israel prayer points (january 2, 2015)

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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January 1st is celebrated by the Palestinians as Fatah Day. It is when Fatah, the leading faction in the PLO, was established. This tends to be a day of increased terrorism in Israel. So we prayed for Israel's security situation.Bless You for the physical intercessors - the security forces - who stand in the gap against the terror.

We bless each one in the name of the King of Israel - Yeshua the Messiah.Keep them alert and discerning, warm and healthy.Abba, please protect all of the borders of Your land, especially in the north (Mal 1:5).We bless You for Your promises of protection for this nation (Psa 121:4; Jer 31:10, etc.).

Yet we know that You often use Israel's army to accomplish that (Isa 41:10-16; Mic 4:11-13, etc.).God, give Israel's security forces wisdom to defend against attacks using cars and other vehicles.Lord Yeshua, heal the emotional trauma and the physical injuries of security personnel who have to deal with them personally as a result of the latest wave of terrorism in Israel today (Psa 103:2-3).

The IDF is currently on high alert on the Golan/Syrian border and on very high alert on Israel's border with Lebanon. The latter is the result of several open threats from Hizbullah leader Nasrallah, to extract revenge for the death of a vicious terrorist in Syria. While Israel has not even taken credit for it, for people like Nasrallah - it is always the Jews' fault, so they always have an excuse to kill more Jews.

Thank You Lord that the IDF and the Defense Minister are taking these threats seriously.If there is an attack, make Israel's response be swift and non-proportional.Allow the fear of Israel's army fall on Israel's enemies (2Ch 17:10).

God of heaven's armies, we ask You to send battalions of angels to protect Israel's borders.Turn the nation of Lebanon from Israel's enemy to its friend (1Ki 5:1-12; Isa 29:17; 60:12-13).Give the Messianic Body in Israel - especially in the north - wisdom on how to pray (Jam 1:5-8).

Give us courage and wisdom to not automatically pray against war - but rather for Your will to be done.Abba, because You are merciful, we ask for no further successful kidnapping attempts.

Iran, this month, is set to receive the fruits of its threats and lies - about $150 billion in sanctions relief. It seems whatever Iran does, the leaders of the West - especially the US Administration - makes excuses and pushes to see Iran become a major power in this volatile region of the world.Lord, give Israel's leaders wisdom from on high to know what to do and when to do it.

Help Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ya'alon, and all the IDF higher command to be on the same page.Give to Israel that one stone that will deal with this modern day Goliath's boastful threats.

Thank You for causing Iran's leaders to make major geo-political mistakes - but now set the leaders in the West free from their blindness and give them courage to do something to answer Iran's taunts.Remove the scepter of authority from the Ayatollah and his mullahs (Jer 49:38).

Lord, please halt the release of all that money - or direct that money to actually be used for the people and not to sponsor terrorism worldwide (Hag 2:8).Abba, shake Iran. Cause the earth to literally open up beneath the Iranian nuclear installations and swallow them up (Num 16:31-33).

We bless You for the growth of the Body of Messiah in Iran (Jere 49:38).Open the eyes of Iranian believers to see that their leaders cursing of Israel is bringing their own nation under Your curse. Then lead them to stand in the gap so that You can have mercy (Eze 22:30).

There has been an increase of lawlessness and a rise of terrorist acts among a small segment of the religious Jewish community. Thankfully, most religious Jews see this as very dangerous and openly renounce it. Still, the zealot spirit has invaded Israel before and has done very great damage.Abba, thank You for the majority of this nation not in favor of these acts or even this mindset.

Lord, deal with the Rabbis who preach and press their mostly young hearers to be fundamentalists in the wrong sense.Yeshua, turn these modern day Zealots into Your disciples - as You did with Paul.Shabbat shalom and may this year of 2016 find us all being drawn closer to our King, Messiah Yeshua.

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