james wilson the truth

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Also.. Focusing on what matters EXPLORED -Lack of empathy - Left-brain society - Intuition suppression - Is a World Government, Currency and Army only a few years away? - A UFO Expert talks to us about the countless unexplained sightings Issue 1 - May 2011 - £2.00 Page 8 - Left-Brain Domination Page 6 - UFO Expert - “They’re real” 1 - The Unvarnished Truth - May 2011 Enjoy the unvarnished truth coming your way. May 2011 - The Unvarnished Truth - 2 Advertisement 3 - The Unvarnished Truth - May 2011



Focus ing on what mat te r sIssue 1 - May 2011 - £2.00

Which hemisphere of your mind dominates you?- Left-brain society

- Intuition suppression

- L a c k o fe m p a t hy


Also.. - Is a World Government, Currency and Army only a few years away?

- A UFO Expert talks to us about the countless unexplained sightings

1 - The Unvarnished Truth - May 2011

What’s in here... and where...Page 4 - World Government, close?

Page 6 - UFO Expert - “They’re real”

Page 8 - Left-Brain Domination

Page 11 - Decoding Reality

With economic crashes all over the world, crime rate and ‘terror’ attacks increasing, and health deteriorating, we’re just waiting for a global ‘solution’ to these problems. And we here at ‘The Unvarnished Truth’ think that that will come in the form of a World Government. It would be easier to control the mayhem and confusion, and there would be no need for war, but, would it come at the cost of freedom?

With knowledge of even our own minds being ignored by the mainstream, we in-vestigate why the suppression of our right hemisphere of the brain from the earli-est of ages by education, religion, media and conforming parents, to later stages in life through politics, finance, and the ‘scientific’ industry have, in turn, created a society structured around the left hemisphere of the brain. We will look at charac-teristics of each hemisphere and try to conclude why the Western world has been structured like this. Hold on to your seat belts ladies and gentlemen and prepare to open your minds - literally - to a whole new level of understanding.

Did you know that our DNA decodes only a fraction of 0.005% of what exists in the space around us? Incredible, right? You did not read that wrong, not even the word ‘decode’. Our DNA decodes waveforms via the brain that we can’t physically ‘see’, (much like TV and radio waveforms that exist on different frequencies), into this 3-D holographic form ‘in front’ of us. Impossible? Left-brain says ‘yes’. Right brain says, ‘tell me more...’ And that we shall...

Note: All pictures found in this magazine were taken by members on The Unvarnished Truth team as a whole, or, donated by people/organisations who are speaking and feeling the same message: Peace. Therefore, due to non-egoic reaction, no copyright logos will be found in this publication as a stand against the separation of the ego from our one whole consciousness; understanding evolution.

May 2011 - The Unvarnished Truth - 2

But first...Welcome!...Hello, and thank you for purchasing something that we feel is worthwhile. With corporate brands and businesses running ram-pant across our planet and minds, we will bring you back down to Earth for a clear picture of what’s happening and why. With a greater understanding of the truth, unvarnished, it will become easier for you to live your life and not get caught up in the dog-eat-dog rat race the media, education and a number of other organisa-tions perhaps unintention-ally promote. This publica-tion refuses to ‘conform to the norm’ and so here is an entirely new magazine structure. We are purpose-ly ignoring ‘commercialisa-tion’ so well done for read-ing this far... You’re free.

Our main feature this month will be focusing on the hemispheres of our brains. By looking at how the right and left side of our brains differ, it be-comes very easy to un-derstand why and how the world is structured as it is. Understanding it from this point of view will help to explain why poverty hasn’t become extinct when hun-

dreds of billions of dol-lars, pounds and euros are spent every year on weaponry and machines to fight the ‘evil’ that threat-ens our ‘freedom’. Technol-ogy has amazingly created a bridge between nations and to think that in parts of the world people die from eating too much, and in other parts people are dying because they can’t find enough to eat, is a ridiculous fact that only someone tuned in to their right hemisphere would be able to emphasise with, whilst the left side of the brain would always be able to justify the means for people suffering because, like early man hunting, it’s win or lose, kill or be killed, and ‘might is right’! To some, who are incor-porating the right brain’s characteristics in to their lives and therefore live a life with fully-balanced thoughts, the phrase ‘might is right’, or ‘kill or be killed’ is an attitude of the past, for early man, for the mentally deranged, the insane, but in this current structure of society (and with the help of globalisa-tion, the current structure of the world), this madness is justified as sane and so

