of government for the United

States called?

The Articles of Confederation

What document is our current plan of government?


The “framers of the Constitution” refers to what group of people?

Group of delegates who drafted the United States Constitution at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787.

At the Constitutional Convention, the people who supported a strong central

government included Alexander Hamilton.

What name was given to this group of people?

The Federalists

This group of people wanted a weaker central government and a bill of rights added before they would ratify the Constitution.

Who were they?

The Anti – Federalists

Why were the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

To protect individual and states rights by placing limits on the

powers of the central government.

What are formal changes to the Constitution called?


Including the Bill of Rights there have been 27 amendments made to the


The framers of the Constitution made the amendment process

difficult so only important changes would be made.

Explain one of the two methods of amending the


What is an ideal?

It’s a conception or idea of something in its perfect form

Name the three core ideals of American democracy.

Liberty, equality, and self-government

Name three groups of people that the ideals did not apply to.

WomenAfrican-Americansmen w/o property


The ability of people to act and think as they choose


In the beginning who did the Framers want the people to

have liberty from?

Freedom from government


All people posses a fundamental, moral worth that entitles them to fair



Name the French noble that studied American Democracy in


Alexis de Tocqueville

What did a French noble who studied American democracy feel would reduce a nation’s people to

“a timid herd”?

Democratic despotism (tyranny)

The belief that ordinary people could aspire to rule themselves as

political equals


Name the 5 principles of American democracy

Worth of individualRule of Law

Majority Rule/Minority RightsCompromise

Citizen Participation

What is government?

Made up of formal institutions and processes through which

decisions are made for a group of people.

What are the three main components of government?

People, powers, and policies.

What is sovereignty?

Having supreme power or authority.

What are the 5 Functions of government?

Ensure national securityMaintain order

Resolve conflictProvide services

Provide for public good

What is politics?

The process by which government makes and carries out decisions.

What is Natural Law?

A system of rules derived from the natural world (aka human rights).

People agreeing to submit to the authority of a state, in return

receiving protection and support from the state is known as what

type of theory?

Social contract theory

Hobbes vs. Locke

What is an aristocracy?

Ruled by a few(wealthy or military)

What is citizen participation?Give one example

It is the citizens responsibility to be informed about public issues.

voting, jury duty, debate issues, attend community meetings,

volunteer for military or social service, pay taxes, join political


What is totalitarianism?

When a dictator dominates all aspects of society

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