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Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Prepared By :- SomDutta Singh

Reg. No. :- R080002900534

Submitted To :-Sudhakar Singh




2007Project Name :- Origin Of Bluetooth technology &

Development Of Bluetooth Technology

Reg.No. :- R080002900534

Information Traced From :-


Data QuestPC Quest

Internet .com

Submitted To :-

Mr.Sudhakar Singh ( )


NIIT / SomDutta Singh / R080002900534


Bluetooth Technology is changing the world dynamically & I have got the golden opportinuty to gather knowledge on this topic .

I am really thankfull to NIIT for giving me the golden opportunity & I am also thankful to my respectiuve Director Sir Mr. Amitabh Agrawal and Faculty Mr. Sudhakar Singh For there co-oporation to complete this project as well as moral support .

NIIT / SomDutta Singh / R080002900534


Introduction Of Bluetooth

The Origin of Bluetooth What is Bluetooth? Why is It Called Bluetooth? Where Did the Logo Come From?

Development of Bluetooth Technology Bluetooth Technology Over the Years Development Of Technology Main Reasons to Use a Bluetooth



NIIT / SomDutta Singh / R080002900534

INTRODUCTION TO BLUETOOTHBluetooth is an always-on, short range radio hookup

that resides on a microchip . It was initially developed

by Swedish mobile phone maker Ericsson in 1994 as a

way to let computers make calls over a mobile phone .

Since then, several thousand companies have signed on

to make Bluetooth the low–power short–range wireless

standard for a wide range of devices . Industry

observer expect Bluetooth to be installed in billions of

devices by 2005 .

The Bluetooth standards are published by an industry

consortium known as Bluetooth SIG (special interest

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The concept behind Bluetooth is to provide a universal

short-range wireless capability. Using the 2.4 GHz

band, available globally for unlicensed low-power uses,

two Bluetooth devices within 10m of each other can share up to 720Kbps of capacity . Bluetooth is intended

to support an open-ended list of application, including

data (such as schedules and telephone numbers),audio,

graphics , and even video. For example, audio devices

can include headsets, cordless and standard phones,

home stereos and digital Mp3 .

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THE ORIGIN OF BLUETOOTHSince the development of Bluetooth in 1994 by Swedish telecommunications firm Ericsson, there have been more than 1800 companies worldwide who have signed as members of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) in order to build products to the wireless specification, as well as to promote the new technology in the marketplace."Bluetooth" was the code-name given by engineers from Ericsson to honor a tenth-century Viking king, Harald Bluetooth, who reigned from 940 to 985. He was credited for unifying Denmark, bringing order to the country. In all honesty, Harald's name was actually Blåtand, but was roughly translated in English as "Bluetooth." But don't take this to mean the color of his teeth were blue. Blåtand actually

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referred to the color of Harald's hair, which was a very dark color that was not typical of Vikings.

WHAT IS BLUETOOTH ?Bluetooth is a wireless transferring technology that

enables short-range wireless connections between

desktop and laptop computers, personal digital

assistants (PDAs), cellular phones, printers, scanners,

digital cameras and even home appliances. The principle

of Bluetooth (a chipset) is to transfer information and

voices at the frequency of ISM Band. Every Bluetooth

technology devices do come with a standard address

for you to connect one-to-one or one-to-seven , with

transferring range up to 10 meters (100 meters to

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follow), using low power radio. Bluetooth do not only

possess high transfer rate of 1MB/s, it also could be

encrypted with pin code. With hopping rate of 1600

hops per second, it’s difficult to be intercepted and

are less interrupted by electromagnetic wave.


The developers of this wireless technology first used the name "Bluetooth" as a code name, but as time past, the name stuck.

The word "Bluetooth" is taken from the 10th century Danish King Harald Bluetooth. King Bluetooth had been influential in uniting Scandinavian Europe during an era when the region was torn apart by wars and feuding clans.

The founders of the Bluetooth SIG felt the name was fitting because:

1) Bluetooth technology was first developed in Scandinavia, and 2) Bluetooth technology is able to unite differing industries such as the cell phone, computing, and

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automotive markets. Bluetooth wireless technology simplifies and combines multiple forms of wireless communication into a single, secure, low-power, low-cost, globally available radio frequency.


A Scandinavian firm originally designed the logo at the

time the SIG was formally introduced to the public.

Keeping to the same origin as the Bluetooth name, the

logo unites the Runic alphabetic characters "H", which

looks similar to an asterisk, and a "B", which are the

initials for Harald Bluetooth. If you look close enough

you can see both embodied in the logo.

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The development ofBluetooh Technology can be devided into two phase :-

Bluetooth technology over years , which tells how this technology improved over years .

Development of technology , which tells about technical changes occurred over years .

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When Bluetooth was officially introduced in 1998, its intended basic purpose was to be a wire replacement technology in order to rapidly transfer voice and data.

There were many doubters who believed Bluetooth would be a distant memory in just a couple of years. However, multiple years have passed and Bluetooth continues to make strides and advancements everyday.

A lot has changed since the first Bluetooth Core Specification Version was introduced in 1998. Over the past couple years Bluetooth technology has really begun to take giant leaps forward.

In 2003, the Bluetooth SIG began a major overhaul of the Bluetooth specification with the

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announcement of version 2.1. Then, in 2004, Bluetooth version 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) was introduced. Devices using version 2.0 + EDR began to hit the market in late 2005.

In March 2006, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group

(SIG) announced that it was planning to partner with

WiMedia Alliance (an industry group composed of such

computer giants as Intel, Hewlet-Packard and

Microsoft) to bring consumers the best of both worlds

with the creation of a new high speed Bluetooth.