the insane, unbalanced way of thinking has be-come ‘normal’ and explains why millions can die from lack of water and food in a world of plenty, whilst other humans can watch, talk about, examine, but all-in-all, do nothing. We here at ‘The Unvarnished Truth’ feel that this under-standing will bring peace and love to the planet and its inhabitants. And it is just that, a feeling, not some ‘logical’, insane, misinterpreting, soul-less mind that refuses to ‘know’ and do what IS right, but instead constantly mutters to itself and tries to ‘figure out’ everything, no mat-ter how small and point-less the examination might be. It is disconnected from the whole, from infinity, and therefore has to ‘find’ things out. This under-standing will rid the world of its insane ways and reconnect to a peaceful, reassured understanding to why we’re here, it can re-align us with the harmony of nature and the cosmos and we can live as intend-ed, evolving to understand ourselves.

Enjoy the unvarnished truth coming your way.

3 - The Unvarnished Truth - May 2011 Advertisement

May 2011 - The Unvarnished Truth - 4

One WorldEverything!

For many years a ‘World Government’ has been talked about, mainly by ‘conspiracists’. But since the beginning of the new millen-nium, most notably around the 9/11 ‘terrorist’ attack, this central state of control is seemingly even more likely.....

Centralisation of PowerAs famous writer of the novel ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, George Orwell, once wrote: “People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome.” This quote can be used as an insight to people who talk of this ‘World Government’ theory as nonsense, and then throw it in to the ‘conspiracy’ bundle along with UFO sightings, ‘Elvis lives!’ and the CIA-controlled as-sassination of JFK, which as anyone worth asking would say that they are all separate discussions

and wouldn’t be so ig-norant as to group them together as another ‘con-spiracy theory’. “The most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome” is a great way of saying that people will ignore what they can’t perceive, and as we shall see later, it’s a piece of cake to get someone to perceive anything when we don’t understand how it works.

The foundation with any tyranny is centralisation of power. The principle is always the same, whether in a family, where the father or mother dictates events, or in a global

state, where the few people in suits enforce their will on the many. If you don’t centralise power and decision-mak-ing you cannot impose a dictatorship. And a dic-tatorship, no matter how many people would argue against this, is exactly the way things are run; people are dictated to but in a clever disguise where the dictator’s use motto’s like ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘voting’ to hide be-hind. Only the blind fools would argue against this because “people can fore-see the future only when it coincides with their own wishes”.Continued..

5 - The Unvarnished Truth - May 2011

One WorldEverything!

Globalisation is what we would call the centralisa-tion of power. It is the centralisation of power in all areas of our lives - government, banking, business, the media, the military and so forth. Millions protest about the consequences of this accumulated power that is devastating lives, com-munities and countries around the world. This is especially true of the weak and poor who are mercilessly exploited by cold and corrupt corpo-rations (or corporation, singular). What these pro-testers don’t seem to rea-lise, however, is that the corporations are not the engineers of globalisation; they are the vehicles for it. Some people investi-gating the World Govern-ment movement fail to see the unity of purpose behind the apparently different ‘sides’ and ev-ery facet of globalisa-tion - ‘education’, politics, the media, religion, law, medicine, Big Pharma, Big Biotech, etc. These are all working as one unit con-trolled by the same force. How can there truly be different ‘sides’ in poli-

tics when no matter what ‘side’ gets in, ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘centre’, the same agenda continues to play out? Does anyone think there are really different ‘sides’ in the oil cartel, pharmaceutical cartel, biotech cartel, and so on? We spoke to a former MP of the Liberal Democratic party, who did not want to be named, about the ef-fects of globalisation and the possible outcomes:

Q1: Is globalisation a good thing?A: It is and it isn’t. For instance, some compa-nies will buy out smaller companies so then they can develop more and in a larger area, which will offer more jobs for people in the area where new buildings commence. But for the smaller compa-nies and individual retail outlets, it is not such a good thing, it stops in-dependent people creat-ing a successful business because they are either bought or drowned out because of the compe-tition with the rich-big companies they cannot compete with. It is really who you know rather than

what you know.

Q2: Why is globalisation happening?A: Greed. Money. Fame. It is all the same thing really. The want for more power, more money, I think to some people it’s a sign of success. They don’t know when to stop.

Q3: When does globalisa-tion end?A: That’s a good question. I don’t know. It could keep going, the rich get richer and more power-ful, they could really keep buying each other’s com-panies until there is no diversity left whatsoever, until we are all buying from just one company and a few people who are at the top of that com-pany. I don’t know. It is a possibility.

This person did not want to be named because they said that it’s a dangerous thing to talk about if they wanted to rejoin the party in the future. At least they did confirm the possibility of a One World Everything happening. Keep a look out!

May 2011 - The Unvarnished Truth - 6

UFO Expert on the Unexplained

Phil Hoyle (left) is a UFO Expert and cofounder of the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU) which is a non-profit organisation committed to carrying out investigations in to strange animals deaths in the Unit-ed Kingdom. Phil has been studying an area known as the Rea Valley, on the Enlgish-Welsh border, for the last nine years. This has been a highly active area for animal mutilation. Over the past 12 years

there have been many re-ports of animal deaths on Powys farms. The team is linking the mutilations to the increased sightings of mysterious red and orange spheres in the sky. Phil says the UFO’s like to roam a specific 50-mile corridor between Shrewsbury and Powys with sheep being found with a neat hole and their brains removed and blood drained. We caught up with Phil to find out more.

Phil Hoyle - UFO Expert - Speaks!“I do not believe UFO’s exist..... I know they do! From the thousands of interviews and offi-cial documentation from astronauts, military pi-lots, police, scientists, government officials and many other professional people who I have come into contact with regard-ing this phenomena over the past 30 years. Many of the sceptics and de-bunkers say there are no credible witnesses to the phenomena.. If the above witnesses are not cred-ible then who are?! Even Nick Pope, the apparent ex-MOD reporting desk

officer, has now admitted on camera he has seen undeniable evidence of ET visitation..

“There is not just one area of evidence that sets itself apart from the many others.I have interviewed a num-ber of scientists and mili-tary intelligence officers that have stated in no uncertain terms they have seen films, videos and photos of space craft and structures on Mars, the Moon, and in Earth orbit that is NOT of our tech-nology.

“I have seen a number of objects that could not be identified as conventional air craft and nearly all of these sightings other wit-nesses have been with me to substantiate the sight-ing. One in particular was the sighting of two red spheres operating over farmland last year in the Radnorshire Forest area. You can see videos, pho-tos, and reports on our animal mutilation website home page atwww.apfu.org”


7 - The Unvarnished Truth - May 2011

UFO Expert on the Unexplained“UFO’s are many things all grouped under one heading, hence the con-fusion and contradictions over the past 60 years. Some of these intelligenc-es are from here on plan-et Earth and have evolved to a point that they left this world, but still have bases and monitor every-thing including the human technological savages.

“Other beings are dimen-sional that exist on higher vibrational planes and have the ability to move between realms, espe-cially where dimensions overlap.” (See last page on ‘Decoding Reality’ for more on this). “Signifi-cant discoveries especially in the areas of quantum physics and quantum mechanics are starting to unravel the wondrous complexities of creation and that all things, includ-ing us, are not solid but energy-consciousness.

“There is very little we can do to change the iron grip America and Brit-ain have imposed on the

world over the past 60 years to ridicule and deny the existence of ET visi-tation. The only way we can counter these lies is to slowly and profession-ally educate the public of the mountain of sup-pressed evidence until the day dawns that the intel-ligences behind the UFO phenomena make them-selves known on a global scale.”

It has been an incredible and insightful experience visiting the brilliant Phil Hoyle for us here at The Unvarnished Truth. Be sure to check back next month and see who we’ve decided to profile for a glimpse from the profes-sionals working in area’s beyond what the main-stream would determine ‘worthy’, but for now, check out these links that Phil himself advised we visit to learn more about this subject.. And remem-ber, we get straight to the point, no messing around describing what they’re wearing etc. as other publications do..

- Luna scan moon UFO site - http://www.astro-surf.com/lunascan- Dr Quantum, double slit experiment - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4237751840526284618#- UFO Disclosure Project Luna Base - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6QNzH4x1rY&feature=related- Astronaut Gordon Coo-per Talks About UFOs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvPR8T1o3Dc- Daylight Disk - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvigNQfQO3o- UFO It Has Begun? (Documentary) - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7100303682843029418#- Three Orange Spheres, California, U.S.A - http://fliiby.com/file/134672/njovgmve4c.html- Big “Mini Sun” Orange UFO, January 9, 2010 Pennsylvania, USA - http://video.aol.co.uk/video-detail/big-mini-sun-orange-ufo-january-9-2010 pennsylvaniausa/ 3486639817

Phil Hoyle Speaks! Continued......