Bluetooth is currently used to facilitate slow-speed,

short-range applications such as Wireless headsets and

Keyboards .Yet, while its high portability, low power

requirements and unique hit-and-run frequency hopping

has maintained a lot of interest among critics and

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consumers, for those who live in the fast lane

Bluetooth has been lagging. Until now.


Bluetooth was developed to realize wireless connection between various types of equipment (mostly, small-size ones). The main aim was to provide a small size, low power consumption and a low cost. Here are its brief


frequency: 2.4 GHz (ISM range) distance: 10m(there are solutions for 100 m as well)

data rate:

o asymmetric mode: 721/57.6 Kbit/s

o symmetric mode: 432.6 Kbit/s both ways

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up to three voice channels

data protection: authentication, encryption

power consumption: about 30 mA

The following Bluetooth equipment will be used in the today's research:

Two USB PC adapters from Bluetake

Cell phone from Ericsson

Printer from Hewlett-Packard

PCMCIA adapters f rom Xircom/Intel

Bluetooth technology has been around for years,

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however for many people it is just another “tech”


Most people have little or no understanding of the

technology and have very little knowledge of its

applications. However, you hear and read about it

everywhere--in ads for computers, Cell Phones, PDAs

and all types of different devices enabled with

Bluetooth technology. So, what is Bluetooth


NIIT / SomDutta Singh / R080002900534


1.  Bluetooth Devices are Wireless.

If you navigate through the rest of our site you will learn that there are tons of advantages/benefits when using wireless devices. In addition to improving safety as a result of eliminating the clutter of wires and associated hazardous connections, wireless technology also offers many convenient advantages. For example, when you are traveling with your laptop, PDA, MP3 player and other devices, you no longer have to worry about bringing along all of your connecting cables.

NIIT / SomDutta Singh / R080002900534

2.  Bluetooth Technology is Inexpensive.

Bluetooth technology is cheap for companies to implement, which results in lower over-all manufacturing Costs. These savings are then passed on to you, the consumer. The end result: Bluetooth devices are relatively inexpensive.

3.  Bluetooth is Automatic.

Bluetooth doesn't require you to think about setting up a connection or to push any buttons. When two or more Bluetooth devices enter a range (Up to 30 feet) of one another, they automatically begin to communicate without you having to do anything. Once the communicating begins, Bluetooth devices will setup Personal Area Networks or Piconets. The best part is: The devices take care of the entire setup process, and you can go about your business. 

4. Standardized Protocol = Interoperability

Since Bluetooth is a standardized wireless specification, a high level of compatibility among devices is guaranteed. The Bluetooth specification uses and defines various profiles. Every Bluetooth profile is specific to a particular function. For instance, when a Bluetooth enabled cell phone and

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a Bluetooth headset (Both with the same profile) are communicating with one another, both will understand each other without the user having to do anything, even if the devices are of different models/makes.

5. Low Interference (If Any)

Bluetooth devices avoid interference with other wireless devices by:

a) Using a technique known as spread-spectrum frequency hopping, and

b) Using low power wireless signals.

6. Low Energy Consumption

As stated above, Bluetooth uses low power signals. As

a result, the technology requires little energy and will

therefore use less battery or electrical power.

Obviously, this is a great benefit for mobile devices

because Bluetooth won't drain the life of your

device's battery.

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7. Share Voice and Data

The Bluetooth standard allows compatible devices to share both voice and data communications. For example, it is probably no surprise that a Bluetooth enabled cell phone is capable of sharing voice communications with a compatible Bluetooth headset, however, the same cell phone may also be capable of establishing a GPRS connection to the Internet. Then, using Bluetooth, the phone can connect to a laptop. The result: The laptop is capable of surfing the web or sending and receiving email.

8. Instant Personal Area Network (PAN)

Up to seven compatible Bluetooth devices can connect to one another within a proximity of up to 30 feet, forming a PAN or piconet. Multiple piconets can be automatically setup for a single room.

9. Upgradeable

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The Bluetooth standard is upgradeable. A development group at the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has been given the task of working on the new Bluetooth version 2, which offers several new advantages and is backward compatible with the older versions.

10. The Technology is Here to Stay

Bluetooth is a universal, world-wide, wireless standard. Therefore, you can count on it being around for years to come. As more devices begin to use Bluetooth technology, electronics manufacturers will be increasingly eager to make their products compatible, using Bluetooth. A chain reaction is inevitable, in fact, it has already begun.

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NIIT / SomDutta Singh / R080002900534


Bluetooth technology works well. All the

devices tested communicated with one another , and no

compatibility problems in hardware which couldn't be

solved were noticed.

The tests also revealed that Bluetooth works best

of all in independent products such as a phone or a

printer. The fact that they are finished products and

need software support anyway can probably be one of

the reasons, and the Bluetooth is one more stage in

their Development. The functions for them are

determined in advance. And the PC software turned out

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to be a victim of programmers who got used to test

their products on end-users.

The main reason why the Bluetooth is not spreading so

rapidly is the adapters' high price. But this is a

standard stage ofDovelopment - until new products are

few, they are expensive, and when they start

mushrooming, their prices fall down. Another reason

(maybe, it's connected with the first one) is the

necessity to use relatively expensive software for

realization of a large range of functions. For PDA and

other mobile devices it is the only technology which has

a big chance to succeed.

So, the Bluetooth is a workable Technology for those

Who .

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NIIT / SomDutta Singh / R080002900534

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