May 2011 - The Unvarnished Truth - 8

Left-Brain World

The unvarnished truth is that the majority of the world has been, and the rest is still being, struc-tured quite dominantly from a left-brain point of view. What is described as ‘official’ and what is re-warded as being seen as official is work or data all drawn from the left-brain way of working things out. People who use their right-brain more, namely artists or anyone expressing their creativity, have often been described as ‘dreamy’, ‘in another world’, or more aggressively as, ‘weird’ or ‘strange’. This is simply a more left-brain dominant individual looking at and explaining what they see from their point of view.

They are of course not weird, strange or ‘in an-other world’, that is just the perceivement from a more left-brain dominant individual. A more right-brained person is not as conforming, as it would seem, to the ‘normal’ way the world works, this is because the world and every modern day soci-ety has been structured to reward, emphasise and motivate the left-brain stimulation. The reason for this can be looked at in different ways, and the conclusion would be de-pendant on which side of the brain is dominating your perception to give you the answer from that perception. We here at The

Unvarnished Truth tend to feel that we are whole-brained, that would mean, fully balanced between left and right; as nature in-tended. So the reason we would say the majority of societies have been and are still being structured from a more dominant left-brain mind set can be explained using one word: Dominance. It is a vicious circle, but a left-brain characteristic wants more; more details, a more logi-cal viewpoint, more ‘right’ answers, more everything. Look around you; there’s no right in sight! It really is that simple. And the cure: awareness. That our friends, is Peace.

9 - The Unvarnished Truth - May 2011

Left-Brain WorldWe spoke to Psychologist, Marie Wilson, about the dominance of the left-brain throughout society and history. We also talked about why the right side of the brain has been almost left dormant by unrewarding, unencouraging and, more conventionally, dismissing the right-brain’s activities and achievements. The income of money (which is the obvious controller of the majority of people’s lives as it decides where and how you live) is judged on how well you choose to use your left brain. Fair? We think not.....

Right vs. Left - Battle of the MindsWell, it’s not really a bat-tle, if it was our choice, but it isn’t. Society de-mands we use our left-brain and rewards us when we do. If we decide to use our more dreamy-side, the right, we want to walk in the park all day long, draw a picture, maybe travel somewhere spontaneously, then, well, it’s not allowed! Or it is, but with consequences. Those consequences could range from being fired from your job, a letter home to your parents (depending on your age), or a late bill and a ‘fine’. Right-brain activity isn’t just unencouraged, it is PUNISHED! Marie Wilson, who started studying psy-chology in her twenties, almost four decades ago, gave us a more ‘official’ insight just in case some readers only trust the

white coat version...

Q1. Hello Marie, what is the difference between the right and left hemi-sphere’s of the brain?A. Well, the left side is more logical, it thinks, it works out a problem by looking at each tiny detail and drawing a conclusion. Where the right side, that would see things from the whole, as connected, it also feels more, rather than just doing.

Q2. Why has society been structured using domi-nantly the left side?A. I think probably be-cause at the time it looked easier to be able to make decisions, if they were looked at and acted on individually. It seemed clever, in control, like they knew what they were do-ing. Looking at it now.....

The right’s been left out.

Q3. What would happen if society was structured using the right side?A. Well it wouldn’t have been structured! That’s the left-side’s job. We need both to live and act civilly. Life would probably be more relaxed though; easy-going, fun.

Q4. Would it be possible to live a long life using a balanced mind?A. Of course it would! That would have been the intention of nature. We could live peacefully by sharing and helping each other. The right side feels compassion and empa-thy. We would need the left though to gather food and plan. They’re both as important as each other. It’s madness to try to live without the other.

May 2011 - The Unvarnished Truth - 10

Left-Brain WorldStarting from the first day in school, the left brain is favoured over the right. We have devised a table below (using the left side of our brains) to show the differences between the right and left. Just imag-ine (by using the right side of your brain) what society and life would be like if even the right brain was included at all. As we mentioned earlier, a

characteristic of the left brain is a vicious circle of dominance. Without re-alising, people can live a left-brain life and feel ‘nor-mal’ (just because every one else is doing it and it is encouraged!) and fail to understand why they feel stressed, pressured and/or depressed. As we shall see below, the left-side doesn’t associate with empathy, which can explain why

wars, suffering and hunger can continue to happen when the problem could be easily resolved. As one person once said to the editor of this magazine, “We couldn’t just send over food and water because that would disrupt the economy,” our friends, that is the left-brain talking out of it’s arse. We can change that, please take time to understand and enjoy:

Left Brain Right BrainAnalytical, led by logic Intuitive, led by feelingsWorks up to whole step-by-step, focusing on details, information organised

Sees the whole, then the details

Likes making lists and planning Free associationLikely to follow rules without ques-tioning them

Like to know why doing something or why rules exist (reasons)

Good at keeping track of time No sense of timeSpelling and mathematical formula easily memorised

May have trouble with spelling and finding words to express yourself

Plan ahead Trouble prioritising, impulsiveLikely to read instruction manual before trying

Unlikely to read instruction manual before trying

Listen to what is being said Listen to how something is being said

Rarely uses gestures when talking Talks with handsHighly organised Organisation tends to be lackingWords used to remember things, remember names rather than faces

‘Mind photo’s used to remember things, writing things down or il-lustrating them helps remember

Processes ideas sequentially, step by step

Processes ideas simultaneously

As you can see using the table above and from the picture on Page 8, if soci-eties were developed by individuals accessing a bal-

anced brain, right and left equally shared and used for the moment, then we would all live more peace-fully together in a com-

passionate world. Yes? Left-brain says, ‘no’? The reason: Control & Domi-nance.

11 - The Unvarnished Truth - May 2011

Decoding RealityDNA is a receiver-trans-mitter of information. Much like an antenna. For instance, a television or radio will receive frequen-cies that are then decoded through their antenna and then transmitted outwards so that our five senses can do much the same and decode their frequency that they are transmitting in to something that we can see or hear. And the same is with the whole of reality. Our DNA and brain decodes frequencies that exist on the electromag-netic spectrum in to things that we can see, taste, touch, hear and smell; what becomes accessible to our ‘five senses’, in other words. But shock-ingly, only 0.005% of fre-quencies that exist in the ‘space’ around us count as the electromagnetic spec-trum. Basically, humans can ‘see’ what reflects light, and what doesn’t reflect light, we can’t ‘see’ (or hear, taste, etc., etc.). And for all that exists in the Universe, 0.005% only reflects light. So in other words, humans are basi-cally blind when it comes to what could potentially be accessible. The over-whelming majority is ‘dark’ matter, or what we can’t ‘see’.

All possibility is therefore potentially around us,

though we can’t see it, or, DECODE it. When people have insights, communi-cate via similar thoughts, or, as in the East, perform spectacular ‘miracles’, they are just accessing a poten-tial that is there for ev-eryone to access. Seeing is believing can therefore be rewritten as BELIEVING is SEEING, as our minds can edit the world around us and we end up seeing, thinking, hearing and so forth that which we want to see, hear and think. We edit our reality based on how we perceive it. There are many examples that further reading and think-ing will expand on. We here at The Unvarnished Truth spoke to Dr. Ian McDowell from the Uni-versity of Chester. He has been studying and teach-ing genetics and molecular biology for over 20 years and is very experienced in this field. Here’s what he had to say about our ‘five sense’ reality being ‘all there is’:

Q1. Hello Doctor. See-ing as we are only using 10% of our DNA, are there genes that have gone dor-mant and therefore ‘limit-ing’ our perspective?A: Without any question of a doubt there are dormant genes, we can see the ghosts in the machine if you like, if you look at the

sequences outside of the protein coding sequences, what you will find is that there are sequences that look very similar to the genes that we have now, and that work today, and those sequences are the ghosts of old genes, or possibly, new genes form-ing.

Q2. Could a possible po-tential be that we can communicate in more ways other than the five senses?A: There is an awful lot of DNA-based science in molecular biology that we don’t yet understand, there certainly seems to be, or certainly an idea that there are some con-nections between organ-isms. If you look at things like flocking potential in birds etc. where a pattern, a consistent pattern is seen in organisms.

Q3. Is there a connec-tion between what exists around us and what we can decode?A: Well, humans are basi-cally blind when it comes to what is potentially there to perceive. But you could say the 5-senes limit what we could see. There is cer-tainly more to this world than what we perceive when we look around us. Yes.

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